Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 21, 2023


So, of course you lose track of time, as billy and I did and soon, it was close on our being together for a year. I had trouble believing it. billy reminded me: since he had always needed to keep track of appointments day to day, and hour to hour, he had a much better sense of time than I did. He wanted to do something "special" for that day, and he told me he'd tell me when he came home from work. billy's commute was longer because he had quit at the University, and he was working as a personal trainer and strength coach at a gym downtown. I knew that he was frustrated at the university job: too much bureaucracy, too many last minute assignments, and not nearly enough pay. I was frustrated too, but for different reasons: every time I went to the gym, I saw him, and all I could do for the day after that was think about what I wanted to do to him once he was finished working and got home. More than that, though, I saw how other men looked at billy: MY billy. And I was jealous, all the time. Sometimes, I could get it under control enough to save it for a good night of really dominant sex, but other times, I just stewed. "The pack" telling me every time they thought that someone flirted with him, or when they thought billy flirted with someone, didn't help. Everything that a jealous, suspicious mind could think of might STILL be happening at billy's new gym, but I didn't see it. "Out of sight, out of mind," right? And looking at it objectively, billy gave me no reason to think badly. Like him reminding me about our anniversary.

"Sir Douglas," he looked at me, smiling. I had roped his wrists behind him as we sat on the sofa. I had my leg over his, so he couldn't move much, and an arm around his shoulders. "Yes, boy?" I asked, squeezing his neck, before I moved my fingers to his earlobe, which I knew would give him an erection. "You know, in 3 weeks it's our anniversary." "Is it now?" I didn't realize it. "Yes sir. Three weeks ago you jumped me, brought me to that cabin and...." I smiled. "The rest is history." I covered his lips with mine and kissed him for a good while. "Well, I was thinking we should do something a little special Sir." "Hmmmm. What did you have in mind?" "Can we go back to the scene of the crime, Sir?" He smiled his big smile. "I mean, the cabin where you turned me into your sub." I laughed. "I think we both had something to do with that, sexy." My fingers rubbed his earlobe a little harder, and I was getting hard myself. "I don't know if my folks are planning to use it, so let me check tomorrow morning. " "Thank you Sir. Now are you gonna rub my ear off, or are you gonna take my helpless ass into the bedroom and fuck the shit outta me?" It didn't take me long. In ten minutes, I had my cocoa Ken doll on the bed, his legs spread, my index finger probing for his prostate. I knew where it was, but I liked to see him moan, and push, and try to "help me" while he was tied down. "You're a fuck, you know that, Sir?" he moaned. He knew I was teasing him. "Yup. And a damn good one OOOOOOOOH. Guess what I found?" I smiled as I had it under my finger. "OH FUCK. " billy began to moan as I rubbed the tip of my finger over that spot. He was getting harder and harder, and so was I. "Gonna take your ass, coach" I growled. We had watched some porn movie where a coach thinks that a fan is after one of his athletes, and it turns out the fan wants him. He gets fucked with the whole team watching it. I whispered "Maybe we should invite your clients and let them see." I don't think he heard. billy LOVED it when I gave him a prostate massage, and he was sort of in another place when I shoved my dick into him. "YES! YES! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. PLUNGE ME! PLUNGE ME. PLUNGE YOUR BITCH!!!!" Yup, I had trained billy to call himself my bitch. We had made great progress. I couldn't hold back much longer: I had kept billy tied up on that sofa for about an hour before we got here, and I was bloody RIGID. One last push, and my man was dripping my jizz. He followed less than 5 minutes later. I traced my name in the jizz all over his chest and remarked. "Someone needs a shave... someone needs a shave...." billy didn't mind the rest of it, but he HATED pube shaving. Too bad. I wanted him smooth. Just not that night. It was late. Time to get the hot box into the bed with me.

I checked with my folks the next day and yes, the cabin was available. "Make sure you visit M&M, Doug," my father said to me. "We were up a couple weeks ago and they said they missed you. And your friend. Your friend? Who'd you bring up?" That's when I realized I hadn't even told them about billy. "Uh," I was reddening. "When I come back, maybe we can talk, pops? Fact is, I've been seeing someone. This is our anniversary." My mom was on the phone too. "OH. CONGRATULATIONS! MAYBE WE SHOULD GO UP AND CELEBRATE!" "NO MA. NOT THIS TIME. " I lowered my voice. "But we gotta talk. I want you to meet billy." "Well, when you're ready. But do visit the gals. " Then my dad "dropped the dime" on me. "To be honest, son, we know about billy. Myrtle told us. She said if you broke up she wanted a crack at him." It was hard for me not to laugh the rest of the day as I thought of the "what if" of billy and Myrtle together. I was able to stop thinking about it by thinking about something else: billy had told me how he knew I was behind that wall, and how I was a crappy hunter: remember? Well, he wanted something special ? He was gonna get it. I knew he still took the path through the campus to get to our apartment, which meant he walked past the wall..

