Coachs Cruise

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jul 14, 2021


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-------------------- End of ch 12

Travis was rock hard as he swiped the master key card at Coach's room, looking equally forward to either scenario. He stepped in and saw the empty bed, so he turned towards the bathroom. However, it was empty as well. He turned back towards the door shocked that Coach was gone. He stood stunned in silence for a moment before grabbing the door handle. Before pulling the door open, he spotted an envelope on the desk with his name con it.

"Whew! He left me a note," Travis said as he rushed to open it.

Travis didn't find a note, but rather 5 $100 bills.

Travis was crushed. Tears welled up in his eyes.

"That was all I was to him?" Travis asked himself. "I was just a guy he paid to fuck all week?"

Travis put the money in his pocket, but he really wanted to tear it up and throw it at Coach. Tears were now beginning to stream down his face. He went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. He was thankful that he had finished up all his other passengers because he didn't think he could deal with all that right now.

Once he felt like he was composed, he headed out of coach's room. He was so tired, but his goal right now was to get to his room, pack up and get off this ship. As he headed back to his room, he thought of Kevin. He really could use a hug from his new friend, but he remembered that Kevin was mad at him about something. Part of him hoped he would avoid seeing him. He couldn't handle anything more right now.

During the long walk, he tried to snap out of the sad mood he was in.

"It was a great week! You finally gave in to your desires and experienced sex with a man. In fact, you were a little slut!" Travis said to himself in his most convincing tone. But he was still sad as he had fallen for coach. He knew it was stupid. Coach was married and lived far away. But he thought Coach cared enough to say goodbye and optimally would have wanted to keep in touch.

Kevin paced the room. He had gotten Shaun to where he needed to be and raced back to see Travis. He wasn't nervous like the night before. He wasn't actually going to say anything that he was going to say last night. First, and most importantly, he was going to apologize for being such a dick this morning. The brief time with Norm and Shaun, mostly Shaun, had really opened his eyes. He was so excited to tell Travis that yes, he really liked him and everything, but if Travis wanted to keep exploring his sexuality, he was completely fine with it. In Fact, Kevin would admit to Travis, Kevin might be looking to do some exploring as well. The most important thing Kevin wanted to tell Travis was that he wanted to be part of Travis' life and wanted to have fun together.

Kevin sat down when he heard Travis swipe the key card and turn the handle. As the door opened, Kevin jumped back up with a big smile to greet Travis with.

When Travis saw Kevin in the room, he began to sob hysterically. He walked into Kevin's arms. Kevin embraced him tightly as Travis lay his head on Kevin's shoulder. Kevin wasn't sure what was wrong. He only hoped it wasn't because of his behavior this morning.

Kevin decided to wait for Travis to settle down and maybe tell him what was wrong. Kevin hugged Travis tight and rubbed his back. He hoped he was comforting his friend.

Finally, Travis calmed down and began to speak:

"I know I'm stupid, but he just left without a note or saying goodbye. He just left a bunch of money like I was a paid escort or something."

Kevin felt terrible. He was worried that guy was a dick. He should have set Travis right as far as what guys can be like.

"It's ok, Trav, I'm here," Kevin said and then he kissed him on the cheek.

Kevin felt the salty taste of Travis' tear, and felt a little guilty because it was arousing. He kissed Travis' cheek one more time before speaking.

"Want me to radio the check-out area and see if they can have him wait?" Kevin asked, hoping the answer would be no.

"No," Travis said as he sniffled a bit, "What would I even say?"

Kevin pulled away from Travis but kept his hands on his friend's shoulder. He looked at Travis seriously and said:

Oh no, not for you to talk to him, it would be so I could kick his ass!"

Travis didn't initially react, and Kevin got nervous as he had said it to cheer Travis up. Then, a smile started to emerge.

"Aww, you would do that for me?" Travis said, honestly touched that Kevin said that, even if he was kidding.

"I would do anything for you, Trav," Kevin said as he hugged Travis again and slowly rubbed his back.

The two handsome, young men stood in each other's arms. Travis was so grateful to have met Kevin. He immediately felt better being able to be here with Kevin. He was feeling a little embarrassed for crying like that. He decided he would try to put a positive spin on it.

"What do you say we get off this fucking ship and get some drinks? I've got 500 bucks burning a hole in my pocket." Travis grinned.

"That sounds awesome, Trav!" Kevin was glad Travis seemed to be better. "But I wanted to talk to you about something."

Kevin guided Travis over to his bed and both of them sat down. Kevin looked at his feet, took a deep breath, and started talking:

"First, I want to apologize for being such a dick this morning. I promise I'll never act like that anymore. I had a rough night, but I don't really want to get into that. Actually, your friends, Norm and Shaun, especially Shaun, kinda made me realize what an idiot I was being."

"Wait, what? How do you know Norm and Shaun?" Travis said, so confused.

"Well, I walked in on them naked in Norm's stateroom for starters. Then, I left so they could say goodbye and then when I went back in, they were fucking. Sooo, I finally got Shaun out of there and walked him back to his room and helped him pack."

Kevin paused for an instant, but not long enough for Travis to respond. He continued:

"Oh, and I sucked Shaun's cock before we got him checked out."

Kevin couldn't contain the smile on his face any longer, especially after seeing Travis' stunned and wide-eyed expression.

Kevin continued, as Travis was clearly speechless.

"By the way, I heard all about your night, you little horndog. But I'm telling you all this because I realized I need to be more like Shaun, and you and Norm too. I need to relax and just have fun. I don't need everything to be so perfect and serious."

Travis still wasn't sure how to respond. He was glad Kevin heard about what he did last night. He was a little disappointed that he didn't get to tell him himself. And he couldn't believe he sucked Shaun's cock!

Travis just shook his head and smiled and finally spoke:

"Wow, Kev. I can't believe you hooked up with Shaun. Your morning was soooo much better than mine."

Kevin realized telling Travis all that just reminded him of that coach guy, so he quickly started to get to the real point:

"No, Trav, that's not what I meant by all that. What I wanted to tell you is that I like you, Travis."

Now, Travis was confused again.

"I like you, too, Kev," he said as if stating the obvious.

Kevin tried again to explain:

"No, Trav, I really, really like you, and last night I waited for you to come back to the room to tell you I wanted us to, ummm to ya know, like be boyfriends and stuff. Then, when you didn't show, I was all pissed and jealous at you. Then, all of a sudden, this morning, I realized I should have been happy for you, maybe should have joined you and still could maybe be your boyfriend, but for sure I always want to be your friend."

Travis was silent again. That was a lot to take in. He had no idea Kevin liked him like that. He definitely liked Kevin and would love to get to know him like that, but it was now hitting him how crazy the whole week had been.

Kevin reached over and grabbed Travis' hand. The two young men sat in silence for a moment.

Thoughts and words spun around in Travis' head while Kevin's heart was pounding in anticipation of a response.

Finally, Travis started to smile and turned and looked at Kevin while squeezing his hand tighter.

"I would love to be your boyfriend, Kev, but maybe can we take it slow. This week was maybe a little too fast for me."

Kevin was so happy, but tried to contain his exuberance in his response:

"Sure, Trav, that's fine by me. Yeah, from what Shaun told me, you had quite a night."

Travis giggled and replied:

"Oh my god, Kev, I don't know what got into me, but I got a little crazy!"

Kevin kissed Travis on the cheek:

"Travis, you are so fuckin' cute. I want to get crazy like that with you. And, at some point, I want all the juicy details!"

