Coach Lessons

By Doug McLeod

Published on Feb 10, 2023


TEACHING THE COACH A LESSON PART 1 Douglas McLeod Copyright 1998

I had just received my Master's in Education Administration and when the county school board said I was just the right person for the job of vice-principal of Barkley Composite High School, I jumped at the opportunity. For a thirty year old, it was a great career opportunity. My wife and I, long financially strapped, applied for a mortgage preparing for the great world of consumerism after the enforced poverty of advanced education.

However, the appointment was not necessarily a good thing. Barkley High School was a school with problems. Not that I knew that when I accepted the job. Generally, problems in schools stem from the students but in this case staff were the concern. The school had long been having morale problems among its staff and transfers out were not uncommon.

I started on August 27, meeting the staff, familiarizing myself with the school's layout, and trying not to feel lost in the new job. By August 30 I could identify the sources of the problems. The first was the current principal, Ralph Grump, one year until retirement, and friends with several members of the Board. He just didn't care anymore and was hanging in until retirement and the Board didn't want to do anything to prevent an honourable retirement. Well, I could work around Grump. The major problem was only compounded by Grump's lack of interest.

The school's physical education teacher, Eric Williams, commonly called Coach, was a magnificent specimen of manhood as befit his years as a marine drill sergeant. Unfortunately, eight years retirement from the Corps hadn't changed his attitude and behaviour. Anyone who wasn't a marine was beneath his contempt. He was arrogant and spoke down to everyone. Women were particularly targeted. He treated each as if they were inferior beings whose only purpose in life was to be on their backs. His wife was treated the same way � almost like a servant. To men on staff he was merely dismissive. None was masculine enough for him. Disparaging sexual comments to both men and women were common from the Coach � sexual harassment basically. Grump didn't bother listening to complaints because Williams' teams consistently won championships which in turn made the Board and parents happy. In essence the Coach ran the school.

My first attempt at confronting the Coach about his behaviour was not successful. I politely pointed out the inappropriateness of some of his comments. His response, delivered in his best drill field voice, "Look, Turling, I have been at this school a long time and I don't need some overeducated little twerp vice-principal telling me how to behave. Grump is the only one I'll listen to. So, shut up and leave me alone."

I confess his six foot, solidly packed body intimidated me. I felt quite small despite being five foot ten; my black belt in karate didn't seem to help my confidence either. For some reason, I felt guilty despite knowing I was in the right. This was going to be a greater challenge than I thought.

Well into the first semester things had not improved and, because I did not seem to making a difference, staff were disappointed in me and were being to bitch. I was in danger of losing my first job.

Late November. Things came to a head. Coach wanted something from the school secretary, something she could not find quickly. He exploded. He yelled at her, calling her an incompetent and useless old broad. She broke into tears. This I could not overlook. The man had to be dealt with. As I sat in my office comforting Miss Korboff, I contemplated my next move.

Suddenly it came to me. It was so obvious.

At the end of the day I marched down to the gym. Williams was directing the basketball team in drills. He looked in my direction, ignored me, and continuing to shout at the team ordering them to work harder.

"Coach, I want to see you in your office, please."

"I am busy. Go away!" he barked. The students and assistant coach, MacFarlane, stopped what they were doing and stared at the two of us. The tension in the air was thick.

"Coach, this is important., please"

"Turling, I told you to fuck off. Get lost!"

"Coach MacFarlane, take over the drills, please. The Coach and I have things to discuss." Matching his best marine officer voice, I shouted "NOW, Williams!" I turned and walked into the office.

Moments later a flushed Williams stormed into the office. He was furious and was about to launch into a diatribe when I took control. "Coach Williams, close the door. You will sit down in that chair and you will listen to what I have to say. You will say nothing until I'm finished. Do you understand?"

The firm order was obeyed probably because no one had ever spoke to him like that before. I remained standing looking down at him. "Williams, I have had enough of your arrogant, abusive behaviour. You may have been able to get away with it under Grump but those times are over. Your behaviour will change or you will be out of here so fast your head will spin. Your behaviour toward Miss Korboff today was totally unexcusable. And I will not be spoken to in that way in front of students."

He declared, "What's the big deal? She's just a weak woman and if you ..."

Fury rose in me as he started to rise. "Silence!" I barked and shoved him back into his seat.

"No one pushes me around."

"No one used to push you around. Things have changed, Williams, and you are going to get used to it. You will no longer order people around nor will you treat anyone in this school with anything but complete respect. You got that, Williams?"

"You little cocksucker ... "

"Who are you calling cocksucker, cocksucker?" I grabbed the short hair on the top of his head, pulled him forward and ground his face into my crotch. He was obviously surprised by my action and he struggled to pull his head back. That is when I kicked my plan into effect.

"Now, listen up, marine, you will obey any orders I give you. Do you understand?" Silence. I ground his nose into my crotch again. "Do you understand." Silence. "... I can't hear you!" I released his head a little.


"What did you say? I can't hear you, marine."

"Sir, yes, sir!" rang through the room.

I had him.

Holding him by his short brown hair, I laid out the rules for future behaviour with staff and students in the school. After each rule I asked him if he understood. After each question "Sir, yes, sir!" was the response.


At the end of my rules, I decided, spontaneously, that a further lesson in humiliation would be in order. "Now then, we have the little matter of you calling me a cocksucker. That is something I will not tolerate." Grabbing his ears, I once again pulled him into my crotch. "I guess we will have to see which of us is a cocksucker, won't we?"

He looked up but didn't struggle away. That surprised me. "So, marine, it's time to suck cock. Right?" His head nodded. Another surprise. "Get to it." I pulled down my zipper and pulled out my cock. I still expected him to struggle, rebel against this humiliation. Instead he leaned forward and sucked my flaccid cock into his mouth and started sucking in earnest.

"You ever suck cock before, marine?" A shake of the head. "But you have always wanted to haven't you, marine." A nod of the head. "Do you like sucking cock, marine?" A vigourous nodding of the head. His hot sucking mouth was getting to me. I was getting hard. I was turned on by this scene. I had never made it with a guy before but this was a definite turn on.

