Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 7, 2023


My parents' cabin was about 2 hours away from the city if you didn't run into traffic. It looked like about a 2.5 hour drive after we had stopped at coach's place and picked up some stuff. He tried another escape while we were in his apartment: that's where he learned that for all of his muscles, this was a case where size mattered. I'm more than a few inches taller than he is, and I had learned from his classes and others. I had him pinned down on his bed after a very short struggle. He pushed and tried hard to get me off of him, but he never screamed. When he finally began to relax, I looked at him, right in the eye. "Listen up coach. I spent a shit load of time planning this. You're not gonna get away, not without killing me, and you don't have the balls to do that. Now, I warned you once: give me trouble, you get tied up in the back. Give me trouble twice, you go in the trunk. You just gave me reason to tie and gag you in the backseat. WANT THAT?" He took a deep breath. "No Sir. No. I won't try anything else. I promise." I smiled. Working in university administration makes you a pretty good judge of character, and he was telling the truth. "Good. Then you can sit in the front, try to memorize the route, not that it matters if you do or don't, and we'll have a peaceful ride. OK?" "OK Sir" was how he answered. Clearly he "got this:" I hadn't once told him to call me Sir, but he was. As we went back out to my car, I got a look at his ass again. DAMN, was I gonna fuck him again? You betcha.

Let me take a brief mention to tell you a bit about myself. My full name is Douglas Leo Fitts. For everything but cruising and sex, I'm Douglas - NEVER Doug. When I go on the prowl, looking for prey - that's when I'm Leo. Leo is the lion, and I like to think of myself as a lion, going after its prey. I know, I know: statistics show lions miss a lot more than they succeed. It's true, even with predators like me. But when they succeed, as I had here, they bring down some pretty high level meat. This was, in all ways, a VERY successful hunt.

coach settled down in the car, not looking very happy. Early on, he asked "Why are you doing this to me?" and I had an answer "Because I have EXCELLENT taste in men, and I've had my eye on you for a while." "Your eye on me for what? You already fucked me." "I did. Twice. If you think this is just about fucking you coach, you're mistaken. " "What IS it about Sir?" I laughed. "It's about making you my boy. My sub. My complete bottom. However you wanna call it. By the end of this weekend, whatever attractions you got for the ladies, are gonna be gone. And whatever attractions you've got for putting your cock in a man, they're gonna be gone too. ALL you're gonna want is cock in you: MY cock. " I heard him whisper 'fuck' to himself, and look around. We were beginning to move at a pretty good clip, and doing something stupid like trying to get out of the car, would have been a mistake - a FATAL mistake. He knew that. There was very little traffic on the road by this point, and I could take a hand off the wheel. I put it on his knee and squeezed. "Try to relax, coach. You're not in control anymore, and you're not my first rodeo." I laughed at that line afterward, given how much tying of billy I did that weekend. GOD it was GREAT. coach seemed to resign himself to what was happening, even if he couldn't relax into it. He clearly WAS trying to memorize the route I was taking, but after about an hour, he nodded off. I laughed softly, because he was snoring again. Now, if anyone looked at us, all they saw was a hairy guy in a tank top driving, with a handsome man in an oatmeal colored sweater sleeping in the passenger seat.

he slept all the way to the cabin. It was just beginning to get dark, and there was that wonderful, warm glow about the area. Had I not had things to do, I would have stopped to watch the sun set. I thought for a minute how one day, MAYBE, if billy had settled into the role I had for him, we could watch it together. But for the present, I had to get him, my gear, and our clothes into the cabin.

billy first. I got as close to the house as I could and shook him. "Yo. Coach Burke. Time to get up. We're here." He stopped snoring, looked around, and just like the first night with me, it took him a bit to recollect the situation. "OH SHIT. What the..." he looked around. He had no idea where we were. Good. "Understand something coach. I know this area. I know it well. I spent years of summers up here. Make a run for it, I WILL track you down, and you WILL pay for the trouble you caused. So how about just walking with me, right into the house? We'll each grab a couple of bags." He sighed. "Ok Sir. You win. Lead the way." DAMN I wished the pack had been there. Coach billy and I each had a bag in each hand, walking toward the house. Again, I made him walk in front so I could watch that ass in action. I mused about how billy had no idea that one of the bags he was carrying had the smaller toys in them, some of which I was about to use.

