Club Soccer Buddies

By N Y

Published on Apr 28, 2012


"So can I come back?" James asked. "Any time you want," Tim said, "as long as our buddy here is okay with it." James wiped some of the spit and cum off his cock with one of my dirty t-shirts, passed the shirt to Tim so he could do the same thing, and pulled his pants back on. I was on my back, trying to get the splooge off my face with my fingers, licking it up as I went along. It was probably two-thirds James's and one-third mine. Tim's was starting to leak out of my ass. "Look at him," James said. "His holes are dripping with our cum and he's smiling like a kid in a candy store. Of course he is okay with it." They both started laughing and I sat up on my elbows. "Yeah, that was fun. I might need to do some jaw exercises though. That thing was thicker than I'm used to." James blushed a bit but came right back with "I think that's code for 'You have a small cock,' Timmy." Both of them laughed as they finished dressing. Tim gave me a kiss on the forehead and headed for the door. "See you later, buddy." "Nice to meet you," said James, who waved goodbye as if all we had done was engage in some casual small talk after class.

I lay back and enjoyed the comedown after the dicking I had just gotten from Tim and his younger blond teammate. But through the walls I heard whispering and then footsteps approach the door, followed by three knocks. Tim opened the door and he and James came back inside. "We think it's time for some more, um, jaw exercises." I was still naked on the bed, with cum all over my body and my cock semi-hard and floppy. Typically I would have made a move to cover up but that seemed pointless given what had just happened. "Already?"

That night I was tag teamed two more times, getting fucked first by James while blowing Tim and then the reverse, taking two more loads in my ass and mouth and cumming twice more myself. It was 3 a.m. when they finally left and I passed out in a heap. I woke up at noon bleary-eyed, groggy and sore and made it to my 12:30 p.m. seminar with only a few seconds to spare, hoping that no one would notice the state I was in. I managed to muddle through class, grabbed a sandwich for late lunch and headed back to my dorm to assess the damage. Inside my room it looked like a bomb had gone off, with the bedspread and sheets on the floor, a bottle of lube still open, hardened cum on the headboard of my bed, and the distinct smell of sex. It had been a good night.

So after three months of no sex at all, I was now juggling two horny soccer studs who wanted to hook up with me as much as they possibly could. My dorm room had turned into what felt like a permanent sex palace. They would come both together and separately, though usually separately - James lived on the other side of campus and wasn't in our core group of friends, so coordination was a bit difficult. When they did come together, it tended to be right after practice, sweaty and in their soccer kits - the first time I saw them like that I nearly fainted. There were even a couple times when Tim or James would knock three times while I was blowing or getting fucked by the other, which was a happy surprise unless I had work to do - it's a lot easier to say "next time" when you're sitting at your desk with a book open than when a hard cock is pumping in and out of your mouth or ass.

Usually, though, it would be one or the other knocking on the door by himself. With Tim, things stayed largely as they had been, with him coming over four or five times a week to dump his load in one of my holes. James had an even stronger sex drive than Tim, or maybe it was his bigger cock that made it feel that way, but the logistics of our hookups were a bit more complicated. Unlike Tim, who just needed to walk down the hall to hit me up, James lived in underclass dorms all the way on the other side of campus. Whenever James wanted action he would text in advance, giving me time to say yes or no, clean up a bit and ponder the railing I was about to get. Sex with him was an exercise in contortions - he liked to fuck in weird angles, challenging my asshole to take his thick dick in ever more insane positions. He also sweated a lot, but in a good way - it was like we were getting a workout. He would collapse on top of me in a slippery, sweaty heap when he was done, panting like he had just run a hundred-meter dash. He claimed to be dating some girl on the softball team but the vigorousness with which he fucked me made that seem unlikely. At the very least, he wasn't getting from her everything that he needed.

With one week of classes left and finals on deck, the timing was far from ideal to be fielding unannounced booty calls on a daily basis or more (that is, if there's ever a truly bad time to have two horny soccer studs dropping by because they want to fuck me). And as the stress of papers and exams ramped up, I started to spend more time at the library not only to study but to get some time alone. I had always been a "one at a time" kind of guy when it came to dating - other people seem to be have no problem juggling more than one guy, but the fact that I was willingly trying to avoid sex was clear evidence that this was becoming a bit too much for me to handle.

