
By moc.liamg@75retsieMxiB

Published on Jun 12, 2024


Clutch Chapter 4


Part 4

Chemistry And Electricity

By Bix Meister

After getting writers block on a few of my stories, I'm back with some shorter series inspired by men and locations I noticed on my drives and walks. My Tumblr page also features men that have inspired these tales. The stories feature gay and bi men, and gay sex, intended for adults, not minors. They are fiction, and not based on actual people or events. They are fantasy, intended as a catalyst for pleasure. Few attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but I encourage you to practice it.

 If possible, click the link to donate to Nifty and keep these stories available for your inspiration.

This is dedicated to the thousands of runners I have seen over the 20-plus years I've volunteered for Grandma's Marathon.

Nifty Archive Alliance Donation


Part 4

Chemistry And Electricity

The smell of coffee woke me. I rose, stretched, and yawned then looked out on the lake.

"Where are the boys?" There was no disguising his gravelly low voice.

The man at the kitchen table was wearing a Grandma's Marathon hoodie, camo hat, baggy shorts, and horned rimmed glasses. His loose clothes were enough to create plausible deniability that Uncle Jim and SGT Jamison were two different men. I suddenly knew why people didn't recognize Clark Kent as Superman, or inconspicuous, everyday Tony Hawk continued to be confused with famous pro skateboarder Tony Hawk.

"Is this the dress code for the week, Clutch? If so, I approve, and just where are the boys?"

"Out fishing is my guess. I overslept. Got any more of that coffee?"

I walked towards the kitchen table, Jim rose and shook my hand. "I'm Hunter's Uncle Jim, good to meet you Clutch. Though I feel like I've known you or known about you since you were in high school." He pulled me in for a hug and whispered to me. "Who knew that our future fire chief liked a little side play with men?"

"We all have our secrets, don't we Sarge, as I discovered last night."

He gave me a serious look. His intense eyes, behind the unexpectedly studious horned rimmed glasses broke into a smile. That was the moment, a moment I felt in the pit of my stomach. It was a moment that was stronger than the first time Linda called me Babe. The only way I could put it in words was a concept that Travis introduced me to in a text last night. Meeting Jim changed my chemistry.

I don't know if Jim felt the same way, it was hard to read him. However, I felt that something changed in him. The testosterone charged man whose videos I had watched last night had softened somehow. "Let me get you that coffee I promised," he said. "I'd offer to make breakfast, but I was thinking of going for a run."

"Do you mind if I join you?" I asked. His smile said yes.

We sat for a few, getting to know each other. I felt at ease with him, as he did with me. I had totally forgotten I was naked as I rose to grab my jock and shorts, while he changed into his running gear. I know he stole peeks at me, as I did with him. Yet, I saw him as Jim, not SGT Jamison. And as hot as SGT Jamison was, Jim was the man who changed my chemistry.

I enjoy the solitude of running and prefer to run solo. Yet, I felt the same calm, the same tranquility running with Jim. As we got closer to Duncan's lake-home, Jim tensed up. I remembered the sauna and suggested that we stop for a rest. "Let me check something out," I said to Jim.

Downstairs I fired up the sauna, then yelled for Jim to join me. "I saw you were having some pains earlier, maybe we can work the kinks out," I said.

"If you wanted to get me naked, there are easier ways," Jim said.

"As tempting as it is, I have no ulterior motives, Jim. Unless you count helping you feel better an ulterior motive."

"Well, there are benefits to that," Jim said. We shucked our shorts, I took off my jock and Jim, his compression shorts. The sauna had since heated, so I sat back in the warmth and invited him to join me. Jim got between my legs and leaned back against me. Starting at his neck, I slowly massaged to his shoulders then down his arms, lingering on the fur on his forearms. His first sigh encouraged me to continue.

"Clutch, I hope I'm not overstepping any boundaries, but, back in the kitchen, did you?"

"Yeah, Jim, I think I know what you're saying, and I did." I leaned in and kissed Jim's neck, then whispered, "I don't know what's happening here, but I just want to let it happen.

He craned his neck and we kissed. "Like that?" He asked.

"Exactly," I responded. He spun around and lifted me to stand. He pulled me close to him then pawed my naked butt, removing whatever space that existed between us. We kissed, it was like no kiss I had ever had before, man or woman. I was boned up, and I felt his thick dick against mine, but that wasn't our focus, our connection. The breath we shared kissing connected us, again, like no other kiss.

