Coachs Cruise

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jul 7, 2017


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Sorry for delay. Coach's cruise is almost over. One more chapter after this one.

Shaun watched in amazement as Travis continued way past him. He also spotted cum dripping from the pouch. He leaned in and kissed Travis. A long, sensual kiss, a perfect kiss as the two boys came down from incredible highs.

Shaun stopped and said:

"I think it's my turn to clean the cum out of the pouch."

Travis smiled, reliving the fact he told that story. He could feel how gooey it was.

"I think it's pretty full."

"Mmmm, I like the sound of that. And, oh by the way Travis, they switched up on us; you just got fucked by a hot, Australian dude."

Travis snapped his head back to see Coach panting heavily but positioned behind Shaun. Travis turned further and locked eyes with Norm. They shared a goofy smile, both feeling a little slutty as they had not really spoken and now had just fucked.

The older men had softened and slowly let their cocks out of the younger men, who let out soft moans as they were exited. Travis wanted to collapse on the bed, but with the jock so loaded up, he knew it would make a big mess. So, he hopped off the bed and headed to the bathroom.

Shaun crawled up the bed and flipped onto his back.

He looked up at the men still breathing a bit quickly and said:

"Come on Daddies, come lay with me."

Coach and Norm looked at each other and shrugged in agreement. They plopped onto their backs on each side of Shaun. "Mmmmm, yes Daddies, this is nice," Shaun said as he ran his hands up and down the two men's stomach and chest.

Travis slipped off the jock carefully and set it on the counter by the sink. He wasn't sure if Shaun was serious when he said he wanted to eat up the cum, so he didn't clean it out.

Travis looked at himself in the mirror as he cleaned himself up. He felt slutty, but he also was proud of himself for finally beginning to feel comfortable with his desires. He couldn't hide the smile on his face as he thought back on being fucked by both men. It was amazing. He couldn't wait to tell Kevin. If Kevin hadn't encouraged him to embrace his feelings, he would never have done that. Travis was sore from the serious pounding from the healthy sized cocks, but he was still on a high from the intense orgasms. As he soaped up his dick and balls, he felt his dick start to grow a bit. He looked in the mirror and nodded at himself.

"Fuck yeah, Trav, go back for some more," he said to himself.

Travis rinsed off the soap from his crotch, cleaned his torso and his pits, then he dried off. He didn't have a game plan as to what he was going to do when he got out there, but his cock was dangling sideways, as blood was flowing back in.

Travis came out of the bathroom and smiled at the sight of three men squeezed into the bed. They were laid out perfectly, like a buffet, for Travis to choose.

"Should I go for the young one?" He asked himself, then answered, "I haven't experienced that yet. He's got a nice body and was a really good kisser."

"But maybe I should focus on the Aussie, he is pretty hot, and he knows how to use that cock, that's for sure. But, I can't get enough of Coach. Maybe it's because he was first, but we really connected."

Travis stood there silently while his dick grew even larger. The three in the bed all had their eyes closed, but they weren't breathing like they were asleep.

Then, something lit inside Travis.

"Why choose? Take all three!" Travis thought. He also came up with an idea to play out some of the hot scenes he made up in his head while masturbating over the years.

He went over to the side of the bed that Coach was lying on. Coach opened his eyes and smiled as he looked up at Travis's sexy, naked body and hardening cock. Travis smiled back. He was a little nervous about the roleplaying, but he figured that anything was fair game tonight.

He decided to whisper to Coach rather than announcing it to all three.

"Coach, will you pretend you're my high school friend's dad, and I slept over? You are down watching soft porn on tv and I came down because I couldn't sleep."

Coach grinned, "OK, I guess."

Coach wasn't sure where this was headed, and also didn't believe he could possibly cum again, but he would do just about anything for this beautiful kid. Coach had done his fair share of role play in chat rooms to understand what to do.

They started out in whispers as they were aware they weren't alone.

"Oh hi, Mr. Thomas, I couldn't sleep. Is it OK if I watch tv with you?"

Coach tried to get into his role, remembering what Travis said he was watching.

"Umm, sure, I don't even know what I am watching. We should put on some sports or something."

Travis answered back quickly.

"It's OK, you can leave this on. OK, if I sit next to you? I had a little nightmare and am a little jumpy."

Travis sat on Coach's thighs. Coach spread his legs a little, so Travis's ass rested slightly on the bed between Coach's thighs.

"Aww, Max, sure. I'm sorry about that. I hate nightmares." Coach thought of one his son's good friends that spent a lot of time at his house when he used the name Max.

Coach softly rubbed Travis' thigh as if to console Max. He let it stay on the boy's thigh.

