Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 25, 2023


So, hearing Myrtle refer to billy as her boyfriend didn't make me jealous: I knew NOTHING was gonna happen there, but it made me start thinking: billy was a catch, literally, and figuratively. But I had no way of keeping him other than my dashing personality and my incredible command of his hot spots. Marrying him would make me feel a little more secure. The cabin, and the area, were feeling more and more like home to me. billy and I had been there a few times and the odd looks he used to get when he went running had changed to waves and greetings. My family knew most of these folks, and they knew me: either as "Dougie" if they were as old, or older than my parents, or "Doug/Douglas" if we were about the same age. None of them knew my Leo personality, and that was fine. The fact that they had at least not rejected billy or done anything hostile made me feel better. Where is this all leading? Here it comes. I knew billy wanted a big, fancy, splashy wedding. So did I. But I wanted my ring on his finger NOW. I didn't know if he felt that way, and I'd have to add that to my "list" for the weekend. Saturday night. That's when I'd ask. And I would ask up where we were because, well, if you've ever been to the Marriage Bureau in NYC, you'll know what a fucking zoo it is. It's NUTS. I went to serve as witness for two friends once, and we were there for three bloody hours for a simple civil ceremony. I got crazy waiting around, doing nothing, and billy? billy was like an animal with a trap around his leg (GOD, the image of billy with a leg iron on is making me hot. Something else to note). Up here in "the country," though, we were still in state, and we could still get it done. Also, since my parents knew everyone, and everyone knew me, I could prevail on a justice of the peace to see us and do it. I just didn't know: how was billy about it? I'd find out. I brought none of this up on Friday night: long drives made billy very tired, and while he loved Myrtle and Mabel and their food, he said that it always made him tired. So to bed we went. I knew he felt content because when billy's content: he snores. I began to laugh: he didn't snore very much in our apartment but up here? You remember what I did to quiet him down the first time? I still do it, and I did it that night. My hand around his balls, a quick and gentle squeeze and my furnace pushed into me, and quieted down. We both slept.

Since we were treating this as an "anniversary honeymoon," I had something planned that I didn't tell billy about. He would be doing his run on Saturday morning: it was up to 15 miles now. What I hadn't told him is that he wasn't going to get 15 done because at mile 12, he was going to be abducted... by me. And then... oh, I was going to be revisiting a lot of my favorite ways to torment my sweetie. He got up, thinking I was still sleeping, and kissed my forehead. "See you later boyfriend," I could see him smile. He only called me that when he thought I was sleeping. I waited about 15 minutes after I heard the door close, then I threw some of my clothes from yesterday on, got into the car, and took an alternate road. I knew that there was an outcropping of some rocks about 3 miles from the house, tall enough for me to hide behind. I put the car out of sight, and I waited. I could hear billy's breathing . I was trying as hard as I could not to be seen, and I succeeded. Just as he got past the rock, I pounced. My hand went around his mouth and he struggled until he realized: his conqueror was back. "On the ground billy, on the ground." "mmmmmmmmmmph," was all he could get out. I liked that he was struggling, but I had the advantage of surprise. I pushed a knee into the back of his, and he was down. I didn't go for his wrists first, but I got his ankles. Then I got his wrists. Finally, a big bandana went over his mouth. No one was around: too early, too remote. "You're gonna have a REALLY good weekend billy boy. " I shoved him into the backseat of the car, and started driving. Just before I did, I groped him. Yup, he was into it. It took all of five minutes to get back to the house, and then he went right onto the bed, face down. I pulled off his sneakers because... well, you'll see. I pulled out another piece of rope, and put him in a loose hogtie. Then I pulled off the gag. "Give me trouble billy, and I'll use something else for a gag. Can you guess what?" I asked him, as I was pulling off his sweat socks. "FUCK. You got me AGAIN" "Damn right I did, and you're gonna get a whole lot more. Remember the vibrators, billy?" "OH SHIT. You haven't done that since." "That's about to change. " I pulled out the small vibrators, and I taped one to the back of each of his knees. Medium speed. It took about three minutes before he began to laugh. "Annnnnnnnnnd, billy boy, we've got a double treat for you." "NO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NOT MY FEET AT THE SAME TIME.. OHHHHHHHHHHH" I knew billy's feet were going to be sensitive from the fiberglass in his shoes from the drive up. It didn't take much: my fingers scraped very gently over the soles of his feet. "STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! PLEASE SIR STOPPPPPPPPPPPPP! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA." "Ok, billy, I'll stop. But those ribs are calling my name. "SIR PLEASE PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. OH SHIT OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "When the batteries run down, I'll stop. How's that billy? "FUCK. That's... that's at least fifteen minutes Sir." "Ain't life tough for a bottom. " I stopped tickling his ribs and then... I had never licked his feet before, and I could tell he loved it. He wanted to laugh, but it felt so good to him... until I switched back to tickling. I could see he was trying to look at the alarm clock to see how much more he had to endure. I stopped, and I put my tongue, covered with his delicious foot sweat, to his ear. I whispered. "I could put two new ones on billy. Just remember that..." I began nibbling. "Yes sir. Yes you could. I'm your billy bitch and you can do what you want. " He had stopped laughing. I think he was numb from the sensations. "I think SOMEONE is ready for a morning fuck" I whispered "OH GOD YES SIR. YES SIR YES SIR YES SIR" He was moaning, and pressing his crotch down onto the bed as I pulled his shorts down. I had taken out the plug when we got to the house, and he had cleaned out from our Friday adventures. Now, though, I was gonna take my time. I was SO HOT for him. I had been thinking about what to say, and every time I thought that I was going to OFFICIALLY make this man mine, I got harder, and harder. "SHIT SIR. You putting a metal pipe in me? GEEZ." I laughed when he said that because he started moaning right away. "I can't help myself Sir. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I could feel billy's hips pulsing as he shot into his jock and shorts. I wasn't even close, and every time billy tried to tighten his glutes to push me closer, I shoved his ankles apart. "Not gonna happen stud. You're MINE. I'm gonna treat you like you deserve to be treated: billy bitch." "OH YES SIR. YES. I'm your billy bitch. USE ME. USE MY MANHOLE . FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ME." I did. I didn't need his permission, I didn't have to worry about what he liked. I had taken him AGAIN, and he was MINE. My thrusts got faster. And faster. And then finally, I couldn't wait any longer and I emptied my balls into my lover. "FUCK I LOVE YOUR ASS. TAKE THAT JIZZ YOU STUD!" When billy felt ESPECIALLY good about a fuck I was giving him, he made a sound almost like a cat purring. He was making that sound now. I kept his wrists tied behind his back, but I flipped him on his side so I could face him. I shoved my tongue into his mouth. My hands were down on his bruised ass, and I threw a leg over him. "I love you billy. I love you." I whispered when I took my tongue out. "Douglas Leo Fitts, I love you too. My man. MINE" he answered. I saw him smile. billy liked to sleep after his run, and he had the ability to sleep when he was tied the way I tied him. Still, I didn't want him stiff and sore for the rest of the day, so I loosened the ropes. I thought about sleeping with him, but I wanted to get some other stuff done. Like making lunch. I was going to try to bake something because it WAS our anniversary, and even if billy didn't like sweets, well, maybe he'd eat a cupcake.

