Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Oct 23, 2004


Ok this is the next chapter in this anniversary month of this story. What anniversary well the fact that I started this story now 5 years ago. I would never dreamed I would get this far but I hope you are all enjoying it. Chapter 58, 59 and 60 all do belong together so I hope I will be able to post them out in a row quickly. I am working up to a new stage of the story so hope you keep up with me for it.

If you want to congratulate me then join in on my website

Or send a message .

Take care and here is chapter 58 go and enjoy it

I had a bit of a headache on the morning we left the family who put us up. Checking into one of the hotels went smoothly and I was ready for more partying. By now there was music sounding through the entire city center and information stands were selling their merchandise.

It took me longer than I wanted but, at last, I got everyone out of the hotel.

"You seem to be eager, Nick."

"Yea, I just want to go and look at the gay city . remember, this is my first Pride, James."

"Hmmm . well, it's mine, too, but I'm glad to be here with Alexei, though."

"Oh . I can see you two lovebirds liked having a room together last night."

He just smiled at that.

"Well . at least he is disguised enough so you can show some affection if you want. I don't think that anyone would recognize him."

He was wearing some sunglasses and quite an awful looking hat. But most of all, he'd dressed in such a way that his incredibly hunky looking body looked almost normal.

"OK . let's see it all."

I could hardly hold myself back. We stopped to have a drink at some of the dance bars. I felt my ass being pinched quite a few times . but all were innocent . ones of appreciation. I did some pinching myself and definitely got some admired looks back. I know that Francis saw that but, surrounded by so many cute guys, I made sure that he got some attention as well.

I'd seen him looking with surprise when I'd put on a pair of tight white shorts that morning which showed my ass off pretty well. The red t-shirt just reached my shorts, and gave out the same message. My nipples could be seen and it all shouted out, "I'm gay and I love it."

I've always dressed somewhat conservatively and I guess that this was why my current look was such a surprise. Francis seemed to love it . as I noticed that he'd had a hardon when he came out of the bathroom and saw me dressed like that. He didn't say anything about it, though.

I knew from his various looks that he didn't like the attention I was drawing towards me. When the pinching started, he made sure he kept close behind me . so he could prevent it, I think.

"Loosen up, Francis," I said at one point. Just to make sure he knew I wasn't mad or anything I just turned around and kissed him. Again, he jumped back a bit, embarrassed it happened in public.

"Don't worry, Francis . no one will mind." Alexei helped me this time but he took advantage of the situation, kissing James. I felt Francis loosening up a bit. Although he was just holding me, he relaxed. I let go of him and gave him a smile.

We all had another few drinks. It was warm and, although the others had beers and water, I stuck to beer. This was Pride, and I was going to enjoy it. We'd been dancing and then, when the music stopped, they announced that the parade was getting close . so we all crossed to the side of the square to see the parade. Lots and lots of big trucks with dancing, smiling, hot guys . oh, and some girls, too . came bye. Some were dressed up in bizarre outfits . some were showing off . others were just cute and shy. We managed to stand quite close to the front and had some space, so we could move around to the music.

Every once in a while, the parade came to a stop and the trucks then stood still for a bit. An hour into the parade, I saw a truck playing some neat music. It was a big truck, open at the back where some cute young guys were dancing. After five minutes it hadn't moved much. The dance platform wasn't that full, and one of the guys up there looked at us. He jumped off the platform and walked towards us.

He addressed me first in German but switched to English quickly.

"You look like a great dancer . wanna join us up there for the rest of the parade?"

"Could I?"

"Yea, come on." I looked at the others. "Can they join us?"

"Sorry, one or two might fit but we'll want to pick up more guys along the way and then the dance area could get too full."

"Hmmm." I looked at Alexei and the others.

"Go on . enjoy yourself," he said.

"Is it OK if they," I pointed at Francis and David, "came along?"

"Yea, and him, too, if he wants," he said, pointing at James. It seemed that Alexei had managed to do exactly what he intended, as he didn't look hot in those clothes at all. A perfect disguise.

"I'll stay here," David said.

