Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Nov 3, 2004


Here is the next chapter, hope you will enjoy it as well. Don't forget to check out my website for new chapters of tom and for the competition cutest boy in cutest underwear.

Enjoy it and let me know what you think of this chapter.

[Francis continues to tell the story from his point of view]

Oh god, I thought. I felt myself start to shake. What had I done? I knew that guys sometime bled from being fucked. Yea, that had even happened when Brian did it the first time with me . but what had happened here? Damn! I should never have done this. Why didn't I stop? It had only been sheer lust, nothing more. I panicked then . what would the others say? What would Nick say when he woke up? I looked around in horror. My clothes were all over the place . some ripped, others looked OK.

Nick moaned again . not in pleasure but more in pain. How could I have done this? With disgust I turned around, picked up some clothes (not knowing whose they were), put them on and left.

[Nick continues]

I'm not sure what woke me up . dreams, pain or just the fact that I felt like I was about to throw up. Oh yea . it must have been the last, as I made a dash for the bathroom, barely making it before I vomited into the toilet. Oh, I should've known better than to drink so much . but, then again, it felt right at the time . and I'd enjoyed the whole day . but the price was high, as my stomach erupted one more time.

I stayed like that, my head throbbing . no surprise there, I thought. A big hangover was just what I had. My bladder wanted some attention, too, so I brought my hand up to point my dick into the bowl. But when I touched it, a jolt of pain went through me. Oh, damn! I looked down. I hadn't felt any pain holding my dick recently . I had just after the episode in the hotel . but it had starting to heal slowly.

I saw the dried blood and cum on it . then slowly the images from last night started to come back. The world started to spin again and my stomach revolted again. Oh, my god! What had happened? I remembered a few things . oh, yea . they were fun, so I must have cum for sure. I wondered about some of the flashbacks as parts of them concerning the rape were now half a year old and I hadn't had them for quite some time. As I bent over to hurl again, I felt . oh, god . a pain in my ass. It was definitely hurting. Why hadn't I felt that before, I wondered? Suddenly everything started to fall into place. I'd cum after I'd been fucked . but by whom? Only Francis had been there. Almost empty, my stomach began to settle and I slowly got back up and moved towards the bedroom. The bed was a mess . cum and bloodstains everywhere. I looked around to see where Francis was but he wasn't there. What had happened? Had he forced himself on me? No . that didn't sounded like Francis . he could never have done that.

I lay down on the bed, thinking and trying hard to remember more. I looked around to check the room . there were some clothes on the floor beside the bed. Some were mine, it appeared .and, yea, there were some of Francis's as well. They looked ripped and tattered. I got out of the bed to take a better look. Oh, no, I thought. Had he done that or had I?

I wasn't sure about anything at that point, except that Francis wasn't there. There was blood on the sheets and I needed help. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6.45 . still a bit early. But I needed help. We'd leave late in the morning, so there was not a lot of time to get anything done. I could go after Francis myself . but could I? I had no idea what had happened. How could I deal with him about that?

I decided to give Alexei a call. He'd know what to do. It took him a little time to answer the phone and even more time convincing him I needed him as I could hear James trying to pursuade him to stay.

"OK . I'll be there in five. Is that OK, Nick?"

"Yea," I answered.

I moved to the bed, feeling pain again. I slowly moved a bit more but it was definitely no good. I needed to get up to get some underwear out of my suitcase. I was able to do that and had just made it back to the bed when there was a knock on the door.

"It's open," I yelled.

He stepped in. He looked around the room and asked, "Where's Francis?"

"No idea," I whispered.

"What is going on between you two? I thought that you were having a great time yesterday. Don't tell me you got into a fight! Did you?" he said, looking at the clothes that were all over the floor.

"Hmmm . no, I don't think so."

"You can't remember what happene, can you?" he asked. "Oh, you don't have to tell me . I can see you have a major hangover."

"Look," I said and I slowly rolled over on the bed so he could see all the blood on it.

"Oh, my god . you really did have a fight!"

"Hmmm . no, not exactly, Alexei," I said.

"What then? He didn't force himself on you, did he?"

"No, I don't think so . though .."

"What, Nick? You must be able to remember something."

"Well . not exactly, Alexei. I've no idea where he is. I found this when I woke up . together with the ripped up clothes . his clothes," I said.

"Oh, and the blood? Where did that coming from?"

I blushed. "Perhaps from my ass," I said.

"Is it his?"

"No . I think it's mine. That's why I called you. We need to go and visit the hospital this morning before we go." I wasn't really up to showing him my dick . but I knew I needed to be frank.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"Promise not to be to startled, Alexei. But I think you've seen it before."

