Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Sep 4, 2000


Chapter 8 of Coaches assistant.

<< Ok when I wrote chapter 7 I didn't expect to need such long time to get going again with chapter 8. I had a long and hot summer and I am full of new idea's to continue so I expect chapter 9 very soon. For all you who missed the first 7 chapters look at the nifty's archive or get in contact with me. For now let's go on with the story>>

It was a walk of almost 20 minutes to the doctor's house. I saw that there were some lights on in the house. I saw my bicycle standing at the side of the door. I thought about just taken it and drove away. But I knew that that would mean that Mike would punish me more.

Then slowly I walked up the stairs and slowly pushed the doorbell. I waited a moment and when the light in the hall went on I turned around and lowered my pants. I heard how the door was opened but I didn't look to see who was answering. I just heard a good laugh and after what I believed was more than a minute the person who answered said: 'Ok, Mike did a good first job you can leave now'.

When I heard the voice I knew whom it was, the doc had answered the door. I turned around to see him but at that moment the door was already closed.

I got my bike and drove home. My brother Dave was not in so I went up straight away to my bedroom. Who could ever dreamed of what was happening to me, by just becoming the assistant coach.

I was tired from the work out so I went to sleep right away.

I woke up with a hard on and a sore bottom. How that happened was clearly on mind in a minute or so after I woke up.

I stepped out of bed and walked toward the mirror I turned around so that I could see the damage that Mike had done to it. It was still red butt there were no marks on it. Then it stroked me I had to wear the jockstrap today to school and there was practice later that day. I hoped my butt would not be as red as it was now.

I dressed and then started to pack my bag. I found the bottle Mike had give me and then remembered the assignment he gave me. I better do as told and went back to the bed. I pulled my trousers down and started to stroke my hard raging cock.

Just thinking about last night standing there in front of mike wanking my dick made me come in a few moments. Just in time I got the bottle and made sure that all the cum was flowing in there. I quickly put the bottle in the last drawer of my closet and walked downstairs. I was a little late and both Dad and David were already gone. I better make sure to be awake earlier tomorrow or Dad and David would start making jokes about me being lazy.

When I arrived at school I just wasn't feeling quite happy. I didn't talk with any one before lunch. I sat down at a table all alone and after a few moments David, Brian and Francis put their tabloids on the other side.

'I Nick, Brain said' How are you, everything ok with you'

'Yea I am fine Brian'

I hardly dared to look at Francis. He still looked like everything I ever wanted in a guy. Great body, perfect smile and does eyes. I could just sank right in to them. I didn't realise it but when Brian spoke again I was right back to the real world.

'He, Nick, you are staring. I don't think Francis likes that'

My face turned red and I just looked down to my plate.

'Well no problem Nick, I like to daydream a lot myself so don't worry about it.'

The answer of Francis made it at least possible to look at my brother again and very slowly to Francis. I knew I had to say something.

'Yea I am sorry Francis but I was just thinking about a book I red yesterday'

'Well, that is fine with me, but Brian can't you be a little more supportive towards Nick. I find it very good that he is trying to be the best substitute he can be for the gymteam. Is he always like that Nick?'

'Well most of the time' I said with a grim on my face looking at David.

'Well why are brothers else for' David answered back.

During the rest of the lunch we talked some more nothing special but it was the first time I had a chance to really talk to Francis. I know that was not the meaning of David, he wanted me to be embarrassed somehow during lunch. It seemed that we had the same kind of books we liked to reed, about fantasy and SF. We gave each other some good advise on books we liked and had read. And in the end Francis walked away saying that he would love to talk some more about reading books with me in the future.

That was like heaven for me, but when the bell rang for the next period I started to remember that I had practice at the end of the day and I started to worry again about my buttocks.

I was one of the first to enter in the locker room and I started to change into my training suite. So only one or two of the team so me in my jockstrap. No remarks were made and I was already changed when Mike entered.

I walked into the gymnasium and started to do a little warming up. My farther walked towards me and told me that today I was going to try to stick up with the rest of the team and that he had another 30 minutes after practice for me to work on my techniques.

Everything went ok during the next hour I tried to do my best and keep up with the guys. I failed almost every exercise but I could see that there was a lot of approval for me in the team for just trying it.

At the end of the session I stayed with my dad for some extra tips on my technique so I didn't spend a moment with Mike that day. In fact it was Thursday so I didn't have to see him until Friday.

