Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on May 5, 2001


Ok here is chapter 12 of Coaches assitant. I would like to thank all who responded on my request of an editor for the story. I would like to thank Dana and Bill especially for putting time in make this a better readable story for you all.

I would love to hear your comments on the story and if you have any idea's please let me know. When I finished this chapter I had one thought when I red through it, it lacked complete romance in it. That is something that is going to be better in the future so please red and enjoy the continue story of Nick and his friends and look at for more in chapter 13 which is almost finished. So for your comments go to ICQ: 36967366 or by e-mail:

Chapter 12

I went home not quite as happy as I normally would have been after a winning game. Even when I was not on the field, I was usually quite happy when dad and David won a match. A victory just made things so much better at home. Because I had to put everything away, I knew I was late and hoped that dad and David would have already ordered something in for supper.

For the time being, I just tried to forget the conversation with Francis. I knew I had to do something about it, but I couldn't do anything tonight. When I opened the door, the smell of Chinese food immediately struck me. I quickly hung up my coat and walked into the dining room.

"Ah, about time you showed up, Nick. We were beginning to wonder how long you would be. I hope you don't mind but we ordered Chinese."

"Great. You know I like Chinese food, so let's get started. Where's David?"

"In his room. Would you go get him and we can start eating."

I walked upstairs and knocked on the door of David's room.

"Come on in, brother."

I laughed. "How did you know it was me, David, and not dad?"

"Because you always knock politely and dad is more of a whirlwind, never waiting for me to reply before he enters."

"Oh, well, we can't change him, however much you might want your privacy. Dad just wanted you to know that the Chinese food has arrived and we can eat if you're ready."

"Well I'm ready. I was just resting a bit after the game and wondering who the guest coach is going to be. I looked around in the stands today to see if I could see an unexpected face in the crowd, but I didn't see any. Did you see someone it might have been, Nick?"

"Well, not for certain," I replied. "I saw someone who looked familiar but I wasn't sure who it was. I think we'll have to push dad a little bit and get him to tell us. I mean, it's no big deal, he's going to tell us next week any way."

"We can try. We could tell him we'll go on strike and won't do our house chores any more until he gives us the name of the new guy."

"That will force his hand, I guess. Well, let's go down, David, and see if we can get the name out of him."

We walked downstairs and sat down at the table. We started to eat and avoided the only question that interested us until after supper. We talked a lot about the game and how well it went. Then we directed conversation to what the guest coach thought of our performances.

"Oh, oh," my dad smiled, "I know where this conversation is going. And I'll tell you now, I'm not going to tell you who he is."

"Please, dad, why won't you tell us who he is? We'll know who he is anyway some time next week, so why not tell us now?"

"Sorry, David, but I had to promise the sponsors of this programme that I wouldn't tell anybody who he is until the press conference where it will be announced. They want some publicity out of this."

"Well, I'm sorry, too, dad but then there is only one thing we can do, isn't there, Nick?"

"Absolutely, this leaves us with no other choice."

"And that is …?" dad asked.

We smiled at each other and David looked at dad and said, "I'm sorry but that means that we won't do our house chores until you tell us who it is."

"So you want to blackmail me, do you? Well, you'd better remember that such tactics can be used by me, too. And I provide your allowances."

"I can do without for one week, dad, and I guess Nick can, too."

David was speaking for himself; I knew I was almost broke, but David would lend me some money, so we could keep to our plan.

"OK, so you want to play it that way, boys?"

"If we have to," I answered.

"Well, if you're that determined to know, I'd better tell you but you have to promise me not to tell anyone else."

"Deal. OK, dad, come on, who is it?" we said at the same time.

"You promise not to tell anyone else?"

"We promise, dad."

"OK, well, he is a well-known gymnast. He has entered the national championships for the last five or six years now. He has been a former world champion."

"Come on, dad, drop the preliminaries. Tell us who he is," David interrupted insistently.

"Well, you must have guessed by now that he is not an American because we've had no world champions for quite a while now. His name is Alexei Nemov."

"The Russian?" I could hardly believe what dad had told us, and my disbelief must have showed in my face. This could not be the guy I had dreamed was going to be our guest coach.

"Yes, you're right, the Russian. As far as I know, there is only one Alexei Nemov on the planet who is a former world champion."

