Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Apr 1, 2003


Hi guys,

Here is another chapter of Coach's Assistant. Hope you like where I am going with the story. Sometimes I think I might end it sometimes I just feel the flow of new idea's to continue it. Your reaction to it keep it possible for me to get on with it so if you want to share your experiences while reading let me know.

Don't forget to fill in the questionnaire on the website as I need your help with for example finding a good nickname for Nick and Francis. You can also be informed for new chapters bye sending in your e-mail address on the page that is mentioned for it (trying to get it to work at the moment).

Then I started on my website also a new story named TOM. (

If you are not into these kind of stories then don't read on. I have no knowledge of any sexual preferences of celebrities mentioned in this story, all is based on pure fiction.

Let me know what you think of the story, or bye ICQ: 36967366

Ok here is chapter 36 enjoy it and let me know what you think of it.

Thursday went the same as Tuesday; school first and then training, first technical then concentration exercises. It already felt much better than the days before, so I started to feel a bit more confident than I was at the beginning of the week. I also felt that doing the extra workouts with Dad and the running had made me definitely stronger. Not that it showed or anything, but when I did a routine now I at least had some energy left.

That Friday evening we stayed home. David had talked with Kathy and she had told him that there would be just a normal evening in the bar on Saturday with lots of good music, but nothing special so this sounded good. We didn't want to get into anything strange with Randy and Alexei around.

I got mail from Randy that evening as well.

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your mail. It really seems that I am coming alone again. My boyfriend was not happy with me going away but I am going to come whatever he says, as I want to see you and Alexei.

I will arrive Friday evening around 5 I think, so I will gladly take you up on your offer to arrange transportation for me. That would be a lot easier than some form of public transport.

Regarding sleeping I am not sure; whatever you and Alexei decide on is fine. I am happy to go to a hotel or stay at your place.

I will be able to read my e-mail on Friday morning before I get out of here, so if there is any change of plans let me know. ok?

Looking forward to seeing you again Nick, With love,


Ah that was good. He is going to visit, but without his boyfriend. Well, I'm sure we will have a good time anyway. Although, it was a bit strange the way he wrote the fact that he was coming alone.

I better give Andy and Brian a call so they can pick Randy up. I knew I could have asked Peter or Andrew, but not sure they could handle the celebrity thing. And I wanted them to have a little surprise when they entered the bar on Saturday.

Francis kept to his promise and although we spent almost an hour up in my room before going to bed, he didn't make any attempt to start anything.

That Friday was one that seemed to last forever. At least that's how it felt for me. Lessons just didn't seem exciting or go by quickly. You know sometimes you look at the clock and think 'Wow! Have I been here that long already?'. That Friday just didn't seem like others. Training went ok, and for the first time that week I felt that I had some fun as well. It was a really good feeling. We finished around 5 and I knew that Randy would probably be there by the time we got home. As Dad would make dinner and we were expected to stay in that evening because of the extra training we would have on Saturday morning, we had almost 2 hours before dinner would be served.

All afternoon I felt like doing some drawing, and I think that the promise to myself to do that before dinner was part of the reason why I felt so good during practice. I found Francis waiting just outside the locker room.

"So you're ready to meet up with Randy again, Nick?"

"Yea, I'm really glad he could make it. I bet we are going to have a great time tomorrow evening. You know that I asked Peter and Andrew as well, but I don't think I told them that Andy, Brian and Randy would be there too".

"Oh that's going to be fun. We better think of a way to have fun with them about that".

"Good idea Francis. Were you waiting for me down here?"

"Yea I thought you would like to go home as soon as we could".

"Hmm, no Francis, if you don't mind I would like to go to the park first and do some drawing. I have my sketch book with me".

"Oh! I thought you would want to meet up with Randy as soon as we could".

"Well I know he might be a bit disappointed, but I feel like drawing and I don't think that I will have time for it the rest of the weekend. If you like you can go ahead and meet up with him and tell him I will be there in about an hour as well".

"Are you sure Nick? I wouldn't mind coming with you."

"I know, but there is nothing for you to do".

"Ok then I will do that". I was a bit startled when he kissed me on the lips just before he said: "See you later". I'm sure that I started to blush. The moment he turned his back to me I looked around to see if there was anyone around, but I found no one.

He better be careful with that or we will be caught. I walked on to the park. It was a nice spring evening with lots of people walking and playing around in the park. I sat down on a bench and got my sketchbook out of my bag and some pencils. Now what would I draw?

Just on the edge of the pond that is in the park, a Swan was swimming around with two babies. Well if they would stay around long enough, they would be a nice subject.

For a while I was focused on what I was drawing. The next thing I noticed, there was somebody sitting beside me. I looked up to find out who it was.


"Hi Nick, hope you didn't mind me sitting down beside you".

"No that's fine". I answered not knowing what more I could say. During the last few weeks Mike had dropped the gymnastic team and I had hardly seen him anymore. I'm not sure what happened, but I had the idea that he and James were still playing around, with or without the supervision of the doctors.

