Cloud Top

Published on Jan 18, 2015



Cloud Top By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Billy-Bob LaRue was a big-time preacher, complete with a megachurch and mega-millions in the bank. He was not a fire and brimstone type of televangelist; he was more of a Will Rogers type. He was homespun, down home and neighborly. His television programs had a nice, homemade feel to them. They were as homemade as a Madison Avenue advertising agency could make it with the assistance of top-notch PR consultants.

Someone once described him as the Lawrence Welk of Evangelists. He was neither delusional nor mentally ill. That is a pretty substantial achievement in the world of on air preachers. He did not ask for money; it just came.

He lived well in a fancy house outside of Chattanooga. It was modest compared to some of his competitors. From Sunday afternoon to Tuesday morning, he withdrew to Cloud Top, his retreat in the mountains. There he would mediate, away from all the bustle and activity of the world. It had no phone, no television and no visitors. Billy-Bob was alone with his God.

I am Henry Wallace, and I am the manager of Cloud Top. It is two thousand acres of wilderness with a lodge tucked in the middle. We were next-door neighbors as kids and grew up together. Henry's daddy was a con man and his mom was what my mom called distracted. Henry spent a lot of time at my house.

My parents were normal and average. When I was a teenager that did not seem that good to me. I had to admit they were good compared to Billy-Bob's folks. His dad had legal problems and vanished from time to time. I assumed he was running way, but I later found out it was when he was in jail. His mom was not too good about remembering to cook meals and stuff like that. I think her family helped her out with cash when his dad was away. She worked in a head shop downtown, but I think she smoked her pay.

My Dad did not have unexplained disappearances and mom was a good cook. They sort of adopted Billy-Bob. His mom did not mind, but I had a suspicion that might have been because she didn't notice. She was a nice woman but dad said he was not sure she was living on the same planet that we lived on. He never said that when Billy-Bob could hear.

He went off to some strange college a few states away can came back a preacher. He was married to a woman named Bobbie-Joe and started a church. A few years later, he had a big church and he had started his television ministry. His wife was good looking in a hard way but she got cancer and died. His television audience followed her trials as her health declined. He and she were both brave and sympathetic[BW1]. The audience doubled. By the time she died, he was a major television personality.

He bought Cloud Top after she died. It was a place to commune with her memory and with God. I think Billy-Bob liked Bobby-Joe, and she liked him. She wanted to be a major evangelist but did not have the personality. Billy-Bob was all personality and she hitched her wagon to his star. They were made for each other.

I just happened to know that Henry had no sexual interest in women. I shared the same lack of interest. Bobbie-Joe died a virgin. She was not into sex much. In many ways, it had been a perfect marriage. He told me he was faithful to her, but it had been a sexless interlude for him.

For a television evangelist, Billy Bob was pretty truthful. He lived a conventional life. He bought Cloud Top as a getaway, bit his real objective was not to meditate on the mountaintop. He wanted a private, secluded place to fornicate. Billy-Bob needed to let off steam. Being virtuous for 24/7 could be an ordeal, especially after many years of it. When Bobby-Joe died, he needed a break.

When he went to college, I went to work for the Park service in forest management. I was in the field, not managing things from behind a desk. I am part of a group of six men who go into the woods, camp there and handle problems. We removed dead or diseased trees, find lost children and deal with forest fires.

After several years, I found some men who liked what I liked and were playful to boot. I like sex and I love sex with men. My pals tended to be masculine, lumberjack types who were loners and not particularly social. If it had not been for the cock sucking and ass fucking, you would never guess they were gay.

We might be out in the woods for a week or two. We carried in all our own gear and it had to last for weeks. Once it got dark, there was not much to do. One has to be an incredibly unimaginative man not to find some way to entertain oneself in the dark. We helped each other out. There was no problem with too much sex; it was all good.

When I reconnected with Billy-Bob, he needed someone to manage Cloud Top. When Billy took me to Cloud Top the first time I was impressed. Cloud Top was a fancy long cabin. One side was near a cliff and commanded a spectacular view. The forest encroached on the other sides of the house. There was a little pond, called the swimming hole, 200 feet from the house.

After looking the place over, we sat on the veranda and talked as we admired the view. 'We use to have good times as kids," he said. "I had a good childhood, and it was mostly due to you and your folks."

"We were both only children, it was good for both of us," I said.

"Did your folks know about Mom and Dad? Most people treated me as if I had the plague."

"Of course they did," I said. "Mom always said a boy can't pick his parents. Your Mom wasn't naturally equipped to be a good mother. She had issues. Mom understood. She thought of you as a son."

"Do you remember messing around?" he asked. "I loved that."

I smiled. I knew he was thinking about our tentative sexual explorations. "I liked it too. To tell you the truth, I still like it."

"I think about it a lot," Billy-Bob said. "It was fun." He paused. "Do you fool around with grown men?"

"I do," I replied.

"Is it as good as I was when we were kids?"

