Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Jan 24, 2004


Hi guys, well here is chapter 45 of Coach's Assistant. I promised this one would be out more faster so here it is. I know that I am broaden the horizons of the story a little bit with more characters around but it will always stay around developing Nick and Francis. It might happen that in one chapter there is a bit less of them around then normal but I reassure you they are the main characters in this story and will stay that.

I also have decided to shorten the chapters a bit meaning that it will go a bit faster for me to finish them and also a bit faster for my editor to go through it as well. So shorter chapters but definitely more updates to it.

If you want to go to my website to read other stories of mine then you are welcome

And if you want to contribute to the story in any way or have stories of your own you would like to put on my website than you are welcome to respond to or bye ICQ 36967366.

Well here is chapter 45,

{In the lobby}

Within 40 minutes we were all back from where we started, but we had no more information.

"My god! He can't just have disappeared! He has to be somewhere," David said.

"Well, I think it's time we got the hotel involved. We should have found him by now," Alexei continued.

"Sure. We've already asked the bartender and gone to the shops, but most of them have closed in the meantime. The last time the bartender saw Nick was when he walked out of the press meeting."

"Hmm, no news from Peter or Andrew either?" Alexei asked.

"No, they're not in their room and there are no messages for us at the desk.

Strange they wouldn't wander off without telling one of us, would they?" David asked.

"Well, the only ones who know them well good enough are Nick and Francis, and we can't ask either of them."

"OK. I think we need to take some steps. David, you go back to the hospital. We don't want Francis to worry too much and, if we don't show up, he will."

"Sounds like a plan," David interrupted, "but I think he'll wonder anyway if Nick isn't with us."

"True, but you'd better come up with something convincing to tell him for now. We don't want him to start worrying about Nick, too."

"Maybe I could go with you," Brad said to David. "I've known him a bit longer, so maybe I can find a way to take his mind off of Nick."

David responded, "Maybe … if that's OK with you, Andy?"

"Yea, fine. I'll stay here and help you search for the missing people."

"OK, that's all settled …. except for Alexei. What are you going to do?" David asked Alexei.

"Well, I'm not sure but I think we need to ask the hotel if they have any ideas, and I think we might want the police to ask if Francis's father has seen him. I'm afraid he might have but it is better to know than not."

David and Brad left the hotel and went by car to the hospital. Alexei, Kathy, James and Andy walked towards Reception.

"How can I help you?"

"Well, we were here earlier. We're looking for one of our friends. He seems to be missing".

"Oh, no doubt he'll turn up. Did you try his room?".

'Yes, we did. May we speak to Security, please? It might have to do with the incident a bit earlier."

"Oh, of course I will. One moment." He turned around to get the phone and asked in the meantime, "Is one of the gymnasts missing?"

"Yea, our friend, Nick."

The clerk waited for the phone to be picked up at the other end and then told the security officer to come down. A few moments later the man who'd helped with Francis's father came towards them.

"Can I do anything for you?"

"Yea, we still have a person from our party missing. Is there somewhere we can talk privately?"

They were taken to a small room beside Reception.

[In the room with Mike and Nick]

I knew I had to do this. I had to make my point to Nick, the little dipstick. But seeing him screaming it out was not easy. I pushed the switch back and waited for him to calm down.

I'd planned this very carefully. I was lucky that Nick took the stairs, as the opportunity to capture him became a lot easier than it had been in my plans. I'd hoped he would be more cooperative, as I think the doctor was right: he wanted more of this, he needed it. Every slave needs it.

Seeing him win today made me mad. How was it possible that he did something that I'd worked so hard to do for years? OK, he deserves whatever I do to him … definitely. He took my place on the team. I shouldn't forget that. He needs to pay for that.

[In the hallway we find Peter and Andrew]

"Are you sure, Andrew? Is there no way out of this? You know that, if we do this, he might just suck us in further."

"I know, Peter, but I'm not ready to come out yet. I want to go to college first and leave town, get away from everybody first. There is no way he can force us any more after that."

"Maybe, but that's still another year. I don't want to be pushed around for another year, you know."

"Hmm, well let's go in and see if we can talk our way it of it."

"OK, here we go."

They took a few more steps and Peter knocked on the door.

[back with the security officer]

They told him their story and he listened carefully.

"Hmm, so you're afraid that Francis's dad bumped into him and did something to him?"

"To be honest, yes," Alexei answered. "I've no idea why else we can't find him."

"He didn't go off again like last night?" the security officer asked.

"You know all about that."

"Yea. Did you check out the restaurant? Did he go there or not? Might he just have left to visit them before you went out?"

"No, I think he'd have told someone if he was going to do that."

"Hmm, well, I'll give them a call and then contact the police to see if they've heard anything. Maybe you can get some pictures of him so we can start showing them around the hotel and see if we can make out where he was last seen."

