Coach Lessons

By Doug McLeod

Published on Jun 15, 2023


New Lessons for Coach Part 1 Chapter 2 Teaching the Coach a Lesson Douglas McLeod Copyright 1998

The following is a continuation of my story Teaching the Coach a Lesson. Check with the Nifty Library Archive for the earlier chapter. I want to thank all those who send messages of support about the story. I apologize for the delay between sections of the story but life has interrupted. Enjoy -- and feel free to contact me with feedback.

Synopsis of story up to now:

Chris Turling, newly appointed vice-principal of Barkley Composite High School, had to discipline veteran teacher Coach Eric Williams, a former marine. The arrogant, self-important Williams did not respond well to being corrected until Turling discovers a technique which surprises both. The encounters between the two straight become intensely sexual with the added flavour of a horny cop who joins in.

The rest of the weekend was very quiet which gave me time to recover from the wild and incredibly sexual Friday night. By Sunday night though I was feeling horny again. Naturally I called the Coach.

His wife answered and called him to the phone. I told him to meet me in my office at 7:30 next morning.

"Sir, yes, sir." He kept his voice quiet; obviously his wife was within earshot. "Any other instructions, sir?"

"You will be told when I want to tell you."

"Sir, yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

I hung up smiling to myself. My cock started to rise in anticipation.

I arrived at the stroke of 7:30. Williams was there, standing at attention. I stood in the doorway admiring him for a moment. Six feet of marine-trained manhood. Hard pecs stretching his white t-shirt. Red baggy sweats hung from his waist clinging to his hard basketball butt -- round, firm, magnificent.

I ignored him while putting my stuff away. I moved a couple of plants to in of front of my desk before the modesty panel. Straightening, I turned and looked at Coach and, walking past to close the door, I hissed "Still dressed, marine?"

By the time I turned from the door his t-shirt was off and his sweats and jock were being frantically kicked off along with his sneakers and socks. He bent to pulled everything off.

Taking my opportunity as I sauntered back, I reached behind and swatted his bare ass. Hard.

"Sir, thank you, sir."

I repeated my actions.

"Sir, thank you, sir."

He remained bent over in anticipation so I pulled off my belt and applied it firmly and repeatedly to his ass. His cheeks turned a bright pink. Each swat was returned with a grunt and a thank you. Twenty hard, tightly placed strokes. I stopped and moved to my desk. He returned to the attention position. His cock, jutting before him, anticipated what was to come.

I sat in my chair. "Get your ass over here."

He rushed over.

"Don't leave my office a mess, dammit. Get your clothes, marine."

I grabbed the garments from him and threw them beneath the drawers in my desk. "Get down here between my legs." He moved with alacrity, scrunching under my desk. "Suck my cock" I ordered. I pulled my chair up to the desk and began my paperwork.

Beneath me I felt Coach fumbling with my fly trying to get it down while I sat. He was anxious to get to my cock. I did not move to help him in any way.

The intercom rang. Williams stopped fumbling. I kicked at him.

"Yes, Miss Korboff?"

"Tony and Steve are here to see you, Mr Turling."

"Send them in."

Coach returned to his work finally freeing my semi-rigid cock as the two young men entered the office.

Tony and Steve were seniors working on a school project. Tony was the smaller, about 5"8" and 150 pounds, dark brown hair, very good looking behind his wire rim glasses. Steve was one of the school's star athletes. He stood 5' 11" tall and his large frame carried about 195 lbs of solid muscle. He was so blonde he could be called a tow head. Steve always seemed to be smiling revealing straight white teeth.

Both boys were surprised I didn't rise to meet them as I usually did at these meetings. But under the circumstances standing up was not an option. For when the Coach heard the voices of the boys he dove down onto my cock sucking it deeply into his mouth. I could tell he was turned on by what was happening.

The three of us discussed mundane details of the project as their physical education teacher bobbed his head up and down on my cock. The moist warm mouth sent waves of pleasure though my body. I struggles to maintain a calm facial expression as I listened to the boys' report on their progress. Without moving my upper body, I thrust my hips forward shoving my cock deeper into the marine servicing me.

Twenty minutes passed. I felt myself getting closer to cumming. Calmly I wrapped up the meeting bidding the boys good-bye by telling them to not be late for class. It was obvious both noticed I again did not walk them to the door. I watched their butts moving beneath their jeans. Something that I would not have done a week ago.

"Steve, close the door please."

Once the door was closed, I reached beneath the desk, grabbed Coach's head and held it firmly in place as I thrust deeply into his mouth. The urge to shoot overcame me and shoved all 11" down his throat and my load erupted into the receptacle.

With a few full body shutters, I stopped shooting and pulled my chair away from the desk. My cock popped out of his mouth.

"Get out." I ordered.

