Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Mar 6, 2000


Chapter 6 of Coaches Assistant

There we were standing in the middle of the room. I was ashamed of my little stiff dick it was not as hard as it was before but still hard enough. Mike was quite openly looking at my dick and Brian and the other boy was also stealing a glimpse.

'Ok boys we will continue with our research program now. We have started with a questionnaire at paper in this second round we will make it more visible for you. We will again put electrodes on you so that we can trust that you will tell the true. You especially Nick better do so because you don't have any cloths on any more.'

'Yes Doc, I will'

'Ok, then go back to your seats then we can continue'

The four of us walked back towards our own table. Again I saw that there was some paper on the table but when I walked past the cupboard I could see that it was opened this time. A television with video was standing in it.

The young men who walked Francis and the other boy outside came back in and walked towards me.

'Ok you will go on as instructed on the video which I will start in a moment Nick. Let me put on the electrodes first'

He put on the electrodes and walked towards the video and started it.

I was a little afraid about what was going to happen because I had to be honest about everything.

The young men walked away and I just looked at the video screen, the sound was very softly and I think I was the only one who could hear it.

It started with some little music and the instruction to write down name and age on the paper.

When I finished I had to wait a little more when on the screen the following lines text came:

You are now in face 2 of this research project. We are going to give you a few short scenes to start with and on each scene you have to write down what is happening with your dick and you have to grade the scene you see.

The first scene started almost immediately it was a scene with two guys and one girl. The girl was in charge of both boys and told them to make her as happy as possible. They licked the tits, pussy etc. I didn't like it so I wrote down a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10 and 10 is good. I also wrote down that my dick was still a little hard.

The scene continued for a few minutes and then it stooped. On the screen came the message: Write down your answers.

I decided to stay with the 4 but my dick was not as hard as it was a few minutes a go so I put that down.

The second scene started. It looked like a real love scene between a man and a boy. The boy got all the attention of the men. The men on almost every part of the body licked him before the men took the dick of the boy into his mouth. That was the moment the scene stopped again. I was asked to rate it again and wrote down a 7 and that my dick was hard again.

The third scene started with the same men and boy but this time the boy was laying on the lap of the boy and was getting a good spanking. My dick became very hard at once and I had to do a lot trouble not to touch my own dick. Then the boy had to stand up and get on his knees. The men roughly pushed his dick into the boy's face and started to face fuck it. The scene stopped again with that and I wrote down that I really had like that and rate it with a 9. It was one of the hottest things I ever hardly believe that there was something that could be even hotter than what I just had seen.

I waited a little bit and then the fourth scene started. Again the same boy and men where there but it was situated in a class room. The boy was fully dressed when the scene started but must have done something wrong because a moment later the men started to spank the boy in front of the class. On the screen you could see how the other boys enjoyed this little public humiliation. Then the boy started to curse a little and the men took the boy with one hand and started to pull on the boy's jeans. They went off and again the boy got some hard spanking on his bottom.

'I hardly believe that one of my fantasies was here on video and I started to stroke my cock just a little but when I looked back to the screen I got a small electric shock and the red light on my table flashed.

'Well what every you did Nick, you no better that to do that', the doctor yelled.

I was not sure that the doctor or the young men saw what I was doing but the small electric shock was enough to stop immediately. The scene went on and the boy had to stand up in front of his class in his underwear. Showing off then there was more dick in his underwear than before the spanking started.

Then the scene stopped and I just didn't know what to do I waited a moment or so and then I thought it was better to be honest and I wrote down a 10.

The TV screen turned black and I looked at the doctor.

'If you are ready you can come over here again'

I waited a moment and then started to walk towards the doctor. I was the first one to finish; my dick was still very hard.

'You liked that last one didn't you Nick' the doctor asked.

My face turned red and I decided not to answer the question.

'Well I better take a look then'

The doctor walked towards my table and I saw that Mike and Brian came towards me and that the other boy was still looking at the screen.