Coach was getting hard. He was remembering nights at home with his kids' having friends over and thinking of similar situations.

Travis looked at the tv in the room, pretending it had soft porn on.

"Oh wow, oh now I see why you wanted to change the channel. But I'll watch this if it's ok with you. I promise I won't tell anyone. Please, Mr. Thomas?"

The two were deep into their roles now.

"OK, Max, but our little secret."

"Thanks, Mr. Thomas, I promise.

Meanwhile, Norm nudged Shaun and whispered,

"What's up with them?" Shaun gave his theory.

"I think they are doing some roleplay or something."

"Wow,that's hot!" Norm said as he rolled on his side and rested his head on Shaun's chest to get a better view.

"Yeah," said Shaun as he wrapped his arm around Norm and settled in to watch what happened next.

Travis stared at Coach's hard dick.

"I see you were enjoying the movie, huh, Mr. Thomas?"

"Hey, our secret, right Max? But you shouldn't say that anyway."

"Oh, why not. Me and Ryan talk about our boners all the time."

Coach figured Ryan was Mr. Thomas's son. He smiled at Travis' creativity.

"Well, you guys are friends, that's different."

"I think of you as a friend, Mr. Thomas. And I have a boner now too."

Travis started looking at the tv but started to rub his cock. He didn't stroke it but rubbed it as if he was rubbing outside of boxers.

"Well, that's sweet Max, but we still shouldn't talk about it, so let's keep it a secret."

"Ok, Mr. Thomas."

Travis stayed glued on the tv. Coach wasn't sure where to take it next, so he kept quiet. Travis kept rubbing, so Coach did the same. His left was still on Travis thigh, so he used his right hand.

"Mr. Thomas, can I ask you something? Promise you won't think I'm weird?"

"Sure, Max, you can ask me anything. I won't even tell Ryan."

"Ummm,well Umm, never mind, its ok."

"No, ask me."

Coach was curious where this was headed and was really getting into it.

Norm and Shaun were glued to the action as well.

"Well, umm, have you ever seen Ryan's boner?"

Coach didn't know which way Travis wanted him to answer, so he hesitated.

Travis spoke quickly to steer the scene.

"Cuzz, now don'T think I'm weird, but when I got out of bed I turned the light on for a sec, and his boner was sticking out of the slit in his boxers. It was really big, a lot bigger than mine. So is his normal and mine really small or what?"

Coach smiled. This was so hot, and there were so many ways to go with it.

"No, I haven't seen it, but I'm sure yours is fine. Plus, Ryan started puberty earlier, so you'll catch up.

Travis looked at Coach. He realized what that meant. Travis's cock jumped at where this was now going.

"I know, I only have a couple pubes, it looked like Ryan had a ton."

"There's nothing wrong with being a boy a little longer, Max, plenty of time to grow up."

Coach rubbed Travis's thigh again.

Travis put his hand on Coach's and looked at Coach's boner.

"Whoa, Mr. Thomas, yours looks a lot bigger than Ryan's."

"Max!" Coach said as he covered his cock.

"What? I'm just curious Mr. Thomas, could I please see it?"

Travis looked at Coach in the cutest, little boy smile.

Coach tried to stay in character and act reluctant, but he was starting to leak because of this hot scene so wanted to get it moving.

"Max, this has to be our secret, do you promise?"

"Yes, Mr. Thomas, I promise."

"OK, little buddy."

Coach grabbed hold of his hard cock and waved it as he imagined he would if showing off.

"Oh, Mr. Thomas, it's so big!"

Travis stood up next to the bed.

"Look at mine, it's so small compared to that."

Travis dangled it in front of Coach's face. He, too, wanted this scene to move faster as he was ready to get fucked once again.

Coach couldn't control himself anymore, and reached up and took Travis' cock into his mouth. "Mr. Thomas, what are you doing?"

Coach stopped and looked up.

"Umm, sorry, Max, I just wanted you to see how that feels. It felt good, didn't it?"

"Yes, Mr. Thomas, it did."

Coach took Travis back into his mouth. He thoroughly enjoyed this sexy boy's cock and the role play had him in a frenzy.

"Oh, Mr. Thomas, that feels so good, it even makes my butt tickle."

Coach knew what to do next as he pulled off Travis's cock.

"Turn around, Max and touch your toes."

"Huh? OK, Mr. Thomas."

Travis took the liberty of spreading his legs a bit so that when he bent over his ole was completely exposed. Coach dove right in, enjoying the remnants of Norm's load.

"Oh, Mr. Thomas, what are you doing now? It feels so amazing. Now, something is tickling deep in my butt."