"Oh, my god! Your dick . what happened to it? Let me see, Nick."

I slowly lowered my boxer shorts and showed him how it looked. As he came closer, I let it retract again.

I waited for him to respond but he didn't. He waited for me to say something.

"I think we need to clean it, Alexei . but I can't do that on my own. I'm too afraid I'll faint doing it."

That made him react. "OK, let's get you into the bathroom . then we need to dress you and we have to find Francis."

He helped me to clean it and put some bandages on it. It had started to bleed again but, at least, it was clean now. All the little fibers ground in from the sheets had been removed. I got dressed and we sat down on the bed.

"Do you have any idea what happened, Nick?" he asked me. I'd been waiting for that question.

"Not sure, Alexei. I only know I had a good time yesterday and was . well, kind of horny when we got back to the room . but that's as much as I can remember."

"Hmmm . why do you think Francis left?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe he became afraid after he saw the blood."

"|OK . let's see if we can find him . then we can talk about it."

"Yea . I know . but it won't be easy. I have got no idea whether he did something or was it me."

We left the room and started to look for Francis. After 15 minutes, we came to the conclusion that he wasn't in the hotel, so we decided to split up and look around the hotel grounds. Alexei called James to tell him that we were looking for Francis and that he should go stay in our bedroom, just in case Francis turned up.

I walked around for about an hour, not finding him. I started to get really worried. Was there something I'd done? I remembered that I'd shouted that he needed to fuck me . so I guess that meant that I'd wanted it and that it'd not been something that he did to me. I went back to the hotel. I saw that Alexei was standing outside. "You didn't find him either," I noted.

"Yea, we did find him . or, rather, James did. Seemingly he went back to your bedroom after he saw us leave the hotel."

"What? Why was that?"

"Come here . let's talk," he said, leading me into the lobby of the hotel.

"He didn't say a lot . just that he'd hurt you. He kept looking at the bed where the blood had been before. I asked why he thought he hurt you . but he just kept saying that. When I left to get some water, I heard him start to talk to James .. no idea why he chose him, but he did . and I'm happy he did."

"So, what happened?" I whispered.

"Well, to cut to the chase . you were right. You were horny, and you pressed him to have sex. First, you sucked him off . and then you insisted he . fuck you."

"Oh," I said, whispering.

"He was quite upset when he saw the blood and he ran off. He was outside the hotel for most of the night."

"Damn! What did I do?" I said . but in my mind, it all came together. I'd hurt Francis . I should have known better. I'm just no good for him. He deserves so much better then me.

"Does he want to see me?"

"He was packing when I left to find you and he didn't answer that question when I asked him."

"I have to . he's in pain and he doesn't deserve that. He doesn't deserve someone like me." I softened my voice and the last words were barely audible."

"Well . let's get up and see."

We went up and the moment the door opened, Francis jumped into my arms, asking if I was OK. He was so nice, so caring . he just didn't deserve me.

"I'm fine, Francis . it was just one of the old wounds that opened up. You should have . well, you should have said something."

"Maybe I should have."

"So you're fine now?" he asked.

"Yea . just an incredible headache."

He laughed when I said that. It felt better again . but, still, I could feel something different about him than before. He smiled at me . he cuddled me while we were waiting for the others to come and get us . but still.

We got on the plane but now I noticed that Francis was keeping his distance from me. It didn't bother me, as that was maybe for the best . but I could tell it bothered some of the others. I thought about it but was asleep quickly, as I needed some rest.

When we arrived in London, we were picked up by a few cute looking boys and some girls. We were going to stay at a college that was dedicated to sports. Oh . all muscles, no brains, I thought.

The worst was that we'd sleep in dormitories . as it turned out, James, Francis and I would be placed in one dorm room while David and Alexei were placed in another. We didn't do a lot that evening except to chat with some of the people who'd picked us up . they were all over Alexei.

I went to bed early but woke up when the boys (yippee!) went to bed. I peeked out of the corner of my eye to watch them get undressed. They did it so naturally. I couldn't see James or Francis as they were in beds behind me.

I woke up early that morning and decided to check outside. It was a beautiful place . it must have been an old castle, surrounded by several hills. I walked a bit and found a stream. It was very peaceful. I decided to work a bit on my concentration and breathing . it'd been a long time since I'd done those exercises and the surroundings just invited doing them. It was so easy to get in touch with nature down there.

For the next 30 minutes, I enjoyed the peace and calm. I was just thinking about putting my feet into the water when I heard something moving not to far away.

"Oh, sorry .. I didn't know that someone was here," a boy came stumbling out of the bushes where I'd broken through to find this spot.

"That's fine. I was just thinking of leaving."