"Marine, get out of those clothes. Strip." He started pull away from my cock. "Keep sucking." He managed to get out of his sweats and jock, shoes and socks while still sucking. His t-shirt presented a greater difficulty so I pulled my cock out of his mouth and moved across the narrow room to sit on the couch. "Get over here and get sucking." He pulled his shirt off. I was impressed by what I saw. The man had kept his shape. He was firm and toned, no fat anywhere. Firm pecs. Washboard abs. Muscles bulging on arms and legs. Not bad for a man of 45. His cock, hard as a rock, stuck out a good seven thick inches; it waved before him as he crossed the room.

He swooped down, sucking up my hard cock like a starving calf at a teat. I couldn't believe how hot this was. His mouth wrapped tightly around my shaft. I watched his head bob up and down. His tongue flicking against the head every time he can up. This masculine, hot ex-marine was sucking like a milking machine. I felt he was trying to suck my cock off my body.

I pushed my pants down to my ankles. Spreading my legs, I ordered my marine to suck my balls. He moved down quickly, as if anxious to experience new things. He attempted to suck both into his mouth at he same time. But them were too big for that and it hurt. Without thinking, I smacked the side of his head. "Sorry," he mumbled around his mouth full of balls.He continued to lick my balls � more gently.

His hot mouth was bringing me closer to cumming. I didn't want this to end so quickly. "Stand up." He rose reluctantly from my crotch and stood at attention before me. His hard cock waved in my face. I grabbed hold of his big, low hanging balls and gave them a slight pull. His cock jumped. "What do you think of this disciplinary action, marine? Are you learning anything?"

" Sir, yes, sir!"

"What are you learning, marine?"

"Sir, I have to treat people better than I have in the past, sir."

"And ..." I prompted.

"And ... I need to ... to be disciplined more, sir."

That was a surprise � not the answer I was expecting. Again I asked him "Have you ever sucked cock before marine?"

"Sir, no, sir!"

"The way you suck cock? You have thought about it, haven't you? You thought about while in the Corps, didn't you? You think about while watching your students, haven't you? You think about while fucking your wife, haven't you?"

He looked at me and, in a earnest tone, replied, "Sir, yes, sir." His cock jumped and twitched. I pulled on his balls again. To my surprise he pleaded, "Sir, harder, sir." And I pulled and twisted a bit more. "Sir, thank you, sir. Harder, sir." I obliged. Thick, clear pre-cum leaked from the hole in his cock. He was really getting into this. It was a real turn on for me.

"What else can I do to make sure you learn your lessons properly?"

He looked imploringly at me. "More cock?" I asked. A slight head nod. It hit me. This had already gone much further that I had intended but I wasn't going to stop now. "Turn around." I stared at his firm bubble-butt that must be the envy of his teenage jocks. I pushed him toward the desk. "Bend over." I stepped out of my pants and opened my shirt proud that my body matched his for tone. My cock stood straight out. I had never been so hard or so turned on. Not even on my honeymoon. I grabbed his ass � muscles as hard as a rock � swatted his ass � hard.

He grunted. "Sir, thank you, sir"

"You ever been fucked, marine?"

"Sir, no, sir"

"Have you ever wanted to be fucked, marine?"

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"Well, it's going to happen. I'm going to fuck that ass. I need to make sure you remember your lessons."

"Sir, yes, sir!"

I aimed my cock and, without warning, lunged forward. I hit the target and kept pushing. No lubrication except his saliva. My marine grunted and raised his head from the desk, "Sir, yes, sir." He groaned softly. I pushed in one movement past the sphincter muscle until all ten inches of my cock were buried in the hot ass before me.

"Sir, yes, sir."

The sensation was great. Hot. Incredible. I started fucking my cock in and out of his ass. I was so hot I knew I wasn't going to last long as I plunged as hard as I could. His only response was grunts.

"You're getting fucked, marine. Tell me how much you like it. Beg for my cock, marine."

"Fuck me, sir! Fuck my straight ass, sir. Screw that marine ass, sir. Teach me to take it, sir. Make me feel your cock. God. I need that cock, sir. Fuck me. Fuck me! Fuck me!!"

I clamped my hand over his mouth for fear of someone overhearing. His hot talk and his hot ass pushed me over the edge. I started to cum. Hot scalding cum blew into his ass.

"Sir, fill me up, sir. Jezuz, sir, I can feel it, sir. Fuck me, sir."

I had not shot so much since I left my teenage years. As I finished shooting I felt drained and I draped myself over his heaving back as I pumped my cock slowly back and forth. "Fucked you, marine. I fucked you. I shot up your hot ass."

"Sir, yes, sir." He squeezed my cock with his ass muscles encouraging me to continue.

Reluctantly, I pulled out of the hottest hole I had ever fucked. I staggered back and collapsed onto the couch. The Coach turned, hard cock pointing the way, he fell between my legs and sucked my cock into his mouth, cleaning it.

I relished the feel of his hot, moist mouth on my shrinking cock. I lay back with my eyes closed and realized that if he continued I would be ready to go again. I glanced at the clock over his desk; I needed to leave. "Enough. Stand up."

He stood. Cock hard and dripping. He still had not cum. Perfect.

I dressed slowly as I spoke, "Marine, your discipline is not over. I think you need further lessons. You will stand at attention and will not dress until I have left. You will not cum today ... nor tonight. ... And you will be here at seven-thirty tomorrow morning. You will be in this office waiting for me. You will be nude. ... Do you understand?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" His cock jumped in anticipation.

I grabbed his ample balls, gave them a hard pull, and left the room.

TEACHING THE COACH A LESSON PART 2 Douglas McLeod Copyright 1998

On the way home after my session with Coach Williams I made a couple of purchases.

