Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Dec 13, 1999


Chapter 4 of Coaches assistant

During Wednesday and Thursday I didn't got a chance to talk to Francis. We saw each other in the hallway but that was all. On Thursday afternoon around normal practice time the doctor was coming around. He would use a part of the girl's lockers as his office and I had to set down a few tables in the middle and a bed who I got form the first aid room. My father would not be around; he had teachers meeting so it was up to me to make sure that everything was going ok. When the doctor came in he was enthusiastic to see me again and we talked about the last game and about who was on our team.

"Ok," He said, "I see there are a few new team members on the list so I want them last. I will start first with the ones I know. I see that you are on the list too"

"Yea, my father thought it was a good idea since I work out a little during practice".

"Ok, put yourself also at the end then. If the others are coming in you can leave it up to me to organize the rest. I expect only that you clear the room when I am finished so maybe it is not a good idea to be the last one".

He took the list out of my hand and went into my father's office. When the team came in they asked me if the doctor was already around. I told him he would be right back. We waited all and then he came out of the office.

"Ok, you guys I will start first with a general look over and you can give me the questionnaires back so I can prepare myself. I have made an order to handle you all. "

He put a list on the table and then walked into the girl's lockers. He had taken his questionnaire with him so he didn't invite the first one to come over. He told us that every 20 minutes the next member could come in. I took a look at the list and saw that I had to go just after Mike and before Francis who was the last one. The first one went in and about 20 minutes later. When he didn't came out yet the second one went in also. It took almost 10 minutes then before the first one came out again. We didn't speak to each other about what happen. That was the same as it used to be when we had a meeting with the school doctor. Nobody ever talked about what happened inside.

After a while mike went in and I new I was next in about 20 minutes or so. I just wondering what was going on while there were two in the room. I better think of something else I though when my dick started to get hard.

Then the time was up and I had to go in. When I entered the room I saw that Mike was sitting naked on the table in the middle of the room.

"Hi, Nick, you can start with taking your clothes of already. I will be finished with Mike in a few minutes."

I looked at Mike who just sat there with his head a little down just as if he felt himself embarrassed about the whole thing. I could see that his dick wasn't the normal size but a little stiff.

I undressed my self but kept on my underwear. I thought that could wait until the doctor was finished with mike. But when the doctor saw I didn't continue he looked at me and said: " So you are a little embarrassed just get out of the underwear and keep standing up beside the chair".

I looked at mike who smiled a little. I put of my underwear and put it on the chair. I started to get my hands in front of my dick but the doctor saw that too.

"No, just keep those hands beside your body"

With that I stood just there in front of the doctor and Mike but I started already to think about what would happen when I was sitting there and Francis would come in. Just thinking about seeing him naked made my dick started to become very large. I just decided to stand up and do if nothing strange was happening. With the corner of my eye I saw how the doctor went true with the examination of Mike just touching him almost every were including his bud and are. I started to get a little bit scared about the next things that was going to happen.

"Ok. Mike, I am finished with you just get your clothes on and wait in the room next door. Ok Nick come over here on the table"

I walked towards me and sat down on the table. My dick was still hard when he looked at me and said "Ok we will start with a few questions".

They started innocent but slightly they became more and more intimate like: When did you masturbate for the first time, how many times do you masturbate, do you spurt a lot

I was kind of embarrassed to answer the questions but he explained it was part of an enquete he was doing for a research group. So I just answered the questions and he filled them in.

Then he started the physical examination. At first it wear the normal routine things like saying A, listening to hart and longs. Then he went down a little and felt my knees and ankles. He just touched them a little more than I though was necessary.

"Ok now let see if you have any problems with your prostate, blow on your hand"

I knew this from former doctor visits so I did as told but He didn't feel my balls only but also squeezed them a little and felt my cock for just more than a moment. Of cause it took the opportunity and rose to full height again.

"Ok he said keep on blowing on your hand and just turn around and go lay down on your stomach"

I did as told and felt how he put one hand again on my balls and tugged them towards him. I felt how his other hand just went to touch my arse and I though almost if he went in a little. I thought I would come right there on that table. I felt my dick become very hard but could control myself.

"Ok turn around now"

I did and saw that he walked to the door to open it. Francis came walking in and his gaze came directly to my dick, which was still very hard because of what the doctor just had been doing.