" I didn't know you drew, Nick".

"Well there are more things you didn't know about me Mike". I answered in a more severe tone than I intended.

"Are you sure you don't mind me sitting here?" "No not at all Mike, just let me finish this".

"Ok, if you don't mind".

I looked back at my paper. I knew that I was almost there, only needing to do a bit more on the waterside with the plants that were there, and then it would be finished. I concentrated on the waterside, took a picture of it in my head and started to draw what I had just seen onto the paper.

I started to draw slower and slower the nearer I came to the end of it, hoping that Mike would have gone before I finished it. When I was almost done and there was no way out of it Mike said: "I think I better leave you to finish this Nick. But I still would like to talk a bit in the future about stuff if you want to".

I looked up again. "Yea whatever you like Mike. Like I said. I'm not mad at your or anything".

"Ok, well then maybe after your meet next week or when holidays starts".

"Yea that's fine. You know where to find me. 'Bye Mike".

Damn! Now why did I say that again? Shit! This was the worst time he ever could have chosen to walk by. This was something I just didn't need. I quickly focused back on the drawing and when I was finished I took my things and walked back to the house.

" Hi, I'm home, I yelled when I walked into the hall".

The door to the kitchen was swept open and Francis walked in. " Hi honey it's about time you showed up. Did you have a good time drawing?"

"Yea great", I said. I was not going to tell him I saw Mike, not now.

"Ah can I see it?"

"Yea just let me get into the kitchen. I would like to see Randy, and I think that Dad would like to see what I have drawn as well".

"That might be a good idea. He wondered why you wanted to do this tonight instead of meeting Randy".

"Well it did me a lot of good Francis, to concentrate like this on something completely different".

"Good! Then it had the effect you wanted Nick".

"Yea, so lets go in".

I walked after Francis into the kitchen. David and Dad were sitting there, but neither Alexei nor Randy where there.

"Ah Nick there you are, just in time to freshen up as dinner is ready in about 15 minutes".

"I thought so. It seems I timed it perfectly. Where's Randy?"

"Upstairs with Alexei, settling in I guess."

"So Nick, come on show us what you drew this afternoon." Francis interrupted.

I think he was worried that I would run upstairs without showing them the result of an hour of hard and concentrated work.

I smiled at him and set my pack on the table. When I opened the sketchbook I got an immediate reaction from Francis: " Wow Nick! It's beautiful; it seems you got the movement of the swans on the paper. This is really great!"

I laughed a bit at his remark. I was sure he would like whatever I had drawn.

"Let's see it Francis." Dad said. Francis took it out of my hands and handed it over before I could stop him.

Dad and David looked at it for some time and then looked at me.

"I was afraid that Francis was not the right person to judge this Nick. But I think you really did a good job on this. Almost as good as you were when you stopped".

I blushed a bit and then said: " I better go upstairs to freshen up else I will be late for dinner".

I didn't want to hear any more comments or questions about what a shame it had been that I had stopped drawing. I just didn't want to go into that right now.

I walked up the stairs and heard voices coming from the bathroom, so I knew where to find Randy. I walked up to the door and opened it. There he was standing in front of the mirror, shaving himself. Without his shirt he looked great and I started to feel a bit hotter and not sure it was a good idea that I opened the door like that. I tried to act as if nothing had happened.

"Hi Randy, sorry I wasn't home earlier."

"Hey Nick, good to see you." He came closer and hugged me.

'Wow!' I thought 'a hug from a shirtless Randy.' I felt his nipples touch against my shirt. For a moment I was lost in thought and then realized that I had heard voices in the bathroom not just one.

"Hey Randy, I thought I heard you talking to someone in here just before I opened the door".

"Yea you did" a voice came from behind the shower curtain "and if you could hand me the towel then this bathroom will be free for you to use.

"Aha, playing hide and seek Alexei." I replied.

"Well with that thing he can never play that game Nick".

At first I didn't realize what he was saying, then I started to blush as I looked from Randy to Alexei, who had stepped out of the shower and had pulled the towel around his waist.

"Ok, I'll get you back for that Randy. Don't worry Nick, he's just being his normal yucky self".

"I just want to make sure I live up to my reputation" Randy answered quickly.

I knew they had been friends but being that close to each other meant that they had spent quite some time together.

Randy dried his face and looked at us. " I better make space so you can get ready. Good to see you again Nick and looking forward to a chat later". He turned around and left the bathroom.

" Quite a guy isn't he Nick?"

"Yea he is something special. Sometimes I'm not sure if he is acting or if it's just him".

"Oh it's just him, at least most of the times".

" How long have you known him Alexei? It seems you know each other quite well".

"Oh I think for 4 or 5 years".

"That long. But he has not been known that long. How did you meet?" Alexei had started to shave and I had gotten my shirt off so I could wash myself a bit. No time for a shower, this just had to do.