"Sounds like a plan. But we don't have to go upstairs all together. Maybe one of us can do something in the meantime?" Andy asked.

"Well, someone with a famous face like yours draws attention. Perhaps you could go back to Nick's room just in case he calls or shows up."

"Oh, whatever you do, can you do it with a bit of discretion?" Alexei asked.

"Well, there is still that reporter snooping around. He was here earlier on for the press conference, but it seems he stuck around."

"Good, we can do that. I'll do the calls and then we can survey the hotel personnel and see if someone saw him."

They left the room and went to do what they'd agreed.

[Back in Mike's room]

There was a knock at the door. Damn! They were too early. I looked at Nick again and saw that he'd positioned his hands in front of his dick and tears were still running down his face.

"Wait a minute!" I needed to make sure that Nick couldn't see who was there; they wouldn't want that for certain. I knew he was balanced on the edge. He'd hoped they'd come to his assistance but I knew they were too scared to come out of the closet yet.

I walked towards Nick, still with my back to the camera. Nick must have felt my movement, as he looked up towards me. I saw pain and hate. Damn! That is not what I wanted … but, then again, why didn't Nick listen to me. He should have cooperated like a slave … then there'd be no need to hurt him. But, then again, if this was the way to make him pay for it, I'd do whatever was necessary. Nick would be treated as harshly as he could take it.

"Are you going to do what I say now, Nick, or do you want more?"

There was no answer. "It is up to you, Nick. I can go back and give you some more." I stepped back a foot.

"No, please, don't, Mike. That hurts."

"I know, Nick, and I don't want to hurt you but, as a slave, you need to know your place and do what I say. Will you?"

There was pain and fear in his eyes but he started to nod slowly.

"OK, for now you're going to stay here and sit. I'm going to put on this blindfold on you and then you just stay calm and wait, OK?"

Nick nodded again. He was still not eager, I could see that, but I guess the fear of more pain was enough to make him agree with me for now. I put the blindfold on him and walked back to open the door.

I looked through the peephole to check who had knocked. OK, they were early but at least it wasn't anyone else. I opened the door a bit and said, "Come on in."

"We want to talk, Mike. We don't want to go through with this."

"Be quiet! Come on in and say nothing."

They followed me into the bedroom. I saw their surprised looks when they saw Nick sitting on the chair. I knew they knew who he was.

"Follow me into the bathroom," I whispered.

I went to the bathroom and saw that they were following me, but with still looking at Nick. I turned on the shower and locked the door.

"No way, Mike! Not Nick! How could you? He's a friend of ours."

"So what? That doesn't change the deal we made, does it?"


"I don't think so. There is no way either of you is going to want to take the risk that that picture of you kissing is going to be handed around school and you know it."

"We might take the chance, Mike."

"Oh, I don't think you will, Andrew."

"We'll tell them you blackmailed us and we'll tell them about this."

"Oh, and bring Nick into this? And who is going to believe you guys?"

"I don't think Nick will ever admit he was here … not with Francis upstairs."

I saw them look at each other. I told them that I feared they'd welsh on their deal and would snitch on me … but as I said that last part, I saw doubt coming into their eyes. They needed just a little push.

"You think Nick is here because I blackmailed him? No way! He is here only because he wants to do this. He loves this, as you'll soon find out."

"No, I don't believe you, Mike. No one loves this."

"Oh, yea? There are quite a few people who do. I think I can convince you.

I have a website with pictures of Nick on it."

"No way, Mike. You must have faked them."

"No, I think you'll see that they are real. If I convince you that he actually likes being a slave, you'll follow through on our deal?"

I knew I almost had them. I'd probably have to stop my blackmail of them after tonight to make sure they didn't add up what I'd actually been doing, but that'd be fine for now.

"Yea, but only for tonight, right?"

'Yea, only for tonight, Peter."

"And you'll give us the photo and the negative afterwards?"

"Yes … so, let's go and you'll see what I said is true."

He opened the door of the bathroom and then stopped and added, "Wait, one more thing. I put a blindfold on him as part of his humiliation. He isn't allowed to see who is in the room with me. So you'd better not say anything when we're out there. Just do as I tell you."

I didn't wait for a reply but opened the bathroom door completely. No way they'd say anything now, as Nick would have heard them.

I led them to the computer screen and went one window back.

"Here, just look at this.".

I took my eyes off the screen; I knew what was there … pictures of Nick performing several of his tasks … even a few of him in his gymnastic jersey, his cock hard as a rock. I looked at their faces to see if they were convinced now and would do as they'd agreed.

They'd better be, I thought, or I'd happily ruin their lives forever. There was no way that anything would get in the way of his revenge on Nick.

I saw their eyes go from the screen to each other. As I thought, Andrew slowly started to nod. I'd won this one.