"But I was sure it would be an American."

"Well, he isn't. Are you disappointed now, Nick?"

"No, dad, just a little amazed by it."

"So was I when I heard his name for the first time. But it seems that he's in the USA for a while preparing for the next world championships, and he's part of a new international team sponsored by a big American company. And you, David, don't you have anything to say?"

So far, David hadn't said anything, partly because I hadn't given him a chance.

"To work with Nemov is an incredible opportunity," said David, "though I had hoped that it would be an American gymnast who could help us get on the national youth team."

"I had hoped so, too," dad said, "but Nemov is one heck of a gymnast and I think you'll learn a lot of him, so you'd better make the best of this chance."

"Oh, believe me, dad, I will. Come on, Nick, we'd better start clearing the table and doing the dishes. I told the others I would meet them at seven."

With that, our conversation about Alexei stopped but I was still in a daze, knowing that I would actually meet ALEXEI NEMOV.

We didn't talk much while we were doing the dishes. David wanted to get away as quickly as possible, and I had some thinking to do. When we finished, David left quickly to get ready for his night out. I just walked towards the living room to talk some more about Alexei. I wanted to know when he would be here. But when I went into the living room, I saw that dad was immersed in his newspaper, and there is one thing you just do not do and that is disturb him while he is reading the newspaper on Saturday night. So I slowly left the room, knowing that if I stayed, I would surely ask something that would get me into trouble.

I walked up to the door of David's room and knocked on it.

"Come in, Nick, but if you have any questions, you'd better be quick because I have to be out of here in a few minutes to be on time."

"I just wanted to tell you to have a good time," I said, knowing that he wasn't interested in chatting about what we'd just found out.

I went to my room and started up my computer. I did a little research about Alexei on the Internet. I found his biography and a lot of pics. This guy was just too good to be true. The last part of his biography mentioned an upcoming marriage to an American gymnast. So there went my fantasy of having sex with him. He was straight, so I might as well give up any ideas about the two of us together.

I did some reading about other gymnasts and then decided to turn off the light and go to sleep early. The next day I planned to go to Mike's in the afternoon, so I had to be up early to do some more house chores because the rest of the week was going to be pretty busy.

After sleeping for a while, I was awakened by a loud noise. It took me a minute to realise that someone was knocking on my door, but then I said, "Whoever is there, come on in. I'm awake now."

The door opened and David put his head around the corner. "Sorry to wake you, it's just me. Do you mind if I come in or do you want to go back to sleep?"

"I'm awake now, David, so you might as well come in. I've already slept for an hour or so, but that doesn't matter."

It had been a long time since David had come up to my room late at night to have a chat. We'd done that on a regular base until we were ten or so, but lately we seemed to have less and less to talk about.

"I just wanted to talk a bit. Do you know who this Alexei Nemov is? I have heard of him but I just don't know how he looks like."

"Yes, I know who he is, David. I think he's been a member of the Russian gymnastics team for the last six or seven years, and he's been world champion overall and champion in several of the apparatus events."

"Well, he is a total mystery to me. I know a lot of American gymnasts, but none of the foreign ones. "

"Well, that's the difference between us, David. You concentrate on performing, while I like to watch sports."

"Do you have a picture of him, so that I can see how he looks?

"I have some pics of him on the computer."

I wasn't sure that I wanted to show David those pictures, but he seemed really interested and he wasn't interested in much these days. I turned on the computer and we sat down.

"Here he is," I said when I opened the folder with more than 20 pics of Nemov in it.

"Well, he does look somewhat familiar, but I still can't say that I have seen him on television or anywhere. Do you have any more?"

One by one I opened the pics and showed my star in different positions doing different exercises.

"Wow, you really have a lot of stuff on him. Do you like him that much, Nick?"

"Don't laugh, David, but I've had a case of the hots for him ever since I laid my eyes on him for the first time."

"Well, you can't deny, he has a terrific body if you're into that kind of stuff."

My face turned beet red and I just didn't know what to say at that moment.

"Don't let it bother you, bro' … we all have our little crushes on famous people when we're young."

"I know, David, but that doesn't make it any easier to talk about."

"Well, whenever you feel the need to talk, just let me know. I'll be there for you."

