Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Jan 25, 2002


Chapter 20 of Coaches assistant.

Well here it is chapter 20 at last.

Writing this chapter was not too easy but not too difficult either. Only the Christmas holidays came in between finishing them. It turned out to be a pretty long chapter too but it was impossible to end it on an earlier point.

I want to thank every one who send me an e-mail after the last chapter. I really like the feedback that is coming when a new chapter is pusblished. It is partly given me the motiviation to continue with this experience. It wouldn't be as much fun as it is if there was no one reading it. So to all my readers thanks for taking the time to I hope enjoy it. If you want to contact me (please do) then send an e-mail to: or throug ICQ: 36967366

Regarding any implication of knowing about the sexual live of Alexei Nemov I must declare that this is not based on any true knowledge I have about him.

Then I want to thank both my editors to make sure that this chapter is more enjoyable to read for you all.

I just wanted to say that I really liked the story Ambushed that I read on nifty lately and found a very good story sofar.

Where we left of with chapter 19:

I came back into the kitchen and I saw both David and Francis looking at me with concern. I knew then that Francis must have told David something. Francis walked towards me and kissed me on the lips. We sat down at the table and enjoyed a lovely breakfast together with Alexei. He gave us the training schedule he wanted us to follow, and some oral instructions. He said he predicted the end score for each of us at the city championships and he put them in an e-mail to be delivered while we where practising. He expected us to do at least better then that. Otherwise he would be disappointed. We thanked him for his work so far and we told him we were looking forward to his next week of training. By that time Dad had come down and he took Alexei to the airport. I was sorry to see him go, not only because of his good looks or his ability to train, but also for not being able to speak with him so easily anymore. He turned out to be a pretty good friend during this last week.

"So now we better clean up the livingroom and the kitchen. I don't want to have my girlfriend think I live with pigs", David said after Dad left.

I had forgotten about the dinner that evening and I gave David and Francis worried look.

"Don't worry Nick, Kathy will be very positive about you two being gay."

"You didn't tell her yet then?"

"No I didn't Nick, I just wanted to keep it as a surprise for her tonight."

Ok lets start with chapter 20 now:

Monday morning came too quickly. I knew we had to go to school again, but that didn't mean I was enjoying it.

We didn't go together. We agreed with that because we didn't want too many people to know that Francis was staying with us at the moment. Dad made it possible at school for only a few to know so that was going all right. Kathy would not tell anyone She had agreed with us after our fine evening yesterday, that we wanted to keep it quiet as much as possible. Not so much the relationship we had together but more of the troubles Francis was having with his parents. He had enough to deal with personally without being troubled by it in public at the moment.

The first one I bumped into on Monday morning just before school was Mike. I tried to walk around him, but that was not possible or he was not letting me.

"Hi Nick, how was your weekend? We had a great work out on Saturday morning. I am sorry that Alexei left already."

"Yeah, you are right about that Mike, but he helped us on our way to the city championships so we can perform a few new routines. At least you and the others of the team can."

"Well I expect you to join in also Nick. The way you improved over the last few weeks is just incredible."

"Thanks! I'm just having fun at the moment. I think that's the most important."

"But I need to talk to you later today about .. well you know about what. We need to come up with a plan real soon because I think they are getting suspicious."

"Oh. .. are they. Well ok, we'll see during lunch."

I had not a perfect plan to catch them yet, but I knew I had to come up with something soon. I also knew we needed some time to plan everything so I just hoped we could keep them away for a little while.

The morning went by without much happening. My plan to capture the docs was not well formed and needed to be more specific to be sure it worked.

I looked for Mike and found him waiting at the end of the canteen. Francis was also there. I knew he wasn't going to enjoy the fact that I was going to talk with Mike, not after what I told him. I walked towards Francis and looked to see that Mike was watching.

"Hey Francis, you survived the morning."

"Yea not many questions only where I was last week and the usual sick jokes."

"Can I talk with you for a second. I know you are not going to like what I am about to tell you but you will have to trust me."

"What is it Nick?"

"Mike asked me this morning if he could talk with me during lunch."

I saw Francis look at Mike and then he turned towards me. "What does the basterd want?"

"Please Francis, he is trying to get out of this blackmail just as much as I am."

"Sorry Nick but I have a hard time believing him. He loved it when he started it otherwise he would never done it. I'm sorry, but I am not going to let him hurt you any more."

"Please Francis, I am not going to let him; please let me talk with him."

"Only if I can join you, Nick."

I looked at Mike. He saw us talking and was not happy with it.

"No Francis, I need to do this alone. I have a plan in my mind for how we can turn this blackmail back toward the doctors, but I need more time."

"I'm not sure Nick. I just want to join you."

"Well that's Ok with me but I first have to talk with Mike about it. I am not sure he will be too willing to do that."

"He has no choice Nick it's either that or I'm going to hit his face into ..."

"Yes I know what you want to do, Francis, but that is not going to help us much. So please let me talk to him alone for five minutes then you can join us Ok?"

`Well if it's for 5 minutes I guess that's ok, but I will keep an eye on you two and if he somehow hurts you or an argument starts, I am not going to be able to control myself."

"Ok, it won't, but please wait for at least 5 minutes."

"Alright then Nick, but be careful.

"I will Francis." And with that I walked towards Mike and took him by his arm and led him outside. I didn't want anyone to hear what I was going to say to him.

"You told him, didn't you Nick?"

Mike seemed to have got enough of an idea of what happened there.

"Yes Mike, I couldn't keep it a secret from him any longer. I hope you understand that."

"Is he mad at you Nick?"

"No Mike, he's not; but he is not happy with you at the moment. It took a lot of convincing to make sure that he would allow me to talk to you."

"Oh! Is he mad ad me?"

"For the moment Mike you don't have to be afraid, but you better stay out of his neighbourhood when I'am not around because I'am not sure what he would do if I'am not there."

"Hm, I think I can understand his position Nick, I am not sure what I would do to myself. I feel so sorry for what happened to you. I can't believe I let that happen. If I knew that they would have been coming around I wouldn't have left you. You must believe me. I would never want to hurt some one like that. Despite the fact that the doctors say I am a master I am not the type that would hurt his slaves."

"I know Mike, please leave it at that. I know you couldn't do anything about what happened. But you can help me to get us out of the blackmail with the doctors."

"I will do anything for you Nick, anything to help you and, of course, to help myself with this."

" So then you must be certain that when Francis comes in here in a moment, that it is only because he wants to help us with it."

"Do we need him then Nick? Can't we do it by ourselves?"

"No Mike. I need Francis to be a part of it so he knows for sure that I am out of this situation. It is very important for me that he learns to trust me."

"Ok, if you say so; but I must admit I am not sure this is going to work."

"Trust me, Mike I will keep him under control."