" Well, hmm. Shit! Ok, I'm not sure he will like me telling you this Nick, but we kind of met at a gay bar; now let me think...yea 5 years ago".

I calculated mentally and knew that meant that Randy was only 18 or so at the time. "Why don't you think he would like it if you told me that?".

"Just not sure how much he wants to have in the open about stuff that happened to him before he became famous. I know I can trust you but I'm not sure that Randy might be that comfortable yet. You always have to be careful that the wrong information doesn't get to some journalist or other".

"You can trust me, you know that Alexei".

"I know Nick, but that doesn't mean that Randy can yet. Well you know now so nothing we do will change it, but be careful with how you bring it up".

"Ok I will".

We finished quickly and we left, both to our separate rooms. Randy was in the hallway just going down. When he was just out of reach of us he said: "Hurry up you lazy ones or I will eat it all".

I looked toward the stairs but I was too late to grab him, and when I turned the way Alexei went I saw that he had turned around as well and was smiling.

I changed quickly and joined the others downstairs.

We had a good dinner. Some nice comments were made about my sketch as it had been passed around before I could catch it.

Randy was a bit quieter. I had been afraid he would embarrass me or Alexei somehow in front of my dad, but he didn't so I knew he could behave if he wanted to.

After dinner we (Alexei, Randy, Francis and me) went to my room. We shoved some chairs around so we could get comfortable to chat.

"So you guys, what have you been up to since the last time I was here? I heard you visited Andy last weekend".

So the next 2 hours we got Randy up to speed on all the things that had happened. As Alexei did the same, we heard some things we hadn't yet so that was good as well. It seems that Alexei knew Randy very well as there was stuff he hadn't told us, but Randy did without any hesitation. I started to wonder just how well they had known each other and at a point when Alexei was really talking with Randy, I saw their faces and by their expressions I was sure it was very well indeed. But with that I also started to laugh. My god would the journalists have a fun day if they had known.

"What are you laughing about?" Francis asked as he looked at me.

"Sorry, just something occurred to me".

" What," he asked, "is so funny?"

'Shit!' I thought now, 'Alexei told me to be careful about what he said in the bathroom, but how could I get out of this one?'

"Well it wasn't that funny, just something that popped into my mind".

"Yea probably" Randy injected. "Come on let us all laugh. What occurred to your sleazy mind?"

'Damn!' I thought 'if he brings it up like this then he's up for it.'

"A moment ago you were looking at each other Randy, with a look that told me that you and Alexei have had some kind of relationship in the past.

Randy's mouth fell open and I saw that Alexei started to blush. Francis looked from me to them and back.

"Sorry guys, but you asked me what it was," I said.

"Is he right guys?' Francis asked this time.

Randy looked at Alexei, not sure what to answer but also it seems that somehow they came to an understanding about something.

"Yea he's right, we had 'something' as you put it Nick, for a short time, but that is past. We came to the conclusion that it would be a mistake for both of us and we have been great friends ever since".

A smile returned to Randy's face now as if he was happy about what Alexei had said.

"So come on give details" Francis said, "Where did you meet and how?"

"Shut up Francis, I'm not sure that's something they want to tell and I think it would be better if nothing more was said about it.

If you don't mind Francis". Randy answered. "It's just that it was some time ago and we, Alexei and I, agreed to never bring it up again, so I hope you can live with that.

" Hmm it seems I have no choice."

"Don't get upset about it Francis, I know there are things about the relationship you had with Brian you will never tell us either".

I started laughing again as that was probably true and they just had him in the same corner as he thought he had them.

"Ok now this is said, what are we going to do tomorrow evening Nick? Did you find a nice place to have some drinks and dance?"

"Yea I think so. We've been there once before; it's a gay bar.... you don't mind going into one of them do you Randy or you Alexei?" I just realized that with them being celebs and all they would rather not go there.

"No that's fine Nick. Most of the times I'm ok in such places and everyone treats me normal as far as that is possible" Randy said with a smile.

"You fine with that too Alexei?"

"Yea I've been in such bars before, never had a problem with it".

"Are Andy and Brian going to join in as well?"

"Yes, they should be meeting us down there. We are expecting another couple as well. Some friends who are going to school with us".

"Guy friends?" Randy wanted to know.

"Yes, a gay couple".

"Wow! Life must have changed in schools. In my time there were no gay couples walking around".

"I never said we were walking around as a gay couple Randy".

"Oh so they don't know you are a couple at school then".

"No, and that's the way we want to keep it for some time".

" Well just be careful, that's the most important thing".

"So how early do we need to be up tomorrow morning Alexei?" I asked.

"At 8, training starts at 9 Nick".

"Hmm, way to early for a Saturday".

"Well it was not my idea either Nick, but I think your dad was right; we need to get the most out of my time here and next week will not be as hard as it has been this week. I'm sure your dad will work on technique and concentration only up to next weekend".

