Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 9, 2023


Coach bill began to stir at about 5 on Saturday morning. He needed to use the bathroom, and in order to get there, he was probably going to have to wake up Douglas - or Leo, whatever he was calling himself now that he had billy. It wasn't going to be easy: Leo was bigger, and he was strong. His arm was wrapped around billy's waist, and his leg, much longer than billy's, was pinning billy's legs down as well. "Douglas. Douglas. I'm sorry, but I got to get up and go to the john. Sorry." Douglas stirred, and answered sleepily. "Oh, yeah, sure. Go ahead. Don't try anything." bill snickered a little: he was naked, his wallet, with all of his id, his money, everything, was back in Douglas' apartment, he didn't know where the car keys were, and he didn't know where he was. At least the bed was comfortable, and Douglas hadn't tried to do anything all night. He finished up, got back into bed and found himself wrapped up in Douglas' arms again. This time, though, Douglas had his mouth over billy's ear. He whispered "You're like a little fucking furnace billy. You could melt ice with your body." It was true. Some of his friends had kidded bill about his metabolism all through school, and it never dropped. He burned calories so fast, that his body always seemed to be 2 or 3 degrees warmer than everyone else. His girlfriends had commented on it, and now... so was... what should he call Douglas/Leo, at least in his head.

He felt Leo's tongue begin to lick his ear. "You may be sorry you woke me studmuffin." "Sir, PLEASE. I'm sore. Didn't you get enough?" I forced him to his back and then I grabbed his wrists with one hand. I pulled them over his head and I grabbed his balls with my other one. "Stud pup, I am NEVER gonna get enough of you, and it's taking all my will power not to FUCK you right now. But I don't wanna ruin your run so... I'm just gonna have some fun. Gimme access to that neck of yours." "SIR. COME ON. It's. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGH" I probably wouldn't have squeezed his balls if he wasn't giving me a hard time, but he was. He DID move his head. My morning scruff got in there, and I moved very slowly, back and forth, feeling him squirm underneath me. He was getting hard too. My tongue was right there, and I lapped at his ear, whispering "I'm not the only one who's getting excited am I? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" I ran my teeth over the frame of his ear. He looked like he was gasping for breath, and his tongue came out, licking his lips. He was growing in my hand too. "You wanna cum sweet boy? You wanna empty those balls into Leo's hand?" "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG...." came out of him. "Yes sir. Yes . I do. Please. Please let me cum." "Before your run? You sure?" My mouth was still on his ear, and I was running my tongue back and forth, enjoying how he squirmed, even though it was hopeless. "I like cumming after a run. Especially inside a hot, studly gymnast. So I'm gonna hold mine. But for you.. " I started stroking his dick, while I told him how sweet it was gonna be to take his ass after his run: how wet and juicy it would be, and how I had plans for him later that day: I told him I was gonna find more ticklish spots and I was gonna use them, and how I had a bondage session planned for him. Then I whispered "Manbitch" and he couldn't help himself. His hips pitched forward, and he came under the sheets. I just laughed. "Ho ho. We're gonna have to do some laundry stud. Now I got an excuse. Gonna keep you tied nice and tight while I get these clean this afternoon. (There actually was a cleaning lady my folks used who lived in town, and I had arranged for her to come in on Monday after we had left. What he didn't know....). "GOD. I needed that Sir. I needed that SO BAD" he confessed. I let billy's wrists go. "Go get cleaned up. You're empty now. I'll get dressed. I won't run all the way with you, but I will do some."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I wasn't thrilled by billy's choice of shorts: they were loose and baggy, but I understand that every runner has his or her rituals, and this is one I wasn't gonna interfere with. At least not completely. I put on my shorts, and no shirt. "You're running bare , Sir?" I nodded as I pulled out a bottle of block. "It's warmer outside than it usually is, coach. I have a feeling that if I sweat through a shirt, you will too. It's up to you." He saw the smile on my face and decided to put on a university t shirt. "Fine," I thought. "He'll have it off sooner or later." We took off. I knew that billy's runs were usually between 8 and 12 miles. "How far you planning today, billy boy?" "Not sure. Maybe 10." "Ok, that's too far for me." I handed him a distance band so he could tell when he had gotten to a point where he needed to turn around. "The terrain is flat, and you won't have any problems. LETS GO." We took off. We ran side by side for a bit, but then I held back: I wanted to watch that marvelous ass in action. billy knew EXACTLY what I was doing, because he shook his head and smiled. Still, his pride wouldn't let me go faster than he did. I DID keep up with him though: he didn't try any sprints or anything like that. When we had gone to 3 miles, I sped up to catch him. "Ok.." I puffed. "I'm gonna head back. I'll meet you back at the house. Gimme your shirt. I'm not gonna say I told you so." billy had sweated through the t shirt after two miles, and had tucked it into his shorts. He sort of snorted when he gave it to me. I smacked his ass, and took a U turn back.

