Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Feb 14, 2002


Hi there all, well sooner as expected is here chapter 22 of Coach' s Assistant. I can only thank the editor Bill for doing such a fine and fast job with it.

Then I need to thank a friend who wrote one long erotic line to fit into this chapter. Thanks Dave for your contribution it just fitted in there perfectly.

Things are rather heating up and I hope you like this chapter. I waited to post it especially today on February 14th as you probebly will know why. As you read this chapter you will know that we are closing a very first and big part of the story line. I had been thinking of sending out chapter 22 and chapter 23 in one time but then it would have been a very long chapter. Enjoy this one and I think chapter 23, the last one of the first part will be out soon also.

I am sorry for the long intro to this chapter but there is one more thing I would like to share with you. I have been thinking of making a website where the three stories I have written so far where published. I have had some time lately and I am happy I can say that the first version of it is somewhere out there. I am not sure but you might to find out where it is well go to and you will see it for your self. Comments on how to improve it are welcome and those of you who wondered how Mike, Francis and Nick look like in my imagination well they can find them there.

Regarding any implication of knowing about the sexual live of Alexei Nemov I must declare that this is not based on any true knowledge I have about him.

So now enjoy the story don't be a stranger and let me know what you think about it and I will make sure I will get a reply back to you. (e-mail: or ICQ: 36967366)

Where we left of: I heard David and dad talking. I couldn't make out the exact words, but

when I got to the fridge I could hear what they were saying.

"Did you see those two curled up against each other when we came in? I

believe they really love each other," my dad said to David.

"Yes, they looked real cute."

"I think we'll just have to get used to it. I only hope that they survive the rough times they are heading for."

"I think they'll handle it well and we'll be here to support them, won't we, dad?"

"Yes, we will. Nick deserves to be happy at last. You know, I never knew how to approach him but I'm glad we're trying to be more open to each other. That seems to have closed the gap between us quite effectively recently."

I quickly left the kitchen. That was private and I didn't want to hear any more. Well, to be honest, I did, but I thought it was better that I didn't hear any more confessions. I wasn't sure I could handle them

Chapter 22.

I woke up that morning quite early and started to line out the plans I had for that Friday and the week after that on Saturday, the day that would end the blackmail.

I needed to get an answer from Alexei today and I needed to talk to Mike today to change the plans for Friday slightly. He had to agree to the changes, because he had to react severely to make sure the doctors didn't do anything to harm us.

I got to Mike just after 2nd class of the day. I had a free hour to study and I knew Mike did too. I waited for him in study hall.

"Mike, lets get out of here. I want to change the plans for Friday a little bit".

"Are you sure, Nick? We don't want to get ourselves into any more trouble than we are already".

"No I don't want that either, but you must understand that I can't pee in public like that, it's just one step to far".

"I know that Nick, so where shall we go?"

"Lets go outside and take a walk in the park".

We walked into the park and when we were out of sight of the school I looked at Mike.

"I talked with David last night".

"You told him everything didn't you?"

"Yea I did, I had to, you know. We need his help".

"I know Nick. I thought that you already said something to him, when he walked away from me this morning at the lockers without saying anything".

"He will turn around at the end Mike, but you must give him some time".

"I hope so. I don't want to lose his friendship".

"Did you already find a place, where we can do the task?"

"Yes I did. It's a small fitness centre with mostly male customers. I have no idea how many there are going to be".

"Ok, but as I said, I am not going to pee in my pants, that is just too humiliating to do. I just can't do it. "

"But wouldn't that make the doctors mad at us? I wouldn't want to be exposed somehow on the Internet you know".

"I know, but what if we can make it possible to look as if I would disobey you and you are mad at me. You would have to go online straight after you come home to tell the doctors that you need to punish me. You would ask them for some time to think about how you are going to do that".

"We have to make sure that it is very convincing, otherwise they wouldn't buy it".

"I will do everything including changing of my underwear and be on display, but we are not going to try to get every one's attention at the start".

"So you will do everything except for the peeing part?"

"Yes that's the idea. I think that after that you can invite the doctors to be there when I'm going to be punished by you. That would make it easier to set a trap for them. I don't think we have any other arguments to get them to join us".

"Hmm that could work Nick. I'm not sure, but it might make it possible to convince them to go along and set them up. Do you have any plans for that also?"

"No, not yet, but you need to ask at least 48 hours from them to come up with a plan to punish me. I will have everything ready by the end of the weekend. I will need to convince Francis it's going to be necessary to do it, because the punishment on paper must look real otherwise they will never accept it".

"Ok, I will ask them for 48 hours and I will try to be as persuasive as I can on Friday evening".

"Is Francis going to be there on Friday?"

"Yes he will Mike, I don't think I can get him to stay home".

"And David?"

"No I think he will stay home. I don't want him to be there, too".

"Is he mad at me Nick?"

"I'm not sure Mike, he didn't say too much, but I should try to avoid him the best you can".

"I will try to do that, but I hope he will understand that I did what I could. He has to know I would never hurt you on purpose".

"I told him that already and so did Francis, but I think he wants to hear it from you. Not right now, but in a few days. You will see him on Friday evening. We will all go from the gym to my place to plan it. You must go home first, but I hope you have time to join us later".

"I will be there, no worry. I want to end this as much as you do".

We walked a little bit further down the path, which was already leading back to school. Just before we left the park Mike stopped.

"Nick, I have one question. Did you have fun also while we were doing those things or were you only scared?"

"I'm not sure Mike, you better ask me that question in the future sometime. It started as fun, but I'm not sure that's how I feel at the moment".

Tears started down Mike's cheeks. "I am sorry Nick, I never wanted that. I wanted it to be fun for you also".

"It's ok Mike, we will get out of this and then try to forget it as soon as possible".

"I hope so Nick, I want us to still be friends after this is all over".

"Well we just have to wait and see how everything turns out, Mike. Let's go back to school. I need to find something in the library".

We walked back to school. At lunch we sat with the rest of the gymnastics team. Every one was there except for David. I tried to see where he was, but couldn't find him.