"You can stay if you want," he said. whispering while looking at the ground.

"Maybe just for a while."

"Would you?" he said.

"Yea, why not? It's nice and quiet down here. Do you come here often?"

"Yea, I like the quiet. It is a nice place to sit, think, dream."

"Definitely," I said. I looked at him closer. He was not cute . or, at least, not really cute . but he had something nice about him, something charming.

"You're one of the guys who came with Mr. Nemov, aren't you?"

"Yea . you like gymnastics?"

"Yea but I suck at it. I'm better at chess."

"Ah . you're more a silent thinker?"

"Yea, but I'd love to do some gymnastics."

I decided I was sitting beside someone with a huge crush on Alexei.

We chatted quite a bit longer about several things. When he relaxed a bit, we talked about a lot of things . music, literature and more. He'd read Lord of the Rings, too and had loved it just as much as I had.

"I'd better go . the others might miss me and I think we need to do some training soon."

"OK . well, if I don't see you again, thanks for chatting with me. There aren't a lot of guys around here that do that."

"Oh, I enjoyed myself. Why don't you come around at the gym later on . then I can introduce you to Mr. Nemov, if you want."

"You would?" he asked, a bit too eagerly, I thought.

"Yea . just come around at the end of the training session."

"OK . see you later then."

I walked up to the gym. I didn't need any food; I was quiet, calm and at peace . ready to release some of the energy that had been building up in me. When I entered the gym, I was the first to arrive. I saw that I was about 15 minutes early.

I changed and went into the gym and started my workout. I was quite sweaty by the time the others walked in.

"Oh . you're up early, Nick."

"Yea, I'm ready for some serious training this morning, Alexei."

We had a very good training session. We had some visitors . kids from the school . watching us. I kept looking to see if the boy I'd met was around. I hadn't discovered his name yet, but I hoped he wasn't too shy to come.

We trained well and I got several compliments as I was doing a lot better than I had in Germany. The concentration exercises helped me to focus on what I was doing quite well.

I wasn't back in my former form . but I was getting there, and that felt good, better than it'd felt in a long, long time. Except Francis had again kept his distance. I'd done most of my training with some of the English guys, which I didn't mind. Maybe it was better like this . breaking up might be better for the both of us, I thought. And the sooner he understood that, the better. I was only causing him pain.

At the end of the training session, I looked at the crowd watching again and noticed the boy I'd met at the far end of the gym. While the others started to walk out I walked over to him.

"Come on, join us . then I'll introduce you to the others."

He followed me, about a meter behind.

"Hold it," I heard him whisper.

"What?" I asked, looking back.

"You mean . into the locker room?"

"Hmmm . yea, I think that's where they are."

"Oh!" and I could definitely see him blush.

But the chance of meeting Alexei must have given him some courage, as he followed me into the room. Some of the guys were already dressed . I saw others were absent, probably showering.

"Sit here. They're probably in the shower and will be back in a minute."

'Hmmm . are you sure? I could wait outside."

'No, they won't mind and you're a friend of mine so .."

I started to get undressed and I definitely saw the boy's eyes following my every movement. I just tried to act normal, as if I hadn't noticed it. I think he was just one or two years younger than I was . but the sheltered life he lived in the college down here must have prevented him from seeing many guys getting undressed in the locker room.

I draped a towel around my waist and waited for the others to come back. I sat down beside him and, when I looked at him, realized he'd hidden his crotch with his hand.

"I'll wait to introduce him to you and then go shower. When I come back, we might go for a drink or to eat or something, if you want."

"Oh, yea! I have no lessons until later this afternoon."

I saw that he kept looking towards the entrance to the showers. I could hear some noise coming from the shower room, and a moment later Alexei, James, David and Francis walked towards where we were sitting.

"Hey, Nick! We thought you'd gone back already without showering."

"No, I promised someone I'd introduce him to you guys."

"Oh! And who is he?" David asked.

"Someone I met this morning and wanted to meet you, Alexei."

"Ah," said Alexei, who came closer until he stood before the boy whose name I still didn't know.

"Hi! I'm Alexei," he said, stretching out his hand.

"Ummm," he said . then tried to say something. The boy stood up slowly but his gaze had locked on Alexei's wet glistening body. Then, he seemed to wake up.

"Hi! I'm Thomas."

"Hi, Thomas. So you like gymnastics? Why didn't you come to practice this morning?"

"Oh . hmmm." He still wasn't sure what to say or where to look.

"He's just a fan, Alexei. He's more a chess player than anything else.

Until now the English boys who'd trained with us had more or less ignored what was happening. Instead, they'd been fooling around.

"Hey, Thomas! What are you doing here?"

