Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Nov 22, 2002


Well a bit sooner as I expected so I hope you like this new chapter of Coaches Assistant.

First of all I want to thank every one who took the effort to fill the from on my website in and send it to me. It is really great to have some idea of what you readers are thinking of the direction the story is going on. Maybe you still didn't see something coming back from what you suggested but I am sure it will soon.

Also I want to thank Bill this time for the great job of editing chapter 31 on such short time. Keep up your health my friend.

So if you want to comment on this or my website send mail to or use ICQ: 36967366. My website is: Some new stuff is added to the site and something special is about to come online for only 1 evening WHEN take a look.

So where we left off:

When I saw that Francis was turning around I looked to see if his mother was still there but she had gone. I turned around but I couldn't find her anymore. I decided to get up and walk to Francis so I got my sketchbook and walked away from the bench.

When I came up to him, I just ticked him on the back.

"There you are, how was the movie".

"Great Nick thanks. So with whom where you talking".

Damned I though how ........

now lets go on with chapter 31.

How was I going to deal with this? Could I say anything to Francis? Could he deal with it? Well at least this was not the place to start that discussion.

"Some woman wanted to see what I was sketching".

"Ah did you finish it? Can I see?"

"Yea later, not here".

We joined some friends at a table and while they talked about the movie most of the time, I just sat there and thought about what I wanted to say to Francis about what had happened. I just had no idea.

We went home at the beginning of the evening not interested in dinner anymore, and I was glad my Dad had foreseen that. When we entered they were all sitting in the living room. David and Kathy on the couch and my father on the other side.

"Hey you guys, did you have a great afternoon". David asked when he noticed us.

"Yea great, we did a lot of shopping and I went to a movie". Francis answered.

"You didn't go to the movie Nick?" Kathie asked.

"No he didn't want to, he had bought his sketch book and wanted to try it out so he stayed on a bench". Francis answered before I got the time to say anything.

"Ah so what more did you buy?", Kathie continued.

"Hmm you think we bought the whole mall Kathy?" I replied.

"Well you are gay, so you're supposed to like shopping".

"Hmm yea, I can go for that, that's easy. We bought some more Kathy, some music stuff as well but we left the clothes hanging this time" Francis said.

"Yea and just look what Francis bought me."

I showed them the pencil set he had bought me and he got quite a lot of praise from the others.

"Isn't that just like one you had some time ago Nick"?

I had hoped that my father wouldn't have noticed it,, but he did.

"Yea Dad indeed, Francis saw me looking at it and then bought it for me".

"I know you liked it very much, what did you do with it?"

I coloured a bit and tried to think of a way to change the topic. I was not ready to talk about it with them; maybe I could use the help of the shrink to get clearer why I reacted that way then.

"Can I talk with you Dad"?

"You know Nick, you always can".

"No, in private please, can we go to the kitchen?"

I saw the others look up and then Dad said: "Ok, lets go".

I hoped they would think I would like to talk about why I stopped drawing but I had something else on my mind at that moment.

When we sat down at the table I looked at him.

"I need your advice Dad. This afternoon something happened and I am not sure I can tell Francis about it".

"Well if I can help, you know you can talk to me. I'm not sure I can help you with it, but sometimes talking to someone about it helps. Is this about why you stopped drawing?"

"No I hope you don't mind but something else more important came up. While Francis was in the movie and I was drawing in the mall a lady came towards me and started talking to me".

"Yea, so what is the problem"?

"Well Francis saw that when the movie was finished and he asked me who the lady was".

"Hmm yea and you couldn't tell him"?

"I have no idea if I can and I am sure you will see why. The lady was his mother".

"Oh" he said, then he was silent looking at me and continued: "What did she want?"

"Well I'm not sure. At first she said she just wanted to know how he was doing. I told her a bit about him, but also that I was mad at her for doing the things she had done. She told me that her husband wanted that and that she tried to talk with him a few times, but that they ended in big fights. I asked her if he knew she was there, but she told me that she just by accident saw us sitting on the bench earlier".

"So did she ask you to tell Francis that you saw her or does she want to see him"?

"She would like to see him, but she was not sure about whether he would agree. She said she missed him and she cried a bit".