At the beginning of practice of that evening Dad told us the plans for the next weeks. We had two more meets to go for the regular school championships (this and next Saturday), then the week after there would be trials to see who was going to represent our school at the city championships. Four weeks after the state final would be held. After the city championships Mr. Nemov (Alexei) would come for one more week if we placed ourselves for the state final.

I quickly changed making sure I left my underwear on and I didn't want to go to the shower. I managed so far without questions. I didn't want to think what would happen if they would see me without hairs in the shower.

When I came home I started to prepare dinner when the phone rang.

"Hi this is Alexei Nemov is Nick at home?"

"Hi Alexei, this is Nick".

"Oh, didn't recognise your voice".

"Sorry, but I had something in my mouth".

"Ok, just wanted to let you know that I can be present next Saturday, if it is still necessary".

"Yes that would be great. I told David everything last night".

"Oh, and how are you feeling?"

"Well I was very much afraid of what he might say or do, so I let Francis tell the most of it. I'm not sure I could go through that all again".

"When memories fade Nick, this will become easier to deal with ".

"I hope so".

"It will don't forget it was only two and a half-week ago. So have you thought about how you are going to get back at the doctors"?

"Yes I think I have a plan".

"Can you tell me something more about it or what my role in all this is?"

"I only need you there in case they will try to harm us or try to get out of it too early".

"I will have to disguise I guess. They will recognise me immediately when they see me there and I am not sure if that would be such a good idea".

"I have thought about that too, that is why I only want to use you as an emergency back up, but still we need to come up with some sort of disguise. I will think about one that is good for the surroundings we'll be in".

"Ok, I will call next week to tell you what time my plane is coming in. I will stay in a hotel so your Dad won't know anything."

`That will be fine Alexei. Only Friday night?"

"Yes, I have to be back Saturday evening late, so I will only be there for one night. How is training going; how far are you at the moment?"

"It's going great. I had no idea I could do those exercises that easily. I am at the third part of the ones you gave me and I can do them perfectly, so I might be ending up at the end of your schedule before the trials so that would be perfect".

"Wow! Never believed you could manage them all that soon. I thought this would keep you occupied at least till I am back for the next week".

I blushed a little when I said: "I never thought I could do them already, but it went great".

"Ok, well then I will call next week and will see you on Friday evening. Take care Nick and don't worry too much; it will be ok".

`Thanks Alexei. Until next week, bye".

I laid down the phone and walked into the kitchen. I was just starting to prepare dinner again when David walked in.

"How was your day David?"

"Fine I guess".

I turned around to see him leave for the living room.


"Yes Nick". He answered as he turned around.

"Your not mad at me are you?"

"No Nick, why do you think I'm mad at you?"

"Well you didn't join us for lunch today. I tried to find you, but you were nowhere in the canteen".

"Sorry brother, don't wanted to upset you, but I'm not mad at you. I am only trying to cool down before I bump into Mike. At this moment we are not going to have an easy or a good conversation, so I just try to avoid him".

"Oh! But you understand that this is not all his fault".

"Yes I do, but still I can't think of any reason why he wanted you to be his slave and not telling me about it at all. We have been friends for 10 years. I never thought he could do that to someone".

I tried to get enough courage to tell him more about our relationship, but I just couldn't. He was still too angry to understand anything I wanted to say. There was no point in it at this time.

"You are going to talk with him David?"

"Yes I will, I only wanted to wait a few days before I do that".

"Ok. Try to be patient with him and listen to him, listen to what he has to say about it. Maybe it will make more sense to you then".

"I don't know Nick. It's just very difficult for me to understand. It's very confusing".

"I am sorry David".

He turned around and left the kitchen. I sat on a chair and was not sure what I was going to do. I didn't want David to be like this. I just sat there, I'm not sure for how long, but I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked around.

"You seemed very far away in your thoughts, Nick. I called your name twice and I slammed the door, but you didn't hear it at all".

"Sorry Francis, just thinking about the conversation I had with David".

"Ah, you didn't fight did you?"

"No, just talked about Mike a little bit".

"Oh, well he will turn around. Your practice went really well this afternoon didn't it?"

"Yea you saw it".

"Of course I tried to take a glimpse every now and then. I am proud of you Nick, getting this all so quick. It's just unbelievable".

"Thanks Francis".

I stood up and pulled him into my arms. We hugged for a while and then he started to kiss my earlobes.

"Are you sure this is such a good idea right here in the kitchen?" I asked.

"Hmm it is a place we haven't done it yet".

"Now who has the dirty mind?"

"I do Nick, but I think I'm about to burst if I'm not going..."

"Oh, so that's what I'm good for". I tried to say that without too much of a smile.

"Yes. Didn't you know I only want you for your body?"

"Well in that case sorry, but I need to start dinner".

"I know, I can wait", Francis said wondering if I was serious about it all or not. I just couldn't hold it in anymore and started to laugh.

"Anyway the longer we wait the more fun we will have".

"Oh do you think so?"

"Yes I think so, but something else, do you have any plans for Saturday evening?"

"Not that I know of, Francis".

"Well you have now".

"Oh! What are we going to do?"

"I'm going to take you out on a real date".

I just looked at him, not knowing what to say back.

"You want to go out with me don't you?"

"Yes, of course. It's never been just the two of us dating, so it took me by surprise".

"Well we have been seeing each other for quite a while now. We are even living together, but we haven't been on a real date so I thought that would be a nice change".

"I'm starting to like the idea better and better with every second Francis. So where are we going?"

"A date I said Nick, so I'm not going to tell you".

"I think I can convince you to say it, for a kiss maybe".

"Ah, trying to bribe me. Well I have to go and make plans and you have to start cooking so no time at the moment". With that he walked into the living room and I heard him start to talk with David.

A date! I never thought of having a date with another guy. Well I never thought too much about being with one. Yea the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea. I started to think about what I would wear. I definitely needed something new. I would ask David if he would go with me Friday afternoon. Wow! This was going to be a busy weekend, starting on Friday afternoon.

