Club Lux

By Otis McCoy

Published on Aug 16, 2016


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I thought I'd finish off the story of Club Lux with a few vignettes of Alex's time working there. Chapter 4 has links to what I imagine the guys looking like, if you're curious about returning characters. New characters appearing in this story include:




I was in bad need of money. I had just been fired from a part-time job at Payless so the manager's nephew could take my position, and a few months later, I was suffering pretty bad. The good news, eating ramen every day as your sole meal is the secret to losing excess baby fat. The bad news, my homophobic landlord was making it very clear he would evict me if I was one day late with the rent. It had reached the point that I was searching for a sugar daddy to find my basic needs, and I decided to invest a little cash in going out to the clubs in search of a wealthy man. As I got decked out in booty shorts and the tightest tank I had, I felt a little bad about what I was going to do. Still, the club held a monthly "Gold Digger's Night", so it's not like I was preying on any unsuspecting victims. And besides, some guys get off on being generous, so I've heard.

The night was young when I walked into Club Lux. I figured I should start early with my flirting, though after getting a few looks at the guys around me, I didn't like my chances. Still, it's better to suck off an old man than starve, as the saying goes. I ordered a drink from the bar, and made eyes at a couple different guys until one started chatting with me. For the life of me, I can't remember his name, but he said he owned an advertisement studio, and he was wearing a Rolex so he was the best I had at the time. We quickly took it to the dance floor, where I began grinding on him. Glancing back, I saw a bored look on the guy's face. Concerned, I doubled up on the sexy, bending over at the waist, trying to keep Rolex's attention. It wasn't long before he wandered off and left me gyrating my hips alone, embarrassed.

Over the loud beat of Madonna, I heard a man chuckle nearby. Turning, I encountered a handsome, stubbled face wearing glasses. "You're barking up the wrong tree there, son," he said. "That man's a regular here, and I can attest he is 100% bottom." I chuckled, before hooking a finger on his v-neck.

"So," I said breathily, "are you the right kinda tree to be barking at?"

"Hah!" he laughed, "I don't have wood for you." I must've looked crestfallen, because he quickly continued, "That was a joke, son. Tree, wood, get it? Ah nevermind. Here, let me get you a drink."

He gestured at the bartender, who quickly got him two rum and cokes. I noticed the bartender knew his order without being told, and the man didn't offer him any money. "You must come here often," I guessed.

"You could say that," he said with a smirk. "My name is Zachary." I shook his hand, and we made some polite conversation. I was a little tipsy, and I ended up spilling a little more about myself than I intended. I told him about school, how I wanted to use a degree in psychology to help children in tough situations. I told him how I was trying to get on a new workout regimen, but it was hard to find the time when I should be out job hunting. I told him how I was broke, and may have heavily implied what I was actually doing here tonight. When I broached that subject, I realized that I had spent half an hour talking to him, and while he was a nice man, I was on a mission. I excused myself to go trolling the dance floor, and a few minutes later was eye fucking a portly man with a grey beard. Not exactly my type, but he had a silk dress shirt that must have been custom fit, so I approached him. This time, I didn't come on to him so hard, letting him make the first move. His dancing was awkward and out of beat, but still I danced with him, using my moves to make his look better. I didn't just grind on him, but I put on a little show. He pulled a few bucks out of his pocket and tucked them into his waistband, cocking an eye. At first, I shook my head no, I wasn't some kind of prosti— wait, no, that's exactly what I was. I got closer, plucking them out of his waistband and winking.

Suddenly, a meaty hand came down on my shoulder. Spinning, I found myself face-to-face with one of the bouncers. Well, when I say face-to-face, I mean face-to-pecs, because this man towered over me, as most bouncers do. "Come with me," he growled.

"I wasn't doing anything wrong," I protested, looking for the portly man for support, but he had vanished into the crowd, a surprising feat for someone so rotund.