That night, after putting the kids to bed, my wife and I went to bed early but we got very little sleep. I was so turned on by what had happened in the Coach's office, that Millie and I had the most passionate night of sex of our marriage. It was like an aphrodisiac had been pumped into my system. Thinking of the Coach waiting for me in the morning made me hornier.

Next morning. Seven thirty exactly.

I opened the door to Coach's office with my master key. He was there. Waiting. Standing at ease. Completely stark naked. His cock, partially erect, was aimed at the door. He snapped to attention as I entered.

"Ready for more lessons, marine?"

His cock jumped to full attention instantly. "Sir, yes, sir!"

Locking the door behind me, I crossed the room, tossed my shopping bag on the couch and clutched his low-hanging balls. "What are the rules you learned yesterday, marine?" As he repeated each rule I gave a firm pull.

"Sir, yes sir. Thank you, sir."

"Good man, you learn well. Maybe I don't have to reinforce your lesson today--"

"Sir, no sir!"

"Oh, I don't have to--"

"Sir, yes, sir. Please, sir." he pleaded.

I stroked his rigid cock concentrating on the mushroom head. "Did you cum last night?"

"Sir, no, sir."

"Are you ready to cum today?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Well, maybe later." Mischievously. "Turn around and bend over. Show me that straight man's ass."

He pointed his hard, bubble butt in my direction. God, it was such a turn on. Rubbing his hot, hard ass I used my finger to massage the opening. He pushed against my finger trying to get it into his hole. I slapped his cheek.

"Sir, sorry, sir. Thank you, sir."

With my free hand I opened the bag and removed the first item. I positioned my purchase against his hole and shoved it in. The butt plug wasn't big but its flared bulb stretched the hole and he grunted as it entered.

"You will wear this today and, if I feel like it, I will remove it this afternoon when you leave. If you need to remove it during the day you will come and beg permission. Do you understand?"

"Sir, yes , sir."

"I may come by to check throughout the day. It had better be there."

"Sir, yes , sir."

"Now, drop and give me fifty." He dropped to position and began to do his pushups. Ten into the set, I ordered, "Count them off -- from the beginning." One, two, three...

As he reached the lowest point in his arch,I reached in and took hold of his balls I held them in position as he raised and lowered his body. Tugging the balls. When he reached forty, I exchanged balls for cock and held it so he fucked my hand as he continued. "You will not cum." I ordered.

"Sir, no, sir."

Forty-two, forty-three, forty-four... His body began to shake. Forty-five, forty- six, forty-seven ... Not from the pushups but from the effort of not cumming. Forty-eight, forty-nine .. fifty.

"Well done, marine. You do the Corps proud."

"Sir, thank you, sir."

"On your back. I want fifty reverse crunches."

On his back he raised his legs into his chest. One, two, three ... This time I grabbed both balls and the butt plug's base. As he manoeuvred his body he pulled on his own testicles and I pushed the butt plug against his prostate.

"You will not cum."

Sir, no, sir." Forty-seven, forty-eight ... Again his body began to quiver with the effort of not shooting. Forty-nine, fifty.

He relaxed as I let him go. His cock visibly throbbed and he breathed heavily with the effort to not cum. To help him I grabbed the cock just below the head and squeezed. In a couple of minutes the urge to cum subsided. I let go.


He stood at full attention, his gloriously toned body glistened with a faint sheen of sweat. His rock hard seven inches waved before him. The head gleamed with a polish of pre-cum.

"Alright, marine, I'm leaving now." The disappointment was evident in his eyes. "But I will be calling you sometime today for more discipline."

"Sir, yes, sir."

Lunch time.

Using the school's p.a. system, I summoned him to my office. "Coach Williams, come to the front office immediately."

He arrived dressed in his school "uniform" of sweat pants and t-shirt. The baggy pants barely disguised the bulge at his crotch. The butt plug had probably been rubbing against his prostate all morning as he taught his phys ed classes. The agony of not cumming must be something else.

"Close the door and lock it, Coach. Get over here and get ready to start sucking." I remained seated behind my desk.

"Sir, yes, sir." He had to crawl under my desk to get to my cock but he did it with alacrity.

I opened my fly and pulled out my semi-erect cock. As he had yesterday he vacuumed my cock into his hot moist mouth.

I reached for the phone and dialled. My wife answered her office phone. "Hi honey, how are you doing? I just called to tell you that I love you. Oh, yes, last night was fantastic. I love making love to you. You are wonderful. I love your body and I love the feel of it; caressing it, kissing it, licking it. [As I spoke the Coach increased the intensity of his sucking.] Oh honey the feeling of my cock slipping into your hole it is just so hot. Slipping in and out. Pumping into your hot body. [Coach's head bobbed up and down in rhythm with my voice.] I love sucking your clit and watching you squirm as you come. [Coach moaned] Oh god, that is so hot, honey, I can hardly wait till tonight. Oh yes, all night. Okay, honey, I love you, too. Oh, I can't wait either. Love you."

I hung up and grabbed a handful of marine hair and forced the Coach's head down onto my cock as I shot my wad into his hot mouth. Like the good marine he is, he swallowed every bit of it. He continued to suck the source in hopes of more.

I pulled away. "Well done, marine. You are a good cocksucker, aren't you?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Stand up." I massaged his cock through his sweat pants as I pushed on the butt plug. "Tonight I want you to show your skill to your wife. Tonight, you will give your wife the best oral sex she has ever had. And you will not cum. Will you do that?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Make sure she cums at least twice. Dismissed."

He marched out of the room, smiling.

At the end of the day, Williams knocked tentatively on my office door. "What do you want?" I barked.

"Sir, please, sir, could you remove the plug, sir?"

"Don't you like it?"

"Oh, yes, sir, but my wife, sir."

"Oh, I guess I should remove it. But I'm busy now. Wait in your office and I will be there in a while." He started to leave. "Oh, Coach, while you wait kneel on the floor, ass toward the door. Naked. -- Understood?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

Half an hour later, I unlocked the door to his office. It was a hot sight. This hot man, his firm round butt pointed toward me, kneeling face to the floor of his office. "Good, marine." I grasped the base of the butt plug and worked it in and out, making sure to rub his prostate.