I started to make dinner feeling very, very happy at that moment.

When Dad came home dinner was almost ready and we ate. When we finished David and Dad did the dishes and Francis and I sat down in the livingroom. We knew we had to do some homework also tonight, but we just wanted to enjoy each other for a while. So we sat down beside each other on the couch. First kissing a lot, but when the noises in the kitchen quieted down we knew David and Dad would come in soon and we didn't want to be too much for them. I lay my head down on Francis' chest and we just looked into each other's eyes.

"Hmmm. seems you like that couch very much, Nick. This is the second time I've seen you using it".

I didn't want to get up so I simply said, "It's very nice and soft and the view is terrific".

I'm not sure that that's what they wanted to hear, but I saw that Francis started to blush heavenly and I heard that David and Dad started to laugh.

"They are so in love, it's just unbelievable", David said.

"Yea, there is no denying that" Dad acknowledged.

I slowly started to get up and sit down beside Francis. "Sorry guys, but we were just enjoying each other's company before going to do some homework".

"We're just teasing you, Nick", David said.

"Do you have any plans for Saturday after the game?" Dad asked.

"We are going out with the guys and Kathy will join us", David answered.

I looked at Francis who slightly nods as if he knew what I wanted to ask him.

"I don't think we are going to join you David".

"Oh you aren't; and why is that Nick?"

"Francis asked me out this afternoon and I couldn't say no".

"I don't think you ever will be able to say no to him Nick".

Now it was my time to blush because I think David was right about that. If Francis would put his puppy dog look on his face, there was no resistance left in me for whatever he would want.

"So where are you going then?"

I looked at Francis hoping for an answer. David also looked at Francis, when he saw that I didn't answer, but turned towards him.

"You don't know then Nick", David said when no one answered his question.

"No, and he doesn't want to tell me".

"I have a question for you though David. Do you have time for me on Friday afternoon, for example right after class?"

"Yea I was meeting Kathy, but I could cancel".

"No, she can come along David. The more the merrier".

"Ah so I can come along also then". Francis said.

"No, you can't Francis", I said smiling. "We are only going to do a little shopping".

"Oh Kathy will love that Nick, getting you a new outfit".

"I know. That's why I said I didn't mind if she came along".

Dad had just picked up his newspaper while we were talking and he didn't want to interrupt, but I saw a soft smile on his face just before he put his face behind the paper.

We went upstairs each to our separate rooms to do some homework. I had difficulty concentrating on things, but I tried as much as I could.

I said goodnight to Francis before going to sleep. We kissed a little bit, but that was all. I think we wanted to leave it at that for now until our date on Saturday.

Friday morning went by very fast and before I knew it I was walking with David and Kathy in the mall. She had been really excited about dressing me up for the date with Francis.

I was really glad for David. He seemed to have fallen in love with almost as nice a person as I had. Well for as far as that was possible.

It went well. I bought a real nice red shirt to go with new black tight jeans. I still had a black jacket to go along with that so it was nice, but not too nice. And if need be I could always leave the jacket off as Kathy put it so nicely.

When we were finished and I started to walk away Kathy said: "Now we need you to get you a new haircut, Nick. The one you have is really old fashioned".

"Oh you think so". I answered. To be honest I never thought too much about my hairstyle. My hair was there and that was enough for me. It needed to be cut sometimes, but that was all.

"Yea and I know the place to go, too".

Without any delay she took both David's hand and mine and pulled us towards one of the corners of the Mall. She was right. The shop was really nice and very modern. I had never been in such a salon before. I had very little to say. It seemed that Kathy had thought about this and knew what she wanted to do with my hair. I had no idea if it was going to be nice, but I saw David giving his approval while Kathy was talking to one of the personel. He asked me what I thought of it, but I just said I didn't hear it all, but I think I will go with Kathy's idea. I told them I had not thought too much about another hairstyle so I would leave it up to them.

They needed quite some time andI was getting afraid we would be late. We needed to go to the health centre. I had agreed to be there at 6. Francis would be waiting outside and David would drop me off there. Kathy made another appointment for Saturday afternoon just before closing time to finish the hairstyle completely.

I got out of the car at the health centre. I had the bag of needed stuff with me and I made sure I already had the right underwear on. We would meet just around the corner of the health club. We didn't want to be seen going in together. I saw Francis and I walked towards him.

"Hi cutie", I said. He turned around and we hugged a little. We didn't want to kiss outside, but still I needed to feel him close by for a moment.

"Nice", he said, "a new haircut. I like it".

I smiled; it seemed that the effect Kathy wanted was there. He started to go through it with his hand.

"Don't mess it up right away, or I will need to go back straight away".

"But I like you to be messy Nick".

"Oh. If you do, well, maybe tomorrow Francis".

"Are you ready for this Nick? Because if you are not I understand and I will back you up 100%".

"I know that Francis, but I need to do this. I'm sorry, but we got the rough edges off the thing and we just hope that Mike can pursuade the doctors to let him decide on the punishment and when it should be performed".

"Ok, so you're not going to pee then".

"No we decided we would try to get out of that and then Mike will go home straight away to talk to them online and tell them he wants to punish me and he needs them to be around for that. That last thing we tell them on Sunday. That's when they will come to us so we can discuss the plan I have in my head".

"Ok, well let's get this over with then".

"You stay away as far as you can Francis. I am not sure who the doctors will send to check on us".

"I will, don't worry".

"Let me go first", said Francis and he walked away to the entrance of the health club. I waited for about 5 minutes and went after him.

I got to the lockers, quickly changed into the outfit and then walked in to do some exercises. We had almost 45 minutes to go before we needed to be back. I looked around and saw that there were quite a few guys present working on their abs. I also saw Mike in the other corner. I walked in his direction and chose an apparatus beside him.

"So are you ready for this Nick?"

"Yes I am, and you Mike? Do you think you can make this happen? You really should be angry with me when we leave. I think the best thing to do is have an argument just outside the health club".

