By D

Published on Aug 10, 2006



Disclaimer: This is a work of adult fiction. If you are offended by this material or are under aged in your community, do us all a favor and don't read it. This story is not copyrighted - do with it what you will.


The Beginning

It all started because we were bored, frustrated, and horny. There were three of us; Alan, Brad, and me (Dan). We lived together, worked together, and hung out together. It was a lot of fun, but we weren't exactly scoring in the getting laid department. We were engineers at a large biotech firm. Not your average trio of guys when it came to brains, but average when it came to looks. Brad was the smartest. He was also the least likely to follow the rules. Since we worked a lot of hours, he figured the company owed us, so he would sometimes help himself to some of the goodies. Alan was the most aggressive. He never started a fight, but never backed down either. Then there was me. I was the computer specialist of the group. Between Brad's loose interpretation of the rules and Alan's fighting spirit, I was usually pressed into service to break codes and firewalls. Not that it took much pressing. The danger was that we worked on some ultra secret stuff. The kind that gets lots of government funding that doesn't show up in the federal budget.

So here it was. Another Friday night and the three of us drinking at an upscale bar. We started coming here about a year ago because of its' reputation for being a meat market for gorgeous women. Sure enough, the reputation was true – unless you happened to be average guys like us. Let's face it. We were nerds and out of our league.

One night Brad had an idea to even the playing field. He looked at us and said, "I know what to do." One of the divisions of our company was working on a growth hormone. It was a long way from FDA testing but it was working flawlessly with the lab animals. Rumor had it that one of the techs used it to bulk up while working out and got caught. No one saw him since.

I stared at Brad, "And you're suggesting that we steal this drug and use it to bulk up like the last guy? The guy who disappeared? For all we know that guy died from it. No thanks." Alan was on my side on this one.

Brad said we had it all wrong, "this hormone is unique. It's delivered sub-cutaneously and has a limited local effect. The tech screwed up because he bulked up his arms to look bigger."

I laughed at Brad. "You idiot. Hormones aren't delivered sub-q! Besides, don't you think people would notice that we got bigger?" Alan chimed in, "He's right. If that tech really got caught doing this you have to assume they're watching everyone right now."

Brad smiled and said, "You guys are missing the point. We're not going to bulk up our arms. They'd have to strip search us to see what we're bulking up."

Alan and I caught on. "You want us to inject this unproven drug...into our dicks? Now I know you're drunk. There's no way we're doing this, right Alan?"

Alan was intrigued. I could see it on his face. "How do you know this stuff is safe?"

Brad had him hooked. He said, "When we get home, let's look at the reports."

Brad and Alan nodded in agreement, then turned to me. Of course. They needed access to the files.

We finished our drinks and headed home. I logged on to the system using someone else's password. Even though we were working with sensitive secret information, people always left themselves logged in at work or wrote their passwords down on sticky notes posted to their monitor. I had a few passwords and an admin ID that I used occasionally.

Alan and Brad looked over my shoulder as I started opening files. The hormone research lab had several experiments running. The files included AnatDxProt, ChimeraProt, HumGrwProt, Tdx50Prot, and Jokes. (I made a mental note to check the jokes folder later.)

I was looking through the reports for anything to dissuade my roommates from stealing this drug. To my surprise, the results were good. No side effects. No tissue damage. In fact the drug was not a steroid that increased muscle mass, it enlarged any tissue it came into contact with. The medical implications were amazing. There was an explanation as to why it worked that seemed to make sense to Brad. He even tried to explain it to Alan and I. All I knew was that Brad was convinced and Alan was convinced. I could fight it, but in the end we all knew I'd give in. I went to log off when Brad asked to read more about the drug to make sure it was safe.