It was much easier this time, since billy had told me what had given me away a year ago. As he passed the wall, I put my hand around his mouth and pulled him back. Yeah, his instincts kicked in, but when he realized that I was re-enacting how we had "met," he put up much less of a fight. It wouldn't have mattered. Now that I knew that if you had his ears, you had billy, I just locked my teeth on one ear firmly enough to let him know I met business. "No shit from you stud, GOT IT?" "mmmph" he answered back, trying to shake his head yes, but wincing because my teeth were right there. "GOOD. You walk with me, hands behind your back and you make NOT A FUCKING SOUND unless I say something to you. " "mmmmmmmmmmph" again, and another weaker head shake. "Let's go." As we walked, I put a hand on the back of his neck. "Where are we going? We are you taking me?" billy was getting into it. I could tell. His pants were tenting. BIG TIME. I was hard too, but I wore looser clothes than he did. "You'll find out sexy. You'll find out real soon. By the way.... you better get used to having your hands behind your back." He sighed. "You're gonna tie me up, aren't you?" "Damn right I am." "What next?" I laughed. "Oh, I think you know, but you'll find out." When we got to our apartment building and got in the elevator (when I wasn't there, billy always took the stairs), I pulled out the cuffs in my pocket and locked them on him. billy began to laugh. "I shoulda KNOWN you were gonna do something like this Sir. And you got me AGAIN." "DAMN RIGHT I DID. And we're gonna be leaving a little later than planned because... we're gonna need some relief." Then I laughed. "Or at least I am." Cuffed, billy couldn't struggle much at all, and that was fine with me. I could just shove him into the bedroom, face down . I reached under him and unbuttoned, then unzipped his pants. This was gonna be fast, and brutal. And I had other plans for my lover. My finger ran down the crack of his ass to stimulate him to spread his firm cheeks, and he did. Then he tried to get smart with me. Just as my cock head got to his ass, he tightened his glutes so I couldn't get in. "Not a good move, billy boy," I said, as my hand snaked under his t shirt and began tickling his belly. It only took a few strokes to break his resistance and, as they say on the medical shows "I was in." Once I was in, he kept on trying to tease me, tensing and un-tensing his glutes. "You're gonna pay for this stud. You're gonna pay for this big time..." "Feels like I am Sir." I could hear billy grunting, and I couldn't blame him. This wasn't a finesse fuck: this was the sort of fuck that he should've gotten last year: a conquest fuck. billy knew it too. I whispered "You've been captured billy. You know that." I pushed in harder. "Yes sir. I have. You did it. I'm your prisoner." "Know what that means? " "I think so Sir." "It means when I want this ass... I GET IT" I pressed in. "WITHOUT YOUR FUCKING GLUTE GAMES." I could've sworn I saw a little smile form on his lips, just at the corner. "Yes sir. I understand." I picked up the pace. We DID have to get traveling, and I had a few more things to do, but I was gonna empty my balls in his ass and, after about fifteen thrusts, I did. I didn't take off the cuffs. "You're gonna carry my seed all the way up to the cabin, stud." "WHAT? SIR. That's..." He didn't get anything else out. I had grabbed his ankles and began working on his feet. I worked on them HARD. It was part of my plan to give him the best anniversary I could. I kept his ankles locked under my left armpit, as I worked his feet with my right hand. I knew the neighbors were away, so I wasn't worried about him laughing. Or moaning, when I changed tactics and began to suck each of his toes. He loved THAT. "OH DAMN SIR. You ain't ever done that.. FUCK.... " He began arching his hips and I went back to tickling. "Who said you could cum, slaveboy?" "No one Sir. No one. Please.. May I?" "NO. You're gonna lay there for a minute." A friend of mine had told me how he tortured his sub by occasionally putting a fiberglass insert in his shoes. I had those for billy. "Sir, I gotta pee. REALLY REALLY BAD. " "I'll let you pee. But first...." billy hadn't seen the butt plug that I had. It slid in easily from the glide that my jizz provided, but now he was plugged up and the jizz wouldn't leak. "Go pee. NOTHING ELSE. You play with yourself, you try to jerk, there's gonna be problems. " "Yes Sir. I understand." billy's eyes were closed as they usually were when he jerked. "CAUGHT YOU. TAKE THAT HAND AWAY BITCHBOI." "Please Sir. I'm... I'm gonna get blueballed." "Life's a bitch and so are you." He sighed as he moved his hand and said "Yes sir. " "Get that woody soft. Now, I'm gonna have to make sure that you don't try that shit again." He knew what that meant. I didn't use the cage often, but.... he was gonna wear it to upstate. "AW FUCK SIR. C'MON." "You wanna wear clamps under your sweater, billy?" I sneered. "No Sir." He sighed as he began to fix himself up. When he put his sneakers back on I heard him curse. billy didn't think I heard it, but I did, and I laughed. We had packed up the night before (billy's organizational skills at work), and I pointed to the bags. "Get one. Let's go." "Yes sir. Not so fast. Please..." I tried not to let him see me laughing. My beautiful hot gymnast lover: plugged, caged, and with the inserts. I turned to him. "I'm gonna take the roughest road I can so that plug moves as much as possible. " He was totally beaten. I knew his balls were full, and he was also fully overcome by my dominant acts. "Yes sir. You get to pick the route."

I did NOT pick a rough road, but having to sit with his hands tied in front of him with all the other stuff for two hours was not gonna be easy. After about 90 minutes, I put my hand on his thigh. "You hungry billy?" "Always Sir." "Well, we're gonna go and visit your girlfriend. I pulled into the diner and I uncuffed him.

"Hey strangers." Mabel came over and gave us both a kiss. "Myrtle's in the kitchen. Just give her a minute. " I don't know how she held the plate of meatloaf special she was holding when she saw billy. And I'm not sure she didn't pee her pants. billy kinda staggered over to her. Myrtle's bosom was more than ample. "Welcome home you sexy mother fucka." Now, that was the first time anyone had ever heard Myrtle curse, and the restaurant got very quiet. She looked up. "Y'all go back to eating. I'm welcoming my boyfriend home." She smiled at me. However comfortable we felt in NYC, I began to realize: this was home.

Next: Chapter 13

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