"Ok, well we have almost 45 minutes before we need to go in to the locker room so we better make the best of it so far".

We used the time to do some workouts. I saw Francis looking more worried with every moment as it was getting closer to when we had to go to change back. Quite a few guys had been there for a while and I knew that it was possible the most of them would go back just before we did. I just had to wait and see.

Then suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked around to see Mike. "I think, Nick, it's time we get changed back don't you think?"

"Yes, I think you're right ". I saw Francis heading into the locker room just ahead of us. I walked right behind Mike, so it would look as if I followed my master.

He bent slowly towards me when we stopped at our clothes. "Ok get undressed now and wait one second before you start peeing".

"We agreed we would play it for real. The guy close by could even be the one here on orders of the doctor".

I saw that the guy likely had heard Mike's remark because he was looking at us. I started to undress and I was not sure if a lot of them noticed us.

When I was almost done and only had my T-shirt and underwear on, I looked at Mike.

We had agreed that he would say something before I would start to get my underwear off. There were quite a few men looking around to see other men getting changed and I was sure that a few of them were onto us, because two good-looking muscled teens together, well at least one muscled, I still hadn't much, although I had started to get a little bigger.

Just a little harsher than necessary Mike then said: "Go on we don't have all day; we need to get back".

That was the sign for me that I needed to start peeing, and that was what at least one of them expected. I didn't look around to see how many were looking, but I quickly got out of my underwear and turned around before I got my pants in my hand. Now I knew all could see how smooth I was shaven. I know I turned red just a little bit and I felt that I started to get a stiff one. Oh no', I thought, not that'. How would Francis react to that? I waited for almost another 10 seconds looking at my pants before I started to put them on.

Mike had come toward me again and said: "That is not what you needed to do. We are going to have a talk outside. Do you think you can get away with this without a punishment?"

Again those words were said a little bit harsher then necessary, but only one or two could have heard them. Unfortunately we knew they had to be said.

We quickly dressed and I saw quite a few quys looking at us when we went out the door. I felt I started to get red again.

When we were on the street, Mike tapped me on the shoulders and said: "Wait up boy, we're not ready. What do you think you were doing in there? That was not what we agreed upon. You are going to be in for a big punishment boy".

"But I got naked Sir, and they saw me didn't they?"

"Yes, but you needed to pee. That was part of the assignment and you didn't do it, so I will think of a punishment, but you can be sure it will be harder then peeing in front of others in there".

"No, please Mike, not something like that." "Well just wait and see. I will not let you know in advance when it is going to happen, but you better do what I say when I tell you next time".

I looked at the ground when I said to him: "Yes sir, sorry sir".

"Yes, sorry is something you really are going to be. Now get home".

I started to walk away down the street while Mike walked towards his car. Francis had been out just a little bit ahead of us and was waiting at the outside of the entrance so he could watch everything that went on and could see if anyone would have noticed our conversation. I didn't look around too much, so I didn't see.

I walked down the street. We agreed to meet each other at the mall, which was about 500 meters from the health club. We wanted to be sure that no one followed me before Francis would join me.

Just as I entered the mall I felt him coming close by. It seemed that no one was following me, otherwise he never would have joined me that quickly.

We entered the mall before we stopped.

"Well how did that go Francis?"

He quickly kissed me before he said: "I think all right although I was getting upset when you changed like that, but the conversation outside was followed by at least three people who also were in the locker room, so the chance that there was one of the doctors is quite big".

"Just hope the doctors will let Mike decide on this. Why were you getting upset Francis, you knew what I was going to do".

"I know Nick, but knowing and seeing are two different things. I also didn't want all the others looking at you".

"So they were looking".

"Yea they did, I had a hard time not to come walking towards you and protect you from those eyes".

"Oh Francis, that is sweet, but you knew we just had to do it. It was the last time. Next time it is pay back time".

"Ok, now let's get home so we can set up the plan. I am very curious to hear what you come up with".

I didn't answer that because I knew that Francis would be quite shocked by the plan that was in my mind, but I also knew it had to look as real as possible to make sure the doctors would buy it, otherwise this would not work.

We got to Francis' car and went home. David was already waiting there and I saw that my Dad was not at home. I thought that was good, as we could stay in the living room and we didn't need to do this in my room.

We just watched TV until Mike could get here. I thought he was taking a very long time and I was getting afraid that something might have gone wrong. I just hoped it didn't.

Then the doorbell rang and I stood up to open it.

"Hi Mike, come in. We were waiting for you".

"I was sure you would be, Nick. I am sorry, but it took me a little longer than I thought".

"Come on in, David and Francis are in the living room".

We entered the living room and I got a drink for Mike. Then we all sat down and looked in anticipation at Mike.

"So Mike, did the plan work?"

"Yea it did. I got permission to come up with my own punishment, but I need their approval. It took me longer then expected because they first wanted to have contact with the guy present before making up their minds. They thought we chickened out or something".

"Good, ok". I said, "Then I think you want to hear what we are going to do."

"Yes." they all said at the same time.

"Ok. I thought about this for a long time and I think I have come up with an idea by which we can at least end the blackmail. I thought of ways to let the doctors pay for what happened, but at the moment that is not our main goal, right?"

"Maybe not yours Nick, but I would somehow like to pay them back for what they did to you".

"I know Francis, but we must think of the main target here and that is to end the blackmail. Next Saturday is the last gymnastics comptetition of this first half of the season. The doctor is also the visiting team's local doctor. I expect him to come along with them this time so he will be here. All we have to do is get him to be present at my punishment. Make sure he is involved and get some sentences on tape which indicate that he is the one who is responsible for all this".

"You make it sound very easy Nick so what did you come up with?" Mike asked.

"Well after the first round Mike and David will be ready with their competition. I will have to sit in for another round. The time in between we could use to let me do my punishment for not peeing in my pants tonight. We will have to find a pretty secured spot to make this all happen

"Did you have anything in mind for the punishment, Nick?" Francis asked.

