Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 1, 2023


So, last time, I promised you a story about removing my little hot box's hair and you're gonna get it. But because billy's Topman is an absolute asshole and tease, you're gonna hear some other stuff first.

I wrote about the issues billy and I had about food. Ultimately, it wasn't that bad: he'd make his oatmeal in the morning, pack it up the way he liked it, and leave some for me. I'd doll it up with butter , jam, whatever I found in the house. billy didn't approve but... well, he knew who was Boss. I always find his carting in BAGS of spinach amusing, but there's a plus side to that too. Patience, friends. See, you know about billy's spinach fetish, and that meant that once, sometimes twice a week, he'd come into the apartment with two HUGE shopping bags of the stuff. It weighed nothing, and he'd get to work cooking it, putting it into containers, and then eating it during the week. I have never stopped laughing about it. The packages would have labels on them like "LM" which meant "lunch Monday," or "DTh" for "Dinner, Thursday, if Thursday was his night to cook . (We had decided to share dinner cooking and there's more of that coming up too). He'd put a container of spinach into his backpack with whatever else he'd be eating for lunch that day. No foul in that ? There was a benefit to billy cooking. Remember I called him my little hot box? Well, because his body temperature was so high, billy cooks with as little on him as possible. Usually, that means skinny shorts and flip flops. In fact, billy denies that he's a nudist, but around the house, he wears as little as possible. And he knows he turns me on with it. That all became an excuse as I bided my time because, well, every time I looked at my bottom without his shorts on, I thought "gotta get to that fur." Then I got my reason. Not that I needed one. See, we were sharing the cooking, and ... remember that nut loaf? billy had about fourteen different variations of it in his repertoire. Some were not so good. One night though, he put one out and... "DAMN BILLY. This is freakin' gourmet level" I told him. He flashed his big smile, and ran his hand over my knee (he would put on a t shirt or that tank top about flexing when we ate). "Aw Boss. You don't gotta flatter me to get in my pants. You know that." "No, I'm serious, billy. This is one of the best appetizers I have ever eaten." He started laughing. "Boss, not only do you fuck like a monster, but you are funny! Appetizer. Ha ha ha. That's dinner stud. That and this gorgeous broccoli. " Yes, there was a HUGE bowl of steamed broccoli in the middle of the table, with about twelve slices of lemon. I looked down at my plate, where I had just eaten the four mouthfuls of nutloaf. I looked up and billy looked totally sincere. "Boss, we all eat too much at dinner. Should be light and filling. Like broccoli. Here. Lemme serve you some." Now, before dinner, I had served up some sausage to billy which he ate with no trouble, and maybe that's why he didn't find the meal all that unsatisfying. After dinner, though, I went rummaging through my own backpack and found two candy bars. I was ready to cry. Next night it was my turn to cook. I made macaroni and cheese: one of my specialties. Instead of eating sausage before dinner, billy and I had played "hide the sausage" and he had taken it hard and long, in his favorite position (billy loved doggie style. He even asked me to take him that way before we sat down to eat: it had become a habit: I was horny, billy was horny - billy was ALWAYS horny: I guess now that he had a regular source of cock, he didn't repress anything). We would go at it before dinner "to stimulate an appetite" billy would say, then eat and then... well, I told you billy was always horny. I almost never had recovered enough to top him with my own cock by the time our dinners were over, so that meant: toys. And if I had taken him doggy style before dinner, he got the toys on his back. And vice versa.