The Heist

I sat at my desk, waiting for some analyses to run. At least that's what my boss thought. My phone got two text messages. Alan and Brad were in position. I began the carefully timed sequence. The "analyses" running on my desktop were hiding the security network I had hacked into. If anyone looked at the ip address they would think it was the outside security contractors running routine tests on the system. I turned the security camera in the hormone research lab off and on three times. This was the "secret" signal to alert security that tests were being run. I got that tidbit while having lunch with one of the contractors. (When you simply let people talk, it's amazing how much they'll say.) Normally when the camera blinks, security is supposed to check the maintenance schedule to verify. That's where Alan came in. The camera blinked, at the same time Alan walked through metal detectors setting off the alarm. Alan was always setting of the detectors even when we weren't stealing stuff. The guard got up to check on Alan, who managed to spill a small box of marbles. Some of these rolled to the metal detectors which caused them to beep non-stop. From my desk I was now feeding a static image of the lab to the security booth. At the same time, Brad walked into the hormone research lab using a pass key cloned from one of the regular employees. Today happened to be their monthly staff meeting off site. In 30 seconds Brad had what he wanted and was out. I blinked the cameras again and logged off. As Alan passed through security, the guard returned to his station not bothering to check the maintenance schedule. In under one minute we got the goods and covered our tracks. This obviously wasn't the first time we had done this. This was how I got my nice computer monitor for home, Alan got a laptop, and Brad got some piece of equipment I didn't understand. We also stole drugs before. Our biggest score was an aphrodisiac. We tried using some once at the bar, but the girl got horny for the guy sitting next to her rather than us. At least we made someone's night.

The Treatment

When we got home, we sat around the table looking at several vials. Alan added some syringes and needles he picked up for his "diabetic uncle".

"How do we know the right dose?" Alan asked.

I said, "I want to know who's going first."

Brad took a syringe and one of the bottles and stood up to unzip his pants.

"Whoa!" I said. "Right here? Where we eat?"

Alan disagreed with me. "Yeah Brad, do it right here so we can see if it works."

So Brad whipped his cock out and filled a syringe. He flicked the top to get the bubbles out, grabbed his dick, and began injecting small bubbles of drug just under the skin along the length of his penis. After a series of bubbles along the top and bottom Brad suddenly started screaming, "AAAAAAAH IT'S BURNING! AAAAAAAAAAH!" Alan and I went pale with shock when Brad stopped and said, "Just kidding. It's actually kind of numb."

"You asshole!" Alan said as he hit Brad on the arm.

"As much as you two enjoy staring at my dick the drug may not take effect for up to an hour." Brad said. So we all sat down in the living room and turned on the game. Less than 10 minutes later, Brad started feeling his crotch and said, "Holy shit!"

He unzipped his pants and a huge cock flopped out. Alan and I both said "Holy shit" at the same time. It was borderline grotesque and it wasn't even hard.

Brad hefted it in his hand and started stroking it. "Damn it's sensitive" Brad said. Within a few seconds he was fully erect. I've been a fan of porn my whole life. For every woman I saw getting fucked, I saw at least one cock. The bigger the better. This beat them all. I had to admit, his was beautiful. I kept staring. Alan was up and injecting himself in no time. Brad saw me staring and I turned away. Brad said, "Put in a DVD." We all knew he wanted a porn DVD. I went to the cabinet under the TV and pulled out one of my favorites. I put the disc in and sat back down. Alan sat down with his pants still at his ankles. By the middle of the first scene, Alan's five hard inches doubled in length and girth.

It was my turn. I went to the table, filled the syringe, and stopped. I couldn't bring myself to inject my own body, not to mention the most sensitive part. I was embarrassed but I asked for help.

Alan said he would do it but Brad quickly interceded. "I got it! I know how you are about needles. Let me give you a small dose of midazoliam to relax you." I was nervous and agreed to the sedative. I sat in the easy chair and Brad injected my arm. He asked me to count to ten. I got to three before the lights went out.

After Effects

The voices faded in and out. "You didn't give him enough." "It's working." "Use a bigger dose."

A slight prick in my arm and everything was clear and in focus.

Brad was looking in my eyes, "you with us Dan?"

"Yeah," I replied, "What happened." My voice sounded weird.

