Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Sep 11, 2002



Hi Guys,

First of all I want to thank every one who took the effort to fill the from on my website in and send it to me. It is really great to have some idea of what you readers are thinking of the direction the story is going on. The results of the second questionnaire are on the website now a long with some photo's of my holidays and photo's of the EURO gay pride in Koln on July 7th, 2002.

I know it has been a long time since my last chapter but I warned you for it. But holiday's from me and from my editor as well as some family health situations made it not possible to get this chapter out earlier.

Also I want to thank Dana for doing such a great job as editor. Despite all his holiday's, work and friends he has time to work on improving the story so it reads a lot better. Thanks my friend.

So if you want to comment on this or my website send mail to or use ICQ: 36967366. My website is:

And believe me I like to read them and send replies to every one of them.

Then to finish off and I am sure you are already reading the story by now. Under no circumstances will I disclose whether or not I actually know any celebrity who may make an appearance. This story is not intended to imply anything about the sexual orientation of any people mentioned in it

Where we left of with chapter 28:

David walked towards us. "Hmmm, guys. Where in the world did you learn to dance like that?"

"I have no idea, David," I answered.

"I have had some lessons in the past to make sure that my presentation skills in gymnastics would improve."

"Well, it looked like you'd practised this a hundred times together!"

"We didn't, David. It happened without thinking."

Together with David we walked off the dance floor. As we walked back to our table, we got several "heys" and "well done" and "nice couple" and "looking good" from the others who'd been looking.

I'd had no idea they were looking at us and I felt a bit embarrassed but I also felt that we had reached a new plateau in our relationship ... something that went deeper than it had ever been before.

Now lets go on with CHAPTER 29

This time I was the one who sat down on the chair. Francis just smiled and sat on my lap. It was not easy for him to stay put so I put my arms around him.

"That felt amazing, Francis."

"Yep, I know, Nick. I was amazed that we could do that so easily. You know I rehearsed that a lot in the past with a girl but I could really get it, the way we did it now. I'm .... Well, no word could describe what I felt. I really love you, Nick."

Well, you can imagine what those last words led to. He started to kiss me and slowly we got entangled in a passionate embrace.

"OK, you guys, that's enough," Peter said.

"Yes, stop it! We've seen enough!!!" Andrew said.

We stopped and looked up.

"Hmmmm, we're in a gay bar ... so we can do this as much as we want," Francis said.

"Well, that's true, Andrew," Peter answered and he took Andrew in his arms and started to kiss him, too.

I'm not sure what happened the rest of the time because Francis had started to kiss me again and I heard only the small sound of the music somewhere in the background.

Then suddenly Kathy's voice intruded.

"So, am I some wallflower, or are you looking for someone else here to make out with, David?"

I looked up and I saw my brother turn completely red after she said that. But he took care of the problem. He stood close to her and started to kiss her a bit and then ... well, sorry, guys but then I was distracted again.

I am not sure but I think we stayed like that for quite some time and this was one evening that, I can tell you, I am not going to forget easily ... and not only because of the dancing.

When we found it was time to go, Peter and Andrew said that they would go in the other direction towards Andrew's home. They said goodbye to us but added that they liked the evening so far.

Together with David and Kathy, we went towards our home. But some how I didn't want this evening to end yet.

"Kathy, David ... would you mind if Francis and I leave you two? I want to walk a bit together."

David smiled. "No, that's OK, but don't stay out too long."

So we walked towards the end of the street where there was an entrance to a small park. I knew there was a pond on this side of it and there would be some places to sit as well.

So we walked, still pretty close to each other, not realising that someone we knew might see us as we entered the park. We walked towards the lake, as it seemed that Francis had the same spot in his mind as I did.

We sat down just in front of the lake. It was quiet and the moon was out, so it wasn't too dark. We didn't speak ... we just sat there, our arms around each other and my head resting on his shoulder.

"You never told me you could dance like that, Francis," I said, breaking the silence.

"I never thought I could. I've had lessons for three years was intended to improve my skills, especially for the floor exercises. But it was never as easy as it went tonight, Nick. It was as if one move automatically led to the next, just as if we indeed had been practising for this for years. But then, I never knew you could dance, either."

"I didn't know I could. I know I have some pretty good rhythm but what I did tonight with you that was .... Well, I have no words for it. If I'd know that dancing could feel like that, I'm sure we'd have done it before."

"So, you never had any practice?"

"No, not like you. I've never had any lessons but I like to swirl around a bit and I like to watch video clips."

"Well, I'm sure this wasn't the last time we'll go dancing. I felt great, Nick ... thanks."

"Don't thank me, Francis. I had a great time, too, and I'm sure I wouldn't have had it without you."