I saw that Thomas couldn't possibly say any more . his face was red, he could only look down at the ground . and his hands still protected the view of what was probably his stiff dick.

"Good to meet you, Thomas. So, you're a chess player? Maybe you need to play a game with Nick then, as he's quite good. Do you play competitively for your school?"

It seemed the change in subject made Thomas feel more comfortable. He looked up and answered Alexei's question. Their chat continued, so I decided to go and take my shower. I told Francis that Thomas would join us for a drink and that I would be back soon.

I showered quickly and the rest of the morning and afternoon I spend with Thomas . first with the group over drinks. I could see that Thomas was starting to relax a bit. Later on, I played a few games of chess in his room. It'd been some time since I'd played . so the first few games I made simple first moves, which led to quick defeats . but the last two had taken longer. I still lost, but I made him work for his victories.

I'd really enjoyed spending time with him and, while playing, we'd talked about a wide range of subjects from school to gymnastics . and particularly how we'd hooked up with Alexei.

When I came back to our dorm room, I saw Francis lying on his bed, reading a book.

"Oh! There you are. How was it?"

"Yea . it was nice . I haven't had an afternoon like that in quite some time."

The words were sincere . but I saw on Francis's face that he wasn't happy with the way I expressed it. Well, so what? It was just the way it was.

Over the next few days, I spent a lot of time with Thomas. Most of the time, he'd be in the cafeteria when we came back from the training session. We played chess or we went to the little spot by the river, just to relax and enjoy some quiet times.

On Thursday evening, Alexei told us that we'd have the weekend off and that he had planned a little trip down to a beach. On the Monday, we'd have another training session and on the Tuesday and Wednesday some demonstrations in London. Then on the Thursday they'd organized a college competition at the school where we were staying.

He didn't explain to us where we'd be going . but it was clear we'd definitely have a good time. His look told me that it was intended to be an opportunity to be together.

When we finished our last game of chess on Friday, I asked Thomas what he was going to do.

"Well . probably just hang around . study some chess."

"Oh . you don't go out with any of the others?"

"Most of them leave for the weekend tonight, as it's summer break now and they're only here for the sports. Most of the college classes are finished and they can go home during the weekends."

"Hmmm . that's too bad. Well, we'll see each other on Monday again."

He mumbled something, then he looked at me and said, "Thanks, Nick . I really enjoyed talking and playing chess this week with you."

He was blushing a bit. He was so incredibly shy and, even now, was unable to look at me.

"Oh, I enjoyed myself, too . and I'll see you on Monday."

"Yea," he said . but with a tone in his voice that said it all.

I'd started to get an idea during our last few sentences.

"Maybe you could come along with us, if you want."

"You mean . down south, to the beach area?"

"Yea . then you wouldn't be alone. We could play some more chess."

"You think Alexei will let me?"

"Well, there's only one way to find out, Thomas."

"Hmmmm . well, maybe I'd better not. I don't think they want me hanging around."

"Maybe . but I might . and that's the only thing that counts. So, if you're up for it, I'd be willing to go and ask him."

"OK . it'd be nice to be away for the weekend. Do you know where you're going?"

"No, not yet. Alexei said it was a surprise. He likes to surprise us from time to time during this holiday . he did that in Cologne as well. I'll be right back."

I found Alexei standing just outside the dorm room.

"Hey, Alexei! Can Thomas come with us for the weekend? Otherwise, he'll be alone most of the time as the others are going home for the weekend."

"Oh! Have you asked him already?"

"Yea . I told him I thought you'd be OK with it."

"Hmmmm . well, I'm fine with it . I'm just not sure Thomas will like it."

"Why not?"

"Well . the surprise I was planning was a trip to a nude beach. I'm not sure Thomas would enjoy that."

"Oh, nice!" I said.

"So, do you think he'll be OK with that?"

"I'm not sure . but he can always stay behind while we go. I'm not even sure if David would go for something like that."

"OK . well, let's say that it's OK for him to join us . but don't say anything to anybody about the nude beach. I still want to keep it a secret . otherwise, people will start worrying about it beforehand, and that's not good."

"Maybe. OK, you're sure?"

"Yea . I booked three double rooms, so we should be OK."

"Thanks, Alexei. I'll make sure he doesn't bother you."

I walked back in a hurry to tell Thomas he could join us.

He was so happy, he jumped into my arms. I could feel his hard dick bumping against my leg. Oh! He was a horny boy and he'd be in for quite a surprise, I knew that.

I didn't tell the others where exactly we'd be going, as I'd promised Alexei. He'd rented a small van to take us all down south.

