Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 16, 2023


Well, as I look back on things, it shouldn't have surprised me that the conversation I had with coach billy on the ride home was fascinating, charming and informative.

I have no idea who the man (or men) was (or were), who had trained him as well as they did: no amount of tickling has gotten that out of him. billy had all the basics down. They were rusty, but with a little "lube" from me, they'd be fine.

I learned that while he LOVED being called things like "muscle boi" or "super sub," things like that, in his words "I ain't no woman so I ain't no bitch, no cunt, no pussy." He explained to me that they were all turn offs. I knew I could work with that: there are lots of ways to keep a sub bottom under control with words, and I knew a lot of them. THAT one was the easy one. The one that was going to be harder, was that billy HATED sucking cock. He just HATED it. He even asked at one point "Please Sir, please don't make me do that," and for me, that was non negotiable. My bottom sucked cock, period. "Let's talk about it when we get back to home, billy, ok?" "Ok Sir. But ..." "SHHHH billy. I haven't gagged you on the drive back, but I'm beginning to think about it. " He began to laugh. "You use a tight gag too Sir. I thought I was gonna burst when you were tickling me with the gag on." Like I said, he was rusty. That was something a tickle bottom should NEVER tell a top. In any event, I concluded that we were going to have what I call a "bondage chat" when we got home. Another thing I learned that was important, was billy's schedule. He began teaching at 6 in the morning; yup, there was some die hard professors and students who got up and did a boot camp with him, 3 or 4 days a week. billy didn't really have a 9-5 type of job the way I did. He'd work for three hours, have a two hour break, go back and work another two, and then repeat with some variation of that. He told me that, generally, he was finished at 7. "Is that when you finish on Monday, stud?" I asked him. He smiled. He liked being called "stud" and, later, when I introduced him to people, when I called him "my stud" he liked that even more. He also loved telling people the story of how I had broken him. Hearing him tell it always gave me wood, but ... well, I'll tell you more about that.

So, the "bondage chat." After we had gotten back to my place, and the stuff had been put down, but not away, I pointed to a chair. "SIT. We have talking to do." It caught billy a bit by surprise, but he was compliant. "Yes sir. Hands behind my back?" "Damn right, stud muffin." (Again, he smiled). I grabbed some rope and tied his wrists, and then I ran four circles of it around his middle. Then, since I had a gymnast tied up, I grabbed each ankle and pulled his legs back so that each ankle was tied directly to a wrist. I heard him whisper "fuck" when I finished it, and when I ran my scruff over his ear, and said. "Now we're gonna establish some rules, muscle boy."

I had pulled a few toys out before I sat down in a chair opposite my sweet chocolate chunk: my "fly swatter paddle" which I knew he recognized, and a spreader gag, which billy looked at quizically. There was a method to my madness: I had absolutely NO intention of smacking billy around with the paddle: things were too new, and I had no idea how he reacted to pain, but...

"Ok, stud, now here's how it's gonna go. " I started. "I'm gonna respect your schedule BUT... you need to tell me, every day, when you're coming here. Then you'll have a half hour. For every minute you're late..." That's when I picked up the paddle, turned it vertically, and began to run it down the SIDE of his junk. "Either 5 of these, or 5 minutes of tickling. To be determined by me. " "You're the Boss" he said. Somehow, billy causing me "Boss" got me more excited than when he called me Sir. I guess it's because other subs have called me Sir, but billy was unique. And that made him even more singular.

