Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Apr 5, 2000


Chapter 7 of Coaches Assistant

I waited outside the house were the events took place. I was hoping that it wouldn't take Mike to long before he was coming outside. I really didn't know what I was getting into. Now that I looked back what I had done that evening I was not sure if I could go on with it.

But then there was Mike he knew now what I did during exam and I was sure that he had the nerve to tell for example to my brother and I was not sure I could stand that. So I just had to wait and see what Mike had in store for me. I liked what we did that evening so I was just getting relaxed a little and was hanging to the wall when the door opened and Mike came through the door

'Get your ass over Nick and stand up straight. I don't like it when my slave is relaxing his ass off while he is waiting for me. From now on you better stand straight up and with your hands on your back'

'I am sorry Mike' I said. 'I had no idea what to do'

'Don't argue just do it'

I put one step forward and just put my legs to each other's and my arms on my back.

'Ok that is better. And you just gave the real reason while you need to be tried. You have no idea what you are doing when there is nobody around to tell you too. So from now on you better do what I say'

'Yes Mike I will try'

"No not try, just do it and call me Master Mike instead of Mike you little sleasback'

'Yes Master Mike'

'That is better. Now just walk beside me, I will walk you almost home'

We walked for about 15 minutes I had to leave my bike at the doctor's house. I didn't want to ask Mike if I could take it along. I was just afraid to ask him. I had never aspect him to start like that straight away.

When we were only one block away from my own street Mike stopped me.

'Ok Nick you are going to get your first assignment right here and now'

'What you mean I have to do something here on the street'

'Yea Nick and I think you will like it. You better do what you are told or the whole school will no about IT tomorrow'

"Ok don't threaten me I will do what you want'

' Ok well I am going to stand 10 meters over there and you are going to stand below this street lamp. When I say do so you are going to pee in your trousers. When you are finished you can walk home OK. '

I was not sure if I could do that and I just looked at him

'Well was I clear, do you understand what you have to do slave'

'Ah Yes Mike, you really want me to do that here'

'Yea and don't argue you have earned some extra penalty when we are alone next time. You better remember me about it'

'Yes Master Mike'

'That is better'. While he said that he walked backwards and when he was almost 7 steps away he held something in his hand and said: Go for it start peeing'

I just looked at him and tried to do my best to start peeing. It took me a minute or so before I felt how a stream of piss was coming out of my dick and started to walk down my legs to the ground. It felt warm and I also felt that it was soaking my jeans. I didn't dare to watch. Then I saw a flashlight and I new then what it was that Mike had in his hands. He was taking pictures of me.

'Mike please don't do that'

'Just go on little slut and keep your hand on your back'

I kept peeing for almost a minute and then it stopped.

'Ok some close ups now' Mike said.

He walked towards me and made some more pics.

'Well this is enough for tonight. I want to see you tomorrow after gymnastic training. You have to go somewhere with me for an hour or so.'

'Ok Master Mike'

With that he walked away and I started to walk towards my own house. I hoped that nobody was around anymore so I could slip in without being noticed.

I was lucky nobody was downstairs and I was just in time on my room because I heard how my brother's door was opened. I quickly took of my jeans and put on my robe. I was just finishing pushing my jeans under my bed when the door opened and David walked in.

'And how was your evening with Mike, you enjoyed yourself'

'Yea we had a great time, we did nothing special but it was OK'

' Well are you going to tell me about it, did you meat any girls'

'No I am not going to tell you David, That is private and alone for me'

'Come on Brother I tell you always everything'

'Yea I know you like to brag about it but that is no reason for me to do the same so please get out of here I want to go to sleep'

' Did I do something to you Nick, you are never like this'

'No just get out I want to go to sleep'

I walked to the bathroom to tell my brother that I was really going on and that he had to leave. When I looked at him he had a strange look on his face but he turned away and closed the door.

I was relieved that he was going so easy but I would have to talk with Mike about David because David would not enjoying that I was spending so much time with Mike without giving an explanation.

I washed myself in the bathroom and stepped into bed. I started too tremble a little just thinking about what I had done. I had to do everything Mike said and I was not sure that he was going to be easy on me. I enjoyed the little spanking game we played at the doctor's house. Yea I enjoyed that a lot. I had to be honest about that only thinking about it made my dick hard again. Mike slapping my butt and Brian watching. The doc was true about that I was a slave but I was not sure that I was ready to give myself completely to Mike. Well I just have to wait and see what is going to happen.