"I said, come with me," the bouncer repeated. I didn't bother trying to talk my way out of it. The music was too loud to hold a reasonable argument, and my bedroom eyes wouldn't work on a bouncer. Whoever decided to hire straight security guards at a gay night club was a smart man. The bouncer kept a hand on my shoulder as he led me off the dance floor, but when I tried turning left towards the front doors, he redirected me right, towards the back of the club. I was pushed through a plain black door with a three-striped rainbow on it. It shut behind me with a soft snap, and I was greeted by a familiar face.

"Hello, Alex," said Zachary, standing up from his desk. "Please, have a seat. I have some business to discuss with you." Suddenly afraid I was in a mob movie, I sat down cautiously in a plush armchair as walked around to my side of the desk, leaning against a corner. "So, you told me out there," he gestured to the door, which I just realized cut out all sound from the dance floor beyond it, "that you were in need of some money. Is this true?"

"Uh, yeah man," I gave a nervous chuckle, "but if you want my smuggling cocaine or something, well, I mean, I could definitely fit a few balloons up my ass, but that's not really what it's made for." He laughed softly, and a little of the tension left me.

"No," Zachary said, "it's certainly not made for drug smuggling." He smiled. "It's made for something else. It's made for showing off, for waving in front of desperate, horny men, for teasing and slapping, and perhaps... more." I was shocked. I waited for him to say more, and there was an awkward pause as he waited for me to respond. "I have a job for you, Alex," he continued, "potentially. I saw how you interacted with those men out there, most of them far uglier than yourself, though you were charming, and graceful, and teasing. You didn't mind when they copped a feel, and you certainly know how to pull off tight clothing. But the real question is, if you'll excuse the pun, do you know how to really pull off tight clothing?"

"You want me to be a stripper?" I asked, slightly incredulous. I was skinny, short, and definitely no Hollister model, but I did definitely need the cash.

"I'd like to offer the opportunity. It all depends just how you move that body."

"Put on some music, and I'll show you," I replied. It wasn't really the best place to do a strip show, but I'd make do. As a well known electric song started, I began nodding my head to the beat. I closed my eyes, focused, forgot the audience of one I was performing for, and let my body take control. Starting slow, I gyrated my hips like I had seen other dancers do, lifting my shirt up for a second or two to tease at what was to come. I kicked off my shoes as I did a slow 180º rotation, giving a little shake of my ass when it was in his face. But when I peered over my shoulder, giving what I thought was a smoky, sultry look, he seemed rather bored.

Determined to step up my game, I slowly started lifting my shirt over my head, exposing my slightly sweaty pits. I twirled a finger around a nipple, I flexed and nibbled my biceps. As I went through these paces, I realized he must have seen these moves a thousand times. If I really wanted to wow him, I needed to do something unexpected. Spotting a highlighter on his desk, an idea came to me. I snatched it up, disregarding its cleanliness to lick it from cap to base, swirling my tongue around the tip like I was giving a blowjob. I must have looked so slutty, and just a little stupid, sucking off office supplies, but I wasn't done. I grasped it in my teeth like a bone as I lowered both pants and underwear to the floor, letting my semi hard cock flop out. There's one thing I had going for me: excitement always got me a little hard, whether I wanted to or not, instead of shriveling me up like other guys. Usually I wished I could avoid the middle of the final exam boners, but here the pressure helped plump me up. I uncapped the marker and, giving thanks that my skin was so pale, wrote Y-O-U-R-S on my chest, before tracing a line down my abs, pointing toward my dick. When you lack a happy trail of your own, you just gotta make do.