He scrambled out, as always cock leading the way. As he stood before me I grabbed his slim waist, spun him around and shoved his upper body down onto the desk. His ass was thrust out toward me. I swatted his ass -- hard. I picked up a plastic ruler from the desk and applied it liberally to his ass.

"Sir, thank you, sir. Sir, thank you, sir. Harder, sir. Beat that ass, sir!"

With my free hand, I pulled from my drawer the new surprise I had bought for my marine. I held it against his asshole with the palm of my hand. Pushing I forced the dildo past the sphincter.

He grunted and moaned, "Sir, thank you, sir."

With the latex cock firmly in place I pulled off my belt again and applied it generously to his ass.

"Sir, thank you, sir." His ass was now a bright hot red.

After a couple of dozen hard swats, I stopped and ordered him to dress.

"Yes sir" he said with disappointment. He pulled his jock over his hard cock and reached down for his sweats. As he bent over, I grabbed the base of the dildo and pulled it completely out and immediately thrust it back in.

"Sir, thank you, sir." I reached down and grabbed his large low hanging balls and gave them a hard, twisting yank -- just as he liked.

"I'll see you later." I said and walked from my office leaving him to dress behind the door I left open.

I distracted the secretaries so Coach could leave my office unnoticed. I watched over the women's heads as he quietly left. I could tell his cock was still hard and that the dildo up his ass was causing some problems walking smoothly.

I chuckled to myself.

At lunch time I was sitting in the staff room when Williams came in. I could tell he was more comfortable with the dildo in his ass but it was apparent his cock had not completely softened.

He put a container from his lunch into the microwave to heat up, watched it for a minute then went into the washroom.

I waited a couple of minutes and then followed.

Williams was standing at the urinal pissing. Moving behind him I reached into his sweats and grasped the dildo. I pulled it in and out. His cock hardened instantly.

"Sir, thank you, sir."

I stretched my free hand around his broad shoulders and twisted a nipple through his t-shirt. I thought his groans would alert the whole staff. He rolled his back so it rested on my shoulder as I continued to fuck him.

"You are mine, marine. You will do as you are told. Got it?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

"What were the lessons you were supposed to remember, marine."

In a deep throaty voice, made husky with lust, he started to repeat what I had beat into him last week.

Suddenly, someone started to entered the washroom.

I shoved the dildo back into his ass and moved quickly to the sinks to wash my hands.

The mirror gave me a perfect view of the sexually aroused Coach attempting to answer the question asked by the chemistry teacher.

"Uh -- yeah -- the game -- yeah it was good--"

Considering it was a hell of a final few minutes it was obvious the other man was amazed at the response.

The newcomer finished his business quickly and came to wash his hands. Delaying as long as I could I left the room. A quick sideways glance revealed Coach still at the urinal struggling with replacing his rock hard cock. I smiled at him.

It took a couple of minutes before Williams was composed enough to retrieve his lunch.

Block 4. The last class of the day. I was horny as hell. I wandered down to the gym.

Williams was supervising a girl's volleyball game. He looked at me in anticipation while trying to keep track of what was happening on the court.

"Coach, could I see you for a moment?"

"Yes, sir"

i went into his office and stood next to the door. He strode in eagerly.

"Freeze." I locked the door.

I moved up behind him. "Bend over."

Without another word, I yanked down his sweats, pulled out the dildo and, having freed my cock from my slacks, I shoved my hard cock deep into him. All eleven inches in one long thrust.

"Oh, sir" he groaned, "fuck me sir, fuck me hard." I obliged. I fucked him with long hard stokes. Pulling all the way out before ramming back in.

Through the locked door we could hear the laughter and shouts of the girls. Their game proceeded as their teacher took another man's cock up the ass and begged for more.

I had fucked this ass several times over the past week. I had ordered the cop to fuck it. Still it was a tight hole, clinging to my cock as it pushed and pulled at the hole.

It took me ten minutes to reach the point of no return. I started to cum up his hot clinging ass. Despite the body shuddering orgasm I had earlier in the morning, this orgasm was as intense. My entire body shook. I collapsed onto Williams' back. My cock pumped more cum into his ass. The internal muscles of his ass massaged my cock sending the most incredible sensations through me.

With great self-control I grabbed his cock and squeezed. Stopping his ejaculation. I pulled out with a loud pop.

I spun him around and ordered him to clean my cock.

Before dropping to his knees he put his hand onto mine as it held his cock. He tightened his grip. Obviously, not cumming was going to be difficult. We stood frozen together. A couple of minutes later he dropped to the floor and vacuumed my cock into his mouth.

The voices of the girls once more entered my consciousness.

As always his mouth action caused my drained cock to start to revive.

Once I was clean I zipped up.

"You will not cum until I give you permission."

He smiled up at me as I left the room.

To be continued...

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