"Well in that case I think I would rather be in bed and asleep now guys, otherwise I will be very sleepy tomorrow evening".

As I said that I looked at Francis. I knew he had plans for tonight, or at least that's what he wanted me to believe on Wednesday. He looked at me curiously and when Alexei and Randy stood up to leave my room I saw that he was not sure what to do.

" Are you sleepy Francis?" I asked in a seductive voice.

He looked at me and said: "No, not yet Nick".

"Sorry Francis, but I am, so give me a good night kiss". Randy and Alexei were still standing in the doorway and watched as Francis came closer to kiss me. I could see the disappointment on his face and I'm sure that both Alexei and Randy could see it as well.

I think that Francis must have been very sleepy by then and there was no way he could go back to his room now that both Alexei and Randy were there. During the last few nights Francis had slept in Alexei's room as he didn't want us to fool around but this night with Randy here, he would have to stay in my room again.

He kissed me and then started to join Randy and Alexei, but the moment he was at the doorway he looked at me. " I will get you for that Nick".

"Welcome back Francis" I said and started to laugh uncontrollably.

" I must say" Randy joined in "he would have come with us for real. It was good that Alexei told me that he would sleep here, otherwise I would never have caught on to you Nick".

Francis more at ease again, walked towards the bed and jumped on me. " I think I need to make sure you're not going to do that anymore Nick".

"Hmm, time for us to leave those two horny bulls alone Randy."

I could hear the door close, but with Francis on me he was all I could see.

"So you thought you would get a rise out of me that easy?".

"Mmm no Francis just having fun, that's all."

"Yea, yea then what you did isn't so good if you are tired. We better get some sleep."

He got off of me and with his back to me he started to undress.

"Come on Nick, we need our sleep, or as you said we will be very sleepy tomorrow night".

When he was undressed he jumped into bed without looking at me or giving me a peek at the front of his briefs. He lay down with his back towards me. I slowly brought my hand over his butt towards the area where his dick should be. I didn't touch him until I reached his dick. Then I grabbed his dick. I was sure that it would be hard and I was right. He screamed a bit the moment my cold hand touched his dick, but when I started to rub it he started to moan softly.

" Are you sleeping Francis?" I whispered.

"Mmmmmm " he answered.

"Yes I thought you were". I slowly continued until I felt he was on the edge of cumming. Then I let his dick go. I got out of bed and started to undress. When I was finished I jumped back into bed, but I lay down with my back towards him. I knew he expected me to come back to him and start playing again.

"You are so playful tonight Nick, I think I should repay you for that". Before I knew it I felt a hand on my dick this time. I smiled.

He slowly started to work on it. I just relaxed and enjoyed it. He moved a bit and made sure that his body was against mine. It almost felt as our bodies had became one. I could feel his dick pressing against my back. It was still worked up and hard. I couldn't reach it with my hand, so I just enjoyed his movements. He didn't begin moving it harder, he just kept his rhythm.

More and more I felt like humping his fist, but with his other hand he had kept his stomach hard against me so I couldn't move. Wow! I wanted him to move faster as I got more and more excited.

I knew this was what I could expect when I started teasing him tonight and some part of me really likes this. Then as I thought he would he stopped. His hand didn't move a lot, he touched my stomach and slowly started to rub it, going up to my chest and playing with my right nipple.

I moaned softly. " Would you turn around Nick? I want to kiss you".

I turned around slowly and there was a big smile on his face. We started to kiss each other. His hand was still on my right nipple and his other hand was just on my shoulder.

"You feel so soft, so nice Nick". I was not sure he knew he was doing this, as he sounded like he was dreaming.

I started to move my hands so I could touch his dick. Slowly rubbing it from the tip to the base and back again.

I moved my head a bit so that I could see his dick as it stood proudly up from his crotch hair. Hmm it looked nice, so I started to think 'Could I lick it, could I slowly start to take it in my mouth?' I let my tongue slip out of my mouth and then I moved my head down.

Francis' hand stopped me and moved my head a bit so that he could look into my eyes.

"Are you sure Nick?"

"Yea, I'm pretty sure Francis".

"Only if you want to Nick".

I just nodded and didn't do anything else but I slowly moved lower. There it was, that beautiful organ. It moved a bit up and down towards his belly. I could see the veins running through it. When I almost touched it I could feel the warmth coming from it. I opened my mouth and slowly touched it with my tongue. It felt warm but the moment I touched it, it moved up and pressed harder against my tongue. It definitely reacted to the feeling of my tongue touching it.

'Now what?' I thought and I slowly moved my tongue lower over his dick. It didn't taste too bad and I could feel that it moved along with me licking it. When I moved back up I stayed a bit above it and slowly blew air over it. Each time I did that it moved up a bit. I knew I got him excited. Now for the big test, I opened my mouth and placed my lips just around the top of the head. At the same time I sucked a bit and I could feel it getting harder. He moaned loudly followed by a sigh and a whisper " My God Nick!"

