Coach Knows Best

By sean

Published on Aug 22, 2021



Tony woke up horny so he rolled over and shoved his hard cock into his girlfriends cunt. She s screeched at the intrusion as he wasn't gentle and didn't bother lubing up. He figured that's why she stayed over and what her pussy was made for. If she left him, he had backups.

Tony always had backups. He had cheated on every girlfriend he'd had since he was 12 years old. In fact, he was fucking his girlfriend right now, but was also fucking a sorority girl at the local college and a chick he'd picked up at the gym last week. Women were replaceable. Even women with hot bodies and killer tits.

Tony's phone buzzed. He was late for his personal training session with Adam. Adam had been his trainer for about 6 months. He seemed cool and he couldn't deny the results he was getting. Tony had always had an amazing body. He'd played baseball and football in high school and continued playing baseball in college when he'd taken up weightlifting and bodybuilding in a serious way. Now at a 28, his body was the envy of men and the object of desire for women everywhere. Adam had really helped Tony focus on making small improvements to fine tune his body. And it showed.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Adam was pissed. It was the 4th time this month that Tony stood him up. Tony always came in later, screwing up Adam's client schedule.

Sure enough, Tony called in and rescheduled for later in the day. Adam, with a deep breath, allowed this change but reminded him that this would be the last time for a last minute reschedule. Adam knew it would be.

During their workout session, Adam was sure to impress on Tony that the only way to make the improvements he needed ahead of his next competition was to focus and never miss a session. He was an athlete and needed to put his sport first. He used language he knew stony would understand. Deep down--actually not that deep, Tony was a big dumb jock.

Adam suggested he spend an hour twice this week with a friend of his who did hypnosis, Dr Martinez. Alberto Martinez wasn't actually a doctor, but Tony didn't need to know that. He was, however a skilled hypnotist. He and Adam had been friends for a couple of years, having met on a gay hookup app specializing in kinks and fetishes. Both were dominants who liked controlling their subs with total power exchange. Alberto's preferred method of training subs was through hypnosis.

Tony dropped by Adam's house later that day to meet with Dr Martinez. He had an hour to spare before he needed to head out to pick up his sorority girl for their date--but anything that would help his chances in the upcoming competition was worthwhile.

Dr Martinez was an older, overweight Latino. Tony immediately discounted how much benefit this man could give him if he couldn't hypnotize himself to eat better and workout more, but he gave it an honest try. He sat back on an inclined weight bench as the doctor helped him relax deeply. He listened as the man got him to focus on weightlifting and his training sessions, putting them first, putting his sessions with Coach Adam ahead of anything else, following Coach Adam's orders, Coach knows best, agreeing to come back on Wednesday for another hypnosis session, and apologizing to Coach for missing sessions. Alberto left a trigger to put Tony back into his hypnotic state more easily, then awoke the gym stud. Tony didn't realize how much time had lapsed when he thanked the Doc and Coach Adam, apologizing for being late. He rushed off to meet Janey at Alpha Phi.

Janey was angry that Tony was so late but she put out anyway. Tony seemed rushed though. When she rolled over to go to sleep, Tony told her she should probably head home since he needed fo be up early in the morning for the gym. No cock was worth this treatment; even if it was attached to an Italian stallion like Tony. He could kiss her ass goodbye forever. She caught an uber home.

The next morning, Tony was early for his gym workout. By the time Adam met him, Tony was already stretched and warmed up. Like a new man!

On Wednesday, it was quicker to put Tony into his hypnotic state, but Alberto went deeper. He reinforced all the same suggestions from Monday and added new ones: Obey Coach Adam, Coach knows best, focus on workouts with Coach Adam, the most important priorities in life are workouts with Coach Adam, and no need to bring anything to the gum, Coach will provide everything.

The next morning, Tony was back at the gym. He'd forgotten his gym bag but was there and ready to workout when Adam arrived--even if he hadn't packed street clothes or a towel. At the end of the workout, Tony was particularly sweaty and asked Coach if he had an extra towel or anything he could change into to go home in before work. He didn't want to get his truck too smelly.