"Really? I thought you would just think I was slutty and wouldn't be interested in that. I mean, I was going to tell you the whole story, but I didn't think you would ever want to do anything like that."

Kevin paused. He realized that Travis was right. Before this morning, he probably would have thought it was slutty of him albeit a hot story but would never want to join in something like that. But something changed in him.

Kevin tried to explain to Travis:

"You're right, Trav. Before this morning I probably would have looked down at you and gave you some speech about being careful or something, but now, I'm just wishing I could've joined you and hope that you invite me the next time."

Travis replied while laughing:

"Oh, I don't think they'll be a next time, but for sure, you are invited."

"Thanks, Travis," Kevin simply replied. "Now, let's get out of here."

The two young men packed up a bag and headed for the exit. They both had rooms reserved at the nearby hotel. While packing, they decided to cancel one of the rooms and stay together. Kevin made sure to say, separate beds, of course, we'll take the other stuff slow.

When they arrived at the employee exit, Travis stopped suddenly.

"Oh fuck, Kev, there he is!" Travis said while grabbing Kevin by the arm and pointing at a man waiting at the taxi stand.

When Kevin spotted him, he just blurted out what came to his mind:

"Wow, he's really hot! Too bad he's such a dick."

Travis tugged at Kevin's arm which he still had a grip on.

"Hey! He's really nice! Umm, I mean, yeah he sucks for not saying goodbye, but he was nice to me all week."

Kevin looked at Travis, feeling bad for what he said, and replied in a since tone:

"Oh, Trav, I'm sorry. That was mean. You did seem pretty happy all week whenever I saw you."

Travis smiled at Kevin as he was glad that Kevin apologized and also, he had a quick review of the week's activities with coach running through his head.

"Thanks, Kev," Travis said softly, "it was quite a week."

The boys stood silently and watched Coach get into a taxi. They didn't give a thought to see him discard an envelope into a nearby trash bin before he opened the taxi door. They assumed he was headed to the airport. Kevin was glad he wasn't feeling jealous about Coach. He was a little angry that the guy hurt Travis, but Travis seemed ok now, so that was really all that mattered.

The boys were wrong about where Coach was headed. When Coach finally turned his phone on when he was getting off the ship, his voicemail notification popped up with many messages from the week. Luckily, his wife knew well enough to mark her messages with high priority so that they would pop to the front of the list. It was a trick she learned years ago to bypass the many calls Coach received from his coaching network.

Coach listened to the first message and discovered that his flight was cancelled. His wife, as usual, assured him that she would take care of new arrangements. The second message provided those details. The flight, unfortunately, wasn't until the next day, but she had gotten him a reservation at a nearby hotel.

So, the boys watched Coach drive off in the taxi assuming they would never see the man again. Travis was a little sad but relishing the experience. They did not know that he was headed to the same hotel they were staying at.

Coach was able to check-in easily, but the room wasn't quite ready as it was only a little past noon. So, he headed to the lounge with his key and paperwork. The handsome, young man behind the counter assured Coach that he would find him when the room was ready. Coach liked that idea and hoped the boy might help him to his room.

But, on the walk to the lounge, he derided himself:

"C'mon Coach, you gotta cut that shit out, it's back to reality. No more boys. It's back to the straight life for you."

Coach sat at the bar and was greeted by an even more handsome young man with an infectious smile. Coach estimated the bartender was probably a little older than the front desk boy but still in his twenties. He had a few days growth of facial hair that grew in evenly and made him look quite rugged along with his muscular, tall frame.

"Oh geez, they're making it tough to get back to reality around here," Coach thought to himself as he returned the bartender's smile.

Coach immediately turned on the charm as he ordered a nice cold beer. He was the only one at the bar, so they were able to have a pretty steady conversation with few interruptions. Coach explained why he was here and also that he was a basketball coach. Looking at the size of the bartender, Coach assumed he had played at some point in his life.

"Oh yeah?" The bartender replied, "I played in high school, we came in 2nd in state my senior year."

"Oh, that's great. I figured you were a player. You definitely have the perfect body." Coach said, hoping that he wasn't being too flirty or pervy with the "perfect body" comment.

"Yeah, I loved that team. My coach was awesome. We got blown out in the finals, but that team was incredible, three D-1s!" The bartender said with a look of amazement as he thought back at the championship game.

Coach obviously knew three D-1s meant that the team had three players that went on to play at Division 1 universities. Coach would have loved to see that team play.

"Wow. It's still a huge accomplishment to get to the championship. I've gotten there once, but we fell a little short. Like you, the other team was better than us."

The bartender got called away while Coach drank his beer and reminisced about that season and his star player. The tall, lanky, long-haired boy that was dominant on the court and, for the few months after his final season before he went off to college, in Coach's office and the many hotel rooms Coach had arranged for them.

The sexual tension had been building since the boy transferred in for his senior year. Initially, he was bitter that his dad forced the family to move halfway across the country for a new executive position. But the boy started to soften as he saw that the team had potential to be good. The boy also began to trust Coach. The boy was a natural leader and hard worker. Coach would let the boy voice his opinion more than he had with other players. They would have some heated discussions in the privacy of Coach's office about game strategy and the like, but the boy was always respectful, especially in front of the team.

They spent more and more time together during the end of that season and into the playoffs. The boy would work tirelessly in the gym working on his game. Coach would work with him the whole time. Often times, getting on the court with him, showing him a new move or defending him very physically. Coach found himself touching the boy more than usual on the court. The boy never seemed to try to pull away.

After the late workouts, the boy would stop in the coach's office with his towel wrapped around his waist. He would linger in the doorway, bringing up some random but relevant topic about what they worked on or some idea he had for the next game. Coach had trouble concentrating as he was more focused on what might be hiding underneath that towel.

The boy seemed to shower forever on those nights and Coach would find himself pacing in his office. He wanted to go walk by the showers, but he was afraid he wouldn't be able to control himself. He knew this team had a real chance at the state championship, and he didn't want to risk messing that up. This boy had stirred up strong feelings in him, but Coach knew the team would only go far if the boy was focused only on basketball.

The boy knew it as well, but it was hard. He had no idea if Coach was interested, but it sure seemed like it. The boy had an uncle that he was fucking regularly, but he definitely was lusting after his coach. He would try to fight it, but after some off those intense workouts, it was hard. He managed to come up with some reason to stop in his office in his towel on the way to the shower, but Coach never seemed to bite. By the time he got to the showers, he was usually rock hard. He would lather up his 8-inch cock and openly stroke hoping Coach would stroll by. After he would cum all over the shower wall, he would be thankful that Coach didn't. He knew it would fuck up the season But, he vowed that the day after the season, he would be the last to clean out his locker and finally get Coach to give in to what he was certain Coach was wanting.

The boy kept to his promise. It was actually a week after the season when the team was told to clean out the lockers. Coach had been busy after the season with celebratory events and interviews. They didn't win, but 2nd place was still a big deal for him and the school.

Coach was busy in his office as he saw the team stroll by his open door to clean out their lockers. They all stopped by to say goodbye on their way out. Most were underclassmen so the goodbyes were quick as workouts for next year started in two weeks. The two other seniors beside the boy stopped in together. They were good kids, and they had a nice chat with Coach. As they got up to leave, Coach came behind the desk and gave each a hug. When they turned to leave, they saw the boy standing in the doorway.

"Oh, we're not getting all sentimental in here, now, are we boys?" the boy asked teasingly.