Coach pulled his face out and replaced it with a finger.

"Oh yeah, Max? Let me dig in your smooth, little boy hole and try to find it."

Shaun was rock hard and when Norm noticed, he began to softly stroke his new, young friend.

"Oh yes, Mr. Thomas, a little farther, you are almost there."

"Hmmm, I can't get any deeper with my finger. Do you trust me, Max?"

Travis smiled. When he started this, he wasn't sure how they were going to get it to the desired end, but they were there now.

"Of course, Mr. Thomas, I trust you."

"OK, the only way to reach that spot is to stick my Di, ummm, my boner as you put it, in there"

Travis thought about going with the nervous and resistant act, but he wanted Coach's cock.

"OK, Mr. Thomas, if you say so. I really need that spot touched it, it's driving me crazy."

Travis didn't wait for Coach to say anymore and he straddled the man playing his high school best friend's father.

"Oh how I wish the real Mr. Thomas would have done this," Travis thought to himself as he let Coach's cock enter him.

"Oh, Mr. Thomas! How did you know? This feels amazing. Your boner found it. It makes me warm all over.

Travis sat back, fully impaling himself on Coach's cock.

Coach was amazed. He had never discussed any of this with Travis, but in a few short minutes, this kid had him reliving a fantasy that he had jacked off to on countless occasions. This time he wasn't going to need his hand to finish the job.

"It feels good for me too Max. Your tight, little butthole squeezes my boner. I can feel your insides pulsing all over it. Want to make it feel even better?"

"Really, Mr. Thomas? You know more stuff? How?"

"Lift yourself up? Then sit back down."

"Like this?" Travis asked as he rose up and then down.

"Perfect, Max, good boy! Now, keep doing it and do it faster and faster"

Travis began a full attack on Coach's cock.

"Ooohhh, Mr. T-t-thomas, uuuuu oohhhh" Travis struggled to get out his next line.

"Don't try to talk Max. Just ride Mr. Thomas' boner. Ride it hard, my sweet boy."

Shaun couldn't keep quiet any longer. Both he and Norm were captivated and rock hard.

"Yeah, Max, ride your friend's Daddy. Let Mr. Thomas pop your cherry."

Travis looked over at the two bedfellows and smiled. Norm was stroking Shaun pretty steadily now and grinding his own cock into Shaun's leg.

"You two slow down over there, you'll get your turn," Travis said, jumping out of character.

"Fuck yeah, we get a turn at Max, too?" Shaun responded.

Travis' smiled widened, "No, I've got other stories for you two."

"Hell, yes!" Shaun said as he and Norm giggled in excitement.

Travis returned to character. He was now ready to move on to his next fantasy, but needed to finish this one.

"Mr. Thomas, your boner feels even bigger now!"

"It is Max. It's rock hard and gonna explode."

"Explode? What does that mean?"

"Just keep riding, Max, you'll see."

Coach grabbed Travis' cock as he began to grunt. He was close. He was in his own basement back home, is oldest son's little friend was taking his cock like a champ while his family slept upstairs.

Travis pulled Coach's hand off his cock. Travis didn't want to cum. Travis picked up the pace, so Coach knew it was ok for him to finish.

Coach was at the edge and wanted Travis to know.

"Oh Max, I can't hold it any longer, I'm gonna c-c-c-u-u-u-m-m-m-m"

Travis responded, slightly out of character.

"Yes, Mr. Thomas, fill your new boy toy with your seed. Breed his little, virgin butt."

Coach responded with grunts and groans as his balls erupted. They were pretty well worn but they pumped a healthy load into Travis. Travis squeezed tight around Coach's cock urging more of the man's seed into him.

"Fuck yeah, Coach, that was hot!" Travis said as he slowed down the onslaught.

Coach laughed as his balls started to settle.

"Fuck, Travis, where did you come up with that?"

Travis blushed, as he rose up fully to allow Coach's softening cock to exit him.

"I'm not sure, Coach, but I have a couple other ones to get to."

Norm rolled off of Shaun and back onto his back next to Shaun as Travis hopped off his bed. Both Shaun and Norm kept their eyes glued on Travis. They weren't sure what was going through his head, but they were ready to find out.

Travis knew he had the full attention of all three men. He added some drama to it, lingering in front of Shaun, tapping on his foot.

"I know what our scene is going to be, but I think I'll save it for last," Travis said as he then made his way over to Norm. "Aww come on, Trav, I'm ready now!" Shaun said as he exaggerated a few strokes of his hard cock.

Travis ignored Shaun's response, enjoying the power he now held.

Travis crawled up on top of Norm as if he had known him for years.