"You think Francis would like to see her?"

I though about that for a while before I answered. "To be honest I have no idea. He has not talked about it much at all. I think it would be a very emotional meeting if they did. I am sure that he is still pretty mad at her".

"Yea I think you are right, but then again she is his mother and I am sure that the fact that they threw him out gives him mixed emotions as well. I am sure he will be mad at them, but at the same time will miss them as well. I am sure you recognise those feelings yourself".

I knew what he was talking about but I was not sure I was ready to deal with that now.

"I know, but damn, if only the movie had lasted a bit longer".

"Did you agree to tell Francis about it and asking him to see her?"

"No I said I would not influence him at all and that it was all up to him what he would do".

"This is not easy Nick. I don't think it is a good idea to hide it from him as a good relationship depends on trust. Hiding things, well you know yourself, is not a good thing to do".

"So you think I should tell him?"

"Yea I do, but maybe not tonight, maybe tomorrow afternoon or so. It will make it easier for you to be more objective about the whole situation if you can get some more distance from it. Because you are right this is his decision. If he wants to talk with her then who are we to stand between them?"

"Ok, I think I will to do it tomorrow then. Are you going to be around as well"?

"You want me to be there when you tell him".

"No, I don't think so, but in the neighbourhood just in case he wants to talk about it with you".

"That will work. I didn't have anything planned for tomorrow afternoon. So is that all you want to talk about?"

"No there is just one more thing. Did you give Francis any money"?

"No why do you ask?"

"Well he has been here now for a few weeks. I didn't give him anymore and I wondered if you had. Not that he has been spending a lot, but the pencil thing was quite expensive and I don't want him to spend the little money he has on things like this. So I wondered if you gave him some".

"No I didn't, but it is a good question Nick. Maybe I should talk about that with him just to give him the idea that if he needs anything he must let me know".

"Ok that would be great Dad".

"If that was all lets get back to the others and see what they want to do tonight".

We walked back to the living room where the others where chatting about the music Francis had bought.

"So what are we going to do tonight guys? Are you staying in David"?

"Yea I guess we are, nothing planned so far or do you want to go out Kathy?"

"No I'm fine, we can stay in if you like".

When I sat down beside Francis, he just kissed me on my cheek and asked: "Are you ok Nick?"

"Yea, fine Francis".

"I think we will stay in as well Sir. I think we have done enough for today".

"Ok. That's nice, a Saturday evening together with all of you" Dad answered with a smile.

So the evening went by very fast as we chatted about the last week and the upcoming week. Gymnastic was a big part of the conversation, as you would expect. But we made sure that Kathy didn't feel left out by changing topics several times.

Around midnight we went to our rooms, 'separate' rooms, as I might add. Spending time with Francis like this had been great, but I needed some time alone to think about what had happened. Francis didn't pressure me too long and went to his own room.

The next morning we slept in. I was not as stupid as the morning before getting up too early. So when I went downstairs to see if there was any breakfast I found the others just getting around the table as well. Francis walked towards me and kissed me on the cheek. "Good morning sunshine, did you sleep well"?

I had slept well, but without a shower I'm sure I didn't look like sunshine that morning so I looked at him. "It seems you did as you are very much awake. Is that not right my love?"

I kissed him on his lips to make sure that he could not answer that.

"Ok guys that's enough. I see you are hungry but if it's for food, you better sit down. If not then do it somewhere else".

I just let Francis's lips loose and I looked at David and stuck my tongue out, but before I could say anything like I planned, Francis took it between his lips again.

"Ok, what do you want Nick, coffee or tea?"

I thought that was my Dad's way of making sure that we would be more focused on breakfast than on each other.

I let Francis go again and answered. "Some tea, please Dad".

Francis had walked to my Dad to get the cup he filled and in the meantime I thought it was a good idea to go and sit on a chair.

So we had a relaxing time during breakfast, but I knew I would have to talk with Francis soon now and I was still not sure how I would bring it up.

So when breakfast was finished we went up to my room. I wanted to hold him and cuddle him. He looked funny in a red t-shirt that was so long it covered him to almost his knees.

