Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Jan 27, 2003


Chapter 34 of Coaches Assistant.

Hi guys, well here is a new chapter of Coaches Assistant. For all chapters and more go to my own website at: The site has been a bit renewed because of its First year anniversary. Also I got last august an Rainbow Award for the site something I even didn't know until yesterday.

Don't forget to fill in the questionnaire on the website as I need your help with for example finding a good nickname for Nick and Francis. You can also be informed for new chapters bye sending in your e-mail address on the page that is mentioned for it.

If you are not into these kind of stories then don't read on. I have no knowledge of any sexual preferences of celebrities mentioned in this story, all is based on pure fiction.

Let me know what you think of the story, or bye ICQ: 36967366

Ok! Where we left off:

I'm not sure what was said further but I know that they kept talking. I was more or less drifting away. The feeling of Francis' naked body close by and his smell, made me horny and relaxed at the same time. So you can imagine what happened. Willy started to make his presence known. I tried to rearrange my legs so it would show less.

"Nice, isn't it, Nick?" Francis whispered in my ear.

"Yes it is, just so nice," I answered dreamily.

There was some very quiet music playing, some kind of Irish songs, I guess.

"Don't be embarrassed, Nick. I know what you're feeling," he continued.

I opened my eyes and saw that he was smiling at me. When I followed his gaze, I saw that he was stiff as well. I smiled at him and looked around. We were in the middle; Brian and Andy were sitting on my right. They were cuddling but I could hardly see them. But on the left, where Alexei and James were sitting, I could clearly see that they were having a hard time as well. Nice, but definitely hard, I thought.

I looked at Francis again and he smiled. Then my eyes were directed

Ok, here is chapter 34:

Then my eyes were directed back to Alexei and James. I had seen James naked before as you might remember, but not Alexei. He looked quite nice; good, well formed muscle but not fat or anything. Only muscle I think. I saw that James was looking at Alexei's dick and he was softly talking to Alexei about something. I saw that Alexei noticed I was looking and he seemed to have said that as James looked at me and smiled. Then he returned his face towards Alexei and started to talk again.

I saw that Alexei was not happy about what was going on, so I turned my face away, not wanting to intrude in whatever was going on.

I closed my eyes again and just enjoyed the time there.

" Ok you guys" Andy said after a while, " Just 5 more minutes and then we can go outside, jump in the cold bath and then relax for a swim or relax on the chairs, what ever you want".

Not much was said on that until after a minute or so it became clear to me that Alexei and James were again arguing, and this time it was getting louder.

" Sorry James, but I am not staying here any longer", Alexei said and stood up and left the sauna.

I looked at Francis and then toward James. He was not looking happy at all. I could see on his face he was not sure what to do; stay in the sauna or walk after Alexei.

I saw that Brian and Andy were watching him as well, which only made him a bit more insecure.

" Francis, can you go out and talk with Alexei? See if he wants to talk, and I will see what I can do for James".

" Ok, seems like a good idea" I will see you outside in a few minutes then.

"Yes I want to go for a swim and get the sweat off of me".

He walked out of the sauna and I saw that he winked at Andy and Brian to follow him.

"You want to talk James?" I asked softly. I didn't want to push him or anything.

" Mmm, I'm not sure Nick".

"Well no worries. An argument is not too bad; that can always happen. As long as you talk it out afterwards. You don't want to leave this hanging over you when your mom is going to pick you up tonight".

"No, you are right about that Nick. I just... I think I did push a bit too hard a moment ago. I should have backed off but I just got so ... " He blushed and stopped talking. " Well you know what I mean".

"Nothing wrong with that James I'm sure we all had the same relaxing, horny feeling".

"Yes, but well, I just wanted a bit more so to say. It's not like Andy and Brian and Francis and you seeing each other all the time. But I should have known the first time to shut up. But I thought as he was hard he wanted it as well, Nick".

" Maybe James, but probably not in front of us".

" Could be," he softly mumbled.

" Well I think it is about time we get out of here, James or we will dry out completely. So are you up for it?"

" Maybe, I am not sure what I should do now Nick. You know he is my first love and we never had a quarrel before".

" Just go out, see where he is, and see if you can talk with him. But make sure he is ready for it and don't push if he is not".

" Ok I will see".