Before I knew what happened, Alexei had pushed James forward, making sure he'd go. We jumped onto the truck. The music was louder but sounded even better up on the truck. We got into the crowd a bit better and started to move to the music. First, I felt Francis close by. We danced erotically, pretty close together at some points. It felt great and my dick had its own feelings, responding to the intimacy. Francis got into the spirit, moving forward at one point to kiss me, something he hadn't done for quite some time.

"Wow, Nick . this is fun . but, my god, tiring too!" he whispered at one point in my ear.

"Yea, if you want to take a rest just go and have a drink." "You don't want one, Nick?"

"Hmmmm . maybe," I answered. I felt I should take a drink as I was sweating a lot. I saw that my t-shirt was clinging to my body.

We stepped to the side and were joined by James.

"You're enjoying yourself, James?" Francis asked.

"Yea . there are some amazing dancers on this truck." I must admit, I'd just been dancing and I hadn't really looked around . but he was right.

"Come on . let's join them again," I said when the music started again.

Francis followed. "Let's show them what dancing really is, Francis."

"You mean, like in the gay bar that time?"

"Yea . you haven't forgotten how, have you?"

"No . you think they'll be OK with that?"

"Oh, look around . they sure will." I knew he'd see what I meant, as most of the guys had less on than we did, and some were dancing in quite an erotic way . but most of them were gyrating out, towards the onlookers and not towards someone on the dance floor.

We started off slowly, moving to the music . sometimes incredibly close, our bodies moving almost perfectly together . then stepping back and enjoying more intensely erotic moves. I felt myself respond to Francis, just as I had in the past. Our eyes were fixed on each other and it seemed we both felt exactly what we wanted to do.

It seemed we'd again created our own little world . separated from the other dancers, some of whom were watching us. There was one couple in the middle that was dancing about the same way as we did. We danced that way for quite some time. For the first time since . well, you know when . it felt really good being together.

We kissed each other several times, when we got close to each other, and when our bodies touched, I could feel his dick against mine. At a certain point, I felt Francis tug my arm.

"My god . that was incredible, Nick . but I need a rest and a drink." I was still flying when he said that. I had so much energy, I could have gone on . but I saw that Francis looked quite tired.

"OK, come on."

We stepped out of the group of dancers, getting some applause from the guys beside us. I looked back to look at the other couple. Somehow they'd managed to get some of their clothes off and they both were dancing in their underwear now, cheered on by the crowed. They looked a bit older than we were . but not that much.

I gulped down my drink and felt I was ready to dance some more. Francis and James were now interacting more with the crowd than dancing. But I felt I had to expend more energy. We then came to a stop again . I'm not sure how long we were there, but it seemed that one of the trucks ahead of us had encountered some problems making a corner.

I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder and I turned around. It was one of the guys who'd been dancing on the floor with us before.

"You wanna dance?" he said.

"Yea, why not?" I replied.

As I started to walk away, I looked back and shouted to Francis, "Be right back."

I saw that he didn't look too pleased but I knew he was too tired to dance at that moment, and I felt like I had energy of ten people.

I smiled at the guy and followed him to the center of the floor. We were still standing still. The guy was looking into my eyes and I saw some energy start to spark between us. I think he knew that that was needed to really get the moves right. I knew that had happened with Francis, but I never thought I could do that with someone else.

He then took me with one arm and we started to dance to the music . first slowly but then we tried more complicated moves. Until then we'd kept our distance from each other, just occasionally touching an arm or a shoulder. He then suddenly pulled me close to him. I'd guessed that he was a better dancer than Francis was. He might even have been better than I was. When I felt his body, I let go and followed his moves, giving him the lead and trusting that he knew what he was doing.

Now interacting closely, our dancing moved to a level that I'd never experienced with Francis before. It was different, though. With Francis, I felt like our bodies became one; this time, it was just dancing in an incredible way. Our bodies coordinated well, and it felt great. He pushed me away again, now using his hands. He touched more now than just my arms . he was sliding them down my back and came back up along my side. I felt him lift my t-shirt a bit now. I looked into his eyes and knew what he wanted. As we danced, it felt natural to lift my arms so he could take off my t-shirt. I'm not sure where it went as he tossed it during another swift turn we did.

