Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Oct 17, 2006


Ok this is the fore last chapter, hope you will enjoy it. If you want to contact me use . You can find more of my stories at

When I'd done another turn, I started to unbutton my shirt, slowly showing him my chest. I moved closer and clasped his hands in mine and moved them over my body slowly. I slid ny body down against his, then quickly stood up, pushed myself back, and slowly took my shirt off. People were whistling, something they wouldn't have done in the past but now, with all the training of the last year, I knew my body had started to develop quite nicely.

I took a step back and took another turn around him, ending up with my back towards him. Once again, I slowly slid down along his body. I bent over and felt my pants tighten against my ass. As I slowly raised myself up again, I'd taken his hands in mine again and now, ever so slowly, moved them over my ass. Although I had to encourage him at first, I let go when I felt him starting to rub them by himself.

The music slowed down again ... it was time for the final moves, I thought. I moved forward a bit and turned around with a smile which became bigger when I saw he was quite flushed. He was blushing like hell. I swirled around again a few times and then, when I ended up standing in front of him, I moved my hand towards my zipper, opening it slowly. When I looked up, I saw his eyes were fixated on my zipper. When it was opened, I slipped my hand in and rubbed it seductively a few times. I heard more cheers from the crowd. I took my hand out and now slowly started to lower my pants. I was close to Francis ... not a lot of people would see anything ... but, still, it was a bit daring, I guess. When my white boxer briefs started to show, I heard Francis whisper, "stop, Nick," in a breathless voice.

But the music continued and I knew I wasn't ready to stop yet. I stepped back again, now with just the band of my boxers showing. I did some slick moves and got back to Francis's lap again. My back towards him, I started to lower my pants at the back. I could feel his eyes on my boxers. When they were almost at the bottom of my ass, I could feel his hands touch my ass. Feeling the warmth of his hand through the cotton did a lot to my arousal and my dick started to grow. I knew the music was almost finished. I stepped back again, my pants still down in back but, on my front, still covering most of my undies. I looked into his eyes and, as I moved closer to him again, I slowly pushed my pants down, showing more and more of my boxers. First the top of my hard dick, pushing out the front of my boxers, came into view ... then, slowly, more and more of my crotch came into view. I was now so close that I almost sat in lap, with my crotch at his belly area.

I could feel how he'd pushed his tummy forward, trying either to rub it with his body or to conceal it from others.

I felt unlike anything I'd felt before ... totally his ... making him smile ... happy, horny, glowing ... all at the same time. Then, when the last chords of the second song started, I sat down, my pants now lowered more ... slowly, on the last notes of the music, I moved my hips against hiss and felt our hardnesses touching each other. Our eyes were locked together and slowly we moved closer and closer until I could reach his lips and we were locked in a passionate kiss.

Later, I heard that several guys had to turn around, as it was just too hot for them to watch ... but, at that point, I only had eyes and ears for him ... the one I loved ... the one to whom I was dedicated completely.

When I heard the music transition into the third, slower number, we broke our kiss. I stood up and pulled my pants up, trying to get my zipper around my very hard dick. I looked at him and said, "one more to go, Francis!" It was a slow song and we started to dance to it, very close ... moving very slowly. Our eyes were locked together ... sometimes our lips would brush against each other ... but our bodies stayed as close as they could. I felt his hardness either pressing against mine or just touching one of my legs.

Slowly starting to come back to the real world after that seductive dance, I saw that more people had joined in now. It was a passionate lovers' dance, for sure.

When the music finally stopped, we slowly walked off the dance floor without saying too much ... but when I wanted to sit down, Francis moved closer and said, "Thanks, Nick! That was amazing ... but, if you ever do that again ... be prepared to be jumped there and then on the spot."

I laughed a little. I knew exactly what he meant. If we'd have been home, I knew what would have followed. But now, friends of ours moved closer and, although some referred to the dance number, most just seemed to cherish the thought of the love we'd shared on the dance floor.

We stayed for quite a while but didn't feel like dancing any more ... although several people tried to get us out on the dance floor. It felt too much like cheating after that, so we didn't accept any of the invitations.

We left around 1 p.m. I felt like I was floating on a high. I knew I was drunk but it was a pleasant level of inebriation. Now, I'd planned for more interesting things when we got home but I hadn't taken the effect alcohol into account. Francis was a bit slower coming to bed and, even before he came to bed, I think I was asleep.

