Coachs Cruise

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Oct 8, 2015


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Coach heard the noises in the room, although they were muffled. He was quite pleased that Shaun had found a way to return.

"I was hoping I'd hear you," Coach yelled. "Now, get in here!"

Travis quickly finished stripping, and with his cock growing with every step, he bounced into the bathroom.

"Good morning, sir!" Travis announced proudly as he threw back the shower curtain.

Coach was shocked, thrilled ands panicked all at once as he turned and saw the kid standing there.

Shocked that it was not Shaun, thrilled that it was the very handsome steward with a most delicious looking body, and panicked that Shaun might be on his way back here.

Coach tried to play it cool, deciding to attempt to resolve the Shaun issue calmly, and also hide the shock of it not being who he thought it was.

Travis stepped in the shower, a little nervous as Mr. Clarkson had yet to say anything.

Finally, Mr. Clarkson spoke but not really what Travis was hoping:

"Did you lock the door?"

Travis smiled, moved closer to his naked, soaped up guest, and kissed him quickly on the lips.


Travis said and kissed him again, holding it a little longer.

"And as your steward,"

Another, longer kiss.

"I highly recommend,"

Now, a longer kiss that Coach returned. "That you never flip the latch over and leave the door unsecured for anyone to gain entry."

Travis moved in so he was almost touching Mr. Clarkson when he smiled and said:

"Besides, I have a master key card that I was going to use. But, how did you know I was coming?"

Before Mr. Clarkson could answer, Travis reflected on how proud of himself that he was even in his guest's room let alone the shower. He definitely has his roommate and new friend, Kevin, to thank for the advice and slight nudge.

Travis woke to the sound of the shower and the light of the lamp caused him to squint. Travis looked at the clock, wondering why his alarm didn't go off 12 minutes ago like it was supposed to. This was all very different as far as how mornings usually go in Travis and Kevin's room.

Travis's alarm goes off at 6:33am. Travis pops right out of bed in the dark, and hops in the shower. The noise of the shower usually wakes Kevin. He slowly gets out of bed, turns on the light, does some quick stretches, slips out of his underwear, tosses his towel around his neck and waits for Travis to get out. Travis comes out of bathroom with towel around waist. The two roommates nod or say hello and Kevin walks comfortably naked in to the shower. Travis is dressed by the time Kevin comes out. Kevin takes his time getting dressed, as Travis gives a quick goodbye and heads out.

Travis was still under the covers when Kevin got out of the shower.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" Kevin chirped.

Water was still dripping down Kevin's muscled body. Kevin had his towel around his neck but had a folded one in his hand.

Travis looked up at him confused. Kevin explained:

"You didn't hear your alarm, so I turned it off and let you sleep a little extra. But, time for you to get in the shower now."

While Kevin was explaining, Travis recalled the loud jack off session that Kevin heard and eventually joined in on. Travis was relieved that Kevin was acting normal about it. Actually, Travis noted that Kevin seemed friendlier even.

Travis lifted the covers and peeked down, hoping to see his boxers. Travis didn't want to get out of bed naked with Kevin there.

"Looking for these?" Kevin giggled as he skillfully hooked his toe into Travis's underwear that had fallen on the floor and lifted them up a bit.

Travis's face reddened.

Instead of teasing Travis, Kevin tossed him the folded towel he was holding.

"I know you're not too keen about being naked around me, so I grabbed you a towel."

Travis sat up, keeping his crotch covered with the sheet.

"Well, not all of us have a perfect body, and that long sausage dangling down there." Travis said.

Kevin reddened, but he was proud of his body and cock. He didn't realize it intimidated Travis however.

Travis stood up, artfully keeping himself covered as he wrapped the towel around his waist.

"You have a good body, Travis," Kevin said. "Even if it is covered in your cum."

"Oh yuk. I'm so embarrassed." Travis said looking down.

Kevin was laughing now but quickly admitted, "Relax, that is exactly how I looked before the shower."

"Oh gosh," Travis said feeling less awkward, "well, let me get in there and scrubbed."

Travis showered while Kevin stretched. Kevin felt pretty good about the little exchange. It was probably the longest conversation the two had had since Kevin joined Travis. Kevin had told Travis he was gay right away. Travis acted nonchalant about it, but Kevin assumed Travis was a little uncomfortable and decided to keep to himself.

"I hope Travis doesn't think I perv on his body because I said that," Kevin thought to himself.

Travis busily scrubbed his body clean feeling really good about what just happened. He had been thinking that now that he was certain he was gay, it would be nice to feel comfortable telling someone.

"Kevin might just be the right person to tell," Travis said as he got out of the shower.

Travis was feeling very good after all that had happened recently and decided to do something a little different. Travis finished drying, tossed the towel around his neck, and headed out into the room.

Kevin was still stretching, with the towel around his neck.

"Look at you," Kevin said, surprising himself that he now felt comfortable saying this, "see, it's not so bad being naked. And, by the way, you have nothing to be ashamed of."