We'd be staying in a hotel just outside of Poole. When we checked in, Alexei gave Francis the key to our room but I didn't want to be around him. Greater distance would be good, I thought.

"No, Alexei. I won't be sharing a room with Francis. Thomas knows me, so we'll take a room." I saw a smile on his face as I said that. What I didn't see was the look on Francis's face. I saw that Alexei was pondering the consequences as he looked at Thomas and said, "OK, I guess."

"Just go up for a short time . freshen up . let's meet down here again in about 30 minutes. We could be at the beach in about an hour if we really move it."

"You wanna shower first, before we go, Thomas?" I asked him as we entered our room.

"No, I'll be OK . probably I'll need a shower afterwards."

We put our bags on the bed and I started to look for my swimsuit. Although I knew I'd probably end up not wearing anything, I thought I'd better put it on. When I looked up, I saw Thomas walk into the bathroom. I couldn't see what he had in his hand, but it must have been his swimsuit.

I got my black trunks out . not the boxer style, but a real black Speedo. I'd brought it with me for just those times we'd be swimming at the hotel . but I wanted to look as hot as I could today. I wanted to flirt, just as I had in Cologne. I wanted to make Francis see that I was no good for him . that he deserved better. Without having him in the room, it was a bit easier, too. It didn't matter how horny I got. I couldn't hurt him this time.

I waited maybe a bit too long, as Thomas returned while I was just slipping on my Speedo. I could see in the mirror on my right hand side that he stood still for a second before continuing. Yea . he got a really good look at my bum. I smiled a bit, then pulled the Speedo up and turned around.

"Are you ready?"

"Yea . wow! You're going dressed like that?" he asked. He blushed as he said it.

"Yea . is that too much? I bought it in Germany and thought it'd look good on me."

"Oh, yea . it does, for sure! It's just that not a lot of people around here are wearing that style these days."

"Well, then, enjoy it."

He blushed even more and slipped down his pants for a moment so I could see what he was wearing. He had red swim trunks on, but they seemed to be a bit too small. His skin was untanned, so I guessed he didn't go swimming much.

But he looked good in it and I saw that his dick was again a bit larger than normal.

"Oh, but you look good in those trunks, too . a nice tight fit."

"Yea . too tight?" he asked as he made some adjustments.

"Oh, no . it shows you off pretty well."

He blushed even more.

"I'm just going to brush my teeth, so I'll be right back." I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I got everything I needed out of my toilet bag and brushed my teeth. As I opened the door, I thought I caught Thomas hurrying back to his side of the bed, but I wasn't sure what he'd be doing.

"So . ready to go?" I asked.

"Yea, let's go."

"It's been some time since you've been to the beach, Thomas?"

"Can you tell, Nick?"

"Sorry, but yea. Your skin is so pale that I don't think it's seen much sun at all."

"Well, normally I swim once a year or so . but I make sure I keep dressed up . I don't want to get a sun burn."

"Oh, you can use my suntan lotion to prevent burning."

"I know . but I still can't do my own back, can I?"

"No, that's true. Let's see if the others are ready."

We walked downstairs and found some of the others ready to go. I'd put some shorts on as I wanted to wait until we got to the beach before showing more skin.

The others soon joined us. Everyone seemed eager to go. I saw Alexei kiss James on his cheek when they thought no one was looking, and I could hear Thomas gasp in surprise. Oh, he'd find out a lot more today, I thought! He didn't say anything, though and I don't think that Alexei heard him.

It seemed that Alexei had rented some bikes to get to the beach, so we all hopped on and started off.

"OK, guys . the beach is just across this little lake. We're going to take the ferry across the narrow point, where the lake empties into the sea. The beach area is on the other side .it's big, long and nice. We'll walk from the ferry and leave the bikes behind. It's about a 30- minute walk before we get to the best area to lay down."

"OK! Let's go, then," David said.

Most of the time I rode at the back of the group. I must admit, I was looking at the asses of both Francis and Thomas . but found Francis's definitely more attractive, if only in its shape. I started to daydream and knew that that wasn't a good idea. I tried to focus on the traffic again.

We got to the ferry and boarded. I looked at the people around. Some were families, but there were quite a number of guys around as well. I looked more carefully. I'm sure the others didn't notice . but was Alexei taking us to a gay nude beach, I wondered? There were hunks all over the place, some cuties and some more mature guys . but pretty well all looked gay to me.

We locked up the bikes on the other side of the bay and, as we started out walking, I sidled over to Alexei.

"Hmmm . question, Alexei. Is it a gay nude beach you're taking us to?"

He smiled and said, "Ahhhh . you've noticed the number of guys already?"

"Well, I have the advantage over the others in that I know where we're going . but yea, when you put one and one together, it's pretty obvious."