You may be wondering why I trusted billy like that. Think about it: it'll help your hunting. All of his stuff was back at my place, and he didn't know the area. I did. I knew that there weren't a whole lot of homes. I also know that, to be blunt, if someone in the area saw a sweaty man of color complaining that he had been kidnapped and was being sexually assualted by "the guy down the road," there would be skepticism, and when they found out that "the guy down the road" was the Fitts' kid, they'd probably call the place. Yes, he could have run off the track and tried to make his way to somewhere. WHERE? I knew the area too, and I had the car. No, I was pretty certain he'd be back.

And he was. I was sitting out on the porch, with coffee and a paper when I saw my sweet thing coming down the road. I smiled. He saw me and smiled: DAMN THAT SMILE OF HIS. I had planned to begin my domination after he got back, and it was time. "Water, stud?" I had three bottles of the stuff on the table next to me. He huffed, and puffed: billy did sprint the last quarter mile "Yes please. Thank you." He slugged one bottle back and poured a second one over his body. The water beaded up on what was left of the sun screen. FUCK I WISH I HAD TAKEN A PICTURE. Then he started taking the second bottle, slowly. "Ok to shower, sir?" He asked. I smiled. "Nope. My you know what is hard as a rod. Time for number one today." I saw the look on his face. But what was he gonna do. "Ok Sir. I understand." "Let's get back to that bedroom. Sheets aren't being washed yet. You get out of your shorts, and on your belly. I want those legs spread as far as they were on a floor routine." billy had learned when to give in, and when I got to the bedroom, his beautiful ass was in the air, and his legs were spread further than I had ever spread a man's legs in my life. I thought for a minute of doing some kind of intricate shibari pattern to hold him down, but I was too horny. I walked to where his head was lying and I showed him what I was about to ram into him. "Gently sir. PLEASE." I laughed. "I don't think so, billy bitch." He gulped and shut his eyes. Then I got to work. He moaned at the surprising feeling of my tongue lapping up some of that butt sweat. Salty, but so, SO good. I exaggerated the noises as I munched on his ass and, whether intentionally or inadvertenly, he pushed back so I could get in further. "OH, YES SIR. THAT FEELS SO GOOD." I slid my hands under him thinking that, even though his nipples weren't a real hot spot, it was worth a try. It worked. billy arched his ass up like a cat in heat. Leo the lion couldn't help himself and rammed in so hard, billy yelled "OH GEEZ SIR TAKE IT EASY." I laughed. "Your hair's not long enough for me to pull. Think I'm gonna have to collar you to keep you in line. FUCKBITCH." I can't remember ever fucking someone as hard as I fucked coach billy that morning. I did my best to prolong it, I was enjoying it so much. Then I got closer and closer. Did my ears hear what I think they heard. "FIll er up sir. Fill er up." I did my best. I did more than "fill er up." My jizz was dripping down his legs, onto the sheets, and my cock was covered with it too. " "OH DAMN. I need a massage Sir" bill said, kind of dreamily. I put my hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it. "What you need is a shower. And breakfast. I know a good place. My treat." He gave me a look....