"Thanks, David, I appreciate that."

"There's just one more thing, Nick. I saw you talking with Francis today. Do you know what's wrong with him? He's been very grumpy lately. Normally he's a lot of fun to be around, but the last few days he hardly speaks to anyone and, if you ask him something, you only get a rude answer."

"Yes, we chatted a bit when we were clearing the floor, but I admit, I did most of the talking. I got the same kind of response. He didn't tell me what was wrong with him."

"OK, if you get any idea what's wrong with him, would you tell me? At the present rate, I'm afraid we won't be friends for very long if he keeps up like this. I'd better some sleep now. `Night, Nick."

"Sleep well, David."

David walked out of my room, closing the door on his way out. I just lay there and wondered if our kiss was the cause of Francis's grumpy mood or whether there was something else. Maybe our kiss wasn't the reason for his current attitude.

I rolled over in bed and slowly slipped into a nice, deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up around 9. I wanted to sleep in but I knew I had to get up. I still needed to do some of my chores this morning and I had to be at one at Mike's house.

David must still have been asleep because I didn't see him that morning and, as for my dad, well, he was following his normal Sunday routine which included a long walk of more than 2 hours. So I probably wouldn't see him before I left, either.

I rode my bicycle to Mike's house and arrived five minutes early. I put my bike at the side of the house and walked to the front door. As usual, the door was already unlocked. I walked in and looked around to see if anyone was around, but I found no one. Mike had mentioned that everyone would be away that afternoon, and he was right. I walked to the basement door and opened it. There was a note on the inside of the door saying: "Come downstairs, slave, get undressed and keep only your underwear on."

I followed Mike's directions, slowly walked downstairs and undressed down to my underwear. Mike was sitting at his computer. It looked like he was working on the website.

"Good afternoon, Mike. I hope I'm on time."

"Damn, you still don't get it, do you, Nick? It is Master Mike to you. You'd better get it right or I'll have to punish you somehow for this."

"Yes, Master Mike," I replied quickly. I didn't want to be on his bad side this afternoon. "Please forgive me."

I sat down on the bed. Mike just continued to work on the website without looking at me or even saying anything to me. I started to wonder whether I should do something or just stay silent and sit there until he told me what to do.

After 15 minutes I just couldn't stand the silence any more. This was going to be a really weird afternoon. For the first time, I didn't feel good about being here. Until now, I always enjoyed being with Mike. Even the humiliation got me excited. But this afternoon, I wasn't sure why but it didn't feel good.

Finally Mike looked up from the computer screen. "You're learning, slave, but you have a long way to go. Still, 15 minutes of obedient silence is better than nothing."

I was pleased by his praise, so much better than the humiliation I had suffered before. But something still seemed wrong.

"You played a great game yesterday. Were you sorry not to have to play in Francis's place?"

Now I knew that something was wrong. This was not the "Master Mike" I had faced before.

"I suggest we start with a good warm up before we do anything today. Is that OK with you?" [Mike was certainly acting out of character.]

"That is alright by me, Master Mike," I said uncertainly. He didn't have to ask me, so I was increasingly sure that something strange was going on. But I didn't have a clue what it was.

We started to do our routine, my Master in his jump suit and me in my underwear. Occasionally he startled me by touching my hips, just feeling me up a little bit and then going on as if nothing had happened. Then, when we were all warm and sweaty, he walked towards his bed and, with a crook of his finger, he summoned me to come to him.

"Just lie on your back on the bed, slaveboy."

I slowly got on the bed and lay on my back.

"OK," I said breathlessly, "I like that. I'll do anything for you."

He took my left arm and stretched it to the head of the bed. I looked up to see what he had planned.

"No, slaveboy, stop that or I'll have to blindfold you."

I quickly looked straight ahead, up at the ceiling. My Master tied my left wrist to the left top of the bed. I knew then that I was going to be his completely that afternoon, bound to his bed. My right arm followed and was also tied, this time to the right bedpost. Then Mike took my foot. I took a chance and looked down again. I hoped that he wouldn't notice my glance, but he did. Before he did anything more with my leg, he came back to the head of the bed.

"OK, if you will not obey me, I'll just have to blindfold you. Lift up your head."

I did as I was told, and Mike put a black hankie around my head which covered my eyes completely.