He looked around the place. It's a nice cabin, even if it's simple. The bedroom abuts the living room, and there's a kitchen that's bigger than it should be. And a bathroom of course - no outhouses up here. One of the features that I had "added," or "subtracted" if you will, was to take the door between the bedroom and living room off its frame. What that did, is it allowed me to put up a horizontal restraining bar, with hooks, and other attachments for stretching a guy's arms out above him - it meant I didn't need a St. Andrew or anything like that. For tonight, though, I had something much simpler in mind. As coach billy was looking around, I came up from behind him. I took his forearms, and without any resistance, I pulled them behind him. He didn't start struggling until I had the second coil of rope around his wrists. "FUCK NO. COME ON DOUGLAS. I CAN'T GET NOWHERE. YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THIS." "Ha ha," I answered. "I know. But I want to. I LOVE the idea of you tied up. And right now, I LOVE the idea of you hogtied, so... let's just get you face down on that bed. He protested, but what could he do? Once I had him on the bed, I tied his ankles, good and tight. Then I ran a rope between his wrists and his ankles. I tied them very close together - he was a former gymnast, I was gonna take advantage of that flexibility as much as I could. "Know how long you're gonna stay in this position, stud?" I asked him. "No fucking idea, Douglas," he spat back. His arrogance changed to concern when I started to remove his sneakers. "HEY. WHAT'RE YOU DOING? " "I think you know billy. I think you know." "C'mon.. we don't need to do this." "Oh, this time we do billy. Because I haven't heard you say 'please fuck me' ". He pulled at the ropes and grunted out. "AND YOU WON'T." I laughed. "Wanna bet?" I had his shoes off, but his socks were still on his feet, as I ran my finger back and forth over each sole. "HEY. STOP THAT. STOP. WHAT THE.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA" "You have such a sexy laugh billy. It's a turn on. I'm gonna have to find other ways to make you laugh. " I paused. "Wanna get fucked?" "NO FUCK NO. " That's when the socks went off. I heard him squeak out. OH SHIT" before my fingers went back to what they were doing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. PLEASE. C'MON. THIS IS PLAYING DIRTY." "All's fair in lust and war coach." I pulled one of his big toes away from it's neighbor. "Know what fits in here well, a Q-tip. And I can pull it back... and forth. " "SHIT DOUGLAS I'M GONNA PEE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." "You want me to give your feet a rest?" "Yes sir. Please. please. I can't breathe." "Ok stud. Your feet, I'll leave alone for a few minutes. But......" I dug my fingers in between his arms and his torso. I got his pits, and I had them good. He squeezed to get my hands out, but... like I say, billy wasn't my first. "PLEASE. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAA. " coach billy was trying everything he could do get my fingers out of his pits. It wasn't working and I saw the sweat he was building up. It gave a shine to his dark skin that was making me harder, and harder. "So, when I finish with these billy, I'm gonna push that sexy sweater up, and I'm gonna go for your ribs. Then your belly. And then, we're gonna start the whole cycle over again. Unless." "NO. NO. ...." Experience told me: I had won. And I had. "Please fuck me. Please fuck me Sir." "You mean that billy?" "Yes sir. Please. " I aim to satisfy my man. I undid the hogtie, and I undid the ropes around his ankles, and then his wrists. I wanted billy flipped over because I wanted to see HIS face, and I wanted him to see mine when I took him again. "ROLL OVER BUD" I commanded. He was reluctant until my smack came down on his ass. "I SAID ROLL OVER BOTTOM" He did after the sixth whack. Then I knew why he was reluctant to flip over. coach billy was showing some very serious wood. "OH. LOOK AT THAT. LOOK AT MY BILLY. DON'T YOU WISH YOU HAD SOME PLACE TO PUT THIS?" "Yes sir. Yes sir I do. Tickling always puts me in the mood. OH SHIT I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID THAT." I looked at his face and I wasn't sure if he was being honest when he said he didn't mean to tell me that tickling turned him on. Maybe he did. I like to use tickling, but usually, just to break down the initial walls: but if tickling this stud was gonna make him give up, I'd use it. DAMN I'd use it. For now, though, I just got him out of his shorts and his jock. I thought for a minute about putting his jock in his mouth, and decided against it. For now! "Grab those knees of yours boy. Pull up those legs. Topman Leo wants that ass." HE FELT SO GOOD. Wet. There was no need for lube (I learned over that weekend that billy sweated so much, we'd almost never need lube). He made a face as my glans went in, but then, he seemed relieved. I thought I saw a pearl of precum on his cock too, but I didn't look for long. I wanted this man. Completely. I stretched out on top of him. "Open your mouth. You're gonna kiss the way REAL MEN kiss." "Yes sir." When we started frenching, it was clear to me: billy hadn't told me everything. This was NOT the way an amateur kisses. He knew EXACTLY how to play my tongue, and how to back off so I could drive in. His technique and his soft lips made him an EXCELLENT kisser, and he seemed to enjoy it more, as I drove in, deeper and deeper. When I got to his prostate, I knew. He moaned LOUD. I don't think any boy I've fucked has ever moaned as deeply as he did. He wasn't tied down, and he wrapped his arms around my back, as if he were trying to drive me inside of him even further. It worked. And now I was certain: he was leaking some serious pre-cum. The man was enjoying this. As I pounded him, I began to wonder: was he WAITING for someone to capture him, take him as prey the way I did? Sure seemed that way. I mean, I think I'm pretty good in bed, but this was someone who had a pretty solid reputation as a ladies' man, not at all interested in same sex flirtation. He began to make some pretty odd noises, so I pulled my tongue out of his mouth. "billy, am I hurting you? " "A little Sir, but not too much. But... I need to shoot Sir. I need to shoot badly." "So what are you waiting for, silly boy?" And then he said something that told me: he's gonna have to be honest. "You haven't yet Sir." Someone had trained this guy as a bottom. "This time is ok, billy. Don't hold back. Shoot. I'll be ready in a minute. "Thank you SIR. THANK YOU. OH GODDDD. OH GAWDDDDDD FEELS SO GOOD."