Travis began to set the scene, but spoke to Shaun rather than directly to Norm.

"Max has to take care of Mr. Wilson first. Or rather, Mr. Wilson has to teach Max a lesson. Max cuts Mr. Wilson's lawn. Throughout the summer, Max became increasingly flirtatious to try to tease Mr. Wilson. Max had spotted some gay porn involving teens on Mr. Wilson's computer through the window about a month ago, and was enjoying getting a rouse out of the neighbor. But today, Max might be pushing it too far with tight, white basketball shorts, no underwear, and no shirt."

"Oh fuck, that's hot. I can't wait to get my turn at little Max," Shaun said.

Travis was straddling Norm now, and so he turned to him in character.

"Oh, hi Mr. Wilson. I know you don't like me just barging in, but it's so hot out there, and I'm so sweaty."

Norm got right into the scene. He never had a real life situation to draw from, but he appreciated the sexiness of a young teenage boy.

"Hey Max, yes, I see, you've soaked through those shorts. You know, you're growing into a man, you should be wearing underwear under those, and actually, I think you've outgrown those."

"I know, but I love `em and I don't want to ruin my good shorts cutting grass. I like yours, Mr. Wilson, but you should take off your shirt in this heat, you might get pit stains."

Norm took in what Travis had said and paused as he thought of a response. "This is incredible," Norm thought, "I really feel like I'm in my kitchen with a sweaty, young boy. I can see through his white shorts, his hardening boy cock and that tight little ass."

Travis rubbed Norm's chest in an effort to get him to respond. It worked.

"Oh, thanks, Max. That's a good idea. Are you gonna offer to help me take it off?"

Travis was a bit surprised by Norm's aggressive tone, but tried to go along the same line.

"Umm, I'm sorry Mr. Wilson, I am just really hot and "

"No, Max, let's go, take off my shirt." "No, Mr. Wilson, it's fine. I'm sorry."

Norm grabbed Travis' arms kind of hard. Travis tried to free himself. Norm kept control and put Travis' arms on his chest.

"There ya go Max, you have my shirt off, now rub my chest."

Travis was rock hard. He wasn't expecting this, but Norm's aggression was intoxicating.

"No, Mr. Wilson, I don't want to."

Travis was trying hard to free himself from the grip, but Norm held tight. Travis could feel Norm's hard cock under himself which was adding to his excitement.

"Yes, you do kid. You show up in those shorts, get them wet on purpose. You kept stopping in front of the window, rubbing yourself. You knew I could see you."

"I was just goofing around, Mr. Wilson, I didn't mean anything by it."

"Well, it's too late for that, kid. You're gonna get what you came for."

Norm sat up and kissed Travis. Travis didn't kiss back, but waited a few seconds to pull back.

"No, Mr. Wilson, don't. I am not gay. I was just playing."

"This doesn't look like you're playing," Norm said as he grabbed Travis' hard cock.

"Ahh, Mr. Wilson, that hurts."

Norm kissed Travis again. Travis still didn't kiss back but waited longer to pull away.

"Please, Mr. Wilson, I want to go home now."

"You're not going anywhere Max until I say so."

Travis began to get off the bed to stand up, and was surprised when Norm let him. But, then Norm quickly stood up and pressed Travis against the wall.

Norm kissed Travis again, and this time Travis kissed back.

"There ya go boy, finally admitting you want it."

"No, Mr. Wilson, I'm just scared."

Norm pressed his body against Travis, cupping Travis' cheeks in each hand. Travis soft, tight cheeks made it easy to think they were a teenager's. "You have no reason to be scared, Max. Mr. Wilson's gonna take good care of you. Get down on your knees."

"No, I don't want to."

Norm forced Travis down.

"Ok Ok Mr. Wilson, don't hurt me."

"Open wide Max, Mr. Wilson's gonna teach you how to suck cock.

"Mmmphm, Nooo, mmphmm," Travis kept his mouth closed as Norm tried to get his cock into his mouth.

Shaun and Coach looked on, both turned on but also not completely sure the two men were playing. It seemed so real.

Travis kept swiveling his head but kept contact with Norm's cock. Travis would slow when his lips grazed across the cock head.

"Come on Max, be a good boy, don't fight it."

Travis played it perfectly. He continued to move his head, but slowly opened his mouth. He stuck his tongue out and licked Norm's cock. When Travis opened his mouth wide enough, Norm jammed his cock in.

"There's my cocksucker."

Travis snapped his head and Norm's cock fell out.

"Please, Mr. Wilson, don't make me."

Norm grabbed Travis' head and held it firmly and shoved his cock back in.