As "luck" would have it, Adam had a hand towel Tony could dry off with after the shower, a fresh clean jockstrap, a very small pair of running shorts with no liner, and a crop top t-shirt. Tony tried to politely decline but Adam insisted reminding him that Coach knows best. At the mention of those words, Tony immediately complied.

Showering and changing in the locker room, Tony usually kept himself pretty covered up with a towel and boxer briefs. Using a hand towel to dry off and basically forced to walk from the showers to the locker room naked and with nothing to wrap around him, this was the first chance Adam really had to inspect his client's body. Not bad, he thought, but some improvements could be made. The body builder had a beautiful physique but too much of it was hidden under body hair. It looked as if he had never trimmed his bush--indeed, he only trimmed or shaved any body hair when he was competing and needed to show up in trunks. He had a tan line, but it went significantly down his legs, almost to his knees.

When he was dressed, Adam told his athlete just to wear street clothes and bring the gym clothes back tomorrow and not to bother washing them. He did, forgetting to bring his gym bag yet again. In years of going to the gym on a daily basis, he'd rarely forgotten his gym bag and now, here he was two days in a row. Tony was thankful that Coach was willing to let him borrow the clothes a second time. This time, Adam locked the sweaty clothes away in a locker where they could wait for Tony to need them again.

At his next hypno appointment, Doctor Martinez quickly brought his subject deep into hypnosis, as deep as he'd yet gone. He reinforced the previous suggestions and triggers and added new ones:it is so important to focus all energy on working out that Tony must ask Coach before he has sex, competition is coming up and he has to look his best he has to shaved and tan, and Coach has been so helpful maybe Tony should see if Coach needs any help at home. He was, again, programmed to not remember the specifics of his sessions other than a brief sense of euphoria and a deep belief that they were helping him make really fast progress on his body.

Tony got home that night in time for his date with his girlfriend. Tony seemed distracted at dinner--and not in his usually self-centered womanizer way. After dinner Tony took his girlfriend home and dropped her off, explaining he was feeling off that day and he'd make it up to her over the weekend.

That Saturday morning, while wearing his skimpy new gym uniform that Coach assured Tony that he looked incredible in, Tony asked a big question. "Coach, you always seem to know best. I usually get a lot of pussy but was wondering if maybe I should slow that down until competition. What do you think?"

"Well, buddy, yeah. I think you should keep your mind off pussy for a while and focus on your workouts and what you can do to be ready for competition."

"I was thinking about getting started on tanning so I look my best before the ProTan goes on. What do you think?" Tony asked his Coach.

"Not a bad idea. Just don't overdo it. I've got a tanning bed at my place if you are free later. You can always workout in my home gym."

Tony was excited to visit his Coach at his home for the first time. He even picked up a 6 pack of beer to bring as a gift or in case Coach wanted to hang out after.

Adam was hanging out in his garage gym with the garage doors wide open when Tony walked up. He was wearing what had formerly been his gym clothes--old sweatpants and an sweatshirt. Undoubtedly he had boxer briefs on under.

Adam warmed up the tanning bed as Tony took off his shirt, not wanting to waste time getting himself prepped for comp. Adam slowed him down, "whoa, Tone! Did you bring anything to even tan in? Don't want you naked in there!"

"Oh geese, Coach, I'm sorry. I didn't even think of it. Ummm. You don't have something I could borrow do you?"

Adam smiled. Of course he had something prepared for his best client! A bright pink speedo. It was a little too small for Tony and was particularly low cut. Tony changed into it without even attempting to cover himself in front of Adam. He barely noticed that the garage door was wide open and any neighbor or passerby could see right in. Tony felt nervous about how revealing the speedo was until Coach reassured him that they look great and fit perfectly. A warm, renewed confidence filled the muscle man. He also commented on how much better he looked now that he was smooth and shaven.