But I'm digressing. billy ate a modest portion of my rich dinner. I thought nothing of it while I plugged him with a dildo, and then while we watched tv (billy usually fell asleep on my chest during some silly show), or after we had gone to bed. I just wrapped myself around that heat generating machine and we went to sleep. I woke up at about 2, feeling like something was wrong. billy wasn't there. "WHAT THE?" I thought. Then I saw a light in the kitchen. And I went out very quietly. My health food eating boyfriend/lover was standing in front of the fridge, buck naked, eating right out of the bowl of leftover mac and cheese. It made sense: with all the exercise he did all day, billy could afford the calories. BUT... Yup, my evil mind got thinking. And I got to work the next day. We had both gotten home a little while before. billy had just done what he usually did: he had stripped down to shorts because it was his cooking night. I had some other ideas. I came up from behind him and wrapped my arm around his middle. That didn't set off any alarms: billy was used to me doing that. It meant that, this time, he was getting it on his back. I whispered "I want you tied down tonight, stud. Nice and tight. Ankles and wrists. I'll open your ankles when I'm good and ready." My mouth found his neck and he moaned. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. I like the way you're thinking Boss." I grinned. He'd be thinking differently in a few minutes. So I got him on the bed, and restrained. I tied him tighter than usual, because... well, you'll find out . He noticed. "Boss, I can barely move. " He pulled at them. "I know. You're gonna be glad you can't." I dropped my shirt. "So... any idea who raided the mac and cheese last night, Mr Health Food?" I stroked his belly, and he smiled. "Sir. Boss. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. And I had skipped lunch. Too busy. " "Know what I think billy? I think I'm gonna go back to doing all the cooking. You got a problem with that?" "BOSS. COME ON. You know you feel better when you eat my grub." He looked at me. "What the hell are those?" I smiled as I slipped on the velcro gloves. "Remember I told you about Sir Peter? This is his newest product and... it's PERFECT when your bottom has ticklish feet." I didn't do anything but rest the gloves on his soles, and I saw him begin to sweat. "OH SHIT. I hate Sir Peter... " Then.. "HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT. I HATE HIM EVEN MORE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " I began running the gloves back and forth over his soles. Then I stopped. "Now, the GOOD thing about these billy, is that they wash out very easily, so when I pour this oil on your soles: it'll excite your nerve endings, after I rub the gloves over them, I can wash em and get em ready for the next time". "NEXT TIME? NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA. " The oil was essentially something like tiger balm: you'd feel things warm up and feel more... engaged. And the gloves were doing their job. So were the metal brushes: I guess they're the type you use when you're brushing a cat or something, that I used next. " "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHA. " "All you gotta do billy, is agree that I can do all the cooking again." "YES! YES! FUCK YES! FUCK. COOK ALL YOU WANT SIR. HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. JUST MAKE MORE VEGGIES. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Ok, I had gotten the first thing that I wanted. But I wasn't done. billy looked suprised when I didn't untie his ankles. He just assumed that my cock was going to follow, and he was waiting for it: the bulge in those shorts showed it, and when I slid them down, and his not so small cock popped out, it was clear: billy was primed and ready. I lay down next to him, and I ran my finger through his pubic hair. "I want this fur billy. I want it. Every hair of it." I began kissing his sensitive neck, and moving up and nibbling his ear. I whispered "And if I don't get the fur, you don't get no dick. Easy exchange." "blackmail Boss. Fucking blackmail" he got out through the moans. My hand on his privates, and my mouth and tongue working his most sensitive spot. They were giving billy a chance to do what he loved best: to surrender. "You win Boss. Take it. It's yours. Take it. " I whispered. "And your pits?" "YES SIR. YES. TAKE THEM. TAKE THEM PLEASE." I had a straight edged razor, and creme ready. I knew I'd win this one: I've won every single one of these "conflicts." Yes, they're artificial but what abour roleplay isn't? billy loves feeling like he's been taken: sometimes I call it his "damsel in distress" complex. Of course, I guess that makes me complicit with me "moustache twirling villain" complex. We both get what we want, the way we want it. And that night, I got billy's pubic hair. I spread the creme over his box gently, and I stroked what short hair he had. "It'll be ok billy. The only people who are gonna see your prick are you and me. No one's gonna know nothing." "You're right Boss. Let's do it." And I did. Just like with most things I did to billy, it wasn't my first rodeo, and my hand was secure and my strokes true. I got the deceptively large amount of fur off him and then cleaned the blade and went to his pits. He giggled as I did it: I was trying NOT to tickle him, but .. DAMN , if you breathed on one of his ticklish spots, he was done. "Calm down coach . If you don't, I'm gonna have to tie you tighter." "Understood Boss. " He bit his lips, but I still heard little giggle whimpers come out as I took that fur too. "NICE AND SMOOTH. The way a stud bottom should be. I'll get the chest fur when it comes in, stud. No more waxing. " "No more Sir.. " He almost swooned. "Is it time?" I said nothing , and just untied his ankles. Then, because I could, I tied them to his wrists, and my cock, ready to explode, went into him. I have NEVER gotten tired of fucking that man. The way he works those muscles and plays my cock, his sounds, his whimpers. The way he seems to enjoy and to savor each and every thrust. Smartest thing I ever did was jumping him that day. When I was screaming and shooting into him, he screamed back because.. I guess the stimulation had brought my boy to the edge. He started shooting too. Since most of mine was IN him, while his was ON him, I could do what I did next. My big broad tongue got to work, and I licked up every drop of his jizz I could find. "OH YEAH BOSS. Let me know you like my flavor. Let me know you like chocolate." I SWEAR, I wished I were 17 again, so I could be ready in half an hour. Instead, I had to endure soybean stew and garlicky kale before we went back for round two, and he took "Elmer" (that's what he called his favorite dildo), up his ass, doggie style.