That was all I needed to go on. I relaxed my lips and slowly started to move downward. It had looked big from so close, and I had no idea how far I could take it but it felt great. When I was almost half way I felt I needed to go back up, so I let it slip again but made sure that when I was near the top again to suck harder so it would slip out with a big plop.

I looked up at his face and saw that he had his eyes closed and was enjoying this very much. Then in slow rhythm I started to go up and down his cock. More and more he started to moan and make noises. I smiled to myself as I knew I was pleasing him very much.

Slowly his dick got harder. Then I felt him start to move his hips and push his dick farther into my mouth.

"You better stop Nick" he whispered softly, panting for breath.

I looked around to watch him. "I know what' coming Francis".

" I know you do but you better not".

"Are you sure Francis?

"Yea we can do that later".

I stayed close to his dick and slowly took it in my hand again. This time I started to move it up and down harder and harder and he started to become noisier. Then it erupted, hitting my forehead then my cheek and more went over my shoulder probably landing on his belly.

The smell of his cum filled my nostrils. It smelled good to me.

"Thanks Nick that was great". He turned his head and kissed me on the lips.

"I love you so much Francis. I'm not sure what I would do without you".

"Yea I know the feeling Nick".

We just lay down facing each other. I think that was the way we fell asleep as when I woke up the first thing I saw was his face. I looked at it and it felt like I was dreaming. He was peacefully breathing in and out.

Just enjoying the morning light and smell of Francis close by I knew I had to find out what time it was since we had to be early up for our training session. The last one with Alexei around and I think the last serious one before the meet of next week.

So I slowly started to wake up Francis when I saw that it was time to get up. I started to blow in his face, first softly then a bit harder. When that didn't get any results I touched his lips with my finger, softly moving it from one side to the other. He started to move a bit when I was doing that, so I continued until I saw he started to move his eyelids and slowly opened one eye..

"Morning honey, what a nice way awake up." 'I thought you might like that, Francis, now it's time to get up with no time to mess around".

"Bummer, I could have stayed with you like this all day".

"Are you sure? I think I could have changed parts of you" I said as I had felt him poking his dick in my leg just a moment ago.

"Funny guy, so you are taking the shower first or are we going to go together?"

"I think we better go together. I don't want you to fall a sleep again".

We got out of bed, showered, and when we came downstairs the others were already down there. We wondered about that, as we didn't see any sign of Randy or Alexei or David tearing around while we were in the shower.

"So every one ready for the last training session? Are you going along with us Randy?"

" I think I'm going to go with you and just watch if that is ok with you".

"Randy, I'm not sure that's a good idea. We know you but I'm not sure if the others would be distracted by you" David said.

"Didn't think about that David, do you think the others know who I am?"

"Think so. I did before I met you".

"Ah not only known in the gay world then".

"That is a bummer isn't it?" Alexei said when he saw that Randy was gloating on that a bit.

"Oh, I'm sure there are not only girls swooning over your body Alexei".

There it was again; they really did know each other better then we thought. It's almost as if they were brothers. At least it was fun to watch them goofing around.

So Randy decided to stay at home and we went to the gym. I explained to Randy how to use my computer so he could look at his mails and stuff.

Training went well I think and we were satisfied with the things we had done. I knew I might have come a bit farther if it hadn't been the stuff at the beginning of the week, but then again that couldn't be helped now.

The concentration exercises were dealt with by every one pretty well, so we could see the results from that as well when we tried to bring them into practice on the last round of sets.

Alexei told us that we had worked hard and managed to do a few things quite well so that it now was a matter of relaxing and resting and not worry too much. He also told the guys he would be there next weekend to watch which got him an enthusiastic round of applause.

Just after midday we were back home again. I found Randy at my computer but he signed off when I came in.

I made a few phone calls so that every one would know we would be in the gay bar around 9 pm that evening. I didn't tell Andrew and Peter who the others were that would be there but I felt that especially Andrew tried to find out. He knew that Alexei would be there but I think that both Randy and Andy would be a surprise for them.

It was a shame that James could not be there. I'm sure Alexei would have wanted that, with him being in town and all but then again he would be there next weekend. I wondered though why I hadn't gotten an e-mail back from James. I know I had been quite forward in my message not leaving anything out but still I had hoped for some kind of reaction from him. So I decided to write him another message while all the others where resting. It seems they wanted to make sure they had the energy to last the night.

Hi James,

I hope you don't mind me writing you again but I didn't get a reply to the last message and that started me worrying a bit. Looking back now to the e-mail I sent you I might have been a bit harsh and straightforward in it but the things I said were heavily on my mind at the time I was writing you. Lets just say that something had triggered familiar feelings and that made me feel uncertain about everything.

So although I still think that you must have the same feelings as I have it might be out of place to have written you such an e-mail. I just wanted to explain to you why I sent it to you and make sure you understand you are not the only one dealing with them.