"It's not exactly only a gay beach . but parts of it attract gay guys . who tend to band together in public places."

"Ahhhh. Are you sure Thomas'll be OK with this?"

"Oh, he will be, Nick . he's gay.

"You think so, too?"

"Yea . you can tell how he looks at you."

This time, I blushed. "Be careful, Nick . you're playing with fire here."

"Well, he saw you and James kiss . so he knows at least half of us are gay."

"Oh, did he?" he said, surprised.

"Yea. As we were coming down, you were kissing James on the cheek."

"Well, he'd have found out anyway, so .."

"I guess so. When are you going to tell the others where we're heading?"

"Hmmm, I'm not sure. Do you think I need to tell them? There's always the possibility of keeping clothes on, so it doesn't really matter."

"OK . then I want to be up front, as I want to see their faces," I said and walked a bit quicker.

"Well, it's another ten minutes or so after we turn the corner."

He'd been right. The beach was gorgeous and, as we were taking a short cut on the edge of the dunes, we could see a nice vista of duneland and heather on the other side. Francis caught up with me at some point.

"You're really having fun this week, aren't you, Nick?"

"Yea . you're not?"

"Yea, I am," he answered.

"I'm just happy that practice went well again. Those concentration exercises helped."

"Good . otherwise, this trip would have been for nothing."

"So you're ready for a day at the beach, Francis?"

"Yea, I love to swim and play in the waves. But you'd better be careful, Nick."

"Careful! Why?"

"Well, in your condition, you might damage it."

Damn! He was talking about my dick! How strange, I thought.

"I'll be OK. I just have to make sure I don't hit it and lay still when lying on my stomach, Francis."

"Oh, OK . if you think so."

He was quiet after that and, to be honest, I didn't feel like talking much, either. I was looking forward and, after the turn, I spotted the first naked bodies ahead . too far to make them out straight off, but I knew the others would see them soon, too.

We walked for another five minutes when I heard David yell a little too loudly, "Hey, Alexei . those people are naked!"

I saw that Alexei was prepared for this and, as he turned around, he smiled and said, "Oh! Didn't I mention that we're going to a nude beach?"

"Yea, that's something you forgot to add," both James and David said.

I saw an unhappy look on Thomas's face and Alexei caught it, too. "You can keep your trunks on if you want, Thomas. It's clothing optional, and no one cares."

He smiled a bit after that sentence. "I'll keep mine on, too, if you want me to," I said.

"Yea, you'd better," David agreed straight off.

"Why?" Thomas asked David.

"Oh! He can't get them off at the moment! It's better if he doesn't . but I can't really say why."

"That's OK."

"Let's walk a bit further and then sit down," Alexei proposed.

We walked about half way or so through the naked area and then moved toward the dunes. Alexei didn't go all the way up, but found a space that was sheltered by a hill and some bushes.

We looked around. Some of us were quite openly looking at the guys; others were blushing and looking away. Thomas particularly didn't seem to know exactly where to look.

Alexei was rather quick in laying his towel out, and I knew what he was going to do . he'd take the lead.

Oh, and before I forgot . the arrival of our group got quite a few looks, too.

Alexei was quick and, within seconds, as naked and lying on his towel. James had joined him soon after. I saw that David had put his towel on the other side and was keeping his shorts on. Francis was seemingly waiting, I think, for me to sit down but I didn't want that . so I chose a spot on the other side of Alexei. Thomas was just a bit quicker . not on purpose, I think, but he was already standing on that side and laid his towel beside mine. I didn't see his look but Francis turned around and lay down beside David. He also kept his clothes on.

After a short 15 minutes, Alexei looked at us and said, "Oh, guys . don't forget the sun screen . especially you, Thomas. I think you might burn pretty quickly, don't you?"

"Yea, Alexei," he said, still not sure if he was allowed to look at Alexei or not.

We started to rub sun screen on the most obvious places but, as we'd been sitting down talking, we'd only done the front side. We got warm quickly and I felt like swimming, so I looked at the others. "Ready for a swim?"

"Yea, let's go," someone said. When I stood up, I saw that David and Francis had got rid of their shorts.

"I really want to see how it feels to do this naked," David said.

"Good idea," Alexei said. "There's nothing better than feeling the seawater against your balls."

"You're not afraid that some guy might make a pass at you, David?" I teased.

"No . I'm sure you'll protect me from that!" he laughed.

I'd waited for the others to get ready and started walking down to the water's edge. I began to push my shorts down and Francis interrupted me. "I didn't think you'd get naked, Nick." I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I won't," I said, "but I'm still a bit overdressed."