We went home together and I went straight to my room. When I entered I saw that the bottle was standing at the same place. I then remembered that I had to produce some more cum or I wouldn't reach the amount Mike ordered for.

That evening I masturbated myself at least another 4 times and then though that I had the appropriate amount in the bottle for that day. The last time I hooked my computer on to the net and looked at the pics Mike made of me peeing in my trousers.

I slept quite well that night and woke up in the morning with a hard on despite the four wanks I had done the evening before. I was starting to masturbate again. I felt not as nice as it usual did my dick started to feel a little different from all that wanking. I caught my cum in the bottle again and started to dress.

Today we had no gym but I would have to go with Mike after school to do some more work. When I came downstairs my dad and David were already sitting at the breakfast table. I got my chair and sat down. We did some small talk and when I was almost finished my dad said:

'Next game is in a little more than a week, you better make sure you have some official gear to wear during the meet. Maybe David can come along with you tomorrow and find the suitable stuff'

'Do I have to dad' David answered him ' I have already made plans for tomorrow with my friends'

'Well some one has to help him, if you can find some one else to that is fine by me'

'I will find some one David said and otherwise he can always come with us and we will first start with a visit at the mall'

I had no roll in that conversation and just waited to see what happened.

I went together with David to school. We talked about nothing special and when we arrived we went separate ways.

I just did my classes during the morning hours and when lunchtime came I had already had it for that morning.

Nothing special happened during the rest of the afternoon and also during Gym there were no special events. Finally the day was over and when I walked towards my bike I saw that Mike was standing there already.

'Hi Nick, you are ready for it'

'Yes Mike lets get out of here'

' I will not forget that boy, now get out of here I will take your bike with me. You have exactly 15 minutes to get to my place. I will leave the door open'

'Yes Mike'

I started running of the school grounds towards Mike's house. I knew 15 minutes was almost impossible but I tried to do my best. When I arrived I thought I just made it I saw that the door was opened. I walked down the cellar door and opened it.

'Is that you Nick' Mike called.

'Yes Mike'

'Ok change into the clothes I put ready for you and come down'

I looked around and saw that there was a very small T-shirt with no sleeves lying on the ground together with a gymnastic short. I looked around to see if there was any underwear but I couldn't find it.

I changed quickly and the shorts felt kind of funny against my naked skin. The thought that those were of Mike made my dick already hard.

"Ok Nick come over here'. While I walked towards Mike I saw his camera flashing. He was making new photos of me.

' Ok put the bottle on the table and go and stand in the corner'

'What bottle' I asked.

'Oh you are not going to tell me that you have forgotten the bottle with cum do you'

'Oh shit Mike I am sorry I left it at home'

' You better get over in that corner quickly'

I did as I was told and I saw a big smile on Mike's face.

' So how many times did you disobey me today Nick'

'Once, I guess by not bringing the bottle with me Mike'

' No Nick, you disobey me in total 5 times today'

'What I hardly see you today'

'Yea but I told you yesterday little slut that you had to call me Sir or Master Mike instead of Mike. So that are three violations in total today. You deserve a fine spanking for that boy'

And before I could stand up or even take a deep breathe I felt Mikes hand on my buttocks. Thank god I had still the short on. But the Smacks came hard and quick and soon I felt that my buttock started to become hot and painful.

' You are lucky that I put the shorts at the top of the stairs because if I had new that you were being this obedient I would have put the jockstrap ready. But this means I will have a chance to do try something new'

My buttocks had a few moments of rest while I heard how mike was looking somewhere in his room for something. I just waited and was afraid to turn around. Then the sound of something gaining speed reached my ears and a small second later I felt how a kind of wooden thing smashed by buttocks. I yelped a little but I had almost no time because Mike started to let the smacks follow each other very quickly.

'How does that feel' Mike asked.

'Please stop Mike,' I begged.

'Ok because you begged Nick you are going to have 10 more and 20 more because you forgot something. To learn you're lesson a bit better you say after each smack Thank you Sir Mike'.

Dammed I though forgot it again. Then he started now crossing the surface then on my left buttock and then on my right each time I had to say Thank you Sir Mike.

After 7 or 8 times I could no longer hold it and started to cry.