Well so much for the heavy stuff. We just had our last training session with Alexei and I can't say I am not happy for that. It has been a rough week both physically and mentally but I think we can say we are ready for the meet. Just a bit of relaxing until next Saturday now and work on the concentration skills. I think my dad will want us to have some light training sessions as well but nothing too heavy anymore. Although I'm not sure that I'm on the team, I think I will be given the benefit of the doubt after my very good appearance in the last meet.

I have talked with Brian and Andy and they will pick you up Saturday morning very early around 7.30 or so. That way you will be there in plenty of time. You might want to consider a nap in the car as I think that my dad and Alexei have a big party planned for after the meet whatever the outcome will be.

So take care. If you want to talk call me or just write me an e-mail back.

Your friend


So that put things a bit more in perspective and I hoped he would write me back. I would find it a bit strange to ask Alexei for his phone number but if that was the only thing I could do I knew I would.

I had been resting on my bed and reading a bit of Lord of the Rings again. It had been quite a while with everything going around since I had last read any of it so I took it up again. I knew that Francis was either downstairs or with Randy and Alexei.

A knocked on my door made me look up.

"Come on in."

"Can I disturb you for a moment Nick?" It was Alexei.

"Yea come on in, I was just reading a bit".

"You don't mind if we chat a while?"

"No that's fine with me, I can read another time but you're leaving again tomorrow".

"Yea that's true but we'll see each other again next week".

"Hmm next week; lets change the subject".

"You don't want to talk about the meet ?"

"Better not Alexei, if that's ok with you, that is. I don't want to get too nervous already. It's still a long way off".

"No reason to be worried about it Nick, you will do fine. I've seen a lot of improvement again if I compare it with last time. You still amaze me".

I blushed a bit not being used to that kind of praise.

"And I'm not speaking only about the gymnastic stuff. I really appreciate what you are doing for James. I know he's dealing with some stuff in his mind and it's good to know that he has some one he can talk with".

"Well you were there for me Alexei so I am glad I can do something back. Did you hear anything from him this week?"

"Yes, he was just on the phone. We both had hoped he could join us tonight but there is no way he can leave this weekend with his mom and stuff. But he sounded more relaxed and I had to tell you that he had replied to your last mail".

"Ah, good! Well you will see him next weekend. I have told him that Andy and Brian would pick him up".

"Now we only need to convince his mom that it's a good idea for him to join us on our holiday".

"You know anything more about that Alexei?"

"Well not a lot more Nick, but the grants have been submitted now I only hope that I can add a small supplement with your results of next weekend. We should know then in 1 or 2 weeks if they are granted. I have had three offers to perform on exhibitions so far. One in the Netherlands, one in France and one in Germany. There might be one or two more but 5 is the most I will do".

"When do we need to leave Alexei?"

"Hmm not sure. First I have to finish off my pre-world championships training then we go out to Europe but I need to be back the third week of August at the latest as then I need to do some hard training to make sure I am prepared for the world championships".

"Ok. Well school will soon be starting then so we have to be back anyway".

"I will keep you informed but I think it will be a four week trip, maybe 5 starting at the beginning of July. So that would be two or three weeks after your exams?"

"Yep that would be the case".

"Good! I think you will love Amsterdam and Paris, not sure yet where the exhibition in Germany will be".

"Have you been to those cities before Alexei?"

"To Paris a few times but to Amsterdam only once for a day. I intend to spend several days there this time. It must be a very open and tolerant city with several cultural things to see."

"Good! So how late is dinner did Dad say anything about that?"

"Yes should be ready in about an hour. I'm going to go back and see what Randy is doing".

"Is Francis not with him?"

'No Nick, haven't seen him this afternoon yet".

Alexei left my room and I started to wonder where Francis was.

I decided to go and have a look. I went downstairs but he was not in the living room. In the kitchen there was only dad and he told me he hadn't seen Francis all afternoon. Now I started to wonder if he went out. I checked the coats but his was there so he should be in the house. When I walked back upstairs towards the room where Alexei and Randy I heard voices in David's room, so I knocked.

"Can I come in David?"

"Yea, Nick come on in".

I opened the door and there they were together, my brother and Francis.

'I was looking for you", I said to Francis as I kissed him on the cheek. "Now why is that not a surprise to me Nick?" my brother asked.

"I thought you were with Alexei and Randy".

"No, I came here to ask David something about his routine; how he did something and then we started chatting. I hope you didn't mind".

"No, of course not". I was surprised, but that was all.

"So anything special you want Nick?" David asked.

"No just a cuddle I think".

"Would you mind leaving us alone again now that you found me?"

After my welcome I had put myself on Francis' lap.

"Are you sure you want me to leave?" I pouted a bit to Francis.

"Well ..., " but he was interrupted. "That's not fair Nick. We were talking here and I think we weren't finished; so don't make this difficult on us".