"I'm not making you do anything, Max, you've been wanting my cock all summer."

Travis stopped fighting and Norm began to fuck his mouth.

Travis didn't have to pretend to struggle with the big cock like a virgin, 14tr old kid would as Travis hadn't much experience himself.

Travis gagged and coughed and his eyes watered. Every time he pulled away, Norm shoved it back in.

"Fuck yah, Max. You're my good little cocksucker. Soon, you'll be coming over every day begging me to let you suck it.

"No mmpphhm, mmph, please stop" Travis was really struggling but was loving it.

Norm was getting close. He was shocked that he was aroused by this, but forcing this young boy was beyond hot. Norm grabbed Travis by the shoulders and easily tossed him on the bed on his back. Norm pounced on Travis and lifted his legs by the ankles. Norm bent the boy in half, Travis' feet resting on either side of his head.

"Mr. Wilson, what are you doing?!?!"

"Making you a man, Max." Norm said as he moved into position.


Travis sounded desperate and struggled to free himself. It took all of Norm's strength to keep him contained.

Coach and Shaun tensed up as they were only half certain this was role playing. Even Norm was not completely sure that Travis was playing.

Travis was deep into the scene. He was Max now, a scared young boy, struggling to get free. However, Travis' insides were burning. The more Max struggled, the more the fire stoked.

"Fuck you, kid. You think you can tease me all summer like that and get away with it?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson. Aaaahhhh!"

Norm was inside Travis fast and hard.

"Shut up and take my cock, Max. You're my bitch now. Mmmm yes, my little boy bitch is so tight."

Travis' face went red. He pushed hard at Norm's shoulders. He grimaced as Norm started to pound him.

"Stop, Mr. Wilson. You're hurting me! Aahhh! No!"

Norm leaned in and kissed Travis. Instead of kissing back, Travis bit Norm's lip. As his teeth pressed down on Norm's lip, Travis' balls twitched with pleasure.

Although it hurt, it was exhilarating for Norm, too.

Travis released the bite, and Norm pulled away.

"You're gonna pay for that Max!"

Norm bore down and pounded harder. He let his body rest onto Travis, his chest on Travis' face. Travis began gnawing at the man's hairy chest.

"Fuck, Max, it's only getting me to fuck you harder"

Travis didn't respond but kept biting, but doing a little sucking too. When Travis found Norm's nipple with his teeth, Norm shouted out.

"Oh fuck, Max, I'm gonna breed you boy! Oh shit, keep doing that, I'm gonna cum!" Travis kept at it. He was close to cumming as well. If he could get at his cock, he would have given it the few tugs it would have needed to ignite his balls.

Instead he bit harder, and pushed at Norm with all his effort.

"Uuuuggggggghhhh, Max, take my load. Ffffuuuccckkkk"

Norm's body trembled for a solid minute as he continued to pummel Travis and his seed poured into the boy's hole. His balls fired and fired trying to launch even more than they had produced.

When he was finished, he released Travis' ankles and let them unfold and drop to the bed. Norm's cock slipped out unceremoniously.

Before making eye contact with Travis, Norm leaned in and kissed him gently. Travis returned the kiss. The men knew the intense session was over. Max and Mr. Wilson were gone. The only evidence of their existence was the load inside of Travis and the bite marks on Norm's chest.

Norm pulled off the kiss and let his head rest on the bed, kissing Travis on the neck.

"That was amazing," Travis said as he let his hands slowly slide up and down the hot Aussie man's back.

Norm was relieved. It was the most intense session he had ever experienced. He had lost complete concern for his partner as he used him for his own pleasure. But, after, he began to worry that he had gone too far, had been too rough, but Travis alieved his fears.

The two men began to relax, but Travis still needed to cum. He didn't want to push Norm off of him, so he waited a bit longer hoping Norm would initiate the move. He didn't have to wait for that, as Shaun resolved the problem.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wilson, could you get off your rape victim. I've been hard for hours now watching you perverts take advantage of this innocent boy, and I want my turn," Shaun announced as he shook Norm.

All 4 men laughed while Norm and Coach independently threw mild punches into the brash one's chest.

"Ow! Ow! Truth hurts I guess." Shaun said as he watched Norm move and Travis get up.

Shaun continued:

"What do you have in store for me, Max?"

Travis was feeling a bit worn out, but his balls were full so he was driven to finally cum. He walked to the bottom of bed and crawled up on top of Shaun just as he did to Norm. "Well, Max is over at Jack's house. Jack is a senior and the stud quarterback on the high school football team. Max is only a sophomore and not an athlete, more of a bookworm. So much so, that he is there because the football coach sent him over to tutor Jack in his math class that Max was also in. Max had secretly lusted after Jack all year. Max couldn't believe he was given this opportunity to be alone with Jack in his bedroom and he had a plan to get fucked by the straight stud."