I pulled the shorts down further. When I looked up again, I saw that look in Francis's eyes. Oh, yea! I'd gotten the desired effect, I knew that then.

"Oh, my god! You'd better be careful yourself, Nick. I'm not sure what looks hotter, you naked or with something like that on! Either way, you'll make everyone around you crazy with lust," Alexei said.

"Sorry, guys . but I couldn't let you get all the attention now, could I?"

They were all laughing and we started to walk towards the water.

Francis again had found a place beside me, with Thomas still very close by. I knew he probably wouldn't let me out of his sight.

"You look hot," he whispered. He came closer and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. I just smiled at him.

When I looked the other way, I saw that Thomas had seen it and gave him a little smile, to . but now he had a confused look on his face. I wondered how long it'd take for him to pop the question.

We had a lot of fun during the next 30 minutes or so in the water. It was nice, not too cold and, sometimes, the waves would be a bit high . but most of the time, it was OK.

There were quite a few other guys around, too. It seemed to me that more people went swimming as soon as we decided to go in.

We walked back to our towels, Thomas remaining pretty close by. He stopped and said, "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course . you've never asked that before, Thomas."

"No . I know . but . well, with all those guys around here . and first this morning Alexei kissing James . and then Francis kisses you . I was wondering . are you all gay?"

I smiled at him. "Well, my brother, David has a girlfriend . but, yea, I guess you've come to the right conclusion. Does that bother you?"

"No, no . not at all, Nick," he said, smiling.

I'd thought he'd come out himself at that point . but he didn't . he just started to walk back to our towels.

We laid down and had something to drink. Francis and David didn't bother to put their shorts back on, either, and I decided to keep lying in my Speedos, too. We had something to eat and just relaxed after that. We all ended up needing to apply some more sun screen.

"Can any one do my back?" Thomas asked when his turn came.

It stayed quiet for a bit and I knew that I couldn't disappoint him. He'd gone with us to the beach and he wanted to get some color . so he'd stripped down to his tiny trunks. I felt I should help him.

"Yea, of course . just give me the bottle."

When I'd done his back and started to do his legs Alexei said, "Why don't you get those trunks off, Thomas? If you're going a little tanned, it's much nicer if you do it all over, don't you think?"

I saw him glance from me to Alexei and back. A little smile came on his face. "What the heck, I'm on my belly anyway."

He got up a bit and pushed his trunks down. Somehow he managed to stay pretty low, so I couldn't get a glimpse of his dick.

"Go on, Nick . now you have a bit more to do."

Oh, damn! There were these two globes sticking up in the air and, although I'd earlier thought they weren't as cute as Francis's, that didn't mean they weren't cute, because they were. I slid my hands back up his legs toward his buns. I couldn't see his face but, when I was rubbing his inner thighs, I thought I could hear some low moans.

I put some more lotion on my hand and slowly started to rub his left cheek. Now I could definitely feel that he was shaking a bit. I wondered what was going on. I got some more on my hand to do his other cheek but I let some drops fall in between his two mounds. I saw the drops run between his legs. I reached for the cream drops and scooped them up. He moaned a little louder. I looked around to see if any of the others had heard it. David, Francis and James were all lying on their stomachs and didn't look up . but Alexei was and smiled. He must have heard the moan, I thought.

I continued to do under each buttock, giving it a good rub so I'd know that he wouldn't burn or stick to the towel when he turned over. He started to shake a bit more nervously and then, just when I was about to pull my hand away, he let out a deep sigh. I could see his buns move. Had he cum? I had to be correct. I left my hand on his bum, but he didn't move. Instead, he looked back, blushing furiously. "Sorry," he whispered.

Now what, I wondered. "No need for that, Thomas . we all do that when we need to. Just make sure you clean it up . you don't want to be sticky all over."

I turned around and saw that Alexei was really smiling now.

I saw Thomas cleaning it all up; then he laid back down on his belly again. I turned over and thought I'd better do some resting myself.

I'm not sure but I guess I slept quite a while. Alexei shook me and told me to wake up and turn over, or I'd burn. I did and saw that the others were awake, too.

We chatted a bit and watched the incredible number of cute guys who were now gathered around us . keeping their distances but still close enough for a good view smiles.

When we left, I saw that Thomas's ass might have been burned a bit. It looked at least as if it'd had more than enough sun for one day. We stopped just before we got to the hotel to have something to eat in a chip shop, then continued back to our rooms.

It was Saturday night, so we agreed to go out on the town. This time, to my surprise, Thomas didn't change in the bathroom but stayed in the bedroom. I'd brought several tight white t- shirts with me and decided that, with a bit of color now, I'd wear that. I found a pair of red shorts to go with it and thought I'd made quite a nice impression again. As for Thomas, he took some time, going through his bag twice while wearing only a tight pair of white boxer briefs. I wondered if he was doing this on purpose.

