Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 19, 2023


So, coach billy, or "my little hot box" or " choco stud," or any of the other nicknames I had for him (some of which he never heard), was installed in my apartment. I think that week, I had more sex than I have ever had in a six month period in my life. And that includes summer vacation during college. And it was GREAT sex. I was always horny around billy: ALWAYS. And if he wasn't horny around me, he faked it real well. He knew his place in the bedroom. If we were sitting around in the living room just hanging out if I said "billy, I want you," he'd just answer "yes sir. Let me get my pants off," and I'd head into the bedroom, and he'd be laying there, his ass in the air, or his legs up and spread, smiling , saying something like "you think you can handle this Boss? Let's see." If all there were to life were sex, it would have been bliss. But.... Of course, there was billy's schedule. I figured eventually I'd get used to waking up that early, getting back to sleep and then getting up again, but that first week, it was rough. Then there was the issue of groceries. Now, ok, I talk more about eating healthy than I EAT healthy. I had no idea what the dietary requirements of a hot former gymnast who worked out about 97 hours a day would be. I was to find out. The first day was not too bad. billy came home with a BIG container of steel cut oats. Not instant, and not original because "man the steel cut ones have so much stuff in them that's really, REALLY good for you. " He'd set up a pot of them before he went to bed: really, all he did was pour boiling water over them, and set them on the stove. He'd eat them with a banana and maybe some... oat milk. I'll get to that. He'd leave enough for me to eat too and I'll be honest, they were good. The first time he made them for us, I tasted them and went looking for the sugar. It was gone. There was a jar of blackstrap molasses, and a jar of what appeared to be "organic unfiltered honey". I opened it and found a dead bee in it. When I told billy, he shrugged his sexy shoulders. "Insects are loaded with protein, Boss. We should all be eating more of them." I found raisins to put in my oatmeal. Then, one day, after work, I got home before billy and I needed "something" before dinner. The "window" during which mallomars were available had opened, and I was looking forward to the new box of them I KNEW was in the cupboard. Gone. "That shit'll kill ya." was billy's answer. Now, I found out about the cookies AFTER I had gone into the fridge one morning to get some milk for my coffee. I looked. And I looked. Nope. I could have SWORN I had just bought a quart of it. I had. billy had, as he put it , "upgraded" it. No, he didn't get skim. Or 1%. He had replaced it with... oat milk. Yup, oat milk. "THAT ISN'T EVEN MILK!" I remember pleading with him. "Boss, adults shouldn't be doing dairy anyway. If you can't drink your coffee black, the way you drink your man, then at least use something healthy. Then there was the question of the eggs. Gone. Well, almost gone. And that was one I didn't quite understand because, according to billy eggs were an important part of his diet. "Boss, when I said that, I meant egg WHITES. Too much fat in the yolk. The whites cook up fine. You need the color, add some tumeric." I tried. It wasn't the same. Eventually, I'd get to like the brown rice, and the whole wheat couscous. I never got used to the gluten free pasta. But dumping my mallomars? Ok, now we had to have a discussion. Or, more to the point... "YOU. IN THE BEDROOM. NOW. EVERYTHING OFF." "oooo. I saw you working out today checking out my ass, Boss. I shoulda expected this. " THAT was not what I had in mind. This time, I DID tie coach down because we were gonna have a discussion about the cookies, in between him shrieking . I pulled out a little attachment I had for the footboard of the bed. Attaching it would turn the board into a mini stockade, and I locked his feet in it. "OH SHIT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT" he said, as he tried to look up from the headboard, where I had tied his wrists. "THIS, coach , is a job for more than fingers. You threw out those cookies didn't ya." Like I said, his answer was "that shit'll kill ya." "I'll die happy. Unlike you, who may just die laughing. " Out came the extra electric toothbrush. The torture of the chocolate English muffin continued. The shrieks were so loud that it really WAS necessary: I pulled out one of my penis gags, shoved it into his mouth and went at his feet. "You're gonna buy a replacement box