" And if you want to talk about it let me know James. You are not alone, there are friends here for you when you want to talk".

I am not sure, but I thought there was something going on with James, and I just wanted to make sure that he knew he was not alone. I had been in that position and I knew that was no good. At least that was something that I learned from the shrink.

We walked out of the sauna. Brian and Andy where close by on a chair, just lying there chatting with each other.

" Hi! I wanted to come in and tell you it was really getting time to get out".

" I thought so, now what?" I said.

" Well you can go to take a dip in the cold pool just to your right, then take a swim or just sit, whatever you like. Some swim suits are in the area behind the cool pool and there are the towels as well".

" Thanks Andy".

James and I walked towards the cold pool. I saw that Alexei and Francis were swimming. Francis waved at me that he had seen that I was out and smiled, so I think Alexei was ok again. We jumped into the cold pool and honestly it was only a jump head down and then out of it as it was way too cold.

" Shit " I said when I came up again. I leaned my head back to get the water out of my hair and then I looked at Andy and Brian. I saw they were smiling; no they where laughing.

" Funny guys" I said.

" Sorry Nick, but we knew this would happen and we just couldn't resist".

" Yea yea but remember I know what payback time is so guard your back".

I got myself a towel and saw that James was close by following me out of the water.

" Well you join Alexei in the pool. I see that Francis is getting out so you two can have some privacy to talk together".

I walked to the other side of the pool not where Andy and Brian sat as I just wanted to have a private chat with Francis.

" Hi Nick, so you liked the dip in the cool pool?" he asked in a more than sarcastic way.

" I'm sure you had the same experience, Francis. I doubt that Andy or Brian warned you exactly how cold it was".

" Ok you got me. So did you talk with James"?

" Yes, it seems he wanted 'it' a bit too much and pushed too hard. At least that is what he told me". " Hmm yea, that seems to be the general idea of it all. But I think there is more to it. Alexei didn't want to go into any detail either, but there is something bugging him, as we knew before".

" Yea you are right about that. Well we just have to see if they make up tonight. I don't want James to leave without doing that".

" I think they will be ok. I am sure Alexei don't want that either".

" Come here Francis," I said. I got myself in a chair and Francis was still standing there, but I wanted him closer, so I pulled him onto my lap.

" Nice" I said when he rested his head on my chest. We stayed lying like that for quite some time. I am not sure how long it was, but I really liked to feel the body warmth of Francis on me. It was good that this time I had a swimsuit on that was a bit tight, otherwise it would have been hard and sticking up into Francis' back. But I think he did feel it anyway.

A bit later I had a bit of a push at my shoulder. " Wake up you lazy bums", Alexei said.

" Whose lazy? We were invited here to relax, so I don't need to do a work out in that pool" I answered.

" I thought you wanted to go for a swim if I can remember some one saying in the sauna".

" Well people are alowed to change their minds Alexei".

" Oh! Well I will keep that in mind tomorrow when we start our training routines again".

" Yea, Yea, but whatever you make up it can't be harder then the last two weeks with dad".

" Don't bet on it, Nick".

" What time were we going home Alexei?" James asked.

" Well I think that Andy and Brian maybe wanted to be left alone, so I think we might head out in a moment if that is fine with you".

" I'm not sure but I think my mom will pick me up around 8 or so".

" Well we will be home on time for that James, don't worry".

We said goodbye to Andy and Brian and agreed we would meet them in 2 weeks, after the meet. They couldn't be around next weekend when Randy was coming over, but they would give him an e-mail about it.

Our dad was home but David and Kathy were out, so we just sat down in the living room and chatted a bit. Neither Francis nor me had had a chance to talk with James or Alexei but they were talking more so we though that everything was ok again. Just before 8 James got up to get his stuff. I went to the kitchen to get some drinks and Alexei helped me with it.

" So you too made up again Alexei?"

" Yea, I think I just overreacted a bit Nick".

" Well I'm not sure Alexei. I think you were right. There is something bothering James and I am not sure what".

" Well I'm not sure either, but the way he was pushing me a bit into doing something, or rather wanting me to do something, I have an idea and I don't like it a bit. I tried to talk about it, but it seems he is either ashamed or just not ready to talk about it".

" I told him Alexei, that he could call me anytime if there was something that he wanted to talk about".

' Thanks Nick, I hope he is going to do that as I don't want him to bottle it all up inside him".

