Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Dec 30, 2005


Chapter 65 of Coach's Assistant.

Ok guys, sorry but this was not mend to take so much time before I posted the next chapter. But my computer crashed and had to get back on it again and then work prevented as much as well.

So here is chapter 65, hope to post chapter 66 real soon too.

If you want to read more from me go to You can also contact me bye e-mail through or on msn

Ok lets go on with the story.

The weekend went by without too much happening. We didn't go out that much. I used the time to catch up on my homework and had some fun with Francis. Oh, yea ... we definitely had fun! I don't need to write it all down, do I? There was just one thing that I didn't doubt ... and that was Francis. Slowly we started to get back to where we'd been in the beginning ... or even better ... as my love for him only got stronger.

During Sunday evening, I tried to call Steve as I wanted to know what he was going to do about the newspaper. He either printed the story on Friday or not.

As you can imagine, I didn't sleep very well up until Monday, as I wasn't sure what would happen. But we talked about it and decided we wouldn't capitulate ... as then it might look as if we were in the wrong and they were right. So it was kind of scary walking up towards the front door of the school that Monday morning.

As we approached the front door, we noticed that Andrew and Peter were waiting for us.

"Good to see you, Nick ... Francis," Andrew said.

"Well, we're not about to go and buckle in ... we're here to stand up to whatever people are saying," Francis said.

"Oh, I think you might be surprised!" Peter said.

I looked at him and said, "Why?"

"Well, let's just say that we've done quite a bit of talking since last Friday and the mood in there is not as negative as you might expect after all those bits and pieces published in the newspaper."

"Oh, that sounds good."

"So, you're OK with us being there along side you, Nick?" Andrew asked softly. I could tell that he was hoping for a positive answer but he wasn't sure he'd get it.

"Here is fine, Andrew. I'm OK with you supporting us but I'm still far from OK with what happened. I need time to deal with that."

"Oh, OK," he answered, blushing a bit.

"So, we can carry on then?" Peter asked.

"Carry on with what?" Francis asked, not knowing where he was going.

"Hmmn, we haven't had a chance to tell you yet but, after the article Steve wrote last week, we've started to talk with people. We're founding a Straight/Gay Alliance as a club at school. We have the full support of the extracurricular teacher for the idea."

"Are you OK with that, Nick?" Francis asked. He looked at me, worried.

"Why not? You're the ones who'll have to start it up, as long, as you can't expect us to join for a while. I don't think I could handle people asking questions, to be honest."

"Oh, OK! Well, just as long as you know, we already have 25 students participating."

"Go for it! It's never a bad thing to bring people together. Does that mean that you're coming out, too? Peter ... Andrew?" I asked the most obvious question at this point.

I saw them look at each other before Andrew answered: "We might ... we're not going to hide ... so if the subject comes up, we'll tell the truth."

"Good," I said. That admission helped me to believe them ... that they were going in the right direction.

We walked into the school and it seemed as if nothing had changed. People went on with their lives. We went through first hour without a problem and second hour was good, too. Then the break ... time to head back to the locker, change books and go for a drink.

When we entered the central hall, there were a lot of people there to one side.

"What's going on, Francis?" I asked.

"I don't know. There are no elections or anything, so I'm not sure why people are standing around like that." Slowly they started to move along and others took their place.

"Hmmm ... they've got something in their hands, Francis."

When one of the students walked by, he looked at me and smiled.

What was going on, I wondered as I watched him pass by.

"Hey, you guys!" I looked around and saw Jordan approaching.

"Hey, you!" Francis said.

"Steve's got guts, you have to admit," Jordan said as he handed us a copy of the paper.

"Especially read the last bit. He must have added that part after they forbade him to publish it in the school newspaper. I don't think it matters much, since it's all over school by now anyway."

Together we read the last part where Steve pretty much said that this was still America where everyone had the right to express his opinion and tell the truth. It was incredible stuff. More and more students were coming to pick up papers with the bit that Steve had been forced to leave out of the school newspaper.

I smiled at Francis. "Well, we know now that Steve won't give in."

"Yea ... but how high a price will he pay for it? That's the question."

So far no one had come to stop him from handing out the papers. Oh! I was wrong. I saw one of the director's assistants closing in. I'm not sure what happened but, somehow, the crowd dispersed very fast, almost as if it had been organized. I could see that Steve was still standing there, talking to one of his friends as the assistant approached.

We didn't get closer to him, but we made sure we could see what was happening. It appeared he asked Steve to go with him, probably to see the director. I saw Steve's friend follow them.

"Let's get those drinks," Francis said.

"You don't want to see what's going to happen?"

"No, we'll find out later. Let's make sure no one thinks we're in on this, too."

"Oh, I don't think you have to be afraid of that, Nick," Jordan said. "I think that the whole school ... well, maybe not the whole school, but an awful lot ... are behind you guys. They're not giving you a fair shake and it looks like the students won't go along with that. I heard that last Friday Brad and a few others had come triumphantly to school but, at lunch, the smiles were wiped off their faces when quite a number of their old friends refused to join them for lunch."


