Coachs Cruise

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Mar 20, 2021


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Sorry for delay. Coach's cruise is almost over. One more chapter after this one.

Travis entered his room slowly and quietly in case Kevin was still sleeping. But the lights were on and Kevin's bed was empty. Travis heard the shower running. He looked at the clock.

"Oh, cool," he thought, "I should have enough time to tell Kevin all about last night before we have to get started with work."

It was check-out day which was always quite hectic. It was nice in that they would be able to be off the boat for a full 24 hours but there was quite a lot to do between now and the first step on land around 1pm.

Travis sat on his bed and waited for Kevin to finish. When he heard the shower stop, he began to run through the story in his head. He wanted to tell Kevin everything, but knew they would be a little pressed for time. He pulled out his phone to pull out the picture he had taken of the three men. He definitely wanted to show that to Kevin.

Kevin looked in the mirror as he dried off. He was tired, sore, and still pissed at both himself and Travis.

He ran thru the events of last night once again.

Kevin was all set to tell Travis his true feelings last night. He knew that Travis would be late so that was why he agreed to stop in Emilio's room for a drink and hear about what had happened in Mr. Smith's Estate room. It was kind of juicy, the thought that the man pretty much admitted that he was going to fuck the young man, but Kevin was distracted thinking about how the conversation with Travis would go. However, it was still nice to relax and have a few drinks with Emilio. They talked for about an hour as Kevin kept an eye on the clock. He figured Travis would be back by midnight and so wanted to leave Emilio's room by 11:30.

Emilio didn't really notice that Kevin was distracted. In fact, he was mistaking Kevin's quietness as nervousness. Emilio was getting aroused as he assumed Kevin was waiting for Emilio to make a move. Emilio decided he would wait until they had one more drink. Emilio tilted his head back and finished his whiskey in one motion and stood up to make one more for himself and Kevin.

"Are you ready?" Emilio asked.

Kevin shook his head as he responded in the negative. "Oh, no thanks, Emilio, I gotta get to bed. Tomorrow is going to suck."

Kevin felt bad for not being completely truthful. But that feeling quickly dissipated when Emilio reacted with annoyance.

"What the fuck, Kevin. Fine, go ahead, go off to bed, ya tease!" Emilio said sternly.

Kevin was now equally annoyed. He thought they had resolved all this. Kevin wasn't interested. He certainly didn't want to get into it with Emilio now. He wanted to be relaxed when talking with Travis. So, he finished off his drink in one big gulp and set it down loudly on the table. The whiskey burned his throat as it went down, but he kept a rigid face as he walked out of the room.

"Fuck!" Emilio yelled. He knew had messed up again. He poured himself a double and finished it as quickly as he poured it. He repeated that one more time and then stripped and got into bed.

By the time Kevin was back at his room, Emilio was gone from his mind. He was now practicing what he was going to say to Travis. Once inside the room, he got right into the shower. After a quick cleansing, he got out of the shower and dried off. He hesitated in front of his closet while he decided what to wear for the big conversation. He decided to go with a pair of athletic shorts and no shirt. He wanted to look sexy but didn't want to just be in his underwear while opening his heart to Travis.

Kevin looked at his phone. It was almost midnight. He sat on his bed nervously. At midnight, he dug into his bottom desk drawer and grabbed the bottle of vodka he had stashed away. He poured two shots and then took the liberty of drinking his and then refilling. At 12:30, he drank another shot and refilled it again, leaving the one for Travis intact. At 1am, he repeated his actions. He was growing impatient and angry now. At 1:30, he drank both shots, and refilled both. But, at 2am, when Travis still hadn't showed up, he didn't bother refilling the shot glasses after he emptied them. Instead, he stammered out of his room and headed to Emilio's. Kevin was drunk and pissed. He couldn't believe he thought it was a good idea to tell Travis his true feelings. Actually, he was more pissed that he let himself have feelings for Travis. It was obvious Travis was with that coach guy tonight and didn't care about Kevin. So, Kevin decided to forget about Travis and just go get what all he really needed—a good pounding. He knew Emilio certainly would be glad to give him the dick he needed.

Kevin pounded on Emilio's door, harder and louder than he realized in his current state. It definitely was loud enough to wake Emilio. Still naked and a little dazed, Emilio staggered to the door and opened it partly. He was surprised to see Kevin standing there, shirtless. Emilio looked away momentarily, and then said:

"You better be here for only one thing, Kevin!"