When he sat down on my bed I couldn't resist and instead of sitting beside him, I put myself on his lap and started to kiss him.

"Hmm that taste nice," I said when we came up for some air.

"Well a bit strange with the peanut butter you had on your bread this morning Nick".

"Oh I though you liked that".

"I do" and again we kissed.

In the meantime I tried to get his t-shirt up a bit so I could feel what he was wearing under it.

"Hmm " I said as I felt a very skimpy sized brief.

"Hmm" he said when I touched his dick for a bit.

When we stopped kissing I smiled at him and said: "It's good I didn't know what you where wearing under that downstairs. I'm not sure I could have kept my hands from it then".

He just smiled at me.

We nuzzled a bit with each other and when he pushed me off his lap onto the bed and lay beside me, I knew I had to talk with him before we started doing anything.

"Wait, Francis. I need to talk with you first".

"Oh, are you sure you don't want to?"

He didn't seem to understand me so I interrupted him: "No my love, I need to discuss something with you first, otherwise I'm not sure I will have the guts to bring it up today anymore".

He saw the serious look on my face and stopped laughing. "Ok, but if this is about your drawing, you can tell me whenever you like, you don't have to do it today".

"I know, but this is not about my drawing. Did you ever think about what you would do if you would bump into your parents"?

Before he answered he took a deep breath.

"I'm not sure I want to talk about this Nick".

"Well I think it's good to talk about stuff we are thinking about. I see you react sometimes, and I know you are hurting more than you let me believe".

"Hmm, still it is just so fresh I am not sure I could go into this".

"But we promised each other we would be honest about things we feel".

"Yea I know, but still this is personal stuff".

"I know Francis, but personal stuff you don't have to deal with alone. Just like you helped me with Mike and the doctors".

"Well I haven't though about it that much Nick. Like I said it has been rather busy lately and with everything happening I think I just stuffed it away. I don't want to think about the future on some points I guess".

"I know it is not easy but I can tell you that it is not good to hide things, sometimes you see it more clearly by talking about it".

"Yea that is true but still.. . You know if I look deep inside me, I miss them very much but the moment you start talking about it I get so damned mad at them. Why did they reacted in the way they did, why couldn't they react like your farther did Nick?"

"Yea I guess that is a natural reaction to it. And I can assure you that somehow you keep that anger. You will keep that forever until maybe you have a chance to talk about it with them".

"You are talking about your mom now".

"Partly yes".

"So you think if they would want to talk about it would help with letting go of the anger?"

"I think it would, and as you still live in the same city you have a chance to bump into them".

"To be honest I have been looking around from time to time, especially at places where I know they go. I haven't thought about what I would like to say to them, because I don't think that they would be willing to talk to me anyway. I don't want to get my hopes up on that part. They will probably disappoint me again and I am not sure if I could stand that happening again".

"Well just remember that if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you".

"I know Nick". And he hugged me.

"So where did this subject from Nick We haven't discussed this since the time I moved in".

"I know but yesterday something happened while you where in the movies, and I had to see where you stood on this at the moment".

"Oh, what is it?"

"You remember the woman who was sitting beside me when you came out?"

"Yea I remember. But she was gone before I could take a good look at her. Oh no it couldn't be ...... ".

Francis's face got pale and I saw that he wanted to say something but the words stopped at his lips. I got closer to him and hugged him. Instead of words he started to cry and I felt his body shaking against mine.

"Was that mom, Nick?" He asked softly when he stopped sobbing.

"Yes Francis it was".

He straightened his back and looked me in the face. Now a hard expression came on his face. "What did she want? She didn't insult you did she?"

"No nothing like that Francis".

So next I told him what happened. I tried to bring her words to him just the way she had said them without any meaning from me in it.

"Jesus, that is hard to believe you know Nick, she was always such an independent woman I would never think that Dad would push her to do something. Oh let me rephrase. I think he would try but I don't think she would let herself be pushed".

"Well apparently she did Francis. I am not sure why and how and so on. That is something between you two".

"Hmm. I can see why you wanted to know what I would do Nick. But honestly I have no idea at the moment. A part of me would like to see them, to find out why they did what they did, or even try to get on speaking terms again. But oh there are things I would like to shout at her".