"Ok" I said and stood up. I softly kissed him on the cheek and said: "You know where to find me if you want more".

He smiled and said: "Later Nick, maybe in about 15 minutes".

I left them and heard their voices again just after I closed the door.

Well whatever they were discussing it was something I was not allowed to hear. Maybe David was helping Francis with his stuff about his mom. I was aware that David knew about it, but not sure how he knew.

When I was back in my room I started up the computer again. I wanted to see what James had written back to me.

Hi Nick,

Sorry that I didn't respond to your first mail. You were right, it was a lot to grasp and I was just not sure how you came to this all. Your second e-mail made that a lot clearer but that is no excuse for me to not respond to your first mail.

To start with you are right, they are the feelings that I am trying to deal with. It is strange to be with Alexei and not tell him about it, as I want to share everything with him. But I am afraid that he won't understand or that his response to it might to object to what I am doing.

I know that with the feelings I have for Alexei it has become more difficult to work out the other stuff too. It placed it all in a different light I think. But you are right I still enjoyed it too much to give it up. So I'm not sure but I think I have to talk about it sometime with him.

Did you discuss it with Francis?

I definitely want this out of the way before we go on the holiday. I still hope my mom wants me to join you guys; that would be awesome. But money is tight so I'm not for sure yet if it will work out. I definitely don't want mom to find out yet about Alexei. I know that you can be relaxed about all this with the way your dad responded to it, but my mom has a more old fashioned point of view. Also she wants grandchildren and that will never happen. Something else she will have to live with.

I hope we will be able to chat next weekend and if not I think I will call you after that.

Tell Andy and Brian that I will be ready for them. Do you know if I can get them something in exchange for the ride?

Well take care, and all the best for the meet next Saturday as I think we won't be able to talk with each other before then.

Your friend.


Francis did not show up for dinner so I just read more of the LOTR story. I met everyone else downstairs for dinner. We had a nice time all together. We talked about a lot of things, but not about gymnastics so that was both nice and strange at the same time.

With a lot of warnings from Dad we left around 8 pm to go to the bar. He told us not to make it too late, or early as he said later. Not to drink any alcohol and so on, and at the end he told us to have fun. I think that all four of us were intending to do just that. David went to get Kathy. I must say that lately he had spent more time with us than he had with his usual friends. They would join us again tonight. It seemed that Kathy liked the atmosphere in the bar as well.

Brian and Andy would be there a bit before 9 as well, so we could scheme up on Andrew and Peter; something I really looked forward to. Sorry, I won't brag about my famous gay friends; this time I just wanted to have fun.

So when we walked into the gay bar both Brian and Andy were there. Andy wore a hat so he was less easy to recognize but still not totally in disguise.

"Hey guys good to see you again" I said to them. "You do remember Randy don't you".

Hello's where said and chitchat flowed easily. I kept an eye on the door as we agreed that Andy and Randy would walk away from us the moment I would signal them that Peter and Andrew walked in the door. They would come up to us and start talking, asking me and Francis to do dance so we could see if they would recognize them or not.

The moment I saw them coming through the door Andy and Randy walked away from us as planned. We had fun from the beginning so this could be funny. Hello's were said and I introduced them to Alexei. They knew he would be there so no surprise there. I was sorry that David was not there yet but I'm not sure I could keep Andy and Brian together now. Randy was recognized the moment he went out on the dance floor and after a few minutes of signing autographs he was left alone.

After about 5 minutes or so both Randy and Andy walked towards us. I saw recognition on at least Andrew's face but he said nothing while Randy asked me " Do you want to dance with me".

"Yea that's fine".

"Hi I am Randy and you are?"

"I'm Nick".

The same happened between Francis and Andy and we went onto the dance floor. I knew that Randy could dance pretty well and I had a hard time keeping up. When I looked at Francis I saw that he was getting Andy to see every corner of the floor. Maybe this was the wrong combination of couples I thought so the next time we were close together I said to Randy: "I think you are more in a class with Francis. Enjoy, I will see you in a bit". Andy smiled and said to me: "Good idea".

We both left the dance floor and when we reached Andrew and Peter I could see that neither Alexei nor Brian had said anything. Andy walked over to stand close to Brian, but I was attacked by Andrew straight away.

"Have you any idea who you were dancing with Nick?"

"Uh what do you mean Andrew?"

"The guy that Francis is dancing with; do you know who he is".

"Hmm I think he said his name was Randy".

"Yea Randy that's right - the actor".

"Actor?" I said trying to sound innocent.

"Wait a minute Andrew" Peter interrupted.

"What Peter?"

"I think they're playing with us Andrew. Look at him" he said pointing to Andy.

"Yea what's with him?"

"Well you know that Nick and Francis knew some celebrities, but I think they know more then we thought they did".

"Nick" Andrew said this time.

I was ready to run away but Andrew stopped me. "I think you have some explaining to do. I think you know who Randy is and if Peter is right who is that guy?"