"Can't you find what you're looking for, Thomas?"

"No, I thought I had a white shirt with me, but I can't find it."

"Do you think one of mine would fit?"

"Could I borrow one, Nick?" he said, eagerly turning around.

I could see that he was a bit more than just happy. He walked toward me without shame. Gone was the shy boy of a few days before. I handed him one of the white shirts and it fitted him nicely. He walked back to his bag and got a pair of black shorts out. When he pulled them on, I could see they were tight and short, really short. It made him look gorgeous . but also a bit slutty, if you asked me.

"Wow! I didn't know you owned that kind of clothing, Thomas."

"Oh, only for special occasions. If you're ready, we'd better go."

We didn't find a gay bar but we found a nice place where we had some drinks and danced a bit. We had a lot of fun, to be honest. I danced with everyone except for Thomas . for some reason, he kept his distance. When we got back to the hotel, I wanted to say good night to Francis, so it took a bit before I got back to our hotel room to spend the night with Thomas.

The lights had been turned low and some music was playing. He was sitting on the bed when I entered.

"Hey, you OK?"

"Yea, I'm fine, Thomas. You'll find out that a relationship is a lot of trouble." Now, why did I say that to him? I'd been drinking a bit and the talk with Francis had gone well . but there was no enthusiasm in our chat. It bothered me, I knew that.

"Oh, well . we'll just have to make sure we have some fun, then. We haven't danced yet tonight, have we?"

"No, not yet."

"Come here," he said.

Before I knew it, I was dancing in his arms. We talked a bit and, I must admit, I enjoyed myself. When the music stopped, he asked if I wanted something to drink and poured some wine that had been standing on the nightstand. We sat down on the bed and had a glass each. We talked about several things, then Thomas said, "I need another favor from you."

"Oh, what?"

"Well, it seems you didn't do a very good job the first time on my bum. It feels burnt and it could do with a bit of after sun cream, I guess." He blushed as he asked.

"Oh, is that all?"

"After what happened this afternoon, I wasn't sure if you wanted to do that for me again. I was really embarrassed by that."

I wanted to say something but he looked at me and said, "You've probably already guessed but I think I'm gay, too."

"Yea, that had crossed my mind, Thomas."

"So you won't mind doing them, then?"

"No," I said, "get the lotion."

He got the lotion and he started to undress. As he lowered his boxers, he laid down on the bed. He wasn't even trying to hide the fact he had an erection.

"Have you ever done anything with another guy?" I asked him.

He turned around a bit and looked at me. "No, of course not . I wouldn't have the nerve."

"So . what do you want to do?"

"What?" Thomas asked.

I'd started to rub his bum. "I saw your erection, Thomas."

"You want to do something with me?"

"Yea, why not? Just to let you know how it feels."

"Wow! Are you sure?"

"Turn around."

Slowly he did as I asked. His dick was flopping around a bit. He was definitely excited. He smiled a bit when I took his cock inside my mouth. As I started to suck him, he let out a moan and I felt his dick getting harder quickly. As he hardened, his moans started to get louder as well. This'll be a quick one, I thought; he's not going to take long.

I waited a bit longer and then took it out. I slowly started to stroke his dick now. He had his eyes closed and I could see waves of pleasure going over his face. Then, with a scream, he came. Spurts of cum landed on his chest and belly. I let go of his dick and he gradually reopened his eyes.

"Wow! Thanks, Nick," he gasped.

"My pleasure," I said . but it'd felt strange, very strange.

It took a bit of time before he got his breath under control again. He picked up a towel from beside the bed and cleaned himself. He looked at me, first at my face, then at my crotch.

"Ummmm . you want me to .," he said, blushing a bit.

"No, Thomas, that's not necessary. Look at this as a present from me."

"Oh! Well, thanks."

"You're welcome."

Although my dick had been healing, I still had to be careful with it. I knew that, in a week or so, I could do some playing around with it . but not yet . or at least not very much.

We talked a bit more and I was happy when he fell asleep a little later. On the other hand, it took me ages to fall asleep. I thought about several things and I wasn't sure how to get out of my present situation. Did I needed my free space or what? In the end I fell asleep again . but I woke up dreaming the dream that had, for some time, come back to haunt me.

Well chapter 60 should be here out soon. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to check out my website for new chapters of tom and for the competition cutest boy in cutest underwear.

Enjoy it and let me know what you think of this chapter. Send me an e-mail at of chat via msn or ICQ (see number on website)

Next: Chapter 60

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