We started to kiss but when Francis tried it, my head was not low enough, so he could only touch my forehead.

We didn't say much for a while and I just looked over the lake, resting my head on his shoulder and enjoying his scent.

There was something I wanted to talk about ... but I wasn't sure how to bring it up. I wasn't sure how he'd react but I needed to, just to make sure that he was OK.

"Francis, are you OK?" "Yes. What could be wrong after such an evening and then sitting here with you at a lake with the moon just above it?"

"Well, I just wondered if you didn't feel upset after what Peter and Andrew told us about the way their parents behaved and after meeting them tonight."

"Oh, is that what has been bothering you?"

"Well ... not bothering me. I was just hoping that it wouldn't upset you."

"I'm not sure, Nick, how I feel. I ... no, it did upset me but I'm not ready to deal with it, I guess. You know I've hardly had time to give it much thought lately. After what happened, coming out to your farther, then everything that happened with you and the meet .... I just ....

His voice dropped low and I felt him shrug.

"It's OK, Francis. I just wanted to let you know that if you need to talk about it, I'm here to listen."

"I know, Nick, but still it's not easy to think about what happened. I am afraid ... so, for the time being, I'm just not thinking about it. The only thing that is always on my mind is the fear of bumping into them somewhere ... especially when we're at the mall during the day. I'm sticking far away from every other place where I knew they might go."

"Don't worry. You have us and we're your family now ... and new friends like Andrew and Peter as well."

"Yea ... they're great, don't you think? I just love the way Andrew says whatever he's thinking. He should learn to be more careful or that big mouth of his is going to get him into trouble in the future."

"Hmmmm ... well, Peter is a good balance for that, I think. As long as he's around, he'll make sure that doesn't happen too much. But you're right ... it's great to have them as friends and to have other gay couples around to spend time with."

"I think, Nick, it's time to get home. We have a long day again tomorrow."

"I know and more long and difficult days in the weeks to follow."

"Well, after the state finals, we only have a few weeks to go before vacation starts ... so that'll be good. Do you have any plans already?"

"No, not yet, Francis. At the moment I'm just going from one week to the next."

"We've got time to think about it, Nick. We don't have to make any decisions yet. As long as you are there, that is enough for me."

We walked home. Just as we arrived, Kathy came walking out the door to leave. It seemed that she wasn't spending the night and that was strange, as normally David would walk her home.

"Hey, Kathy ... you're not sleeping over?"

"Hmm mm ... no, guys. It seems your dad isn't too happy with us being out so late tonight and drinking. We just had a huge lecture from him."

"Oh, no," I said. "Well, we'd better take you home then."

"No, thanks. He's even more angry with the two of you for not coming home with us. So I think it'd be better if you go straight in. I called my brother and he's picking me up in a moment."

"Hmmmm, Nick," Francis started.

"Yes?" I replied.

"How is your father when he's mad?"

"Oh, he screams a lot and we probably will be grounded." I thought that wouldn't be such a bad thing in our case.

I opened the door. I hoped we'd make it to the stairs before he heard us.

"Shit, Francis. Maybe we can get by him without him hearing us," I whispered.

"Oh, no, you won't," my father said, harsh and loud.

I turned around slowly.

"Do you have any idea how late it is? I know you had my permission to be out late on the weekends, but this is a school night and we're in training ... or is that something you forgot?"

I knew that answering wouldn't make much difference, so I just looked at him without saying anything.

He walked a bit closer and he sniffed the air around us.

"Hmmmm, you seem to have had even more drinks than your brother."

"I thought that at least the two of you would have been more sensible than David ... but it seems you need some lessons as well. You're lucky that I used up most of my anger on David already, but that doesn't mean you're not going to be punished. And by 'you,' I mean the both of you. Because as long as you live under my roof, you'll behave as well, Francis."

"Yes, sir" I heard Francis say. "That's something I was never able to teach my boys to say to me at times like this," and he smiled a bit.

"Well, off to bed now, and rest assured, I'll remember this very well."

I was glad that he seemed over the worst of his anger already after talking to David. That meant that he'd had the complete lecture. But it didn't mean we were off the hook. I knew that.

We walked towards my bedroom and I invited Francis in.

"Do you think that's a good idea, Nick?"

"Yea, I don't want to end a perfect evening like this, Francis, and my dad is downstairs, so he'll never find out."

"Oh, by the way Nick," I heard my father's voice from downstairs.

"Yes, dad. What is it?"

"Your bedroom is off limits to Francis for one week, just as I told David not to have Kathy over to sleep for a week."

I turned towards Francis who had turned around the moment my dad had finished his sentence. I was planning to follow him to his bedroom.

"Oh, and before you think of joining Francis in the guest bedroom, that is a week off limits for both of you."

