Club Soccer Buddies

By N Y

Published on Dec 15, 2011


Stories like this often seem to start with a comment about how people don't remember exactly how an affair started, but I do remember. It was some idyllic, carefree fall Saturday night first semester of senior year and Tim and I were both a bit tipsy after a night out. We were lounging on the couch in my dorm room, playing Mario Kart and shooting the shit while the beer marinated in our systems and we tried to wind down after a night of loud music and beer pong. I didn't have the biggest couch in the world and I often took the opportunity to lean against him a bit while reaching for something on the table or use exaggerated body English to cop a feel at the same time I was trying to get Luigi to go where I wanted him to go. I thought I was playing it cool and that Tim wouldn't notice, though looking back, it was pretty obvious what was going on. He knew I was gay and he also knew he was good-looking so it probably didn't come as much of a surprise that I was attracted to him.

After a few more beatdowns (I was much better than he was - not really a fair fight) we turned off the TV. I put on some music and then made myself as large as possible on the couch to leave as little room as possible for Tim. I almost didn't notice when his right arm, which was sitting on top of the couch, moved downward and started to cradle my shoulders - I was comfortable, and sleepy. "Why do you always win?" he asked, smiling and jocular, pulling me toward him. And then I looked up and felt his three-day stubble on my face as he went in for the kill.

Tim was never my roommate, but all four years of college he was a door or two away. That meant I got to see a lot of him - in the dining hall, at parties, during afternoon down time, at study breaks, in the communal bathroom. He had dated here and there but nothing seemed to stick. He played soccer in high school and the varsity coach at our college wanted him to play, but Tim decided that he wanted to have a social life and kept in shape by kicking it around with the club team and working out. Not that he had to try hard to stay in shape - he ate whatever he wanted, ran a couple times a week and managed to keep a defined but not over-the-top six pack. He had started out as a cute, slightly scrawny freshmen, but by senior year he was just over six feet and a muscly 180. At 5'10", 150, I had never quite gotten over the scrawny phase but did well enough for myself, dating the same guy for almost two years before he graduated and we parted ways. It had been about a three-month dry spell since my ex left town for good at the end of the summer but I was enjoying my time as an unencumbered single guy and trying to focus on pumping up my GPA for upcoming grad school applications.

Tim liked to wear sweatshirts or t-shirts with short sleeves that showed off his arms and either ratty jeans, cargo shorts or, most often, mesh athletic shorts. I loved the mesh shorts because you could see the head of his dick as he tossed a frisbee or walked around the room. Depending on the season, his dark brown hair either mopped over his eyebrows or was buzzed short. Unlike a lot of his soccer buddies, he was not a manscaper. His brown hair ran up his legs and was dusted over most of his upper chest, and he had a thick brown happy trail. I loved seeing him in his thin white towel as he shaved or brushed his teeth after a shower. The towel never seemed to be big enough; you could see his pale thigh poking out the side, his happy trail disappearing into his crotch, his cock bulging softly from the front, his ass framed below a small patch of hair on the small of his back. He probably noticed me staring as I would make lame small talk but he never seemed to mind. I had seen his cock a few times and it was thick and floppy, hanging about four inches below a patch of slightly unruly pubes and above a sizable set of balls that would bounce around as he toweled off.

"You like making out with me?" he asked. "Um, yeah," I stammered. I had all sorts of questions but this was an unexpected and nice surprise that I wasn't going to jeopardize by changing the subject. He brusquely took both his and my shirts off and pushed me flat on my back on the couch. We made out for a bit and I squirmed under his body heat and weight and gasped for air in the few down moments. His stubble and chest hair were a little rough on my skin but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I tried to enjoy the moment but in my state of slightly buzzed horniness couldn't stop thinking about his dick and what it would look like hard. He took his tongue out of my mouth and as if reading my mind asked, "So, do you like to suck cock?" I almost laughed out loud and said "What do you think?" He smiled, and after unbuttoning his pants and yanking them off he lifted my ass up and manhandled my own jeans off of my legs, throwing them on the floor in a heap. Both of us were leaking precum through our boxers and both of us were hard as rocks.

After a couple minutes of making out and grinding he took his boxers off and sat down on the couch, looking at me expectantly. I took a close look at his dick - I didn't know this would only be the first of many times - and tried to burn in my mind the image of its thick seven or so inches and bulging head, his big bush of pubes, and the almost comically large sack. It was better than I could have ever expected. When I sat up and started to get into position to suck him off I felt his right hand on the back of my head guiding me to his cock, letting me know that admiring time was up and it was now blow job time. After about five minutes my nose was in his bush, both of his hands were on the back of my head, and he was pumping his cum down my throat. I lasted a fraction of that duration when I jacked off while sucking the last few drops of splooge out of his cock. Cum sprayed all over my torso and his legs as I writhed on the couch. "Holy shit," Tim said. "I had no idea blow jobs could feel that good. Where the fuck did you learn to do that?"