"OK, Nick," I said loudly, "I've brought in some guest so you'd better show them you're a good brave slave. You don't want anything else to happen, do you? You know what the consequences are?"

They all looked at Nick, sitting there, helpless in his chair, head bowed, something that was bigger then normal in his white undies. Dressed and behaving like a real slave would, Mike thought.

[back at the reception desk at the hotel]

They got a photo of Nick, while Andy stayed behind upstairs.

"Ah, you're back. Good."

"So, have you found anything out?" Alexei asked.

"Well, no, not yet. He didn't go in to dinner, so we can skip that possibility, just as you said. The cop who took Francis's dad in will be back here after he talks with him, but Francis's dad might not answer his questions. He'd not be surprised if that happened. So I guess it's time for us to see if someone has seen him in the hotel. Let's start with the personnel. Do you have the pictures I asked for?"

Alexei showed him the pictures of Nick they'd found upstairs.

"OK, we'll make some copies of this and then see where it leads us."

He walked to the back of the room.

Armed with copies of the picture, they split up in two groups and started to go around the hotel, trying to avoid suspicion and looking for every staff member they could find. They had given themselves an hour and then they would regroup downstairs.

[in the meantime, back in Mike's hotel room]

"As you can see, I'm putting this live on the Internet, so I think you'd better make sure to stay with your backs to the camera. If needed, I can change the cam position a bit."

"I think you two had better start to undress, You can leave your underwear on if you want."

I saw them look at me but then, slowly, Andrew started to take his sweater off. It seemed to me that, if I could get Andrew to do something, Peter would just follow him.

I thought, well this will be fun, three hunks in their underwear.

I waited until they had stripped to their shorts.

"What a sight, Nick! Three guys in their tight whites, ready to be seen by the world." I saw uncomfortable looks on the faces of Andrew and Peter.

"Yea, guys! I just want to make sure that Nick knows what is going on. I know he'll feel humiliated by it all if we do it like this. And when he does, we'll see the result very soon. He's such a slave boy, our Nick."

"To start with, we're going to undo that little rope behind his chair. Number one, can you do that?" I pointed to Andrew, making sure that he knew I meant him when I referred to number one.

He walked towards Nick and, when he was almost there, I said, "Wait a minute! Stay right there." He was now standing beside Nick. "Turn your head, Nick, and sniff number 1's crotch."

Andrew looked down. He saw that he was indeed crotch to face with Nick. Nick didn't move very fast. My god! Was he already going to disobey? He was still connected. I turned around to look at how high was the setting. I turned it back to only 10% of the first hit. He'd feel it but not as strong as the first one … merely a small reminder of what might happen.

"Well, Nick, come on." Still he didn't respond, so there was no other way. I needed a bit of help. "Come on, Nick," and at the same time I flipped the switch. I could see the shock on Nick's face. He was prepared for the worst, but it was not that painful this time. I kept it on longer, though, than the first time. Just when I thought I would need to give it a bit more, Nick turned his face towards Andrew and put his nose in his crotch. He started to sniff. I let the handle go.

"Good slaveboy."

I left them standing there, one boy sniffing the other one for a minute or so. Peter was still standing to the side. He could not see Andrew's expression but was showing signs of jealousy, that was for sure. Hmm, this is good to know! He can't see Andrew as I could … he had closed his eyes and, yes, there was definitely a bigger bulge than there had been before. He was enjoying this … just like a horny teenage boy probably would. They had so little control of themselves. I checked out Nick and, sure enough, he was responding nicely as well. But he'd stay like that with the cockring on and the drink I was about to give him.

"OK, Nick, move away and you, number 1, loosen the rope. Make sure Nick can stand up."

"To start with tonight's action, guys, we're going to have some fun. Nick, you're going to stay sitting for a while, but I think you'd better open your mouth for the time being. Number 1 and 2, go and stand beside him, one on each side and pull down your undies a bit. Nick, go and start sucking them, one by one. If he needs help, guys, you just guide it in a bit."

I got the camera closer so the guys would not be seen on the website, at least not their faces. I took a good closeup of their cocks and, when Nick found Peter's, I got a view of him right in the middle of sucking his friend.

I let them keep going for a few minutes. Although they looked a bit embarrassed at each other, I could see that they both reacted to Nick's expert sucking. Good, I thought. I want them to enjoy this.

"Stand back, now. Let's make him ready for the first lesson of tonight. Number 1, get him off the chair and put him on it. Then take this and put it around his dick."

That was it for now more soon as the next chapters are in progress.

If you want to go to my website to read other stories of mine then you are welcome

And if you want to contribute to the story in any way or have stories of your own you would like to put on my website than you are welcome to respond to or bye ICQ 36967366.

Next: Chapter 46

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