"I know Francis, you are afraid it is going to be too hard on me, but I can tell you I will stand it all if that means the blackmail is over".

"Ok go on. I will trust you on it".

"Ok, when we enter the secure spot ... (guys, if you expected me to reveal the punishment at this time sorry, but you will have to wait until the blackmail really takes place).

They argued a little bit about it all, but I even pursuaded Francis that he could stop it whenever he wanted.

"Francis, the moment you decide it has been enough and we have recorded enough on tape to be sure we can stop the blackmail, you can come in and rescue me. That is the same time that Mike, James and you let the doctor know it is over".

"Ok, as long as I decide when".

"That's fine by me Francis. I don't want it to take any longer then you do, and I trust you to let it go on as long as we need to trap them. That is going to be your responsibility Mike, and that of James. You two need to make sure that the doctor takes the lead and tells that also out loud. I haven't thought about how we can work that out, but I think we can come up with something".

"What do you want me to do?" David asked.

"We need someone who can make sure that no one enters the room we are in. It would be terrible if that would happen".

"Ok, I can do that".

"Who is going to do the recording Nick?" Mike asked.

"Francis can do that from the position he's in".

"Ok then I have one more person who is only going to help if need be and that is Alexei. I want there to be an adult to make sure that if anything backfires on us, we have someone to stand up for us. His schedule was open and he confirmed yesterday by telephone that he wanted to help us".

"Is he not afraid to be recognised?" David asked.

"Yea he is, so we need to disguise him up front, but after today we might ask Kathy to lend us a hand there".

"She might". David said. "But what are we going to tell her?"

"Nothing. Sorry David, but I don't want to tell her anything. I think you can understand that".

"Yea I don't want to tell her about it either, but I'm sure I can come up with something else".

"Ok now, that's all settled. What do you think of another round of drinks before we end the evening?"

"Oh no, no drinks tonight we have competition tomorrow don't forget" David quickly intervened before any one could say something.

So we just relaxed and watched some TV until it was bedtime.

When I woke up the next day I started to plan the day a little bit. I was not sure how late Francis was planning to go out tonight, but I had to be at the hairdresser around 4.30 this afternoon and the competition started at 9.30 this morning and should last until around 2.30 so not much time to do other things today.

I decided to go pay David a visit first. I knocked on his door and he yelled come in.

"Hi David, good morning, are you ready for today's competition?"

"Yea I'm ready to make meatloaf out of them".

"Ah, well I have a question for you. Are you going to be home tonight, late I mean?"

"Yes, I think I will be. I don't think that we will stay out late with the others. We might come back and stay in my room a little bit before Kathy goes home".

"That would be perfect. Could you do me a favour then?"

"What's that?"

"I think when Francis and I come back tonight, we will end up in my room. It is just a little bit larger then the guestroom. I wanted a few surprises ready there when we come in. So just before we get home I will try and phone you so you can set it all up. Would you do that for me?"

"Yes of course. Making a surprise of your own for Francis?"

"Yea I just want this evening to end as perfect as I can think of for now".

"Hmm, I think that Francis will be happy with what ever you do Nick".

"I know, but I want to let him know that he is special to me".

"Ok, call me and I will set everything up. Just make a note and put it on my bed so I will know what to do".

"Ok I will. Thanks David, this means a lot".

"Well maybe I will want you to return the favour soon".

"You are getting serious with Kathy aren't you?"

"Yes. She's a terrific girl; great sense of humour, intelligent and goodlooking".

"All you were looking for isn't it? Well just let me know if I can do something for you".

"I will. By the way she called yesterday evening and she will be going along with you to the hairdresser to make sure that everything goes as she wants. She is really making a project out of you".

"I don't mind, she is fun to be around".

I went out of the bedroom and walked downstairs for breakfast. Francis was already there and smiled when I entered the room.

"You like what you see cutie?"

"Yes I do, and I just wanted you to know that. I thought I heard you in David's room. Problems"?

"No, he just wanted me to know that Kathy will go along with me after the game today".

"Ah! More shopping for our date?"

"I'm not sure. She is taking control in this. David said she took it as a kind of project".

"As long as you are going to be ready around 6 tonight. We need to be leaving by then".

"I will make sure to be on time Francis. Will you come and pick me up from my room?

"No I will be waiting for you here downstairs".

"Ok well lets eat and get out of here. You do have to warm up".

The competition went great. We had little trouble as everyone performed real well and we won it. The others were going out together, but Kathy insisted on coming along with me first. She said to the others that there would be a totally new Nick at school on Monday. I had already had some compliments on my new haircut and I knew that Kathy had some ideas to even make it better so I didn't say much about it. Some of them warned David to look out otherwise I would steal his girlfriend. We all laughed about that.

We arrived at the hairdresser and they got started on my hair. I told them I need to be home around 5.30, and they assured me that would be no problem. They started to bleach my hair first.

Then I had to wait for almost 20 minutes. Kathy sat down beside me and we started to talk a little.

"You really like him don't you Nick?"

I smiled at her and said: "To be honest yes. I think I'm really in love with him, he is so nice, so intelligent and he has a nice sense of humour although he is not showing that very much lately".

"I know he will get better as time goes by. You are a nice couple; you look just as if you were made for each other".

"Thanks", I said blushing a little.

"May I ask you something Kathy? Do you have any problems at all with us"?

"No. Why should I? It's your choice and I can see that both of you are very happy with it, so why should I object?"

"Thanks. I was just wondering how people would react if we would go out in public in the future".

"Ah well I don't think they will react just as I do, but I think that looking at the rest of our classes for example that most of them won't mind, but there will always be a few who will make a problem of it".

"I guess so, but for now we won't do to much. We will keep it private for the time being, but it would be nice to hold hands and kiss, you know".

"Yes I can think that you would like that".

"So how are you and David doing?"

"I like him a lot; he is nice, attentive and we enjoy each other's company. Does he talk about me?"

"I'm sorry Kathy, but I don't think that my saying something is a good idea. I can only tell you that he is enjoying your time together too and he would never have asked you to our place to eat if he wasn't serious about you".