Zachary was leaning back in his chair now, eyebrow cocked. His pants looked like they were bulging up a little bit, and I let out an internal sigh of relief that I was having an effect on him. I wasn't done yet though. While I am versatile, I had seen enough porn to know how the gay sex industry works, and if you're my height and build, you're gonna be type casted as a bottom. So I knew I had to show I could shake my ass. And shake it I did. I wiggled it, slapped it, parted the cheeks and clapped it. To really show off my talent, however, I started teasing the hole with my finger, getting it nice and lubed up with my spit, before sticking the tip of the highlighter inside it. I can't lie, it was not the most comfortable, but it was daring. And I'd say it paid off since, as the song came to an end, Zachary shook my hand and offered me a job.

First Day

I was more than a little nervous on my first day at Club Lux. I didn't have any dancing duties that day; Zachary lets his boys ease into the atmosphere with the simple stuff first. All I had to do was pick up discarded cups, keep an eye out for suspicious things to point out to bouncers, and look pretty. I was doing alright, though I was probably sweating more than was sexy, and honestly the job was pretty easy. Sure, I had been groped a couple times, but only one guy did anything extreme (tried to pull down my speedo) and the bouncers kicked him out for that.

A tall, tatted Latino man, whom I later learned was named Esteban, approached me on the floor. He had to lean down pretty far to get close enough to my ear to make himself heard, and I was suddenly overcame with the strong smell of man. I tried shaking it off, I had a job to do, but being surrounded by all these sweating men in my underwear was getting me going.

"I said," Esteban shouted over the pop music, "go see Jake at the bar! He has some drinks for you to pass around!" I flashed him a thumbs up and a smile, and he patted me on the ass as I walked to the bar. Jake caught my eye and beckoned me over when he saw me. He was tall (though at 5'6", most guys are tall to you), Vietnamese I think, with a sleeve of tattoos down his right arm that traveled to his chest. He had piercings in his nipples and nose, and I was lowkey jealous that he rocked a look that I wished I could. He wore board shorts and a very loose tank top, and he shouted something at the other two bartenders as I approached. He gestured for me to follow him into an employee's only room, and we entered a relatively spacious closet. He opened up a refrigerator in the back and pulled out a plate of jello shots before turning to look at me. His eyes gave me a very obvious up-down as his mouth turned into a mischievous grin.

"So you're the new meat?" he inquired, flashing some teeth. I knew what game he was playing, and knew the easiest thing to do would be just play along.

"Yup, Zachary hired me last week as a dancer. How long've you been working here?" I smiled, trying to seem innocent and charming.

"Three and a half years," he replied. "I've been working here longest, besides Nick the Bouncer and Zachary himself. So I think it's not too much to ask for a little respect to be shown." I knew exactly what he meant, and to be honest this cocky role he was playing was getting me a little bit hard. But I had work to do, and I didn't want to jeopardize my job, so I told him as such.

"Well then, you better work fast," he said, placing the platter on a shelf barely in his own reach. I knew I wouldn't be able to reach them. He dropped his surfer shorts, his uncut cock flopping out. "All yours, buddy. When you've gotten me off, you'll get your shots." I knew there wasn't any point arguing, so I dropped to my knees, engulfing his mostly flaccid cock in my mouth. I love feeling a man's cock grow in my mouth, and his was no exception. He was pretty hung, I'm guessing almost seven inches, but I was still able to take it to the root with ease. It helped that he wasn't fully hard yet, and I kept it all the way in my throat as he reached full hardness. I could smell his musk from his pubes, and as I looked up I saw both his arms were over his head, exposing a couple fragrant pits.

Usually when I'm in this position, the other guys takes the opportunity to grab me by the ears and hold me down on his dick, but Jake seemed to want to make me work for his orgasm. I withdrew until just the head was in my mouth, sliding my tongue under the foreskin and tasting some precum as a response. Then I quickly descended on it again, taking it all the way. I repeated this a couple times, until it was slick with the thick saliva from the back of my throat. I started focusing just on the first half, bobbing my head quickly and applying a hefty suction as I used my hand to jerk off the bottom half, sliding his foreskin up and down. This was a very successful technique with other uncut guys, and I could hear him moaning above me.