"Ok, you are Francis aren't you"

"Yes Doctor"

"Ok go stand beside the chair and get undressed. I will be ready with Nick in a few minutes".

The doctor turned around towards me and started to continue his examination with a rub on my legs first outside and then inside. He made sure by doing this that I kept on horny and hard. I couldn't see Francis because the doctor was blocking my view. But I knew that the doctor would check at some time how far Francis was with undressing. My embarrassment about being naked in font of Francis slowly turned around in plain curiosity about how Francis would look.

The doctor did turn around a few moments later and there I could see Francis. Just as me he had his little black underwear still on but you could already see that he was excited by what he saw.

"Francis, I said undress so get ride of that underwear to"

"O, sorry doctor I thought I could wait until you were finished with Nick".

He put of his underwear and made no effort to hide is hard dick. It seemed he was proud on it. Well he was right about that. It was one of the hardest, largest cock I had ever seen.

"Ok, Nick, turn around on you belly again. I will do a final check on your back now."

The doctor started to massage my back again. The fact that I had seen Francis cock made me horny as hell so when the doctor went down a little to my butt I let out a few moans of pleasure. The doctor must have heard that because he paused a second and then went down a little further to my bud. Again I let out a few moans and the moment the doctor tried to get in to my arse I felt pure pleasure before shooting my cum. I tried to think of something else because I just couldnt'; believe I was going to cum in front of the Doctor and Francis even without touching my dick. But my feelings were right and a moment later I felt cum spurts out of my dick. The doctor noticed it and said: "Well you better clean that up Nick. We can't expect Francis to go and sit in that, can't we?"

I didn't answer but instead looked at Francis who had a big smile on his face and when I went down to look at his cock I saw that he was very hard. He seemed to enjoy the things he had seen. I was embarrassed by all this and with my head down I quickly cleaned up the mess I made.

"Ok Nick, you can get dressed again and step outside in the waiting room until I am finished with Francis here".

I got dressed as quickly as possible. I hoped that Francis wouldn't take to the other teammemebers about what had happened. When I came back in to the waiting room my brother came towards me and said:

"Well, you are OK, you were a long time in"

"Yea I am fine David. The doctor wanted to be sure that I was fine doing exersizes for the first time"

"Ok, we will wait now. Normally we will get a letter or so for our parents and Coach about how are physical is doing"

"A letter you say"

"Yea normally only saying that you are healthy or not"

I didn't answer him on that just to afraid that there was going to be more in that letter than necessary. We waited for another 10 minutes when Francis came outside and said the doctor would be in soon.

We all got at least one letter but Mike, Francis, and me got two letters I just wasn't sure what this was about but I could hardly wait to read it.

I left the others to clean up the room and when I was sure that there was nobody around I got the letter out of my bag. One of the letters was addressed to my Father and the other to me.

I looked around again and decide to open it there.

Dear Nick,

You are physically Ok, as you already expected I think but we need to discuss a little more the sexual side of you and the things happened in there. So if you want to I expect you to come to the hotel where I am staying for about two weeks. I expect you to be there tomorrow evening around 19.00 O' Clock. I want you to wear your training outfit with a jockstrap beneath it.

The Doctor.

Ps All will be a part of the research we are doing

I read it and was not sure what to think about it. I was very unsecured about my sexual feelings and if the doctor could help with it that would be fine. Also I thought about the other members who got two letters. Did he invite them to, because that would mean I could see Francis again and discuss with him what happened? I wanted to ask him not to tell any one about it but I was afraid to do this at school.

When I came home I started on dinner and waited until dad came back from his meeting. He asked me if every thing went well and I said that there were no problems and that the doctor checked everybody up. He wanted to know if we had got a letter and both David and me gave him the letter we got from the doctor. I looked anxious at Dad because I was still a little afraid that there was something in the letter about what had happen. But my dad didn't respond at all. He just said well that is a waste of paper I knew you were both healthy.

So that was all. In my bed that evening I looked back at what happened and hoped that Francis didn't tell anything to the others. My brother didn't mention it to me so he didn't know it yet. If Francis had told him, he would surely come to my room and made a remark about it. But he just didn't say anything about it.

I then remembered I had to buy a jockstrap that following day right after school because I didn't had one. Then I started to think about what would happen the next evening and with a little bit or anxiety I felt a sleep.

Ok if you want to respond, have any ideas to continue let me know email: or ICQ 36967366.

Next: Chapter 5

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