"Hmm, I think I'm falling for him".

"I think you look nice together too. So what are we going to do after this?"

"Well what do you think of some colour beside the blonde spots in your hair?"

"Blonde and colour"?

"Yes I was thinking of some dark blue highlights in it. We could do green, but I think that blue better suits you and the clothes you are going to wear".

"Hmm, I haven't thought about that before. Do you really think that would look good?"

"Yes it will, trust me. We will let them work on your eyebrows also a little bit to lighten them a little bit. I think that would give a nice touch to it".

I just smiled at her and I let them do their stuff., but at the end I was quite satisfied about the results. Blonde spots throughout all of my hair and a few blue spots in between with a little bit more on the front. It was really something else, but I liked it. I got a lot of compliments before I left the shop so it would have been good otherwise they wouldn't have said it.

"So now let's go and get you dressed and see if Francis will like the end result".

"You are going along? Don't you need to go to David?"

"No, he knows I wanted to see Francis' reaction, so I agreed to meet him at the pizza place".

"Ok, let's get out of here".

Just before we entered she said: "Wait a minute I want to check to see where Francis is, he must not see you before you are ready".

So when the coast was clear I went to my room with Kathy.

"Ah you have set up your own surprise here for later tonight I see".

I smiled "Yea something special to finish off the evening".

"Oh god, if David has only half of your romantic ideas, Nick, we are going to get along quite well".

I just smiled.

I got my clothes on including the jacket. I quickly put on some after-shave and went back into the room. "So what do you think Kathy?"

"Hmmm, I think I could almost fall in love with you myself Nick. I think Francis will have a hard time not looking at you the whole time".

I blushed and looked into the mirror. Shewas right I thought, I had changed quite a bit, but for the better.

"Well let's go and see what he thinks of it. Let me go first".

I waited a few seconds on the top the stairs as I heard Kathy and Francis talking. He was very inquisitive about what I was wearing.

I slowly started to walk down the stairs.

"Come on Nick, I know you're there".

He sounded impatient. I came down to the hall and turned around to go into the living room, but Francis stood there in the entrance with his mouth open like he wanted to say something. He came towards me keeping his eyes focused on me.

God I wanted him to say something. Didn't he like it?

He stood almost in front me. He looked gorgeous. He put quite some work and time in his attire also.

He took me in his arms and he whispered: "So beautiful, I thought I had seen it all, but you look stunning, incredibly handsome tonight Nick".

I felt I started to blush, but he couldn't see it because we kept holding each other.

"Thanks Francis, the look on your face was enough reward for this already. I love you Francis".

It came right out of my heart. I didn't think about it, but I knew I meant it.

"I know Nick and I love you too".

He backed off a little and our eyes connected. I felt amazing, just like a part that had been missing in my life had just been found. I bent forward a little and we started to kiss each other.

It was the perfect start of what could be a perfect date.

"Hmm you guys, don't you need to be somewhere?"

I heard her, but there was no way I wanted to stop that kiss before Francis did; it felt great.

"Ok, I know you heard me guys, let's get out of here".

That seemed to be the sign because we both stopped.

"I thought I had to get something to get the two of you separated again", Kathy said.

"It's your own fault Kathy", Francis said.

"I didn't think it was possible, but you made him even more irresistible then he already was".

Kathy started to laugh and said: "Francis if you are going to make this any sweeter than it already is, I might just start to gag a little".

"Oh you won't", I said. "This is just what you wanted so don't chitter about it".

She laughed even harder and I took her and Francis and we walked to the car. We stopped at the place where the guys of the team were going to be. I knew David would have been on the edge of his chair waiting for her to come back.

"Have fun tonight guys and you really do look nice as a couple".

We just smiled at her and we were actually glad she left.

"So where do we go Francis?"

"You still trying to find out Nick? You just have to wait and be patient. We will be there in about 30 minutes".

Oops!' I thought, That long'. That meant that he didn't book us a restaurant in town. Our town wasn't that big.

"You look great do you know that Nick? I liked your haircut yesterday already, but this is even better. It just matches the colour of your eyes.

"You better watch the road instead of my eyes Francis or we even aren't going to get there".

"Maybe we need a pit stop then, Nick?"

"No just drive cutie. I'm hungry and need some food".

"Ah that's the reason why you came along, only for the food".

"Yes! What did you think then Francis, I was here for you?" I said with the most sincere expression I could manage on my face.

I saw the thoughts showing in his eyes. Did I want this to happen? No, I liked teasing him, but I did not want this evening to get ruined. I smiled at him and said. "Got you".

I saw the relief on his face. "You little goober, I will get you for that".

"Oh yes and what do you propose we are going to do?"

"I can think of enough things Nick".

"I know, but for now keep your concentration on the road".

Francis didn't say too much and I started to look around to get an idea where we were going.

"We're going to this place I found while I was out here with my Dad doing some hiking stuff".

"Ah, is it a big place?"

"No it isn't. It's actually rather small and I know the people who run the place. I worked there a few times when they organised a big party for some one else".

"So no one is going to know us here".

"No Nick, little chance of that".

"Perfect. So I can feel up you're leg like this as much as I want for the whole evening".

"Yea, but ... you might better stop that now or we will not make it there".

I laughed and said: "Sorry, didn't think of that".

Francis turned left at a section where some trees started the first signs of a forest.

He drove for another mile or so when he stopped at a small parking place. He parked the car and got out. He quickly ran around the car and opened the door before I could get out.

"Just follow me", he said.

There were not a lot of lights, but there seemed to be a path. At the parking lot were only 3 or 4 more cars so he was right; not a lot of people were going to be around.

We walked for about 100 meters between the trees until we reached an open spot with a lake and a small wooden cabin, well a big cabin. Francis opened the door for me and led me in.

"Ah there you are Francis, I thought you weren't coming tonight."

"Sorry, we were a little late getting on the way and we had to drop someone off".