He moaned and grunted. His ass pushed back and forth in rhythm with my motions. Suddenly I yanked the plug out.

"Oh!" His disappointment was obvious.

I caressed the firm muscles of his ass. "Good marine. I will you see you tomorrow."

"Sir, when, sir?"

"Patience. I will let you know. Be ready for me sometime during the day."

"Sir, yes, sir."

TEACHING THE COACH A LESSON PART 3 Douglas McLeod Copyright 1998

The following day, I parked my car around the back of the school and entered through the gym. Even though it was early there was a practice going on. Coaches Williams and MacFarlane were directing a football team in strategy. "Good morning, girls," I yelled to the female students.

"Good morning, Mr. Turling," they replied.

MacFarlane smiled and waved, keeping a wary eye on his mercurial boss who always objected to having his practices interrupted.

I made eye contact with Williams. "Good morning, Coach."

"Good morning, sir."

"How's it going?"

"Fine, sir."

"And your wife?"

Williams grinned. "She is doing well, sir. Very, very, very well, sir."

"Good to hear, Coach." We understand each other. "Carry on."

MacFarlane glanced suspiciously between the two of us. The respect the Coach was demonstrating was unprecedented in his experience. His confusion was obvious.

I left the gym smiling to myself. From our conversation, I gathered the Coach had followed my instructions from the night before. Good.

I wasn't able to see the Coach all day but he was seldom from my mind. Not because of anything I was doing but because staff discussed him throughout the day. Everyone commented on the change in the Coach's behaviour over the past couple of days and all wanted to know what I had done. Naturally, I couldn't tell them so I merely said I had "taken disciplinary action." The invariable response was "keep up the good work." Oh, I would. Believe me. I would.

I had begun the week never having thought of having sex with another man. Now I was focused on it. Even as I had sex with my wife the Coach, and what we had done, was never far from my mind.

The bustle of the day prevented me from seeing the Coach but the Coach reminded me of his presence a couple of times. He called asking for an appointment. I couldn't oblige and the disappointment in his voice was evident.

The third time he called, I asked, knowing the answer, "Do you have some time right after school this afternoon?"

"Sir, no, sir. There is a boy's football practice."

"That's too bad. Well, maybe we can get together on Monday."

Sir -- Sir, no, sir. Maybe after practice , sir?" he pleaded.

"Well, I don't know. What time was practice end?"

"Sir, seven, sir."

"Well, maybe."

"Sir, please, sir."

I paused, listening to his anxious heavy breathing. With mock reluctance, I finally replied, as if it was a huge burden, "Okay, I will meet you in your office at seven thirty."

"Sir, thank you, sir!"

"You will wear only a jock strap."

I hung up.

I spent a leisurely dinner with my wife and kids. By seven we got the excited kids into the car and they were off to visit my mother-in-law for the night. It was a plan I had made after my conversation with Williams.

I dressed in old sweats and a t-shirt for my evening.

The school was completely dark except for the external security lights. I parked next to the Coach's car and entered through the gymnasium door.


A faint light gleamed under the office door.

My cock twitched in anticipation.

I pushed the door open. A magnificent sight greeted me.

The Coach, nude but for a fresh white jockstrap, stood at attention facing the door. Six feet of firm, taut body. Muscles bulging against the lightly tanned skin. A faint smell of male-musk filling the room.

Closing the door, I tossed my shopping bag onto the couch. I pulled my second purchase from the bag. "So, you followed my instructions last night, did you?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

"I gather from what you said this morning your wife came three times."

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Did you cum?"

"No, sir, no."

"Good man. You must be ready to shoot. To shoot a big thick wad of cum, aren't you?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Well, we don't want that to happen until we are ready, do we? I want you to put this on." I handed him the novelty from the Love Shop.

He looked at the item with some confusion. I instructed him on how to put the cock ring on. It was a delight to watch him manipulate the tight ring of leather over his rigid cock and his large balls. He grunted as he snapped the ring into place. He pulled the jock strap back over his genitals. The jockstrap strained outward.

"About face!" I ordered. He spun with marine precision. Oh, that butt. That marine butt. That gorgeous tight butt. That butt that was mine.

I moved up to him and began to stroke the muscles of that firm, hot ass. I kneaded his gluts with one hand and allowed the other hand to roam over his back. I allowed my hand to reach around to his pecs. It was the first time I had actually touched him like this. Each stroke was met with soft moans. As I rubbed his well-developed pecs I encountered the stiff little peak of his nipple. I wrapped two fingers around it. And twisted. My marine grunted. I twisted again, a little harder. The grunt was louder.

"Sir, harder, sir."

I obliged.

"Sir, thank you, sir."

As one hand twisted I raised the other from his ass and brought it down again. Hard. Again. And again. And again. Each swat brought out a grunt of pain -- and pleasure.

I stepped away and reached into my bag of tricks for the third item. I placed one hand in the middle of his back to hold him in place. With the other I brought the long, wide leather strap down onto his ass with a firm crack. He pushed against my restraining hand. Not to escape but in surprise.

"Sir, harder, sir."

I obliged.

My marine groaned and grunted with each hit. Occasionally, a soft whispered "sir" could be heard over the swish of the leather.

His marine ass began to glow a soft pink with highlights of bright red.

I was getting as turned on as he. My cock strained against the jock I wore under my sweats. I needed some release. I sat back onto the couch. "Get over here and suck my cock, marine."

He spun around quickly and dropped to his knees between my legs. I raised my hips so he could pull down my sweats. Surprising me, he dove into my crotch and began nibbling my cock and balls through the cotton of my jock. Not what I expected but certainly enjoyable. I grabbed his head and ground his face into my jock.

My hot, horny marine slobbered over my jock for several minutes making the cotton damp. I couldn't stand it any more, "Pull off the jock, marine." He reached up with his hands. "With you teeth!" I ordered.