I slowly became aware of daylight when I woke up. With the sun streaming into the room, it wasn't easy to come to grips with the morning. Opening my eyes was not the most enjoyable thing to do. I moved a bit to try and get out of the direct sunlight. I felt Francis beside me. A smile came to my face. I opened my eyes more eagerly now and looked straight into his eyes.

"Good morning, sleepy head," he said.

"Morning to you! How long have you been awake?"

"Hmm ... half an hour or so."

"You didn't want to wake me?"

"No. I was just enjoying watching you wake up slowly. I saw you slowly gain consciousness for the last 15 minutes. You really have a routine in waking up, you know."

I laughed. "Well, I'm sure not aware of having been awake mire than a minute or two ... so I'm not sure what I was doing for the other 12."

"That is my secret and I'm definitely not going to tell you."

"You enjoyed last night, Francis?"

"Definitely. It was nice to talk with all our friends. We've hardly had any time to do that over the last few days. I was definitely very surprised at what you did, dancing like that."

"Hmm ... yea ... did I go a bit too far?"

"No ... I think you kept it on the edge of being decent, Nick ... but it was good that some parts of your dancing were done very close to me. I'm pretty sure, if it'd gone on much longer, I'd not have been able to keep my hands off you. You got me all horned up, you know."

I smiled. "Oh, did I?"

"Yea ... and I think you were pretty hard, too."

"Sorry that I fell asleep ...I'd planned other stuff."

"That was OK, Nick. We needed the sleep ... it'd been a long day yesterday."

"So, what are we going to do tonight?" I asked innocently.

"No! Stop trying. You didn't manage to get any information yesterday ... nor will you today."

"OK! What time do you want me ready to leave?"

"Around 5 p.m. or so."

"Good! That'll give me some time to do some sketching this afternoon, if that's OK by you."

"Yea, that sounds OK. We just need to get Steve and the others out of here.

Damn! It's nearly 12. We'd better get a move on."

I stumbled out of bed. "Hmm ... they still look good," Francis observed as he stared admiringly towards my boxer briefs.

"No time, Francis! We need to get up."

"Oh, I've been up," he said with arched eyebrows, "so all we have to do is get you moving!"

"No, Francis," I said in mock exasperation. "Come on ... get up."

As I pulled the sheets away, I saw Francis's hard cock in his black briefs. I heard the door opening behind me.

"Oh, damn! I thought you two would at least be decent by now," Jordan said as he walked in.

"Hmm ... heavy party last night?" he asked while looking at my face.

"Well, I can't say you look much better, Jordan. Just give us a few minutes to shower and we'll be down, OK?"

"Are you sure that'll be a good idea? We don't have all day, you know ... and you both look like you have other things on your mind!"

I threw my t-shirt at him and loudly said, "Get out if you don't want to see any more. We'll be down soon"

"OK! I'm getting out ... but if you're not down in 15 minutes, we'll come up ... all of us," he threatened.

"Yea, yea ... go away!"

"Hmm ... it seems that, after last night, they want a show, Nick. Shall we just wait and see what happens?"

"OK, that's enough! I'm out of here!" He shut the door behind him and we heard him laughing as he went downstairs.

"I guess we'd better hurry."

We showered quickly and got dressed. When we arrived in the kitchen, everyone (Steve, Jordan, Peter, Andrew, David and my dad) were sitting around the table, having some sandwiches with tea or coffee.

"Good morning, sleepy heads," dad said.

"Oh, I've been awake for some time! It was Nick who's the sleepy head this morning."

"Yea, yea ... let's get this over with ... what do we need to do this morning?" I said, trying to change the subject.

Jordan looked at Steve and Peter, who giggled a bit. .

"To start with," Peter said, "I think you need to go and find an agent, Nick. You could make a fortune, dancing like that."

I blushed and said, "Oh, you think so? Would you pay for another dance, Peter?"

"No, he won't," Francis said before Peter could answer. "He'll only dance like that for me in private from now on."

"OK! I guess I'll hear about that later," dad said, looking sternly at me. "But, from now on, let's keep to the business at hand. There were two things I think you wanted to discuss this morning if I understood, Nick? Peter?"

"Yes ... how to handle the TV and newspaper interviews and Steve's last article. But I think that second item is essentially between Nick and Steve. But we have to decide on the content of the statement Nick said you thought about releasing concerning yesterday's court decision"

"Yea, that sums it up. We thought it might be best to release a short statement. I hoped that that would be enough to get everyone off our backs."

"It might help, I think ... but we need to focus on equal rights and the importance of the `professional teaching program' in both the interviews. We discussed this last night at the party and we think that Steve and Jordan should do both interviews. They were petty much in the midst of everything that happened, and they know what proposals we had for both ideas. I think we just need to make some rough sketches of our ideas. Maybe we could work in groups for an hour or so on each of the subjects and see what we had and then massage them into final form."