His hand went from my butt to my neck, then slowly over the stubble that had grown in the last few days. He sent shivers down my spine, holding me, kissing me. "Listen," he said. "We should get back. I'll make a quick breakfast. Then we can talk."

We went from 0-70 in seconds, and back down to 0 just as quickly. Outside of the sauna, we collected our clothes, and ourselves, then locked up Duncan's home. Instead of running, we hiked back, with a detour to the lakeshore.

"Don't get me wrong, Collin. It's not that I didn't want to do something with you. It's just that there's a few things I need to work through." Jim stepped over the trunk of a fallen tree, sat, and gestured for me to join him. "Clutch, I make porn for married men to stroke to, I don't fall for them. Plus, the married men I make porn for, shouldn't fall for me. I mean, you do have a wife, and kids, don't you?"

"Linda allows me to play," I said. And as for the kids. They are adults, and so are Linda and I."

"Allowing you to play, and what we were about to do, are different, Collin. I know you felt what I did. I've fucked hundreds of men before, but I've never felt that. It's like a charge of electricity rolled through me and changed everything." He inhaled, then continued. "I'd like that moment to last forever, but I don't see it happening."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. In our 22 years of marriage, I always started the day by either rolling over and telling Linda I loved her or calling or texting the same message. Meeting Jim earlier had pulled me out of my routine. Checking my phone, I realized that she hadn't lived up to her part of the bargain. I typed out a text and sent it.

"Slept in babe, Love you,"

"Back atcha, in the middle of something, text you later."

"I hope it's not dangerous."

"Nope, talking to some local officials, later."

Jim was looking at the lake, "What's up?" he asked. "You look confused."

"I don't know." I didn't know. Something feels off. "Let's head back. Maybe it'll make sense when my stomach is full.

We walked slowly back along the shore. "This is the life, isn't it? I spoke. "I wish it wasn't only a week. I mean I love my house, job, community, and wife, but this is great. Nothing like lake life."

"Is that a slip that your wife came in last?" Jim asked.

"No, although she just brushed me off. Her job is stressful. She's out west fighting forest fires. Something seems wrong."

"She's out west, fighting fires, is she sweeping the floor of the forest?" Jim laughed as he pulled me in for a quick hug. "Sorry, I don't know where you are politically, but..."

"You can't fix stupid," I said to Jim's amusement.

"You can't," he said. "So how are the boys doing?"

"I don't know. Last night started out tentatively, but by the time I fell asleep, they were very noisy. I think it's hard for either of them to express the love they have."

"You're probably right. In my dad James generation, dads didn't worry about that, it was the wife's job to show love. Chuck's just like dad. When his wife Lois died, he just shut himself down, emotionally. He was a marine, just like me, He could be a stoic son of a bitch, again, just like me." Jim laughed at his own words. "But he was lovable, again, just like me. And he loved his son even if he never said it."

"Hunter said his dad didn't approve when he found him and Duncan together. Is that true?"

"Well, at first, he was just a stoic son of a bitch. But then he came over to my house and he came close to calling his own boy the f-word. The word started coming out of his mouth and I stopped him. `Your boy, I should say your young man is becoming the man he was born to be.' I reminded him."

"He protested, `But it's my fault, I guess I tried to be both a mom and a dad and failed at both.' I told him his only failure would be if he stopped loving his son because he was Gay, or stop loving his younger, more handsome brother because he was Gay."

"`That's impossible," he said. `You're not...' I stopped him, "Yes I am GAY, I shouted."

"'I figured that out, I was going to say you weren't more handsome.' Clutch, I laughed, gave Chuck a hug and even kissed him on his cheek. I didn't care if he was uncomfortable with it, he hugged me back, then started crying. `Jimmy, I guess I'll never be a grandfather, I'll never be able to take my grandson out on the lake, or to a UMD hockey game, or take him out of town to avoid the damn tourists that come here Marathon weekend.'"

"I told him he needed to live in the day to day with Hunter. I never could convince him to move on after Lois died. He let the maintenance of the house go, and if it wasn't for me, the same would have happened to the cabin. Hunter stepped up when he could, especially the last few years. I know he put Duncan on the back burner, Duncan told me."

"So, Duncan told Hunter and I about the two of you. From what I could gather it ended after he and Hunter started playing together. Was he telling us the whole truth?"