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "M&M" was owned by two sisters: Myrtle and Mabel. They had lived in the area for at least 50 years, and had worked at the diner since they were little girls. Before that, their mom had worked there, and before her, her mom worked there. All the ladies had names that began with an "M": their mother was named Milly, and her mother, was Margaret. Not a prejudicial bone in the family. "DOUGIE." Mabel (or was it Myrtle? After all these years I couldn't tell: they were twins), was the only person who got away with calling me that. "You have a new friend. How are YOU, handsome?" Mabel/Myrtle smiled. "Your first visit?" "Uh, yes ma'am" billy answered. "Ma'am sham, call me Emmie. You want coffee ?" "Uh yes ma'am. SORRY, I mean emmie." "Lotsa coffee emmie. You may be seeing a lot of billy in the future." As we sat down, I winked at billy. "You can try to eat healthy here, but I warn ya. The fruit cup is out of a can, and that can was purchased probably before you started at the university." He laughed. "I got ya." I smiled, and put my foot on his calf. "NO. I'm the one who's got ... YOU. Don't forget that." He didn't seem uncomfortable with that and answered "yes sir" It turned out we didn't have to order. One of the emmies had decided we needed blueberry pancakes and bacon. She was right. Remember I mentioned billy's metabolism? He plowed through his, half of mine, and then had a corn muffin. "MMMMMMMMM. SO GOOD" He munched. He saw me staring off into space. "What's going on, Leo?" I smiled when he called me that. "I was just looking at some of the cantaloupes they have in the cooler, and I was thinking of your ass." He shook his head. "one track . One track mind." "No one would blame me," I answered. He couldn't respond to that.

"So, billy boy... I COULD ask you where your other ticklish spots are, but that would spoil the fun I have in mind for now." I could see billy squirming in the car seat. "Why do you spend so much time tickling me Sir?" "You want me to spend it fucking you?" He snorted. "I think you do enough of that Sir." "OH, I don't know about that. Not nearly enough. " "SIR, if I agree to be your boyfriend, can we stop all the bondage and tickling now?" I swear I laughed so hard I thought we'd go off road. "billy boy, being my boyfriend means MORE bondage, MORE tickling, and MORE fucking. It's up to you." He didn't answer. "So, we're gonna get home and I'm gonna strip the bed to do laundry . You, sweet bottom, are gonna get into some shorts and then... heh heh. OH, are you gonna love what I have in mind." He didn't. I knew he wouldn't. Down to his shorts, no shirt, I pulled two vibrators out of my bag. They were smaller, because... well, I had billy lay on his belly again. I put one vibrator on the back of each of his knees. Then I folded each leg, so that his ankles were close together. I tied them, and then I pulled his arms back, hard, so that I could tie his wrists almost to his knees. The bed was bare, because I had the sheets in the washer already. "Now, these little guys run for about an hour. And the washer cycles are 30 minutes. Soooooo.. billy boy, we have time to go from level 1 to level 2 on them. " I ran a finger behind his ear. "You kinda drained me this morning, but I think I'll get recharged watching you deal with this. And if you promise to do a glute squeeze when I fuck ya the next time, maybe I'll stop it earlier. " "You're a BASTARD Douglas!" That was the last word he said for the next hour plus. I flipped the on switch for each vibrator. At the lowest strength, it generally takes a few minutes to get going, so I was able to turn on the wash, pull up a chair, and watch. billy was clearly struggling. I watched him try, desperately, not to laugh. He broke after about six minutes. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAAHAAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " He saw my face and knew there was no mercy coming from me. So he changed tactics: he began to try to flex his knees and his legs, to try to force the things out. Wasn't working. "billy boy, just know that, if you push those vibrators out, we're just gonna start all over, cause you're gonna take an uninterrupted hour of that." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA. NO SIR. NO SIR. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. " I had a big smile on my face because, there was a second part coming that billy didn't know about.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx billy hadn't stopped laughing for that first half hour. The washer cycle had stopped, and it was time to go to the dryer. I switched the stuff, and then I went back to billy. I stroked his back and massaged his shoulders. "How's it going stud?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmppppp" he almost seemed ready to cry. His voice was high and thin. "Please take them off Sir. Please. " "AH, come on! How many times have you coached folks to muscle up and do more. YOU CAN DO THIS COACH because NOW... it's gonna get real." I had taken one of his socks from that gym bag he was carrying when I snatched him last Friday. I rolled it up and shoved it in his mouth. Then, I took the second one and tied the rolled on in . "I'll be back after I turn on the dryer. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" he looked at me with those sweet eyes. I turned on the drier, and then I turned up the vibrators. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!" OH, the sounds of billy laughing , or trying to laugh through the gag, were so sweet! I had put a sand timer near him so he'd know how much time he had. I was standing there, gently rubbing his earlobes. "See, billy? I don't intend to EVER do this again as much as I'm doing it today, but... we gotta establish who's in charge, and .. well, I think you're getting there, but you're not there. Am I right." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph. " He was still trying to laugh, but he shook his head yes. "Now, I didn't KNOW about this spot, I just guessed. See how smart I am?" I bent down and kissed the ear I had been massaging. He shook his head yes again. "So if I guessed right about THIS one, how many others do you think I can guess..." I bent down and whispered "I bet an electric toothbrush in your navel... heh heh heh." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!. " He began to squirm again, but I think it was because he thought of how that would feel. WHY THE FUCK WASN'T THIS MAN ALREADY SOMEONE'S TICKLE SLAVE? "Now, this is what I'm gonna be proposing billy. It's really very simple. I want you six nights a week. One night a week is boy's night, and you can do whatever you want. Just not at my apartment. Yes, we will do stuff like this, and more, that I have planned for tomorrow. Why don't you think it over? I'll be back when the time is up. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" he shook his head NO, violently. "You don't want me to leave billy? You want me to watch you?" He meekly shook his head. Then I had an idea. "Know what? I bet that I could turn you on your side and they wouldn't fall out. You wouldn't let them fall out would you?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." He shook his head no. "Well, great, because ya know, I'd like to see what's going on with that beautiful cock of yours. " I got up to turn billy, and I got resistance. "Now, billllllllllllllllllllllllllly. You know I know about your ribs. You want me to work on those while the vibrators are going?" "I thought I heard him mutter shit through the gag, and the resistance ended. I saw why he didn't want to turn: the man's cock was as stiff as it had been that morning. "BILLY! Not only are you ticklish, but it's a turn on. SON OF A GUN.