"Did you hear me, Nick?" he yelled again when I didn't answer him.

"Yes, dad."

"Well, this is good night then, Nick." And Francis leaned forward and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Hmmmm, seems to be. If he won't allow us to be together in our bedrooms, we'll just have to find more time to spend out of the house."

"Good night, Nick."

"Good night, Francis."

I was a bit angry at dad for not allowing us to be together after such a great evening because ... despite what happened when we got home ... it had been a great evening so far.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost midnight, so dad had been right. It was a bit later than we normally stayed out. In fact, as far as I could remember, I'd never been past my curfew before. David might have done that once or twice but he knew he could trust me. Well, we would probably get a lecture about responsibility and our careers tomorrow and some more house chores to perform over the next week. It seems my dad always tried to save them up until one of us needed to be punished.

I fell asleep quickly and was awakened almost immediately ... at least, that was the way it felt, like almost a minute after I nodded off. I looked around to see how late it was. The clock said it was only 4.30. What was going on? Why had I woken up then? Suddenly I started to hear the music again. Music, I thought, at this time of the night? I strained my ears and there it was again. Definitely music ... and not the kind David or Francis played. It was some classical stuff.

Then, without warning, my bedroom door was pushed open ... well, it was actually thrown open, I'd say. There was my father, standing in the doorway. I rubbed my eyes a bit so I could see him a bit better.

"OK, get up you lazy bum."

"What?" I said softly.

"Get up! We're going to do some extra training this morning ... training you bums need after the alcohol you drank."

Oh no, I thought, not a morning routine workout! It had been a long time ago, but about a week after mother left us, dad had tried to get us out of bed early each morning to train with him. We did it for a few days, as we thought we were helping him ... but we definitely didn't want to make it a routine. So we discussed it and the next morning we just didn't get out of bed.

"Come on. I'll wake up the others and you'd better be wearing your trainers when I come back."

"Are you serious, dad?" I asked.

"Well, that is up to you to decide ... but I'm sure you'd rather not want to find out the answer to that question."

He walked away and I heard him open the guest bedroom door and wake up Francis.

I laid back and rested my head on my pillow. My god! If he was serious, then this was going to be one hell of a way to wake up.

I just waited. I knew he had to wake up David as well, so I had a few minutes.

"You'd better get up, Nick," I heard Francis coming in, wearing his trainers already.

"Why? I have some time before he comes back in."

"Well, I'm not sure you do. I saw him just march into David's rooms with a ...." He didn't finish his sentence as a loud scream came from David's room, "What are you doing?"

I couldn't hear my father's answer but I jumped out of bed and walked over to get my trainers. "Did he just do what I think he did, Francis?"

"Well, he had a bucket of water in his hands, so I think he did."

"My god! What an evil way to punish us! I hope you slept OK, Francis, because we've had these morning workouts a few times before when my mom left and he can be pretty worked up when he is awake at this hour."

"Oh, so we're in for a rough time?"

"Well, let me put it this way ... I'm sure you'll be glad you're at school in a chair later so you can rest a bit."

"Hmmmm, hurry up, then. We don't want to make this worse than it already is."

So, for the next hour, we went through a hard workout inside the house, doing push ups, sit ups ... whatever. Almost every exercise you can do, we did. After 45 minutes, I started to feel my stomach growl and I knew I could do with some breakfast. This was just too much for a guy who wanted to have breakfast first and then start to wake up.

Then dad announced breakfast and we sat down at the table and enjoyed the cereal and tea he had put on the table.

But just when I started to wake up for real after 20 minutes of rest, we were dragged up and he walked towards the front door.

"It should get light around this time, guys, so I think it's time to get out and do a little running before we have to leave for school."

"Is he serious?" Francis whispered.

"Dead serious, sweetie!"

"Hmmmm, I'm not sure I can do this."

"Well, you'd better try if you ever want to sleep with me again, because he'll forbid us to be together if we don't go along with this."

He just sighed and walked out of the house, following us.

"OK, David ... you know which way I run, so I'll wait for you at the end of the park. You'd better make sure you make it, and don't try to take a short cut."

He started to run and, despite the fact that we were athletes, all three of us, he was right ... we almost never run a long distance, so there was no way we could keep up with him.

Well, you can understand that we were not happy about this at all when we came back to the house. He'd been waiting for us at the park but, when he saw us coming, he made his way for home. When we got back, he was sitting in the kitchen reading the newspaper, as if he'd just gotten out of bed.

"Ah, there you are! I thought your conditioning had been better, guys, so I was just starting to think we'd have to do this more often, to get you in better shape."

"OK, dad, we know by now that we were wrong. We won't do such a thing again while we're in training."