"You've been trying for five minutes, sweetheart," he said between moans. "Don't you have a job to get back to?" I redoubled my efforts, speeding up despite the soreness in my jaw and knees. One finger ventured towards his hole, but he slapped it away, claiming he only topped. Since it had nothing better to do, that finger headed back towards my own hole, reaching under my speedo, past my balls, and playing with my hole. I may as well have some fun if I'm going to get fired over a blowjob.

"I probably should've mentioned," he drawled, "that I've already came twice today. Once, jerking off in the shower this morning. And a second time, fucking Esteban before opening. Otherwise," he laughed, "I probably would've cum by now. Oh, you've been sucking for ten minutes by the way. Admirable, but someone will probably notice you're gone soon." Fuck, I thought to myself. I need to get him off somehow. I looked up at him. He was still smirking down at me, his hands behind his head. I pulled my head off his dick, panting a little bit.

"Giving up?" he teased.

"Not quite," I said with a determined look in my eyes. I stood up, pulling down my speedo as I did so, and spun around, grabbing his slippery cock, slimy with my spit, and positioning it against my hole. I knew from orientation that all employees at Club Lux were on Prep and got tested regularly, and therefore Jake didn't need a condom. I sank down onto his ass in one go, a feat that was only made possible because of the fact that a friend of mine and I had flip fucked that afternoon in celebration of me getting the job. I still probably had a little bit of lube deep inside me from that, and it helped me sink down to the base so easily. I gasped. Jake felt good.

He seemed a little surprised too as my thick cheeks came to rest in his pubes. I didn't go gentle on him, slamming my ass back into his groin, clenching my hole to milk the cum out of him. I'm only lifting up an inch before letting gravity take me back down, and damn does it feel good. Suddenly, I see his ink-covered arm wrap around my chest, pulling me back against his body, my feet almost leaving the floor. My own cock is rock hard as he fills me up with his cum, and I can't help but moan myself at the feeling. As he comes down from the high, Jake gives me a sharp bite on the ear.

"Now can I go back to work?" I ask, the worry starting to creep back into my voice.

"Why the rush? You still have five minutes left on your twenty minute break," he replied with a wink.

Flip Night

Zachary loved his theme days. In fact, pretty much every day at Club Lux had some kind of theme, from Drag Night and "Your Skin is a Canvas" Weekend, to Military Day and Leather Week. Tonight was special for me though, because it was my first Flip Night as a dancer. Sometimes it annoyed me how, as a short gay man with a huge ass, people assumed I was purely a bottom. And don't get me wrong, I love having hung men slip their huge pieces of meat into my well-trained ass. But my cock gets lonely sometimes, and wants to get a piece of the fun. While plenty of my fuck buds enjoyed me topping them, in Zachary's words: "the patrons of my bar come to see that tight little ass get fucked, not the other way around." This rule was inverted, however, on Flip Night. Tonight, the skinny, feminine, short, and twinky of the dancers got to fuck the men who had fucked us for so long. Diego was going to get fucked by Jay, Dev was going to get fucked by Esteban (who really was more of a top, but no one was counting), and I was lucky enough to get paired up with Raphael. We had performed together only a few times, but even so, I knew him pretty well. Raph was a friendly guy who always made sure to get to know the new dancers. I was excited to be giving it to him.

We met in the locker room before the show. He was on his back on the bench, Diego propped up above him, both of them 69ing. As I got closer, I realized that neither of their cocks were being played with; both men were rimming one another. I snuck up on them, grabbing their hard dicks in my hands and giving them a quick tug. Diego moaned, and fell off Raphael, his naked ass landing on the floor. We laughed as he tensed his muscles, trying to hold back an orgasm at the sudden stimulation.

"Damn, someone was close. You sure you're gonna be able to hold out as you're getting fucked?" I teased, as he stumbled to his feet, swiping me into a headlock.