I looked around to see Francis standing beside a tree on the other side of the street. I waved at him to let him know that he could join us.

"Ok, I said to them, lets go sit down there on the bench."

I had pointed to a bench near the entrance of the park that was beside our school. We sat down; me in the middle and Mike and Francis on either side. Mike had walked very quickly towards the bench not looking Francis in the eye.

I looked from one to the other and wanted to say something but I saw the mistrust in both their eyes. I knew then that this would never work if they wouldn't trust each other. I had to come up with something that looked real for the doctors to be persuaded to come out of their shelter. That could only be done with something serious and involved me being a slave again. We couldn't pretend because they would never believe that.

"I'm sorry guys, but this is not going to work if you don't trust each other. I can see that we are not going to get anywhere by just a little talk during lunch on this bench."

"Trust him? Never Nick, you can't ask that of me."

"I'm sorry Francis, but if I can forgive him, why can't you?"

"Forgive him, never. I could slam his face, make him pay for what happened to you."

I looked at Mike when Francis said this and saw that he didn't want to be here at this time. He looked like he had gotten a little smaller.

"Don't worry Mike, he barks worse than he bites."

"Hmm do you think Nick? I'm not sure, but I feel I could really do something to him."

"I know, Francis, but you promised me you wouldn't do that."

"I know; but that doesn't mean I am not still mad at him.

"I understand, but what would you guys say if we go to Mike's place tonight and talk about this all. I know you still have questions Francis, not only for me but also for Mike.

It was my attempt to get them to relax a bit. They needed to talk. I knew that Francis had still a lot of questions and he had to get to trust Mike again before we could go on.

"Do you think that solves anything Nick?" Mike asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think we need Francis on our side to make sure this is going to work for real. The trap we are going to set must be real otherwise they will never buy it."

"Francis, are you prepared to do this, to try and listen to us and trust us as we are planning to set the trap?"

"I might, but only if you two are going to be completely honest about things and that I am going to be there the complete time to keep an eye on you."

"Can you do that Mike, being completely honest? I am not sure what kind of questions Francis is going to have, but I know after Saturday that he has some questions about why and how this is happening."

"I will do everything to get this out in the air Nick, you know that. As I said before I would never hurt you or any one else. I am not that kind of person."

I saw a strange aggressive look on Francis' face and knew I had to be quick to say something or else Francis would do something that I would not able to mend. I looked around to see if there was any one around before I started my answer.

"I know Mike, and Francis will know that too after tonight, won't you honey?" And while I said that last thing I turned my head around and started to kiss him on the lips so he couldn't answer that question.

When we stopped I looked Francis in the face with a smile letting him know that I would only be happy when he said that one thing.

"I will, Nick."

"But Mike, I hope you understand that I am angry with you and that is not so easy to get over it".

"I know Francis but you must trust me that I never intended to hurt Nick like that."

At least I had them talking to each other; that was one step in the right direction.

"Ok guys, that's a start in the right direction", I said while they talked with each other for a minute or so, but we have to go now because lunch break is almost over."

Together we walked back to the school. Just before we entered the school Mike said. "I only want to say one thing. Francis you must trust me that I never intended to hurt Nick, nor would I do anything to come between you guys. You startled me for a bit with that kiss in public a moment ago but I knew then that you really love each other."

We both blushed and didn't know what to say back. I smiled at Francis and we went through the door.

Nothing much happened during the rest of the afternoon. We had our practice and went home afterwards. During the practice Mike and Francis kept as far as possible from each other. I did the same with Francis, although more to protect my self from getting hard or from being distracted than anything else.

We went home separately but we didn't need much time to find each other in my room. My Dad and David weren't going to be home and we had still some time before we had to go to Mike's place. We agreed to meet him around 8 PM.

So I was sitting on my bed when Francis entered my room.

Hmm exactly the spot where I wanted you Nick."

"I had an idea that would be the position you wanted me in when you came home."

He smiled at me then put his bag beside the bed and sat down next to me. He slowly brought his lips towards mine and I thought of teasing him just a little, so when he started to kiss me he tried to open up my lips to do a little tongue dancing but I kept my mouth shut. Instead he slowly started to nibble on my upper lip still trying to pursuade me to open my mouth. It was a very sensual way he kept nibbling and after a minute or so I had to cave in and I slowly opened my mouth. What followed was one way too hot kiss, suddenly broken off by Francis. He smiled at me and said: "what you can do, I can do too so that's all for now."

I looked at him with sad puppy eyes.

"And that is certainly not going to help Nick. If you want to play you will have to learn the rules."

"Are you sure Francis? I think I can go longer without a kiss than you can."

"Do you think Nick? I'm sorry but I don't think you will be able to resist me."

"So what are we going to do until we go to Mike's place? We have almost an hour.

"Well, there are not a lot of things on my mind anymore Nick, because you have made the most of them impossible with your reluctance to kiss.

"Ah! Well I think you can come up with something else Francis, you have a very creative mind."

"Oh do you think Nick? Well, to be honest I want to talk about Mike before we go visit him." His voice went all serious when he started this sentence and when I looked at his face I knew I was going to get the questions I was expecting since I told him the story.

"I thought you would have more questions before this, Francis."

"Are you ready to answer them Nick? If you aren't, tell me and they can wait. But I would rather ask things before we go to Mike's than when we are there."

"I'm not sure I can answer all of them Francis, but I will do my best and I will let you know when I can't answer them."

"Ok", he said and he took a deep breath. "First one is why aren't you mad at Mike? I have a very hard time seeing the way you are dealing with him. If I was in your place I would never had wanted to see him again in my life."

I saw the intense look on his face waiting in anticipation for my answer.

I waited a few moments to think of what I was going to say. If I wanted to be complete there would be a very long answer because this was not an easy one to answer.

"I think Francis, there is no simple answer to that question, but to start with I think the best way to explain what I feel is that I don't think that Mike is responsible for what happened."

"I don't get that Nick, if he didn't bind you to the bed you wouldn't be in that position and they could have done nothing to you. If he stayed there nothing would have happened either."

"Yes, I know you look at it from that point, Francis but Mike didn't do it to me, the others did. Mike was very sad and worried about me when he found out."

"Yes, that is something else I don't get Nick, how could he be sad and worried? As a master he wants you to go through these things."

"It is a little more complicated than you make it sound Francis, if it was that simple I think there would not be a lot of master-slave relations in this world. After what happened I though about this. I was first mad at Mike also, but slowly I started to realise that he would have never done such a thing to me or put me in such a situation deliberately."

"Do you trust him that much Nick? I don't; he is just using you for his own pleasures."

"No Francis, there you are wrong. A master like Mike is there not only for his own pleasures but also for the pleasures and feelings of the slave. I never talked about it with Mike but the things we did were not always in contrast to the feelings I had and I never told him I wasn't ready to do those things."