Adam helped Tony set the tanning bed then Tony did his first session--he planned to come by Coach's place a few times a week to tan and maybe help out with some household chores.

After his tanning session, he offered to help Coach with anything he needed. Adam admitted he could use help mowing the back yard. In fact, there would be no need to change out of the speedo because after mowing, they could cool off in the swimming pool. Tony leaped at the opportunity to help Coach and recognized that it did make sense to do the chores in the swimsuit rather than change clothes again.

They enjoyed a little time in the pool after chores were done then ate dinner before breaking open the 6 pack Tony brought over. Even though Tony only had two beers, Coach suggested he just spend the night on the couch rather than take the risk driving home after drinking. Tony complied because, as he realized, Coach knows best. Tony didn't even bother changing out of the tiny pink speedo.

When Adam came downstairs the next morning, his muscle man was still sound asleep. His morning wood had escaped the confines of the too small speedo and was pointing toward the sky. He had an impressive appendage--it was no wonder he was so popular with the women...or used to be.

Adam woke the man up, reminding him it was time to work out but suggested that instead of hitting the gym, they do their workout in the garage instead. He tossed Adam a jockstrap and explained that there was really no reason for shorts in the garage since it was just guys and since they were focused on glutes, it would help show his muscle activation better. Adam made up the explanation on the spot, but Tony bought it.

The two had a particularly long workout and Tony stayed afterward with the promise of lunch. Doctor Martinez would be on his way to join them as a guest. Tony wanted to thank the doc for helping him make such tremendous progress in such a short period of time. Tony earnestly wondered whether his sudden progress might be considered a medical marvel.

Adam was making lunch when Tony answered the door for Alberto. The hypnotist instantly had the bodybuilder in a trance by use of his trigger. He marveled that his conditioning and Adam's careful use of the triggers had brought the big man along so quickly. One week into their work, the man was hanging out at his Coach's home and wearing very little clothing with s fully shaved body. Right now, he was wearing a pair of running shorts he'd borrowed from Coach when he'd "misplaced" the sweats he had come over in.

Alberto focused on the task at hand. Today's session would be the most difficult yet. He needed to program Tony to believe that he should spend every weekend with Coach, that he really should wear jocks or go commando all the time, and to throw out clothes that were too loose on him or didn't show off enough of his body. Tony would be left wishing he could workout in just a jock all the time--and would probably end up wearing nothing but a jock around his own house. Alberto also needed to reinforce the mandate that Tony not fuck any girls or even jerk off until he had orders from Coach.

When Tony woke up from the trance, he hadn't even been aware he was under, but he was glad to see Doctor Martinez. The three sat at the dinner table and ate, Tony still wearing only the short running shorts while Adam and Alberto were fully dressed. After dinner, the three headed out to the pool--Adam and Alberto stopping to discreetly each change into their swimwear while Adam changed into the pink speedo right in front of the pool.

When it started getting late, Doctor Martinez said his goodbyes and excused himself. Tony started to follow suit. "What's the point of going home now? Why don't you help me with dishes then just crash here for the night so we can get an early start tomorrow?" Tony put the thought of leaving right out of his mind.

The following morning, they had their usual workout routine and Tony finally headed home--back to his own home--to dress for work. He remembered that he needed to call his girlfriend and his side chick but decided to put it off. He also has an appointment with Doctor Martinez that evening.

Alberto used the session to reinforce the existing commands and now added that as Tony gets hornier and more frustrated because of the lack of sex, the more he relies on Coach to give him advice and since Coach knows best, Tony would always do exactly as Adam suggests. Another bit of programming Alberto added was that as Tony's body grew and as he gave up sex, he would see his dick shrink from lack of use. It wouldn't really shrink, of course, but Tony would believe it had--just inperceptively at first, but with a week or so, he would think he had a micro penis.