"I don't know much about American football, mate, I'm from Scotland, but I'm a stud, so I think I'll do just fine."

Coach and Norm both groaned. Travis got into character.

"OK, Jack, that's everything for class. I think you'll do fine on the test. So, coach just has one more thing on the list."

Shaun realized he had no idea how to do this, but he tried his best.

"Oh fuck, no, I don't want to do any more school work."

"Believe me, I don't want to do this either, but it's not school work. Go lie down on the bed."

"What? Why?" Shaun asked, curious to know both as Jack and himself.

"Coach wants me to give you a massage."

Travis paused then continued with the lie:

"I work with the trainer, too. I'm certified. Coach said you have been struggling in practice this week, and I should try to relax you."

"Oh OK." Shaun tried to hide his excitement. "This is kind of weird tho, I never got a massage from another guy."

"It's no big deal, now strip and lay on your back, I'll start on your front"

"Strip? What the fuck?"

"Umm, I mean your shirts and shorts, you can keep your boxers on I don't care."

"OK, Max. But actually I'm freeballin' under these shorts, so I guess you're gonna get a view of my junk."

"Oh great, just what I need." Travis said sarcastically.

Shaun was getting hard and wasn't sure if he should integrate it into the story. He was starting to get into it. Travis was as well. They seemed to be on the same page.

Travis decided to address the hard cock.

"Jack, you might get hard while I'm rubbing you, don't freak out, it just happens. Your body reacting to stimuli.

Shaun smiled at Travis' creativity, but stayed in character.

"Don't worry, Max, that won't happen to me, unless you grow a set of tits."

Travis gave a disturbed look at Shaun.

Shaun realized that was pretty bad, and mouthed "Sorry".

"Just close your eyes and relax."

Travis moved down to end of bed and started at Shaun's toes. As he moved up, he started talking to Shaun in a soothing voice.

"Just relax, Jack, feel my fingers melt the tension away.

Travis looked up at Shaun as he ran his hands up and down his legs. His cock was pointing straight up as was Shaun's. Travis wanted to wrap is lips around Shaun's mushroom head while he jacked. He was so ready to cum. But, he stayed in character, and continued the massage.

"Man, Jack, you are so strong. Your muscles are so solid. I massage most of the team, and you are definitely the strongest."

Shaun loved the compliments as if they were really directed at him.

"Well, I work hard to get it this way. No pain, no gain. Hey, Max, you should get into the gym sometime. You help me with school, I could help you in the gym."

"Really, Jack? You would do that?"

"Sure, Max, but I'd push you hard, just like you did today with that math."

Travis moved up and was now rubbing Shaun's stomach. His hands were very close to Shaun's cock but he was careful not to touch.

"OK, but I don't know what I'm doing, so you'll have to help me a lot."

"You'll do fine, I'll show you the ropes. You have a good body, you'll add muscle quick."

"You think so? I think I look weak."

"No, Max, you have a good body, just need a little more."

Travis was enjoying this conversation and could see where it could lead, but he was desperate to cum and was afraid this was going to take too long, so he changed conversation to get back to original plan.

"Oh man, Jack. Coach was right about you."

Shaun didn't know what Travis meant.

"What you mean?"

"He said you would be all tight. All wound up. Umm, he told me to do something if you were really bad. And you are really bad, but I don't think I can do it."

Shaun was intrigued. He remembered Travis said Max had a plan, and this must be it.

"what is it? If Coach said to do it, you better do it. He's a real hard ass."

"Yeah ok, well, ok, then close your eyes again."

Shaun rested his head back in anticipation. He was smiling tho because he was going to throw a twist.

Travis grabbed Shaun's cock and began to stroke. His own cock throbbed. He was so ready.

"What the fuck, Max, don't touch my dick!"

Shaun grabbed Travis' hand and pulled it off. It felt amazing and Shaun was ready too, but he liked getting control from Travis. He was gonna play hard to get.

Travis was hoping Shaun would play the part of the straight guy rejecting the fellow guy's hand, but didn't really expect it. Plus, Travis was super horny and Shaun's dick felt fantastic. So, Travis grabbed it again.

It was harder to resist the second time, but Shaun did his best.

"I mean it, Max, cut that shit out." Shaun said as he grabbed Travis's hand.

"Coach said you would resist."

Shaun let go of Travis's wrist.

"Coach told you to jack me off? No fucking way!"