"So you were Ok with the things he did to you? You liked to be his slave?"

That was the question I was most afraid of, afraid that Francis would not understand the answer. I had though hard and long before I told Francis what had happened because this was one of the questions he was going to ask and very important for me to answer but could I do it? Was I so sure in my mind that I could answer that question? I looked at him and I started to tremble a little.

"Francis, I am going to be honest with you, you must believe me when I say that I loved you very much from the first time I saw you and that I have never loved any one else."

The expression on his face became more serious as if he knew he wasn't going to like what I was going to say next.

"But being Mike's slave brought to the surface new feelings for me, feelings I know I had which wanted to be satisfied. I had fantasies of being humiliated like that in public or having to show myself in public. That might be very strange for you to hear but some parts of me like that and get excited from it."

He still looked very confused from the things I said so I knew I had to explain it a little more to him.

"I gather you have fantasies also when you masturbate don't you?

"Yes, of cause I do Nick, don't we all?"

"Well a few months before this all started, I fantasised about being public humiliated like I was with Mike, so it was not something completely new for me, maybe not exactly the way I dreamed, but I was excited by it.

I'm sorry Nick, but it is very difficult for me to see you in such a position. I can't think of that being exciting."

"But you have fantasies Francis, can you tell me one? Maybe I can explain it better then."

I saw the expression on Francis' face change. He had his thinking look on it. I knew it was quite early in our relationship to share such intimate details, but I couldn't think of another way to get him to understand.

"That's kind of private Nick, I'm not sure if I could tell you."

"You don't have to be embarrassed by it, Francis, we all have them."

"Maybe Nick, I'm starting to see what you mean."

"You do Francis?"

"Yes I think I do. I'm not proud to tell you, but there is one think I really get worked up and excited from."

"You can tell me, maybe we can act it out once." I said with a smile on my face to try to lighten it all up a little bit. Francis was way too serious for me at the moment.

"You would do that Nick?"

"It all depends, of course, on what your fantasy is Francis, but who knows?"

"To be honest I am a little embarrassed to tell you but here I go. I get very excited when I start thinking of another men totally covered in something like strawberry or chocolate and then I lick him clean all over."

He blushed completely and didn't want to look into my face. I took his head in my hands, smiled at him and kissed him on his lips. When we stopped I looked at him and said: "See how easy it was for you to make me want to kiss you?"

He started to laugh a little "Don't you find this stupid Nick?"

"No, of course not, Francis. It is only human to have such fantasies. Do you see now why it was exciting for me to be able to live out the fantasies I had with Mike?"

"I think I can to start to see some reason why you wanted it, but there are still a few questions I have for you and I think a few for Mike also."

"I understand that Francis, so what more do you want to know?"

What excites you the most in you're play with Mike, him taking charge or you shown to others somehow in you underwear or otherwise?"

"Hmm good question Francis. I think I like to show off a little bit more than him taking charge. Maybe you could say that somehow I am a little bit of an exhibitionist who gets a kick from showing himself in his underwear. Just being in underwear around others gives me a hard dick. I have a very `hard'time in the lockers trying to control it."

"Yea I know, I have enjoyed those displays a few times."

Now it was my time to start blushing.

"No worries Nick. I think only people who have interest in them caught it. So another question I have Nick is maybe not an easy one. I was even not sure if I was going to ask it, but I need to. If you can't answer it let it go and maybe we can talk about it later."

"Ok Francis, what is it?"

"What did you feel for Mike while you where playing?"

`Oh no', I thought, not that question. I was afraid of that one, too. Looking at his reaction so far about how he took the fact that I had forgiven Mike, this was going to be very difficult to tell him.

"Listen Francis, I'm still not sure how to tell you this, but I think the reason I was doing all those things for Mike was that I wanted to please him. I know he was very happy that I did what he wanted. Does that make any sense to you?"

"You wanted to please him. What do you mean by that Nick?"

"I was afraid you wouldn't understand that. I have thought very much lately about what you said earlier, because when you start a relationship you are thrown into all different kinds of new feelings. Feelings you never had before. One of them you know already, the excitement of doing the tasks was great and exhilarating at the same time. The other part has something to do with pleasing someone else and getting their attention or admiration."

I looked to at Francis' face to see if I was making any sense this time.

"Go on Nick."

"You know I have had little attention from either Dave or my Dad. They lived for a long period in their own world. One that was not mine. When Mike started to pay attention to me, taking an interest in me, he also gave me something that almost no other people had given to me yet, so I was afraid if I didn't please him he would walk out on me. I felt very lonely at the time this started. If I look back and see what I gained from the experience, no matter how painful that has been, I am very lucky. I met you, I have started to get a better relationship with my Dad and David, and we have never spoken so much with each other until lately."

"Hm", was all Francis said.

"Do you see what I mean Francis? I was really pleased to have a `friend' like Mike who wanted to spend time with me and even help me to get into shape to perform better in gymnastics."

"I am sorry Nick, this is all kind of new for me. I never looked at it from the points of view you are giving me. Until now I could only be mad at Mike for what he did to you and what happened with you. I could not understand that someone would be willing to undergo such a thing."

"I know it's hard for some one to understand if you don't have those feelings yourself. I only hope I made it a little clearer. I would find it strange if you could accept it just like that. We need more time; more chats to get this subject all clear between us."

Just give me some Nick, I'm not sure if I'm going to understand it completely, but maybe I can see your point of view a little."

"So are you ready to talk with Mike instead of yelling at him?"

"I'm not sure Nick, but I'm sure going to give it a try for your sake. And if this is going to help to get you out of the blackmail I will do almost anything."

"Well, for a start you could kiss me', I said with a little pouting voice.

But Francis didn't need to be convinced and he started to kiss me slowly, softly but very intense.

"`Don't ever forget Nick, I love you very much."

"I know Francis."

We held each other for a few minutes, until I looked over his shoulder and saw it was time to get out of there and see Mike.

"We have to go Francis, otherwise Mike will be out of his mind with worry thinking we are not coming around."

"Ok lets go", he said.

He still didn't sound too convincing, but I had the idea our chat made him look differently at the situation then he had before. I know he was hurt by this all. Hurt because I had been in pain. Hurt because I still was blackmailed by it. Hurt because he couldn't make any one pay for it directly. I only hoped that somehow he was able to get over all this. I love him and I knew I wanted to spend more time with him. For as far as I knew him now he was a wonderful person and I was not ready to let him go yet. There was more to learn about who he was, what he wanted, where his passions lie. More to discover from what so far looked like a good, loveable and very social person. In my heart I knew there would also be some not so nice sides of Francis but so far I didn't discovered them yet.