Coach immediately noticed a different look in the boy's eye.

"Fuck you, bitch!" said one of the other seniors jokingly.

The two teammates left as the boy stepped into the office to clear a path.

They both gave a head nod to the taller star of the team. The boy barely gave them an instant of attention as he was focused on Coach.

The boy closed the door behind his teammates. Coach noticed that as he had never done that before.

The boy walked up to the desk, as Coach made his way back to behind his seat. The boy had changed out of his school uniform and stood there in some gym shorts and one of the many practice jerseys that he had stuffed into his locker. The boy had long legs, so his crotch was above the height of the desk. His hardening cock was starting to push at the nylon shorts.

Coach noticed it immediately and the boy was pleased to see Coach's eyes were focused there. His cock continued to grow.

"Coach," the boy started the speech he had rehearsed many times over the last few days. "Thank you for a great season. I'm a better player and person because of you. I don't think we could have made it to the championship with another coach."

Coach was shocked by the boy's thoughtful appreciation and responded quickly:

"We wouldn't have won 5 games without you, son. You deserve all the credit!"

Coach was not usually willing to single out one player like that, but the season was over now, and it was just the two of them in his closed office.

"Oh, thanks Coach, but I actually came in here because I think you and I have some unfinished business." The boy said as he grabbed at his long cock which was pointing out sideways in his shorts.

Coach's heart skipped a beat. This was unexpected, but certainly not something he hadn't thought about it. Coach's eyes were focused intently on the boy's hard cock as he rubbed it in his shorts.

Coach went thru a hundred responses in his head in an instant as he watched the boy continue to fondle himself. He thought about playing innocent as if he had no idea what the boy was talking about. But, instead tried to call out the boy for being misguided.

"Now son," he began, "don't confuse my admiration of your talents, leadership, and strong work ethic for more than just that."

The boy was not expecting that response but seemed ready with a response. He walked around to Coach's side of the desk and sternly said:

"Now sir, you don't want to be sitting in this same chair 10 years from now watching the boys' parade by in their towels thinking about the boy that offered up his cock, but you turned it down because of some stupid `a Coach can't mess around with his players' or other bullshit reason you are trying to come up."

The boy's cock was rock hard now and the boy held it through the thin nylon shorts. It was right at Coach's eye level. Coach looked up at the boy. He saw the boy's eyes looking back at him. He'd seen that look before many times. It was the same look the boy had at the end of a close game. It was a look that said, "no one can stop me."

Coach looked at the door.

"Don't worry, it's locked," the boy said calmly.

The next few moments have always been a blur to Coach. He remembers looking back up at the boy and then remembers gagging as the boy's cock plunged into his throat. What he did or the boy did to get the boy's cock into his mouth is still unknown to him, but it doesn't matter to Coach. Coach remembers the rest of that day and the next few months vividly.

Coach sucked the boy's cock vigorously. His hunger for it was beyond his imagination. With every swirl of his tongue around the throbbing head, the desires for the boy he had suppressed all season were exploding inside him. Coach was freeing himself. Coach heard the boy moaning as he took the long, thin shaft in his hand. Coach let his tongue dart in and out of the slit as his hand quickly slid up and down the stiff shaft. The boy shouted out as he once again saw his dick disappear into his coach's mouth. The boy's vocal approval spurred Coach on. He moved faster, taking the boy's long cock deeper into his mouth. He gagged again, but then managed to take the driving cock head down his throat. Coach struggled to breathe as the boy's cock was stuffed deep into him. Finally, he had to let it slide out.

The boy took over from there. He grabbed his coach's head and drove his cock into the man's hungry mouth. He paused briefly when it hit the back of the throat, then pushed forward until he felt Coach's nose in his well-trimmed pubes. He held Coach's head there for a few seconds. Coach activated his swallowing muscles causing a warm, wet vibrating feeling that the boy had never experienced before. His whole body shook.

He released Coach's head allowing him to pull away and breathe. After a quick breath, Coach shoved the rock-hard dick back into his mouth. Once again, he let it slide into his throat and he repeated the swallowing action. The boy shuddered again and began to groan loudly. Coach knew the boy was ready to cum, so he continued the onslaught. The boy tried to stay right on the edge as Coach masterfully worked him over. Finally, the pleasure was too much, and the boy's balls exploded. Coach timed it perfectly so that the boy's cock head was at the tip of his tongue when the first shot fired. The warm, white juice sprayed on Coach's tongue. The boy continued to unload his cum filling Coach's mouth. The boy's knees buckled as his whole body spasmed in pleasure. Coach wanted to savor every drop of the young man's load, but when he felt it overflow from his mouth onto his chin, he was forced to gulp some of it down.

The boy was finishing now. He grabbed his still hard cock and pulled it from Coach's mouth. It was slick with Coach's saliva and his own cum. He took it and slid it across Coach's face, spreading the goo all over the man who guided him all season. Things were changing. The boy was now going to be the one directing the man. With every drag of the cock across his face, Coach felt his control over the boy slipping away.

The boy abruptly stopped and lifted his shorts up packing the softening, wet cock away. The boy turned and left Coach's office. Coach sat there for a good long time. He savored the lingering taste of the boy's cum and the smell of the cum and the boy. He didn't regret what he had done but vowed to never do it again. He hoped things wouldn't be awkward with the boy for the rest of the school year.

The next day, Coach was in his office. It was his lunch break. The boy entered the office as the door was open as usual. Coach looked up. He was hoping to avoid the boy for a few days to put some distance between yesterday's event and their first conversation. Oh well, Coach thought, it will be good to get this out of the way.

The boy closed the door and clicked the lock. Coach saw the move today unlike yesterday.

"No, no, son, we're leaving the door open today," Coach said in his usual tone when leading his players.

The boy just looked at Coach and walked over to him. His eyes staring deep into Coach's. Coach felt it happening again. He tried to speak but nothing came out. The boy was upon him now. The boy grabbed Coach's head and shoved it into his crotch. His cock was growing in his school uniform pants. Coach instinctively began to put his mouth on the cock through the thick fabric. The boy softly humped Coach's face while his dick hardened.

Coach fought to gain control as he stopped momentarily. He looked up at the boy determined to end this. The boy looked down at Coach. Coach's determination faded quickly.

Now, the boy moved forcefully, pulling Coach up from the chair. Staring directly at him now, the boy had no trouble spinning him around and bending him over the desk. Coach's head rested uncomfortably on some scattered DVD cases of game film. Coach felt the boy quickly pull-down Coach's shorts and boxer briefs. Coach didn't move. Coach heard the belt buckle being undone and the zipper being lowered. A few moments later, Coach felt the boy's hard cock slap against his butt cheek. Still, Coach was motionless. Coach heard the boy spit and felt some wetness on his crack.

The boy moaned softly as he stroked some of his spit over his cock. He spit several times to slick up the rock-hard cock in his hand. He smiled as he watched his spit run down Coach's crack. The boy pressed the throbbing cock head against Coach's hole.

Coach felt himself slip further into submission as he felt the boy's cock begin to enter his tight hole. It had been years since Coach had been fucked, but he remembered the pain instantly. But he didn't resist. The boy took his time sliding in. He was pleased that his Coach was not resisting, but he knew Coach would eventually take it even if his initial reaction was to try to stop him.

Once the boy was all the way in Coach, he wasted no time in sliding back out. But he expertly stopped before the head popped out and then drove it back in. Coach grunted as the boy slammed into him again and again.