I had no idea. Let me go get some lube. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" he whined, shaking his head no, but I wasn't letting this chance go by. I put some in my hand, and began giving my boy a hand job. He stopped laughing, and he started moaning. I looked at the timer: we had about four minutes before the vibrators would need recharging. I figured I'd wait. I heard billy give out a big sigh when they died. "I owe you something sport. You were a real champ for that. None of my boys have ever lasted an hour without peeing." (I didn't tell billy that I had never done that for more than twenty minutes). I took off the gag. My hand went back to his cock, to finish what I had started. "You probably need water." I began stroking. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Yes sir. Yes I do. " "Very soon. You're not far from orgasm... I continued. I saw him close his eyes. "You give some thought to my proposal?" He took a deep breath. "Yes sir. Yes. Yes I did. " "Don't tell me until after I finish you off billy. I don't want to be deemed a cheater." I laughed at that. He began pushing his cock into my hand. I think he never thought that he'd be able to jizz twice in less than four hours, but then.... a little scream came out of his mouth as the second jizz shot. "Let me untie you and get you some water." I had a feeling I knew what was coming from him. "Catch your breath. Drink up. Nice and slow..." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." The tone of his answers was giving me a sense that.." "Sir. I accept. I need someone to take control. Yes sir. I'm yours now. Six days, six nights every week. Can you... can you kiss me Sir?" It was NOT what I expected, and I grabbed him. I kissed billy so hard we fell back down on the bed. We kissed some more, and if I had had more jizz in me, it would have been in him right there.

Instead, we went out that night to celebrate our new relationship. billy put on long pants (jeans, but it was the country), and a brown colored shirt that I had grabbed just because I saw it. It fit him snugly and the color suited him. As it turned out, Coach billy is a wonderful dinner conversationalist. We had a wonderful time, and finished up our drinking after we drove home.

Next day, well..... There WAS that rack over the door, and I hadn't used all the toys. Tell ya next time.


Next: Chapter 5

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