"Yea! You can say that again ... and Steve's terrific piece of journalism will only put more oil on the fire."

Not a lot happened in the next hours. We received some encouragement from the way some of the students responded when we walked passed ... big smiles and sometimes a supportative word. In the hour before lunch I saw two or three guys in the back of the room looking more or less all the time at us. I'm not sure why, but they didn't smile. Their look was something complete different.

At lunch we were joined by Andrew, Peter and the members of the gymnastics team. I think that more would have joined us if we'd sat at a bigger table.

Half way through lunch, Jordan came towards us and gave his brother a knock on the head as he said, "Yea, we got them, guys."

"What? Who?" Francis asked.

The others started to smile big time.

"Come on! You're holding back something from us, Jordan. Who did you fight with?"

"Oh, no fight!" And he stopped talking.

"Come on ... let us in on the secret," as the others were now all looking at us.

"You want to know what happened to Steve this morning?" he said.

"Yea, has he been suspended?"

"No, why would he? He didn't do anything wrong, did he?" Jordan said with a smile. "He was just standing around in the hallway."

"No, handing out his article," Francis said.

The others started to laugh now.

"Did you saw any of them in Steve's hand this morning?"

Now that he mentioned it ... Steve hadn't. He`d been there, just talking with nothing in his hands that morning.

"Steve simply asked, what leaflet?"

"How was that possible? I saw people walking around with copies even after he'd been taken to the director."

"Yea, OK ... we organized it. Steve started to hand them out at first but the moment the assistant came to get him, a few of us got them all and kept spreading them around. As Steve didn't have a single copy on him, he could act innocent. It seems they didn't buy it, but they had no proof and had to let him go. In the meantime the thing is still being handed around. I don't know what might have happened if they'd suspended Steve or given him a detention."

"Well, they still know that he wrote the article, Jordan. That won't change a thing."

"It just might. It gives the director a way out: he could just do nothing."

"You think he will?"

"I don't know, Nick. All we can do is wait but so far, so good."

It seems our friends were really looking out for us and for Steve, too. The rest of the day went by without too much happening. We had lots of fun during lunch and the rest of the day went by quickly, too. We entered the house through the back door again. Reporters were still camping outside.

We learned that dad had been on the phone most of the day. He found out that the meeting of the teacher/parent association was going to be on the Thursday evening, after the trial day.

Tuesday went by and Wednesday as well. My dad had been in contact with most of the teachers on the association board. He found out he wasn't allowed to speak that evening, not even on his own defence. Normally he could, but it seems the parents were rigid on this question and only wanted to hear from objective witnesses.

All in all it didn't look good. We heard that students who'd wanted to speak, too, were all turned down ... or, at least the ones we knew had been told not to come. The meeting would be held behind close doors because of its subject. Now it had happened before that accusations against a teacher had been discussed behind closed doors but, somehow, this time the students weren't happy about it. Everywhere we saw people talking in small groups on the Wednesday afternoon. The rumors had begun to build during the last two classes.

We went home as soon as we could. Most of the students left us alone. We hadn't seen Jordan or Steve around. I also wanted to prepare a bit for the next day. I'd be doing the first bit of my testimony, the start of it all. The judge had agreed to do it in two steps ... this week would cover everything up to the last evening and then the events at the hotel. That was something I was definitely not up to yet. I'd have another meeting with the shrink on Friday and probably again on the day before that second day of testimony.

We spend the Wednesday evening together. Dad had been silent coming home and had gone to his room quite early. David was still staying at Kathy's.

Francis was lying on his side, watching me read. I tried to continue without paying attention to him but, when he seductively started to lick his lips, I was lost.

"Do you want anything, Francis?" I asked as I put the book down beside me.

"Hmmm, I don't know," he answered with a smile.

"Come on! I know that look."

"Oh, do you? Well, I was just enjoying the view."

I looked into his eyes and I felt my love for him overwhelm me. I knew that if he'd ask me the impossible at that moment, I'd do it.

"Oh, so I can read on?" I said, taking my book back in my hands.

He didn't answer me but just smiled.

I read a bit further on but I could feel him still watching me. I saw his right hand rubbing his left nipple. Now he was not only licking his lips but also playing with his nipple through his shirt.

"Damn, Francis! What do you want?"

This time he didn't answer but, instead of watching my face, his gaze had gone down to my crotch. Again I saw him lick ... well, more like smacked ... his lips.

My body didn't take long to respond as I felt my dick start to harden. Not slowly ... no, I think it was hard within one or two heartbeats.

He looked back up and, when our eyes met, I felt electricity flowing between us. Our eyes where locked but I felt where his hands had moved. They were now slowly but demanding caressing my body ... moving under my t-shirt towards my nipples. He moved slowly down, getting one leg over mine. Sitting on my legs, he moved downwards a bit more. Eagerly my dick started to throb. My briefs were stretched to the limit. I'm sure precum was wetting them.