"No worry - your table is still free as you requested in the far corner by the window. All the others will be dining tonight in the main room, which is warmer. I put up the electric heater, but you have to let me know if it isn't warm enough. Ok?"

"I will, don't worry".

"Ok. Well, you can find it, I will be there in about 5 minutes to take your order".

"Thanks, Denise".

We walked further into the cabin, Francis leading me to a door. He opened it and pushed me in.

"Quick Nick, so I can close the door. We don't want the warmth to get out of here".

I knew what he meant when I walked in there, but it was beautiful. Some candles were lighted on a small table. Two chairs were placed on one side of the table. Both looked out through the window at one side onto the lake. And to make it all perfect there was an almost full moon shining over the lake, lighting it as a fairy tale.

I turned around to say something to him, but before I could he kissed me on my lips softly, stood back and put his hands behind his back.

"This is for you, the most lovely, beautiful and handsomest man I ever met".

He gave me a red rose. Private dinner, candles, lakeside view, and the moon.

Now to top it off, a rose. I started to cry a little bit.

"Thanks Francis, this is just so perfect".

We kept looking into each other's eyes, not wanting to let this moment pass. I bent forward and started to kiss him again. This time it was a very hot and passionate kiss and I felt my dick start to stir in my pants. Down you' I thought not yet, your time will come'.

Arms wrapped around each other we kissed in the warmth -, but this was no ordinary kiss - we breathed the same air and became one with each other - our tongues touched lightly and we moved our heads gently - countering each movement - we were locked in a passionate kiss - we could hardly breath and each time one or other tried to speak - we could not find the way to break the touch that expressed the love they felt for each other."

Then the door opened and I heard a voice from afar and I knew that some one was looking so I slowly let loose of Francis.

"Are you ready to order?"

"Ah, hmmm. Yes we are" Francis said.

"I haven't even seen the menu Francis".

"That isn't necessary. You can bring me the things I usually have, Denise. That would be perfect."

"Are you sure, Francis?"

"Yea and get me two of my usual drinks also".

"Ok if you're sure. I will get the drinks and prepare you're entree".

"Yes that will be nice Denise".

"So what will I be drinking Francis?"

"Just wait Nick, I think you will like it".

A moment later Denise came back with two glasses that looked like cocktail glasses. Francis wouldn't have ordered anything with alcohol in it since he was driving.

I took the glass and took a sip. No', I thought, no alcohol there'.

"This is nice. Thanks Francis. I'm not sure what it is, but it tastes great. Maybe a little bit too sweet for me".

"Oh do you think? I thought there could be nothing too sweet for you".

We had dinner together and the food he ordered was perfect. Nothing too out of the ordinary; just nice. I wanted to order the dessert, but that seemed to be done already when I asked. Denise came back with one big plate.

"Just as you ordered Francis. I hope it's enough. Let me know if it's not".

On the plate were 1 spoon and at least 10 different kinds of dessert.

"Uhh, Denise, there is a spoon short" I yelled just before she closed the door.

"Hmmm no I thought that you said one is enough Francis". She didn't want to make it too obvious, but she knew exactly what Francis had planned while I was still in the mist about it.

"It's fine Denise, thanks".

I looked at Francis' face and I wanted to say something, but before I could Francis took the spoon, got some of the citron ice that was there and held it to my mouth. Then it hit me and while I started to laugh, Francis put the spoon in my mouth

We ate dessert, taking bites by turns, sometimes even both at the same time.

When dessert was finished I kept the last part of strawberry in my mouth and I bent forward to Francis and kissed him. Instead of sticking my tongue into his mouth when he opened it, I fed him the strawberry. Together we got the juice out of it and I am not sure anymore, but I believe at the end I was the one who swallowed most of the flesh of the fruit.

"Wow that was hot Nick". Francis said when we parted again.

"I know. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated this".

You can imagine that that wasn't the last kiss. Somehow I ended up on his lap. First we kissed some more and then we just held each other close and watched over the lake.

I wanted to keep as much as I could of this evening in my memory because it was really a first date worth remembering. I was glad I prepared a surprise at the house also. Something to show Francis I loved him as much as I loved him.

Í'm not sure how long we just sat there, but again the door opened and Denise looked inside.

"I didn't want to disturb you Francis, but we are about to close. It's almost 11 o'clock".

"Oh no" he answered.

"Oh yes it is" Denise replied.

"I had seats reserved for a movie at 10.30. I am sorry, Nick, I forgot about them. Do you mind?"

"No I don't mind. I have really enjoyed the evening Francis, so we can just go home if you want".

"Ok then I think we better leave".

I looked at Denise and said: "Thanks, Denise, for a wonderful evening and this private spot".

She just blushed a little and said: "Well I might take Francis away from you a few Saturday evenings to help us in the future if you don't mind".

"No, I don't. I will have him the other six" and I laughed.

"So we are going home?" I asked Francis while Denise stepped in to clean everything up.

"Yes I guess we will then".

"Ok, I just have to go to the toilet and then we can go".

When I walked away I heard Denise started to talk with Francis. I didn't want to hear what she said, but I heard the first thing. "He is cute Francis, don't let him get away".

I didn't want to hear Francis' answer and I think he talked quiter also. I went into the toilet and got my cell phone out.

"Hi is that you Nick?" I heard on the other line.

"Yea, David we are about to go home, but that will mean we will be there in about 30 to 45 minutes. Is that time enough?"

"Yes that would do the job. Kathy is also here and she can help".

"Ok, thanks David. I really appreciate this, especially after all that has happened so far".

"Ah, so it went ok".

"Ok David, ok is not a good enough word to describe it".

"Good for you Nick, you deserved it. but I want details tomorrow so don't try to do too much tonight" he said laughing while he spoke the last words.

"Thanks David, bye".

"Bye Nick".

I hung up and went back. Francis had our coats in his hands; we thanked Denise and walked back to the car.

We didn't say too much while we drove back. I think we both enjoyed the time spent together too much and didn't want anything to come in between. When we reached the house Kathy was just outside with David. I think she wanted to hear how it went otherwise she wouldn't have been there.