He manipulated and manoeuvred. His chin and his cheeks rubbed against my throbbing cock as he struggled. God, this was hot. Finally, he was able to pull my jock down to my ankles with my sweats. He raised his head, and with only the slightest hesitation dove down onto my cock. He licked and sucked on my cock and balls.

This marine knew how to suck. I encouraged him. " Suck that cock,marine." " God, you are a good cocksucker, marine." "Shove it all the way down, marine." "Take it like a man, marine."

Each time I spoke he nodded and increased his efforts. His aim was to please. The Corps would be proud.

I felt my balls pull up. I was going to cum. "Get ready, marine, your reward is coming."

He pulled up until his mouth just covered the head. His tongue circled and stroked the sensitive head.

"Here it comes, marine. Suck, marine." I shot into his mouth. Thick heavy cum spurted into his mouth.

He swallowed every drop. No prisoners were taken. Even as I finished cumming he continued to suck my softening cock. He sucked and sucked.

And my cock revived.

When he had me hard again, I pulled his mouth off my cock and ordered him to attention. He leapt to his feet and stood rigidly before me.

"About face! Grab your ankles!"

His hot tight marine asshole stared at me.

I pulled item number four from my bag. From my position on the couch, I enjoyed the sight and stroked the length of number four. "Marine, on our first day, you acknowledged you fantasized about your students, right?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Okay, good. Okay, you will tell me one of those fantasies. In detail. In hot horny detail. Got it?"

"Sir, yes, sir."


"Sir, yes, sir. A hard practice with the guys' football team, a practice where I drove them hard and called them all kinds of names, humiliating them. After the practice I go into the locker room. I hear the team talking, they're angry. The guys are in various states of undress. When I come in they shut up and someone says, "There's the asshole now." Before I could say anything, the guys surround me. My arms are pulled behind me. A fist punches me in the stomach causing me to double over.

"The team pulls me over to a bench pushing me face down on to it The quarterback, Simmons, yells into my ear, `Scumbag, you've humiliated us for the last time. Now it's your turn.' As soon as he was finished my sweatpants are pulled off and I feel a finger being pushed into my ass. When I try to say something a dirty jock strap is pushed into my mouth. Simmons pulls his big cock out of his jock and with a couple of strokes he is hard as a rock. Without warning he shoves his big teenage meat into my ass."

As the Coach talked I moved up behind him. As he got to this part I matched his words and shoved the long hard dildo into his ass.

"Jezuz, fuck me!! Sir, yes, sir. Fuckmefuckme!!"

I shoved the dildo in and out and ordered him to finish the story.

"Simmons fucks me hard, driving his hot teen cock into my virgin ass. I feel each inch as he drives into me. Soon he shots his hot cum into my ass. I feel it in me. He pulls out and is replaced by another team member. Another long hard teen cock shoves into my ass. And fucks me hard. Long hard strokes in and out of my ass."

I match his words with the dildo. He heaves and groans with each stroke.

"Simmons comes around to my head, pulls the jock out of my mouth and shoves his slick hard cock into my mouth. He fucks my face hard. Both ends are being pounded hard with teen cock. Using me. Using me to satisfying their teenage lust. They shove into me and shoot. As soon as they pull out two other hard teen cocks drive into me. Over and over the team uses my mouth and ass. They take turns fucking me, fucking me hard, fucking me with every ounce of energy they have. Harder and harder they fuck me. Twelve hot horny teenage studs fucking the shit out of me. Over and over. Three times each they use my ass and mouth. Fucking me.

"When they are finished using my ass they tie me to the bench. They shove the dirty jock back into my mouth. They get dressed, laughing at me as they do. Telling me that they will come back in the morning to fuck me more. And they leave me tied to the bench. Naked with my hard cock rubbing on the bench. And I wait all night knowing they will be back to fuck me. Fuck me hard. Harder! Fuckmefuckme!!"

The last part was obviously meant for me as I shoved the artificial cock harder into his ass.

"Good story, marine. Good and hot. I'm going to enjoy the other stories you tell me. `Cause we're going hear more stories in the future, okay?"

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Get on your hands and knees. I'm going to fuck you now. Fuck your tight marine ass."

"Sir, yes, sir." In a flash my marine was kneeling on the floor forehead on floor, ass in the air. The dildo shoved up his ass to its rubber balls. God, this was hot.

I removed the rest of my clothes and knelt behind him. Grabbing the rubber cock with one hand I pumped his ass while swatting the cheeks with the other. "Do you want to be fucked, marine?"

"Sir, yes, sir. Sir, fuck me, sir. Fuck my ass hard, sir. Fuck that marine ass, sir. Fuck me fuck me fuckme!"

I pulled the dildo out to the head. Shoved it back in and pulled it out again. Before I could pull it completely out I was distracted by a noise.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, sir."

"Shit. I'm going to find out. Stay right there."

"Sir, yes, sir."

I pulled on my sweats and t-shirt and left the office.

TEACHING THE COACH A LESSON Part 4 Douglas McLeod Copyright 1998

Once out of the office the noise was easily recognized. Someone was at the external door to the gym. Knocking and rattling the door.

Through the glass panel of the door, I glimpsed a police uniform. A rush of anxiety swept me. Closer examination revealed the uniform to be covering Constable Jan Svenson. Svenson was one of the local beat cops with whom I had worked in regard to some of the kids.

I opened the door.

Svenson was my height but much broader in the shoulder -- the v-shape of his trim torso emphasized by his regulation bomber jacket. I knew his hat covered short but thick curly blonde hair. His ice-blue eyes looked directly into mine. "Ah. Mr Turling, how are you, sir?"

"I'm fine, officer. What brings you around here this time of night?"

"My question exactly. I was on my way home when I noticed these cars but noted there weren't any lights on. A little unusual so I thought I better make sure everything is okay."

"Of course. It's comforting to know someone is looking out for the school. Everything is just fine. A staff member and I are just finishing up some ... work. Disciplinary work."