"You're gonna get tickled at least an hour a day." "AN HOUR A DAY? BOSS THAT'S TOO MUCH." I looked at him and smiled. "I was gonna make it 90 minutes, and maybe someday I will but for now.... " I slid the paddle up and down the top of his crotch. I noticed that he pushed toward it. "Clear?" "Yes Boss." he sighed. "AND... I'm gonna have my cock in that ass of yours, or that mouth, at least once a day." "Not my mouth Boss. Not my mouth." "Yeah, we're gonna have to settle that billy. Cause this is one that is NOT being discussed. " I picked up the spreader gag. "This one isn't my favorite, but it'll do the job. Open your mouth." "NO." He shook his head. This wasn't my first rodeo so , I reached out and pinched his nose closed. The man had good breath control but after a while, even a distance runner has to breathe. "Ok Boss, ok. You win. As always." He opened up his mouth and took the spreader gag. "Now, you see, billy? You can't close your mouth, and this gives me plenty of room. To put things like my fingers..." I gently pushed three of them in his mouth. "MOVE YOUR TONGUE AROUND. LICK THEM." He grunted, but he did it. "AND.... plenty of room for my cock. Won't be quite as good as a REAL blow job, but it'll be good training. " I could see that he was uncomfortable with this, but that was one I was not backing down on: my sub was gonna give blow jobs, period. "If you understand the rules, then I'll take the gag off. We good?" billy shook his head yes. I was glad because, while the spreader gag was effective, it took away from his hotness. "I don't think there's anything else right now billy. So I think..." I got up. I was gonna step behind him and dig into his pits. "Boss, one question. You said six days. Which day is my free day?" I laughed. "Yeah, we're gonna talk about that now. Maybe I got my numbers wrong. I want you here seven days a week. " "WHAT? FUCK! My ass'll never recover." "And that's why you'll suck cock studmuffin. Now... you know, you REALLY look good tied up, and it would be a pain in the ass to go for your feet, but.." "OH SHIT NO!" I slipped my fingers under his pits and began digging in. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHA. BOSS STOP . YOU'RE KILLIN' ME." "Nah, I'm just tenderizing you. I plan to move down to your ribs, right about... now. "NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHA. STOP! PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. " I stopped for a minute. "How are you gonna put up with an hour of this if you can't take a few minutes? " I dug into his ribs. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. BOSS. WOULDN'T YOU RATHER FUCK ME ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" This was going so much better than I had hoped. Yes, I DID wanna fuck billy. Badly. I was gonna tickle him mercilessly, and then shove my cock up his ass. And here he was asking for it. But I had one more twist. "So, here's the thing billy. 7 days a week, not six? Deal?" I put my fingers back under his arms, but didn't do anything. He giggled. "Deal Boss. Deal. You win." "ANNNNNNNNNND. Part 2. You'll blow me when I want it, or... it's 2 hours of tickling. It'll be your choice." I could see it settle on billy. He was realizing: he was defeated. He lost. He lost on all counts. There was a slight heave in his crotch. He wanted to cum almost as much as I did. "I understand Boss. I accept your terms. " "EXCELLENT. So, I'll untie you, then you get your ass on that bed. On your back. No restraints... Tonight. " There was no question that having billy as my bottom that weekend was GREAT; you Tops and DOMS will agree thought, there's nothing like having a guy in your own bed. And when your guy has legs that you can spread nearly to 180, well.... my chocolate English muffin (I started calling him that when he started calling me Booty Boss. Never in public, but just between us), was calling to me. He was naked, on his back, and I could see his dick shooting up into the air. But me first. There's probably some stupid song about how long between screwing people in your bed. For me, it hadn't been that long, but this was the first time in a LONG time it was someone I felt I could care about. The little sounds he was making before I got to his ass, almost like a lamb bleating, were getting me more and more excited. But first... I wanted to do something I KNEW he loved, and he didn't get a lot of in the past. My tongue dug into his ass. Those bleats turned into moans. Then pleas. "FUCK BOSS FUCK. I NEED YOUR COCK. I NEED IT. FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD. " billy got his wish, and I got mine. DAMN I went in so hard that I saw him bite down to not yell. That only made me push further. He had learned enough over the weekend not to try to grab his own cock. I was gonna take care of that when I was done, and I was done, FAST. That sneak, even with his legs spread as wide as they were, could work those glute muscles. He was milking me internally, and I loved it. I just loved it. When I was done, I lay down beside him, and took his cock in my hand. I leaned in and began running my tongue over his ear. He closed his eyes. "OH YEAH DADDY. OH YEAH. TAKE WHAT'S YOURS. TAKE ME. MAKE ME YOURS. I WANT YOU. I WANT YOU, STUD BOSS. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." He let out a yell, and an orgasm that was, frankly, ENORMOUS. "WOW. Where'd you put that all, shorty pie?" I teased him. He flashed me that big handsome grin. "Think I know, Boss? Must've been my ass reacting to.. what the hell was that? A pile driver? GEEZ. I'm gonna feel it in every squat I do tomorrow." billy didn't say anything, but I looked at the clock. "You're gonna have to get to bed, ain't you billy? Five o'clock for a workout, means..." "No later than ten, Boss. " He grinned. "You don't have to come to bed with me, if you don't want to." "Ha ha. Funny one, muscle boy. Tell ya what? You get cleaned up, I'll order in some food. Something light. It'll be ok." "Light? Fuck light, Boss. Get anything that seems like a celebration, cause I feel like celebrating. FINALLY, someone who 'gets me.' "And I got you." I smiled. I did order in food while he washed up. My phone had apparently blown up with messages from "The Pack" and I would have to start answering them. But not tonight. I had to start planning. I figured I could change my work schedule to something like 10-6 so I could be around billy more, and I wanted to go through my porn collection to see what "scenes" folks had thought of about gymnasts - not that I didn't have a few ideas of my own already.

So we ate our dinner, cleaned up, and billy got to bed. He liked to sleep on the right side of the bed, which was fine with me. But he used no blankets: remember I wrote about that heat producing engine? Yeah it wasn't a fluke. When I got into bed, and pulled him into me, I tossed the covers off too. After I wrapped my arms around him, I put my thumb on his lips and he licked it. I whispered into his ear: "you better not snore." I don't think he heard me. He was already out, sucking on my thumb.

The alarm went off pretty early. We had agreed I would get some more sleep after he was up and out, but I did wake up with the alarm. When I did, much to my surprise, my hand was wrapped around billy's balls. "Boss, can you let them go now?" He whispered. "Sure, but... how the hell did they get there?" He laughed. "You don't remember?" "No, not a clue." My hand was off his balls, but I wasn't letting him up. I was licking his ear when he told me. "I guess it was about 2. I began to snore. It woke you up. You grabbed them and said "You can shut the fuck up, or I'll scramble up some eggs for breakfast." "Ha ha!" I laughed. "I don't remember any of that, but if that's all it takes to shut off that engine, I'm in. " He got up and went off to the kitchen to look for breakfast. He came back, naked except for one of my aprons wrapped around his middle. "Boss, you eat shit. Nothin healthy in that kitchen. I'm gonna stop for some oatmeal on the way to the gym, but tomorrow, you best plan on shopping with me, cause if you don't, no matter what kind of tickle whupping I get, I'm gonna fix up that kitchen right. "

So we began. After I had kissed billy good bye, I pulled out my phone and started answering the pack. I set up a brunch with my two besties. They should meet him first: that following Sunday. The others? A little at a time. I didn't want my gymnast bottom to get overwhelmed by horny homosexuals on his first week with me.


Next: Chapter 7

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