Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 25, 2023


"I flexed and the sleeves fell off." That's what was on the front of the tank top my boyfriend was wearing. I'm not kidding. When did I see said tank top? At 1pm when I was taking his class at the university gym. I did NOT see it when he put it on before leaving at FIVE FUCKING O'CLOCK in the morning. All I saw at that hour was the insides of my eyelids. I DID feel the heat from his lips when he kissed my ear and I heard him whisper "You be late for class today, and Sir or no Sir, you're giving me ten, stud."

Yeah, I wrote last time that it got better with billy. It did. But it took some work. It took me getting over how lucky I felt to have this man in my bed, bottoming, and it also took me listening very carefully, again, to something he said which was "don't let me say no to you, Sir." Well, it was time to start putting some things into action.

I will admit, I needed a push to get to action. There were two things that did it. First, when I was in bed with billy two days before he put on that tank top, I noticed that he was beginning to prickle with chest hairs. I hadn't taken his pit hair, or his pube hair , and I was waiting for the chest hair to grow back until it was long enough to trim. I didn't tell him that because, well, I just assumed that a bottom who has a top knows: Topmen shave their bottoms, period. Of course, if I told him he could get a shave or a depilatory elsewhere, fine. But that was with my permission. Instead, the day after I noticed the stubble, when I was just stroking billy's chest before I fucked him, I noticed he was smooth again.

"You get waxed today, stud?" "Yes sir. Hair was beginning to itch me." "I see. Hmmm." I whispered into his ear. "From now on, I do the shaving." My mouth was right on his ear: one of his erogenous zones, so I pushed my tongue in and whispered "Understand, bottom?" I saw billy's lips beginning to form to say something smart assed, but I KNEW how to work his ears. He said nothing. he just began to moan. "I asked if you understood?" Then I slid my hand down to his navel and began circling it. Now, he was trying to giggle and to moan at the same time. "I got it Sir. I got it. You're in charge of shaving. Yes sir... " I pressed my lips to his, and shoved my tongue down his throat. There was no more tickling that night, BUT... my gymnast got his legs in the air, and my cock, already excited by that hot body, got to work. I DRILLED him. That's exactly how he called it the next day. "Geez. You think I'm an oil well or something? I mean, I'm black but... " I smiled. "You know they call oil black gold, billy boy? That's what ya are: black gold." He smiled. He liked that. (I think if he had been a top, billy would be much more into body worship than sex. He loves that sense of people being in awe of him. That's why he wore that shirt, to which I am now returning).

"You know, I've seen that shirt before, but he's the first person who's worn it that I believe" I heard someone say in the class. His friend responded, and I had to try, very hard, to behave. "I know, RIGHT? Whoever he's poking is a lucky fucking girl. Or guy. Or both." My internal voices were screaming "STOP TALKING ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT. AND I'M THE ONE WHO'S POKING HIM, BITCHES!!!!" I didn't want to get thrown out of the gym, so I had to control myself. They weren't the first comments I'd heard about my billy: they ranged from "He's SO FUCKING HOT" to "Can I lick his sweat off his chest" to the more graphic "If he wants children, I'm available." That last one came from a Dean of one of the schools. I know, I know. Pity party. "Bitter, table of one," whatever. Maybe some of you who are reading have trainers or coaches as boyfriends or lovers. You'll get what I'm saying. I'll bet you don't take class with your man. That was the decision I made that day: I was gonna have to reschedule to take a class with someone who wasn't billy. It didn't mean I wouldn't see him at the gym, but I'd probably hear less.

So there was that shirt and then there was something at the back of my head bothering me. I had told billy I could work with not calling him a bitch, or a cunt, or a pussy or anything like that. Well... turns out I was having REAL problems with policing my language. I mean, if you're in the middle of pounding the hottest guy you have ever had in your bed, EVER, and you want to yell "TAKE IT BITCH" and you have to pull back and say "TAKE IT STUD" I mean, yeah, we can all work on language, but... remember what he said to me: "Don't take no as an answer from me. Ever." We were gonna have to start working toward that.

I thought it had to start THAT day. I was home and I was making some kind of vegan nutloaf or something for us for dinner (guaranteed: you won't go back for seconds. Food was another thing, but we'll get to that). My smiling little hunka hunka came in through the door. He had some totally bizarre cardigan on over the tanktop, which made him look like a cross between Mr. Rogers and Shemar Moore only sexier.

"Gonna go clean up, Boss, then... MMMM. Smells good. I love nuts." He smiled. I had fed him my cock two more times since that first time. I took heart from that: he told me he'd never suck cock. Now he was sucking cock. Well, the nutloaf was finished, and it could sit in the oven (no problem with a nutloaf being rare or well done), so I got ready. I went into the bedroom to wait for when he came out of the shower. He no longer felt a need to wrap a shower around his middle, and when that unwrapped chocolate bar came out, I grabbed him around his middle. I've told you: I had to work with the element of surprise with that stud, and I had it. I got him thrown on the bed. He knew what was happening and curled up into what I had started calling his hedgehog mode.