I just looked at him and saw he was lost in his world of feelings. I don't think there was anything I could add at this point. This was something for him to come to terms with and to decide what he wanted.

"What ever you decide I am here for you remember, and there is no hurrying in deciding on anything. She didn't say how to contact her and I don't think you want to take a chance on getting your Dad on phone or at the door".

"I think you are right I can think about it and decide if I run into her".

"At least you know now that she wants to see you, so that is good I think".

"Perhaps." But I saw when he said that, his mind was still lingering on it.

"Do you know what I would want?" I said.

"No, Nick".

"Come here" I said. I laid myself down on the bed and got him in such a position that he could lay his head on my chest. "Just lay down and we can stay like this for a while".

"Thanks" he answered.

After some time I took one hand and started to go through his hair. He looked up to me and smiled.

"I get to stay here for the rest of the morning or what is left of it, Nick?"

"Well no reason why we should get up".

He smiled back at me. I slowly started to get one hand below his t-shirt just softly rubbing and touching his skin. Enjoying the way he smelled. It all made me very relaxed.

The next thing I remember was a loud knock on the door and a yell. " Nick, are you descent so I can come in?" I slowly opened my eyes. We must have drifted back to sleep.

It was my Dad I recognized his voice. I quickly looked around me and saw that Francis was still lying with his head on my chest, but so far he hadn't awakened from my Dad's yell.

"Yea we are Dad, come on in"

The door opened slowly and Dad stepped in. When he saw that Francis was still sleeping on my chest he smiled "Sorry Nick, didn't want to disturb you but I was going out and I wanted to know if there was anything you needed".

"No we are ok, Dad".

"I can see that, Nick. Did you tell him?"

"Yes I did".

"How did he take it?".

'I guess for now ok".

"Good. Let him know that if he wants to talk about this with me he can".

"I will. Thanks Dad".

He left the room. I looked at Francis who slowly opened his eyes.

"So you talked with your Dad about it as well".

I was not sure that it came out as an accusation or as he stated a fact.

"Yea, I needed him to be there if you would want to talk with some one else about it and I needed some advice as well".


"I wanted to be sure that I knew how you might react. I just was not sure whether to tell you either, but I knew I couldn't keep this a secret".

"I am glad you told me Nick, I don't want things like this hanging between us".

"I know Francis".

I ran my hand through his hair.

"So how long did we sleep"

"I am not sure I haven't looked at the clock yet".

He raised his head and looked at the clock beside the bed.

"WOW already 2 pm. We must have been tired".

"What do you think after a week like that?"

"Yea that's true. Hmm Nick, I need to do some homework still and I don't want to slip with that at the moment, so I think it's time for me to go back to my room".

"You need to Francis?"

He turned towards me and kissed me on my forehead.

"Yes, I need to Nick. But remember I am not far away and I think if I can concentrate I will be finished in 2 hours tops".

"Ok then go and finish it so we can spend the rest of the afternoon and evening together".

He slowly stood up and smiled at me when he left the room.

So there I was on a Sunday afternoon. I told Dad that I thought we might go to the park to do some sketching, but I looked outside and it was grey and not nice weather at all, so I decided that that was not a good idea. What then? Hmm I still needed to check if Alexei had send me an answer on my e-mail and I probably better send Randy one as well.

First I got my agenda together. Alexei would be here at the end of this week. He didn't send me any date yet, so we better start to arrange that as well. Then he was here for the whole week, so maybe I could send Randy a note that either the first weekend or the second one would be best depending if Alexei would be there for the second weekend or not.

I turned on the computer and when I started to open up the mail programme it already said I had mail so Alexei must have answered mine.

Hi Nick,

Well that was a bit of a surprise to me. I thought your Dad was more a man of techniques and stuff rather then discipline and muscles. I was very impressed by all your technical skills, but I might have mentioned also that you could do with some more strength, so he might have taken that literally.

Although if I understood you correctly, he did do such training before.

But all in all as long as he doesn't overdo it, it might be very well for you guys to have a bit more power in your exercise for the state championships.