Svenson glanced at his watch. "You're dedicated workers, sir."

"Oh, yes. You know, some things are just that -- important."

I noticed as we talked that Svenson's eyes strayed below my waist. I realized that in dressing quickly I hadn't put on my jock and my cock was still semi-hard. It is tough to hide ten inches of cock in sweat pants.

Svenson's eyebrows raised a bit.

"So you have a teacher in need of discipline. Uh -- maybe I should come in to make sure things are okay, sir. Perhaps I could help, sir."

"If you feel it necessary-- Come in." A second rush swept me. A rush of adrenalin.

He started to enter but I stopped him. "Svenson, hadn't you better turn your car off." The car was running a few feet from the door.

"Oh right." He ran to do so.

When he returned I stopped him with a hand to the middle of his chest -- his very solid chest. "You are off duty, correct?"

"Yeah, no problem. I'm off duty."

He stomped his feet to rid the snow and entered the main part of the gym. I suggested he remove his uniform's winter bomber jacket.

"Follow me." I led him to the coach's office. I positioned him facing the door before throwing the open the door. Svenson gasped at the sight . The coach naked, head down, kneeling on the floor, rubber cock shoved up his ass. Seven inches of hard cock and balls wrapped in leather ring visible between his spread thighs.

Svenson gasped. "That's a guy? Jezuz! That's a fuckin' guy!"


"I thought you were married." Svenson backed up a bit.

"Just like you. What's that got to do with anything?"

"That's a fucking guy -- What the fuck is going on--?"

"Coach, the officer asked a question. Stand up and answer him."

In a flash, the coach stood and turned. Standing at attention he faced the cop in the doorway. His firm, taut body shimmering with a film of sweat. His balls and his rigid cock, circled by the cock ring of leather, pointed directly at Svenson.

Svenson stood still in shock.

"Marine, answer the officer's question."

"Sir, yes, sir. I'm being disciplined, sir."

"Why?" I asked.

"Sir, because I'm an asshole, sir. I have treated people like dirt and I need to be taught a lesson, sir."

Svenson gulped, "What do you mean?"

"Sir, I'm being taught to behave properly, sir. I need to be disciplined, sir. Mr Turling is giving me what I need, sir."

"And what do you need, marine?" I prompted.

"Sir, I need -- cock, sir --"

"What?!?!" Svenson couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Sir, I need cock, sir. I need cock shoved down my throat, sir. I need cock shoved up my ass, sir. I need to be fucked front and back, sir. I need -- I want cock, sir. That's what I need, sir. Cock. Cock shoved into my straight ass and down my straight mouth. I need to be fucked, sir."

"Well, Svenson, you heard the man. You're a cop and you're supposed to serve the public. Give the man what he wants."

Svenson looked at me, his icy gaze a little glazed. "What?"

"Open your fly, pull out your cock and balls and you will get the blow job of your life."

"I'm not a fag--"

"Join the club. But you are a man and that bulge in your pants says you are horny. A mouth is a mouth, right?"

He hesitated.

"Marine, get that cock out!"

In an instant, the coach was pulling down the uniform zipper. The cop's hands feebly tried to stop him but there wasn't much in the attempt. Fishing around in the fly, pushing the white jockeys out of the way my talent marine liberated the hot, hard cock. Six inches, pale pink with a deep red head. The balls followed. Covered with a dusting of snowy blonde hair. As he had with mine, the coach swallowed the rigid member as if his life depended on it.

Svenson watched in amazement as his cock slid in and out of the hot male mouth below him.

I moved behind Williams the leather strap in my hand. Making eye contact with the cop, I pulled back my arm and swung the strap at the upturned marine ass. The smack filled the room. The coach grunted and sucked harder. I swung again. And again. And again.

Suddenly, Svenson yelled, " Hit the fucker harder! Oh, Jezuz! Hit him harder!"

Although surprised I complied.

Svenson was soon fucking the coach's mouth in rhythm to the strap. Through it all Svenson kept up a running commentary, "I'm fucking a guy's mouth. Hot hot mouth. Hit him again! Jezuz. God, I can't believe this! This guy sucks better than my wife. Fuck, fuck, FUCK--"

It wasn't hard to tell the cop was getting close to cumming. I stopped strapping the marine ass and moved to the other side of the duo. Svenson continued his foul-mouthed commentary and didn't notice me.

Leather strap pulled back fully, I brought it down onto the cop's cloth covered ass.

"Jezuz Christ! Well, the hell are you doing??!?!" he bellowed.

"Do you want me to stop?-- " I replied.When he said nothing, I grinned to myself "Thought not."

I struck him again. Hard. Svenson groaned and fucked his cock harder. I struck again. The leather made a harsh crack against the thick fabric of the uniform.

"Harder! Hit me harder!!"

I did.

Suddenly, Svenson grabbed William's ears and shoved his cock forward, his balls slapping against the coach's chin. "Ahhhh!!! Take it, you fucker!" He shot his hot load down the coach's throat as I continued to swat the rounded mounds of his ass.

He trembled as his knees buckled in the excitement. I pushed him over into the chair. His cock popped from the sucking mouth before him. Svenson sprawled back panting.

"Marine, suck that cock till it's hard." I ordered.

My good marine jumped at the order and, over Svenson's half-hearted efforts to stop him, impaled himself on the softening cock.

Knowing it would help, I returned to applying leather to marine ass. That hard round ass glowed a bright red.

It took only a few minutes until the cop's beautiful cock was once more hard and ready.

"Marine, enough. On the floor, head down, ass in the air." Instantly I was obeyed.

Svenson looked at me, questioning. I pulled him from the chair and shoved him down to his knees behind Williams. I reached in and, for the first time, grabbed the officer's rigid cock. I jerked it a few times. I positioned it at the entrance of the waiting ass. The coach pushed back slightly.