"Oh, do you think, David, that you can get off the hook that easily?"

He looked at us and then back at David. "I have one question for the three of you and I want you to think about it seriously before answering ...maybe not before tonight. I thought I knew your answer, David, as we'd talked about this before."

I saw recognition in David's as my dad finished that sentence, and I also some shame.

"I really want you to think about this carefully. I thought you, David, and you, Francis, were on your way to a professional career in sport or, at least, were going to give it a real try. With you, Nick, I know we never discussed this but I think you better consider this possibility carefully, because the way you performed at the last meet suggests you could go a long way. If you want this and you want my support and help, then I expect you to live by some rules and one of them is not drinking while you are in training and never drinking as much as you did last Saturday evening. So, if you want me to help, let me know. If not, then I'll stop making the effort and I'll treat you as normal boys. But rest assured ... that doesn't mean that it'll be easier, just different."

"No, stop," he said as I opened my mouth. "We'll discuss this tonight, Nick, so just get cleaned up and ready for school. Oh, by the way, I've changed the training schedule already so, as of today, we'll have a one-hour session every day."

We walked away and, just before I walked into my room, David stopped me.

"He really seems to be serious about this, Nick, so we'd better think about this carefully and also be frank with him."

"I know, David, but I've never given this any thought I'm not too sure I can make up my mind in just one day ... especially when I have classes to think about, too."

"Well, you'd better not think of skipping one because he'll not be happy if you do that."

"I know. Is it OK if I take a shower first?" I said, looking at Francis and David.

"Hmmmm, can I join you, Nick?" Francis asked in a most seductive way.

"Oh, no! If that's going to be the case, I'm going in first or I'll never be ready on time for school," David answered quickly.

And before either of us could do anything, he went into his room to get a towel and was in the shower.

We smiled at each other and went to our rooms to get everything ready for school.

As I told Francis, I was indeed glad that I was in school. It was kind of difficult for me to concentrate. I knew that my dad would want a serious answer on this morning's question, and I'd never even considered becoming a professional gymnast or even thought I could do it. Until now, it was all about having fun, showing off to Francis, being able to spend more time with him, David and dad. Hmmmm, I think in that order as well.

So, during lunchtime, we told Andrew and Peter what happened and they said they were OK. The parents all slept soundly, so they probably didn't even know how late they got home or if they'd been drunk or not.

I really started to have some difficulty in keeping awake after lunch as the short night, early rise and exercise program started to take its toll.

Just after our last class, we reported to the locker room as, from now on, we'd have daily training sessions to get ourselves ready for the match. There was still a little more than three weeks to go, but still my dad seemed to want us in good shape.

When everyone was there, my dad walked into the locker room.

"I have a few things I want to discuss with you guys. I have started the daily training sessions a few days early because I had the impression that some of the team" (and at that point, he definitely looked in our direction ... he wasn't going to make the team suffer for our evening out was he, I wondered) "were thinking that they could slack off in preparation for the next meet. But I thought that, here, we had a group of athletes that really wanted to go and commit themselves to this. If not, it'll be a total waste of time to even try to compete in three weeks, and we'd better stay home. Normally we'd reduce the intensity of our training program as the holiday approaches, and some of you seem to have started to slack of already. But that can't happen this year. If you really want to go and have a chance at the state finals, you'd better give it 100% or even more ... or we're not going to go at all." Having said that, he looked around for our response.

"So before we start today, I want you to consider this: if you really want to do this as a team, I expect 100% from all of you. To make sure you understand what I want from you, I've worked out a training schedule in preparation for the meet. From now on, we're going to work on our physical and mental conditioning. Then, from the moment Mr. Nemov arrives, we're going to work on the more technical parts of your routines. To close off in the last week, we'll do only what is necessary to make the performance go well."

So far, I thought, he'd said nothing new or at least nothing we hadn't done before the last meet. I saw that the others were looking kind of strangely towards my dad as well.

"So, for the first week, we're going to work on our physical conditioning. That means that each day we'll work after school on our strength. I have reserved a one-hour period in the fitness school a few blocks from here so we can work out in a professional environment. Then, to make sure we can last a bit longer and we can perform each routine to the end, I want you each day to run at least 10 km. Now, to make sure you do, I expect you all at the entrance to the park close by the school here every morning around 6 a.m."

Hmmmm, it was no longer quite as it had seemed. Some of them weren't ready for that kind of commitment and they started to protest.

"No, you guys. I'm not going to debate this with you. If you're serious about this meet, I expect you to be there. If not, that's fine with me. Don't come. But don't forget that we only have a chance if everyone joins in. So just let me know if this is what you want. If it is, be there tomorrow by 6. If not, OK. We'll slow down our training schedule starting tomorrow evening and I'll call Mr. Nemov to tell him not to bother to come."