I just hoped we could step over this hurdle and grow from it. But so much has happened lately that it was difficult to keep everything in perspective. I know he was hurt by the fact his parents had kicked him out. That would make it difficult for him to trust another person. I knew I had to fight that phantom, but still, I hoped I didn't do much damage to that trust by telling him what had happened. Well there was only one way I could pay him back for it, and that was just to end the blackmail and show him how much I loved him.

This was all new to me and perhaps I should give Alexei a call later tonight. He would be able to give me some advice on how to handle this. Alexei. I missed him so much today. Just knowing he was not here if I wanted to ask him something did make me miss him. Yes I should call him later today for sure.

We arrived at Mikes place a little later then we expected, but where greeted positively by Mike. He led us down to his basement. When I looked around to see the look on Francis' face, I was not sure if this had been such a good idea. But it was too late now. Mike must have seen it also when he said: "I'm sorry, maybe you would rather go upstairs and talk in the living room."

"No, I am fine Mike, this is not the first time I am here since... ", I signed softly, ... "since it happened." I could hardly finish the sentence.

I felt Francis' arms pull me towards him. He was crying, though I couldn't see it myself through my own wet eyes, I could definitely hear it. He started to rub my back, as if by comforting me he would feel less sad himself.

"I'm Ok Francis, I can handle this."

"I know Nick, you are one hell of a strong person; I am not sure I can handle it."

"I think it's good for you to see the room so you stop imagining things from just my telling you."

"I don't know Nick", he said, still crying a little, but he seemed more at ease..

I looked around and saw Mike standing on the other side of his desk. Not knowing what to do or what to say. I just smiled at him to reassure him that everything was going to be ok.

"So you guys want something to drink?"

"Yes, what about some beer to help us relax, Mike?"

"Ok Nick, I'ill get some from upstairs."

Francis looked at me and said: "So here it happened, on the bed?"

"Yes Francis, right there on the bed. Nothing has changed yet."

"And the webcam Nick, where was that?"

I hadn't expected him to ask for details but it seemed he wanted to know more than I already told him.

"That is there beside the computer now. Mike placed it at the ceiling looking down at me when he left me."

"And you were blindfolded all the time?"

"Yes. Blindfolded, on my back on the bed."

"And with your arms and legs tied down?"

I tried to catch some extra breath before answering that. Francis looked at me now instead of the bed. "Yes, with my arms and legs bound to each side of the bed; later my legs were turned loose."

"I'm sorry Nick, I just needed to know. It's getting to beso real now we are here. I am so sorry they hurt you Nick, trust me I will make sure something like that never is going to happen to you again." During the last few words he was starting to cry again and had put his face on my shoulder.

He was right. Where did I get the strength to cope with all this? How was it possible I was not feeling down and angry? I didn't get it then but later that night I knew I was just being strong for Francis, not wanting to let him know how much it hurt to be there at that moment and to answer all those questions from my lover.

Mike came downstairs again and handed us the bottle of beer. Francis could focus his attention now to drinking and that seemed to put his mind a little to rest. He stopped crying and was able to sit on his own again. Mike still wasn't sure where to look; he tried to avoid Francis as much as possible.

I knew then that somehow I had to make a start with this because both Mike and Francis were not going to make it easy on me.

"Ok you guys, I know this is not easy, but don't forget that I am the one who has most to gain or lose, so please let us talk about this. I already answered a few questions from Francis about us Mike, so he is not that upset anymore, but I think he, and maybe me too, are looking forward to hearing some of the answers to the questions he is having about all this. Are you up to it?"

"Yea, I guess I am, and Francis, please believe me, if I would have known that such a thing would happen to Nick, I would never haveleft him alone. I feel terrible about the things that happened."

"Yea, Nick has tried to convince me also about that, but I am sorry this is very hard to understand."

"I know, so I will be ready to answer any question that can help you to understand it."

"Ok then, maybe the first one is not the obvious one to start with, but an important one for me. How do you feel about Nick, do you have feelings for him?"

`Oh no', I thought, straight to the point. I started to realise that Francis somehow had become jealous. I didn't realise that before, but starting with this question after our conversation made me realise he was also jealous. I was not sure about what, but it was there. That was something I would never have thought of him and I was not sure I was complimented by it or that I was getting mad at him.

"That is indeed a strange question Francis. I am not sure I can answer it easily. I was glad I was able to help him to get on the team and to work on his skills and condition. I had never had too many friends, so I liked that we could spend some time together. But I think that is not what you want to hear. You want to know if I have feelings for him because I made him do all that stuff. Am I right Francis?"

"Yes, you're right. I want to know why you did it."

"That's not easy to answer, Francis. The doctors introduced me to all this master stuff as Nick probably told you. But when we started to play I liked it a lot. At first I was not sure why, but I got some satisfaction out of the fact that I could make some one do the things Nick did. I never believed that some one was going to do that only because I said so. Later I started to enjoy our little sessions more for the pleasure they gave me and they obviously gave Nick also. You must understand that I never could do anything to really hurt Nick, a little bit of spanking yes, but never so hard that there would be marks or blood coming around."

"I find that hard to believe Mike. Isn't a master to be in control of his slave and is he not gaining pleasure from the pain he gives the slave."

"I don't know Francis. I haven't been long in this kind of business you know. I think there might be people who think like that and be masters just as you described, but that is not who I am. The experience I am having with Nick, and also a little bit with James, is only about having pleasure for both sides and being in control as much as I can, not hurting them. I am not sure, but somehow I am quite proud of the fact that Nick would do all these things for me."

"Proud? Don't you mean something else Mike?"

"What do you mean by that Francis?"

Oh no, I was right. Francis is jealous of Mike and he was certainly afraid that Mike loved me, or something like that. I thought about how I could stop this, but when I looked at Francis' face I knew he wanted an answer on that one. No way to avoid it.

"You know what I mean, Mike. You had the hots for Nick and the only way you could get him was making him your slave."

Mike didn't see that coming and he was too stunned to answer. Then he looked at me and opened his mouth. He tried to say something but the only thing he could do was look from me to Francis and back.

"See, I'm right! Let's get out of here Nick. I'm not going to stay another minute."

"Stop this - both of you. You Francis, let go of this. You are not getting anywhere by reacting like you do; and Mike I think he deserves an answer no matter how difficult or upsetting the question is."

They both looked at me and slowly sat back down in their places. I looked from Francis to Mike.

"Come on Mike, we are not going to eat you, we just want to know why you did this. I can't believe you haven't thought about that."

"I have Nick, you must believe me. It was rather strange to have this power, this control over you. It gave me all kind of new feelings I never had before, so it was pretty hard not to think about them."

`I know Mike I had the same experience there and I know it is not easy to tell but I think we both deserve to know'.

"I know Nick, to be honest I must say I felt at first a little bit in love with Nick but that became less and less when I started to know him. I became more and more proud of what he was and proud of the way he behaved. I am sorry Francis, but for now I am just not sure how to say it in another way. That is what I came to realise; nothing more at the moment."