My boy blew a load that went all the way up to his nipples. It wasn't the last time he shot like that either. I gave him one last thrust, and then I was emptying my jizz into him. "YES. YES SIR. TAKE MY ASS. TAKE IT. OWN IT. OWN YOUR BOY" he yelled. And I had no idea where this was coming from. When we were done, he seemed to begin to snap back to the way he had been before we started. He was sitting on the bed, next to me. I put my hand on his neck, and moved closer, but he was not interested in cuddling. "I didn't expect that from you billy. I thought I'd have to work harder." He shook his head. "You took me by surprise, Douglas. The tickling. The ropes. I won't let you get that advantage again. " He paused. "Now is there someplace I can get cleaned up?" "Shower is in the bathroom. Unless you want a full bath. You can do that too, just leave some hot water for me." I got up. "I'm gonna start dinner. I know I shouldn't ask a coach about carbs, but... spaghetti ok with you." He snorted. "It's fine. I think it won't be the worst thing I eat this weekend." Well, there's a bit of relativism there, but if you think cock is worse than spaghetti, he was right. He grabbed some of his clean clothes and went off to clean up. When he came out, dressed in fresh shorts and a t shirt, he came into the kitchen, hands thrust in his pockets. "Need any help Sir? I toss together a pretty wicked salad" I smiled. "There are some tomatoes my mom left from their visit. I don't know if they're mummified yet, but if they're not, have at it. " I don't know why, but I trusted him with the big kitchen knife. I saw him look at it, and then... he got to work slicing them. Watching his biceps flex in that simple action was driving me crazy. I should have been in the shower cleaning up myself, but I couldn't help it: I stepped behind him and squeezed a bicep. He flinched, and I whispered into his ear. "You are one fucking hot man, billy." I could see the corners of his mouth twitch up in a smile. "Thank you Sir. " When I put my arms around his middle and pulled him back to me, he didn't fight it. He DID say "We need to eat Sir, and you stink. Your turn." I laughed and kissed his ear. "We're gonna have a fun weekend billy." When I came out of the shower, he had set the table. He had found a bottle of my father's red wine and he had it in the middle of the table, with two water glasses. "I couldn't find a corkscrew Sir. Isn't this supposed to breathe? " I smiled. "It'll be fine. I don't think either of us are going to be looking for nuances in the wine tonight." billy had turned on the water for the pasta, and it was boiling. I tossed in the pasta. It would be maybe 12 minutes before it was ready. "C'mere stud." I looked at him, smiling. "Yes sir?" He asked. "Kiss me like you kissed me in bed. NOW" "Yes sir." He did. We necked for so long that I had to break it to get to the pasta. "I thought you told me you had only been fucked twice before me." "That's the truth Sir. You didn't ask me about other relationships. Didn't you say about yourself it wasn't your first rodeo?" "Yeah, I did." "Not mine either. Although... it's been since college that someone fucked me the way you did. I'm not used to bottoming Sir. " I started plating the pasta. "You seemed to do pretty well." "Well, with all due respect Sir, you kind of persuaded me not to fight." I laughed. "I have that reputation. So.. you've topped in gay relationships?" "Yes sir. My last one broke up about 8 months ago. Probably best it did. " "And you keep that all secret." He laughed as we sat at table. "Please Sir. What do you think life would be like for a university coach, former gymnast, who everyone knows is gay? I have enough trouble fighting you guys off now. " I laughed. "I like a guy who fights back." billy took a mouthful of spaghetti. "Well, then you best be on your A game, Sir, because... I'm not sure I'm ready to get back into being a bottom again. Switchies, maybe. Bottoming? I dunno." "Well, there's not gonna be any switchies in THIS relationship." He smiled. "You're awfully sure of yourself." He dropped the Sir. "Yeah I am. I think I got your number. " "I guess we'll see about that." "Yeah, we will. Now finish your wine. We can clean up the house tomorrow. There's a good running track just a bit away from here. We can run off the carbs tomorrow. He smiled. That GORGEOUS smile. "I'm gonna kick your ass running." I shot back "And every time I see that ass in front of me, I'm gonna want it more and more." THAT seemed to shut him up. We stayed up for about an hour after dinner, and then I turned down the quilt. "Left side? Right side? " I realized I had just given up ground. I was the top. I decided those things. "It's up to you Sir" he answered. "Get on the right side." I began to realize that I had picked a very complicated man to turn into my sub. Some parts of this were gonna be easy and some were not. I thought about the toys I had brought with me and what would be good to move things the way I wanted, and what techniques I could use to "persuade" my new hottie. I was already thinking: he sweats so much, that ass is gonna be ripe for taking after a five mile run. " It was. I'll tell you about it next time. Of course, if you wanna know about it.


Next: Chapter 4

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