The boy was groaning as he picked up the pace. The pain was gone and now Coach began to feel an intense pleasure radiate through his body. The boy's cock was hitting just the right spot, but there was more to the pleasure. All of Coach's inhibitions and apprehensions were gone. He gave up all control. With each thrust of the boy's cock, he fell further into submission, gladly giving himself to the boy.

The boy felt the power and control pass from Coach. The feeling was exhilarating. The man who he followed obediently all season was now his. His groans became louder, and he pumped his cock into Coach harder and faster.

Coach felt his balls rise up. But, instead of trying to hold it and let the intensity build up before cumming, he didn't fight it. He softly moaned as he felt his balls explode. He could feel the wetness on his stomach as he fired multiple shots from his cock.

The boy felt a slight twinge as Coach's orgasm caused his ass muscles to squeeze around the boy's cock. The boy didn't realize Coach had cummed, but he wasn't concerned about it anyway. The added feeling of Coach's ass pulsing around his cock managed to put the boy over the edge. He dumped shot after shot of his cum into his Coach. The orgasm was long and powerful. His body shook once again as the boy slowed his pace and eventually exited the man's ass. A few drops of his cum fell to the floor before he saw the tight hole close back up.

Coach lay there while his insides were exploding in pleasure. His ass twitched uncontrollably, and his balls continued to fire intermittently. Coach heard the boy zip up and buckle his belt.

The boy walked to the door. Coach looked up when he heard the lock click.

The boy looked back with a smile and said:

"I have to get to class, Coach, but I'll see you after class. We'll go somewhere."

The boy stealthily slipped out of the office so that no passerby would be able to see Coach sprawled out over his desk with his shorts at his ankles and the boy's cum dripping from his hole.

An unfamiliar voice abruptly interrupted Coach's highly enjoyable trip down memory lane.

"Hey Coach," said Kevin as he slid onto the barstool next to the handsome man.

It took Coach a few seconds to return fully to the present. To further Coach's confusion was that when he looked toward the voice, the person was not recognizable.

"Oh hey," Coach eventually replied. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something. But, umm, do I know you? You're not going to tell me that you are one of my former players, are you?"

Kevin was immediately struck by Coach's aura. His blue eyes and big smile made Kevin's dick twitch slightly. Kevin had come up to Coach to sternly let him know what a dick he was to Travis, but he suddenly was softening his stance.

Kevin had initially spotted Coach in the lounge as he waited in the lobby while Travis checked in at the front desk and got the keys to the room. Kevin couldn't believe he was here! Why wasn't he headed home? Kevin thought as he felt his blood begin to boil. Kevin turned to locate Travis. He had to get Travis passed the lounge and into the elevators without him seeing Coach. Kevin had plans for the weekend with Travis, and they didn't involve this Coach guy.

When he saw Travis finish up at the desk, he quickly got right up next to him and guided him towards the elevator. He made sure to walk by Travis' side to block the view into the lounge and successfully distracted Travis by pointing out other features of the hotel.

Kevin was still on edge when they entered their room. He hadn't yet figured out what he was going to do. When Travis announced he wanted to take a shower, Kevin was relieved. While Travis was showering, he would go confront Coach and insist that he avoid running into Travis no matter what.

Although Travis wanted to take things slow, he had hoped when he said he wanted to shower Kevin might ask to join him. So, he was a little disappointed with Kevin's response:

"OK, I will run down to the lounge and get us some drinks. Take your time, and I'll have a nice cold drink ready for you when you get out."

Kevin ran through a bunch of ways to tell off Coach the whole trip from their room to the lounge, but now that he was next to Coach, staring into his sexy eyes, he had forgotten everything.

"Uh no, Coach, we have never met. But you hung out with my friend all week on the cruise." Kevin said as he realized he had never thought about how he was going to explain how he knew who Coach was.

"Oh, you're one of Shaun's friends? He's a great kid. Is he here, too?" Coach said as he began to look around the room for Shaun.

Kevin was now annoyed that Coach guessed Shaun rather than Travis, and so now it was easy to give Coach an earful.

"No. Travis, you asshole! And I stopped in to tell you that you're a big, fucking dick for being so shitty to him."

Coach's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what this kid was saying to him. He immediately felt terrible. He was worried that Travis might have been disappointed, but he never thought it would be so bad that he would send his friend over to read him the riot act.

Coach quickly interrupted Kevin to explain what happened. After Coach had packed up, he waited around for Travis. As it got close to check out time, he had gotten antsy and was worried he might not get to see Travis. So, he decided to venture out to find him. He had no luck, but he found a little gift shop and decided to buy a card and write Travis a nice note. He found a quiet place to sit and wrote the note in the card telling Travis what a great week it was, and that he hoped they would stay in touch and even extended an invite to visit Coach in Chicago. After sealing up the card, he headed back to his room. But check-out time had passed, and he wasn't even allowed back in the corridor. The service people politely guided him to the departure area and provided instructions on how to retrieve his luggage before exiting the ship.

Kevin listened intently. He asked a few questions along the way, but in the end, he believed Coach and being familiar with the check-out process, understood the unfortunate circumstances. But then he remembered the money and interrupted him:

"How did you get the money back to the room, and why did you give him so much? It sure seemed like you were paying him for the sex."

Coach had a quick and honest answer for that:

"I won a lot of money at the casino, so I was feeling generous. I put it in an envelope before I packed my big stash of money away. I wanted him to think it was just a normal tip people leave in the room. If he had seen how much, he might have tried to give it back."

Coach's charm was shining through once again. Either he was a stone-cold liar, or he was telling the truth. Kevin decided he was the good guy Travis thought he was until this morning. Kevin apologized to Coach for the rough start to their conversation. Coach told Kevin he understood and that he was glad that Kevin came up to him.

"Travis is lucky to have a friend like you to stick up for him," Coach said sincerely as he wondered if they were more than just friends.

Kevin replied in a slightly flirtatious tone as well:

"Now, I understand why Travis always had a big smile on his face when he talked about you. Well, I mean, except for this morning."

Coach ordered a beer for Kevin and another for himself. Kevin was now glad that he had spotted Coach. He was a little conflicted regarding his next move. He knew he had to text Travis and get him down here so Coach could properly explain what happened this morning, but he also knew that would result in Travis would be spending the night with Coach, leaving Kevin all alone again.

Kevin did the right thing and texted Travis:

Hey Trav, come on down to the lounge. I have been talking with someone I think you would like to see.

Before Kevin had left the room, Travis had purposely left the bathroom door unlocked when he headed for the shower. He had hoped that Kevin might change his mind and rather than going down for the drinks he would join Travis in the shower.

Travis heard the heavy room door close behind Kevin as he headed down for the drinks so Travis busied himself in the shower now hoping that Kevin would return quickly with the drinks but still join him in the shower. His cock began to throb as he thought about his friend slipping in to join him. He had seen Kevin's well-toned body in a towel and now he found himself yearning to see the parts the towel covered up.

Travis lingered in the shower as he waited to hear the hotel room door open. After several minutes, he decided to give up. He turned the shower off and got out. His dick softened while he dried himself off.

He wrapped the towel around his waist and left the bathroom. Rather than getting dressed, he decided to stay in only the towel and give Kevin a few more minutes. He figured Kevin would get the hint if he came back to the room to find Travis on the bed in just a towel.