"If I was religious, I'd swear on a stack of bibles. Hunter is flesh and blood. Clutch, Duncan is a hot little fucker, not gonna lie. I wouldn't fuck up my nephew's chance for happiness just for a furry, ass, no matter how tight it is."

"That it is," I said. "Oh fuck, Jim. Last week all I had never gone beyond a blow job with a man. On Sunday, our two men tag teamed my ass. I find myself shaking my damn head so often I'm worried I'm gonna suffer a concussion."

We were finally at the cabin. Jim went to work in the kitchen. Daylight from a high skylight illuminated him as he cooked. His broad, muscular back narrowed down to love handles and a tight, meaty butt. He was bulkier than his nephew, but certain familial traits were there. "So, your dad was James, how did he skip over Chuck and name his youngest son after himself?"

Jim looked over his shoulder. "I was the third son, Daryl was first, then Charles, and then ten years later, I was the "surprise" boy. Though technically I'm not James, it says Jim on my birth certificate. We lost Daryl in Vietnam; I barely knew him. But Chuck and I both enlisted in the Marines, out of a sense of duty to our brother and our country."

I wanted to say, "Thank you for your service," but instead I realized. "Wait, your OF username SGT Jamison literally means James's son."

"Bingo," Jim said. When I left the Marine Corps, I held a higher rank than sergeant. But I thought SGT looked commanding. However, if you look closely, for legal reasons I claim no connection to the Marine Corps on my website. Fuck, I can't believe I'm talking about this. Four years back being an internet adult star wasn't on my radar. However, the money is nothing to sneeze at."

Jim placed a plate in front of me then placed his own plate near me. After a few bites he continued. "Clutch, I never expected anything to happen like this. I had a few Instagram followers then one of my photos went viral and my followers started to quadruple every few days, then every few hours. It became a challenge to create content. Clutch, want to know my secret?"

I nodded, so he continued. "I never needed glasses until I left the Marines. Now, if I don't wear them, I'm near blind. My intense look is just me squinting. I got a lot of Instagram followers because of my intense squinting. It comes off as commanding, strong and assertive. Then when at a follower's suggestion that I start an Only Fans account, squinting while I stroked my dick made me look intense Marine-like and horny. And later when I grew my followers by teaming up with other OF performers for content, my intense squint and my near blindness meant I could perform with guys that I had no chemistry with."

"God, I sound like such a whore," Jim laughed. "But this whole thing snowballed on me. Sorta like you venturing into your gay side, a lot of this just happened. And like I said, the money is nothing to be sneezed at."

"I thought that most people who did this didn't make that much, and you say you make good bank? Just how good if I can ask?"

"Well, you did ask. Let's just say you are right most people don't make much. Me, well, my intense squint earned me well north of 100K each of the last three years." My jaw dropped at the figure. Jim laughed, "I know, right? And I'm gonna walk away from it."

"Why?" I asked.

"Before it snowballs into something I no longer can control. I got a good nest egg right now, and I thought if I ever find the guy who I could trade content, for contentment..." Jim stopped for a second, took a sip of coffee. "Then I did, and..."

I hoped he meant me, but I didn't want to know the answer. "What would you do with that man, and the nest egg?"

A few years back, while Chuck was still alive, I bought two of his lots between Duncan's place and here. That spot we stopped at, that's where I am building my place. Hunter will still have his privacy, but he also has a bank account he knows nothing about."

"You're a good man, Jim, even with your intense squint."

"I just wish things were different," he said. "Not to change the subject, but it looks like our hosts are home."

We walked out to the front deck, and when Hunter saw Jim, he ran into his uncle's arms. Duncan was nonchalant, and took his time, when he got closer, he turned over the cooler, "We got skunked, but I spent the morning with my boyfriend, so there's that."

Jim raised an eyebrow. "Boyfriend, huh? Is this a new development?"

"I wouldn't say it's a new development, Uncle Jim. I just think we both got the nerve to say it, and more importantly to tell each other that we loved each other.

"Did you tell him the other secret, Duncan?" Jim asked.

"I was waiting for you to get here, Jim." Duncan grabbed Hunter's hands and looked him in the eyes. "Hunter, I interviewed at the airplane manufacturer. I'm one of the leads in their IT department. I'll be starting in a few weeks. I'll be staying out here, working remotely two days a week and driving in the other three. It's a long commute, but we'll be closer."

"Great, babe. Maybe we can find you a place closer to town. One of my coworkers is married to a realtor."