Wow!!! I thought this is pure blackmail because I knew some of us definitely wanted this to work and wanted to learn more from Alexei ... so there was no way we'd want to get out of this now. There didn't seem to be any choice for us.

Dad walked out of the locker room and then we started to discuss things. It seemed that we all agreed that we wanted to go for it, so that was not the issue. The question was, where had this ultimatum come from, for no one had seen our coach act like this before.

As the coach's sons, understandably we were asked more than once if we knew where this was coming from. I looked at David and Francis and then David just nodded towards us.

He started to tell us what he thought the origins of dad's attitude were. He thought that we were probably the reason for it. In part, he was still a bit angry with us, but even more because of my unexpected performance. Suddenly, we were really a team now able to compete in the state finals.

Well, I knew then that we were all going to be there the next day. We went to the gym and had a good workout. I still had no idea what I was going to say to dad tonight because I knew that he would want an answer despite what just happened here. That was more something between a son and his dad than between a pupil and his coach.

When we came home, Francis wanted to join me in my room but a yell from downstairs made it clear to us that we were still being punished.

"I'll see you at dinner and we can go out for a stroll after that. For now, let's just do our homework first."

He smiled and said, "OK, but I'll still miss you."

He walked away and I entered my room. I turned on my PC to check my mail before doing any studying.

There were a few rubbish e-mails of the type we all get these days ... but there was also e-mail from Alexei and one from Randy. I opened the second one first.

Hi Nick,

I can understand that you might wonder why I'd write to you but, as I said before, I felt very comfortable being around you guys. I had the idea you liked my company just because of who I am and not because of what I do or my status as a celebrity.

I know a lot of people in the business I can hang out with ... but it just isn't as much fun as being around people you can trust and who will be honest with you. When I was at college, I didn't have many friends. It just felt right being with you and Francis and, of course, Alexei, with whom I've been a friend for quite some time. I will definitely try to visit you when Alexei is there, too, but it seems he isn't around this part of the country very often. Especially not at this time, when we're not shooting any new episodes and I have quite a lot of free time to do things I want to do.

So just let me know when he is coming so I can make some arrangements to join you. I've already sent an e-mail to Alexei as well.

So are you preparing for your next meet?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Hmmmm, this was starting to get strange ... but, then, if he was sincere, I thought it would be great to have him as a friend and see him from time to time. He was cute and fun to talk with.

Now, the mail from Alexei.

Hi Nick,

I hope you are doing OK, I think you must be, as it seemed as if you had come a lot closer to Francis by the end of Saturday evening. Just try to relax around him and make sure he knows you love him, and things will come fine in the end.

I have had a mail from Randy Harrison. He really enjoyed your lunch together last Sunday. He also wanted to know if it would be OK to meet when I came for your next training session. I haven't answered him yet because I am not sure if you are OK with this. I always like to spend time with him and I'm sure we can find some time to see him when I am around.

Well, things are still very busy here. My own relaxation time is almost over as well as I must start to train more, too, but I'll still be sending some e-mails from time to time.

I haven't made my travel arrangements yet but I'll let you know as soon as I have done that. I hope I can stay with you, but I know that Francis is occupying the guest room, so perhaps I should find myself a hotel.

See you soon. Bye.


Hmmmm, well, that was a nice e-mail. I smiled after reading it and decided that I would like Francis to read it as well so I printed that one out. I replied to Alexei, telling him that I'd like Randy to visit and that we'd indeed had a great time at lunch. I also told him about the hard workout rules dad had set after our little fun evening last night. I'm sure Alexei would see the irony in that.

To Randy I wrote:

Hi Randy,

Well, as I said before, you can trust me and I certainly liked you as a person, and I forgot you were a celebrity soon after we met.

I got an e-mail from Alexei, too, and he is looking forward to seeing you just as much as I do when he is visiting here. I'm not sure yet what my schedule will be. Much less his ... so I'll keep you posted and let you know when would be the best time to visit.

We had a great night out in town yesterday and visited a gay bar where, I can honestly say, I had a terrific time. It ended less than pleasantly as my dad caught us being out too late. So we have to pay for our night on the town with some pretty heavy workouts as part of a new training schedule.

When do you have to start filming again?

Don't you do some other work in between the taping of QAF? I thought you would do other stuff as well?

I'll definitely keep in touch. Bye for now.


When I was almost finished with this, David entered the room.

"Can I come in, Nick?"

"Sure. I was just thinking about starting my homework."

"I feel like I let dad down last night. You know, I should have known better."

"Don't worry, David. You're allowed to step out of the line now and then."