"I guess I gave you a little too much sedative. I had to give you a benzo-antagonist."

I was alert but still a bit fuzzy. As my thoughts cleared I noticed Alan was naked and very erect. So was Brad. I could feel the ceiling fan all over my body, so I must be naked too.

"What are you guys staring at?" I asked. I looked down to see how big my cock was, but I couldn't even see it. I did see a pair of breasts on my body.

That didn't make sense. The sedative must not be out of my system yet.

I looked again. I had tits. Big ones. They must have glued them on me as a joke. "Very funny buttheads," I said, "now get these off of me." For such an elaborate joke, Brad and Alan weren't laughing.

Brad handed me a glass and said, "Drink this." It was like a sports drink with alcohol. Just what I needed. I finished it anyway and Brad took the glass from me. My head was clearing. Alan and Brad were still staring at me. They were slowly stroking themselves and their new cocks were really hard.

I reached up and touched a breast. It wasn't glued on. It was real and very sensitive. My hand went to my crotch hoping to find my penis. There was pubic hair, but no cock. I spread my legs to get a better look and found a perfect vagina. My vagina. As I touched my new sex Brad and Alan both made approving noises.

My legs snapped shut and a look of horror came across my face as I understood what happened. "You gave me a different drug. You changed me into a woman, but...why?"

Alan said, "It was Brad's idea, but it's brilliant. After you hacked into the Hormone research lab files, Brad found another experiment which alters the genetic code and allows for gender switching."

Brad said, "Not just switching, but altering features. It's genius. The CIA will probably want it for some spy mission or something."

Alan added, "Or the FBI for witness relocation. Look Dan, no matter how big our cocks are, we're still not going to score with women."

"I wasn't planning this but once you asked for help shooting up, it was just too easy. Besides," Brad continued, "the three of us have so much fun together as it is, why screw things up by getting girlfriends. This way it's still just us hanging out."

Alan leered at me and said, "Hanging out is about to become a lot more fun."

I did my best to cover my breasts with one arm while holding my other hand over my crotch. "Guess what boys, you're still not going to get laid so you better change me back, NOW!"

"How much longer?" Alan asked Brad.

"How much longer for what?" I asked. I adjusted my arm over my breasts and felt a shock through my body. My nipples were getting more sensitive. My vagina was getting damp too. I could feel it as I started stroking it again. It felt amazing. I stared at Alan and Brad's cocks and started wondering what it would be like to satisfy them. I shook my head to clear the thought. But it crept back in, wondering what their cum tasted like. They both just sat there slowly pumping their thick shafts. I was massaging my pussy and tweaking one of my nipples. The thought came into my head that I needed to blow them. This was more than a thought. It was a decision. It was inevitable but why? Earlier today I was a heterosexual male hoping to score with someone...who looked like I did now. I gazed at Alan's dick, knowing I was going to swallow everything he could put out. I looked over at Brad and knew I was going to suck his balls. He came closer, sitting on the arm of the couch, his enormous cock just two feet from my face. As he moved I caught glimpse of the glass next to Brad, the drink he gave me.

I knew why I was losing control. Brad had given me some of the leftover aphrodisiac we stole from the lab. I wanted to be angry and yell at him. I stood up but before I could say anything, Brad put his hand on my shoulder, gently pushing down. I gave in, went to my knees, and immediately took as much of his cock into my mouth as I could. It was like food to a starving person. Nothing mattered more to me than sucking on his cock. I held the base and licked the head and shaft to get it wet. Then it was back in my mouth. Sucking the top in and out of my mouth while pumping the base with my hand. He was huge and I was going to make him orgasm with my mouth. I could tell I was doing a good job from the sounds he was making. And doing a god job felt right, I needed to make him cum. He was enjoying this too much and wanted to delay his orgasm. He was holding off well until I took his whole length down my throat. Brad started bucking and pulled out just as thick ropes of cum unloaded on my face and into my open mouth. Brad jerked 7 or 8 massive jets before subsiding. I was plastered in cum. As his jerks subsided I took his cock back into my mouth, sucking out everything I could. I looked up into his eyes as I sucked him and felt his cock getting harder. He wasn't done yet.