The two young men silently stared at each for a moment, then headed to their dressers to begin dressing.

Both seemed eager to keep a conversation going.

Kevin said, "Hey, I told you last night, you gotta tell me about the little lady that got you going like that."

Travis thought about lying, but came up with a better idea. "OK, I will, but you first."

Kevin hesitated.

"Umm, you remember I'm gay right? So it was a guy."

"Yeah, " Travis said, all of a sudden feeling awkward, "Not dsetails, I mean, just who is he."

Kevin giggled nervously but told him about Emilio.

"Ok, your turn, what's she like?"

Travis felt himself tense up as he hit this moment of truth.

"It's not a she, it's a guy. I'm gay." Travis blurted, feeling an incredible rush as the words spilled out.

"What? You're gay? Why didn't you tell me when I told you." Kevin asked, feeling a little hurt.

"Honestly, Kevin, I didn't know for sure until last night." Travis sincerely admitted.

"Oh, wow. This must be some guy. I'm surprised I didn't figure it out sooner, but then again, we never talked much. Anyway, tell me about him" Kevin replied, satisfied that his gaydar was still intact.

Travis began the story from the moment he met Mr. Clarkson and ended with the stroke session, being sure to include every detail. He was shocked that he was sharing all of this.

Kevin was excited for Travis and impressed with the ballsy move in the bathroom.

"You have to go see him now." Kevin demanded.

"No, I can't. Plus, I have the other guests to tend to," explained Travis.

"I'll cover for you. I'll tell Emilio I'm needed as a fill-in. He's new, so he won't know the difference. Besides, I don't really want to see him." Kevin explained.

"Travis looked confused, "How come?" Kevin explained what happened and the mixed feelings he was having, but then he switched back to Travis's situation.

"So, go see him now, I'll cover you for the morning." Kevin said pushing Travis towards the door.

Now, Travis was inches away from Mr. Clarkson.

Coach looked up and down the young steward. His kisses had sent jolts through his body. Coach quickly realized that flame that being with Shaun had stoked actually was a roaring fire that was ignited by this kid when he first saw him. Coach felt the heat rising fast inside him.

The kid had a great body. He looked very youthful, however Coach noted the black hairs sprouting between his pecs representing his entry into manhood. Coach admired his smooth, flat stomach that ran up to moderately defined pecs. The body was great and had even greater potential, reminding Coach of many juniors in high school who transformed their bodies under Coach's 6 week program.

Now, Coach would have one of those bodies in his arms. Coach realized he had longed for it for years. He needed it, the fire was roaring now.

Coach grabbed Travis hard, pressing him against the shower wall. The suds on him began to transfer to Travis's naked body. Coach kissed Travis hard while he wildly humped his hips into the kid.

The two naked men were grabbing and squeezing each other madly. Travis felt that itch deep inside him once again. He raised his right leg, trying to wrap it around Mr. Clarkson's hip.

Travis stumbled and Mr. Clarkson joined him. They fell out of the shower. They righted themselves and continued on.

Coach moved Travis to the counter by the sink. He grabbed the kid's smooth cheeks and raised him onto the counter. Travis lifted his legs and wrapped them tight around the hairy stud.

Coach's cock was pressed against Travis's ass but Travis was squeezing to tight to allow Coach to move it.

Coach pushed the kid back, his head stopping at the mirror. Travis's legs unwrapped enough for Coach to grab his dick and position it at the steward's virgin hole.

There was no going back at this point, but Coach still hesitated and looked into the kid's eyes.

"Yes, Daddy, please fuck me!" Travis yelled out.

Travis had no idea where that came from, he never had any dad fantasies before, but he suddenly wanted to be this man's boy.

Coach was taken aback, but only momentarily. As an older man who chatted and cammed with college age kids occasionally, he had a little experience in dad/son scenes. Never in person but now was a perfect time for that.

"Yeah, boy? You want Daddy's big cock?"

"Oh Daddy, yes, I need your cock inside me"

Coach pressed his cock head at the boy's tight hole. It was still a little slick with soap so it started to slip in the wanting hole.

Travis winced, trying to hide the pain.

"Take it like a man, boy. You know you need it," Coach said, hoping that he really wasn't hurting the kid because he didn't think he could stop anyway.

"Aaahhh, yes Daddy, it feels so good," Travis lied. He was determined to do this but also something inside him was craving it.

Coach felt burning on his cock, as the small amount of suds wasn't near enough lubrication for the tight chute.

Coach pulled out, grabbed the complimentary, small bar of hand soap and began to vigorously cover his cock. He then took his sudsy hand and wiped it in Travis's crack. He felt the kid jump when he crossed his hole.

"Mmmm, you like that, don't you boy?"

"Yes, Daddy, that feels good. Play with my hole, Daddy."

"It's my hole now, boy, I own it."

