Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 12, 2023


So, as I wrote, coach billy may have very well been the best "date" I have had in my life. First, he looked GORGEOUS. Many jocks, coaches, etc., just don't pull it off in street clothes. coach billy does. His wardrobe was not as extensive as it is now, but everything showed a sense of what worked. Sitting there , at a 90 degree angle with him, I also learned that coach billy was no dummy. In fact, he put me in my place with something. We were talking about what was going to happen after we got back to NYC, and he was very clear.

"Listen up Sir Douglas, and I'm calling you that instead of Leo for a reason. I will bottom for you, I will sub for you. But if you try to take control of my life, I will be gone faster than you can say "gimme ten". He smiled as he said that. "Now that may be the very last thing I say to you from a position of control, but it's take it or leave it Sir Douglas." I smiled back at him. I was shaking my head. There was nothing I wanted to do more at that point than push him down on the ground and fuck him again, but I'd wait. "You said you won't call me Sir Leo. Why is that, billy boy?" He smiled at the billy boy. I think he liked it. He sat back. "Sir, you tell me that you call yourself Leo because you fancy yourself a hunter just like a lion. Isn't that what you told me?" "Well yeah." "Well, here's the thing, stud. You are an awesome Dom and an even more awesome Top, and I have never slept with someone who controlled me the way you do, but... " he began to laugh. "As a hunter, you suck." I started to laugh. "Whaddya mean? I brought you down." "Yeah you did, but that's cause I got cocky. Hiding behind the wall.. you think I didn't see you ? Geez, didn't you realize that land slopes down? For about 100 feet I saw you and I was wondering "what the hell is Fitts doing there? When you grabbed me, I figured it out. I had seen the way you looked at me in class. THAT look was a lion's look. GEEZ I felt like you wanted to sink your teeth in me every single day." I was enjoying this, and I was getting hard. "Well, I did." "Ha ha. Now, I coulda turned around, taken another path, or come up behind you and scared the shit outta you, but nah, I figured that I could take you, and maybe I could've if you didn't have that sleep juice with ya." "But I did." "I know. Remember? I'm the one who's ass you tied up." "And fucked." "And fucked. And fucked well. HOLY SHIT that was a DAMN GOOD FUCK. And every fuck this weekend has been like that. But let's face it, Sir, I coulda killed your whole plan by turning around and exiting another way." I sat back. "Maybe. But I wouldn't have given up. " "Yeah, I understand that. You would've kept on trying. You probably woulda gotten me eventually. You've got that kind of personality. Some of the shit you did: leaving all my ID back at your apartment, that was fucking brilliant." I asked a question: "Were you asleep on the way up, or were you faking?" He smiled. "I'll never tell. Let's just say I knew it would help your fantasy if I didn't know where we were." "But you don't." He laughed. "Damn right I don't. I haven't a fucking clue cause you're a shitty driver too. " I started to laugh so hard I almost spat up my beer. When I stopped laughing I asked him: "Are you glad I did what I did?" "Yup." He smiled. I chuckled a bit. "Well, you may think I'm a sucky lion, but there's another animal in me that you haven't experienced yet. "You mean something other than a stallion?" "Ha ha. Nope. You haven't experienced the anaconda, billy." "The anaconda? What the hell is that?" "Oh, you'll find out. After we get back. By the way, any other body parts that're ticklish I need to know about?" I got that big smile again. "You think I'm gonna give you all my secrets without a struggle? " The anaconda came later. I'll tell you about it, although some of you probably have some idea. What I learned from billy that night was that yes, he was 100% bottom, and about 85% submissive. He had tried topping, had tried dominating, he hated it. But there was a kink to his kink: billy didn't get into sex unless he felt that he had been conquered or defeated, each and every time. That's why he got into my tickling him after I tied him up. Bondage wasn't enough for him: he needed something that made him feel that he was giving up: that somehow, his resistance had been broken. In short, he was my kind of guy.

I learned a lot about my new bottom that night: billy was the youngest of three brothers, and they were all interested in sports and physical activity. He was not only the youngest, he was the smallest by far, and his brothers took as much advantage of that as they could. They found out he was ticklish when he was very young- his mom used to tickle them all, and billy would shriek "like a little girl" he told me, when she tickled him. His brothers picked up on it, and basically tormented him every chance they could, until.... billy tried to laugh about this but, I could tell, it was hard. They jumped him once, and while the middle brother held him down, pulling his arms up over his head, his older brother dove in, tickling his pits without mercy . "Worse than you do, Sir," he smiled. "I'll step up my game" I countered. Well, that time, his older brother was on top of him, and his knee was resting right on top of billy's crotch. "I think I was 15" he told me, "and I had had my first wet dream about two months before. It was about another boy in school, but I didn't tell anyone of course. But the pressure of that knee on my crotch, and the tickling of my pits.... at first, my brothers thought I had peed my pants, but when they saw my face... " He looked down. "They stopped tickling me after that." "Maybe that was better, " I said. I tried to cheer him up. "I'll make up for them." His response: "you know, you don't have to Sir. Your cock is somewhat amazing. You throw good wood." "I still wanna know those secret spots." "Well, then you're gonna have to do something about it."