tomorrow, studmuffin, and you're gonna replace them. Otherwise... you may need to miss a day of work, and I'll 'work from home.' You can expect that you'll get half hours of this, with ten minute breaks. ALL. FUCKING. DAY. GOT IT BOTTOM?" I could hear the laughing escaping from the sides of the gag as he shook his head yes. When I was finished, and I took the stock attachment down and took off the gag, but before I untied his wrists, he gave me what I would come to know as the "puppy dog stare." "I'm sorry I did that coach. I was just concerned that, well, you know, your health and vigor is important to me and.. " He didn't get to finish. I dug into his ribs. "I have done fine with my health and vigor eating mallomars and I'm gonna keep eating them. " "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. OK SIR OK. Your cookies are off limits." "Damn right they are, billy. But you gotta pay." I got back to work. "PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. I'M GONNA BE CRIPPLED FOR WORK TOMORROW. PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE." "You're gonna put out billy boy. You're gonna put out BIG FUCKING TIME" I didn't untie his wrists, but I ran a line of rope between his ankles and his wrists and tied each rope tight. He knew he was gonna get fucked and so did I. BUT... first I circled his cute little hole with my finger for about ten minutes so that even my little hot box was worked up. Then, I went looking for his prostate: with my tongue. No luck, but that man began to leak like nobody's business. By the time I finished my hunt, he was BEGGING for dick in a way that would've made a eunuch want to fuck him. I was no eunuch, and I had no problem just ramming my cock home. And he loved it. I saw him get rock hard . It wasn't little by little: one minute, he was flaccid, and the next minute, well.. Anyone remember those frozen treats called fudgesicles? That's sort of what was rising out of his pubes. And that's when I first noticed: however shaved he was keeping his body, his pubes were a fucking mess. "I'm gonna have to take care of that billy boy. You wanna be shaved? You're gonna be shaved completely. " I took a look at his pits too. "That's going too, muffin. Not tonight. I got bigger fish to fry . And YEAH, I AM frying them ." The way I had him tied up, I couldn't really get to his neck, which was a shame. I put that on my list as well: shaving, scruffing, fucking, tickling. He was gonna get it all. And the next morning, I bought a box of mallomars to put on my desk at work. Better to try to fight off my co-workers than to have to argue with little Mr. Jack Lalane.

Now, I've mentioned "the pack" before, and the texts, the phone messages, yadda yadda, were getting more than annoying. They saw coach billy at the gym and he didn't LOOK any different: was I making this all up? They were DEMANDING that I introduce him. So, one night, after dinner (skinless chicken breasts grilled without oil and steamed broccoli with brown rice. YUMMMMMMMMMMM. I started eating a LOT of Mexican and Chinese food at lunch), I told him that we had a brunch date on Sunday. "What time Boss? Cause I can't go if it's during church." "CHURCH?" I started to laugh. "You go to CHURCH" "Damn straight Boss" he answered. "Oops, sorry. Wrong choice of words. But yeah, every Sunday. I sleep in, and get to mass. "Well, you don't expect me to go with you do you?" I got the puppy dog look again. "One day Boss? Please?" "Well, let's see. We may have to trade something. But you sleep in. What time do you get up?" "About 7:30 Boss." "I thought you said you slept in." "I DID. 7:30 is late for me. " "Wait. So you get up at 7:30. When is bedtime on Saturday?" "No later than 11, Boss." I nearly spit out the cup of decaf and oat milk I was drinking. Eleven? There were nights when I didn't get STARTED until 11. I had visions of taking billy clubbing, dancing with him, making out at midnight. We'd have to work toward that. "Ok, billy. So you get up at 7:30, get to church for, what time is service?" "8:30 , Boss." And when does it end? "Usually about 11, sometimes later, depending on the sermon. You can't rush Reverend Pete." "Who would wanna do that? " I asked facetiously. He knew, and gave me a look. And he said something that he shouldn't have, because my evil mind got to work right away. "You know, if you ever expect to get your dick in my mouth, you're gonna have to show some respect for religion." That reminded me. Yeah, the sex was great, but I hadn't had a goddamn blowjob. I was gonna have to fix that. And I did. billy had puppy dog eyes. I had a lizard brain. This time, I won.