With that in mind I felt a sleep a half-hour later or so.

When I woke up the next morning it was already late my farther and David already left. I knew I had to be in school just an hour later than the both of them are so I quickly looked at the clock and saw I had to be off in about 15 minutes or so. Just enough time to get ready.

During the day at school I tried to stay out of the way of David, Mike and Brian. I saw Mike somewhere on the other side of the canteen but I had no intention to see him now. I know he wanted to meet me after the gym training and he should wait at least that long.

I was early at the lockers and I saw that my farther the gymnastic coach was in his office. I walked in and said: 'Hi dad any special things for me to day, or is it possible for your assistant to do some exercise himself'

'Well I am glad that you are getting into a little \more physical exercise Nick but I have something I want to discuss before you can do your own things. I received today a letter from the gymnastic federation about a change of rules. Until now it was ok to have one spare gymnastic on each team in case any one would get hurt. They are changing that rule. They want to have at least one spare gymnastic on every group of rotation that is going on the floor. Well you know that we have two groups and that we need at least one more gymnast if we want to stay in the competition.'

'Yea dad and what has that got to do with me, you must have enough time to find another one'

'Well that is going to be the trouble I looked again at the applicants who wanted to join in at the beginning of the year but they are all doing some other kind of sport so that is going to be very difficult. I have also not a lot of time. The new rule is going to be effectively within two weeks.'

'Isn't that rather quick dad. They can't do this can they'

'Well I am afraid they can so I have the following suggestion. You are doing very well on some of the exercises that the team is doing. I know not as any of the others but you have made incredible progress since you started as my assistant and joined in on some of the routines. Can you not being the spare one in case anything would happen.'

I could hardly believe that my dad was asking this. Me the bookworm, the no sports guy. He was right I had made a lot of progress on some of the routines. But I was not sure that I could do anything in competition. I would surely not score a lot of points.

'Are you sure Dad. I am quite new at this, I don't think the other team members will be very happy with that.'

'Well at first as long as nobody gets injured you will have to do anything and you can still stay my assistant. Secondly the other team members have no choice if they want to stay in the competition. So what do you say Nick shall I tell the others'

'Ok, I think we can see what will happen, but we have to look at it again if any one gets injured'.

'Ok, lets go into the lockers and see if everybody is there already'

We walked into the locker were indeed every one was there. Some of them were only half way with dressing up again. I tried to see if Mike was there and how far he was but I just saw his back and nothing more

'Ok you guys listen up. There is going to be a new rule from the gymnastic federation as from two weeks from now. This means that we need one more reserve for our team. I already looked at the applications we had at the beginning but there is nobody available from any more. So I asked Nick to jump in and be the spare one for as long as we need one. If any one is heavily injured before a game we can also think of something else.'

'But coach is no good' David said.

Dammed that stupid brother of my.

'Well I know David that he is not up to the level for a match but he has made some enormous progress during the last months since he is the Coaches assistant'

'Yea I know Coach but '

'Shut up David' Mike said 'if this is what it needs to stay in the competion than so is it. If you want Coach I can even work with him to make sure he gets most of the routines good for a 4 or a 5'.

'Ok Mike if you would like to do that and indeed if we have nobody in to weeks time we can't play that weeks game so I agree with Mike that it is the only solution. Ok then go on changing we will start with our normal routine in a moment. Nick you do just your normal workout I will talk with you and Mike later to see how we can improve your level'.

I went back to the office to get my gear and when I was back in the lockers every one was already gone. I changed and walked towards the gym. I started to do my own routine and looked a few times to see what the others were doing.

When they were finished my farther called Mike and me and asked us to join him in his office.

'Mike do you have any idea on how we can improve Nick's level on some of the routines'

'Well I guess Coach that it is very important that he gain's more muscles. What he misses is most power to do the routine in one complete session. I have a lot of apparatus to train and gain more muscles so maybe he can come to my house a few times in the week.'

'Well that would be a start. I can teach him more about techniques myself but I think you are right what he misses most is power. Do you think that is a good idea Nick? Three nights you can visit Mike and one night I will show you some more technical routines.'

'Yea I guess'. I hardly could say anything knowing that all this was exactly what Mike wanted. A very good excuse training me in more than one routine.