"It is better, a lot better," I said.

"I was hoping you would say that," Billy Bob replied. We spent rest of the time on the first visit on the wide veranda sucking and fucking. We had not done this in years. We had never fucked before.

Billy is six feet two tall and 190 pounds. I am six five and 250. He went to the gym and had a personal trainer. I hike and cut down trees, Billy shaved his body, I trim my beard every month or two. One of my friends claims he could braid my back hair if I wanted him to. Billy liked my look.

Billy-Bob was sex crazed. We sucked and I took his load. I had never done that for him before and he loved it. He fucked me and that was a total success as far as he was concerned and damn good for me.

When I said he was sex crazed, I did not mention that he was inexperienced. He thought back to our days of fooling around as kids. It was mostly you show me yours and I will show you mine stuff. Full scale, penetrative sex was a revelation to him. He was receptive, open minded and leaned fast. Everything was good for him.

He wanted me to fuck him, but my tool is a bit oversized and I figured he needed a little breaking in before he took mine. I told him about my pals and that they would be glad to help him out with some rectal stretching exercises.

Billy-Bob almost shot off hands-free then and there. He had read about orgies but thought of them as mythical creations. I told him our play was not an orgy, it was just six guys sucking and fucking each other. That was close enough to be an orgy for him. He wanted to meet my pals.

I told him that my pals were not too sophisticated. "They are Mountain men, born and raised in the woods," I said.

"Are they rough?" he asked.

"Well, they sure are rough looking," I said. "Their privates as a tender as you could want. They aren't romantic, but they love sex and are good at it." Billy-Bob just smiled and asked if we could all get together.

A week later Billy-Bob met Bear, Coon, Buster and Bubba. TJ couldn't come, it was his folks wedding anniversary. TJ was the crudest of the group, a wild mountain man. When I discovered he had a family, I was relieved. He was the sort of man who might have been raised by wolves.

As I said they were rough looking, but that was fine for Billy-Bob. He had been worried they might tell someone about him, but when he met them, he knew that would never happen. They weren't modern, let it all hang out, gay guys. They weren't much into talking except for hunting, fishing and work.

Coon was the first one to fuck him. Coon was small, wiry and all muscle. He had a long, thin cock that popped into Billy-Bob's virgin behind without effort. Coon was a good tracker and scout. His cock explored Billy ass and sought out the good spots.

Bubba was next. He was a big, blond man with a thicker, but shorter cock than Coon's probe. Billy-Bob had no problem with it at all. Bubba short off quickly and Bear got ready to replace him. I asked Billy if he wanted more. He replied, "Shit yes!" with great enthusiasm. It was then that I began to suspect that Billy-Bob had another attractive attribute. He was insatiable.

At one time, I thought being horny and sexually insatiable was a problem. When you were in a group of excited men, it was a positive asset. I assumed Billy's enthusiasm was due to ten years without sex. That was true, but a year later, Billy was just as enthusiastic. I don't think he knew that he liked sex as much as he did. Once he got into it, he jumped in with both feet.

When Bear eased his beer can sized cock into Billy's ass, it was good. Bear was a nickname, but he looked the part. His cock was just about the only part of him that was not covered in hair. Coon and Bubba had opened Billy's ass. Bear stretched it wider.

My pals are not what is generally considered attractive, but they pleased Billy-Bob. It was pure, no strings attached sex, without drama or stress.

Billy-Bob took a breather after Bear plowed him. We talked some, and then he became excited again. He fucked Coon, and Buster rear-ended him. Again, it was a complete success. Coon was a skilled bottom and Buster was the most imaginative man in the group.

I was the last to fuck Billy-Bob. He had four loads in his ass already and I assumed he would be nice and open. He was that, but he was also tight and firm. I was afraid it would be like screwing a bowl of jelly. He caressed my cock and tried to milk me. The boys were watching and enjoying the show. Most of our play was in the woods and in the dark. They loved watching me fuck.

Billy-Bob absolutely loved being watched. As the boys commented on his nice juicy hole and rich brew of man seed that oozed out when I pushed deep, Billy-Bob got harder. They continued to talk. I continued to fuck and Billy soon had an explosive orgasm. He sprayed us all with his home brew.

Some men might have been annoyed when Billy sprayed us with his sperm. The boys thought it was an interesting natural phenomenon, like Old Faithful. They admired the height of the ejaculation and the amount of semen. Bear said it tasted good too. Billy-Bob was flattered. They were a perfect match for Billy. I also found out that his need for plentiful sex was just fine with their needs.

The next weekend, I introduced Billy to TJ. TJ was ugly as sin and came from some god-forsaken hollow somewhere in the mountains. He was strong as an ox, illiterate and a hard worker. It took a while for me to find out he was smart. He knew the forest forward and backwards and could foretell the weather with remarkable accuracy. He was a good candidate for being the direct descendant of the missing link, but I suspect the missing link combed his hair more often.