"Hmm, I think I will have to do then with that answer Mike, but that still doesn't mean I understand why you did it."

"If I ever find the answer to that question I will let you know Francis, but for now I don't know how to explain it better or more."

"Maybe we must leave it at that guys. I think we might talk about it in the future but for the first steps this is far enough, don't you think?" I looked from Mike to Francis and back.

"If I could explain it more fully I would, but I can't Nick I am sorry." Mike answered.

"I know Mike, all those new feelings are not easy to categorise and I think that we will learn more in the future but that has nothing to do with where we are now."

"So are you all right Francis? Is this enough for you to try and trust Mike and me in ending this all?"

"I think I am Nick, but I will also need some time to think this all through."

"I think we need that time too, but for now you must trust us that we only do things now to make sure to end the blackmail situation."

"Mike are the doctors still in contact with you?"

"Yes, they have been Francis, they are pushing me again to make sure we do something again so they can watch."

"Are they pressuring you a lot or can you hold them for lets say, another week or 10 days?"

"I don't think I can hold them off that long Nick, I am sorry but they were threatening again to publish it all."

I looked then at Francis. I knew he was not going to happy with it, but I needed that week or 10 days to make sure my plan was going to work. "Francis I'm sorry but that means we have to do another scene before we can set something up. I need at least 7 to 10 days to make this work. I can't do it before the next weekend."

"Oh no! You're not going to do anything. I'm not going too allow that."

I saw a serious and severe look on his face and didn't know what to say to him. "I'm sorry Francis, but I don't want to be exposed at school, so I think there is no other solution."

"If they expose you Nick, we can handle it together. You have nothing to worry about."

"That is something I can't do Francis. Do you know what they threaten to show of me on the internet?"

"Maybe we better show it to him Nick. Maybe then he will understand why we have to go along with them until we set the trap."

"I don't think he needs to see it Mike, I told him everything." I was a little embarrassed by this all. I told Francis everything but hearing and seeing it are two very different things.

"I think he does Nick, otherwise he will never understand what we're talking about."

"Can't you just believe me Francis?"

"No I think I need some more convincing, Nick. I want to see it for myself so I can decide if this scene is something you need to undergo, or if we just could let it be shown."

Mike turned around and put his computer on and made contact with the internet. I stayed on the bed, but Francis walked up to the desk and stood behind Mike. I couldn't look at it. I didn't want to see the response of Francis. If I had known this was going to happen I never would have brought him down here. I am not sure if I heard anything that went on during the next several minutes. I just sat on the bed and stayed there. Why did he want to see those pics? I could not figure it out but I just sat there not wanting to look at him.

I'm not sure how much time went by, but suddenly I felt someone shaking me just a little and also I though I heard my name.

"Nick, are you Ok?"

I looked up and saw Francis looking worried at me, but also, well I'm not sure what I saw, but it was nothing that gave me much pleasure. I knew I had to stop it but now it was just too late. I couldn't help it; I started to cry and bent my head down. I knew for sure now that Francis had seen it he would leave me. How could he stay after he's seen me like that; peeing like a dog on a tree... and all the other stuff.

I'm not sure how long it took me to realise that I someone was holding me. Someone whose smell I know very well. I looked up to see that it was Francis. "You, you're still here", I said through a blur of tears and still some last crying noises.

"Yes! Why shouldn't I be here?"

II didn't expect you to stay after you saw what I did."

"But Nick, you already told me everything so there where no surprises."

I just looked at him; there was that irresistible smile again.

"Shall we just drop this for now Nick? I love you and I understand now why you want to go on with the scene. I'm sorry if I was too persistent in seeing this."

"Thanks Francis." I kissed him on the lips and I tasted the salt that was there from us both crying before.

We just sat there for a moment looking into each other's eyes.

"Mmm I'm sorry to break this up, but do you want something more to drink?"

"Yes, please, I think we need another beer now." Francis answered this time.

We stayed just holding each other while we waited for Mike to return. We took the beers from him and he looked at us. "So what now? You said you had thought of something to pay them back and make sure the blackmail would stop."

"Yes, I think I have but I need first to talk with James, Alexei and David because I need their help to put this off."

"Are you going to tell David what happened to you, Nick?" Francis asked straight after I ended my sentence.

"Yea, I think I have to Francis. I'm sure he wants to know what happened and I think we're going to need his help too."

"Ok, can you give us an idea of what we are going to do to set them up?"

"No, I'm not sure of all the details yet Francis, and I want to make sure I have before I discuss it with you guys. Otherwise I'm not sure you would go along with it."

"Hmm I'm not sure if I like the way this sounds Nick."

"You promised you would let me go ahead with it. I need to somehow get the doctors to join us and put that on film. So I really need you."

"Ok but If I don't like it you will have to let me change things."

"You're getting a little bossy yourself now Francis", I said with a smile in my voice.

But when I saw the look on his face I thought, `damm not the right comment at the right time. He I doesn't like this joke. Before I could say anything Mikes computer made a noise.

"Oh, sorry guys I think I didn't put the Internet connection off yet."

He walked to his computer and sat down.

"Shit! The doctors caught me online. I'm sorry guys but I can't ignore this. We need to stay in contact with them, otherwise we never know what they will do."

Mike started to type something back and both Francis and I walked to the computer.

"They want me to put on the webcam so they can see me. If you don't want to be in this you better get out of sight."

I saw that Mike got the connection for his webcam on. He typed another message in his computer and I'm not sure what happened next, but he took the camera in his hand and looked at us. Francis wanted to say something but I quickly stepped forward and said to Mike, "They can hear us too, can't they?

That was the only way I could make it clear to Francis that he better stay out of this, and that they could hear whatever we said. I saw the last message on the screen and it said, SHOW US YOUR ROOM.

Mike put the cam back on his computer so now they only could see him again, but they could hear all we were saying. I quickly wrote something down on a paper and showed it to Francis.


Francis nodded to let me know that he understood. I could see he was not happy with it, but this was the only way we could play it.

I placed myself behind Mike so I could read what they where saying.

  • So your slaveboy is there – D (octor) - Yes doctor, he is - M(ike) - Why didn't you contact us then? - D - He came just to study nothing else. –M - Well you were supposed to contact us as soon as you talked with him. Why didn't you? – D - I was planning to do this as soon as he left tonight –M - Well I'm sorry Mike, but I'm not satisfied with that answer. I get the feeling you are holding us off – D - No I'm not sir, you know we haven't done much because of the things that happened to Nick - M

I had slowly tapped on Mike's back to make sure I was with him and agreed to what he was putting on the screen.

