Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 4, 2023


All of us wanted Coach Burke - ALL of us. And who could blame us? I mean, the man was HOT: not very tall: most gymnasts aren't- and muscles on muscles on muscles. Then there was that smile : that big, bright smile that FORCED you to like him. With beautiful eyes.

Once, after a late class, he changed in the locker room with the rest of us. I SWEAR: you could have heard a pin drop when he took off his shirt. I mean, we all expected that the man was BUILT, but none of us knew HOW built he was, because we always saw him in his "uniform": the coaching shirts, the shorts that seemed too small, the sneakers that suggested that man was NOT hung (reports from watching him shower after his own workout, reported that in at least this case, the assumption was wrong).

"Do you think he's ticklish?" one of my "colleagues" asked. THAT would have been too perfect. It would make up for the fact that Coach Burke - Coach Bill Burke - cleared his body of hair. At least his torso. Again, the reports from the shower were that he did NOT shave his pits, and of course, a man like Coach Burke didn't shave his pubes.

How tall was that little hunk of sweet chocolate? Maybe 5'7" on a good day, probably 5'6" on an average day. "If I got him on a rack, I could probably get him to 5'9"" one of us joked.

I should introduce myself before I go on. My name is Leo. Yeah, if you haven't figured it out, I'm gay. So are the other guys with whom I hang out: the guys who are jealous of me. And why is that? Because I did what everyone wanted to do. I'm the one who captured Coach Burke, and eventually made him my....

But don't let me give you all the good stuff up front. Little by little: the same way I broke Coach Burke. There were about 7 of us in our group. We were all into the rougher end of sex: Domination. Bondage. Humiliation. All of us single. All of us on the prowl, on the hunt... constantly. Now I'll brag. I was the smartest one. The planner. The one who "connected the dots" and finally, as they used to say in the old movies - got my man.

How did I do it? Well, first of all, it wasn't very difficult to get the Coach's schedule, so I knew when he left for home every night. Burke was a hard worker, that was for sure: most days, he started coaching at 8, and it was rare that he left before 6. One day a week, though, he taught a boot camp class for faculty. That class ended at 9:30, after it was dark. To me, it was clear: that was the day of the week it had to be. Dark.

Then there was the planning of WHEN. Again, it was just practical knowledge. A campus is a busy place. There are almost ALWAYS people everywhere. Except... midterm reading week, or finals reading week. After the dinner hour, students buried in their books either in their dorms, or in the library. I wanted NO ONE around. And I needed a place where I was either hidden, or very inconspicuous. I found such a place: Coach walked past a wall that could only be called "decorative," on the way to the campus back gate. The wall did not extend the full length of the field where it was located, so there was an ending of the wall, where I could crouch behind. And I did. Then, I had to plan how to do it. I'm pretty strong, but there was no question: Coach Burke was stronger. To get him, I was going to have to immobilize him. And I needed to do it with him struggling as little as possible. Getting what I needed, was remarkably easy to do. And there I was, at 10pm, on a Thursday night, looking over the top of the wall occasionally, waiting until my prey came into sight. And there he was. GOD WAS HE HOT! Denim jacket, white sweater, jeans that could've been painted on him, the stupid cap everyone knew was his "trademark." As he approached, I had to smile: he had given me an advantage I didn't anticipate: I saw the earbuds leading to his iphone. I didn't know what he was listening to, and I didn't care. I just had to time this just... right. I looked around. No one was in sight. There was supposed to be a guard on the gate: there never was. Coach Burke walked passed the wall. That's when I struck.

Did he struggle? Only for a few minutes. See, I guess that with all his cardio training, he took in more oxygen than most, and if he did that, while he fought against my arm around his neck... it didn't take long. Now, I just had to get him off campus. That, too, was easier to do than I thought it would be. Of course, Coach Burke's cap had fallen off in the struggle. I just grabbed that and shoved it in my back pocket. Once that was done, since Burke was young enough looking to pass for a graduate student, I just kept up a banter. "It's okay, Pete, you'll sleep it off. Not a problem. Glad to help. Let's just get you into a cab, or maybe an uber..." Instead, he went into the backseat of my car. Door slammed, I got into the front seat and started driving. I figured I had about 20 minutes before the drug wore off. That's all the time I needed.

I had him stripped, stretched out and restrained when he woke up. Clearly, Coach Burke's head was hurting. "OOOOOOOOOOOH. What the hell hit me? He sort of muttered. He was in a fog, for sure. That fog began to lift when he tried to rub his hand over his head, and couldn't move it. I smiled as I saw him coil up like a spring and try to break the restraint. Even Coach Burke couldn't take out stainless steel. "WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" he screamed. I think it was then that he realized he was naked. "LET ME GO. LET ME GO BASTARD. " He screamed that, not knowing who it was who had him. Then he looked around. "I KNOW YOU. YOU'RE ONE OF THE GUYS WHO CRUISES ME EVERY FREAKING DAY."

