Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Oct 16, 1999


I was almost finished with dinner when Dad and Brian came home. They went upstairs to chance and when I put everything on the table they came back downstairs.

"That smells nice," Brian said.

"Well, I knew you would be quite hungry after such a hard day of competition Brian".

When I turned my head towards my farther I saw how he was looking at me.

"So how did you liked it Nick, being around all day, you didn't get bored. Did you?"

"No sir, I had a good time, didn't know that I would like watching sport all day but I hoped I have helped you enough though".

"Yea, you made sure that I had a lot more time than usual for the atlethete's and that is the most important. Will you take the job than, being my assistant on Saturday".

"Yea, that is fine by my Dad".

I saw that Brian looked odd at me and at how I responded. I just couldn't believe I was saying that. Until know I didn't had a lot interest for what he was doing.

We finished dinner and we didn't say much to each other just some small talk about the game. When farther left the room to do the dishes Brian took his chance.

"Are you sure you want to spend every Saturday with us in the gym. Doing all those shitty things for dad and the team".

"I don't mind Brian and it gives me to spend a little more time with you and Dad. Do you know I hardly see you during the week".

"Well, just be honest when you get bored. Don't go along for my sake."

"No I don't Brian I just like to spend some time with you and Dad".

I tried to bring that as best as I could and hopefully it was working.

During the rest of the week nothing special happened and I knew we had a game on next Saturday in the town nearby ours so we would leave early on Saturday morning.

I didn't drive along with the rest of the team but with Dad. We had to be there an hour before the team did to fill in forms and to arrange other things if necessary. But Dad couldn't get a parking space so he told me to go enter already and take some bags with me to our lockerroom while he was parking the car.

He walked with three bags into the building and started to look around were the guest lockers was. I couldn't find any until after five minutes or so I heard some noises at the back of a long hall. I started to walk into that direction but still couldn't find any sign saying that I was walking in the right direction.

When I came at the door where all the noise came from I just opened it. What I saw did seem to freeze every move I had planned or question that was on my lips.

"He you what do you want, you are not on our team"

I still didn't answer and was just looking at a well-formed body with a good-looking face and blond hairs. He was wearing a gymnastic jersey only and I had a hard time of not looking at a probably terrific formed cock.

"He you there, what do you want"

And with that I seemed to come to my senses again. "He, I am looking for the lockers... ah the guest lockerroom, I mean".

"So you are going to be one of our opponents today, well that is an easy win for us than".

"No I am just the coaches assistant, I am not on the team"

"That is a shame but you can find your lockers on the other side of the hall."

"Ok thanks".

I had a hard time turning around and was glad that I was walking with a lot of bags so that I could protect my front view. My dick was hard as good be. I turned around and haded to the other side of the hallway were another door was but were the light was broken so I didn't seen it before.

I just couldn't get it out of my mind. I was going to be around that young god's all day and with no chance to get ride of that hard poking thing in my trousers.

I just but the bags on the floor and sat down. Just staring not exactly knowing what to do. But a moment later my farther entered the room and I got out of my hypnotized view didn't had a lot of time to think back because my dad kept me working until the game started. There was a lot more to do on an out-game than when we were at home. When my Brother entered together with the rest I was outside in the hall so I hadn't had a change to see anything again. So when I was ready I just waited in the hall for the guys to come.

I had to wait for about ten minutes when Brian, Mike and Tommy walked onto the floor. They were the first three to start the game for our team. I was going round with them on the floor. Again Tommy sat down beside me and smiled. We talked just a little bit about the week that passed by and the guys started to do there warm up.

Then the opponents for that day came walking in. The home crowed cheered while they walked towards us. I turned my head in their direction and I saw that my hunk was walking up front and sat down beside me on the other side only a meter or so away. They were checking us out and spoke softly to each other. I hardly could believe this was going to happen. I was going to sit beside this hunk for the rest of day.

The competition started and I had to take care of any problems that occurred. I had Tommy looking in my direction more than one time when he was changing each time but I tried to look the other way as much as I could. Instead I had a hard time not looking to our opponents hunk while he was changing. When he did that he just needed a little more time for it than I guessed it normally would take.

We were preparing for the last round and I knew every one would get out of the long pants and get on their training outfit. That was probably the last look I would get at my Hunk so I tried to be not to obvious but made sure that I wasn't going to miss that.

When my hunk finished his routine he looked in my direction to see what I was doing. Then he stood up and took off his trousers. Now only in his jersey I could clearly see the lines of a more than well-shaped cock. When I let my glaze slip from his cock to his face I looked directly in his eyes. He had me there. He just smiled and continued to dress but with a pace that could have been faster.