  • I'm sorry but that is not going to be enough. You guys need to be getting back on track by now. –D - Sorry Sir, but we will be on track in just a little while – M - Well that's not going to be enough. If you want those pictures to be out in public you just keep this up –D - I'm sorry Doctor but I can't do nothing about it, I am doing my best –M - I know but since he is there now, I want you to do something now on cam for me –D

Mike looked over my shoulder trying to avoid looking at Francis or the doctor would know there were more people in the room. I just nodded slightly, hoping the Doctor didn't notice it. I made one step back because I saw that Francis had written something down.


I knew I needed to do some convincing here so I said out loud, "I'm just going to the toilet Mike. I will be right back."

"Ok that's fine Nick, put on your slave clothes when you come back down. The doctors want to play again."

I'm not sure why he put a little emphasis on this last thing, but I think he wanted Francis to know that he was not doing this but the doctors were forcing us.

I walked upstairs and Francis was close behind me.

The moment we shut the door he started.

"No way you are going to play now Nick, you don't know what he is going to expect you to do. We have no control over this. You better get out of this right now."

"I'm sorry Francis, but I can't. They threatened to expose us on the Internet if we don't play tonight. They also made it clear they thought we wanted to back out of this."

"Well they're right about that, but I don't want you to do anything tonight."

"I'm sorry Francis, but there is no other way, and maybe we can keep them happy with this one last performance before the trap."

"I don't know Nick."

"There is one other thing Francis. I don't want you there. I want you to leave and go home or wait upstairs."

I was not sure if I could anything on cam, but the knowledge that Francis was going to be there to watch was just too much for me to handle.

I saw that he wasn't going to agree with that, but I need to convince him.

"I'm sorry Francis but I am not sure what they are going to do, and I am not sure if you could keep your anger down. I just don't want you to be exposed to them some how. And the other thing is I'm embarrassed Francis; if they would make me do things and you see them there live I am not sure if I would survive that or if our relationship would survive it.

I think I got through to him. Because his face became a little bit softer now. "Ok I will stay here but I'm not going to go home. I'm just one yell away, so if you need help just yell and I'm there."

"Hmm ok as long as keep out of the picture the whole time and stay upstairs until I call you."

"Ok." He kissed me on the lips and he let me go downstairs.

I opened the door and closed it quickly before starting to undress and put on the T- shirt and the white underwear which were lying there.

I went on down the stairs until I was back behind Mike.

  • So he is back -D - Yes he is and he is dressed in his slave clothes –M - Hmm that looks good, give us a close up –D - Like this? –M

Mike put the cam in his hand and made a run all over my body from less then a meter distance.

  • Yes that is fine –D - So now what – M - Well I have come up with the perfect humiliation for your slaveboy –D - Oh, and what is that –M - You are going to make you're slave look like a little boy Mike –D - And how I am going to do that –M - You are going to shave all of his body hairs –D - All of it –M - Well all of it except for his hairs on his head –D - So everything, his legs, his arms, his chest –M - Yes everything including his crotch –D - Oh Ok I can think I can do that –M - But that is not all I want you to do Mike –D - There is more? But can't we do that another time; is this not enough –M

Mike was really trying to do his best to keep this to a minimal task.

  • Yes there is more but he is in the position he can see the screen isn't he? I want him not to see the rest of his task yet. You may only tell him when it's time – D - Ok, I will ask him to go and sit on the bed – M.

I walked towards the bed and there was no way I could see what they where saying to each other. I knew Mike would show me later what they told him to do. He could save this chat and he was probably going to do just that.

I waited on the bed thinking about the fact that I was going to lose all of my body hair. That was going to cause some comments during the next gym practice, but I knew I could make something up and swing by all of it. This was not a terrible task; so far I could handle it.

I saw that Mike stopped typing and while he looked at me he turned the camera onto the bed so the doctor could follow what we were about to do.

"Get out of those clothes, boy, you are in need for a full shave."

I did what he told me to do and while he started to get the shaving cream and the razor I just lay down on the bed.

Mike started with my legs, but there was little enthusiasm in his action. He also tried to be looking in the other direction from the cam. He was so sorry he needed to do this that it was all over his face and he knew if the doctor would see that, he would even get more suspicious about all of this.

So Mike worked his way across my body without saying too much. Only a few times he said something to make it easier for him do what was now necessary. While he started on my crotch as the last part, my dick started to get stiff and I felt how my cheeks got red. This was not going to happen. I was very glad I sent Francis away upstairs because I would be totally embarrassed if he had seen this response. By the look on his face Mike was glad Francis was not here either.

"Ok we are ready now", Mike said when he was finished.

"Put on your clothes and leave right away."

I got up from the bed and walked towards the stairs. When I put my foot on the first step, I saw movement of the door, which leads into the hall.

"No! Please wait a second", I yelled almost harder then I intended, but I didn't want Francis to see me like this. I was still half-hard and there was no way that he was going to see what Mike did.

When I was finished dressing I looked back and saw that Mike was almost finished with getting rid of all the hairs he shaved and of all the evidence of what had happened.

I opened the door and walked into the hall. Before I could say anything, Francis started to kiss me.

"What happened? What did he make you do? Tell me!" Francis almost screamed when he stopped kissing me.

"Wait here a minute Francis, Mike is ending his chat with the doctor. When he has done that we can go downstairs."

"Can't you just tell me Nick?"

"I am sorry Francis I can't."

How could I tell him that I had been excited while this all happened? He would never understand. I felt like I betrayed him. I haven't cum, but the way it excited me was already enough to have that feeling.

"But you know I love you", I said instead of answering him. I immediately started to kiss him to bring his mind onto something else.

I'm not sure how long we were up there kissing, but suddenly the door opened and slammed into my back. Happily it was not pushed open too hard. Mike looked around the corner and said: "You can come down again."

We walked downstairs. I saw that the computer was still on and the chat he had with the doctor was still open. I walked right past the desk and sat down on the bed.

"Can you now tell me what happened Nick?"

"I'm sorry, Francis, I can't but I think Mike can show you the chat he had with the doctor so you can read it yourself."

I looked at Mike; he had sat down behind his desk again and he changed something so that the start of the chat was on screen.

I saw that Francis started to look at me while he kept reading what was on the screen.

"No! Tell me it's not true. Did you let him do that?"

I just pulled up one of the legs of my pants to show him.

"Oh no, why didn't you stop him Nick?"

"You've seen the chat, Francis, there was no way we could get out of this. If we had seen a way we would have."

Instead of saying anything back he turned his face towards the screen again and started to read the chat again. I knew there was more but I had no idea what. I was not sure I was ready to know, so I just stayed on the bed and watched as Francis kept reading the screen. I saw that Mike was not sitting so quietly on his chair and that he was waiting for the reaction of Francis also. He was afraid of it. I could read that on his face.

While Francis continued to read we both waited in anticipation of his reaction.

I saw that there came a more then angry look on his face.

"Have you read this Nick? Y ou can never go through with this. I won't let you."