I was sitting on a stool right next to the bed. "Right on that one, Coach. Yup. Every day. Every single day. " Now he tried to get clever. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? YOU TOO SCARED TO ASK FOR A DATE? DAMN!!! LET ME THE FUCK GO." "That's not happening Bill. You don't mind if I call you by your first name, do you?" I smiled as I stood up. Watching him struggle was making me harder and harder. GOD the man was beautiful! And the stories from the shower about his "manhood"? Those were the ones that were true. Small feet, big cock. I wanted to hold it and tease him. Not yet. "You better get used to being restrained Coach. It's gonna be a way of life for you from now on. " I ran a finger up and down the center line of his torso. He was sweating, and GOD, did he GLISTEN in the light in my bedroom. "I took you Coach. And I'm gonna be keeping you." I guess he must have seen the bulge in my pants, and figured out what I had in mind, because.. he began to thrash about even more. He began to scream for help. He had a loud voice, and so, sooner than I had planned to, I grabbed his balls and I squeezed them. "What is it that you always say about positive and negative reinforcement Coach? " I started to laugh. "LET GO A MY JUNK YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" He kept screaming and I squeezed harder. "Sure... when you stop screaming." He didn't stop. I didn't want to crush his nuts - not yet - so I simply said "It would be very easy to gag you coach. It would be fun. Want that?"

I heard him almost hiss, and spit. "NO. NO GAGS. " (I found out why later: seems I wasn't the first person to have had Coach Burke in restraints. See, before he was Coach Burke, he was undergrad William Burke and there was that professor...). I'm getting ahead of myself. We seemed to have reached an agreement on screaming. And he seemed to realize he wasn't getting out of the chains. "What do you want?" he asked, almost pleading. "You. That's what I want, and I have you. " "I don't understand. What...." I smiled at him and unzipped my pants. I'm not particularly well endowed, but I was erect. VERY erect. "Understand now, Bill?" I smiled as I ran my hand over his thigh. "FUCK. You won't get away with this. They'll find me." "I doubt it Coach. You don't know where we are, and we're not staying here for long. Just long enough for you to understand exactly what kind of situation you're in." I ran my finger around one of his nipples and he began squirming again. "Like that Coach? Feel good?" I saw HIS cock begin to stiffen, so when he snorted "NO. I DO NOT LIKE IT" I knew he was lying. So I did it to both of his nipples. "STOPPPPPPPPPPPP. PLEASE. PLEASE....." He almost seemed to be crying. "You're gonna have to get used to that coach. I LOVE playing with a man's tits. Almost as much as I like some other things. Like.... " I slid down to his feet. "These babies ticklish?" "NO! " He snapped at me too fast for it to be true. I had a pair of old toothbrushes ready, and I slowly drew each one of them back and forth. That smile came out as he began laughing. 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. FUCK. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. YEAH. THEY'RE TICKLISH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." I was getting hotter and hotter. "How about these, stud?" I brought the toothbrushes up to his armpits. "NO. NO. NOT THERE. NOT THERE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAAHA. NO. NO. " I could have gone on playing like that all night. But it was late, and I had a few things I needed to do. "Did I see this get a bit HARD when I went for your nipples?" I put my hand around his cock. I began stroking it very gently. "Your nipples sensitive Coach." He didn't answer at first, because he was clearly trying to fight what was happening from my playing with his cock. He began to moan. And the moans got louder. I sped up the pace of my jerking him, and then I stopped. "I didn't get an answer to my question, you big stud. I wanna know: tit play turn you on? " When he didn't answer, I very gently began fingering his cockhead with the same pincer motion I had used on his tits. "YES. YES. THEY ARE. THEY ARE. OH PLEASE. PLEASE PLEASE STOP THAT. PLEASE...." I said nothing, but began stroking his entire cock again. "We are gonna have some fun Bill. LOTS of fun. Starting now..." The chains kept him very well restrained, but his hips did buck enough to make me smile as he howled and jerked off, all over my hands, some of it getting on my shirt, all over the place. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. I'M NOT LIKE THAT. I'M NOT LIKE THAT..." He almost began to weep. I smiled. "I don't care. Because I am. And you're gonna get introduced to the major part of your new job.. Right now." I dropped my pants and he knew. He also seemed to know: he was helpless. I undid the cuffs on Coach Burke's ankles, and I pulled up his short legs. "LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL DARK ROSEBUD. DAMN. WHAT DO WE CALL THAT COLOR? COACH IN HEAT? " "Please, please. Don't do that. Don't. No. NO NO...." Then I went in. He was tight, but not as tight as someone who had never been used before. "You've got some history Coach Burke. And I'm gonna find it out. But no time like the present. DAMN IT FEELS GOOD TO BE IN YOU." I took charge. I took TOTAL charge of his ass. He may have had some history, but clearly not much. He tried to force my cock out, by tightening his glutes. "You have no idea how good that feels, handsome." I told him when he did it. He looked stunned that I liked it. I pulled out just before I came, and shot all over him. "DAMN, that was HOT. That was fucking hot, Billy." I thought that calling him that would piss him off. Maybe it did, but the emotions of having been taken like, well, like a bitch, were getting to him a bit. He began to cry. "Please let me go. PLEASE.. I won't tell anyone. " "No. And you won't. I grabbed his ankles, and instead of chaining them, I took a long length of silk cord, and tied them tight. Getting his wrists tied was going to be a challenge, but... I had more of my chemicals if I needed them. I showed him the rag. "I could put you out and do it, or we can do it this way." I unlocked one wrist restraint, and tied more silk around that wrist. Then I pulled it over to the wrist that was still chained, tied them together, and then released the second chain. Of course he fought against it immediately. And that's when I dove into his ribs. "FUCKER NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. " "You'll learn to behave Coach Burke. You will. Absolutely. " I took another length of silk cord and this time, I tied his wrists to his ankles - I think someone referred to what I did as a pig tie. I thought of it more as immobilizing a big wild cat. "You should try to get some sleep Coach. We have a long day of travelling ahead of us tomorrow. " I rubbed his earlobe. "Get used to it. Your new title is going to be Bitch bill, not Coach Burke."


Next: Chapter 2

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