"HEY BOSS. What's this about? Can we have dinner first. " My teeth latched onto his earlobe and nibbled. I didn't whisper "Nope. Because we gotta talk about a few things. One of them is: that shirt you wore today. " billy had adapted to some of my tricks and so far, he was keeping my fingers from getting inside his pits. I saw him smiling though, probably because my cock was pushing up against his ass. "You like that shirt? It's hot isn't it?" "NOT as hot as the man who was wearing it." I whispered into his ear . "Not in public. Not anymore." "SIR. That's part of my persona that's... OH SHIT.." he had let his guard down and my evil fingers were inside his left pit. He began to laugh. "Let's get you turned on your back turtleman" I gloated. He fought, but then the laughs started coming out of him. "NO. NO. COME ON I'm sore from last night." "I didn't fuck you last night." He paused and so did I when he realized I caught him in his lie. Then I dug in. "Now it's gonna be worse. ROLL OVER." "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. C'mon. You upset about my shirt?" He gave in to avoid being tickled. If he only knew... "Damn right I am. You wanna wear that shirt, you wear it at home. Not in public. " "But.. " "Did you hear what I said, fuckboi?" I was getting closer to my goal, but not quite yet. I had my teeth on his neck. "Wanna have to explain the hickey at the gym tomorrow?" "Yes sir. I heard. And no sir. No.. Please.. You win.. That shirt stays home. " The minute he gave in, I saw his cock stand up in the air. "Can we eat dinner now Sir? Please?" "Not quite yet, stud." I pinned him down and pushed my knee up against his balls. "So, let's talk about what you are, billy boy. What would you say you are, relative to me?" I began running my nails up and down his torso. "Hee hee. Tee hee. GAWD that's worse that pit tickling Boss. I'm your bottom, your sub. Your boyfriend..." I leaned in and whispered. "Know what else you are? You are my MANBITCH. My MANCUNT. My MANPUSSY." Now he began to struggle. "SHIT NO. NO. I AIN'T ANY OF THAT. " My hand dropped down to those beautiful nuts. "Then why do I have these in my hand, and why are you getting so excited by it. " He was. I was twisting them just slightly, and he was breathing hard. When I didn't get an answer, I reached to the side of the bed. He knew I was going for the restraints. He pulled once, and got his balls twisted harder. Mission accomplished. The stud was restrained. I loved the look on billy's face when I tied him down: he had a pretty good idea of what was gonna happen if I just flipped him over, or if I did nothing but play with his ears, but once he was tied... my evil mind was free to think of whatever I wanted. And his cock was getting harder. And harder. So was mine. billy was naked, and I wasn't. That changed. Real fast. Now he saw MY cock standing out there like a flag in the wind. He licked his lips. "HE LIKES COCKSUCKING" I thought. "He'll never admit it, but he likes it. Cocksucking, however, was NOT in the plan for me. I lay down next to my handsome prince, and I slid my hand around his cock. "We haven't done this yet billy budd. " (Next day I told him about the homoerotic opera). Looks like someone's got control of your cock besides you. Sorta like being in a car, but someone else has the controls. How's it feel billy boy." "Sir. Your hand feels so good. OOOOOOOOH. Yes..." I was sliding up and down his dick. "You know, I used to keep my last boyfriend in a cock cage. All locked up. Not because he was cheating on me but... because it let him know who was in charge. " I squeezed gently. "You know who's in charge billy?" "Yes sir. You are Sir." "That's right. You wanna get fucked tonight?" He closed his eyes and sucked in his breath. He did. He wanted more. He just didn't want to 'fess up. "Yes sir. I wanna feel my TOP MAN drilling for oil" I had to stop for a minute. He had just made me laugh (he still does). "Know who I wanna fuck, billy? I wanna fuck my MANBITCH. Should I be looking elsewhere?" I slid my hand back and forth a little faster. "You're playing dirty Sir," he grunted out. "You didn't answer my question. I may be playing dirty but... I..............think you know the answer to this. Where do I find my manbitch?" billy closed those beautiful eyes. He whispered "Right here Sir. I'm your manbitch." I smiled "Good boy. You remember when you told me never to take no as an answer from you?" "I did say that Sir." "You also said you love my cock in you." "I said that too Sir." "Well, let's get that taken care of shall we. First, though. This time it's your turn to go first." I started sliding my hand up and down. MY second hand was holding his chin as I kissed him again. I was kissing him VERY deep. billy's a very tactile person, and when I pulled my tongue out, and ran it across his lips, that did him in. He yelled an animal like yell and then his jizz started pouring out of him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH GOD SIR. YOU'RE THE BEST. YOU'RE THE FUCKING BEST. DAMN I WANNA PLEASE YOU. I WANT YOU TO. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." He didn't get to finish because he started focusing in on the cock I had just thrown into his ass. "OH FUCK YEAH. OH YEAH. I SAW YOU IN CLASS AND... DAMN.......HARDER SIR. HARDER. DEEPER. " I slid my hands under his ass so that I could get a better grip and went "balls to the wall" in him. I moved my cock back and forth in him, sort of teasing his ass. "YES SIR. YES. THAT'S THE WAY. THAT'S THE WAY... OH DAMN I WANNA CUM AGAIN. FUCK SIR. YOU'RE PUTTING ME ON FIRE. DAMN." "Then let's. get. something. to. put. it. out." I shoved one last time and my jizz started pouring into him. We were both breathing hard. Before I untied him, he looked at me. "I meant it Sir. Don't ever take no as an answer from me. Take your time in getting it changed if you like but don't... don't ever let me tell you no." I smiled. "And don't ever let me let you out of bed unsatisfied, stud." I tried my best after that never to call him cunt, or bitch or pussy. I pretty much have succeeded. I just wanted him to know: it was MY decision what to call him, not his. At some point, I was gonna have to work on food, but that night, I did my best to choke down that damn nut loaf while he ate three portions, telling me how good raw nuts were for you. And spinach. The boiled spinach. No salt because "it leeches the nutrients out Boss. And raw spinach keeps a lot of good stuff locked up. Give it a shot, Boss. You'll get to love it. " YUCH. To this day I quote the New Yorker cartoon "I say it's spinach and I say the hell with it." billy, on the other hand, eats it at least three times a week. AT LEAST.