Tuesday and Wednesday workouts when much the same as usual. Tony now came to the gym in his work uniform--he was a letter carrier at the post office. Asked why he didn't wear street clothes to the gym anymore he responded that they didn't show off his gains as much as his uniform. Admittedly the blue shirts strained across his chest. And the tweed shorts were cut across his thighs and tight aground his bubble ass. He had taken to wearing jock straps each day, but still changed into the same smelly one Coach provided but never washed. He stopped by Coach's house on Tuesday for a second tanning session.

For his part, Tony still hadn't called his girlfriend back. She'd left some angry messages and threatened to leave him. But, as he realized, his workouts were more important. And she was replaceable.

On Wednesday evening, Tony went by Doctor Martinez's office right after work. Putting Tony into a deep trance now was simple and only took a moment. Alberto reinforced all of the previous programming and helped Tony to realize all the changes were permanent: his reliance on Coach and obedience to him, the bulk he'd gained in these weeks, his need to wait for sex until Coach gives permission, his shrinking dick, and his desire to show off his body.

The next day was Thursday. Tony was, as usual, ready to go before Coach Adam had yet arrived but seemed a little depressed. While Tony was changing out of his uniform and into his gym gear, Coach asked him to sit and tell him what's going on. Tony immediately sat his bare ass on the bench, completely naked. Tony shared that his girlfriend had left him and that he felt alone. Worse, with the lack of sex, his dick was permanently shrinking--it was under three inches now when it got hard. Adam smiled at that admission--Tony's uncut dick was totally soft right now and was distinctly above average, not that the Italian body builder would get to see it in reality anymore.

Adam comforted the man and explained that he shouldn't be focusing on pussy anymore anyway--just workouts and making his body grow. That the smaller dick would fit better in posers and that, soon, he'd find a way to help Tony relieve his horniness without slowing down his gains.

Adam also invited Tony to spend the weekend at his place. Since he was coming by for tanning tonight, Tony was instructed to bring his work uniforms with him--he could use the laundry at Adam's house after he tanned and could stay over any time. Tony instantly perked up.

Thats evening, Tony brought all of his uniforms to Coach's house--the clean ones and the dirty ones. Staying over as much as he had already, he knew where Coach kept the essentials--disposable razors, a spare toothbrush that was now his, etc.

Tony immediately changed into his tiny pink speedo and did his tanning. Then, put a load of laundry in. He asked Coach if he could be of any use, and ended up mowing the front lawn in his very low cut speedo before setting the table for dinner. When the laundry was done, Adam gave Tony a drawer where he could store his folded uniforms, jocks, and socks. It never occurred to Tony that he'd need to stay over most work nights now because he no longer had clothes at home--he trusted Coach would never steer him wrong, though.

On Friday after work, Tony made yet another trip to Doctor Martinez's office. Again the hypnotist strengthened his work and added new programming. Tony would wake up realizing that his work shorts were too long and would see about getting them tailored shorter to show off his quads, he would also really prefer to be naked or wear nothing but a jock whenever he was at home or at Coach's house, additionally he'd ask Coach if he could give up his apartment and pay Coach rent instead. Alberto made Tony realize that Coach would even help him sell or donate his unneeded belongings.

Adam was already home when Tony arrived back from being hypnotized. He was already working on making dinner for the pair and told Tony to go take a shower and make himself comfortable and at home, not to bother dressing up for dinner or to hang out. When Tony returned, he wore only a jock strap. He didn't know where any workout shorts were and then realized it didn't matter much and Coach wouldn't mind him wearing just a jock around the house. Adam admired how well the new tan lines were already setting in on Tony's Italian skin.

After dinner, while the two were watching tv and enjoying a beer, Tony sheepishly brought up his idea of giving up his own apartment and moving in with Coach, asking if it would be alright and offering to pay what he currently pays in rent to Adam. Adam feigned surprise and asked a number of questions to make sure the muscle stud knew that he'd be giving up privacy and his own room to sleep on the sofa. Tony was undeterred and Adam was once again in awe of Alberto's hypnosis skills.

The very next morning, still sweaty from their workout, Tony drove Adam to his old apartment. The two ran a quick inventory of the sentimental belongings Tony would want to keep and the nicer ones that Adam might want to have. The rest of the belongings were divided into keep and sell categories that Adam convinced Tony he would handle that week on his behalf.