"Well, it is just that we had this talk a little more than a year ago and we agreed that I'd do my best to become a professional as that is something I really want. I know he put a lot of effort into getting us into the exchange program as well so that Alexei could train us. But now I'm feeling just a bit selfish and ... well, you know, with Kathy ... I want to have fun with her as well."

"Hmmmm, I can see that I want to spend time with Francis as well, and you know I've never even thought about being a professional athlete before. I've only been doing this for a few months now. I know you and Alexei and dad do think a lot of what I've done so far ... but I am not sure how much further I can take this or can really dedicate myself to it."

"I know the answer I'm giving dad tonight, Nick, as I really want to try to make this work and I know he only wants to help us out as much as he can."

"You won't surprise me if that is the answer you're going to give him, David. I knew you'd want to try that and I think that Francis wants that as well. Over the last few years, he's worked hard to reach the point where he is now. But I'm just not sure if I have what it takes. This is only a start, you know. I'm doing OK now, but I'm not sure if I could cope with injuries or if I'm getting to a point where things are starting to go wrong."

"You haven't discussed this with Francis or Alexei yet. I'm sure they can help you decide. As for me, I really would like the two of us to try to work this out. You know I'm so glad you're doing so well. I've felt much closer to you during the last few months than I ever have before. That is not only because you've had a hard time or because you joined the team ... but much more because you are easier to talk with. I really like that a lot."

He came over and hugged me. "If you want to talk to me about it, let me know. I'm here."

"I know, David. Thanks."

"Well, I just wanted to let you know what I'd be telling dad tonight. I'd better leave you to your homework."

When I finished my homework, I called Alexei because I thought that David had had a good idea in suggesting that I contact him and discuss things with him.

I was almost finished the conversation when Francis came in and said that dinner was ready. So I walked downstairs and we ate.

We talked about a lot of stuff but not about what my dad wanted to do. I looked at him as we finished.

"Dad, is it OK if we go out for a short walk? I'll be sure to be back in an hour."

"OK, if you need that time."

"Yes, I do. I want to talk with Francis about it."

We walked outside and started off in the direction of the park. It seemed that, as we started out, neither of us had much to say ... or we didn't want to begin.

"Francis, I ...," I tried to start.

"Let me first, Nick. Maybe this would be easier for me."

"You think it is, with your parents and all?" I said without thinking.

When I looked at Francis, I saw a flash of pain on his face, but it was only temporary.

"They have nothing to do with this, Nick. This is about what I want and I want two things at the moment. I've worked very hard over the last five years to get where I am right now in my gymnastics, and I don't want to give that up yet. I really want to see how far I can go with it. Otherwise I will always feel like I somehow didn't do my best and that is not what I want."

"Hmmmm, no surprise there, Francis. I hadn't thought anything else."

"No, I think you know that. But there is one other thing you must know." We hadn't reached the park yet but, for some reason, we had stopped and Francis looked into my eyes.

"The second thing is clear for me as well. I'll only try to give it a go if this means I can somehow stick with you because I don't think I'll be able to spend longer than a few days without you."

"Francis, I ...." My god, how was I going to answer this?

"I don't want you to feel pressured to try as well. I just want you to know that I'll stick by you, whatever you decide."

My eyes were still locked on his, and I think even if the world would have turned upside down, or accidents would have happened, we both wouldn't have know anything.

I slowly turned my face away from his. He'd made the decision harder than it already had been. Alexei had given me some good advice, but this ... well, I wanted Francis to go ahead so he'd have his chance. I just wasn't sure about my own future.

I walked a bit farther, not looking around to see if Francis was following me. When I reached the entrance to the park, it suddenly dawned on me, what an asshole I was! Francis had just declared that he couldn't live without me ... and I ... I was just thinking of myself, as usual. My god! I quickly turned around to see where Francis was as I realised he was not beside me.

He was just about a metre behind me with indeed some pain on his face. I took him by the arm and we walked to an open spot and sat down on the grass.

"I am sorry, Francis. That was totally the wrong reaction. You just said the most fantastic thing I could ever wish to hear and I just turned away."

"It doesn't matter," he said ... but I saw on his face that it did matter.

"No, I am really sorry. I did that but you have to understand why. I never until now even considered going on, to try to become a professional. David? Yes, we all knew he would ... but me? I was never interested in sports that much and only went to the competitions because my brother was in it and my father was the coach. So when my dad told us this morning to think about it, I was completely lost. I want to say yes, but then again, I only started this a few months ago. I know I surprised you all with my performance, but I'm not sure if I can keep up the concentration, the hours of training, the dedication."

I saw a bit of the pain on Francis's face turning into curiosity.