"Again Francis? I thought you understood by now that we have no other choice. I am sure Mike tried to get it made as easy as he could."

"Yes I tried indeed Nick, and they made some changes after my suggestions, but still even I am not sure you will have to do this. I only said that I would try but they really threatened me to make sure you did as they wanted."

"I know you did your best Mike, but still I can't let Nick go through with this."

Ok, let me read this myself then."

They left the computer and made room for me to sit on the chair at the desk. I was not sure I was ready for this, but I knew I just had to, so I looked at the screen and started to read what was there. I only read the last few sentences where there was a sort of conclusion of the things they wanted me to do.

  • So Mike we agreed that Nick is to do the following things. He has to wear white underwear and gym shorts. He goes to a nearby gym at a time that it is pretty busy. He has to work out during at least 1 hour then go to the lockers where he starts to undress. At the moment he is standing in his white underwear he is going to pee in it. He has to keep on doing that until he has drawn the attention of almost every one around there. He then will have to put on a dry pair of underwear, which he takes out of his bag after he has gotten out of his wet ones. He must stay naked for all to see as long as possible. He may wear a T-shirt as long as it is not so long it covers his crotch. –D - So he must first get naked and then get a dry pair – M - Yes that is quite correct Mike. You better be sure he does as told because you will tell us where and when he will perform because we will send some one to check the performance. –D - I am not sure if he is going to do this doctor this is a lot heavier than he did so far –M - We know but we believe it is time for another step and tell him we can always make him do it in front of his gymnastics team so he has a choice –D - Ok I will do my best and I am glad you dropped that because that would really be way to humiliating for him –M. - Ok, we will hear soon when Ok –D - Yes, Mike out –M

I'm not sure I looked around very much while I was reading, but again Francis had turned up behind me and he started to rub my back.

I looked at Mike. He had an `I'm sorry' look on his face. "I tried Nick, but this was all I could do."

I swallowed a few times before I said: "Well this is going to be the last time, so I think I will survive."

"Are you sure Nick?" Francis whispered in my ear.

"Yes, we just need to find a gym where not too many people are around that we might know. I guess you want to be there too."

"Yes. I'm sorry if that is worse for you, but I want to make sure you're all right. I think I would never survive it if something happened to you."

"Ok, as long as you are completely on the other side of the room, not beside me. So when shall we do this?"

"Let me find a place first, Nick, and then we can try this for Friday night or so."

With that we left the room. Francis wanted to leave as soon as possible, so we walked slowly home. We were just holding hands, nothing too close, but still it was nice to feel his skin. It was kind of reassuring that he was there. The doctors were really pushing this. It was good we were going to end it. I was going to call Alexei the moment we were home. I wanted him to be there to end it. We needed an adult to have some more power over the doctors.

When we got home, we went straight upstairs to my room. Neither David nor my Dad were home at that moment.

"I'm going to the toilet and get my books from my bedroom."

"Ok. Do you still want to study? I'm not sure if I have still the energy for it."

"We can at least try, Ok Nick?"

"Yes, that's fine. In the meantime I will give Alexei a call."

I called Alexei but he didn't answer, so I left a message to call me back as soon as possible because I needed to talk with him.

I lay down on the bed, just resting there. A lot of things went through my mind. It had been a pretty heavy evening, first the chat with Francis then with Mike, the interference of the Doctors. I was going to think about the trap a little more, because somehow they had to pay for everything too. I only was not sure if I could handle it all, but we'll just have to wait and see.

I had closed my eyes when I suddenly felt the bed moving. I opened them and saw Francis sitting on the side of the bed looking at me.

"You are adorable, do you know that?"

"Yes I know, but thanks for reminding me."

"Oh are you going to be cocky tonight?"

Should I take that as a compliment Francis? Because if that is the case I might think about putting a lock on my door."

"You know what I mean Nick, I could just start eating you bit by bit until, well you know what I mean."

"Hmm getting into one of your fantasies are we Francis?"

He blushed a little before continuing. "I can eat you always Nick, what ever layer there is on your skin."

This time it was for me to start blushing.

"But for tonight Nick, I will do as I want. I want to let you know what I feel for you. You are such a wonderful person, always thinking about some one else first."

"Oh stop Francis I have my bad points too and you know it."

He looked away from my face and I saw his gaze going downwards over my body and back again.

"You look so fine, so delicate so built like a person right from heaven."

I was not sure what was going on, but it seemed that Francis was not going to stop to giving me compliments and despite the fact what happened earlier tonight, I started to get excited.

"You're beautiful neck with that irresistible `Adams Apple' and you're belly with that soft, snowy looking bellybutton."

"h stop it Francis,you make it sound like I' some kind of perfect person."

"No, just let me Nick, I find you so perfect. I haven't seen anything just like it but it would better if ... are you into a little play Nick?"

He finished this sentence a little different then I had expected. "What do you mean by a little play?"

"Well, I don't want to do anything you are not up to, and I would understand after tonight if you just want to lay down on your bed and do nothing else."

"Oh no, if you mean that about play, I am always into doing something with you Francis, just come lay down beside me."

"No I want to do something else tonight. Come and sit beside me."

I sat up and moved myself into position so that I was beside Francis. He looked at me and slowly started to move his hand through my hair.

"So soft, so ... hmmm."

Then he slowly moved his right hand lower over my neck and then into my sweater. He leaned his head towards me and started to nibble on my ears. Then from my ears he came back towards my lips, but instead of kissing he slowly started licking my lips. Not wanting to kiss me right away, he tried to put his tongue into my mouth without letting his lips touch me. He then started to lick the inside of my mouth, first my upper lip and then slowly swirling around going to my lower lip. I let out a low moan.

His right hand had been on my back. His left hand had made his way also into my sweater but on the front side. He found my right nipple and started to play with it. First slowly making big circles, going into smaller ones. When he reached my nipple he slowly tugged on it. His hand left my back and joined the left hand going from below into the sweater. He slowly started to pull it up. With his head he had gone toward my belly and he started to lick my bellybutton. Before I could say anything he moved the sweater higher just over my face. My nipples where free now and while he held the sweater up he started to lick his way from one nipple to the other and back again. Not able to say much or see much with the sweater over my face I felt how his lips slowly started to lick my left nipple, taking it in his mouth and slowly sucked on it. Another moan left my lips; a very slow but long moan.

Then he pulled the sweater completely over my face and he brought his lips slowly from my right nipple over my chest to my neck. He tried to bite my Adams Apple and moved then upwards to my face. This time he not only licked his way to my mouth but he put a full kiss on it. I slowly opened my mouth and just like yesterday we started to lip and tongue dance again.

He kept on kissing me but in the meantime his hand had gone to the lower part of my body, touching the side of my leg, and then he tried to lift me a little bit so he could take my buttocks in his hands. While he did this he pushed my hips forward against him and I felt how much he was lusting after me. Not knowing what he was going to do next I just let him go.