So that weekend, there was another brunch with more of the pack. This time it was Paul and Neai. They were a couple who "didn't want to limit themselves" as they said to billy. "Oh, so you're sluts" he said, which provoked me to nearly spit out an entire capuccino (I had no idea they could make them with steamed oat milk. and billy has no idea that the only time I drink them that way is when I'm with him). Neal and Paul looked at each other and said "Well, yeah, we are. " Neal gave a smart assed look and winked at me.

"Spend enough time with this one and you'll be a slut too." I put my arm around billy. He had on a plain button down shirt that closed on him tightly, and jeans. "This one isn't getting out of the house to be with anyone other than this one" I said. "Not that I want to," he smiled and kissed me, and I think Neal wanted to puke. But then....

"So, billy you used to be a gymnast?" Paul asked. My sweetie smiled. "Me thinks I still am." "So, has Douglas asked you to be a spinner for him yet?" Cappuccino number two, out my nose. The thought of billy as a spinner HAD crossed my mind but... he was really too big, and I enjoyed our fucking the way it was. "Spinner?" He looked at me. "Leo, what's a spinner?" I frantically looked at Neal and Paul trying to keep them from responding. No luck. "Well, a spinner is usually a guy or chick so small that, when they sit on their top's cock, he can spin them around like a top." My friends can be so helpful. billy, in his charming way, looked at me. "You wanna try that this afternoon, Sir?" He who laughs last, laughs best. The best part of THAT brunch was ... well, there were two. First, no one had tried to pick up billy. Second, after we were done, and Paul and Neal went off to.. where ever - they went in separate directions - I tried something. I reached out to take billy's hand. "I'm not taking no for an answer, stud" I said in a low voice. He took my hand and squeezed it. "And you shouldn't Sir. You're the Boss." That was NOT my heart throbbing and it was NOT my heart throbbing when he said "spinning sounds interesting. Should we try it Sir?" Let me tell you: what Paul and Neal didn't say in their explanation is that the best spinners are gymnasts. billy really IS too tall to be a classic spinner, BUT... he's strong enough to press off my cock on the bed and twist a little: just enough to make me gasp and moan as my cock twists like a corkscrew in the bottle that is billy's ass. He liked it too. He liked it so much that, well, he began apologizing when his jizz flew out, and caught my face. "OH SHIT SIR I'M SO SORRY. Did any get in your eye?" None had. I've been in enough situations where I learned: CLOSE YOUR EYES. And I had. But.... "GET IT CLEANED UP, MUFFIN. GET EVERY DROP OFF OF ME." "OH GOD YES SIR." Now I had billy's tongue ranging over my face and my neck, licking down his cum. "DAMN I wish I had some of yours Sir." I smiled. "Maybe I'll be awake enough tomorrow to get you to suck me," I said.

I wasn't, but instead, when billy came home that night, he had a choice: get in the restraints, or keep your body still, but... that pit hair, that pube hair: it was all going.

A silly question: you wanna read about that? Come back for the next section.


Next: Chapter 9

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