Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 28, 2023


So, the rest of our weekend at the cabin was pretty much like I wrote. It was a great anniversary. It may not have been the EXACT day but when you think of it: how different is it from celebrating a birthday that falls on a Tuesday, on the following weekend? Eventually, we'd get into that kind of rhythm, but I'm getting to that. Patience ladies, patience. Of course, we couldn't get back home without stopping to see M&M. This time, billy surprised me by asking Mabel if there were any of her famous cinnamon rolls left. "WAIT" I began thinking. "Did I get into the car with the right person: Mr Soy Bean and Quinoa has just asked for a half dozen cinnamon rolls that are as big as his head (the cerebrum, not the glans)? "It's a little big of an anniversary present for Doug here, ladies" he said. "He can use a little sugar to be sweeter." He grinned at me. He KNEW what that was gonna get him when he got home. "Well, I think you're both sweet enough billy" Myrtle said as she boxed them up. "Doug's not as sweet as you: he's always believed you catch more flies with vinegar than honey if you know what I mean." I stood there as they had a laugh at my expense. "I'll only give em to you though, if you promise: you eat one too." "Oh, I promise ma'am. Maybe not as fast as he does, but I will." She sealed the box and smiled. "There's not gonna be any charge for that billy. Just a kiss. Think of it as an anniversary present." "Well, that's right kind of you Myrtle. Thank you. I promise I'll get one of my friends to send something up next time we visit." "I think I'd like that, billy. Almost as much as that kiss." As we got back in the car, I muttered: "maybe not flies, but I caught me a STUD with the vinegar." billy smiled. "You sure did. And you kept him with that hidden stash of sugar you keep on denying you got. "

Did I luck out or what? Maybe. Watching billy eat a cinnamon roll was sort of like an exercise in water torture. He'd put it on a plate, and cover it with a bowl. Then, ever two hours, he'd break off a piece about the size of a cherry, and nibble on it for twenty minutes. You can imagine how long it took me to eat the three of them that I did: one in the car, two at home. I ate the two of them after, well... Driving always makes me horny. Sitting next to billy always makes me horny. The thought that I was gonna marry him soon made me horny. "PUT THE BOX ON THE TABLE AND GET ON THE BED. FACE UP" I had fucked billy before we had left that morning, but I hadn't let him shoot. I think he thought that's what was gonna happen. He was in for a surprise.

He looked a little surprised when I secured his ankles first, and then after I tied down a wrist, he said "It's gonna be tough to get the zipper opened sir, when I'm stretched out like this. " I grinned. "Vinegar man has no intention of letting johnson (that's what he called his), out today."

"WHAT?" He pulled back as I was tying down his left wrist. He was off balance and I took care of that right away, and he was stretched out. "Nope. No cumming for you today, billy. Nope, nope, nope. I got something else in mind." Since he was such a hot box, billy didn't wear t shirts under his clothes, and since I was making sure that everything he wore was nice and tight... it was the easiest thing in the world to just sneak a finger into the red corduroy shirt he was wearing, and find his navel. I began to tickle gently. I think I wasn't the only one with heightened senses, because he began to thrash right away. "SIR. C'MON SIR I BEEN GOOD." "Oh, you've been more than good. DAMN that ass of yours. How many times did I have it this weekend?" "I think four sir. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. " "You want me to stop billy?" He was heaving. "Depends Sir. What's next if you do?" I paused. "Why am I even asking you bitch boy? " I pried off his sneakers. "OH NO. OH NO. C'MON. C'MON. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. " He was squirming even harder as I scratched his soles through his socks. If he thought I was done, though... off came the socks and I got my "torture brush." It was sort of a kind of brush you'd use to groom a cat, and I ran the "bristles" back and forth. "SHIT. I forgot the oil." I had a special massage oil that made billy's feet even more sensitive. Out it came, and then. "You know when we're married, you're gonna get more of this?" He gulped. "I am. Once you say 'I do,' sweetcakes, 'I will." I gave him a look and got to work on his feet again. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. STOP. PLEASE STOP. YOU WANT A BLOW JOB OR SOMETHING SIR? " In fact I did, but I was gonna get that anyway. I was trying to think of something to hold over his head. "One day, when I'm ready, I'm gonna start the hour of tickling I said I would. Every day. You're gonna get tickled one full hour billy boy. Cause that's what I like." "Yes sir. Yes sir. I understand. You win." "I think we're gonna start it after church next week, cause that's when I'm coming with ya." He looked at me really seriously. "You mean it, SIR? You're gonna go with me that soon?" "You betcha. If it means I get to see you in agony more... the sooner the better." "Sir... kiss me. Please. I can't get the words out to tell you how grateful I am. " "How about I untie you? We'll cuddle." "Even better Sir." I saw the look on his face. billy SUCKED at poker, and I knew what he had in mind. It was true: he wanted to kiss, and DAMN that boy can kiss. He really WAS grateful I was doing this, and doing it so soon. BUT... that cuddling. He tried to throw a wrestling hold on me. Instead, he was pinned underneath me. I had his shirt opened, and now... I was going for his pits. "SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. WHAT ABOUT THAT BLOWJOB?" "Oh, I'm still getting it and you're still giving it. You better hope I don't see a drop of cum on your jeans though boy, cause if I do.... remember that feather I used on your balls. "OH FUCK NO. I'll try. I'll try Sir. I really will." I DID take his ass four times that weekend: once on Friday, twice on Saturday, and once on Sunday. I was ready to get blown. It meant a Sunday night fuck was gonna be out of the question, but... when opportunity knocks. I made him get on his knees and put his hands behind his back. billy's tongue was an instrument of pure pleasure: I know, I tend to write bodice rippers but, DAMN IT TO HELL WHEN YOU'VE GOT BILLY IN FRONT OF YOU WHAT DO YOU WANT? As he blew me, I began to have a change of heart. I decided he could shoot, if he let me edge him. The thought of doing that just got me harder, and harder and then... DAMN, I shot out enough that I COULD have fucked him again. "Back on the bed billy. I changed my mind. " He smiled. It was like we were playing sexual chess all the time. He worked that BJ so that I'd reward him. And he LOVED when I did him long and slow, as I did then. THIS time, when he was done, the cuddling was real. Until.... "Damn, I need something sweet after all this exercise, Vinegar Man, " he came back with a cherry sized piece of that roll. I loved him, and he made me crazy. As Martha would say "it's a good thing." It hasn't changed.