"Just let me in, Emilio," Kevin replied, not wanting to have to grovel.

Emilio stepped back and allowed Kevin to enter and then closed the door. Kevin looked up at the taller man. Emilio put both hands on Kevin's shoulders and forced him to his knees. Kevin didn't notice that Emilio was completely naked until he was on his knees staring at the largest cock he had ever seen as it was continuing to grow even longer. Kevin quickly took it into his mouth.

Even before it was fully hard, Emilio's massive cock was no match for Kevin's mouth. Emilio gripped the base of his cock and Kevin still gagged trying to get the rest of it in his mouth. Emilio laughed. He didn't expect any success. Plenty of men and women had tried and failed. Emilio wasn't bothered as he knew his monster would soon be deep inside Kevin's tight, muscled ass.

Despite Kevin's struggle, Emilio was fully hard now and ready to fuck. Emilio let Kevin work the head with his tongue and lips a bit longer. Despite his poor attempts at showing it, Emilio was quite attracted to Kevin and looking down at him playing with his cock was very arousing.

Kevin was enjoying Emilio's cock more than he imagined. Although his jaw was already sore, the feeling of this cock stretching his mouth was electric. Kevin couldn't take much of the huge shaft in his mouth, so he worked his tongue and lips up and down the shaft quickly. When he reached the head, he would take it in his mouth. He would feel his lips slide over the ledge of the head and then he would his lips. Once he knew he had a firm hold of the throbbing mushroom, he would dart his tongue in and out of the slit of Emilio's cock. Kevin knew it was affecting Emilio from the groans that echoed through the dark room.

Emilio very rarely climaxed from oral stimulation as his large cock usually wore out his partner no matter how willing the partner was. However, Kevin was moving Emilio close to orgasm quite quickly. Emilio wanted to fuck so he reluctantly pulled Kevin by the hair to get him off his cock.

Kevin looked up fearing he did something wrong. But when he saw the look on Emilio's face he knew he had done nothing wrong except to a light a fire deep inside the man. A fire that could only be doused now with a good fucking.

Emilio grabbed Kevin under the arm pits and stood him up. He kissed Kevin on the lips. The lips that had felt so good on his cock moments ago. Emilio's tongue found Kevin's tongue and flicked at it the way Kevin's tongue had toyed with Emilio's slit.

Emilio guided Kevin to the bed while he kissed him. Instead of lying him on the bed, Emilio bent Kevin over the bed, leaving his feet on the ground and his stomach, chest and faced pressed into the mattress.

Kevin spread his legs to give Emilio better access. Kevin was ready to be used. He wanted to feel the pain as Emilio's cock entered him. He wanted to heat the moans and groans of pleasure as the man forced his cock in and out of his hole. Kevin felt his hole twitch in anticipation.

Emilio reached for the drawer in the nightstand beside the bed. He fumbled in the dark for the much-needed lube. He had reached into this drawer in the dark many nights when his impromptu masturbation sessions needed a boost, so he was well-practiced in finding what he needed. He quickly opened the bottle and generously poured it onto his cock, not worrying about spilling any as Kevin was beneath him. Kevin cooed as he felt the liquid hit his ass.

Emilio, satisfied he had delivered enough lubricant, flipped the top closed and tossed the bottle back into the drawer. With his right hand, Emilio slicked up his throbbing cock. With his left hand, Emilio guided the small puddle of lube that had formed on Kevin's left cheek into the sexy boy's smooth butt crack, Emilio took his middle finger and slid it down the crack. Now, that it was slippery he penetrated Kevin. Kevin jumped momentarily but settled back down on the bed and let Emilio begin to open the tight hole.

Emilio was impatient tonight and now moved to position his cock for entry. He felt his balls stirring already. He knew he hadn't handled the situation correctly, but he really wanted to be with this sexy young man from the very first time he saw him.

As it was very dark in the room, Emilio used his hands to take in Kevin's beautiful ass. Emilio had found himself staring at Kevin's ass several times over the last few days and now his hands were helping him to visualize the smooth, white, muscled cheeks. Emilio felt his cock jump which got him back to the real task at hand.

Kevin felt himself tense up a bit. Emilio's hands felt amazing as they massaged his butt, and he was definitely ready to be fucked. However, he had not anticipated Emilio's cock to be so big. The alcohol made his mind a little fuzzy which helped as he felt Emilio's huge cock head move down his crack towards his hole.