We stepped back again, moving to the music . separated now but still coordinating our moves. I now noticed that we had everyone's attention. Before others had been dancing, but now we were the only ones, and everyone on the platform gave us the floor so the crowd could watch us, too.

Oh, I felt incredibly excited . this was great! Whoever that guy was, he could dance, that was for sure.

Again he slid towards me and our bodies touch. Now shirtless, I felt his warm sweaty body touching mine. We were close now and I was moving along with him. Then I suddenly felt his hands move along my front. I wanted to step back, as I didn't want him to touch me there . but I realized he wasn't feeling me up . he just wanted me to show off more. I tried to remember what kind of underwear I'd put on that morning. Hmmm . white boxer briefs. I thought they'd reveal quite a lot . but he was dancing in black ones so I could hardly refuse to strip down. I felt my pants slip down my legs . his touches still completely non-sexual. I stepped out of them and again he tossed them away. He looked at me, then drew me closer. Now we were definitely heating up the place, putting on quite a show. This guy had fired up the crowd, which was cheering us on . but he'd also affected my dick, which had gotten its own ideas about this guy's hot body.

But he must have felt the rising sexual tension, as he stepped back. Again the music swept up another notch and we followed. I'd never danced with Francis like this . this was just incredible! But, at the same time, I started to have trouble keeping up with him. I managed to continue for another two or three minutes, then I felt a slap on my bum. When I looked up, I saw him smiling at me.

"Thanks . that was incredible," he said while he clapped at my performance.

"You can say that again." I'd never danced like that before.

"Oh, I think you must have been there before . you and your boyfriend looked quite good, too."

At the mention of Francis's name, I looked around to see where he was. I became aware of the applause we were getting not only from the crowed on the truck but also from the people on the street. I saw Francis out of the corner of my eye and I started to walk towards him. He smiled hugely and saw that he had my pants in his hands.

"Thanks for getting them."

"That's OK. That was incredible, Nick. I never knew you could go up another level in your dancing."

"Oh . I guess it just felt natural."

"Oh, is that what you were feeling?" He stopped talking and blushed a bit as he looked down at my crotch which, at that point, was getting even harder than it had been.

"Don't be jealous, Francis. It was just dancing."

"Yea . well, here are your pants." He handed them to me and, while I was putting them back on, there were some whistles and catcalls to leave them off. I looked up and scanned the crowd. I now saw Alexei and David there as well, both smiling and enjoying it all as well.

"I think we'd better get off now . we want to see the rest of the parade, too, don't you, Francis?"

"Yea, that's fine with me."

We got off the truck. I gave the guy I danced with a round of applause and I felt something slide into my hand. At that point, I just put it into my pocket, not wanting to know what it was. We were joined by Alexei and David, who congratulated me for my dancing. And they weren't the only ones . for the next 15 minutes, I was surrounded by guys, all of whom wanted to talk with me. Several even pinched and groped me. I smiled and let it go by . oh, yea, I was getting drunk, I can tell you . drunk from the alcohol but, even more, drunk from all the attention.

We watched the rest of the parade standing on the street. Francis had his arms around me, smiling at me and his presence made me feel wanted and strong.

After the parade was finished, we went back to one of the squares where more partying was going on. We grabbed some food at an open stall and sat down for a while.

"You looked awesome on the truck," David said to me while the others were looking for a toilet.

"Yea, it was great. I guess I haven't danced like that since mom left us."

"Yea . you always were happy to dance with her . but never like that!"

"Oh! You wanted me to try, David?" I asked with a wicked smile on my face.

"Dream on, Nick! But I was just surprised . I knew you had a feel for music . but doing something like that is something else."

"Yea . but my partner was awesome and he definitely took control of the dancing . I just followed his lead. I'd never be able to do something like that with Francis . though we do click pretty well."

"You did . everyone could tell that."

I saw that he was looking at me. "Good to see you are happier again, Nick."