I didn't ask coach if he felt the way I did, but when we got back to the cabin I was , as they say "horny as a horn toed lizard. " We were both changing to casual clothes, and billy threw on a t shirt and some shorts (it was early: remember: this was the country. Restaurants CLOSED at about 8:30, and the first dinner service was at 4. We were far from ready for bed. "So... gonna tell me?" I asked him He smiled. "Make me." I wonder if the shriek he gave out when I grabbed him around his waist was as loud as the one he used to give when his mom tickled him. I threw him on the bed. "Well, if I don't know the secret places, I'm gonna have to go for the ones I know." I dove into his pits, and he pulled his arms close to him. "NO YOU DON'T. YOU ARE NOT GETTING IN THERE. " When I went for his feet, to pull off his sneakers, he kicked me. His ribs were accessible, but it would've been difficult, the way he was curled up. "You look like a turtle that way billy. But you know who eats turtles? The anaconda." I'm tall enough and my legs are long enough to pull it off. I call it the anaconda, but I guess you could call it anything you want. It works best with shorter guys - like billy. I wrapped my arms around his upper body, curled my leg around his legs, and then I whispered into his ear. "Tell me the spots, bottom." He smiled. "Nope." I tightened my grip over his upper body. "Tell me the spots." While he was fighting my tightening grip, I began to slide a hand under his left arm, which he was holding against his body like a bird wing. "Nope. NOT TODAY SATAN" he laughed. When he laughed, he made his mistake. I was able to slide my hand underneath his arm. "OH SHIT." he giggled. He knew it was over, because once I had him in the classic "chicken wing" (which you wrestlers can explain better than I can), I had him flipped over on his back. Once I did that, I knew it was over. "Gonna tell me?" I began gently tickling his belly. He fought it, but then the laughs began to spurt out. "phhhhhhhhhhhhhh. hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha. hahahhahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA" as I dug my fingers in deeper. "I can pull your arms up and go for your pits. You want that?" "NO! NO!. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. YOU WIN. YOU WIN. I'LL TELL YA. I'LL TELL YA. JUST... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. STOP!!!!" I did. I looked down on this handsome, muscular man who was under my control. I kissed him. "Next one won't be so gentle billy. " "The inside of my thighs.... my neck. The space behind my ears. OH SHIT WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS?" "Because you want me to totally wreck you, stud." I slid down and pulled up his t shirt to raspberry his navel. Then I began licking. "NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA. " "I want your ass, handsome. I want that handsome black ass. "TAKE IT! IT'S YOURS SIR. TAKE IT!" I slid my fingers into the waistband of his shorts, and I began to pull them down. Then I stopped "Are you sure? It's been a tough day." "I'M SURE DAMN IT. YOU EVER HEARD OF A PUSHY BOTTOM YOU FUCKING LION PUSSY? COME ON! YOU WON NOW PROVE IT." This time, before I fucked him, I gave billy somethign a thorough ass eating. (I learned later that I was the first man who had ever done that to him). When he was good and wet with my saliva, I entered his ass. "OH YES. OH YEAH. FUCK ME DADDY! He yelled. "FUCK YOUR COACH BITCH HARD. NO I SAID HARD!!!!" I was trying not to laugh. I felt like I was in a porn movie, with him screaming like that. "You wanna feel what a REAL tumbler can do to a cock like that? " He grinned, and I felt his glutes tighten. Now, I had fucked guys who had good control of there glutes. They should all be taking lessons from billy. DAMN. I was glad I knew his ticklish spots, because if he didn't relax that grip, my cock might still be in there. "FIND MY SPOT TOPMAN. FIND MY FUCKING G SPOT. YEAH! YEAH! RIGHT THERE. BACK AND FORTH. OH SHIT YEAH. YEAH. " Can we say "pushy bottom?" GEEZ. I think I never worked so hard as I did that night. Every time I thought I was close, he'd clamp down so hard, I couldn't. Then I found the key. I kissed him and I shoved my tongue down his throat. He just yielded. And I shot into him so fucking hard, I thought I was gonna see him cry my jizz. "My turn, Sir?" He asked, as I was kissing his eye lids. "Not tonight billy boy. You're gonna get your chance tomorrow." "You mean that? Cause if you don't, I'm gonna sneak into the bathroom and jerk off when I tell you I'm gonna pee. " I laughed. "You're looking forward to me edging you, coach. You wanna see how long you can hold out, you competitive little cunt." He was silent for a minute. "You're craftier than I am Sir. That's what I fell for. You're always two steps ahead. I feel sorry for any guy who turns you down because... he don't stand a chance." I think I never felt more proud in my life. And the next morning, he WAS gonna get edged. That's what the bar above the door was for. At least this time.