"No, just wait and let me finish, Francis. I talked a bit with David about this, but he couldn't help. I called Alexei, as he was the one who could judge with a clear point of view if I had a change or not. He told me that I had the talent but that there was more to winning than talent. There were other important things like drive and discipline and the ability to overcome injuries. He said that I could try but that my talent was not a guarantee that I would make it."

"I can see that, Nick. I've been injured just once and it requires a lot of dedication to come back after that ... although it also inspired me to come back."

"Well, I don't have any of those experiences ... so I think dad's question is a bit unfair at this point. Maybe if he asked me at the end of next year, but not now. So when you said ... well, what you just said ... I only felt the pressure of making a decision more as I still have no idea what I'm going to tell him."

"Don't worry. Whatever you decide is good."

"Are you sure, Francis? Because I don't want to be in the way of you giving it your best shot ... and you just said you wouldn't try if I wasn't going to give it a try."

"Well, maybe it wasn't fair of me to say that to you, Nick ... but I just feel so at ease with you and you have been such an inspiration in my performances. I just love you so much! I realised that especially after everything that happened last night. I was in my room before dinner and everything that's happened during the last few weeks just went through my memory, and in the middle of all that was you, Nick. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me."

"I know, Francis, and you mean a lot to me as well. Your help with ... well, you know what."

"I know, Nick. But if you don't want to do this, that's OK. We'll work a way out and I know you love me ... so whatever happens or whatever we do, I know I can trust you."

I just looked at him. I wanted to get him into my arms and hold him but this was not the place to do it.

"Well, I just want to talk with my dad first, Francis. I want to give it a try, but I need all the support I can get. I know I'll have yours and I'm sure we can help each other quite a lot ... but still ...."

I thought about what I'd been doing before I became my dad's assistant, and before we moved to this town. I'd done a lot of drawing and I'd been quite good at it as well. My teachers always encouraged me to go on with it but, since mom left, I just hadn't been doing it anymore. She had been the great drive behind it all so ....

After what had happened with Mike, I had the idea of picking my art back up again. My shrink had also told me it would be a good idea to get some of my anger and pain out on paper. But now, if I was going for a career in gymnastics, I'd have to give up my drawing, as I couldn't do both.

"Well, I know we'll be fine. Are you ready to go back?" he asked.

I just looked at him and I think that, when I saw his dedication to both me and to his sport, I decided to give it a try. I could always see where it took me.

I slid my head forward a bit and whispered, "Oh god, Francis! I could really kiss and hug you here as you've never been kissed and hugged before!"

When I backed off, I saw that his face had turned red.

"Hmmmm, wouldn't you like that, Francis?" I said with a lot of passion and persuasion in my voice.

"Let's get out of here, Nick, before I can't control myself any more."

I just smiled at him and we stood up and started to walk back home.

The moment Francis closed the door, I felt a hand touching my shoulder and, before I knew it, we were in an embrace and kissing passionately. "I love you so much, Nick," he said when we'd come up for air.

"I know, Francis, and I love you, too."

"OK you two lovebirds! Come on in now so we can finish this. I want to see Kathy before we get old."

Well, you know that David had walked into the hallway. He probably had heard the door but, because we hadn't entered the living room, they had start to wonder who it was.

We walked into the living room and we sat down on the couch.

"So, can I go now, dad?" David asked.

"You've already talked, David?" I asked.

"Yes, Nick, and I think I'd better leave you to it. I'm sure you know what we talked about."

"OK, you can go, David, but I still mean what I said. I want you home before 10 p.m. tonight as tomorrow morning we'll start the exercises around 4.30 ... so we'll be on time for the run."

Oh, my god, I thought. He's really going through with this.

"So, you two ... you talked this over?"

I looked at Francis and he started to talk first.

"I think we came to a conclusion, sir. As you probably know, I really would like to give it a try. I've been working for this for the last five years ... so I won't stop until someone tells me that it's hopeless."

"Well, it is far from hopeless, as Alexei has probably told you already. I think you and David are the two with the best chances of going far if you're dedicated and really give this a try. But you need to give it all you've got and no slacking off or you'll probably not achieve your potential. Only those who are totally committed have a chance and I think you know that."

"So ..." and he turned his head towards me. "That only leaves you, Nick. I'm sure that this morning's question has given you a lot to think about, as we've never discussed it before. But I'm going to be honest with you. Whatever you decide is fine with me but I want you to consider the following. If you want to give it a go, I expect total dedication and I'll approach you with the same commitment I give to David. I told him already that dating and having a girlfriend are OK, but they are also a distraction.

I want you to understand that I'm not going to be easy on that question, especially while you live in the same house."

"I know that. I ...." "No, wait, son. Let me finish. I also know that you won't stand in Francis's way if you decide not to do this. So what's it going to be, son?"