"Well . I'm really enjoying myself . just being myself feels great, David."

"Yea . I saw that."

"Oh," and I smiled, "you didn't take pictures of that, did you? I'm not sure I want dad to see that."

He smiled his own wicked smile. I knew he had.

"Are you feeling a bit more relaxed with Francis now, too, Nick?"

"Let's not go into that now, David. I just want to have fun and enjoy my holiday."

When the others came back, we kept on partying . drinking more and dancing more. I'm not sure I danced very often that night with Francis but, near the end, I knew that I'd some other cute guys on the floor, too. I don't know if they'd seen what I'd done that afternoon or not . but I had an incredibly evening, I can tell you that. Long live Cologne!

We went back to the hotel and, as we walked into the hotel room, I made sure that Francis was very close by. I was horny. I needed some release. All that dancing . all those guys had driven me crazy.

"Come here, Francis," I said.

I pulled him towards me and gave him a big kiss . no, not a kiss . it was more like I pushed myself into his mouth, wild with lust.

When I let go he smiled and looked at me. "Oh . are you sure, Nick?"

"Shut up!" I said. I was too drunk to think or even feel at that point and I kissed him again.

I started to rip his clothes off his body. I wanted to feel it . caress it.

He let me go ahead and I got his t-shirt off in a second. I started to go over his nipples with my hands . then closer, I moved my face towards his perfectly shaped chest and I started to lick it . moving slowly towards his nipples . then not going easy on them but more aggressively . starting to bite them softly. His moaning made me move on. While still circling his nipples with my lips and tongue, my hands slipped down and got a good grip of his ass. I slowly started to pinch his cheeks. More moans left his mouth and my hands moved forward ending up at his crotch. I first felt up his balls, before moving onto his big hard dick.

Firmly rubbing his balls and dick, I stopped licking his nipples. I sank to my knees, opened his zipper, and reached into his pants. Now I could feel the warmth of his cock through his underwear. I slid them down and my hand touched his skin. I felt a bit of precum touch my hand. Not able to resist any more, I just moved my hand upwards, forcing his pants open completely. I'm not sure . but I think I ripped something at the process.

I got his dick in one hand and pushed his pants and underwear down with the other. I rubbed his dick . slowly at first and then more vigorously. More precum started to drip off his cockhead. He moaned now, filled with lust. His hands rubbed through my hair. I started to smell his dick now . I was close enough for that. The scent of his precum made me realize what I wanted. I moved closer, encouraged by his hands that were pushing my mouth towards the head of his dick. As I closed in on my target, more precum dripped. I could smell it and knew I wanted to taste it. I got closer and slowly moved my tongue around the head of his cock. It started to grow even more . I could feel it pulse and lengthen in my hand.

I slowly opened my mouth now, as I wanted to feel it in my mouth. I gently closed my lips around his dick and moved down the shaft. He pushed his hips forward, making his dick enter my mouth faster than I thought it would. The taste of the precum was like heaven on my tongue. I licked it up as well as I could but there was a lot.

Thrusting his hips forward, his hands pushed me further down. I knew he was close. His dick felt more and more like it needed to cum. Then I felt his muscles contract.

I wanted to be ready for it. He called out my name as he came. I got the first rope of cum in my mouth, but I needed to come up for some air. The rest landed on my face.

The taste and smell of his cum . the moaning of my name . made me realize that I wanted more tonight. I kept the cum in my mouth and slowly stood up. I saw a raw, lustful look in his face. I kissed him, sharing his cum by moving it into his mouth. Lust took me over. I wanted him. I knew what I wanted from him. We'd never talked about it before . but I knew what I wanted. He stopped kissing and looked at me. I felt him lowering himself. He was going to return the favor . but that wasn't what I wanted. That wasn't where my itch was. I wanted him . I wanted to feel that pulsing warm piece of meat inside my body. I looked at him and said softly, "No."

He looked up with some disappointment on his face. "No, I want you in me. I want you now," I said.

He looked up, quite surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Yea . are you up for it?" I asked.