Jim gave Hunter his intense squint. "Neph, we gotta talk." He pulled Hunter into the A-frame. Though they thought they were far back, the skylight illuminated what seemed like a deep conversation. If it was intense, it was also quick. Jim held the door open for his nephew. "Hunter, the floor is yours."

"Duncan, I was thinking. I – I mean WE have a house that's close to the airport. You and Jim helped me through a rough spot last year when dad died, and IF you can put up with a guy that works the night shift, WE can make it our house."

"Now that's my favorite nephew talking" Jim said. I thought I'd have to slap some sense into you, but I could never do that. And if that didn't work, I'd have to bring out the big guns. I'm saving that for later."

"Listen," Jim continued. "Since you guys were skunked, dinner is on me tonight. I had my butcher get me his best aged steaks. It's the least I can do for my two favorite young men, and my new friend, Clutch." Jim winked at me. "Clutch told me you guys were going bare-assed most of the time. Why are you two shy, suddenly?"

It didn't take a second before Duncan and Jim were sun's-out, buns out. I joined quickly with Hunter following. Due to my job, and Linda's firefighting gig out west, I needed to be available, 24-7, I was naked, yet I still had my phone strapped to my arm. I felt like a dork, but the eye candy made up for it.

Duncan and Hunter drove bare-assed to Duncan's place to get a snack and pick up additional seating for the lakeside deck. Meanwhile Jim and I sat, nursing a beer in the midday sun. I know I was trying to reconcile how intensely I felt for him with the futility of our future, I sensed he was doing the same.

I was in survivor mode. My mind compensated for my changed chemistry. I'd catch glimpses of his wide shoulders, or sunlight would catch the salt and pepper fur in contrast with his tanned forearms. Earlier in the week, those images would have caused a healthy boner, but presently we were both completely soft.

Duncan and Hunter were taking their sweet time. I don't know if they had intended for us to use the time to fuck, or not, maybe they were taking advantage of the sauna. Either way, our silence grew awkward. Then I got a text from Linda.

"Important news, we gotta talk."

"Okay, I'll call if it's a good time."

She texted a thumbs up. I told Jim I needed to make a call and went into the house. After two rings, she answered, "So what's up?" I asked.

"I just got offered a new job out here. It's very tempting. Collin, It's a dream job."

I was thrown for a loop, it was unexpected. I did my best to answer her. "So, we're at the right age. The kids have both moved on. I can eventually find a job, sell the house, and move out there when the time is right."

"I guess," she said.

"I guess," I thought to myself, I quickly offer to put my life on hold for her, and that's her answer? I was close to saying "Fuck you," to her but I kept my cool.

"Well, keep me updated, I'd say, go for it. We'll make it work," I replied.

"I've already accepted the position. We'll talk later. Gotta run; we're working on a burn-line."

It blew my mind that Linda had made such an impactful life decision without my input. And she just blew it off like it was nothing. I was seething, but there was nothing I could do. At that point I didn't want to talk to anyone, yet Jim was outside naked in the sun.

I looked out at him. Those broad shoulders looked like they could bear my burdens. I opened the door, he looked back and smiled, "How'd that go? I hope it's no emergency."

"Well, it depends on your definition of an emergency. I might be moving out west soon. It seems that Linda got a new job."

"Fuck, bud, she blindsided you like that?"

"Yeah, I don't know what to think, I want to support her, support our marriage, but she didn't consider that when she took the job. I had no clue, no hint. Damn, Jim, I'm usually a chill dude, but she got me so wound up."

"I can tell, Collin. Maybe another beer will help. Or, you know how your massage eased me earlier. We built a bench on the side deck. I could give you a massage, but without a happy ending, bud. It already sounds like you and Linda are having issues, I don't want to add to them."

Jim's less than intense smile put me at ease. His touch was electric as he led me through the gate to the side deck. The bench, which to be honest was the perfect height for sex, was much too low for a massage. However, Jim got on his knees as I laid on the bench. "Breathe in," he said quietly. The gravelly voice I had associated with Jim since we met earlier, was gone. He exuded calm as he touched me. "Exhale, bud. Let go of the stress."

Jim's drummed his fingers lightly over the nape of my neck, up through the stubble on my scalp, then stroked both hands out from my spine to my shoulders. He leaned over. "Breathe in again." He whispered; his breath caressed my ear. My tension was gone, but I didn't want to let on. However, when he whispered, "Exhale," I was powerless. I turned my head; our lips met.