"I've thought about it and I'm just not sure, dad. I know I've already come a long way in only a short period of time. I've talked with Alexei about it and he said that I have a lot of talent ... more than he's seen in a long time. But I haven't had an injury or a setback so far ... so I have no idea how I'll react ... if I can stick to it even when it goes a little badly."

"Hmmm, I can only agree with Alexei, Nick. I have never seen someone make such huge progress in such a short time. It seems that all those hours of watching David and my team have also worked to your advantage. But I can say that I'll fully support you if you want this to work. I think I can say that, with your talent, you can keep up with the others without any problem."

"So, I want to give this a try, dad. I know that you and David and Francis are going to be there to help as well. But there is one thing you have to know. I'm not like David and I want to do this partly in my own way. You know on my record so far that I can do a good job as long as I'm motivated. So I need to blow off some steam from time to time and do other stuff as well."

"Maybe, Nick ... but there is discipline needed as well as guidance. If you don't want to listen to advice or anything, this is never going to work."

"No, I understand that, dad. But I want to try things myself, too ... things that feel good and can help to focus me on what I want to do. I'm not sure but I was thinking of getting back to some drawing as well. I've talked about it with my shrink and he said it might be a good idea to get my inner self at rest."

"You draw, Nick?" Francis asked before my dad could say anything.

"Yes, Francis. I guess that's something I didn't tell you before, did I?".

"No, you never did."

"Are you sure, Nick? It has been quite some time since you last did it." I saw a little worried expression on my dad's face.

"Yes, I have thought about this ever since the episode with the doctors, and I think it would be a good idea."

"Well, you haven't done it since ... well, you know. I thought you stopped because you missed her."

When I looked from my dad to Francis, I saw a strange look on my boyfriend's face. He was probably quite lost in what we are talking about ... but I just didn't want to go into that subject, not now.

"I think I can do both ... if you'll let me, that is."

"OK, I will, son ... but there are a few things I want to make clear to the two of you. I don't want you to sleep with each other every night. So I want you to go to your own bedrooms every evening after 10 p.m. ... maybe not on Saturday, OK. And I don't want you to go out as you did yesterday on a school night. I expect you not to drink and be in before 10 p.m. ... otherwise, this is not going to work. I'll also see if I can get some advice on diets and a training program to build up your strength during the summer period. So, can you live with that, Francis? Nick?"

We looked at each other and smiled. "I think we can, sir. I know you only want to help us."

"I do, Francis. So, Nick, do you think this will work?"

"I think so, but if you don't mind, we'll go upstairs now."

"OK, that's fine. I'll wake you both tomorrow, so you'd better turn in early."

I walked upstairs. I felt Francis's breath on my neck. The moment he was in my room and closed the door, I turned around and started to kiss him.

I know! We're romatic ... but then, what do you expect? We only had about an hour left anyway.

"Hmmmm, I like this a lot, Nick. I'm glad you decided to go along and give it your best shot. But I didn't know you could draw. Were you any good?"

I just smiled at him. "Let me say that if my art teacher at my former school had had anything to say in the matter, I would have gone for a professional career in that field. I've already had an exhibit, you know."

"Wow!!! So where is all this terrifically good work, then? I've never seen any of it so far."

I must have looked a little funny, because Francis said, "I guess that was the wrong question to ask, wasn't it, Nick?"

"Well, not a wrong question ... but maybe something I'd rather not talk about yet. OK, Francis?"

He must have felt my mood as he quickly smiled and said, "OK with me, Nick. I'd rather do other things with you now anyway."

And before I knew it, I was on my back on the bed and he was groping under my shirt with his hand. I think he tried to get my shirt off.

"You want me to take this off, Francis?"

He only looked up and, like a lovesick puppy, nodded yes.

"Well, you'd better let me up so I can help you with it." He let me go for a second, just to give me enough time to pull my shirt over my shoulders. Before I could get it over my head, he'd already taken control of my body again and was touching my chest, arms and belly ... just gently feeling my skin, running his hands softly over it, almost as if his hands were just a few feathers caressing my body. His hands felt very soft and he infused me with an incredible feeling of love and ... hmmmm, sorry ... of horniness as well. My dick started to make its way to an erection and I'm sure he felt it because his stomach was resting on my crotch.

"Hmmm, you like this, don't you, Nick!"

I let out a soft moan to answer him and then I felt his lips on my right ear. He moved his mouth softly down my check towards my mouth. I opened it to get a nice kiss.

"Oh, is that what you want? Well, maybe that not something I'm willing to give you."

I opened my eyes and looked into the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen.

Again, without saying a word, we gazed into each other's eyes.

Next: Chapter 30

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