"You ever heard of Andy Rodney, the tennis player?"

"Yea a new rising star and he's gay?"

"Yes. I think I better introduce you to him".

So I introduced them. I saw that Peter was more impressed with Andy than Andrew was and I think it was just the other way around with Randy. When Francis and Randy saw that the truth was out, they came back to join us and I introduced them as well.

We chatted a lot and had a good time. David and Kathy joined us. Not a lot of alcohol was going around although I must say that Andrew and Peter were drinking their fair share of it.

I had danced with Alexei and with Brian. I think he still wants to teach me to dance better. At first I knew I had been a bit afraid of Brian and the reaction Francis might have had to him but it seemed that our love was strong and I knew I could trust both. So now it was just nice to get to know him.

But so far I had not had had the chance to dance with Francis, so when a slow song started I found him beside Brian and smiled at him. "You want to dance Francis?"

"I thought you where never going to ask Nick".

We walked in the direction of the dance floor. I saw that both Andrew and Kathy started to talk with the ones who hadn't seen us dancing last time. Oh they expected something great again I thought but I knew I just wanted to have a good time.

We danced close together doing nothing fancy, just enjoying each other's company. Moving up and down with the rhythm of the music. Although it was kind of slow music I started to sweat a bit and I could smell that Francis was also. His smile and his body this close to me put me in a very nice mood. "I love you Francis" I whispered at a certain moment. Francis didn't say anything back, but I felt him pull me a bit closer. Then I felt him licking my earlobe. 'Oh no, I thought 'not here on the dance floor'. He kept nibbling at it and I felt that my dick started its way up. I was very lucky that a moment later the song ended. Francis let me go and as he was letting me go he kissed me on my lips.

"Love you too Nick. Thanks for the great dance".

"Your welcome."

A new song started, one that was kind of like the one we danced to last time.

"You up for one more Nick?"

"I'm not sure Francis, I don't know if I can do it again like last time".

"Just follow me and it will be fine". I knew he was probably right. We started to dance, just loose at first. I knew that at some point he would grab my arm for some more sophisticated moves. I just let myself go and relaxed. That must have worked because I totally concentrated on him, his moves and tried to keep up with them as good as I could.

Like last time I'm not sure what we did, only that I really enjoyed doing it, swirling over the dance floor. Just like last time there was a big circle made in which we moved. When the last notes of the song ended we just looked into each other's eyes and then kissed. I could hear the applause but that didn't mean anything. I was here with Francis and I knew I loved him and he loved me.

Slowly we made our way back to the others. Just before we reached them Kathy's nephew came towards us and congratulated us on the great performance. "You know that if you two could do this professionally. I'm sure that the owner of this place would love to pay for a few of those dances in an evening".

"Sorry, but we have enough to do at the moment". Francis said. I was just too stunned to reply at all.

Alexei and Randy were amazed by our performance. It seems that Brian had seen Francis do it before, but they all wondered if there was anything we couldn't do. I was not sure if I wanted to answer that, but well, you know what came to my mind when they said that.

We talked with the others and from time to time some of us would wander onto the dance floor. I danced with Andrew and when I came back I saw that Randy was talking with Brian and showing him some pictures so we joined them. Randy had put the pictures back into his pocket when we joined them. Brian took Andrew to the dance floor leaving me with Randy.

I sensed there was something wrong or something that he didn't want to talk about, but I thought that he just showed pictures of his boyfriend and that was a subject I really wanted to address. I saw that every one else was on the dance floor.

"Randy, where's that picture of your boyfriend you showed Brian" I asked.

"Hmm yea" he said.

I was not sure but I thought I saw that his face colored a bit.

"Is there something wrong with him? Can I see the picture?"

He didn't take them out of his pocket, but he looked at me. "Nick, I'm not sure about this. I wrote a bit to much in my last e-mail and I think you must be wondering what's wrong with him".

"To be honest, yea".

"Well I'm here without his knowledge. He can get very jealous".


"He sometimes acts as if I am his property ". "But you love him don't you Randy?"

"Think so yea".

"Hmm that doesn't sound too sure".

"Well I think I love him but when I see how you act with Francis and Andrew with Peter and Andy and Brian then I'm not sure it's love Nick. The three of you couples have such a different relationship than mine but I think I love him in my own way".

"There is love in different ways Randy so don't worry about it. It isn't the same for all. So can I see him?"

"Oh yea guess so".

He took his wallet out of his pocket and opened it. Two pictures came out of it and he showed them to me.

The moment I looked at him I was struck. I ..................... felt myself starting to faint. I started to breath more deeply trying to get rid of the feeling, but I couldn't. I felt myself falling but I couldn't do anything about it.

Ok it has been some time since a cliff hanger and I though this was a rather nice one. Well take care and leave a note or fill in the questionnaire if you want. The results of it will be out together with the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 37

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