I got out of the car while Francis parked it.

"Don't say anything Nick. It's all over your face".

"Hmm, well then I only want to say thank you Kathy, for everything you did".

"Oh you think you get off that easy? I don't think so. I want details. If not tonight then tomorrow, so I will be back".

"Ok, thanks again Kathy and have a good night".

She walked over to Francis and I looked at David and said softly: "Everything ready?"

"Yes it is. I even opened the bottle for you".

"Thanks" I said.

I walked into the house and I heard Francis calling my name. "Wait Nick, not so fast I want to give you a goodnight kiss".

I turned around at the bottom of the steps and waited for him with my mouth clearly up front waiting for its reward.

He smiled and kissed me. I let go very fast, knowing I would get more upstairs.

"Hey! Are you mad at me or something? I thought you wanted to go to bed even without kissing me".

I didn't say anything. I took his hand and slowly started to walk up the stairs as he followed.

"Come in" I said when we were at the door of my bedroom.

He smiled and said: "Oh you wanted to have a little after dinner party?"

"Yes! What do you think; I would leave our date like that?"

"Well, ...".

"Just open the door Francis".

I knew what was in there, but Francis slowly opened the door still looking at me and not at the room. I looked over his shoulder and saw that it was just as I wanted. Candles on almost every place I found to put them on. A bottle and two glasses beside the bed, and soft romantic music in the background.

He noticed something now because he wanted to turn around.

"May I have this dance Francis?" I said putting my hand a little forward.

He smiled and took my hand, then slowly turning around he held still and looked around with an open mouth.

"Oh my god you had planned this all along Nick, didn't you?"

"Lets dance" I said.

We slowly started to move to the music, changing positions from time to time. From just close tighter, with face over the shoulder then again looking in the eyes, or better yet staring in the eyes until dancing and kissing at the same time.

We danced quite some time because the music was finished suddenly, so I said to him:

"Want something to drink?"

I took him over to the bed and got him a glass of wine, red wine - a very old red wine.

"This is nice" he said. "I never drink wine, but it tastes great."

"I know" I said, "And it is very nice".

I had taken some wine in my mouth. It felt very dry, as the wine was a dry one. I moved towards his mouth and started to kiss him. When he opened his mouth I fed him some of the red wine I had kept in my mouth. We tasted the wine and swirled it around in both our mouths. This was great kissing, feeling tongues and the wine to go in between.

My dick had been hard ever since I sat on his lap at the end of the dinner and by now it started to hurt. It was way too hard too long. The kiss almost did make `it' happen, but I didn't want that, so I slowly stopped the kiss and looked at Francis. With my hands I went to his shirt and I started to take it off, touching his chest as I did so.

"Let me help you with that" Francis said when I started to pull it over his head.

"No let me do this, Francis, I want to discover you again layer for layer as it was the first time".

He smiled and closed his eyes to enjoy what I was doing. I remembered he liked me to go through his hair, so I did that when I pulled his shirt over his head. >From his head I went back to feel up the smooth skin of his back together with the muscles there.

Then from his back slowly towards his chest and his nipples. I felt them, tugged a little bit at them and then I started to massage them. I went down with my hands and I pushed him onto the bed so that he now was lying on it with his feet still on the floor. He still had his eyes closed so he didn't know what happened when I had gotten my glass of wine and slowly put some in his belly button. The cool wine got his attention and he opened his eyes at the moment I moved my lips towards his belly button. I opened my mouth and started to lap up some of the wine. He moaned softly when I touched his belly with my lips. I started to suck up the last bit of the wine and then softly licking it dry.

Again I took the glass of wine and took some in my mouth. This time I went towards his nipples and I started to suck on one of them, slowly wetting them with the wine and I felt that some started to drip out of my mouth onto his chest. Then I did the same with his other nipple. While I was bent over him I felt that his dick was very hard. I bumped it by accident with my elbow.

When I got up from his nipples I saw a smile on his face. "Now let me" he said.

I sat back and waited for his moves. He started to take off my shirt and then started to kiss and lick my chest, my nipples, then went over to my ears. He knew I loved them to be sucked and nibbled on. I loved it; it felt terrific, wonderful. I closed my eyes and wanted to enjoy the moment. I'm not sure how long he went on with it, but I felt that he went down with his hands and he started to get into my pants. He opened them and pulled them down. Then coming back from my feet he started to lick his way to my crotch slowly, but steady. The hardness of my dick grew, but it was awaiting the attention of Francis' lips. It was almost incredible the tension that was there, the anticipation of the feeling that would come when he would touch it.

He slowly started to lick it. It felt fantastic and I needed all of my concentration not to come at that moment. I didn't want that yet. When he had sucked for a few minutes I pushed his head away from my dick. I looked at him and said: "I think it would be nice if we would come at the same time don't you think?"

"That would be nice yes, but how do you want to do that?"

"Just change your position so that I can suck you while you suck me".

"Great idea, Nick".

He turned around after he kissed me one more time on the mouth. He slowly started to suck again. I looked and saw that his dick was there waiting to be touched. I slowly blew some air over it and I felt that Francis flexed his muscles a little when I did that.

We sucked each other and I knew I didn't need much time so I wanted to know that he was also there before I started to cum. Then suddenly I felt his dick start to expand a little bit just as I took it completely in my mouth. That feeling was all I needed to trigger the same response in my dick and balls. So at almost the same time we started to feed each other our semen. I felt the first shots in the back of my mouth. I think that one or two even went straight down my throat. Incredible!

We stayed like that for a few more minutes waiting for our cocks to get a little limp. I turned my head and looked at Francis. We didn't say too much, but just kissed each other. That was all there was. No words needed to tell each other how we felt.

He just smiled then and wanted to get off the bed.

"No, stay" I said slowly, "I want you here this night".

Sorry to leave you guys hanging on this time of the story. I hope you

manage to read it all. Let me know what you though about it: or ICQ: 36967366. As you know if you contacted me before I respond to all of them.

Next: Chapter 23

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