" Nick" I heard Francis shouting from upstairs.

" Yea Francis".

" Can you come up for a moment"?

" Ok just let me bring our drinks into the living room".

At that moment the bell rang and I saw that my dad was going to open the door. Just when I walked upstairs, I saw that it was James' mom. Dad invited her in and I yelled a bit louder probably than necessary.

" I will go and get James, Mom".

" No shouting Nick, we can hear you fine" my dad called back.

I didn't answer that. Francis was standing in the open door of the room where Alexei was sleeping.

" I hope he wants to talk with you Nick. I tried but he just started to cry harder", Francis whispered.

" Ok, can you go downstairs and tell his mom it will take a bit longer then a few minutes", I answered softly.

" Ok I will, good luck".

He went downstairs and I looked inside the bedroom. James was sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands covering his eyes.

" May I come in James"?

He didn't look up and I was not sure he heard me, as he didn't respond at all.

" James, can I come in?" I asked, a bit louder this time.

He didn't look up but he nodded. I sat down beside him, not sure what to do now. I put my hand over his shoulder. I am not sure but it had the opposite effect for a moment as he started to cry a bit more.

" Come on James. Whatever it is, we can resolve it. Maybe not now, but for sure in the future".

He didn't answer. Hmm not an easy one I thought.

" I thought you talked with Alexei".

" We did," he whispered softly with a very shaky voice.

" So what is this all about then James"?

" I can't talk about it Nick, I just can't".

" Did you try to talk with Alexei about it?"

" I'm afraid to do that Nick, I'm not sure he would understand".

" Oh, I don't think that there is a lot Alexei wouldn't understand".

" He was great with me when I had my problems and well, you know what they were, or parts of it".

" I know, but still... Now if I would see him for a longer period I might be able to talk with him about it, but each time we see each other it is such a short period. There is never a good time to bring things like this up".

" I can see that problem James and I am not sure what to do about it tonight. Your mom just arrived so we don't have much time now".

" I know, but I can't go downstairs like this".

I looked at him and he had red eyes and tear streaks on his face.

An idea started to develop in my mind slowly.

" James do you love Alexei?"

He looked at me " Yea Nick I think I do".

" Do you think he loves you"?

He didn't answer, just nodded very enthusiastically. I smiled at that.

" So then I think there is nothing that you can't talk about. It is not like you have another boyfriend or something like that". He started to get a bit of a red face. Shit! Oh no, I thought not something like that.

" Are you serious James?"

" Oh no not really another boyfriend, but if feels like cheating though".

Hmm, could I have been right about this? I just was not sure, but I could.

" Are you talking about what I think you are talking about James"?

" Shit Nick, I don't want to talk about this".

I hugged him. " You know James I have been there, there is nothing to be ashamed about. I know the feeling my friend".

" Do you?" he asked.

" I think so James. So whenever you want to talk about it let me know, and remember this is not new for Alexei either, so he might understand as well".

" Hmm. I will think about it Nick".

" Good. That is a great idea and if you find it easier to talk about it with me instead of Alexei, that's fine just call and I will listen".

This time it was James who hugged me back.

" Ok now lets get out of here and into the bathroom so you can clean yourself up a bit".

We walked out of the quest room and into the hall. I directed him to the bathroom. I walked in the direction of the stairs and passed my own room. The door was open and Francis and Alexei were standing beside my bed looking in my direction.

" Is he ok Nick?" Alexei asked.

" Well he is better Alexei". Not wanting to answer the question that I think was coming from him next, I said, " Why don't you go and see? He's in the bathroom. I will go downstairs and tell his mom he will be down in 10 minutes. That is if you help him finishing packing".

" Nick, can you tell me what it is all about?"

" Not now. Alexei and I think he needs to tell you himself. But things need time, so don't push him".

" I know that, Nick. You have learned quite a few things it seems".

I blushed a bit and walked down the stairs. I opened the door to the living room and my dad and James' mom were on the couch chatting. My dad didn't notice me coming in as normally he would when the door opened. I walked a bit further in then said:

" James will be down in a few minutes he is finishing packing".

" Ok that's fine Nick, is it not?"

" Yea Mom, it is".

" So you had a good time this weekend. Your dad told me that in two weeks you are going to have an important meet".