Standing, I informed the cop he was about to fuck a man's ass for the first time. He looked up with a glint in his eye. Without warning, I pulled back my foot and kicked his ass. The force pushed him forward and he plunged fully into the asshole.

The two of them grunted simultaneously, "Oh, god!" "Oh fuck!"

No further instruction was needed and Svenson began fucking. I stood back and enjoyed the sight for a few minutes. I stroked my hard cock through my sweats. As I stroked a new thought come to me.

I moved to stand with my feet either side of the coach's head. Svenson continued to fuck like a pro. He started another run of commentary, "Fuck that ass. God what a fuck. It's so tight. So fucking tight. I could fuck this ass all night. Squeeze that ass--"

As he rambled, I pulled down the front of my sweatpants. I pulled his head forward till his lips brushed my cock.

"No, fucking way!" he yelled. "I ain't sucking no cock!"

Reaching over his back I swung the leather strap across his ass. "Suck that cock, officer!" I swung again.

He groaned and started to protest again. As his mouth opened I shoved my cock into his mouth. He pulled back slightly but didn't reject my cock. His head bobbed up and down. With every other bob a bit more cock slide in.

A virgin mouth sucking cock. A virgin cop sucking cock. A virgin cop fucking a marine ass.

God, what a hot sight.

I knew I was getting close to blowing my second load of the night. I struggled mentally. To shoot the load down the cop's throat. Or wait till I could fuck that gorgeous marine ass.

Oh, what the hell! When would I get a chance like this again? I fucked my cock deeper into the cop's mouth using his ears as handles. Svenson moaned as I fucked his face. I couldn't hold out any longer. I pulled out till only the head remained inside his lips. And I shot. And shot. And shot. I couldn't believe I could shoot such a heavy second load.

Svenson couldn't believe he was swallowing a man's cum. His eyes opened wide when he realized what was happening. He looked ready to protest. But only for an instance. He began swallowing. Drinking every drop of hot sticky cum.

I pulled out of the cop's mouth and unsteadily moved around behind Svenson. I swatted his pumping ass as he fucked the coach. Every time he pulled out the leather strap met his ass. He began fucking faster trying to maximize each sensation. He couldn't decide which sensation he wanted more. The hot tight marine ass in front. Or the leather strap behind.

His groaning quickened. His moaning increased. His "fuck fuck fuck" escalated.

The coach echoed the groaning, and the moaning; his begged "Fuckmefuckmefuckme. Fuck that ass, man. Screw that straight ass." doubled in volume.

As they intensified their fucking, I increased the speed of my swings with the leather.

My cock hardened again.

Svenson threw back his head and shouted, "I'm cumming. Beat the shit out of me! I'm cumming!"

I swung with all my might as the horny cop pumped hot cum into the marine's ass.

Svenson collapsed over William's back. I grabbed his curly blonde locks and gently pulled him back until he fell back to the floor. His ass resting on his heels; his hands below him supporting his upper body.

"Marine, clean that cock." William's spun on his knees and once more swallowed the cop's softening cock. This time he worked his mouth to clean not to harden.

After a few minutes of this gentle pleasure, Svenson struggled to his feet brushing off his rumbled uniform. "Jesus, guys, that was fantastic. That was the greatest sex I've ever had. I don't think I ever came that much in my life. But I got to go. My wife's expecting me." He reached for his cock to push it back into his pants.

"Stop, Svenson. You can't leave yet. We aren't finished."

"What? Aren't finished yet?" He looked very confused.

"Marine, stop him." The stronger coach, rock hard cock leading the way, grabbed the younger man by the shoulders. Their cocks brushed each other.

From my position next to the desk, I picked up the coach's letter opener -- a modified hunting knife -- and moved toward the bewildered cop.

TEACHING THE COACH A LESSON Part 5 Douglas McLeod Copyright 1998

I moved toward the struggling cop telling him to relax. I brought the letter-opener knife up to the seat of his pants laying the tip next to the seam. Slowly, deliberately I started to slice the seam threads of the uniform pants.

Svenson turned his head at the first touch of the knife and, looking back at me, exclaimed, "You're going to rape me! Don't touch me! Don't rape me!"

I would have stopped what I was doing except I noticed that his struggles against the Coach's grip were lessening as he spoke. I continued my assault on the uniform. The hole was now about one inch long. I reached in and took hold of the stark white jockey shorts beneath the sandy brown uniform. The knife point made a small hole.

The cop's pleas continued. "Don't fuck me, guys. No one has ever fucked me! Don't!"

Again I would have stopped but for his actions. He reached behind himself and stuck fingers into the small hole I had made. "Don't shove cock up my ass! Don't rape me!" He pulled. The sound of ripping fabric filled the room as the hole enlarged. He then stuck his fingers into the hole I had made in the white jockeys. Those he ripped as well, exposing his hard firm round ass to my view for the first time. From the beatings with the leather strap it glowed faintly pink. Soft blonde hair filled the crack.

He pushed his exposed ass back against my crotch. His words and the sight of his ass had hardened my cock -- yet again.

As he continued his mock protests I moved forward. I slid my cockhead along his sweaty crack. Svenson moaned every time the head brushed against his hairy little hole.

Meanwhile, Coach decided to reenter the game. He shoved his hot throbbing cock against the cop's lips. Svenson opened his mouth and the cock slid in all the way. Svenson gagged but didn't pull off. I took the clue he was ready and shoved my cock against the tight hole. A momentary resistance kept me out. And then I slid in. And in. The virgin cop took it like a man. He pushed back and groaned in mixed pain and ecstacy muffled by the seven inches of hard cock in his mouth.

Eleven hard inches pounding a tight virgin asshole. Tight virgin cop asshole. Long hard strokes. Balls slapping butt. The doubly skewered cop tightened his hole every time I pulled back.

My marine's sweaty chest seemed to beckon for attention. I reached up to pinch Williams' nipples. I twisted. Hard.

"Sir, thank you, Sir."

With each twist, he fucked the face before him. Hard. With each twist, I ponded the ass before me. Hard.