He moved and touched my feet with his ass. His hands had traveled slowly down my body, teasing me as I waited for him to touch me. He lowered his head, still looking at me. He got closer and closer. Teasing, slowly, he got there. He gave me a smile and then his eyes moved from mine towards my dick. I could see that he had his mouth open; drool was dripping out of it, dripping on my dick, mixing his juices with mine.

I could feel the warmth of his breath though the cotton of my briefs. It got warmer and warmer and then I could feel his lips around my dick. I let out a loud groan. I now fixed on my emotions ... not concentrating any more on what he was doing ... just letting it happen.

He took me in his mouth as far as he could, then I felt him move my briefs down my legs. I let out more groans. I didn't want to cum yet, but I was getting close ... my warm flesh against his lips and then into his mouth, sliding slowly towards his throat. I could feel him take another deep breath and then he went down even further. Again I could feel my cockhead touch flesh ... his throat, I thought. Wow! He'd never done that before! He let it go again. I opened my eyes and this time I saw him take a deep breath again and, this time, he went down on it even quicker. Again I could feel my dick enveloped in warmth. That was when I lost it. Without thinking I came. I'm not sure when it came but it felt like this orgasm started in my head and then moved through my body, contracting in my balls and shooting out with record speed out my dick. As I came, I let out an incredible scream. I pushed Francis's head down on my dick. This was incredible! But when I felt him press against my hand, I let go of him. He came off my dick quickly. I saw him swallow, but more and more cum was spurting out of my dick, now covering his nose, mouth and forehead.

Slowly I started to come down. I saw that he was doing the same. I looked at him. He was still swallowing a bit. He looked up. I could feel he wanted to say something so I took his head again in my hands and brought him closer to me. I kissed him, tasting my cum on his lips and mouth. It was wonderful! I didn't want to let go of him. He was amazing! How could I ever doubt him? He loved me and I loved him.

When I let go of his mouth, he looked at me and said, "Wow! Where did all that come from?"

I blushed. He was right; it was my biggest orgasm ever, I think and, at the moment, I thought it'd be the best ever, too ... but I knew that I'd thought that before.

"I love you, Francis," I said.

He didn't say anything but just smiled. He laid his head on my chest ... satisfied ... feeling safe ... I could feel that. We must have fallen asleep like that as it was dark when I woke up. Francis was still lying on my chest. At that moment I felt very good and didn't want the next day to start.

That Thursday was a long day. My testimony went well until the point when the lawyer representing Mike and the doctors started to question me. They kept on and on that I'd wanted it and that I'd loved it, that I'd come back for more and so on. It was difficult ... question after question. I denied it all but I could feel myself start to crumble. I didn't want to, but my god! He started to play on my emotions more and more and it was a good thing that the judge intervened more and more and didn't allow them to go on as his questions were more like statements and not really questions.

We left the courtroom as fast as we could. We didn't go home as we knew there'd be more reporters waiting for us and probably keeping a close eye on where we were going and how we got into the house as well by now.

We spent the evening with Francis's mother who'd kept out of sight so as not to confuse the situation even more. But she'd kept in touch with us on a daily basis. We spend the rest of the evening with her, talking about what had happened, although I didn't say much. My dad got more and more quiet during the evening. I knew what he was thinking about. The meeting must be going on at that very moment ... it might even be finished. I knew he had an appointment on the Friday with the director, not at the school though.

We ended up sleeping there, as we didn't feel up to the drive back. I had an appointment with the shrink first thing and my dad would bring me. Francis stayed with his mom and they'd pick me up again.

The session with the shrink went OK. He warned me that the next day of testimony might even be worse, but that I should stick to what I wanted to tell and not answer questions if they were irrelevant.

Francis's mom took us out shopping, to a hairdresser, etc. It seemed as if she wanted to spoil us for the day ... which I think, in the end, worked out quite nicely to be honest.

My mind had turned to my dad several times but, when he called during lunch time, he hadn't said much and talked with Francis's mother for quite some time.

When we returned to her place, she told us to go and sit on the couch.

"You guys want to spend the weekend with me?"

"What?" I said. Then, when I looked at Francis, I realized what I'd blurted out.

"Well, I didn't buy you guys these clothes for nothing."

"Mom, what is going on? Why this sudden invitation?"

I looked at Francis and I saw him studying his mom's face.

"I just thought it would be nice to spend some time together."

"Yea, that'd be nice," Francis said, and I nodded in agreement.

"But there's more, isn't there?"

"No," she said but she didn't sound convincing.

"Come on, mom. I know that look on your face ... when you are trying to hide something. What is it?"

"Dad!" I screamed out loud. "It went badly last night, didn't it?"

"I'm sorry, Nick, but as far as I understood it, things didn't go completely right, no."

"Damn!" Francis said.

"Where is he now?"

"He wants to spend the weekend with Suzanne and he didn't want you alone around the house. He said he needed to take some time to consider the next step. He didn't say exactly what had happened but he wanted you to stay here, away from the reporters."

"Oh," I said. "Now what?"

But nothing answered that question, as we were all sunk in our own thoughts.

Well that was it for now more soon. If you want to read more from me go to You can also contact me bye e-mail through or on msn

Next: Chapter 66

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