There seems no end in this 30 smacks but then just when I started to think that I could not sit again for at least a few days if he would not stop soon Mike said; 'Ok and that was thirty. Now stay standing like this and when I say pull the shorts down'.

I did as told and noticed the flashes again from his camera.

He took some 6 or 7 photo's before he put the camera aside and came to stand beside me.

'Ok that will almost do for now. To make up for all that crying and to make sure that you cum enough I want you to turn around and start pulling you dick.'

I turned around and started to pull my dick as told. I saw that Mike got his camera again from the table and while I was turning my excitement from the spanking into a relaxing rhythm with a perfect cum shot he made some photo's of me. Some close by and some from a distance.

When he saw that I was almost coming to an end he started to focus more and more on my dick. With three gigantic splashed I came. The flashlight went several times.

'Ok now clean up and we will start with our training session. Your assignments you will get before you leave.'

' With what I have to clean Master Mike, I see no towel or so'

Just in time I remembered to call him Master Mike.

'You can use the T-shirt you are wearing Nick'

I started to rub the area around my cock clean with the T-shirt I was wearing. Some of the splashed landed on it so it didn't matter if there came more on.

We started with the training session, a lot of weight lifting and push-ups for the next hour or so. We talked about school and the next meet which would be in a little more than one week.

'Ok just one more time and then we have done enough exercise for this evening Nick'

We worked the routine for one more time.

'Ok well go and sit on the other side of my bed boy. You still need two penalties for not bringing the bottle of cum with and for not being on time here. I have though for that over the last hour and I guess I have found the perfect solution for that. You are coming along with us tomorrow I heard from David to buy some gymnastic outfit isn't it.'

'Yes Mike, my father suggested that I needed some help with that and ordered David to do so tomorrow'

'Well help you are going to get. I want you to write down in a moment which size shirt and trouser you have. Tomorrow you will go straight to the dressingroom in the shop to save time and I will get the singlet and two trousers you need to buy. You try out first the singlet and then the trousers one by one. Each time you will come out of the dressingroom to look in the mirror to see if it fits. If nobody of the guys is around you ask for the nearest one to come and decide if it fits or not. Is that clear so far'.

'Yea I guess so Master Mike. But I am a little bit afraid to do this. Would it not be strange to come outside if there are mirrors inside the dressingrooms to'.

' No you don't have to be afraid for that because there are no mirrors inside'

'Ok then this should be fine I guess.'

It would be hard to stand outside the dressingroom only wearing the singlet especially but well Mike was the master and it would not be that horrible.

' I have only one more thing for you Nick, because I have to gave you two penalties I want to make it a little bit more difficult.'

He got something from the other side of his bed and hands it to me.

'This is what I want you to wear when you change into the other gear.'

I looked strangely at the thing he gave me in the hand and tried to figure out what it was. It looked like a normal small band, about 10-cm long.

'I can see you don't know what it is Nick. You have to wear that around the base of your cock and balls. It will push them a little more forward and when you get a hard one it will stay hard.'

'Ah shit Mike please no'

'Well it is your choice Nick that or the photo's around school I will see tomorrow what you're choice has been. To end this evening session I want you to come once more, because you forgot twice to address me perfect. Also don't forget to fill the bottle with enough cum during the weekend boy.'

'Yes Master Mike'

With that I started to stroke my cock again this time it took me some more time to get it hard and to cum but at last some more cum splashed on the T-shirt.

'Ok get out of here now, change into your own gear when you leave'

That was the last words of him before I left. I slowly changed my clothes and walked home. I knew I had to produce more cum tonight because otherwise the bottle would not be full enough. It was not fare that Mike had made me cum twice that evening. It would make it harder for me to get enough in the bottle.

At home I quickly got under the shower and back into my room where I started to think about tomorrow. I found the band in my bag and got it out. I slowly taped it around my cock and balls and started to stroke again. My dick and balls where much more standing forward so that would be difficult tomorrow. I better make sure that it will not be getting stiff while I am changing.

But the band made it easier to cum again and this time I made sure that it was all collected in the bottle. My dickhead was red from pulling three times that evening and I knew I had to start it up again at least two or three times before we were leaving to the mall.

With that in mind I slowly felt a sleep dreaming about the day of tomorrow. .......

Well that is all for now. Chapter 9 will be there very soon. Please let me know if I should go on and what you like about the story so far. My email is or by ICQ 36967366

Next: Chapter 9

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