"Sounds like a plan. Maybe you and I can prepare our statement first and Steve and Nick can work out their article ... then the others could focus on the programs and, when we're finished, we can join them."

"OK, let's do that and make sure something good comes out of this."

Over the next hour, we worked on it and I think we got the results we wanted. Steve had already prepared half of his article and he just had a few questions which he wanted me to answer so he could finish it. He had written a very positive ending ... I guess it was also inspired by my good mood, which I still was in from yesterday.

Peter had several phone calls during the hour and, when we broke up to discuss our next steps, he said he first wanted to discuss which TV program would interview those involved in the successful sit-in. He had two invitations from regional networks and two more from national programs. He though it'd be best to go for the Oprah Winfrey show, as that was the most watched program in our target audience.

We took another half hour to finalize all the details. Jordan and Steve needed to leave, as otherwise they wouldn't be on time. Peter and Andrew were going along for support and to arrange anything that might be needed.

"OK, since we've sorted out my part, I'm going up to my room to do some sketching if that's fine with you, Francis."

"Yea, go for it. Let me know when you're ready to go out."

"Sure ... I'll give a yell when I'm ready."

"OK ... see you later."

I stood up and gave him a kiss. I got my sketch book and looked out of the window. At first I didn't know what to draw but, after ten minutes or so of focusing on the tranquilizing images from the garden, my pencil just started to sketch something. Somehow, I was sketching Francis ... my love. I stopped after a time and looked around to see if I could find something bigger to use. I needed more room, I thought. I found a big piece of A2 white paper and put it on the desk. It nearly fitted. I looked again at the garden and began sketching Francis again.

My mind wandered as I drew all afternoon. It went back over the last few weeks, trying to come to grips with everything that had happened ... the trial to start with. It had definitely not been as easy as it could have been ... especially with the smear campaign outside the courtroom. That was not something I'd expected. But, then again, I'd dealt with it with the support of my shrink. I was glad that I'd taken the stand and given testimony, as that experience had also helped me to process it all. Looking back further, I felt it had started out as a bit of play between two youngsters but the shrink had been right ... it had gotten out of hand quite quickly. It might have been fun, playing with Mike, if the doctors hadn't been involved ... though later, I realized, Mike had a rather perverse mind, too.

But still ... the question was ... why had I done it in the first place? Why had I gotten so excited by submissive sex? That I still didn't know. I had worked on it with the shrink a few times but, still, I found it very difficult to deal with. It seems that my hormones just went into overdrive when I was being humiliated. It wasn't anything that I'd be able to work out in the future, either ... I knew that. I'd come to the point where I accepted it. Best of all, I was slowly starting to recognize the feelings when it happened ... like those few minutes in the courtroom, just before the verdict was read. But, still, I'd not recently come into a situation where my hormones might take over. During the last few weeks, though, I'd felt that I might be able to handle such a situation a lot better than I had before. I knew the feelings weren't bad ... they were just there and I had to deal with them. Maybe one day I'd be able to explain it a bit better and raise it with Francis. But at the moment I had no idea if he'd get it or not. If only he could understand how it made me feel! I knew I could trust him ... and there would be a day for sure that I'd need to bring it up with him ... as it wasn't something that I just could let go. The shrink had said that those submissive feelings could evolve in a way that they could be used in sexual foreplay without any problem ... as long as they were part of a loving, equal relationship without pressure. We'd just leave that discussion for another time. For now, I thought it was time just to get our relationship into a more stable flow for a while.

For Francis it had been a rough year, too ... not only in dealing with all that had happened with me ... but also the things with his dad and Brian. Both situations seemed to have been resolved quite nicely. His mom was now a regular guest in our house, and Brian and Andy had become good friends of ours. I think they were beginning to see new aspects of each other, which only matured their relationship.

All in all, his experiences had had some positive effects on us as well. We'd come through without too many problems. Most of our friends had responded positively to what had happened, and the fact that the students of the school had stood behind us 100 per cent was even more of a surprise. They faced realities and they came down generally on our side. It was not only something positive for us but I think it would also make our school into a more positive learning environment. We had gained some new friends ... some would be easy to stay in contact with ... some might be a bit more difficult ... but all had shown a definite interest in staying friends over a longer period.