"Sorry, Clutch. I had willpower earlier but that's gone. I should never have touched you."

"Yes, you should have," I said and pulled him in for a longer kiss. As we kissed, Jim slowly rolled me over, so I was laying on my back, then he straddled me.

"Are you sure?" Jim asked. I nodded. He leaned down and kissed me on my neck. His right hand slowly went around to the back up my head, cradling it, before pulling me closer. "I need you, Clutch," we locked eyes and he whispered. "I've known that since I saw you laying on the couch. I realize what we're doing might be wrong. Right now, I don't care, and I hope you don't."

He kissed me again, then began making a trail down my body. I sat up, leaned back on my elbows, and watched. Earlier, I was able to be near Jim without getting erect, but now my leaking dick was throbbing as it rubbed against his gut, then chest, then lips. When he held my bone as if appraising it, it involuntarily spit out a large amount of precum for his eager tongue. My head rolled back; my eyes rolled back as he sucked down on my cock.

I was sweating, Jim was sweating, the midday sun only added to the intensity. He was giving me a world class blow job, better than Linda, better than any of the guys at the glory holes, better than anyone in my life. I was getting close when he stopped. "I just realized you never showered this mornin', babe." The crack in his voice when he said babe, changed my chemistry once again.

He got up, led me to the outdoor shower and adjusted the temperature. We languished, taking our time cleaning each other. On the surface we'd admit to cleaning each other, but deep down, I knew my chemistry was changing, and as he said earlier, an electrical charge was running through his body. Between my chemistry, and his electrical charge, something combustible was happening. I knew my life was fundamentally changing. I had gone far beyond play. This wasn't me letting off steam.

I was in love with a man, and it was a love I could never deny. Wordlessly he turned off the shower, grabbed my phone off the bench, and led me inside to the back bedroom, his bedroom and laid me down. First, he reached into the nightstand for a bottle of lube. Then, he straddled me, slowly kissed down my body, then lifted my legs. Jim grabbed the lube and poured some on his fingers then fingered by rosebud to open me up. He then lubed the length of his dick, before planting the knob against my hole.

Unlike SGT Jamison's intense look, Jim's sweet smile put me at ease as his thickness entered me. For a joke, he grabbed my phone and took a picture of his dick firmly embedded in my hairy ass. "This could be the down payment on a new car," he said as he showed the picture to me. Then he threw the phone to the chair in the corner and added, "If anyone needs you, you're out of commission for the next hour."

I don't know if it took an hour. He fucked me gently for about ten minutes, his thick uncut dick hitting my prostrate repeatedly. Then we sucked each other for a while. I loved focusing on his foreskin. I tried to fuck him, and he said, "Sarge doesn't get fucked."

"What about Jim?" I asked.

"The chance of that happening gets better each minute," he said.

I thought we were close to an answer when our 69 ended with a tandem rim job. We were both agile for our age as tongues teased freshly cleaned butts. However, Jim got behind to spoon me. His tender kisses on the nape of my neck distracted me while his thick uncut dick entered my butt. He was a man possessed, thrusting unevenly, snorting, grunting, and huffing as he picked up speed. Suddenly he stopped, held me tight, and battered my prostate one more time. I could feel each spurt of cum as Jim filled me before slumping against me.

I felt his cock twitching in my ass, seemingly in rhythm with my heartbeats. Neither of us could communicate the connection we were feeling. I worried that I'd never feel this bliss with anyone else, and worried that it was momentary. Jim held me tight, our breathing shallowed as we momentarily regained strength before we nodded off.

I could hear my phone buzzing from across the room, but I was inert. Jim was still in me, his dick remained hard though it had to be some time later. "Go ahead and answer it, Babe." He said.

I slowly pulled away and retrieved my phone. Linda's texts shocked me.

"I'm sorry I put you in this position."

"I didn't expect you to agree to move out here, but I should have known Clutch always has to come through."

"I know this is the coward's way, but it's over. It isn't because I took the job, I'm taking the job to move on."

"Yes, I'm the asshole, that's why you aren't answering me. I get it."

"Fuck you, Clutch, Oh wait, that's something I used to do." Maybe you'll find a new fuck buddy."

I saw the rolling dots on her text telling me she was typing something else.

I responded:

"I'm sorry, I was charging my phone, What the hell is up, Linda?"