Because I had come twice already, this fuck really lasted. Twenty minutes passed. Twenty minutes of hard long pounding. Mouth and ass filled with cock.

I was so turned on I could have come again but I choose to stop.

I decided it was time to reward my good marine for all his hard work. I pulled my cock out of the cop's tight ass -- to Svenson' s audible complaint. I ordered Williams, "Marine, get your ass over here!" and when he stood in my place, "Fuck that ass, marine."

Williams, four days of being turned on but not being able to cum, obeyed my orders quickly and well. He thrust his stiff seven inches into Svenson. The cop grunted.

Knowing he would enjoy it, I used the leather strap on Williams' ass.

"Sir, thank you, sir. Sir, harder, sir!"

I obliged.

Svenson moaned and groaned and his muttered "Fuck me! Fuck me!" mantra increased in intensity.

Ten minutes later I stopped them. I actually had to pull Williams out of the ass. Both men groaned in frustration and disappointment.

I decided to try something a little different. Svenson, still in full uniform, was ordered onto his back. I knelt over him pulling his legs into the air. I ordered Williams to resume position. His hard cock plunged back into the cop's ass -- much to the latter's relieve.

As the fuck continued I moved forward to get a better look. I loved the image of marine cock plunging earnestly into cop ass. It was an incredibly hot sight. The ass lips seemed to grasp the cock each time it threatened to leave the ass.

As I stared in fascination, Svenson surprised me. Without being bidden the horny cop started sucking my empty balls. Although drained and not thinking of another session my cock began to harden.

I moved forward a bit. And Svenson started sucking my ass. Tonguing my hole. Fantastic. The sensations were incredible. I had never felt anything like it before. I ground my ass against his penetrating tongue. It dug in deeper. Each of the few minutes this continued I couldn't believe it. It was hot. I was hard again. The tongue up my ass had me hard again even though I had cum twice already. Sex with a woman was nothing like this!

I leaned forward and when Williams pulled back so only his head remained in Svenson's ass I reached for his cock and, with difficulty, managed to remove the confining cock ring.

"Sir, thank you, sir"

"Fuck him! Fuck him hard! Don't cum in him."

"Sir, yes, sir!

And fuck he did. He fucked so hard Svenson slid about on the floor. Fucked so hard the tongue in my ass kept sliding out. I had to shuffle backward to keep my hole in the right position for the tongue.

As expected the sexual frustration of four days meant the Coach couldn't hold out too long. Williams screamed "Sir, I'm cumming, sir." and gave Svenson another hard shove.

I ordered him to pull out and leaned forward to grab his throbbing cock to make sure he did. I ordered him to cum over the cop's body. I jerked the cock a couple of times. Williams shot his hot load. Over the cop's groin. Over the cop's chest. Over my chest. Onto my face. His body jerked and twitched as he came and came. Hot thick cum continued to explode from his cock. It dripped down my face and chest onto my cock and Svenson's shirt.

My marine smiled up at me. "Sir, thank you, sir!" He feel back on to his heels. Drained and exhausted.

Although Williams was exhausted and drained I was horny as hell. At my command Williams and I changed positions. Svenson reached up and guided Coach's cock into his mouth. I aimed my cock at the hole and I pounded into the cop's sweat-slippery ass. I pounded the ass as hard as I could. Once more Svenson slid across the floor.

Unbelievably I came again. Like the Coach I pulled out of the ass just before I shot. My load squired out across the uniform shirt and mingled with Williams'.

Drained I sat back onto the couch and closed my eyes. The evening had been much more incredible than I envisioned. I began replaying the night in my mind.

Suddenly, I felt a mouth on my cock. I glanced down. Svenson had crawled over and was vacuuming my slime covered cock into his eager mouth.

Williams, still turned on, moved in behind the cop and shoved his hard cock back into the hot hole. Each time the Coach slammed in he pounded the cop's mouth onto my cock. It took a long ten minutes before the Coach was ready to shoot again.

"Sir, please, sir. Sir, can I cum in him please, sir?"

Always reward work well done i thought. "Shoot that load, marine. Fill that ass!"

He did. He ground his groin into the ass and shot his second load. "AARGH!"

Again he sat back on his heels. His hunky body gleamed with sweat. Jezuz, was I turned on!

I lift my legs into my chest and Svenson, picking up the clue, buried his face into my crack. His tongue shoot out and penetrated my ass ring. Fantastic. "Deeper, deeper!" was all I could say.

Williams, learning fast, dove into the cop's uniform covered ass and began licking. Svenson moaned. His moaning increased the sensations at my asshole.

"Coach," I commanded, "Jerk him off."

Williams' arm moved under the hips of the hot cop and stroked his hard cock. Because he hadn't cum for awhile Svenson didn't take as long to shoot his load. As he shot he groaned into my ass. The sensation was terrific.

Williams brought his hand out and held it before Svenson. The cop licked his cum off the Coach's hand.

All three of us were finished for the night and collapsed where we were. The only sound was our hot ragged panting as we enjoyed the afterglow of our orgasms.

Svenson regained control first. "I got to go my wife's expecting me." He stood.

Both Williams and I started laughing. His uniform, so fresh and crisp when he arrived, was filthy, dusty from the floor and stained with cum. The ass of his pants were ripped open. His cock and balls hung from his fly.

He looked down at himself. "Well, maybe I'll take the long way home so I can think of an excuse for this." He joined our laughter. "Guys, this was the greatest sex I've ever had. Are you having another night of -- discipline soon?"

Williams looked at me, smiled and nodded in encouragement.

I picked up the leather strap next to me. I slapped it into my hand.

"Oh, yes, officer. I guarantee my marine here will need more discipline again."

Svenson spun around, bend over, and presented his ass to me. I obliged him with a few hard swings of the strap. And then obliged Williams who had assumed a similar posture.

"Gentlemen, you will be hearing from me soon. Be ready."

"Sir, yes, sir!" they responded.

And so did their cocks.

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 2: New Lessons for Coach

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