'Ok then lets say on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you can go to Mike's place and then on Tuesday after gymnastic practice I can give you some technical assistant. And David can help also so that would solve a problem for a while. Just lets hope that no one is going to be injured severe. Ok that is all for know get changed and I see you later Nick, By Mike and thanks again for helping out'

'No problem Coach. One question though. I had planned a work out for myself later this evening. Nick can join if he wants and it is ok with you.

'Well no problem for me Mike, I see you later then Nick'

'Yea Dad, its ok with me I will go along with Mike and see you later on this evening'.

We walked back to the lockers and when we walked in I saw that every one was already gone so that we were on our own.

'Well my little slave I think I arranged that very well. We will have a lot of time to work on All your muscles now. Next time you can better be alert and come up with an excuse. You will have to pay for letting me doing all the work.'

' I am sorry Mike but I had no idea what you were going to suppose, what kind of help you could give me'

'Well it is a good lesson for you next time. And it is Master Mike for you and not Mike, is that understood'

'Yes Master Mike'

'That is better boy now listen up get dressed, we will be leaving in about 6 minutes. You are not aloud to get your underwear back on so you better give that to me'

I undid my sport short and then my blue briefs and gave them to Mike. I got my pants back on and my T-shirt and sweater. I looked to see how far Mike was but I got a smack in my face when I did that.

' You have to learn a lot slave boy, if I am around you better stay down with your face on the ground. You are not around to look around or to me. Do you understand'

'Yes Master Mike' I said with my head completely looking down as far as I could.

'That is better staying that way boy. Are you with the bus or with your bike'

'My bike is still at the doctor's house Sir I came by foot and bus this morning'

'Well you will have to walk to my home then, you better keep up because you may not be much later than me. You are ready?'

'Yea Mike'


'Yes Master Mike'

'That is better'.

During these last words we walked through the door on our way outside. Instead of going to the street. Mike walked towards the bike area.

'You better start Nick, I will catch up with you before you are at the end of the street'

That is when I understood what the idea was. I had to walk to his home and he was on his bike. That mend that I had to walk hard, very hard to be on the same time at his home as he was. Normally it would have taken 25 minutes to walk. I had to do that now in not more than 10 to 15 I guess.

I didn't look at were Mike was any more and started to run as hard as I could and indeed I was almost at the end of the street before Mike caught up with me.

'Ok you have exactly 5 minutes after I am home to be there. Understood'

'I just know and didn't look at him'

He kept on riding beside me for a while and then after a few minutes he went of. I saw how the distance between us became bigger and bigger. I tried to do my best and I think it took me forever to get there. When I was almost there I saw that Mikes bike was at the front yard and the door was open.

I walked to the door and entered.

'Oh hi Nick, you are the brother of David are you not'

'Yes Mam'.

'Well just go on to the basement. Mike told me you were coming. Help Mike to remember that there is dinner in the fridge otherwise he will forget. By now'

'By Mame'.

So Mike was going to be home alone. So he could do whatever he want with me without being afraid of being disturbed. I walked further in the hall until I found the door to the basement. I opened it and started to walk down.

'Just wait one moment Nick. You can leave your clothes there. I have put a pair of underwear on the first step, which you can wear.'

I looked around and found a white jockstrap lying on the ground. I got out of my clothes and put the jockstrap on.

'May I come down now Sir'

'If you did what I asked you can come'

I walked down the stairs and came in a big room with on one side a bed, TV, computer and so on and on the other hand four or five machines to train your muscles. This seemed like a boy's dream come true for a room.

'Nice isn't it Nick'

'Yes, it is Mike, now I understand why David spends a lot of his time over hear'

'Ah Nick, I can say nick but don't forget that it is always Master Mike for you. You need to be punished for that too boy'

I looked embarrassed and stared at the ground. 'Yes Master Mike'

'That is better and you did bow your head just in time. That would have been my next comment on your behavior. Good we will start in a moment but first I want to show you something.'

He walked towards his computer and put the screen on.

'Just take a good look, browse around if you want'

On screen a homepage was shown with the text: Look at my slave boy and his assignments. Down below there was a link, which said, enter. I pushed the button and a new page came on screen. The heading said: My slave boy 's first assignment. A few pics started to load and to my surprise it was me, on the street. Mike had put the pics he took yesterday on the net.

'No Mike you can't do that, please no master Mike'

'Well I am sorry Nick but that is the deal I made with the doctor. They wanted to see what we did and this was one of the ways's. As you can see I made sure that your face can not be recognized so for now there is no problem'

I looked him in the face and saw his small laugh on his face. I knew I had lost already so I didn't say anything on it. I looked further at the pics and you could see very well the way the wet spot developed on my pants.