Emilio felt Kevin tighten as he entered. Emilio's instinct was to smack Kevin on the ass and tell him to just take what he came here for.

"The little bitch deserves it after teasing me earlier and then crawling back here," Emilio thought to himself.

But Emilio believed that if Kevin would ever want to do this again, Emilio should be gentle with the boy. So, Emilio took his time. He felt his cock spread Kevin's ass and begin to suck it in. Emilio listened for any resistance from Kevin as he knew he was stretching Kevin's hole to its limits.

Kevin felt himself begin to perspire as his body braved the onslaught. He tried to relax and push out as he knew it would help to accept the monster. He was pleasantly surprised that Emilio was taking his time. He also was glad Emilio had been so generous with the lube.

Emilio felt his hips brushing against Kevin's soft but meaty cheeks. He had fully entered Kevin with little effort. He paused and softly rubbed Kevin's back. He heard Kevin softly moan in delight.

"Oh yes, Kevin, let your man give you what you need," Emilio said soothingly.

Kevin instinctively thrusted his hips backwards. Emilio felt it and took it as a signal that Kevin was ready. Emilio began to slowly move in and out of Kevin freely. Just as he was shocked at how well Kevin handled his cock with his mouth, Emilio couldn't believe how deep Kevin was allowing his cock to penetrate. Kevin's ass was grabbing his cock and guiding it in deeper and then seemingly let it go to slide back out only to grip tight when the mushroom hit the exit point.

Emilio struggled to keep the pace slow, but realized the pleasure was actually more intense than his usual hard pounding he gave his partners.

Kevin was enjoying the Emilio's work, but unfortunately was looking for and expecting something different. He came here to have his brains fucked out of him. He began to throw his hips back into Emilio to urge him on.

"Yes, babe, that feels amazing," Emilio said as he now caressed Kevin's ass.

That wasn't the reaction Kevin was looking for, so he got more assertive.

"Give it to me hard. Fuck my brains out with that monster cock," Kevin commanded.

Emilio was surprised and a little frustrated.

"I can't figure this kid out," he thought.

Another strong thrust by Kevin turned his frustration to anger.

"Don't push me bitch!" Emilio yelled as grabbed Kevin's hips forcefully.

Emilio began to move in and out with great speed and strength. Although he held Kevin's hips tight, Emilio's thrusts were driving Kevin forward causing his head to bang into the wall. Kevin didn't mind. Emilio wasn't aware but wouldn't have been concerned either.

"There you go, ya fucking cock whore, now you got what you came for!" Emilio said angrily.

Emilio felt the sweat began to drip down his chest as he continued to pound Kevin's hole. He would release the grip at Kevin's hips only momentarily to spank the thick ass.

Kevin was enduring considerable pain while enjoying the pleasure of being fully used by Emilio. Emilio's pleasure was also increasing even though the anger of being used by Kevin still lingered.

Emilio was tiring and could no longer hold back the impending orgasm. As the feeling intensified and his balls tighten, the anger completely lifted, and his body filled with anticipation.

Kevin wasn't looking to cum, but surprisingly realized it was building inside him. Each thrust by Emilio sent his ass into another spasm and he felt it thru his entire body. His balls were churning. He had never received such a rough fucking, but he was amazed how incredible it was feeling. He was trying to keep quiet as he didn't want to let Emilio know how much he was enjoying it.

But his vibrating ass couldn't be hidden.

Emilio was drenched in sweat now and couldn't hold back any longer. Kevin's ass was sending shockwaves through his body. This was so intense.

Although Kevin remained both quiet and still, Emilio knew by Kevin's butt's activity that his cock was working wonders on the boy.

"Oh fuck, you little slut, you're gonna get my load. You know you love it, bitch, your hole doesn't lie. You have never been fucked so well." Emilio shouted, lost in his lust.

"oooohhhhh," Kevin uttered, unable to contain himself.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh yes you fuck!" Emilio screamed as his balls exploded.

Emilio pressed his cock deep into Kevin one final time and let his balls do their work. They fired hard and long. Emilio visualized rope after rope shoot out and fill Kevin with his cum.