"Yeah, Jack, I do it to half your teammates"

"Shut up!"

"You definitely have the best dick on the team."

Travis started to stroke harder as he thought of some of the high school football players he used to jack off to.

Shaun began thinking of his soccer (football) teammates and began naming some of them.

"You jacked off Billy, and Michael, and Niles, and Ewan, and Patrick?"

Travis loved hearing Shaun shout out names. "He's thinking about his old teammates too!" Travis thought to himself.

"Fuck yeah, Jack, they're all so fucking hot but not as perfect as you!"

"Oh? You like my dick huh, Max? You're like the team's cocksucker!"

Travis had a new idea, and hoped Shaun might pick up on it.

"No, Jack, I'm no cocksucker. Coach gets my tuition paid and I stroke a few dicks, that's it."

Shaun smiled, he knew Travis wanted to be forced again.

"Well, Max, today is a new day and I'm the star of the team, and you're gonna suck my cock."

"Fuck no Jack.I'll strok you, but I'm not sucking you."

"Yes, you are, and you're gonna love it."

Shaun reached up and grabbed Travis shoulders. Travis repositioned himself to line up with Shaun's cock but stopped short. Shaun used his strength to force him down. Travis resisted slightly, but opened up and took Shaun's cock in his mouth. Travis went all the way down to force himself to gag.

"No" he muttered.

"Come on Max, you know you love it."

Shaun forced him back down on his cock. Travis sucked long and deep savoring the boy's cock, but then forced himself further down to gag again.

"No, Jack, please."

Shaun loved the power Travis was giving him.

"Shut up Max and suck my cock."

Shaun pushed Travis down again. Travis sucked a little longer before pulling off again. The two boys kept this up until Travis was now sucking long and hard. Travis was ready to explode. Without saying anything, Travis repositioned himself to mount Shaun's hard cock.

"What the fuck Max, what are you doing?"

Travis didn't want to play the game anymore, he wanted to get fucked. Travis didn't say anything, but continued to get into position. "Oh, so Max who doesn't suck the team's cock, takes it up the ass from the team, huh?"

"No, Jack, umm I just thought you'd want to."

"No, Max, I'm not sticking my dick in you." Shaun grabbed his cock and pulled it away from Travis.

"Please, Jack," Travis said as he grabbed at Shaun's cock.

"Oh Max, you're gonna have to do better than that."

"Please Jack, fuck me."

Shaun just looked away.

"Please, Jack, fuck me. Stick your big, juicy cock in me."

Shaun giggled.

"You little slut. I bet the whole team fucks you."

"No, I swear. But, I've been dreaming about getting fucked by you all year. I lied about all this, Coach didn't tell me to do this and I don't do it for your teammates. I just want your cock so bad. You don't know how hard it has been sitting next you in class, smelling you, seeing you smile and flirt with all the girls, never once ever noticing me. Sometimes, I'd see your cock get hard in class. I wanted it so bad."

Travis had gone way deep, spilling his true thoughts of his high school days. He lusted after the real Jack, but never getting close to him.

Shaun wasn't sure what to do with that little speech. He knew there had to have been a real Jack, and was guessing that Travis never said that to him. It brought back the painful memories of having to hide his feelings and desires for Shaun too. He would have loved to hear those words from one of his classmates that he secretly lusted after.

Shaun knew it was time to fuck. He leaned up and kissed Travis.

"The real Jack missed out on you, Travis, that was his loss," Shaun said, ending the fantasy and bringing them both back to reality.

Shaun lay back down and Travis mounted him. Both young men were ready. There was no more talk of Jack, but Travis still had the real Jack in his head. Travis pictured himself riding the young stud in the classroom.

Travis rode Shaun hard. The intensity filled the room. Coach and Norm both rose up to their knees and began kissing Travis. While one kissed Travis on the lips, the other kissed his neck and chin, running his tongue over the dark stubble that was showing.

Travis grabbed each man's dicks as if they were grips of an exercise machine. With the added stability, Travis focused on his own pleasures. Shaun was deep inside him and Travis could feel his muscles clenching around the solid shaft. Travis began to guide Shaun's cock had that was driving up and down aimlessly to its target. Travis was getting better at stoking the fire that burned inside him and now had Shaun's willing cock head poking at the flames.

"Oh fuck, Shaun, there it is. You got it, fuck me there. Oh god yes! Don't stop. Aaaah fuck!"

The two men stopped their kissing and watched Travis work himself into a frenzy. The angelic looking boy had transformed into a wild beast and he was ready to destroy anything in its path.

Travis let go of the men's cocks and took his in own dripping, throbbing cock in his hand. He didn't need any more assistance than Shaun's cock which he was expertly controlling inside his used hole.