I made a brunch reservation at a place where I knew billy could eat healthily, at 1:30 . I invited two members of "The pack:" Jerry, and Phil. Sunday brunch with four 'mos. It happens all over NY, every Sunday. How often does it happen after one of them has gone to a 3 hour church service, gone for a five mile run, and done 100 push ups. OH, and I forgot: eaten a six egg white omelet too? See, billy didn't want to fill up on "junk food" at the restaurant, so he ate "something healthy." I WILL say this. The man didn't say much, but he knew how to behave and how to act. He was.. let's just say gracious and charming. I caught a glimpse of him in his shirt and tie before he headed off to church. I think I muttered "yeah, I'd fuck that" before he left. He came over to the bed and kissed me and whispered "I hope so" before he left. After he had gotten home, and did all I described, he changed for brunch. DAMN was there anything that man wore that didn't make him look sexy? He put on this cream colored, long sleeve knit shirt that, as the ads say , was "designed for the physically fit." I mean, you could trace every muscle on his torso through that shirt. He put on a pair of dress pants that made me go and change out of my jeans. When I did, I saw that what I felt was confirmed: I had wood. But it was gonna have to wait. We were going to be late. The restaurant was close enough to my apartment (now OUR apartment), to walk. I desperately wanted to put my arm around his shoulder, or at least to hold hands. billy wasn't ready for that. It was complex: he had no care about people knowing he was gay. I never quite understood it: he thought that people knowing he was "in a relationship" would impact his clientele. So we got to the restaurant, and Jerry was there. Jerry is NEVER late. Phil, on the other hand, has never been on time in his life. Fortunately, however crawling with homosexuals the place was, Nancy (her real name), sat us before Phil got there. It was a while. I was sitting next to billy boy, and I kept my hand on his thigh, under the table. He squeezed it back. I was on my second coffee and Phil wasn't there yet. I needed to piss. I turned to billy and smiled. "I'll be back soon. Don't run away." He smiled, put his finger on his lips, and then touched it to mine (It was a gesture I found incredibly sexy. I still do). Now, Jerry is a sweet guy. He's a wonderful guy. But he has a nickname: "Jaws and Claws," because the man does not miss a chance to, shall we say, "make a play." I love Jerry but... when I got back, Phil had joined us, and Jerry had moved into the seat next to billy. I could tell that billy was being polite, but didn't know what to do. As you have probably figured out, I'm no shrinking violet and I just stood there and said "GERALD. Now, we all have our place in life and mine is next to my boyfriend. So if you don't mind." He smiled. "Geez. I was just trying to chat billy up. Are you that possessive, bitch?" I gave him a look. He sighed, and got up. I sat down and put my hand on billy's thigh again. I teased him. "Hmmm. Wood for someone other than me. I won't forget that." He looked at me like "HUH?" It was because there WAS no wood, but... well, you'll see. So we ordered brunch. My healthy food eating boyfriend put away an order of French toast with bacon, three scrambled eggs - WITH the yolks, I think five slices of buttered toast ("it was whole wheat!" he told me), and then wondered if we had time for dessert because "the peach cobbler reminds me of my mom's." He got his peach cobbler. I figured the more he ate, the slower he would be when.... So, okay, it was 3:30 when we left the restaurant. billy shook hands with Phil and Jerry and after Jerry had turned around , threw away the piece of paper Jerry had slipped him with his number on it. As we walked, I turned gruff. "You know, SOMEONE is gonna pay for flirting with my friend" billy stopped on the street. "WHAT? YOU THINK I WAS FLIRTING WITH HIM? DIDN'T YOU SEE ME THROW OUT THE NOTE HE SLIPPED ME?" "I felt that wood sweetie. We're gonna have to establish some facts when we get home and SOMEONE is gonna be getting a little sausage that ain't the breakfast kind." He saw