When he left the apartment, he knew it was the last he'd see his old apartment but felt absolutely no regret because he would be living with his Coach. He handed his key to Coach and carried his one measly box of possessions down to his truck which was already loaded with several items he was giving to Adam. Aside from a drawer of work uniforms and jocks, the shoes he was wearing, a few pair of borrowed gym shorts (that really belonged to Coach), a box of sentimental items, and his truck, Tony had no worldly possessions.

Back at home, Tony unloaded the truck and moved furniture to make room for the items he gave Adam. Alberto dropped by in the afternoon for a little relaxation in Adam's pool. Coach wore a full coverage speedo, the hypnotist wore trunks, and Tony skinnydipped.

After leaving the pool, Alberto did a quick induction of his subject, reinforcing to the muscle stud just how desperately horny he was and how he would do literally anything to cum just once, even if his dick (at least as he saw it) was now too small to stroke. Adam was amazed how quickly Alberto was able to manipulate the muscle jock.

When Tony awoke, his hardon was undeniable. It was bouncing and Tony grimaced with every bounce. He walked up to Adam and literally begged Coach to help him find a way to get a little relief in any way possible.

The trainer looked thoughtful then responded, "I might have a way to help you, but I don't think you're going to like it. It's completely ok if you decide you can't."

Eager, the Italian looked at him, "I'm ready to try anything. Literally anything!"

Adam walked away and returned with a moderately large dildo and a bottle of lube. Tony looked puzzled, then scared, then resolved. He remembered that Coach always knew best and would have his best interests at heart. With very little instruction and seemingly forgetting he was laying on the deck with Dr Martinez watching, Tony began pressing the phallus into his virgin hole. He grunted with the intrusion, but Coach gave him instructions on how to lessen the pain, promising the pleasure to kick in soon. When it did, Tony ended up riding the pole like an old whore. He did not slow down until he shot a load wildly into the air.

Days went on. Tony slept on Adam's sofa, usually either fully naked or in just a jock--which was how he was usually dressed around the house. He'd workout hard at the gym in his increasingly rank gym jock and borrowed gym clothes, changing into his work uniform in the locker room. Tony had gotten questions from his managers at work because his uniform no longer strictly met the regulations--the shorts were a little too tight and too short. He visited Dr Martinez three times a week for sessions, but otherwise came straight home to Coach's house. At home, he took care of most of the landscaping and much of the cleaning chores--it was the least he could do to repay Coach. After all, Coach Adam had started doing training for free when Tony moved in. He had also taken over doing all of Tony's finances--Coach was doing such a great job at keeping the stud on a spending plan that he carried a little spending cash and hardly ever carried his debit card anymore. He had forgotten his PIN anyway and Coach helped set a new one.

The muscle stud remained desperately horny, but it seemed to be the worst on weekends. Coach had helped Tony learn to use a dildo pretty well, but it had started to lose its effectiveness and one Sunday afternoon it didn't seem to work at all. Adam wasn't the least bit disappointed with Alberto's latest trick.

Truly as desperate as ever, Tony begged Coach for help. Adam did his best to act reluctant but was truly eager to finally move to the next step. He slowly disrobed then lubed his own cock while acting as if he were very put out to be doing such a huge favor for Tony. He plunged in deeply in a single stroke. Tony quickly took over and rode Coach's dick at least as well as any of the sluts Tony used to date rode his. Even after Tony jizzed his load, he kept up the pace until Coach shot deep inside the muscle man's ass.

It became their new routine. Tony was always so desperate to cum that whenever Coach was willing to fuck him, he was more than game. Tony sometimes was allowed to sleep in Coach's bed in case Adam got a hard on and wanted to rut the sleeping muscle beast--Tony was always grateful even if he was awoken by the sudden intrusion. It became the only way the beefy Italian could orgasm--having Coach's cock buried deep in him.

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