Travis began to think of Kevin's body once again. He wanted to run his hands all over the smooth, tight body. He imagined squeezing the muscular ass cheeks he had only gotten to see covered by clothing or a towel

Travis was rock hard again as he thought of Kevin joining him on the bed and kissing him. He could almost feel Kevin's lips against his.

Kevin's text interrupted the moment for Travis. He was disappointed to read it and decided to see if he could get Kevin to come back to the room. He paused to think before replying as he didn't want to be too obvious.

He rubbed his hard cock thru the towel and texted his response:

I'm in bed, waiting for my drink up here.

Kevin didn't know what to make of that response. It almost felt like Travis was annoyed that Kevin hadn't returned with the drinks yet. Also, Travis didn't seem interested in knowing who Kevin was talking to.

Kevin also realized that Travis might be a little down in the dumps as he may have been thinking about Coach now that he had a few minutes to himself.

"Change of plans, Coach. We're going up to our room. I think Travis is about to take a nap. I want you to be able to tell him about this morning. It should cheer him up." Kevin explained to Coach.

"Did you tell him I'm here?" Coach asked.

"No, I wanted to surprise him," Kevin answered.

Coach ordered three more beers and the two men quickly finished the ones in front of them while the handsome bartender poured the new ones.

Coach paid the tab and left an overly generous tip. The two men wished the bartender a good day and each gave a flirtatious smile which they were both certain he returned.

Travis smiled when he read Kevin's latest text that he was on his way up with a cold beer in hand. Travis removed the towel from his waist and positioned it so that it only covered his balls, hard dick and pubes while he lies on the bed with his legs slightly apart. He put a couple of pillows behind his head so that he was sitting up mostly. He seemed to get harder picturing Kevin seductively crawling up from the end of the bed between his legs, removing the towel with his teeth to reveal a nice afternoon treat.

Travis tightened as he heard the key swipe the electric lock of the door. His heart began to race as he heard the door open.

"Oh Travis," Kevin said playfully, "I have a surprise for you."

Travis instantly replied at the same time:

"I have one for you too!"

When Kevin stepped deep into the room and into view of Travis, he stopped dead in his tracks. He certainly did not expect to see Travis to be naked. It was an amazing view.

"Oh wow!" Kevin exclaimed, forgetting for an instant that Coach was right behind him.

Coach actually had become a little tentative about surprising Travis after hearing Kevin tell him how upset Travis was, so he purposefully stayed several steps back from Kevin.

But, because Kevin stopped so abruptly, Coach was standing next to him an instant.

Travis was initially relieved and happy with Kevin's reaction, but then shock overcame him as he saw Coach standing beside his friend.

The three men were all surprised. Kevin and Coach by Travis essentially being naked and Travis by the presence of Coach.

"Coach? What are you doing here?" Travis asked.

"I ran into him down in the lounge, Trav, and I..." Kevin started to explain.

"What the fuck, Kevin? So, you brought him up here?" Travis said as he sat up on the side of the bed and covered himself better with the towel.

Coach tried to explain:

"Travis, Kevin told me that you were upset this morning"

"Kevin!" Travis interrupted, showing an angry side neither of the two men had seen before.

Kevin just lowered his head.

"Now, wait a minute, son!" Coach said in his coaching voice. "Kevin was ready to fight me when he first came up to me. He was there to protect you. So, don't be mad at him. But, after I explained what happened, he knew I never meant to hurt you."

Now, it was Travis who lowered his head. He had been scolded by Coach, but he realized he might have deserved it.

Coach walked over and explained what happened and the card and the money just as he had to Kevin. Then, he put his arm around Travis and said:

"You made this week incredibly special for me, Travis. I've grown very fond of you."

And then he kissed Travis on the cheek.

Travis turned to Coach and looked him in the eyes. He believed Coach. He felt his desires for the sexy man returning. He leaned in and kissed Coach.

Coach returned the kiss. He realized he wasn't ready to say goodbye to the sexy boy that had rekindled so many feelings this week. Their kiss continued until Kevin spoke:

"I guess I'll go now..." Kevin said, pleased that all that worked out, but of course wishing he were the one kissing Travis.

"Um, Kevin, wait," Travis said as he abruptly stopped kissing Coach. Travis stood up. His dick was sticking straight out. He held the towel over it, but then let it fall to the ground as he walked to Kevin.

Coach smiled as he watched the beautiful, naked boy walk by him.

"Fuck," Coach thought to himself, "that smooth, toned body is so perfect and that ass is so delicious."

Kevin's eyes grew wide at the site of Travis' hard cock heading towards him. He had seen Travis in a towel and a quick flash of his soft cock when slipping on his underwear, but this was the first time seeing his roommate's penis hard and throbbing. It was better than he imagined.

Travis leaned into Kevin, hugged him, kissed him on the cheek and whispered into his ear:

"I'm sorry I doubted you, Kev. I know you'll always protect me."

Kevin turned and kissed Travis for the first time. He wanted it to be soft and slow, but he couldn't control himself and probably came on too strong. Travis was completely receptive however and the boys hugged even tighter. Travis softly humped Kevin's leg while Kevin's hand ran down Travis' back and got a grip of his perfectly round cheeks.

When the boys took a natural stop from their kiss, Travis turned his head and said to Coach:

"Actually, Coach, I think it's time for you to go..."

Coach understood, although he was disappointed. He would have gladly joined the boys, but he also could have sat quietly and watched.

He got up and headed to the door.

"Let's grab a drink later, call me or look for me in the lounge," Coach said, not wanting this to be the final goodbye.

Kevin was whispering into Travis' ear, but Coach couldn't hear.

As Coach reached the door, Kevin blurted out:

"Coach, wait!"

Travis quickly said to Kevin, "Are you sure, Kev?"

"Yes, definitely," Kevin said as he turned towards Coach and smiled.

"OK, Coach," Travis started, " Kevin was wondering...well, I should say, we were wondering if you would like to stay and join us."

"Oh boys, absolutely!" Coach said as hurried back to the boys.

Coach dropped to his knees in front of them. He rubbed Kevin's crotch while grabbing a gentle hold of Trav's exposed cock.

As he positioned his mouth over Travis' mushroom head, he looked up and said in all seriousness:

"I'm here to serve you boys, just tell me what you need."

With that, he took Travis' cock head deep into his mouth. With his other hand, he tried to undo Kevin's shorts to free up his cock.

Kevin watched in awe as he saw Coach's mouth take the cock so easily. He stared intently as the big head, then the shaft would disappear and then reappear over and over again. He barely noticed that Coach had maneuvered his shorts and boxer briefs to his knees and now Coach had a firm grip of Kevin's cock.

Coach took a break from sucking Travis and looked up at the two cruise ship employees with a smile while he stroked them. Travis' slicked up cock in his left hand and Kevin's dry but equally hard cock in his right.

Travis and Kevin looked at each other in disbelief. They started kissing again. Coach went back to work, but this time on Kevin's cock. He was surprised how similar it felt to Travis'. It reminded him for an instant of the twin boys that played for him about 10 years ago. Those boys' cocks were identical, and Coach loved to line them up just like this and suck them while they kissed.

Kevin had to stop kissing for a moment to audibly groan and commend Coach on his work:

"Oooohhhh Cooaaccchh! that feels amazing!!"

"I can't wait for my chance at it Kevin. Your dick looks so tasty," said Travis while he began to work Kevin's shirt off.

"Both of you have delicious cocks," Coach said as he switched back to Travis.