The doctor went to the other tables to look at their results also and then came back to us.

'Ok you are going to stay here and wait until we return again.'

The doctor walked out of the room together with the young men. It took a long time before the came back in.

All that time I was standing there naked and no place to hide from the looks of the other three boys. I still had a hard time not walking out of there but I knew I had to stay.

The doctor came back in and said: 'Well it took a little bit longer than we expected. Normally we end up with an even number of boys but tonight we are going to do the final round with three of you. He looked at the boy who name was still not know to me and said to him: " I thank you for helping us but you can go know'

That mend that I was staying there with Mike and Brian.

'Ok you boys you had a great time during your last scene and we want to make that scene for real now. That is going to be the last test for tonight. To register what is happening to you we are going to give each of you a few electrodes on to your body so that we can have some results of this test."

The doctor just looked at our faces to see the reaction

"You mean the last scene for real?' Mike asked.

'Yea Mike, isn't that a great wish of you'

'Yea doc but I am not sure the other two will like it too'

'Well that is the case so you don't have to be bothered about it'

'In that case, doc, may I start?'

'Just one second, that is your role but first let us put on the electrodes'

I knew right then that Mike was the master and Billy the observer. I looked at Billy who came to the same conclusion. Then we both looked at Mike who just smiled.

When the doc was finished Mike looked again at both of us "Ok, you two, you know who is who in this little play and I don't want to guess so if the slave knows his place he better come forward'

I just didn't want this to happen I liked the scenes on video but for it to happen for real was just one step to quick. I decided to say nothing. There was no way Mike could find out who the slave was.

'Ok so the slave ones to play it rough, well then he has got one more chance to come forward or I will ask the doc to help me. If I have to do that the slave will get a heavier load for not obeying so what is it going to be.'

I still wasn't going to say anything but Billie's face said it all. He was enjoying this with a big smile he was looking at me.

'If I get that face right, you are the observer Billy and Nick is the slave. Is that correct doc'

The doc just looked at the three of us and didn't say anything.

'Ok Nick. The doc will stop me if I have the wrong one so come here'

I kept standing were I was and Mike started to walk towards me. "Just as in the video you are going to enjoy this'

"I am not sure Mike, doc I don't want this'

'Yes you do Nick just start listening to Mike, you will like it'

I looked at Mike and then decide to step a little bit closer to him.

'Ok Nick go and stand with your face toward the wall and bent over'

I looked at Mike and new I better obey him. So I walked towards the wall and bent forward. My dick was still hard I was trembling just a little bit of anticipation. I heard how Mike came to stand behind me and I just waited to feel the first hit, but it didn't come yet. Instead I felt the hand of Mike touching my bum, slowly exploring the area of his hits.

Then he stopped and again I started to tremble. This times a little bit more then the first time. My dick was still very hard and then out of nowhere I heard how Mike raise his hand and brought it towards my bum. I was prepared for it but I was quite shocked by his first hit. I yelled a little but before I even had the time the second and third hit came down.

'You better shut up and behave like a little slave Nick'

Again nothing happened for a while and then there was it again. At least 10 swift hits on my bottom. Each time shifting from one side to the other. I learned to take it, the hits where not hard but because they land on the same place time after time the pain became more and more. I didn't yell any more but I knew I wouldn't take this for long before I would start again.

After that series of hits again there was a little pause. I looked around to see what Mike was doing when I smash at my face taught me that I wasn't aloud to look around.

"I think I better can sit down Nick so come here'

I walked towards Mike with my head high. Billy who was standing beside Mike was playing with his dick. He seemed to enjoy what he saw. Come on and I was roughly put on the lap of Mike with my face down towards the ground. I felt how my dick was just placed between Mike legs.

I waited again for what was going to happen and a few seconds latter I felt that he could hit harder while he was sitting. I started to yell again but Mike said I better stop with that or he would make it even harder. With that he started to smash my bottom more severe.

At the same time that Mike was hitting my dick was pushed at Mikes leg and that feeling was great.