The last three weeks of the semester were a blur - I had been forced to do a couple all-nighters to keep my grades up, hadn't been able to walk straight for the duration (though that, of course, was totally worth it), and was generally frazzled and stressed out. So after one final six-load blowout session with both of them on the last day before we left for Christmas vacation I was glad to get a break from it all. A boring family vacation was just what the doctor ordered.

By the time I got back to campus, I was rested and ready not only to put together grad school applications and pretend to care about my last semester of classes, but to start getting dicked by Tim again. And as much as it killed me to do it, over the break I had decided that it would be only Tim. It was time to move on from James and his blond buzz cut, great body, thick cock, and exotic sex positions. For my sanity, being at the total mercy of one soccer stud was going to have to suffice for the time being.

When I got to my room after dinner the first night back, I saw that Tim had managed to get inside and was lying on my bed butt naked. I didn't even get a chance to say hi before he flung me on the bed and made out with me so hard it was like he was eating my face. While he was pinning me to the mattress I fondled his pecs and ass - either they had gotten hairier and bigger over vacation or I had forgotten how amazing his body felt on top of me. After a couple minutes he sat on my chest, feeding me his cock while he grabbed the back of my head. I tried my best to breathe through my nose in the moments it wasn't buried in his bush. "Oh man, I have missed this," he groaned as he fucked my face. I would have said the same thing if my mouth weren't full. He blew his load into me twice that night, first doggy style and then missionary, staring me straight in the eyes when he came. After a couple weeks without getting fucked, my hole was sore but my soul was satisfied. It was great to be back on campus.

In fact, it was like the winter break had never happened, with the same near-daily routine and the same hot sex. The one difference was that he was gradually dropping the straight-guy guise and starting to act more like a boyfriend. He began sleeping over at my place, stopped hitting on girls when we went out, and even started to go down on me. I didn't ask for it, but the second time we hooked up after returning to campus he told me to lie down and close my eyes. I waited to feel his cock demand entry into my ass or mouth but instead was surprised to feel a warm sensation come over my own dick as he got to work slobbing my knob. It wasn't the greatest blow job in the world, but he had paid enough attention during my many ministrations that he had picked up a good habit or two. It didn't take long for me to cum - I hadn't gotten sucked off since my last boyfriend - and after swallowing my load he smiled widely with a look of accomplishment. "I have wanted to do that for a long time," he said, licking his lips. "You should have made me do it." That wasn't really how our relationship worked but I was glad he finally made the leap. I like nothing better than sucking a guy off to completion but it's nice to have it done to you every once in a while as well!

The next day I asked James to meet me at the student center for lunch. We ate burgers and got caught up about we spent our breaks, what presents we got, how our families were doing, and so on. As we were finishing, though, I dropped the bomb. "James, we need to talk. I don't think I want to keep doing what we're doing any more." He had a blank look on his face and was obviously trying to play it cool. "It has been really fun" - I paused for a second, distracted by the thought of the things we had done and the strange contortions into which he had twisted me - "but I think it's time for me to settle down a bit and focus on finishing out the school year."

James looked down at his plate, obviously a bit hurt. He was freshly showered and probably expecting to fuck me when this lunch was over, not get dumped. "It's okay," he mumbled. "I understand." I wasn't finished, though. "Now that said, I don't want to just break this off with nothing. You have been really amazing to hang out with and I'm going to miss getting to spend so much time with you." (That was a polite way of saying "you are really hot and I'm going to miss getting fucked by your huge dick.") "So if there's anything you want to do, let me know now and maybe we can make it happen." He looked up at me and squinted. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" My Socratic tendencies involuntarily kicked in. "Well, what do you think I'm saying?" "That I get to fuck your brains out and basically have my way with you one last time." I looked around to make sure that no one else was in earshot - I wasn't expecting him to say something like that out loud, and it made my dick rise in my pants a bit. "Yeah, that's pretty much it," I said. He got up and grabbed his backpack, now smirking. His demeanor had taken a complete 180. "I'll see what I can do." I admired his ass bulging out of his athletic shorts as he walked away, thinking a bit wistfully about the fish that I had just let back out to sea.

That night I told Tim what had gone down between us and he responded with a quick "Uh oh." I asked what the matter was. "You probably don't know this, but he is a big prankster. You just challenged him to come up with the craziest final fuck session he can think of." "Oh..." I started to say something but trailed off, thinking about James racking his brain about what to do for our last hookup. I wasn't sure whether to be scared or excited at the prospect. Probably both.

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