He was still kissing me when his hands left my buttocks and made their way to my crotch. This time he did not go past it but started to straddle my cock. First softly, but then more aggressive until he suddenly it into his right hand and twisted a little bit.

Another moan left my mouth at the moment we were taking another breath before more lip dancing continued. He started to unzip my pants first slowly he pulled my zipper down and put one of his hands into my trousers. Still playing with my cock, feeling it up, then slowly going downwards so that he could take my balls into his hands. Also feeling them softly, but strongly at the same time.

He started to work on them a little rougher but I think that was not easy with the drawstring knot of my pants still tied. So he opened that too and the road to my crotch was now completely open.

I was a little bit worried by the fact that I was completely shaven and what he would say of that. He knew that had happened but I was not sure he fully realised that.

He then suddenly stopped kissing. Well suddenly I knew where he wanted to go, so maybe there was not that much surprise in it. I felt how his hand started to undo my pants further until he sat back a moment to get rid of them entirely. He then just looked at me.

"My god, Nick you are so beautiful. I hardly dare to touch you because I am afraid I will break you."

I just smiled at him not knowing what to say. He slowly started to move his hands from my feet upwards, through the insides of my legs, just straddling my legs. It felt great and I knew my dick had never been so hard as it was then. It was tenting my underwear in an incredible way. It even started to hurt a little bit.

Then he reached my crotch and again he started to feel my cock through my underwear, slowly moving upwards until reaching the top of my dick, just softly touching it, making it want for more. I couldn't help but thrust my hips a little bit the moment he stopped touching it.

That seemed to be a new message for him and he moved his hands again to my buttocks. Just taking each of them in his hands and lifting my hips up. In the meantime, he bent forward again, this time aiming his head towards my crotch. I felt his warm breath on my dick and I moaned again, this time more loudly than I had before. He slowly touched my underwear and this time it was not only the warm air I felt but also through the underwear I felt the warmth of his lips and I almost lost it at that moment. I tried to back off a little bit because I had the idea that Francis wanted to take this a little bit further.

He started to suck on my cock. First the head, and then slowly, lower towards my balls. Taking them through my underwear into his mouth he tried to chew on them. More moans left my lips.

"Oh Francis, this feels wonderful, almost incredible."

Francis didn't answer but he went back to the head of my dick. His hands were leaving my buttocks as he slowly started to pull my underwear down. First with his teeth, but somehow that didn't go quickly enough so I felt that he stretched it with his hands, slowly moving it downward revealing my cock and balls in all there beauty.

"So soft, so nice, so hard, I love you so much Nick", Francis said softly unable to take his eyes off my dick and balls.

This time he started to touch my dick with his hands, slowly discovering every inch of my skin, working with it, moving my skin around my cock, knowing that was giving me incredible electric feelings all over my cock. Yesterday he had firmly took it in his hand and made me come; this time he was very cautious, as if indeed it was something that could break.

After a while he stopped using his hands and again he leaned forward. I knew what was coming but I didn't know what I was going to feel. The sensation was almost too much; the warm moist feeling of his lips, first on the top of my cock, making sure that waves of incredible pleasure shot through my dick; then my balls and at last starting to flow through my whole body. The more he took into his mouth the more intense it all became. Another electric wave made its way down at the moment my cockhead reached the back of his mouth. It slowly touched his throat and I nearly began to scream when that happened. He didn't let go, but kept it there for a moment. I had no idea how he could do that but if felt unbelievable. Then he moved back a little bit but started to suck on it. Just like he had done before on my nipple. I wanted to warm him but a scream left my mouth and the way my body started to convulse must have given him a good idea what was going to happen. His sucking motion gave me even more unknown feelings, but did pull the trigger so I started to cum and cum, and cum. I was not sure if he took it all in his mouth but I knew that my cock was still in his mouth when the first splashes left my dick.

I had my eyes closed and I was not able to realise what I felt when at least 6 or 7 spurts of cum left my balls and made their way to be released from captivity. I started to relax but was still not able to open my eyes or say anything. I was completely overwhelmed by the pleasure and emotions that had overtaken me.

I didn't hear nor feel Francis anymore so I slowly opened my eyes to see him just watching me. At first I didn't notice the cum splashes on his face but even with his incredible smile I could see there was quite a bit around.

"Coming back to earth again Nick?"

"Hmm, I believe so, yes, Francis."

"I love you Nick. That was incredible how your body responded to all that. It was just if I felt almost everything you went through."

"I've never felt anything like that before Francis. At one point I was thinking I was going to faint so overwhelming were the emotions."

"I know! It was great to feel your body respond and then look at you when you came. I am gladI could give that to you Nick. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you."

He leaned forward and we started to kiss. Slowly and very thoughtful enjoying each other's body warmth. Although not every part felt warm; there was a little cold wet spot on the height where Francis' crotch was. Somehow he had gotten his pants off also. Something I hardly could remember during the whole action.

"You had fun too, I feel."

"Yes, feeling what I did to you was enough to get me going."

"`That's a shame Francis, now I don't get a chance to repay you."

"That's not necessary Nick, I liked what I did very much so no repayment is necessary."

He slowly slid off my body and lay down beside me. We were still looking into each other's eyes, not wanting to let go the feelings we just shared.

"Oh no, not again. Please you guys, can't you do that under your covers?"

I started to smile, but almost lost it in total laughter when I heard the first few sounds from David. When I caught my breath again I said: "No, you better learn to knock before entering. I have told you that so many times. You just get the bill presented for not doing that."

"Ok, point taken, just wanted to let you guys know that Dad just came home. I was sure you didn't want him to know what you were doing in here and with all the noises you were making it was a little bit hard not to imagine."

Oh my god, I thought, he had heard us. I felt my cheeks start to blush again and when I looked at Francis he was in no better state.

"Next time try to keep it down a little, or lend me your headphones so I can play some music in the meantime." he said with a big smile on his face while he left again."

"We better be careful in the future Nick, you tend to get pretty loud when you are enjoying yourself."

It's not my fault Francis, you made me do it; don't ever forget that."

I'm not sure that Francis wanted to hear more because he shut me up with some kisses.

"Hmm, I think I better go and clean up my face, don't you think?"

"Hey guys, can I come in?" The question was from my father at the moment that he also knocked on the door.

"Oh no! My face", Francis said at that moment.

"Just a second Dad."

Sorry to leave you guys hanging on this time of the story but otherwise the chapter would have become really long. I hope you manage to read it all.

Let me know what you though about it: or ICQ: 36967366. As you know if you contacted me before I respond to all of them.

I also have another story on Nifty named "High School Humiliation" in the Gay Male -- High School section of the Archive.

Next: Chapter 21

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