A moment later, I was allowed to put my head back on the bed and Mike finished tying both my legs to the bottom posts.

"I've tied you to the bed, Nick, so I'll be certain you'll stay down here while I'm gone. I just have to go out to get some computer supplies. I'll be back. I have only one assignment for you: the moment I enter the room again, your dick must be as stiff as it is at this moment. You really like being played with, don't you? OK, stay put." That last was said with a grin, as if I could go anywhere.

Quickly, I lost all sense of time. I might have been there for ten minutes or it could have been much longer. I tried to stay hard by thinking of all kinds of horny, kinky, sexy things. But the last images were of Alexei, naked in the shower next week.

Suddenly I heard the slamming of a door and a yell echoed through the empty house. I couldn't make out whose voice it was and what it said, but I knew it was not Mike. He would have crept up on me, silent, in an attempt to catch me unawares. Was this stranger the reason why I had been nervous before?

"Hey, Fred, are you down here?"

I still didn't recognise the voice. Somebody was looking for Fred. I tried to remember who that could be. I knew Mike had no brothers, so Fred could only be Mike's dad. The man who called for Fred started to talk to someone else and then I heard another voice say, "Look, there's a light on in the basement, so there must be someone there. Maybe Fred just fell asleep. We all know that, if that happens, he'd never hear us because he's such a deep sleeper."

"Oh, no," I thought. They are going to come downstairs and find me, naked and hard, tied to the bed. I felt myself flush in embarrassment, all the more so because I was lying bound on a bed with a very hard dick. It was impossible for this to get worse.

I heard footsteps on the stairs. It seemed to be two people, but it could have been more. I wasn't sure.

"Oh, look at what we've found here, guys, Fred's little boytoy."

I just knew I had to say something. "Please, sir, leave me alone. Fred's not at home, so please leave."

As soon as I said it, I knew it was probably the wrong thing to say. They knew now that Fred wasn't there and wasn't coming home soon, either.

I didn't hear much then, just a few whispers. I could tell from the voices that there were three men in the room.

I heard nobody going back up the stairs and then…

"Nick, Nick, I am so sorry this happened to you. Nick, please say something."

Those were the first things I heard as I slowly became aware of the world again. I opened my eyes and the amount of light that came through told me that my blindfold had been removed.

"Please, Nick, say something, please."

I felt Mike release my wrists and my legs. But I still could not say anything. I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, feeling very little … well, doing my best not to feel anything. Tears flowed from my eyes, and I didn't even try to hide them. I felt them slowly glide over my face.

"Nick, please man, say something. What happened here?"

I slowly looked around and could see that I was naked. My underwear was somewhere on the floor, torn to pieces. There was some blood on the blankets, but it didn't immediately register that it might have been mine.

"Nick, please, say something man, what happened here? Are you OK?."

I slowly turned my face, where my tears were still flowing from my eyes, gazing towards Mike. My mind was a complete blank. I was surely in shock. Somehow, Mike got his arms around me and I lay my face on his chest. I knew he said something, but I still can't remember what.

We stayed like that for almost 15 minutes. Mike held me and did everything possible to comfort me. Mike was really nice at that moment but…

It suddenly hit me that I wanted to be anywhere but there.

"Mike, can you get my clothes?" Mike started at the first words I spoke, but he stood up and I knew he was walking over to my clothes which still lay at the bottom of the basement stairs. When he came back, I didn't look at him. I just took my clothes. I put them on and slowly started to walk towards the stairs.

"Please, Nick, let's talk first."

"No, Mike, I have to get out of here NOW. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Please, Nick, if you want to talk to me, just call."

I must say, I don't remember how I got home, but I managed somehow. I only know that I was glad there was nobody home. I could just go to bed without seeing anyone. I didn't even know what time it was.

Later that evening I heard David yell that supper was ready, but I knew I could not face them at that moment. I had taken a shower and almost fainted again when I was in there, but I had managed to get back to bed somehow.

David came up to my room later and asked if I wanted any supper, but I managed to say that I wasn't hungry and that I wanted to be left alone.

Somehow, I fell asleep and that was all I needed to get everything that happened that afternoon out of my mind.

I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to contact me about it: or by ICQ: 36967366.

Next: Chapter 13

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