"Little puta," he growled, before tossing me into Raph's arms. "You warm him up, he's your partner. Before I could quip "with pleasure" Raph had manhandled me so my face was right in his sweaty ass crack. My words were smothered against his pucker, which was already fairly wet from Diego's ministrations. I slathered my own spit onto his, tasting both Diego and Raphael, before plunging my tongue into him. He tasted salty and musky, and I couldn't get enough. I was like a pig, chowing down on his tight top's hole as he started licking mine, and it wasn't long before I was as hard as a rock. I could feel his own erection pressing up against my abs, and I wasn't sure if the moisture I felt was his precum or my sweat.

Raphael's ass was fairly hairless, and I rubbed his smooth, dark skin all over my cheeks as I licked his hole. I was in the mood to eat ass, and eat ass I did, getting lost in the tastes and textures against my tongue. I was so lost it in, I barely even registered when Raphael began licking my taint and balls, before deep throating my cock to the base. We were shaken out of our daze by Jay, who had come to tell us that it was time to hit the floor. Winking at Raphael, who looked a little flustered and less cool than usual, I went out to do my job.

The entire night I was impatient to get back into Raphael's ass. I probably wasn't doing my job very well, but since half of it was just prancing around in underwear, I was probably fine. Time flew by, and before I knew it, Raphael and I were ready to go out onstage together. We'd be performing simultaneously with Diego and Jay, and the two "tops" walked out before us, dressed only in white briefs and a stripper cuffs and bowtie combo. "You excited to top Diego?" I asked Jay, who was looking less than happy.

"Ugh no," he drawled. "I just want to get this night over with. I have to take a viagra just to stay hard while fucking a guy. But with this ass," he slapped it in its leather shorts, "can you blame me for being a bottom?" I side-eyed his ass, the one thing about him I was lowkey jealous of, as he started prancing out onto stage. I followed, and both of us took our positions behind our men. Jay was lucky enough to be taller than Diego, but I had to push Raphael on the small of his back so he wasn't blocking me. Doing so perked his ass out in my direction, and I was almost willing to say screw the stage directions and fuck him right there. But we had to play around a little first, so the two of us made a show of dominating the bigger guys, pushing them to their knees, stripping off their clothing, making them kiss our bodies. The crowd was loving it, as they always do, and one high-pitched voice screamed out "Fuck the bitches!", earning laughs from the audience. May as well give the people what they want, I thought, pulling my cock out through the slit in the leather shorts. Jay did the same, and we pushed into our partner's asses in sync. The sudden warmth and tightness felt so good, I had to mentally distract myself to not cum on the spot. Raph had lubed himself up nicely, and I loved the slick feeling as I slowly pulled out, before pushing in one strong thrust to the hilt.

We started out slow, making eye contact with eachother as we fucked our men. Each of our powerful thrusts were pushing the studs closer together, until they were close enough to begin making out and groping one another. I love how we looked at that moment. Jay, the lanky, bubble butt twink, fucking Diego, the shorter, Latino muscle Adonis. Raphael, the hunky, ripped dark-skinned Brazilian stud getting pounded by me, the cute, short boy. And truly I was pounding away, really beating up his ass with my thrusts, fucking him with a vengeance. He was holding onto Diego for support as I let him have it, his muscles clenching and his glutes jiggling. I scratched down his back with my hands, throwing back my head and growling as I surrendered to my animalistic lust. Raphael was clenching his hole, whipping me into a frenzy as I punched my cock into his guts. I am by no means hung, but I use my whole body to fuck, and Raphael was feeling the brunt of it. Suddenly, he clenched up even tighter than before, and I was pushed over the edge. I whipped my cock out of his body with a loud pop and began cumming all over his back as he and Diego came on eachother's cocks. The audience was cheering loudly and dollar bills were landing all around us. I was a little dazed when I heard Raphael's voice growl in my ear, "I'm giving you all that and more next time, bitch."

That's the end of the Club Lux series. Contact me via email or at

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