He could also learn. Power tools and equipment were all new to him, but he had no problem using them and using them correctly. When I told him the correct and safe way to use a chain saw, he understood. As I said, he was smart.

TJ joined our happy band as an alternative to jail. A merchant in town had tried to cheat him and he had taken direct action much to the detriment of the merchant's nose. He was arrested, jailed and went before the local judge. Judge Wilson was a smart man and he figured out the situation quickly. The Judge had had some problems with the merchant himself.

Judge Wilson was a friend of my parents. He wanted to give TJ probation, but TJ had to have a job for that. He asked me if I would hire him. I had just lost a member of the crew who had moved away. I also have a rule never to say no to a judge.

I was not sure my bosses would like it. It turned out the Judge was good about poachers, trespassers, illegal dumpers and anyone else who caused problems in the woods. My bosses told me to do anything Judge Wilson wanted. Judge Wilson told TJ to do whatever I wanted if he wanted to stay out of jail.

It took a day or two for TJ to fit in. A week later, when TJ received his first paycheck, he was shocked. He had not guessed you could be paid for wandering around the woods. He had never had $300.00 at one time in his life.

I was not sure he would fit in with out sexual arrangements. That wasn't a problem. The hollow he came from was isolated and residents were inbred. There was a firm rule not to screw your sisters or nieces. It was acceptable to mess with your brothers, cousins and uncles. As far as I could tell, messing around was a favorite entertainment. TJ was not a "slam bang thank you ma'am" sort of man. He liked it to last, and he had a wide sexual repertoire.

He liked long sessions, either in a mouth or in ass. He had an Uncle Norbert who seems to have made a study of it. Norbert's son, Junior, taught TJ his basic skills. When TJ was fully "growed", he connected with his Uncle. TJ matured early and was bigger than many of the older men in the family from an early age. Technically it was sex, but playing around was normal for the group. As far as TJ was concerned there wasn't much not to like about sex. He told me it became more excited when the older men joined in.

TJ liked Norbert and a man he called Gramps. Gramps was not TJ's grandfather; he was Junior's grandfather on his mother's side. He was older and respected. Gramps introduced TJ to cum eating. He called it swallowing the evidence. Washing clothes was pain and licking up the man seed and the drool was enjoyable and fun.

Uncle Norbert took TJ's load long before he fed TJ straight from the spigot. Norbert had what they called "seasoned" sperm. By that, they meant it had produced a baby, in this case TJ's pal, Junior. Norbert tended to leave as soon as he shot off. TJ kept the cream in his mouth and then kissed Junior. Junior wanted to taste it. Sharing Norbert's semen was the first time they had real sex. It got wild and crazy. It was not just fooling around.

TJ told me he took Gramps' load and fed it to Norbert. Norbert had the same reaction. He actually opened his ass and let TJ fuck him. TJ was bigger the Norbert. TJ bent him over so he could fuck while Norbert ate Gramps' man seed from TJ mouth.

TJ told us all these things. He was not embarrassed and did not try to hide them. It was just the way things were at home.

Until TJ joined the crew, we had been just messing around. When TJ joined in, it turned into real, ball busting sex. Sucking cock is good, but sucking and trying to suction every drop of cum from a pal's balls is better, way better.

Getting emotional and passionate with another man seemed "too gay" to some of the crew, but TJ was all man. Coon said that TJ's balls had balls. He was 150% man. If he liked it, it wasn't a problem. I was worried the intensified emotions would cause problems such as jealousy or rivalries. TJ did not seem to have a favorite playmate; he was an equal opportunity fucker. Everyone was happy.

That group soon included Billy-Bob. TJ was well endowed, but not huge. His strong suit was technique and imagination. He was also enthusiastic about new playmates. When I met him at the courthouse, he had seemed sullen and withdrawn. After a week with us he was cheerful and at ease. We were the first men he had played with who weren't family. We had no baggage and weren't related; he liked that.

He was not attractive in a conventional way, but if you like masculine men, he was the man for you. Billy-Bob liked that. After I introduced them the first time, I went off to do some chores. When I returned three hours later, I interrupted what had been two hours and fifty minutes of non-stop fucking. Billy-Bob was tired. When TJ pulled out, what looked like a pint of sperm drooled from Billy-Bob's ass. He had discovered that TJ rarely lost his erection after an orgasm and the sex had been continuous. I had a cell phone with me and took a little video of the drooling cum.

When I showed Billy the video, he loved it. TJ thought it was too messy. "If Bear or Coon were here they would eat it up. They love my cream," he said. Billy's cock had gone soft. When he heard that comment, it re-inflated. I could guess the coming attraction at Cloud Top.

Billy was full service. He did it all. When he was at Cloud Top, his cock was always available, his mouth was willing and his ass was open. If he was awake, he was willing. He did have one quirk. He liked variety. While he liked the men he was with and did not exactly get tired of them, he wanted new meat. I became his scout.


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