" Yes, we do" I then remembered that we didn't ask James' mom if it was ok that James went with us to see it".

" James wants to go with us to watch us perform. Would that be ok with you"?

" Can he go with the team then? I thought you would go a day or so earlier".

" We will but we arranged for James to drive with 2 friends of ours".

" Ah! Ok. Well, if they can pick him up, because I am not sure I have the time in two weeks to take him somewhere".

" I can ask them and can let you or James know about that".

" Ok I think." She said. " You are going to be there as well are you not" she asked my dad.

" Yes I will be, and we might even end up at the same place before we return so he might come back with us if he wants too".

" Well I would be a bit reassured if you were around as well. Not that I don't trust Nick's friend, but still".

" I will keep an eye out," my dad promised.

" Ok. I will go upstairs to see how far along they are and tell them the good news".

I walked upstairs where, as I arrived at the door of the guestroom, found Alexei and James in a big embrace. Since I couldn't see Francis anywhere, I knew he had gone back to our room to give them some privacy. So without telling them anything I left and went to my room.

" So they are ok together Francis?"

"Yes I think so Nick, although I could see on Alexei's face that he has a lot of questions. So I will not be surprised if he is going to have some questions the moment James leaves".

" Hmm. I just need to think what I can tell him, as it is up to James to tell him anything".

" I know, but I can see that it would make Alexei very much wonder what is going on Nick".

" It only shows how important honesty and openness in a relationship is Francis".

" I know and I am glad that we are talking about things that are bothering us".

" So you think they will need a long time?"

Before Francis could answer that there was a knock on the door. " James is leaving, so if you want to send him off I think he would like that".

We followed Alexei downstairs where James was standing in the hallway.

I hugged him and softly whispered, " If you want to talk about anything call ok?"

" I will," he whispered softly back.

" Ok. Going to see you then in 2 weeks time at the meet".

" Well if my mom agrees to it, Nick. I am not sure she will".

" Oh I have arranged that already for you, James. I hope you don't mind but I asked her a moment ago when I told her that you would be down soon".

" Ah good then I will see you then" But when I followed his gaze, I saw he had a big smile on his face. I looked in the direction of Alexei to see if he had heard what we had been talking about.

Good I thought. So Francis said goodbye and I got his mom from the living room and then they left.

I tried to escape to my bedroom but Alexei followed me swiftly.

" Can I talk with you Nick"?

" Well I would rather be alone with Francis now, but if it is important to you then I am free".

" Oh are you trying to use the Francis excuse to get away from me?"

" Me trying to duck a question? Never!" I answered with a bit of a smile on my face.

" Do you think James will be alright Nick"?

" I think he will and he will open up as well, Alexei, but it needs time".

" You have any idea what this is all about".

" I think I do yea. It is something that is confusing him, but I think he is trying to deal with it".

" Good, I would only want him to open up to me. It feels that he is not trusting me enough".

" Oh he trusts you, I think. It's rather his own feelings and the way to say it is what he doesn't trust. But give him time". " I hope you are right though Nick".

" I hope so too, and I told him that he could call me anytime if he needed to talk, so I hope he will do that".

Alexei came closer and hugged me while he said: " thanks Nick".

" Just repaying you for what you did for me, Alexei".

" I know, but still".

" Well the offer stands for you as well, although I am sure you know more than me. If you need to talk about him or anything else that's fine".

" Hey! That's my boyfriend you're hugging" Francis interrupted.

Alexei let me go and looked back at Francis, " Hmm, didn't know you were a jealous guy Francis. I thought you liked sharing".

" Oh yea I do Alexei, but some things I like to have for my own".

I started to blush at that comment, but Francis continued: " I have wanted to do that for so long today, but it seems something in the way every time, so I think it is time for us to have some privacy Alexei".

" You don't want me to join you?" he asked with a big evil grin on his face.

" You better get out of here Alexei, before he starts a fight or something" I said with a smile as well.

" Ok. I know when I am not wanted anymore".

" Well I'm sure there is an old man downstairs who might appreciate some company of his own age".

" Oh yea you really want me to get out of here isn't that right? Well I better go downstairs and leave you to it, but don't make to much noise".

I saw that Francis was holding a pillow in his hand, but when he threw it, he was too late as Alexei closed the door just in time.