After that night, we developed a bit of a routine. Or rather, he developed a routine - when he wanted to get sucked off, he would knock on my door three times. If I was busy or had a deadline coming up I would take a rain check, but 95% of the time I would call out that I'm here and he'd come in, drop his pants, and let me get to work. Sometimes he wanted me on my knees, but usually he got on my bed, spread his legs, and let me do my thing. After he came he would insist that I get my own jollies on, not that I needed encouragement or permission, and I would blow my own load in about 10 seconds thinking about the thick dick I had just sucked and the cum that I had just swallowed. "Do you want me to suck you?" he would ask every once in a while, but it was obvious that he wasn't all that excited about it. I would respond by saying that if he really wanted to, he could go ahead, but he didn't have to feel like he had to. That provided enough cover for us not to break routine.

One night about a month in, he stopped me as I was holding his cock in one hand and balls in the other and asked if I liked to get fucked. As was typical with these kinds of questions, I turned Socratic and asked him if he was asking whether he could fuck me. "What do you think, Sherlock?" he laughed. From that day on, most times he would want to fuck, and I was more than happy to oblige. I think what he liked most about fucking me was watching my reaction to his cock entering me. The first few times we did it, he had a look of worry when I grimaced at his cock head breaking the seal, and that worry that would morph into relief at my first groan of pleasure. After a while, though, a look of determination would lead to a satisfied smirk, as if relishing the fact that I willingly put up with the initial pain to get to the pleasure of him fucking my brains out.

And what I liked most about him fucking me was watching him do me. I liked seeing his muscles bulge as he piledrove into me and thought a lot about what it would look like for an outside observer to see us having sex. I had a large mirror across from the bed where I could see him hook his hands around my hips or grab my shoulders for leverage when we did it doggystyle, or watch him slam into me when I was lying face down and flat, with his leg muscles tensing up and his butt looking even bigger and firmer than usual. I loved watching his face as I sat down on his cock - he seemed never to lose the look of wonder at the fact that I voluntarily wanted to fuck myself on his dick. And we almost always finished missionary, with our eyes inches apart and him blowing his load up my guts or pulling out at the last second and shooting in my mouth. He aimed to please - he would ask me, "in your ass or your mouth?" I would either cum while he was fucking me or jack off immediately afterward, while he played with my balls or nibbled on my neck or let me cum while sucking the last drops out of his softening cock. Those hickeys were a bit embarrassing but worth it.

We were for all intents and purposes boyfriends, but both of us seemed content with keeping the situation undefined and casual, if intensely so. We never really talked about what was happening; we just did it. Sometimes we would go a couple days without seeing each other at all and other times he would fuck me every day for a week. He was already a good friend, so we kept our non-sex routine going pretty much the same as it had always been. He would make half-hearted attempts at bagging girls but always seemed to come up with a lame excuse not to follow through. I didn't bother trying to find other guys - he and his thick cock were more than enough to handle. His jock roommates, who played varsity soccer and traveled a lot, were clueless. On the surface, things were pretty much as they always had been, except for the fact that I had swallowed dozens of his loads and he had fucked me every way to Sunday. Some of our more observant female friends noticed that we traveled as a pair a bit more than usual, but I wasn't hiding anything and he wasn't going out of his way to hide anything either.

After a few weeks of letting him use my mouth and ass whenever he wanted, he started dropping hints that he had something special in store for me. He also started asking if there were any other guys that I found hot or wanted to hook up with. One time when we were still in a post-sex haze he brought up Jason, one of his soccer roommates - Jason was about six feet tall, buzzed dirty blond, tan, smoldering, a bit simple, and obviously, hopelessly straight. I had jacked off thinking about him (and a few of his soccer buddies) fucking me dozens of times. "Yeah, he's hot as hell," I said as Tim played with my nipples. "But the only thing he's good for is the spank bank. There's no way he would hook up with me, or any guy for that matter." "You're right," Tim agreed. "I was just wondering."

The next night I was at my desk doing some boring econ homework and heard three knocks. My dick stirred in my boxers, which is all the clothing I had on aside from a t-shirt. I told Tim to come in, gladly put away my homework and started to take my shirt off, but I noticed that he wasn't alone and put it back on. It wasn't normal for more than one person to come in after a three-knock entry. "You can keep undressing," Tim said as he closed the door behind someone who I hadn't met but looked familiar. "This is Jason's brother James. He wanted to know if he could watch us." I didn't know how to respond to this so I stalled: "I didn't know Jason had a brother." "Yeah, he's a junior on the club soccer team with me. We have hung out before." So Jason had a brother, and, more importantly, Tim had experience "hanging out" with one of his club soccer teammates. I wondered if James let Tim use him I let him use me, or if they had more a mutual jack-off thing going. I certainly couldn't imagine Tim letting himself get fucked by his younger club soccer teammate.