I have looked at my schedule as I started to realise that my time with you guys was coming closer and closer, and I have asked them to arrange a ticket for next Saturday morning so I would arrive there around the same time. That means that we will have some time to relax on the weekend and then do some serious workouts in the week. I will not leave until the Sunday afternoon the week after so we can spend some time on the Saturday in that weekend as well. Can you ask your Dad if I can use the school's gym for some serious training for a few hours each day myself?

I also checked to see if I can be around for the state thing the weekend after but I am not sure yet. I hope so.

Now to your question about Randy. I only know that he hasn't that many friends, or didn't have when he was in college. For the last few months I knew he had a boyfriend, but I hardly ever talked with him since then, as it seems he is pretty occupied with that.

So how are you doing yourself my friend? I hope I might call you that. I have been thinking about going somewhere after my own championships in Russia. Then I will have a few weeks off before the real training starts for the European championships. I have already talked with James about it and he would love to go with me but he is afraid to ask his parents. It might be less trouble to ask if they know that there will be more friends of his age coming along.

So take care and let me know if I need to make any sleeping arrangements or if there is a room free at your place.

Keep up the good work Nick, and say Hi to Francis.



Wow that was a long e-mail. He seemed to have really been looking at his schedule and did he mean he wanted us to go along with him on holiday. WOW! That would be really great but damn! Dad will never be able to pay it. Well we will just have to see how that goes. I better make sure to ask Dad about the sleeping and I better send Randy a mail back about the trip.

Hi Randy,

I just got an e-mail from Alexei telling me that he will arrive next Saturday morning and will stay until the Sunday after that so I hope you will be able to visit us in that period some time.

I am sorry I didn't answer your mail earlier but I have been very busy with training and stuff. My Dad really worked our asses off. He seems to think that getting more muscle will help us perform better, so I hope he's right. At the moment my muscles sure hurt when I do too much.

So let me know when you can come in and we will make some time to get together.

Bye for now,


So that was done as well. Now just a short reply to Alexei.

Hi Alexei,

Well you are right; my Dad did give my brother some hard training, but that lasted only for a few weeks after mom died and I think he did that more for himself then for David.

I will ask Dad about sleeping arrangements and to contact you about the training sessions for us and for yourself.

Holiday now, that would be great but, and I will be honest with you, I am not sure Dad could afford to pay for us so you better stick close by home. But I sure do like the idea of spending some time with you and James away from this area, and see a bit of the world.

Did you have contact with James lately? He didn't contact me at all and we agreed he would, so I have no idea if there is something There isn't as far as I'm concerned, so you could let him know that if you want to.

Well I will ask Dad and come back to you with it.

Bye for now


I closed down the e-mail programme and looked at my clock. Only about 30 minutes had gone by so Francis would at least need another hour. What could I do? I saw my sketchbook lying on the other side of my desk. I picked it up and positioned myself in front of the window and slowly started to draw the view outside.

Like in the past when I was sketching the world ceased to exist, so I didn't notice that a while later Francis came into the room and tapped softly on my shoulders.

"Oh it's you Francis, you already finished your homework?"

"I think you better look at the time Nick. I finished homework more than an hour ago, I didn't get an answer from you then".

I blushed a bit and said: "Sorry Francis, I must have zoned out in the sketching".

"No worries Nick as long as there was no other boy on your mind".

"Do you think that would ever be possible with you around?" I said smiling.

"Well maybe, I must make sure that you indeed would not forget".

"What do you mean"?

He turned around and walked towards my music installation and put on a cd. I can't remember which one it was because at the same moment he started to dance in front of me. Now damn, I thought, what brought this on? He started slowly to do a real hot striptease for me. He looked at me and when I wanted to say something he just nodded and said: "shhhh, let me".

So he went on slowly at first. He started to get out of his sweater raising one arm up and pulling it over his shoulder. There was a white t-shirt underneath it. I knew he hadn't worn that before. It was very tight. He then lifted up the whole sweater and turned around so I couldn't see the way his chest looked in the t-shirt. He slowly pulled it over his head and let it slip down the other side. He looked over his shoulder towards me with a bit of a teasing grin on his face.