The sound of Emilio cumming set Kevin off. He felt his stomach wetted with his own hot load as his balls began to empty, but the stronger feeling was his ass. It had been spasming for several minutes, but now it went into high gear and caused his whole body to shudder uncontrollably. He gave up trying to fight it. The night's frustration was all released as this pounding by Emilio raised him to a level he had never reached before.

Emilio could feel Kevin's body erupt and knew it was as intense for Kevin as it was for him. As Emilio's balls began to slow, he thought that maybe the two of them had a chance for a relationship after all.

Kevin's body began to settle down as well. His body felt amazing, and one final twitch came over him, causing his thoughts spill out verbally:

"Ooohh Travis."

Kevin hoped Emilio hadn't heard, but immediately knew that wasn't the case as he felt the man's big, long cock abruptly leave his fully stretched hole. Kevin winced. Emilio rolled off Kevin and onto his back. Neither man spoke. Heavy breathing filled the air as both men lie there.

Emilio couldn't believe he started to think Kevin wanted him. Kevin felt terrible for using Emilio like this.

Soon, both men fell asleep.

Kevin's head pounded when he was awoken by Emilio's alarm. He lay still as he heard Emilio turn it off. Kevin hoped Emilio would head to the bathroom and Kevin could slip out of the room. Last night was a mistake. It very much was needed, but there would be repercussions. Kevin wasn't ready to deal with it now and just wanted to get out without conflict.

Emilio's anger restored quickly. Even though it was an incredible orgasm, he was used by Kevin and wanted retribution, He reached into the drawer and found the bottle of lube. He coated his morning wood. He was going to have one more round with Kevin's ass and then be done with this little fucker once and for all.

Kevin realized what Emilio was doing and quickly said:

"Oh, I can't, I gotta go."

"Too fucking bad, Kevin." Emilio replied quickly and sternly.

Emilio rolled onto Kevin and quickly worked his cock into Kevin. Kevin tried to rise, and Emilio pressed his right hand at the base of Kevin's neck and forced him back down. Kevin chose to stop fighting and take what he felt in some way he deserved.

Emilio was fully inside Kevin and now moving in and out faster and harder than the previous night. It didn't take long for him to feel that similar heightened pleasure from last night.

Kevin was pissed at himself as he couldn't control his ass. It was responding to Emilio's cock just as it did a few hours before. The spasms were coming hard and often.

"You are just a big cock whore. You'll take any cock, won't you," Emilio said in a disgusted tone, but it actually was adding to his arousal.

Emilio began to grunt as he jammed his cock into Kevin even deeper. The sound of his hips slapping into Kevin's cheeks was all that competed with his guttural sounds.

"Ffffuuuuuccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk you, Kevin!"

Emilio's eyes rolled back in his head as he unloaded another bucket of his cum into Kevin's ass.

Kevin's ass was still twitching in pleasure as he felt Emilio pull out his softening cock. He didn't shoot cum, but the fuck was amazing once again.

"I'm getting in the shower, you better be gone when I get out, bitch," Emilio said as he headed to the bathroom.

"Just get thru today, get off the boat, and worry about all this next week," Kevin said to himself as he left the bathroom to get dressed. He hadn't heard Travis come in so he was surprised when he saw him sitting on the bed.

"Good morning, Kev! Have I got a story to tell you!!" Travis said with a huge smile.

Kevin felt his blood begin to boil. Kevin would admit that Travis looked so fucking cute and happy, but it didn't help to soften his rage.

"Well, I have to get to work, Travis, so sorry I'm not interested." Kevin said, looking down and walking to his closet.

Travis was crushed.

"What was up with Kevin? Did I do something wrong?" Travis said to himself as he began to fret.

The tension in the room heightened as the two young men kept silent. Travis went in to the bathroom. He had just showered in Coach's room, but he turned the shower on anyway and sat on the toilet waiting for Kevin to leave the room. Even with the noise of the shower, he could hear Kevin cursing, slamming drawers and the closet door. Travis was relieved when he heard the door to the room slam closed signalling Kevin's exit of the room.

Travis looked at the clock when he got out of the bathroom. It was time for him to go to work, too. He was relieved a little as he would be busy and so would be distracted from worrying about why Kevin was so mad.

"Oh," Travis said out loud to no one, "I get to help Coach get all packed up, so that will be nice!"

Travis headed out to tend to his duties.

One more chapter to go! It's check out day for Coach. It's time for him to head home.

Feel free to email me with comments. JC

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Next: Chapter 12

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