Kevin took advantage of the break to fully strip. When he was finished, he rubbed up against Travis and Coach grabbed at his cock once again. But, instead of stroking it, Coach pulled at it forcing Kevin to turn in. Kevin was annoyed at first as it kinda hurt, but then he groaned when he felt the tip of his dick touch Travis' dick.

Travis groaned as well while reclaiming:

"Oh fuck, Kevin, this is incredible,"

With the two cocks touching, Coach shoved them into his mouth. His tongue was flying all around them, darting from one to the other and down the shafts. All the while, he kept the boys' cocks in contact with each other.

Both Kevin and Travis put a hand on Coach's head to guide him as they began to creep toward the edge of climax.

Even though Coach was doing all the work, they spoke to each other as if they were the ones causing the pleasure.

"Travis, your cock feels amazing next to mine," Kevin said while almost panting as the thrill of the moment overtook him.

"Yours too, Kevin. I can feel it throbbing." Travis said between moans.

"Oh, fuck Trav, I can't hold on for much longer. I'm gonna explode." Kevin said as his voice raised slightly.

"Come on Kev. Just a little longer. I'm almost there too. I want to cum with you."

Coach was listening intently. He pulled Kevin's cock from his mouth and concentrated on Travis. He took his cabin boy's cock deep into his throat. Travis shivered in delight. Kevin looked on in amazement as Coach drew his roommate closer to cumming.

Coach went back and forth between the two cocks at a quicker pace. His mouth was tiring and so now he was ready for the boys to cum.

He was having trouble differentiating between the moans and groans and comments as it was a steady stream from both.

Travis succumbed to the onslaught first, but he did manage to announce it:

"Oh god, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum Kevin. Ah yes, I'm cummm - mming,"

Coach had stopped sucking momentarily and held both cocks in front of his wide-open mouth. He wanted the boys to see their cum shoot from their throbbing dicks but he also didn't want to miss a drop.

Coach slid his hand up and down Kevin's slick shaft while Travis began to erupt. The final strokes along with seeing the thick white stream fire out of his friend's slit was too much for Kevin.

He too announced his impending climax, mimicking Travis:

"Oh god, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum Travis. Ah yes, I'm cummm - mming,"

The two boys were unloading into Coach's mouth. Their dicks were jumping and their bodies convulsing as they watched in delight. Their bodies pressed against each other as they wanted to feel the other's orgasm.

Coach couldn't get enough of the boys' seed. He could feel each shot hit into his mouth. Some began to leak out, but he knew he could grab it off his chin once the boys finished.

When they seemed to slow down, Coach softly and slowly stroked the wet and still rock-hard cocks to entice a little more of their tasty cum to ooze out.

Coach slowly began to swallow the lovely mix of Travis and Kevin's thick, white cum. He licked his lips and his eyes rolled back in his head as he savored the moment.

He then took Travis back into his mouth. Travis' knees buckled as one final spasm drove through his body. He then took Kevin into his mouth causing a similar reaction.

The two boys were spent. Coach, however, was raging. He had a taste of their seed, now he needed their holes. He wanted to taste their juices and then get inside them with his cock that was leaking in his jeans, dying to be freed

After licking up all the cum from around his mouth, he stood up and looked at the Handsome men. He ran his hands up their smooth, toned bodies. Kevin was more muscular, and Coach enjoyed rubbing his hand along the pec as it naturally protruded from his stomach.

Coach could see in the glossy eyes that they needed a break before round two.

"Why don't you two lie down while I go get us another round of drinks," Coach suggested.

"Yes, Coach," they said in unison and plopped onto the bed. Coach admired their naked bodies once again as they lie there side by side.

Travis reached over and grabbed Kevin's hand and they both closed their e Their drinks were completely full, but Coach grabbed his and took a big chug. He loved the idea that the beer was helping the remnants of cum in his mouth flow down his throat. Coach headed down to the bar with his beer in hand and was glad to see the sexy bartender still working.

"Hey Coach, good to see you again. Another round?" He asked with his killer smile.

"Umm, just one for me for now," Coach replied as he sat down at the bar.

"Aww, you lost your little friend, huh?" The bartender responded.

Coach looked at him to figure out his real meaning. He couldn't tell, so he decided to see if the handsome stud was playing with Coach.

"Umm, he's resting. I'm making the beer run but decided to have one before going back up."

"Ah, I gotcha, Coach wore his boy out. Are you always that hard on your players?" The bartender said jokingly.

Coach smiled at him. Coach was certain the guy was kidding, but Coach was tempted to tell him how close to the truth he really was.

Instead, he replied with a similar innuendo:

"Just the ones that need it."

The bartender took a double take. He had been kidding, but Coach has answered quickly and expressionless which made it seem truthful.

When Coach saw the bartender's reaction, he paused one more second and then smiled. The bartender returned the smile, knowing Coach had fooled him.

"If he only knew", Coach thought as he chugged the beer in front of him.

Coach ordered another beer for himself and also ordered the three to take up with him and closed the tab

When the handsome bartender handed him the room charge slip to sign, Coach gave another generous tip, signed the form, and maybe because he had a few beers in him and was horny as fuck, he said:

"We could always use another player if you want to join us"

Coach said it in such a way that the bartender realized that it was actually sex they were talking about it. The bartender got flushed. He was embarrassed now.

"Umm, no thanks, I'm on duty for a few more hours" he said as he looked away, thankful he had an excuse so he didn't have to actually decide if he would finally be brave enough to try something with a guy.

Coach headed back to the room. He was a little disappointed that the bartender said no, but he didn't really think the hot guy was gay. Coach that he would not have so boldly proposition a stranger like that before this week.

"You better tone it down when you get back home," Coach reprimanded himself as he entered the elevator.

After serving a few more customers, there was a brief pause in the action. Now with a moment to think about what Coach and the other guy might be doing, the bartender regretted that he had to work. He was shocked when Coach made the offer. He couldn't believe he asked it so casually. He knew there was no way that man knew he had been having strong, secret desires to experience sex with a man. Certainly, there was no way the man knew he had been fantasizing about his former high school coach.

Coach had flipped the latch over on the door before leaving so he was able to get back in the room without disturbing the boys. He assumed they were sleeping so he entered as quietly as he could. He was correct in his assumption. The two boys were in the same position as he left them: on their backs, side by side, Kevin's left hand held by Travis' right hand.

Coach set the drinks down on the table and began to undress. All the while, his eyes took in his cabin boy and his friend. They were stunning. Their smooth chests raised and lowered rhythmically as they slept. Their penises were soft and laid on their smooth ball sacks. They both had a nicely trimmed bush. Travis' was much darker than Kevin's. They both looked so content. Coach didn't to disturb them, but he was rock hard and needed to be inside one or both of them.

Coach moved and set himself down softly next to Travis. He wanted Kevin equally, but he wasn't comfortable enough with him to just start playing with him while he slept. Coach ran his hand over Travis' chest. Travis popped open his eyes and looked at Coach and smiled. He closed his eyes. Coach continued to rub Travis. His hand moves slowly but it increased the area he covered with each swipe. Coach watched the boy's cock begin to respond and grow as Coach's hand touched all over his body. Travis began to moan softly.

Kevin's eyes opened and he turned his head and watched the man work on his friend. Kevin's dick began to stir. When Coach noticed Kevin was awake, he got up, walked over to the other side of the bed, and began to rub him just as had Travis. Coach could now feel the strength of Kevin. The muscles under the soft skin responded to Coach's hand. Coach pressed harder and Kevin's muscles instinctively held firm. Coach's dick hardened. Kevin's dick was responding also. Coach watched it grow to the side and then as more blood flowed it grew. Like a hand on a clock, Coach watched it point to 9 and then rotate to 10, then 11 and finally 12.