Then when he was finished he came over to our team and started to thank them for a good competition. He could do that because after the first half our team was 2 full points behind on them. But when he came to me he just looked and whispered to me: "Follow me in a moment". I

I tried to look into his face but he just turned around and picked up his bag and went to the door. I looked to see how far Brian, Mike and Tommy were. They still had to pick up a few things. I looked back to the door and at that moment my hunk turned around just before leaving through the door and looked in my direction.

"I will see if the others are ready to go and I need to go to the toilet, Brian. I will be back in a few minutes."

"Ok, Nick we will wait here or at least will leave some bags over here so don't forget to pick them up"

"Ok, That is fine by me Brian".

I walked away from them and went after my hunk. I just wasn't sure what would happen but I was completely lost regarding my normal senses. I had never had done anything with a guy and here I was going after the hunk of the opponents team.

With a little tremblence I opened the door and looked into the hallway. And there he was at the right hand side about 25 meters from me leaning to the wall. I started to walk towards him but when he saw me he just winked and started to walk further down the hall. When he was nearly to the end he opened a door and went in. I slowly walked to the door and pushed it open.

"Well, come in quickly and close the door. I am peter and you"

"I am Nicholas, but my friends call me Nick".

"Ok Nick, I think you want something don't you".

While he said that my glaze went automatically down towards his crotch. After he entered the room he quickly had pulled down his trousers and he was standing there in full appearance only wearing his gymnastic jersey with a big hard cock in it. I didn't answer but just looked but I felt how my cock swelled in my pants. Not having anything to get infront of my trousers I supposed Peter could see what he was doing to me.

"Well, you don't have to answer. I saw how you looked in the hall each time I had to chance and even now you can't get your eyes from my crotch and is your dick getting hard just from seeing me."

I just didn't answer him yet and I looked at my own crotch to see that he could see exactly what he was doing to me.

"Ok, come here you little cock sucker. I think you like sucking cock's don't you Nick".

" He, I don't know Peter, I have never done such a thing."

"But you want to, don't you I can see it, come over here"

"Still I wasn't ready to move not knowing exactly if this is what I want. Well I knew what I want but I was still afraid of what might happen".

He came one step closer and then he laid his hands on my shoulder and pushed me on my knees. My face was now on the same level as his dick. I could hardly believe what I saw. I started to smell his dick through his jersey; he must have leaked some pre-cum. He pushed my face into his crotch. I could smell the air his pre-cum produced it was intoxicating. I just loved it.

"Ok get it down and start sucking"

He left the pressure of my head so I could take his pants off and there was an incredible looking dick. I slowly went for it first planning to lick it and then we will see what happened. I slowly went with my tongue over his cock. It sprung to attention and became even harder and bigger then before.

Peter obvious couldn't wait anymore and started to push my head more and more so that I had to take more and more of him into my mouth. I almost gagged but he seemed to notice when because he let go of my head just ontime.

I continued to suck him and he became louder and louder so I just was going to be afraid that any one could here us. Then I felt how his dick started to spasm and thick gushes of cum entered in my mouth. They landed on the back of my mouth and tongue but because he was still pressuring me and I didn't want to choke I was forced to swallow. It tasted not so good but I loved sucking him.

His breathing became more and more normal again and then suddenly he did let go of my head and said: "Thanks Nick, you can do that anytime you like. It is a shame that we live to far apart". With dad he pulled up his trousers and walked out of the room leaving me exhausted and with a raging hardon behind in the room.

I know saw that we were in a normal classroom and that if any one would have looked trough the windows they could have seen every move we made. I just then felt my raging hardon. It was cosign me real pain so I better could get out of here and find a toilet to get ride of the hard-on.

I found one after a few minuets of looking. I entered the stables and started to stroke my cock and because of what happened I was horny and loud. So after a few minutes I thought I heard something else and then when I stopped I heard it again. I was not the only one pumping my shaft.

"He you there continue, I was just getting of, of the sound of you".

I didn't now who that was. I didn't recognize the voice so I just started to relax again and went back on poking my cock. At the same time the sounds of a guy mooning came back. It was a great tug on my dick and after a few moments large flocks of cum landed on the floor. My compagnion in the other stable came at the same time. I waited until I heard that he left and I quickly return to our lockers before they would miss me.

If you have any ideas to continue or just want to tell what you find of it sofar or by ICQ36967366

Next: Chapter 3

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