But back to James. He was, indeed, the spitting image of Jason. He looked like he could have been his twin. He was a bit taller, probably 6'2", and also a bit skinnier; he didn't have the varsity strength trainers to help him gain muscle. But if anything he was even hotter than his brother, a more natural kind of fit. He had the same dirty blond buzz cut and a small patch of hair on his chin. He was wearing sandals, a university t-shirt and red mesh athletic shorts that were already starting to tent a bit. This boy was ready to go.

"Sit down and make yourself comfortable," Tim said to James, pointing to the couch where Tim and I had first hooked up. "Take your clothes off and get over here," he said to me. I walked over hesitantly and was about to ask Tim if this was really a good idea when he all but ripped my shirt off and put his hands on my shoulders, forcing me onto my knees. He aligned us at a 90 degree angle to James, who was about six feet away. Tim took off his t-shirt, threw his shorts and underwear on the floor and kicked off his sandals. He was naked in about three seconds and his dick was sticking straight at my face. I looked up at him, more than a bit nervous but totally turned on. I was prone, shirtless and my boner was also starting to show through my boxers. "Come on, you know you want it," said Tim. There was probably a hint of a taunt in there. I glanced over at James, who already had his hands in his shorts.

"Here's nothing," I thought to myself, and took an initial lick of Tim's cock. He moaned - this was like doing it for the first time all over again, for both of us. I tried to concentrate on the blow job, but before long I realized I was showing off a bit for James, making slow deep throat movements, licking Tim's cock from head to base, inhaling his pubes, and licking his balls. I had done this dozens of times, but it was more exciting knowing that someone else was in the room. Tim was also showing off a bit himself, grunting and moaning more than usual, putting his hands on the back of my head and fucking my mouth whenever I was moving too slowly for his taste.

After a couple minutes he pulled out, grabbed my ears, pulled me up about as gently as one can while holding another person's ears and shoved me onto the bed. My legs were hanging over the side and he pulled off my boxers, leaving me fully naked except for my socks. "He's got a nice butt, huh?" Tim asked James, who grunted in assent. So we were going to do the full monty for my new friend James, I thought. "Get on the bed," he said, and I lay face down and looked over at James. At some point James had taken his shorts off and he was slowly beating his dick, which was paler, thicker and longer than Tim's. He had a glazed look on his face, though to be fair, it was no more glazed than Tim's or mine. I heard the lube bottle pop open and felt Tim smear some cold liquid onto my hole. When the bottle popped closed I had a feeling I was about to get it even harder than usual.

Tim slammed his cock into my ass with almost no mercy and it was all I could do not to yell. "Shit," I heard James say. Wincing, I looked over at him; his mouth was wide open. He had either never seen someone get fucked in the ass before or never seen someone get fucked in the ass with so little preparation. I glanced over my shoulder at Tim, who had a slightly apologetic look on his face as he started to fuck me. But the pain subsided almost instantly and I started to get really into it. Getting fucked by Tim was nothing new but having a hot blond soccer stud beating his meat while he watched me get fucked by Tim made me both distracted and extra horny. I imagined what James thought of me giving my ass up to Tim like this, what James's dick tasted like, how it would feel in my mouth, how big his cum shots were.

All of a sudden I felt Tim's steady pumping stop and he rammed his dick deep into me, as if trying to get my attention. It worked. "Ow, what the fuck?" I said, wincing for the second time that night. He brought his head down to my ear. "Hey buddy, I'm still here." I could sense a cocky smile as he started to fuck me slowly again. "You are looking more at James than you are at me. You like his dick?" I was still lying face down and was pinned to the bed by Tim's dick in my ass and his body weight. I could feel his chest hair tickling my back. "You think he looks good? You want his dick?" I groaned a bit. "Come on, yes or no?" I gave in. "Yeah, it looks awesome." "Get over here, James," Tim said. James was a bit hesitant in getting up, but something seemed to come over him and he sprang up from the couch and took off his shirt.

Keeping his cock in me, Tim pulled my hips upward, getting me on my hands and knees, and started fucking me again. As I felt his balls slap lazily against my thighs, I watched James walk over, his hard dick swaying and leaking precum. His chest was wider and bigger than I expected. With no hesitation he grabbed the back of my head and shoved his cock into my mouth. I now had cocks in both ends for the first time. "Nice," admired Tim as James worked his cock in and out of my throat. His precum tasted almost sugary and his dick was bigger than I was used to - it felt like I had to keep my mouth wide open just so it would fit. "I told you he'd do it," Tim said to James.