Coach looked beyond Kevin to Travis. His cock was pointing at 12 as well. Both boys were now moaning and started to squirm at the hips. Coach knew the boys were ready.

Coach got up and moved to the end of the bed. Travis and Kevin looked up at him. Now, it was their turn to do whatever Coach wanted. They watched Coach grab his cock with his right hand and slowly stroke himself. Coach watched both of them lick their lips. Coach felt a drop of pre-cum emerge from his slit and roll onto his hand.

"Come get it, boys," Coach said.

Kevin and Trav is wasted no time spring up. They both positioned themselves on their knees. Travis started by grabbing Coach's dick and taking in the head, gladly gobbling up the juicy pre-cum. He quickly took it out and passed it to Kevin. Kevin repeated the movement and passed it back to Travis. Travis took Coach in a little more this time letting his lips close completely over the big head and onto the shaft. Kevin watched intently. Travis held the cock in his mouth and Kevin watched his eyes shift his way. He saw a smirk come over Travis' face. Then Travis pulled off the hard cock and pass it to Kevin. Kevin mimicked Travis perfectly, including the eye shift and smirk.

Coach watched in awe as the boys continued to pass his cock back and forth, taking it deeper each time. From earlier, Coach believed this was the first time Kevin and Travis had ever been together, so to be in such unison was so wild. Plus, they were driving Coach crazy with their teasing of his cock.

Travis finally took Coach's cock fully into his mouth and held it there, fighting back the gag and allowing the head to enter his throat. He passed it to Kevin. Kevin actually took Coach's cock into his throat more smoothly than Travis and now took the liberty to begin to work the cock in and out of his mouth.

"Fuck, yeah, Kev, suck that cock," said Travis excitedly.

Travis' dove to Coach's balls. His tongue flicked against them as he cupped them in his hand. Then, he shoved them into his mouth. He sucked on them hard as Kevin worked the man's cock.

"Oh fuck!" Coach exclaimed as his whole body shook.

He had never felt anything like this.

Kevin pulled off Coach's cock, so Travis freed Coach's balls from his mouth. Travis went for the cock and Kevin went for the balls.

"Oh fuck!" said Coach again.

Coach knew he wouldn't last much longer if these two continued this onslaught. He was determined to fuck these boys before he headed back home, so he knew he needed to take charge.

He abruptly stepped back and pushed the boys' hands and faces away in a fairly nifty move.

The boys were stunned and looked up at him confused.

"Don't worry, you were amazing. Almost too amazing," Coach explained. "It's time for you take this cock like I know you both need."

"Yes, Coach, whatever you say," Kevin and Travis said simultaneously.

They looked at each other and smiled, both equally amazed they answered Coach at the same time and with the same response.

Coach tried to hide his smile as he barked out the command:

"Turn around and get on all fours. Let me see those horny, tight holes, boys."

Kevin and Travis scrambled to obey. In seconds, they were in position, pressed tightly next to each other. Travis remembered being in a similar position the previous night with Shaun. His dick jumped remembering the amazing fuck he received. He remembered being a little nervous as he was next to Shaun who he had just met. Now, he was next to Kevin, and he was very much looking forward to sharing this experience with him. He wondered what Coach had planned as he didn't have Norm to help this time.

Coach was wondering the same thing. He had a brief thought of the bartender.

"Too bad he wasn't interested," Coach said to himself, "I bet he had a nice cock to fill these boys with."

But Coach dove right in, confident he could satisfy Travis and Kevin.

Coach buried his face into Travis' crack first. His tongue found that fairly well used hole almost immediately. He felt it twitch, but he also knew he hit his mark because of the soft coo coming from Travis. Once he found a rhythm of sliding up and down the crack and diving in and out of the hole, he moved his hand to Kevin's butt.

Kevin's butt was more muscular and more round than his roommates. Coach worked Travis' faster as the touch of Kevin's was more arousing than expected.

Coach slid his finger down Kevin's smooth crack and flicked at the hole. Kevin reacted with a bit of a shiver and a low sounding "ooh". Coach knew Kevin was hungry for more.

Coach worked to get Travis nice and wet and then he slid his middle finger into him. Travis resisted momentarily, but eventually let the finger in. Coach immediately began probing inside Travis. While he listened to Travis for reactions to his finger's mission, he adjusted his body to give Kevin's butt the attention it deserved.

Coach used the same method. He buried his face in, allowing Kevin to feel it and his hot breath. Then he slid the tongue up and down the crack until he settled on the hole. Kevin's reaction was much more demonstrative. His whole body shivered, and it was more than a soft coo.

"Oh yes, Coach, that's it right there!" Kevin yelled out.

Travis had his head down, lost in the sweet pleasure Coach was providing with his finger. But his head snapped up at Kevin's reaction. He turned towards Kevin, and even leaned into him even more.

"Hell, yes, Kev, Coach gonna work that hole good. He is amazing with his tongue." Travis chimed in.

Soon, both Kevin and Travis were singing Coach praises between their own shouts of pleasure while Coach rotated back and forth between them.

The boy would lean in and kiss each other. When Travis reached back and grabbed Kevin's cock, Kevin almost fell over.

Coach looked up at the sudden movement and saw what was happening. He knew if he allowed it, things would be over quickly. He reached under and swatted Travis' hand away.

"Not yet there, son. There is more work to be done." Coach said, forcefully.

Coach stood up as he knew it was time to fuck these boys.

Coach looked down at these two amazing asses. The view was incredible. He squeezed both with his hands and pressed his hard cock against Kevin's cheek. He felt his pre-cum gush out.

He had to hurry. Things were moving quickly. The intensity was growing.

He started with Travis. Once again, going with what was familiar to him.

Once again Travis resisted for a moment, but Coach didn't wait like on the ship. He forced his way in. Travis let out a Yelp. Coach felt Travis' whole body tighten up beneath him.

Coach held him by the hips while he drove his cock all the way in. He waited deep inside until he finally felt Travis began to relax.

Travis let out a sigh of relief and turned to Kevin:

"Oh man, Kev, that was intense."

Travis was smiling now but was covered in a soft sheen of sweat.

Coach started to move in and out quickly.

Kevin started to buck. His hole had been unattended to for several minutes and he didn't like it.

Coach took a swat at the muscled ass:

"I'll be right there boy, settle down."

Travis looked over at Kevin with a big smile on his face.

"It's worth the wait, Kev, I promise you that. Oh, fuck yes, definitely worth it."

Just as Travis finished saying that, Coach pulled out and moved to Kevin.

Coach's cock was wet with Travis' juices but Coach spit onto Kevin and watched his saliva slide down the boy's crack. He positioned his cock below Kevin's hole and when he felt the wetness on his cock head, he pressed it up against Kevin's hole.

Coach was much more patient with Kevin. When Kevin resisted, Coach went still and let Kevin's hole grab hold and take his cock in.

It wasn't long before coach was all the way in Kevin. It was too long for Travis as he was now bucking and shaking his little butt that was craving attention.

Coach moved in and out of Kevin while patting Travis' butt as he squirmed, wishing Coach were still inside him.

"Easy boy, you'll get what you need." Coach said as he continued to pat the round ass and slide in and out of Kevin.