Shaun was rhythmically thrusting his hips. His eyes were closed as he thought of his younger days and all his former teammates that he would love to have fucked. The studs still in their gear, stained with grass and sweat, riding Shaun's cock while others fed his mouth with their cocks.

Travis had picked up the pace and was now grunting and panting loudly which brought Shaun back from his younger days. He saw the fire in Travis' eyes and knew he was about to get painted. He didn't change his motion as it was definitely working for Travis and Shaun was not going to mess it up. Shaun saw the men's hard dicks and was now craving to have his mouth stuffed.

"Gimme those cocks, Daddies. Let Travis do his thing."

Coach and Norm skooched over so their cocks dangled in front of Shaun's face. Shaun instantly grabbed them and began sucking them.

"Yes, Daddies, fed me your cocks," Shaun said as he switched from one to the other.

Sudden;y, the room was filled with Travis' bellow.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh" was all that came out, but the other three knew what it meant. What they saw tho, was unbelievable.

Travis usually unloaded large amounts and at impressive velocity, but this far exceeded his normal output.

He angled his dick towards Shaun's face but the first shot whizzed past Shaun and splashed hard against the wall. Coach felt some of the blow back spray against his hip. Fire two was a similar laser that hit to the left of the first shot which caused the backsplash to catch Norm's leg.

Even in the throws of this powerful orgasm, Travis had the presence of mind to tilt his dick up. His third shot went higher into the air and came crashing down on Shaun's forehead. Shaun's face then took a barrage of hits as Travis unloaded five or six more forceful ahots before they began to lose some steam.

The two men qyuickly went to work, wiping their dicks in Travis' steamy, white cum and stuffing them into Shaun's mouth.

Travis wasn't done yet, but he was npw just extending his orgasm by driving down onto Saun's cock every few seconds. Each time Shaun's cock landed back into the pit of the fire, Travis would grunt and a little more cum would pop out of his cock and his body would tremble.

Shaun had stopped thrusting and was now focusing on devouring cock and cum. Coach and Norm were battling to get their dick in further, and now Shaun often had both man dicks in his mouth at once.

Travis slowed his pace, pausing almost five seconds now. Cum was only dribbling out now, but his body was still reacting strongly each time Shaun's cock hit its mark.

Travis couldn't take too much more, but wanted to feel the hot, young man's cum mix with the men's cum inside him. He leaned down and kissed Shaun. His lips mostly landing on the men's cocks, but it caught Shaun's attention.

"Fill me with your cum, stud. I'll help you with these cocks."

"Fuck yes, Trav, I'm gonna dump deep inside you," Shaun said as he grabbed Travis' hips and began to pound the other boy.

Travis grunted and shook as his orgasm came back to life but almost painful as it extended.

It didn't take long and just as Shaun announced he was cumming, Coach began to grunt. Not to be out done, Norm shouted,

"Oh fuck, me too!"

Travis took Coach's cock into his mouth and gobbled up the little bit of cum Coach was able to generate.

"Aaaahhh yes," Shaun said as he began to paint Travis' insides.

Norm took advantage of Shaun's open mouth and fired a few decent shots in before his spigot began to dribble what remained in his over-worked balls.

When Shaun finally stopped fucking Travis, Travis collapse onto Shaun. Travis was drenched in sweat and Shaun enjoyed the feel of the drips of Travis' smooth skin fall onto him. Norm and Coach lay back down next to the sexy, spent boys. Coach tossed his left hand onto Travis' back and slowly ran his hand through the little beads of sweat. Norm caressed the boy's perfect ass cheeks wishing he could take this sex machine home to Australia with him.

Shaun had so many things he wanted to say, but exhaustion and bliss left him speechless. Cum was drying on his face and what felt like another gallon was pooling between his and Travis' stomachs.

The stillness that began to permeate was quickly interrupted by a phone alarm which startled the four.

"That's mine." Travis announced as he dragged himself off of Shaun. The other 3 paid it no mind and settled back in.

Travis followed the sound of his phone, finding it in his pocket. He turned it off and looked at the screen which displayed 6:00 am.

"We literally just fucked the night away," Travis said. When he didn't get a reaction from his cohorts, he looked up to see that they were all fast asleep.

He took a quick picture of the three, sexy men and then made his to the shower.

That's it for Chapter 10. Stay tuned for Chapter 11. I'll try to get final chapter out quickly.

Thanks for the many emails, as I picked up a few new readers. I'm enjoying the follow up conversations.

Feel free to email me with comments. –JC

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Next: Chapter 11

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