he wasn't going to convince me and just said "you make the rules Boss" When we got back home I pointed to a chair. "Where do your hands go, billy boy?" "Behind my back Sir?" he asked. "Damn right. That's where they get tied." "Yes sir. " Once they were bound, I thought about doing what I had done previously, which was to tie his limber legs back to his wrists. I didn't want to do that. "Now, billy boy. We've been talking about an exchange. All that damn health food in the house." "Boss, I can't eat that shit you eat. It's not good for me." "Well, you're gonna have to eat something you aren't used to eating billy boy. Especially after flirting with Jerry." "SIR, I DID NOT FLIRT WITH JERRY." That's when I slipped my fingers into his pits. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. STOP. STOP. I'M GONNA BARF I'M SO FULL." "Oh, you're gonna get a lot more full coach." My fingers continued to dig. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. " "I am just gonna keep this up until I get what I want. " "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA. WHAT YOU WANT? I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU. JUST... STAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" I moved from behind him, and when I was in front, I opened my zipper. MY wood came out. "HUH? How you gonna fuck me if I'm sitting down?" I didn't say anything . I just smiled. Then I saw the look on his face. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. NO SIR. PLEASE. " "You want me to shave your pubes?" "No Sir" "You want me to shave your pits?" "No Sir." "You want me to pull those shoes off and do to your feet what I just did to your pits?" "NO SIR!!!!" "Well then....." I saw that billy was really, REALLY having a problem. "I'm not gonna make you swallow billy. One step at a time. It'll be easier than you think. I promise." He pulled at his ropes. I hope he didn't think he was getting away. "Ok Sir. Don't be angry if I'm not good at it. PLEASE." "Just give it a try, coach. " I moved closer to his mouth and.. HOLY FUCKING CHRIST ON A CROSS. That boy knew how to suck. OH GEEZ. He brought me to the edge at least twice. I pulled out to make sure I kept my promise. He thought I was giving him a chance to breathe. His voice was really, really sincere. "Thank you Sir. I appreciate it." Each time I put my growing hard on back in his mouth and his tongue, his lips. DAMN. I knew I had a prize. BUT GEEZ. "OK billy. Ok. It's time. Let me out. " I saw the look in his eyes. They were.. .mischievous. "BILLY DAMN IT. I'M GONNA SHOOT DOWN YOUR THROAT. LET GO." Then I realized: he WASN'T gonna let go. I just unleashed. I yelled so loud the neighbor next door banged on the wall. (The next day he saw me and asked me not to be so overt about making clear I was getting what everyone else wanted). I looked at billy. "What the hell? What the..." He looked at me. "Can you untie me Boss? I'll explain." Yeah, I could untie him. I did. He grabbed me, resting his head on my chest. "Boss, you made me do something I didn't think I could do. And you're putting me on fire. All the time. ALL THE TIME. I wouldn't flirt with your friends, damn it, they don't deserve it. YOU took me. YOU. " He looked up at me and nearly whispered "Don't take no as an answer from me Boss. Ever." I smiled and rubbed his earlobes. I pressed my knee against his crotch. "If we don't get you taken care of sweetheart, you're gonna stain your good pants." "You gonna let me cum?" "I'm gonna insist on it. " "Let me do it this time, Sir. Let me give you a show." "I'm not gonna say no. " We never made it to the bedroom. He dropped his pants right there. He licked his hand and began stroking himself. I couldn't help it. I stood behind him and ran my finger back and forth on his ass crack. "OH YEAH. OH YEAH BOSS. Play with what's yours. Play with your billy toy. Play with him. FUCCCCCCCKKKK" . My neighbor banged on the wall for the second time that day. "Thank you Sir. Thank you. GOD that was good." He collapsed into my arms. I kept thinking "This is just getting better. " And it did. I'll tell you more. Stick around.


Next: Chapter 8

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