And before you knew it, it was Sunday. billy was nervous. REALLY nervous. SO nervous that I was actually calm, even though the CHURCH (all of them), and I had come to an agreement about ten years prior: I'd stay out, and the buildings wouldn't fall. I mean, I still remembered where my hands were supposed to go and the words and all that, but still. billy's nerves were so evident, that on Saturday afternoon I just said "billy, sit down and tell me what's going on. I'll stay home if you want" (I actually prayed: have his say "thank you yessir". I didn't get my wish. God still hates me). "Sir... I'll try it's just... it's just too much. First the easy stuff. At church, they don't call me billy. I'm Will. " "Ok, I can handle that. I'm Will's friend, Doug." And THAT's where the hard stuff began. "Sir... I don't know yet what I'm gonna call you: my friend, my special friend, my boyfriend, my lover, I dunno. This.. this is scary to me. I mean... the race thing is only part of it. The gay thing is another part of it.." "And the bottom part is just one part of it." He looked up at me. "Yeah, that too." Well, I had this one. I DID. "Ok, studmuffin, here's what I'd suggest. It's a ONE TIME ONLY DEAL. You lead. You decide who I am. To the question "how did you meet?" we tell the truth: gym class. That's easy. On the top/bottom part, let me ask you something billy: is it REALLY anyone's business? " He didn't look up. "No Sir. It's just that... my friends are very very NOSY" I smiled. "So are students. I've dealt with them for years. And I have a way of dealing with it. I'm not gonna tell you because it's not gonna come up, and people are gonna assume what they're gonna assume. The race part? Well, nuthin we can do about that." There was silence. "I'm still scared Sir." "Me too. Let's be scared together." I pulled him into me. Sex and play would have to wait until after church, but... well, you'll see. So on Sunday, I pulled out an oxford shirt, decent pants, and a tie that wasn't too old or too moth eaten. "This gonna be ok billy?" I showed him the ensemble. He smiled. "You look so hot in blue Sir, I hope I can keep my hands off you." "I think you'll manage. " billy was wearing one of my favorite shirts: dark red and blue checks, a blue tie, his black corduroy jeans. Everything fit like a paint job. I took his hand. "Let's get ready. It's all gonna be fine." I leaned in to kiss him and I whispered "and you are gonna put out like a whore trying to make her rent when we get back." He started giggling. I found out why later.