He put the sweater on the chair and then he just laughed a bit and started to dance with his back still towards me. He was driving me nuts in the way he let his ass move to the music. Oh my god, he was so incredible! Through the t-shirt I could see his back muscles all stretched and worked up. I knew he was pretty athletic but with a tight t-shirt around them it seemed they just came out a lot better.

Then he turned around and wow! I looked at that chest, his nipples showing right through the fabric and it looked just terrific. I started to lick my lips a bit. That was exactly what I wanted to do with my lips - lick his nipples.

He moved more to the music as he slowly started to unzip his pants. First he put the left side down, then the right showing very nice red briefs underneath. But before he let them down completely he turned around again and slowly started to lower the backside. I must add also that the briefs were pretty tight and showed his well-formed ass very well.

He then slowly started to step out of his jeans but still with his back towards me. He let his hand slide over his legs going back up again and then turned slowly around leaving them on his crotch when he was turned around completely.

Instead of continuing he moved to the music slowly, coming closer to me. I started to slowly move my hands to go for his briefs, to touch them, but again he didn't say anything, just shook his head no, so I put them back beside me.

When he came right before me he put his hands on my head, and while he started to dance again and wiggle his crotch in front of my face, his hands started to rub though my hair. I could smell him and that, together with his hands rubbing through my hair, made me go completely nuts. I moved my hands again but he put them back where they were.

He looked in my face and I am not sure what I saw there. I think there was lust for sure, but there was more. He slowly started to get his hands under my shirt and he started to rub my chest, moving his hands up until he reached my nipples. But instead of playing with them he went further up. He whispered softly: "Get your arms in the air Nick". While I did that he continued to move his hands higher taking my shirt with them and moving it over my head.

'Hmm looking good" he said.

He slowly went back to my nipples and he started to play with them for a while. Slowly he moved his face closer, and then very suddenly, but also very softly, he started to lick my nipples. I am sure I moaned them and that made him stop.

"Oh no, not yet" he whispered and backed out.

He then went down on his knees. His hands lowered to my jeans and he touched and softly rubbed my dick and felt my balls then slowly going down on my legs. He then went back up and started to unzip my jeans and open them. He looked at me and I knew he wanted me to lift my ass so he could take them off. So I slowly did, and to make sure I wouldn't fall I rested my hands on his shoulders.

He slowly slid the jeans down to my feet, making sure he rubbed the inside of my thighs as he continued pushing them down. Instead of looking what his hands were doing, his eyes were focused on my crotch. I'm sure I started to blush a bit as I had become very hard in the meantime. I couldn't see myself but I think I had dripped a bit of pre cum already.

He took my jeans off, then looked into my face again.

"Are you enjoying this?" he asked again in a very seductive tone.

I didn't answer, I just nodded again. He got up and started to dance again with his crotch in front of my face. I saw now that he was more then a bit excited himself. Then he backed off a bit and started to get his t-shirt over his head and arms, pushing it up. When his left nipple showed he started to rub it before going on. When he lifted his shirt over his head and was ready to move it over his other arm his other nipple showed and this one he also very slowly rubbed. Then he wet his fingertips and again he rubbed it making it wet and shiny. Again I let out another moan and that got Francis to look at me. He started to smile, as he knew what kind of effect he had on me.

He got out of shirt and I was looking forward to the last part, but again he moved forward and when he was standing right in front of me he started to put his legs right beside me, one on each side. He moved his hips a bit forward and started to move his crotch just up sometimes against my stomach and sometimes he lowered himself so his ass touched my crotch. I was not sitting up straight but had slid down a bit. In the meantime, his hands were slowly moving up and down my chest and nipples, then going up again and going through my hair. When he went down again he softly touched my lips and I opened up my mouth and licked his fingertips. Then he went lower and with his wet fingers he started to rub my nipples.

I definitely let out another loud moan. One more time he pushed his ass down and forward so I felt his ass touching my dick and his dick my stomach. I am sure he must have felt how hard I was, as he suddenly sat down instead of moving around.

While he was seated he slowly moved his ass. When he stopped he moved closer to my face and started to lick from my cheeks to my lips and then again to the other side. When he came back to my lips I slowly opened my mouth and his tongue started to explore the inside of my mouth. I let out another moan said: "Oh my god Francis, I want you".