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "WOULD YOU SHUT UP FOR CHRIST SAKE?" I whispered loudly, when he started snoring like a steam engine? I covered his mouth with my hand. "How the hell did any of your boyfriends sleep with you, between the heat you give off, and the fucking snoring?" I uncovered his mouth. "You REALLY have to gag me like that? Reach down and feel what you did." Hmmmm. So my hot chocolate was not only ticklish, he had a gag fetish. "Seriously. How do I quiet you down so I can sleep? I can't gag you. If you can't breathe, well..." I didn't want to say snuff film." "I need to feel something in my ass. You got a plug or something?" I didn't have a plug with me that weekend, but I DID have the dildos I had put between his knees. If I took out the battery , one of them might do. It did. We slept through the rest of the night. Next morning, it was time to put billy through his paces. AFTER he got his run on. I told him to go and take care of that while I packed us up. Before he went out the door, he came and stared into my eyes. "We really gotta go back don't we, Sir?" I smiled and put his hands behind his back. "Yeah, we do. But we'll be continuing this. " I nibbled his ear and whispered "Faster you're back, the faster we can relieve that rod of yours. NO JERKING OFF IN THE WOODS" He laughed. I felt confident that he wasn't going to do that. He wanted to feel my "magic." I packed up our bags while he was gone, including the toy kit (I kept them in a separate bag, because I wouldn't be using them for our next session, and I'd disinfect them in NYC), and then made sure the restraints were attached to the rack. Huffing and puffing, he came into the house. "Ten miles! That's a good one." "And it looks like ten inches. Another good one." I pointed to the bar over the door. "Get over there. Arms over your head." "OH SHIT. Does this mean..." "Maybe it does." In fact, I hadn't thought about that, but... yeah, a perfect opportunity for more tickling. But first... This time I DID pull his shorts down. They were down over his sneakers, and his cock was out there. REALLY out there. I had tied him to the bar so that he had to stand on tippy toes . I stepped behind him and first, I kissed both of his ears, and didnt touch his cock at all. Then I began whispering "billy boy found his TOPMAN this weekend, didn't he?" My hand slid to his cock and just encircled it. He gasped. "Yes sir. I'm Douglas' boy now" "Damn right you are." I began sliding, and he began moaning. His sweat was salty, and sweet, as I worked on his left ear. I slid back and forth on his cock a little more. "OH GOD SIR. OH GOD. " Then I let go. "You get there too fast billy, that ain't good. I'll have to take advantage of those pits." He laughed. "You're gonna take advantage of them anyway. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I had my hand on his cock again, and this time I was sliding up to his cockhead, and rubbing my thumb on the very tip. "How'd you know? " he gasped. "How the fuck did you know about... that." I rested my unshaven chin on his neck. "I didn't. But I do now." I began rubbing my thumb and forefinger back and forth on his cockhead. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT SIR. I CAN'T HOLD IT I CAN'T I CAN'T I... AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" Did that man shoot? Well, you know the line about bears in the woods. He sure did. And now that his whole body was stimulated... you know where this evil bitch's fingers went. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. DIRTY POOL. UNFAIR. UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT." "Report me to the Dean." I stopped. "Want more." "Do I have a choice?" He asked. "Nope." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. OH SHIT YOU'RE GONNA TICKLE ME EVERY DAY AREN'T YOU? SIR... " "Only if you want me to." Then I started laughing. "Who the fuck am I kidding? It's gonna be hard for me NOT to tickle you." I looked at him. I had put enough guys on that rack to know when the pain would start in their arms. It was time to take him down. When I did, he threw himself in my arms. "I wish you could fuck me again Sir. " "I can. Just not right now. " Indeed, I had plans to fuck him at my place that night. "Look at the mess you made. I think you better clean this up while I load the car." "Yes sir. Of course. Have the BLACK guy do the menial jobs." I looked at him. "Trust me billy. You want menial jobs. I got plenty of them. " "Just kidding sir. Just kidding. Bad joke. " I smiled. "Trust me. If we get that far, you'll be cleaning my boots. But WITHOUT polish." "Yes sir." I picked up the bags. "Ok stud. Get that stuff cleaned up and then... we're on our way. And we were. This time, he really DID sleep until I stopped by M&M's to get some lunch. The ladies were as sweet as they ever were. And they told me "Bring him back. " "Oh trust me ladies. I will."

Next: Chapter 6

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