'Ok that is enough for now Nick. Come over hear'.

I walked towards him and stopped just a meter in front of him. He was sitting down on his bed and my crotch was just in front of his eyes.

'You don't have to say anything Nick. I can see by looking at your dick that the pics on the net excited you''

He was right about that. While I had been looking at the pics on the net my dick had become hard.

' I have some ground rules to go through with you ok'

'Yes Master'

' Well then at first. When you are entering the basement you are always to leave your clothes behind and put on what ever is on the first stair. When you are down below you just put yourself to that wall over there with your head down. We will start with your punishment first if you have not done what I asked during the day. Then we will do a good workout and we will end with a special training session, assignments and a good look at the web site. Is that all clear for you'

'Yes Master Mike'

'Ok we will start with your punishment first so get in the corner over there'

I walked to the wall and put my back to the wall and my head down.

'Ok how many times did you misbehave today Nick'

' I am not sure Master Mike I believe only once'

'No Nick, count again. Three times including the fact that you were to late by my house.'

'Oh sorry Sir'

'Ok because it is your first day as a slave I will forget about it but you better count well tomorrow. For now I am going to give you 3 punishment sessions on your bottom. A good spanking session will teach you to behave better. Bent forward and turn around'

Without looking at him I turned around and bent forward. With the jockstrap on I felt myself very naked and my bottom extremely exposed. I waited for what was going to happen but it seemed to take a long time. Then suddenly out of nowhere I felt how his hand came down on my right bottom.

I had a hard not to shout because I knew Mike wouldn't approve of that so I kept my teeth together hoping that I could take it.

Another 10 swaps landed on either buttocks and I still hadn't screamed or anything. There were already some tears in my eyes but Mike couldn't see that.

Then he stopped. 'Ok Nick this was for your first mistake now we are going to punish you for the second'

Nothing happened for a few moments again and then I felt something else landed very hard on my bottom. I looked around to see what it was.

'Look forward and down Boy. If you do that again I will have to give you an extra session'

But in the time I had looked I saw that it was a leather belt he was swapping me with. Again he started and at least 10 swaps on each buttock landed. This time I couldn't control it and started to scream at the last two hits.

'Well we need a lot of training if this is all you can take Nick. Stands still boy and don't move. I don't matter if you scream or cry but don't move'

In the meantime I heard how he moved through the room and came back towards me. Then a moment later I felt something hard and wet on my bottom. He seemed to hit me now with a wet towel or something. I couldn't stand that and from the first hit on I scream loud. He seemed to be influenced by that because he stopped already after 5 or 6 hits.

'Ok stand up now. Don't touch your bottom boy'

I stood up and when I did I saw again the flashed of the photo camera. He was taking pics again.

'Ok this was for your first session. We will do a good work out now together'

For the next hour or so we were just training partners helping each other. No master slave game was played and I became more relaxed again.

After an hour or so we stopped and Mike said, 'Ok go on sit down on my bed'

'I have no special assignments for you now but I have some for later on, Ok Nick'

'Yes Master Mike'

'You are going to wear the jockstrap to school tomorrow you are not aloud to put something else on. Is that understood'

'Yes sir'

'Ok, then I have a small bottle for you. I want you to make sure you cum at least five times a day from now on. I will check this every time you come here. You must at least cum every day five times the amount you are going to produce now so maybe you have to cum more but five times but that is your problem. So get that jock down and start masturbating. When you are almost finished I want you to put this in the bottle. I weighted it empty and I will weight it again after you have filled it.'

I started to lower my jock and pump my cock. It felt great to do this in front of Mike.

'You better be sure to come soon otherwise you will have your first punishment for tomorrow'

I started to move quicker and more severe and I felt how a lot of cum gushed out and Mike was just in time to make sure that it came all in the bottle.

'Good boy, you will get this bottle with you before you leave. I have one more thing you are going to do. You will have to go to the doctor's house now to get your bike. You will ring the door and before the door opens you will turn around and lower your pants so that they can inspect your buttocks. Ok wait a minute over here so that I can weight the bottle and then you can leave.'

I didn't say anything anymore to Mike and just waited a while for him to return. Then he gave me the bottle and I went upstairs and got dressed.

More to follow in chapter 8. Would love to hear your responses so if you want to tell me your opinion my email is: or by ICQ: 36967366

Next: Chapter 8

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