He went backwards a bit and had a big huge smile on his face. "Oh I will make sure you beg me for it before I am finished".

I was not sure how to respond as he wiggled his ass again over my dick. Then he slowly got up and moved his legs until he was standing in front of me, now slowly going down on his knees again. His hands touched my knees, then going higher and higher until they reached my balls. Through the cotton of my briefs he started to play with them, first softly then a bit rougher. When I looked down I saw my dick had formed quite a wet spot on my briefs. Pre-cum dripping out of it making even the air between us a bit hornier I thought.

He played with them like forever, but he knew that my dick was screaming for attention as he then slowly, with two fingers, started to move up making sure just to touch it; not firm but almost playful. When he reached the wet spot he just stayed there a bit longer and caressed the top of my dick for a moment making sure I let out another long and deep moan. I was now almost lying completely in the chair and my legs had slipped beside him. I had my eyes closed and was enjoying immensely what he was doing to me.

Now his other hand moved up to the top of my dick and when he reached it he started to play with it, not teasing anymore but pulling and rubbing it more severely. When I let out a very loud moan and started to push my crotch forward he stopped. At first I didn't notice, but then I opened my eyes and looked into his face.

I am sure he saw the begging, almost pleading, look I had my eyes. Not completely sharp, still on a high, I saw him moving closer and instead of with his hands he touched me with his mouth. First licking the top of my dick then going down on my balls. Oh I wanted to feel his warm mouth on my dick, but still the cotton of my briefs was in between our flesh.

He took one in his mouth together with the cotton and then let it go again and moved up again licking his way until he was at the top of my dick. Now he took the cotton in his mouth and started to suck the pre-cum out of it. I felt the sucking through the cotton again, and again I moved my hips forward.

Again that was a sign for him to stop playing with it. I looked down at him and he said:

"You want more Nick".

"What a question Francis".

He then moved his mouth towards the top of my briefs and got it between his teeth and started to slowly pull it back. My dick flowed out and the underwear fell out of his mouth. The band of the briefs snapped hard on my dick and I moaned as it hurt a bit. He then got it in his mouth again and pulled it a bit further again. But the cotton resisted again and he had to let it drop out of his mouth. It fell half way on my dick and I moaned again. I expected him to get it further down but instead he started to lick my dick slowly all around. I am not sure how long he did that but I let him do it for some time before I thrust my hips again into his face. I just couldn't resist it any longer but I also knew that he would let go of it and indeed he did.

He went back to the cotton of the brief and now tore it down with his teeth completely revealing my balls. With his hands he slowly moved the brief down and took it off. He positioned himself again to go further but I made sure that my feet were in between his legs rather then beside them. I am sure you know what I was going to do. He went on my dick again and started to suck it then lick it all the way down until he was able to take one of my balls in his mouth. He started to suck and chew a bit on them. That was the sign for me and I softly lifted my feet until I could feel his balls in his underwear.

This time he let out a moan and let the ball out of his mouth. He moved up again until he reached the top of my dick. This time he took it in his mouth first only a bit but slowly he started to get on further and further. I knew this wouldn't last long. With my feet I was in the meantime going up a bit and playing with his very hard dick.

Then I couldn't resist anymore and I got my hands on his head and started to make sure that I was in control of the rhythm. He really started to suck on it now and I could feel that he took it deeper and deeper in his mouth. With my feet in the meantime I had gone down towards his balls again and even a bit further. I started to rub with my great toe the area between his balls and his hole then suddenly I felt it had found the hole and I pushed it a bit. I felt that Francis let out a big moan when I did that and again I pushed it a bit. At the same time I felt my own highpoint getting close and I pushed my cock a bit further in his mouth. Then when he was way in I made the pressure on his ass with my toe a big harder and I felt that he started to bug and I knew what happened. That was just the last edge to throw me over and I started to cum real big in his mouth. More and more shot out when he slowly started to back out. When he let it flip there were still a few more spurts of cum leaving the top of my dick. I saw him looking at it.

The he looked up at me and lifted himself so he could kiss me. A long and passionate kiss followed.

So if you want to comment on this or my website send mail to or use ICQ: 36967366. My website is:

Next: Chapter 32

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