Brad grabbed a t-shirt and did his best to wipe the cum off my face and what dribbled down onto my breasts. I was so focused on getting Brad hard again that I forgot about Alan. I was reminded he was there when he came up behind me on his knees and reached around to hold my tits. I could feel his erection rubbing on my ass. Even though Brad was hard again, I had to suck Alan off. I turned around and sat Alan in the easy chair. Still on my knees I took Alan into my mouth. Doing much the same as I did to Brad I focused on giving the best blowjob in the world. Then a new sensation hit me. Brad had come up behind me and started licking my pussy. I almost passed out from the pleasure. I was distracted, but I still needed Alan's cum. I continued to suck on him while playing with his heavy balls. I was soon rewarded. Alan's orgasm was almost as powerful as Brad's, but I kept Alan in my mouth and swallowed almost everything. As soon as he was done I pulled him out of my mouth and licked up what I missed. Continuing to stroke his shaft I gently sucked his balls into my mouth.

Alan was getting hard again and I wanted more of his cum. Brad had another idea. He pulled me up from Alan and moved me to the couch. I laid down on my back and spread my legs in anticipation. Brad moved between my legs and paused. He was rock hard again. I knew I was going to get fucked but being a female virgin, I didn't know what it was going to feel like. Brad slid the length of his cock along my pussy lips. I had heard that it hurts when women lose their virginity. Brad was driving me wild sliding against me. The underside of his shaft glistened with my juices. Alan had moved towards the couch and began sucking one of my nipples. Brad slid his cock back a little further with each stroke. Then it slid back with the head pointed into me. He pushed forward and stopped with the tip of his cock just penetrating me. Part of me thought he should be wearing a condom, but that thought went away as he slid the first four inches inside. I gasped. He pulled back a little and sank six inches into me. He pulled out a little and then buried his full length into me. I saw stars. I felt so full. He began sliding in and out, slowly at first so my pussy could fully lubricate his cock. It was the best feeling I had ever experienced. Brad picked up the pace. Alan had stopped playing with my nipples long enough to watch Brad enter me but resumed as Brad picked up a steady pace. I reached around and found Alan's erection. He responded by moving up and pressing the head of his cock to my lips. Brad watched this and picked up the pace a little. As I moaned my approval I let Alan into my mouth. Brad went even faster and started slamming my body. I was able to keep Alan hard but I couldn't concentrate enough to make him cum a second time in my mouth. Since they had both just come, I didn't think they would be ready to orgasm again for a while. Brad showed how wrong I was by pulling out of me and letting loose on my stomach and chest. He came almost as much the second time. Most of his thick cum pooled on my stomach. Alan pulled out of my mouth and I used my fingers to scoop the cum into my mouth. I managed to get a good amount down when Alan replaced Brad between my open legs and wiped up the remainder. Alan didn't tease me, he fully plunged into me on the first stroke. Alan was rougher than Brad too. Alan was pummeling my body. We weren't making love, he was fucking the shit out of me. He was hurting me a little too which seemed to turn him on and fuck me harder. He drilled me like this for a full 10 minutes. I was waiting for him pull out and shoot all over me. I wanted him to cover my tits with his seed. Instead, without warning he tensed up and shuddered. I could feel his cock deep inside me spasming and unloading his cum into my unprotected body.

It felt good to have Alan pull out of me but I also felt empty inside. As I lay on my back catching my breath, Alan and Brad both went "Awwww! Yes!" as they watched Alan's sperm drip out of me. I could feel it drip down to the crack of my ass.


The rest of the night went pretty much the same way. So did the next morning. Considering my changes, I couldn't go back to work. I hacked into the system and inserted a letter of resignation (dated two weeks ago). It wasn't clear where we were going from here but Alan and Brad had exactly what I needed.

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