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So, you know how beautiful billy's body is, and how him walking around the house nearly naked drives me crazy. Well, it's not just when he's wearing almost nothing. You know how you see jocks, dressed like jocks and they drive you wild, then you see them dressed up and you say "he's straight?" Yeah, it's not an absolute, but in my experience, most serious athletes do not know how to "clean up" well. billy cleaned up well. I didn't get a chance to see him in, as we would say "full dress mufti" often, but he "put on the ritz" when he went to church. Everything fit to a tee, and everything was well chosen. And I realized: I had never done my boyfriend in one of his full on church outfits. THAT was gonna change. That Sunday, when my man got up to get ready for church, I saw him pull out a blue button down shirt that I KNEW showed off every muscle. It may have even been a little TOO small, because I had seen mr billy suck in his gut when he wore it. Then he put on this skinny tie. Again, the way the shirt fit was evident, because the collar was too tight. He had to leave the top button open. I don't think he saw me drooling in bed, and if he did, he probably thought I was thinking about going out to dinner that night (we would go out for a simple dinner on Sunday since it was a "school night. " I hadn't persuaded billy to come with me to "gay" restaurants yet where we could make out, and act like who we were, but that was coming). He put that shirt and tie on, and then a pair of black pants somewhere between jeans and dress pants. I was lying on my side, and I was covered, so he didn't see the rigid hard on I had popped. He just leaned over, kissed me the way he did every Sunday morning and said "Don't go runnin out on my Boss." Now, again, given our "rules," I COULD have grabbed him, and told him that he was NOT going to church that morning: my needs came first. But one of the most important things, "t i t's" (tops in training), is knowing how far you can go. We had never talked about it, but I knew: church was non negotiable for my man. I'd be ready when he came back. And I was. I was in the bedroom, getting some "toys," when I heard the door open. I had left the bondage chair in plain sight, with a big coil of rope on it. "I'm home Boss," he called. I made him wait. He had done the right thing: he was sitting in the chair, his hands behind his back and he didn't look behind him when my hands came down on his shoulders. If he noticed that the sound of my shoes was different, he didn't say anything. I pressed my fingers into his shoulder blades and massaged. "It's about time you got back billy." "I'm sorry Sir. I can't control Pastor .. mmmmmmmmmmph" my hand covered his mouth. "I don't wanna hear from you, bottom. You understand?" He shook his head. "GOOD. Now...." I tied his wrists behind him and then I put a big cloth gag in his mouth. I walked to the front of him slowly. I saw as his eyes popped that I had had the effect I wanted. I was in full leather. Harness. Cap. Chaps. Boots. "MMMMMMMMMMMPH!" came out of him, and I took one of the "Sir Peter" gloves from my pocket and smacked his crotch. "DIDNT I SAY NO SOUNDS, BITCH BOI?" His eyes got wide. He meekly shook his head as I began taking off his necktie. Then I unbuttoned his shirt, slowly: savoring each button, each reveal of more of his beautiful skin. "You know what I'm gonna do to you, billy?" He shook his head fast: like he was eager for it. And I saw those tight pants showing his own hard cock. "Let me tell you." I stepped behind him again and whispered "I'm gonna FUCK your pretty ass. But what you don't know is... I'm gonna keep you tied down till I'm ready to fuck you again. And then maybe a third time." One of "The Pack" seemed to have an unlimited supply of erection meds. I usually didn't need it, and since billy, I didn't "need" it, but for today, I wanted it. I wanted him full for as long as I could. I had his shirt opened and I put on the gloves. This time, I took that oil and massaged his torso with it. Yes, his nipples were not very sensitive, but the combination of Sir Peter's gloves, and the oil, got him REALLY worked up. He couldn't help himself and began to whimper. He offered me his neck and I took it. GOD did I want to leave a mark! But again, I knew where the lines were drawn. I worked his neck for about fifteen minutes. Then I switched to the other side. "You gonna keep quiet if the gag comes off, studmuffin?" He "mmmmphed" and shook his head, so I took it off. "Boss. DAMN. I have never been so turned on." I grinned. I said nothing but thought "we'll talk. " I brought him to the bedroom, and before I tied him to the bed, I flipped him on his side and played with his ass through his pants. Again, I knew there was a line, because I wanted DESPERATELY to rip those pants right at the seam and get my tongue in there before I drilled for black gold. Instead, I just waited until he was whimpering and begging for me to fuck him. "You want it doggy style, don't you billy?" "YES SIR. " He pleaded. "PLEASE. I started to get horny half hour into church. I nearly came back." "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me coach. Kiss me." I necked with him for about another ten minutes, before I untied him so he could get on all fours. I know he heard the spit get into his ass, and I know he felt my finger pushing it in, because he reacted with groans, moans and pushing back for as much as he could get. I shoved his cheeks apart and then undid my zipper. In I went. HARD. GOD did I go in HARD. Fucking my lover in full leather? I had wanted to do this since day 1. And now I was. I reached around and got his cock. I began to play with him. "Who's my bitch? Who's my MUSCLE BITCH?" (It suited the scene, so I used the b word). "I am Sir. I am." (and he responded: I was Sir, not Boss). I am surprised I didn't bruise his ass the way I pounded him, and the way he tightened his glutes to hold me in when I shot, made me think I was gonna lose three inches of my cock. When we were done, and I fell on top of him, billy curled up into me. I saw the smile as he whispered. "Best one... EVER." I had to agree. The two that followed (thank you modern Pharma), were good, but not nearly as good. How billy managed to stay seated through our dinner that night, I will never know.

Next day, I texted billy that I was gonna be home a little later than usual that night. I didn't tell him where I was going: to the leather shop. It was time my lover got a harness. We'd go back to fit him to it, but ... it was getting t to be time to introduce billy to aspects of gay life other than Sunday brunch.


Next: Chapter 10

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