Kevin's ass suddenly came alive. Coach had fully opened him up and reached his pleasure zone. Kevin was now masterfully wrapping his perfect ass around Coach's cock. When Coach would get in deep, he could feel Kevin squeeze tight and hold him in there. Coach waited until he could feel Kevin release him, but he wasn't quite sure if he could have pulled it out if Kevin didn't allow it.

Coach pumped faster and started to rock Kevin back and forth. Kevin's groans grew louder, and Coach could see the beads of sweat form on his back. Coach knew Kevin was getting close to the edge.

So, he pulled out.

He jumped back to Travis. But this time, he teased the boy's hole by sliding the cock head over it and sticking it in and out briefly until Travis demanded more: Needed "Give me that cock, COACH!"

Kevin chimed in:

"Oh, fuck Travis. It feels so good. I need it too."

Coach ignored Travis' plea but eventually was back deep inside Travis and started to really pound the cabin boy.

Coach looked over and saw Kevin squirming again. He realized that he couldn't satisfy these horny boys like this.

Then, he remembered the twins.

It was a Saturday. They came in for some extra shooting. After an hour or so, Coach left them as they headed to the locker room. He had to run an errand but would be back in an hour, so they could just head home. On his way to the bank, Coach realized he left the document he needed on his desk in his office. So, he quickly headed back.

When Coach walked thru the locker room to get to his office, he almost didn't notice them on the bench. They had only an instant before had heard him walk in. They were immediately frozen in fear.

Coach stopped dead in his tracks when he realized what he saw. The two boys he had left here finishing an excellent workout on the court, were now naked on the bench. One twin (Coach could definitely not be sure which one from this vantage point) was on top of the other. The twin on the bottom was pinned under him with his knees on his chest. Coach's view was of their tight, smooth, skinny butts. Their little pink holes were exposed. He could also see their hairless ball sacks slightly touching each other

Coach decided that he should get Kevin and Travis in that position and fuck them like he did the twins that day in the locker room.

While still giving his cock hard to Travis, he barked out orders:

"Kevin, get on your back, and pull your knees up to your chest. Let me see that sweet hole."

Coach pulled out of Travis.

Kevin was in perfect position.

Coach told Travis what to do:

"Travis, get up on Kevin, like you're going to fuck him, but just grind your cock against his."

Travis moved quickly. He was unsure of what was happening, but he was in heat and would do anything Coach said at this point.

Once he was in position, he looked down to see Kevin's smiling face. Kevin let go of his knees as they were now pinned under Travis. He reached up and put his hands on Travis' face and pulled him down for a kiss. Kevin began to thrust his hips to grind his hard cock against Travis.

"Oh, this is so beautiful, just like the twins," Coach thought to himself.

Coach went to work. The two holes so close to each other were too irresistible. He dropped to his knees and kissed Kevin's first. His tongue dove in deeper now that he had opened the boy with his thick cock.

Trying to satisfy both hungry holes, Coach reached up and slid a finger into Travis.

Coach could hear moans and groans from Kevin and Travis, but they were muffled because the boys were in a deep kiss.

Kevin finally posted Travis away for a moment.

"Oh gosh, Travis, this feels so good to have you on top of me"

Travis replied quickly before kissing Kevin again:

"I know Kevin, this is amazing."

Coach had switched several times now and although was loving eating these two tasty butts, he stood once again and entered Travis. His cock entered smoothly, and Travis responded immediately. Coach could feel him light up inside. His ass grabbed at Coach's cock while his hips began to thrust wildly.

"Oh fuck, Kevin, you make we wanna cum so bad," Travis cried out.

Coach slipped out of Travis and entered Kevin and it initiated a similar response from Kevin. He noticed that Travis was still grinding against Kevin pretty hard.

"Oh god, Travis, I'm getting so close. You're gonna make me cum," said Kevin as Coach began to pound the boy underneath Travis.

Coach could feel himself getting to the edge and it was getting more difficult to continue this onslaught on the cabin boys. Sweat was beginning to drip down his hairy chest and his legs began to ache as he thrust harder and harder into Kevin.

Kevin and Travis were lost in each other almost as if they were fucking each other. Coach switched back into Travis, driving Travis wild once again:

"Yes, Kevin, that's it. I'm gonna cum all over you. I can't hold it!"

Coach felt it first. He felt the now familiar pulsing of Travis' body as his balls erupted. It certainly was more intense and brought Coach to the edge. But Coach held back, thrusting in and holding tight, but he reached down and squeezed his balls tight to hold back his orgasm. He wanted to save his load for Kevin.

"Aaaahhh, oh yes, aahhhh, ahhhh, oh, Kev, aaahhhh," Travis' body was slick with sweat and he was spasming uncontrollably.

Kevin could feel his roommate's cum gushing all over him. Kevin hugged Travis tight. His hands slid across Travis' now wet back.

Coach watched in awe as Kevin began to shake himself. He knew Kevin wouldn't last much longer. He wanted to stay inside Travis until he was fully spent, but realized he had to move quickly.

As soon as he stopped pushing, Coach's cock was forced out by Travis' pulsing ass muscles. Coach jammed right into Kevin and two thrusts later, Kevin was screaming out.

"Aaaahhh, Travis, I'm cuuuummmmmmmmming!"

Coach gave in as well as Kevin's ass was fully caressing Coach's cock and was massaging it with each explosion of Kevin's balls.

Coach's felt a slight pain in his balls as the first shot was so powerful. He leaned his head back and held onto Travis' hips to steady himself as his body shook with each shot. He was pumping load after load into Kevin.

The boys were actually quiet as they were kissing wildly. Their tongues were battling as they took turns grunting and shaking as their orgasms continued on for minutes.

When Coach couldn't handle any more, he slipped out of Kevin and stumbled over to the other bed. Just before he closed his eyes, he looked over at the boys. They were still kissing and caressing each other, but they were slowing down.

Eventually, Travis rolled off of Kevin and the roommates, soaked in sweat and cum, drifted off to sleep.

When Coach woke up several hours later, the boys were now on their sides facing each other. Coach dressed quietly. He left his contact info on the notepad supplied by the hotel. He paused for one more look at the two sexy cabin boys and headed back to his room. His amazing week was over. He would not soon forget it. As he strolled back to his room, he thought about what would happen when he returned home. He had gone thru many times in his life where he succumbed to his desires, but usually was able to turn it off after a brief period. This week made him feel different. He felt himself losing the control over it. He knew it would be more difficult this time, and he was also feeling that maybe it was time to stop trying.

As he neared his room, he noticed a bucket of beers at the door. The bottles were floating in water. It must have been there awhile as he assumed the water was ice at some point. There was a note under the bucket. It was from the bartender:

"I guess I was too late for the workout. Text me if you're ready for another one. 212-555-4143."

Coach groaned. The bartender must have looked up the room from the bar tab.

"Damn! If he had only thought the guy was really interested, he would have told him the boys' room."

Coach put the note in his pocket and carried the bucket into the room. He opened one of the slightly warm beers and plopped into the chair and said out loud to nobody:

"Old Coach still has it, I guess. It would be a shame to waste it."

That's finally the end of Coach's Cruise. Please look for a new story, simply entitled Coach which will tell stories of Coach and some of his special players through the years like the twins and also his future when he returns home. I'm also thinking about a new story of Kevin and Travis as I am not ready to say goodbye to them as characters just yet.

Always glad to chat about what you think:

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