He smiled and, at the same time, I could feel his dick get even harder. I turned around and walked towards the bed. In the meantime, I dropped my pants and removed my underwear. I put a cushion in the middle of the bed and positioned myself on it. "Come on."

He walked towards me. I pushed my ass into the air. It wanted him; it wanted to feel that warm dick of his. I pushed it out even more. A moan escaped Francis's lips. I felt him climb onto me. I'm not sure . but then I felt something at my asshole. One of his fingers tried to push in. I cringed a bit and reacted by resisting. I couldn't help it at first. Then I felt him start to massage it slowly . first on the outside and then slowly starting to concentrate a bit on pushing his finger in.

My brains made a shortcut at that point, I think, as I was totally in lust. I pushed my ass back again and his finger slipped in. I'm not sure if that was what he planned . but I made it happen. He stopped a moment and then slowly stared to massage the inside of my ass.

"Fuck," I moaned. Startled a bit by that, I felt him increase the pressure and movements. He continued for a while, making me helpless, desperate. I wanted his cock, not his finger.

"Come on . fuck me now," I yelled, while looking back at him.

I saw concern and lust in his face.

He took his finger out and I waited. I awaited his masterful tool . the dick that would give me total pleasure.

Then I felt the tip touch my ass. Jolts of electricity went through my body and again I pushed my ass up.

"Put it in," I shouted.

He wasn't going fast enough. I wanted him and it was taking too long. I pushed out and tried to relax . and, at that, he slipped in. I had him at last! Without waiting, I pushed my ass up again . but I think he was prepared for that . as he adjusted his position to match my own, so it didn't go in any further.

"Come on . fuck me!" He wasn't very eager . I could feel that. He slowly moved forward, then withdrew . not wanting to move in too fast, too deep or too hard. But that wasn't what I wanted . what I needed. I felt him penetrating me slowly again and I knew this was my chance.

I lifted myself up on my arms and pushed my ass up. I knew I'd surprised him as I felt his dick slip in further than it had before. When I felt him trying to withdraw, I clamped my ass muscles together. He stopped, moaned loudly and I did that again, to make sure he went in deeper again.

"Harder!" I yelled now. "I want to feel you harder . come on!"

He didn't say anything . but I think I drove him completely nuts when I tightened my ass muscles. I'd felt his dick twitch big time and I did it again and again . driving him crazy.

At that point, I felt his balls hitting my ass. He was in . totally buried inside me. I lost it then . I clenched my ass muscles even more and I felt my balls start to contract. All of that must have done something to him, too, as I felt something more. He pushed in hard and then he came. I could feel it spurting out . splashing inside me. I started to cum but, when he came, my balls retracted as flashes of the past came back, flashes I didn't want. I pushed them aside . then, exhausted, I fell back on the bed.

I was cumming . but that, together with the alcohol, the pain and the flashbacks, shut down my mind. Before I knew it, I was in dreamland.

[Francis continues]

My god! What had happened just now? Lust had totally overcome me when he worked my cock with his ass muscles. Then I just couldn't resist him. I felt my cum spurt out of my dick for the second time that evening. When I opened my eyes again . slowly coming back to my senses . the first thing I became aware of was the sound of his snoring. Oh! He'd fallen asleep! I tried to withdraw from his ass. As I did that, he moaned softly in his sleep. Oh! What had we done? I know he wanted it . but like this? I never intended it to happen like this. I knew this was his first real time after his rape a half year back . and, lord knows, I should have made love to him instead of letting my lust get the better of me. I saw that his hole was open wide and vulnerable, but also red and damaged a bit. I hoped I hadn't hurt him too much and that he would be OK the next morning.

I slowly got off of him and got a towel to clean us both up. He moved a bit and I saw that he too had cum but his dick was looking . oh, my god, that was incredible . there was blood all over the place! How had this happened. What had I done???????

Hmm sorry guys to leave you hanging at this cliff hanger but chapter 59 will be there not to long I hope. If you want to check out my website and join the cutest boy in cutest underwear competition let me know.

Next: Chapter 59

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