billy's friends were polite and very nice before the service started. "Over here Doug," he said, leaving out the Sir. I got it. Not appropriate here. I was sitting behind a very large woman in an even larger hat. "Hey Mother Miller. God been good to you this week?" She turned around. "Praise to God, Will. God is good to me every week." She looked at me. "You brought a friend, Will?" "Yes ma'am. Mother Miller, this is my friend Will Fitts" "So nice to meet you ma'am." I held out my hand. She held out one that had about six costume jewelry rings on it. "Please Doug, no ma'am. Mother or Mom is what I go by. You're Will's friend. That makes you my friend." And so it went until the service began. Yes, there was music, and billy sang along (he sucked at it, but he didn't seem to think so). It WAS long, but uneventful until: I could sense it coming. I didn't know what I was going to do, and I think billy didn't either. "Let us offer each other a sign of peace." I held out my hand to billy, who pushed it away and embraced me. "Thank you Sir. Thank you." "OOOF. billy I need to breathe and I really wanna get some of Mom Miller's lipstick on me." Yes, she was an EXUBERANT hugger. "He's first Will, I hug you every week. Time for some new flesh God forgive me." I remembered that line at the coffee hour , which was more like a coffee two hours. THAT's where I thought things were gonna get dicey. I was standing there with a cup of very watery coffee, and someone came up to me. Handsome guy, taller than me. "Hey, I'm Simon. You're here with Will aren't you?" "I am. I'm Doug. Nice to meet you." "Likewise. He smiled. I think Will told me about you." He stared and smiled some more. "Oh, he may have. I'm the one who gave him so much trouble in his class. He laughed. "That's not all he told me," and then he walked off. billy came over from talking with two women who could have been triplets with Mother Miller. "Man, I didn't know he was gonna be your first." "Oh, Simon?" "Yeah, Simon. He's one of the nosy ones. And a liar too." "He told me you told him more about us than that I was in your class." He shook his head. "Told you. He knows nothing. He just suspects. " Mother Miller came over. "Doug, how did you like the service?" "Well, to be honest Mother Miller, I haven't been to church for ten years." She rolled her eyes. "And this SINNER got you here," she began to cackle. "And I thought I was bad." "You ARE bad Celine" billy clearly knew her first name. "You remember when Mom told you it was good to hug new flesh? Celine doesn't let a week go by without some new flesh." I didn't wait for him to answer. I looked at Mom Miller "Well, if you can, God loves you sister." She smiled. "Will, you found yourself a good one. Now I'm going for some coconut cake. You want some Doug? Cause I KNOW Mr. Soybean ain't having it." "A small piece ma'am. I mean Mom." She turned and stopped. She came back. She lowered her voice. "Will found a good one, Doug. Keep making him happy." When she went off to refreshments, billy whispered. "I SWEAR. I didn't think she knew." "HEY WILL." Then there were three guys. "Hey, who's your friend?" "How do you do, I'm Doug?" Then I felt billy come in front of me and wrap my arms around him. "He's not my friend guys, he's my lover." I saw their faces. "Yes, Will's speaking truth. I hit the jackpot." We chatted a bit after that, my arms around billy all the while. He waited until I had a mouthful of the best cake I had ever eaten before he asked. "Did you mean that?" "Mean what?" "About hitting the jackpot." "The jackpot, the lottery, the sweepstakes, the top prize at bingo. ALL of them." He paused "Let me go say goodbye to Mother Miller. Then I want you to take me home and fuck me." It was in my plans. But not right away.

"So, I did my duty billy. Now you gotta do yours. You're gonna marry me. " "Yes sir, I am. Can we do it next week?" "Next week? You wanna go back to the cabin next week?" "I wanna go now. Actually no, not now. NOW, I want your cock in me. THEN I wanna go to the cabin. " "Let's pick up the pace, stud." And fifteen minutes later, billy learned that I had plans too. He was tied up, still in his church clothes. Even with his near perfect body, his pants were so tight he had a bit of a muffin top. I went right at that, and began tickling. I said nothing. I just kept it up while he laughed. Then I moved to his ribs. He laughed harder. I stuck my hands under his arms and tickled even harder. Those tight pants showed he was getting into it. Mine weren't tight, but I held him so close to me as I dragged billy to the bed, he knew. And he knew when I had him on his back, his pants off, his jock off, and my tongue inside of him. That tongue stayed in him for about ten minutes. My cock wasn't the next thing that went in him though: my fingers were. "Prostate massage time, Will," I teased him. While I worked his prostate with one hand, I began running my free one over his belly, something that he loves. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH SIR. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH. DAMN. I'm thinkin about that church, and sitting next to you. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Mother Miller. The boys. My man.. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK" In all of my years as a practicing, self avowed homosexual, in all of my years as a DOM top who did his best to make his subs and bottoms happy, I had never had one have a penile orgasm at the same time he had a prostate orgasm. I wondered for a minute if billy had passed out ( he insisted he didn't but I have my doubts even today), but I could tell he was breathing which meant... he could feel my very hard cock penetrating him. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" I had never heard that sound out of billy either (I've heard it a few times since, but it's rare. I call it his pony boy whinny), and I can't remember many times where I shot a load as hard, as big and as HOT as I did. The thought that I was gonna be this man's husband very, VERY soon flashed through my head at "the moment of death" as someone told me French guys call it. As I caught my breath, billy grabbed onto me. "I wish we were at the cabin right now, Sir." "Yeah, we could get married today." "Oh, yeah, that. I'm dying for one of Mabel and Myrtle's cinnamon buns." I smiled. I hadn't eaten ALL of them. One out of the freezer and into the nuker, coming up. I fed it to him. I put it on my cock. He got sausage and a cinnamon roll. And I promised to stock up the next week.


Next: Chapter 15

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