Mike must have felt that because he stopped hitting me again. I just didn't dare to look up but the whole experience was making me very hot and I knew that if Mike would go on like this it wouldn't take long before I was going to shoot my load.

Then suddenly Mike started again smacking one side of my bottom after the other. I knew I was not aloud to yell so I held my mouth shut how difficult that was.

Then I felt how my dick started to push more and more at his leg with each time he smacked my ass. Especially when he smacked my right one. Then suddenly I just could not control my self any more and with a loud yell cum started gush out of my dick onto the leg of mike and on the floor.

The smashing stopped immediately and I was forced to stand us.

'Shit Nick, you are easy to trigger, dammed I better start training you on that. Look at this:' he said and he pointed at his upper leg where big splashes of my cum were lying.

Mike went through the splashes with one hand and looked at me. Before I could say anything I saw that he raised his had and with cum on it I felt it in my face "Next time you are only aloud to come when I say so, understood Nick'

At first I was to shocked to answer but I softly said: Yes Mike'. Then I realized that Mike said next time. I looked at him and said; "Next time Mike?'

'Yea Nick you are going to be my slave from now on and you need a lot of training so you better get used to it"

'But Mike this was only for the test'.

'Do you think so Nick, I have seen you looking at me before when I was at your house with your brother so don't deny it, you want this too'

I didn't say anything but just knotted my head.

'Great show Mike and Nick, you are going to believe a lot of fun to each other but we want to have a part in that too'

'No problem Doc, Mike said. He is yours if you want'

'No that is not what I mean, We just want to help you Mike. I will tell you later how'

'Ok I want to thank you three for all the research data you gave us, we can go on now for a while. This was just the missing link we were trying to find. Brian you can go now. I want to discuss something with Mike and Nick'

Brian left together with the young men and the doctor said: "Ok, come and sit down over here,'

We walked towards him and sat down on the table. The young men came back in with our clothes and we started to get dressed again.

'Ok you two, we can do two things. I know Nick that you enjoyed yourself didn't you?'

'Well, doc I just...' I could get out of my words and the doc continued

'Be honest Nick, I have read the graphs and know how much pleasure you had'

'Ok, Yea I enjoyed it'

'Well then I want you to consider to become Mikes slave and do what ever he tells you too.'

' I donut know doc, I am a little afraid'

'Well look down deep inside you Nick then you the answer is yes'

I just knotted to agree with what the doc said and look at Mike

'Do you want me as your slave?'

'Yea Nick I love to'

'Ok now that is decided I want to make sure that Nick is going to do exactly what you tell him Mike. Therefore I am going to show you the answer sheets of Nick this way you know his deepest secrets and fantasies'

"No please doc, don't do that'

"Yes we are and also we want to give you some idea's on how you can go on. If you like the ideas we need some two or three weeks to prepare something's but for that period I have a good solution. So Nick before you leave I want you to hear what I am going to say to Mike now. You will obey him for sure after that.'

' I will sir, you don't have to give Mike any information'

'I know but to be sure. Mike you must know that Nick likes to get of in public like he did just know. When you were finished at the examination I did the same to Nick while during that examination Francis came in. While I was doing the final testing and Nick was laying down on his belly he shot his load on the table in front of Francis without touching his dick'

'Wow he did. You are a real slave Nick, but you need to be trained. And I am going to do that if you are like it or not. And just to let you know I mean it for real be sure that I will tell every one what happened during examination if you don't obey me'

' I will do exactly as you say Mike don't worry'

'Ok then I will talk some more to the doc but you can leave now and wait outside for me. We will go home together'

With that the evening ended at the doctor's house. I walked out and was really curious about what the doc was going to tell Mike. When I closed the door and anticipated to ease drop on them the young men came back in. I was forced to go through the hall and leave the building.

Ok that was chapter 6, the story will continue, be patient and be happy. Your reactions are always welcome so by email to or by icq: 36967366

Next: Chapter 7

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