"You read it. I'm taking the new job not because it's a new job, I need a new life. Collin, I know we had an agreement to play on the side, but I broke it and fell in love on the side. Hell, you played by the rules, but I couldn't even be honest about him. I urged you to play, urged you to explore your bisexuality because I wanted cover for what I was doing. I'll be coming home in two weeks to finalize everything. It's time we moved on."

I sat back in disbelief as I read and reread her text. I handed the phone to Jim who read it again. Together we looked back on other texts for clues. There was a pattern that fit her confession, but the last two seemed fueled by something new.

I looked at Jim as he read the last few texts again. He shook his head and said, "Well, I was going to cook dinner to my two favorite young men and a new friend tonight, but now it looks like my lover, and I are going to cook dinner for our favorite young men. Isn't that what you read into this, Babe?"

I think you glossed over the part where you offer your butt to your new lover, then announce the closure of your Only Fans account. But only after you tease a video of your new lover fucking that tight ass of yours. I mean that should not only be worth the down payment on a new truck, but probably pay for it in full.

Sounds like a plan to me, Clutch. Now, speaking of plans, want to see the plans for our new cabin?"



Reality quickly erased any plans to monetize Jim's first time being fucked. We both knew that eventually people would figure out our identities and jeopardize my future with the fire department. Jim posted one pic of my dick in his furry butt as a thank you to his loyal fans, kept it up for a month for free, then closed his account.

Trevor was promoted to Head Assistant Chief even though I didn't think he was up to the task. I knew our men and women had the training they needed to maintain our high standards. However, I was convinced that sooner or later he'd slip up since he had already reached his level of incompetence. Luckily the promotion was just an empty formality, paid for by Covid relief funds. It was also fortuitous that the next in line was Clair, an extremely qualified protégé of mine.

Quickly I saw evidence of his incompetence and decided it was best to move on. I gave notice to the Fire Department, resigning without a backup plan. Providence intervened as one of my former hockey teammates offered me a job with his charity. I laid everything on the line, telling him about Linda, and Jim. "Who you fuck, doesn't mean a thing to me or the charity," was his answer.

Things between Linda and I were civil. The divorce was quick and painless. Part of the agreement was that we'd hand over the house to the kids. My daughter Janet moved in, buying out Kolby's half. Janet's position in the Police Department came in handy when she was part of a sting task force that caught Assistant Fire Chief Trevor in an inspection related extortion scheme. Her forensic examination of Trevor's personal and work laptops revealed evidence of child pornography. Trevor's perp-walk was immensely satisfying. The fire department begged me to come back, but I was knee deep in organizing a fundraiser for my friend's charity. I also pointed out Clair's qualifications, and she quickly assumed a new position.

Travis and Clayton came to town for Twin Ports Pride and stayed for a week. We camped on our lake property while Duncan's dad's company built our cabin. Clayton, an avid follower of architecture, was impressed that we were using a well-known local architect for our small, but eco-friendly cabin.

Hunter and Duncan finished the remodel of their modest home. Hunter moved to the day shift, enabling them to spend quality time together. Duncan's is now the IT director for his company and has been featured on their TV commercials. I'm convinced the director is family since it discreetly, yet memorably features his sexy butt.

Duncan's parents eventually put their lake house on the market. Travis and Clayton snapped it up, so a large swath of shoreline was now owned by family, in all definitions of the word. If you ever were to visit, remember that all three of our couples are open about our bodies, but for now, not our relationships.

Jim and I divide our time between his home on Park Point, and our cabin on the lake. Our day often starts with a quick run and Jim has convinced me to run the half-marathon. The training has been laborious, but time with the man who changed my chemistry, is time well spent.

We'll pace ourselves using a mix made by Brent, our friend from the store. He and his husband Gino, and Jeffrey and Lawrence are frequent guests at our homes. On a recent visit to the store, I told Brent of my plans, and he pointed out a pair of running shorts with a zippered pocket that would hold an engagement ring box safely. Jeffrey helped me pick out the ring and is excited to be best man, even though I had hoped the ceremony will be short and simple.

Less than a year ago, I was on a different trajectory. But today, as Brent's mix is playing in my headphones and "Mighty Love" by the Spinners soundtracks our training I'll stop suddenly. I will pretend that my leg is cramping up. I'll go down to my knee to massage my thigh, Instead I'll secretly unzip the hidden pocket and pull out the ring.

Well, that's the plan. I'm sure it will work. If not, I'll come through in the clutch.


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