" Hm he seemed to be a lot happier than when I got him alone in here Nick".

" Yea I think I could reassure him a bit without giving away too many clues".

" Good. I'm glad they did as you said this afternoon. It would have been rotten to have been fighting about something when James had to leave".

"Yea, come here and let me give you hugssssssssssssss".

He came closer to me and I felt him start to really relax in my arms. Good I thought. It seems he really needed it.

We sat down on the bed and he backed off a bit.

" I had a really nice time today Nick, despite the little bumps in it".

" I know. I did the same".

" I never knew that a sauna could be so nice and relaxing. we should do that sometime soon again".

" Well then you never did it a whole day with swimming, reading, relaxing and eating in between. That's just a wonderful life. My dad took me a few times". His smiled disappeared when he said that.

" I really would like to do that sometime Francis".

" Maybe after the meet sometime, yea?"

" Good idea".

" I think I would like to see you again they way you where, dressed this afternoon, Nick".

" Oh, you think I looked better without anything on?"

" Yes. If it was up to me you are dressed enough then".

He slowly put his hands under my shirt and started to push it up. He stopped for a moment when he reached my nipples.

" You want to play around tonight then Francis?"

A soft 'hmmmm' slipped from his lips. For the next 15 minutes or so he slowly undressed me. I just let it overcome to me. Waves of pleasure went through me, starting in almost any place of my body where he touched me. Almost floating away, I did not really have the idea I was actually going through it. He didn't say anything as he stopped and started to undress himself. I only said once, " Nice".

We laid down on the bed as he continued teasing me by slowly moving his hands over every part of my body. Then he laid his head on my chest and with his hands he slowly started to rub my stomach and of course a bit lower. I was getting hard. I could feel that and sometimes he brushed with his hand just over the top of my cock.

I moaned a few times but that made him less teasing and I thought 'oh take it in your hands'. But he didn't move an inch and he kept teasing me. I started to move my hips a bit higher from time to time in the hope he would understand that I wanted it, but he kept teasing me.

" Oh god Francis!" I said at the moment when I couldn't hold it any longer. " Yes Nick is there anything you want?".

I fell in laughter, as I didn't expect any answer on that. " You know best what you are doing Francis, and I'm sure you realise what I want" I said in between a few giggles.

" Oh well, is this then what you want?" and while he said it he put his hand around my cock, not slowly or softly now he took it very firm almost squeezing it.

" Yea" I said and another moan left my lips. He didn't start to rub it or anything he just held it in his hand like that, squeezing it from time to time, sometimes harder, sometimes softer, just keeping it in a certain rhythm.

Again he teased me and I really started to like, my god, want it so incredibly bad. Oh he was so good in bringing me to so much pleasure.

When he squeezed a bit harder then he had done so far, I let out a very loud moan. My god! I really liked this and it was not so much pleasure but also ... then it hit me damned hard what my mind started to realise; what kind of feelings came up. Did I want this? Did Francis know what he was doing? Should I say something or just let it happen? Although I realised it, there was no way of stopping it on the other side. Shit, I thought, but I think that I even said it softly as Francis let his hand loosen up. I sighed in relief.

He started now to rub it softly, not up and down, but by twisting his hand from left to right and back again around my dick. Now moving up a bit so the top of his hand just touched the edge of my cock. Rubbing me on the most sensitive area I knew I wouldn't keep it up any longer.

" Oh yea Francis". And another moan left my lips.

I heard him laugh a little bit on my chest as he was still lying on it. I saw that he had gone down with his other hand to his own dick and he was pulling it in a nice and steady rhythm. I wanted to do that for him but there was no way I could reach it nor that I could get up. So I slowly started to rub his hair and his neck with my hands.

I knew that he was getting close as well, as he started to breathe harder.

As it seemed that he just didn't want to do more than just twist it a bit, I started to move my hips again and before I knew it I was humping his fist. Let me tell you that it didn't take long before I started to shoot wave after wave out of my dick.

" Nice to watch Nick" was all he said as he continued to tug on his own dick.

When I came back to myself again I started to realise that his hand was still around my cock and he was still twisting it. He started doing it harder and harder from the moment I had ejaculated. Instead of taking it easy, he now started to move his hand more and more and together with the twisting he started to move it up and down as well.

" Stop it" I whispered.