Last but definitely not least ... there was the gymnastic experience we'd had over the past year. It had been a genuine surprise that I'd come out on top. And with Alexei around, I knew for sure that David and Francis would try to go a lot further than they were now in the sport. As for me ... I didn't know if it would be a career I wanted to follow or not. I'd at least give it another go at school for another year but I had other cravings ... cravings to let my creative juices flow ...for example, in my sketching. I was surprised it'd been so easy to pick up after so many years. I had the skills and the talent ... I knew that. Mom had made sure they were nourished and exercised ... but after she left, it had been difficult for me to pick them up again. So it was good I had done so ... it showed I had reopened another part of my life.

Looking ahead, there would be a lot of things changing in the next year. I knew that Susan and my dad would want to marry within a few months. They wouldn't wait very long, I was sure. Kathy and David would go off soon, too, and would live at Kathy place. I'm not sure what Susan and dad would do but, in any case, I'd gain another brother as I suspected James would move in with us, too. I didn't see him going off with Alexei yet ... although they were becoming a steady couple, I could see that.

So, together with exams and just trying to keep up with everything that was happening around me, I had enough to worry about ... but I was just happy that yesterday had gone so well. Everything would be back to normal as soon as possible. I looked up at the sketch that I now had almost finished. Yea, it was a good one, I thought. I looked into the eyes that I had seen that morning when I woke up. It was a perfect Francis, lying on the bed, watching me waking up ... the covers just half way over his slim, well-muscled body ... just preventing him from showing to much ... his hair falling half way over his forehead. He had been so incredibly good for me over the last year. He'd really become my life partner. There was no way that I could imagine life without him ... not even for a short time ... although I knew somewhere deep in my heart that that probably would happen over the next few years as our careers took us in different directions.

But that was for the future. Now it was time to think about tonight. Francis hadn't told me what we were doing. I loved and hated surprises at the same time ... so I guess we'd see what happened.

I look at the clock and realized that it was time to have a shower and get dressed. I had no idea where Francis was, as I hadn't seen him all afternoon. I asked dad but he said he didn't know where he'd gone either. I just had to wait and see.

I got dressed in dark blue trousers, a nice red shirt, and a dark blue blazer. I'd put some dark blue streaks in my hair and was ready to be seen in public. During my shower, I'd thought about the last chat with my shrink but decided we'd just have to wait and see what happened.

When the doorbell rang I got up to open it. "Nervous?" my dad asked when he saw me run to answer it.

I just smiled at him and he said, "If that's Francis, go and have fun tonight. You deserve it."

"Thanks, dad ... you, too."

He blushed. I knew he had a date with Susan.

I opened the door but Francis wasn't there. It was a guy in some kind of uniform.

"Yes?" I said.

"Are you Nick?"

"Yea, that's me."

"Good. Francis asked me to pick you up. Will you follow me?"

I followed him to the front of the house and there, just a bit further on, stood a limo.

"Can you tell me where we're going?" I asked as I got into the car.

"Sorry, Nick. I'm not allowed to tell you, but I can say that it should take us around 30 minutes to get there. You can have a drink ... put on some music ... or watch some TV if you want."

Wow, I thought. This is nice! He closed the door behind me and I looked around to see the interior. There was a small bar and beside that a small TV set. On the seat beside me was an envelope.

I looked at it closely. My name was typed on the outside. I picked it up and opened it. There was a card in it. I recognized Francis's handwriting.

Who else, I thought, and I smiled at myself. He'd gone to great lengths and expense to organize this. I opened the card and read.

For my sweet love,

I know you're wondering what is going on and where you are going. I just ask you to trust me as I can promise that we'll have a wonderful evening together. I've had this planned for quite some time now. I was a bit worried that it might be overshadowed by everything that has been going on lately. I think we're both pleased that this unhappy episode can now be set to rest.

So you might wonder why I've planned such a special date. Well, today is a special day for me, Nick: a year ago today my life changed, as I laid my eyes on you for the first time. I'm not sure if you'd seen me at school before we met in the gym. I'd seen you, and I knew then that I'd found my soulmate. I know I didn't want to recognize that at first, as I was startled by the immediacy of the feelings I felt ... but, looking back, I'm glad I did.

So, in thanks, I want to give you a special evening ... just for us ... to celebrate that we met ... and have come to love each other ... and have so much to look forward to in the future. Relax and enjoy the ride.

With love,

Your Francis

P. S. Don't drink too much yet ... but I can highly recommend a bit of the rose to start the evening off. It should be chilling.

Ok now just one last chapter to go, how will things turn out where do they meet up. If you want to contact me use . You can find more of my stories at

Next: Chapter 73

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