Coach rubbed Travis's hole up and down and teased it with his finger, sliding it in and out. Coach went deeper and it quickly began to enter and exit quickly.

"Oh yes, Daddy, I'm ready for your cock, Daddy," Travis cried out, spurred on by an intense anticipation within him.

Coach slicked his dick with more soap and aimed it at Travis's hole through the lather. As Coach pressed, there was less resistance. In fact, Coach felt his rock hard cock being sucked in.

"Ooooh, Daadddyyyy!" Travis exclaimed, drawing it out as if the wind was being knocked out of him.

Coach kept moving forward until he felt his body pressed against the soft skin of Travis.

Travis was still with his eyes closed. Coach held still as well.

Coach felt Travis fully open just as Travis did. With eyes wide open now, the boy began to move.

"Oh fuck yes Daddy, I feel your big dick in me, it feels so good."

Coach began to thrust wildly as his cock was freely moving in and out of the now eager hole.

Travis threw his head back against the mirror, and Coach's violent thrusts caused Travis's head to bang hard against the mirror repeatedly.

The pleasure of his Daddy's cock was incredible but the pain from his head caused the boy to cry out:

"Ow, Daddy, that hurts!"

Coach stopped the vigorous pounding and grabbed the boy by the back of his head pulling him close.

"Oh, Daddy never wants to hurt his boy."

The boy rested his head on his Daddy's shoulder as they both caught their breath for a moment.

Coach grabbed Travis's ass cheeks, as he decided it was time to fuck this hottie properly in the bed.

With his cock firmly implanted in Travis's ass, Coach lifted the kid off the counter. Travis tightened his leg grip around the waist, his arm grip around the neck and his hole grip on the cock of his stud.

Gravity kicked in and lowered Travis even further onto Coach's cock.

"Holy fuck Daddy," Travis yelled and began bucking wildly. Coach's cock had found the illusive place deep inside Travis that he had not been able to. Each time Travis bucked, the pleasure was more intense than Travis ever thought possible.

"Oh Daddy, I'm cuummmming!!" Travis muttered in between grunts and groans.

Travis kept bouncing on Coach's cock while Coach walked the two of them to the bed. Coach could feel his stomach being coated with cum as it seemed to gush of the young man's cock.

Coach waited at the end of the bed until Travis slowed down his bucking. As Coach felt Travis start to sag, he lowered the kid onto the bed.

"Now you're gonna get a real pounding boy!"

"Yes, Daddy, thank you Daddy."

Coach grabbed Travis's legs and lifted them high. He moved his hands to the kid's ankles and spread them wide.

With full access now, Coach began an onslaught on Travis's hole.

It didn't take long for Daddy's boy to start singing again in pleasure.

"Oh, Daddy, fuck me harder. Oh yes, I love your Daddy cock."

"Yeah boy, what a tight fucking hole my boy has. My little cock slut can't get enough."

Coach kept fucking hard and the two kept yelling out as Shaun hurriedly walked up to the door. His group had finished meeting and he had about 20 minutes before they left the boat.

Shaun was disappointed the door wasn't still open. Before he knocked, he leaned in to listen. He couldn't make out what was being said, but it was clear there were two people in the room having sex.

People were walking in the hallway so Shaun walked away confused.

"Who could that be? What's up with Coach?" Shaun thought to himself.

Coach's arms started to strain of holding Travis's legs out wide. Sweat began to pour down Coach's hairy body as he looked down at the gorgeous kid.

Travis's eyes were closed, his arms spread out wide, and his chest raised up and down rapidly. His whole body was electric.

Coach didn't see Travis on the bed naked anymore. Instead, he saw Travis as one of his players, his jersey raised up above his stomach, his black jock strap still on. The boy was on Coach's desk and Coach was fucking him after a big win.

Travis continued to yell out to his Daddy, but Coach only heard the player begging his Coach to fuck him harder.

"Oh fuck boy, I'm cumming, gonna fill your ass with my load."

"Oh yes Coach" is what Coach heard as his first shot exploded into the boy's hole. Coach continued to thrust as several more shots pelted the inside of this no longer virgin hole.

Travis grabbed his cock and started to stroke it rapidly when Mr. Clarkson announced he was cumming. Travis felt the pulsing cock still inside him when his whole body began convulsing. Cum erupted from the cock he was beating, the first blast catching him on the cheek.

The two men continued until their balls ached. Coach's arms gave way and Travis's legs tumbled down. Coach's softening cock slipped from the used hole.

Coach crumpled onto the bed, and Travis crawled partially onto him, resting his head onto his man's flared pecs. They laid there quietly except for the sound of their heaving chests.

That's it for Chapter 5. What is going to happen with Coach and Shaun? Travis and Coach certainly aren't done yet. And, Travis has a new friend in his roommate. Plenty of story left as it's only day of the cruise.

Thanks for the many emails. I'm enjoying the follow up conversations. Feel free to email me with comments. –JC

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Next: Chapter 6

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