After a couple minutes James let go of my head, got on the bed and sat back back against the headboard in the position that Tim usually took, arms behind his head and legs spread out at about a 90-degree angle. I took a good look at the piece of meat in front of me. He had buzzed blond hair and tan skin above his waist - he obviously spent a lot of time outside with his shirt off, playing volleyball or catch or whatever hot guys like him do outside. His upper body was hairless except for trimmed blond bushes under his arms and a treasure trail going downward from his belly button. Despite the smooth upper body, below his tan line was a thick set of pubes and fuzzy balls that hung nearly to the bedspread. I grabbed his cock in my right hand and rubbed the combination of spit and precum on the head with my thumb. The shaft felt as thick as a soda can. He moaned as I started to jack him off when I felt a hand on the back of my head. "Enough of that," Tim grunted, shoving my mouth onto James's cock as he rammed his dick deep in my ass.

James looked down at me with a lustful stare as his cock head hit the back of my throat. I admired his abs rippling up toward his pecs and the patch of hair on his chin, trying to take as much of this in for the memory bank as I could. It was hot enough when I was sucking or getting fucked by Tim - having two cocks inside me was sensory overload. I wasn't sure whether to pay attention to Tim railing me from behind or this new guy whose thick prick I was sucking. James squirmed and moaned as I blew him but stayed mostly silent. Tim, by contrast, continued to be more verbal than usual. "You like having these two thick cocks in you?" he said, picking up his pace and causing my body to rock back and forth. "I know your mouth is full and you can't answer so just groan if you like it." He picked up the pace some more and I groaned semi-voluntarily.

Despite the distraction of my hairy fuck buddy ramming my ass I managed to do a half-decent job sucking off James and could feel that he was getting close to shooting. Tim also seemed to sense that James was about to blow and pulled out. I felt empty as he flipped me onto my back and told James to stand up and get next to the bed. I was lying parallel to the edge of the mattress with my legs spread about halfway open, taking a much needed breather. James's hard cock, wet with my spit, stuck out at a 90 degree angle from his body and swayed alluringly near my head. "His mouth will be in a great spot for you this way," Tim told him. I was about to say something sarcastic about how he knew my mouth would be in a great spot for James when Tim shoved my legs apart with his torso, used both hands and his body weight to push my knees up to my chest and rammed his cock into me again, turning my words into a loud moan. At the same time I felt James's big hands on the back of my head and his cock demanded entry into my mouth, imprinting for a moment into the inside of my cheek before he started to fuck my face. Tim was right, it was a good position for him. I lay almost motionless as Tim pinned my legs to the bed and fucked me for all he was worth and James picked up the pace on my throat. All I could do was try to enjoy the ride.

At some point James asked Tim, "Will he swallow?" He was either panting with lust, out of breath or both. It was strange to hear the two of them talking about me as I was immobilized by their two cocks. James was still referring to me as if I weren't there, using Tim as an intermediary. Tim kept fucking me as he responded. "Hell yeah. He loves to swallow my cum so I bet he'll love yours. Let me know when you're close and I'll hold him steady." My jaw was starting to get a bit sore from sucking James's thicker cock so I was ready. James pulled out of my mouth and started to beat his dick like there was no tomorrow - his biceps looked like they had grown three inches in diameter and sweat glistened on his torso. "I'm going to cum," James groaned, and Tim drove his dick as deep into me as he could. I opened wide in preparation for James's volley of cum; the first blast hit the back of my throat, the second my pillow and the third my face. Then he put his dick back in my mouth, letting the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh spurts gush out into my throat. I rarely let any of Tim's cum go to waste but James's load was too big and some dribbled out of my mouth. He shivered as I sucked the cum out of his dick. Tim must have enjoyed watching that because as James's cock started to soften he gave me a couple final rams, yelled out and shot his load deep into my ass. My dick had been rock hard this whole time, and thinking about what I must look like with this soccer boy's dick in my mouth and his cum on my chin and Tim's dick gushing cum in my ass, I gave my own cock a couple tugs and sprayed what felt like a gallon of splooge all over the place - over my head and onto the headboard, on my chest, on the bed, some onto James.

We stayed in our positions in postcoital shock and awe for a couple minutes before both of them pulled their dicks out of me and started to clean up. I lay on my back with an empty but satisfied feeling and tried to internalize what had just happened. I was splayed out like a crime scene victim, except I was breathing and covered in semen. "That was a fucking lot of cum," Tim laughed. "You look like you just gave blowjobs to the whole football team." He threw me a towel. "How did James's cum taste? Better than mine?" "Both of them are good in different ways," I said, wiping some of it off my face and licking my fingers before using the towel to wipe off. Even I didn't want to swallow all of this cum.

"So can I come back?" James asked. "Any time you want," Tim said, "as long as our buddy here is okay with it." Was I ever...

Next: Chapter 2

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