"Do I smell chocolate, Daddy?" Now billy startled ME. I was naked except for my apron, and I was frosting the six cupcakes I had made. There was chicken and vegetables on the stove, with a pot of brown rice. He hugged me from behind, and I smiled. "You tryin' to top, billy bottom?" He laughed. "No Sir. I just want ya to appreciate what you're missing. " Then he reached under my apron and groped me. "GOOD LORD SIR. Is there ever a moment when you ain't hard?" I turned around. "Not since I took you home." I dropped the apron and spread some of the frosting on my balls. "Taste. Tell me if it's sweet enough. " "OH I KNOW IT IS, BUT...." I felt his tongue get to work and I got harder. "I know there ain't no smoothie but...." billy covered my cock with his mouth. I moaned and I know my eyes were rolling in my head. I pushed HIS head up on my cock and got it all in his mouth. I wasn't the ONLY one who was horny, that was for sure. But billy was right: I was empty now, and I brought him back up to his feet. "Let me throw some clothes on billy. Lunch is ready and... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" I had put one letter from "billy" on each of five of the cupcakes, and a heart on the sixth one. He smiled. "You did this for ME, Sir?" "I wish I could bake better. Make something truly fancy." "Chocolate. My favorite." He smiled at me. "Mine too. I like my chocolate HOT"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I had brought up some beer too. billy wasn't much of a wind drinker, but he did like beer. He allowed himself one or two every now and then. That night, as he was sitting in the living room, I took two of them out of the fridge. "How about we hand out on the porch, billy? Get a sweater. It's a bit chilly." billy smiled. "Cuddling weather Sir. " I laughed. "Yeah, it is, and your body gives off enough heat to keep me warm, but I don't want you catching cold." There was a bench on the porch and we sat next to each other, my arm around his shoulders, billy leaning into me. I began to rub the back of his neck. He could tell I was nervous. "Sir... you're not yourself tonight. Tell me what's wrong. Anything I can fix?" I laughed a little and shook my head. "You've fixed so much already billy. I'm just afraid of a question I need to ask you." "Sir, I already said I wanted to marry you. Is that it?" "Yes and no. Listen billy. I know we want the big wedding, and we can still have it. We're still GONNA have it, but..." "Yes sir?" He looked puzzled. "I was wondering. Not this weekend, but a weekend soon. If I could get M&M to witness, and called a justice of the peace, would you tie the knot with me here? " I felt his body ease up and sink into me. He took a deep breath. "Yes Sir, I will. But I have one condition." "Just one? Tell me. " "I want you to come to church with me before we do the civil ceremony. Just once. Just one time Sir." Now, I didn't expect THAT. "Can I ask why billy?" "Well, Sir, I've been thinking about it. And, well, I've met your friends, but... how about you meet some of MINE? And maybe we do some educating?" "Educating? I don't understand." billy grabbed my hand. "You know, my church friends: my GOOD church friends. They know I'm gay, and they know I'm seeing someone, but... they just assumed he's another man of color. I want them to see..." He didn't have to finish. I'm no social change warrior, but I saw his point. There was a lot to be said for this man's depth. "The whole service?" He laughed. "The WHOLE service Sir." "You're gonna have to put out big time afterwards billy?" He made an indignant face. "Uh, when have I NOT put out big time after church, Sir?" I laughed. "You have a point. I think I'll have to add something . Something I haven't done to you yet." Now he laughed. "I find it hard to believe there's something you missed." Now I smiled. "You have no idea how wicked a mind I have. But yes, I'll go to church with you. Even if I have to be kicked outta bed to get there." "Oh, I'll have no problem doing THAT Sir. Next week? For real?" "For real billy." I spent the rest of the weekend wondering "what have I done?" That is, the part of the weekend I didn't spend fucking that boy to filth, and doing research on churches in the area. I knew how much billy was missing his church for this ONE weekend. If I were going to ask him, eventually, to move up here with me, I'd have to find a church. As they say on TV "I was on it."

Next: Chapter 14

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