" Are you sure about that?" he asked softly as he moved up the speed of what he was doing and slowly I started to feel like I got hard again. My god what was he doing! New waves of pleasure were going through my body and reaching my mind this time as well. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I shot again. Not slowly as the first time, but wildly my cum started to shoot out in every direction. I am not sure where it all went but it shot a few times. I felt at least one shot landed on my own face and made it over Francis' head.

Incredible! Then I felt him tighten up a bit as well and I felt him start to come as well, saying my name softly.

We both lay down for a while. He lifted up his head then and smiled at me, as I was still feeling totally lost and without energy. He then laid his head back and I was surprised by his movement as he put his hand on my dick again.

First it didn't do anything, but then it started to get hard again. 'Oh no' I though 'not again'. I'm not sure I have the energy for it.

I whispered then, " Please, Francis, let it go".

He didn't answer and I said it once more a bit louder. Then I realised that although my dick was in his hand, it was not moving anymore, he just held it. I listened and watched the movement of his breathing on my chest and realised that it became very peaceful and calm. 'Oh no he couldn't' but as I said it once more a bit louder this time, there was still no movement so the only conclusion was that he was indeed a sleep.

'Oh my god' I thought, 'now what'? I had no trouble with him on my chest, I really like the feeling of him so close by, but my dick was not sure anymore after exploding twice and still being touched like that. 'Incredible' I thought. I tried to relax, hoping that that was the best way to get my dick back to its normal size, but the more I tried the harder I got.

'Now what' I thought, I couldn't start humping him again while he was asleep, that was out of the question. There was no way I could reach it myself to help it along. So all in all there was not a lot I could do, or at least I didn't get any other ideas, so I started to relax a bit and that seemed to have done the trick as very slowly my dick started to cave in.

It got less painful that way and slowly I started to relax more and more, and I think that not soon after that I fell a sleep already.

Waking up the next morning was something else though. It is very strange to wake up with the feeling as if you were squeezed. Normally my dick made his presence known when I woke up, so I was stiff. But strangely enough Francis' hand was still around it. Not holding it softly, but he had it in his hand for real again. First I tried to find out if he was awake or not. I could hardly move so I was not sure at all. His breath rhythm was strange though, so I think he was awake. Instead of saying anything, I just started to rub my hand through his hair.

" Ah you are awake".

"Yea, awake. And, to be honest, a bit uncomfortable Francis".

"Oh you are and why is that?" "Smart Ass; as if you don't know".

He lifted his hand and left my dick alone while he moved up a bit to kiss me.

" Sleep well Nick?"

" Yea I think I did, how late is it?"

" Around 7. So I think it's time to get up".

" Mmm, not sure I want to Francis".

" I know, but I think we had better. We don't want to be too late downstairs".

" I'm glad that my dad stopped the morning runs, at least until after the meet. We need our rest as well as the training".

" Yea, I was afraid he would keep it up until the last day. I'm glad we had a restful weekend. We needed that I guess".

" You mean that restful Francis?"

" What Nick?" he asked. But from the tone of his voice I could hear that he knew what I meant.

I gave him a push from the bed and he fell off of it, as he was surprised by the action I guess.

" Ok since you don't want me there I better go and shower"

" Oh but you are welcome back any moment".

" AH is that why you pushed me out of it?"

" No, I better get into the shower"

" You want company Francis?"

" Mmm no, I think I will be ok, and I want to make sure that we are downstairs on time. The way you are waving around at the moment, I'm not sure that will be possible".

I got his pillow and tried to throw it at him, but he followed in Alexei's footsteps and closed the door behind him too fast.

I knew I had some time before I needed to get up, as Francis would need his time to shower. I started to remember what last night had really been. The feelings of being 'milked' came back to me. It had been great and I never had a second orgasm that fast. It really felt incredible, but there were those other feelings. Feelings of not wanting to be in control of what had been done to me. Feelings that made me more horny and hotter than normal playing. I knew I still had them. I had wanted to make them disappear, but that was almost impossible. They would be there from time to time. This was really a subject that I needed to discuss with the shrink next time.

Thinking about it all made me doze off again, back into my own dreams.

Well that is all for now. Hope you liked it. Let me know what you think of the story, or bye ICQ: 36967366 or go to the website and fill in the questionnaire,

Next: Chapter 35

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