Clothing Optional - - Introduction

By moc.liamnotorp@nosredneh.nilloc

Published on Nov 1, 2019


Clothing Optional - Chapter 02 - Truth or Dare

Clothing Optional - Chapter 02 - Truth or Dare

About this series

This is a series set in an alternate society where clothing is optional, in basically all places, and it is somewhat expected for no clothing to be worn in certain places/activities such as swimming and sports. This series follows a gay teenager (named Collin because that's my name), who has friends of both genders, and various sexualities, living in a Northern California Coastal town. Even with its non-sexual base, this series is still very sexual, and very inappropriate; and is therefore only for mature audiences.

At the end of the story there will be a link to a Strawpoll or two, which contains a question that will decide something small in the next chapter.

I happily take any feedback and suggestions at

Quick Takeaways from Last Strawpoll

So I realize that I maybe shouldn't have made the Strawpoll such an important decision so early on, because the audience of these stories may change - so here's what I'll do instead:

Every story I will ask the same "Which boy do you like more?" question, and use that raw percentage to gauge how much I should write about each boy. I will pretty much always write at least something about the other boy to entice you.

There will also most likely be another Strawpoll. This question will also typically contain an answer that has some sort of risk to make things interesting. I will use to fairly choose the outcome.

I will allow approximately 48 hours after the story is published before I choose final results.

Strawpoll Results

After 48 hours of voting time, Justin won with 122 votes (54.22%), Trevor got 103 votes (45.78%). I will prefer Justin.

Start of Chapter

Me and my four friends sat in a circle on my bedroom floor against various objects in my room. Some music played from my Alexa on my bedside table. Olivia had since undressed leaving me the only one clothed, wearing dark blue jeans and a t-shirt.

Everyone is focusing on math. "So in a right triangle, the two other angles have to add up to equal 90 degrees, meaning that the outer angle of one angle minus 90 degrees equals the other angle." I said.

"What?" Jessica asked. "Here." I said. Leaning over on her paper to draw two lines on the example right triangle in her notes. "So this angle equals this one." I said while pointing to her paper. "Ohhh..." She realized.

I continued to type down Trevor's notes on my laptop. I excessively hit the control key and S, I had such a habit of this that my thumb is almost sore. I kept quietly typing as everyone else was silent doing whatever they were doing.

I became even more focused. The music faded away, even though I didn't even register it. My typing pace incre- "hey I'm bored do you guys wanna do something?" Justin asked the group. "Sure." Olivia replied. The circle generally agreed with that as well.

We all looked at Justin, then looked more at him. "What, do we do?" He broke the silence. Everyone looked around the circle awkwardly, not that they had an idea, they just feared that other people wouldn't like it.

"Truth or Dare?" Trevor suggested. The other four of us didn't really know how to react to it, it was super unexpected. "Eh, sure I'm in." I said. "Me too" Justin said, then Olivia, then Jessica.

"Oh, wow. I didn't actually expect for you to agree to that." Trevor said, then sheepishly laughed."

"Why not?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know, 'Truth or Dare' is kind of a racy game, and every time we want to do something everyone's kinda like, 'oh let's play blackjack hahahah'." He said, making a mocking face that was targeted at all of us equally.

"...Okay..." Olivia said.

"Who starts?" I asked, as everyone set their school stuff aside. Jessica, Olivia, and I sat crisscross, Justin sat with his legs against his chest, and Trevor laid on his front with his butt up.

"I dunno, me I guess." Trevor said.

He thought for a bit before starting

"Justin, Truth or Dare?" Trevor asked. "Truth" Justin quickly answered.

"When was the first time you masturbated?" Trevor asked.

"Wow, jumping right into it." Justin said back. "I don't know,"

Trevor shrugged, "Like I said, I'm bored." Trevor put the bottom half of his legs in the air and started fidgeting his toes.

Everyone focused on Justin for his answer. "The last time I masturbated was, two days ago." He said.

"To what?" Olivia asked.

"No double-dipping." Justin refuted.

"Okaaaaayyyyy... Sorry." Olivia apologized.

"Collin," Justin directed at me, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." I said because the last round was "Truth"

"Strip, to your underwear." Justin said without hesitating.

I made eye contact with everyone in the group. "Didn't you just complain that 'When was the last time you masturbated' was too much?" I asked. "Yeah but," Justin started, "We're all naked and you're not. I know you're not really comfortable being naked, but at least be on some kind of an equal footing." Justin explained. Everyone seemed to agree.

"Okay, sure." I said. I stood up, took off my t-shirt, which I tossed on the bed, and then unbuckled my jeans, and let them fall to the ground. I squatted down and put my pants on the bed as well. I sat down crisscross in the same position I was before. I looked at Justin, "You know I would've gone naked if you asked me to.

God this entire thing is an awkward clusterfuck. Justin looked at me not knowing how to respond to that, "Can you go nake-" "No double dipping!" I mocked. "Nice try but you gotta ask again."

"So," Trevor started, "do you feel uncomfortable naked, or..." "Sorta," I responded, "I'd definitely be fine naked around you guys, but I can't in public - my parents don't want me to; and I wouldn't be used to it either."

"Ah." Trevor finished. He put his legs flat on the carpet. "You know, it's kind of weird how different families can be. Like, I've volunteered to be a model for sex-ed."

"You volunteered for that?" Jessica asked. "Yeah," Trevor said, "why not?"

"I don't know, just, people just stare at every part of you" Jessica said.

"Jessica, I've put on clothes like ten times in the past year, everyone has already seen every part of me." Trevor said. Jessica elected to stay silent

I took a look at Trevor's Butt, he spotted me and looked at me, without really reacting too much. "Where were we?" I rhetorically asked. "Oh, right. Justin, truth or dare?" I said.

"Dare." Justin said. "Okay," I challenged, "Jack off in front of us."

Justin stared at me. "Oh mother fu-" I cut him off: "Whaaaat? We seem to be escalating things as quickly as we can, so yeah." I said.

Justin looked around. at everyone, who seemed to have no reservations of my dare. "Seriously, guys?" He said.

"Well," I said, "If you're volunteering for the sex-ed thing you're gonna have to jack off in front of people anyway."

"You really want to watch me jack off?" Justin asked and stated."No," I said, "I want to watch you being watched jack off."


"Because it's Truth or Dare, this is the game, this is what we do. You wanted this."

Justin paused for a second. "Ugh, fine." Justin agreed, he sat up and leaned up against the wall. "Do you have like, a towel or something for me to clean up?" He asked, somewhere between politely and annoyed. "Yeah. I said. I quickly got up and went into my bathroom to grab a full-size cotton towel. I walked back and handed it to Justin, and then handed it to him. He put the towel at ready to his left. "Can you guys please back up?" He asked. Everyone gave him plenty of space, and he stretched his legs out.

Justin grabbed his half-erect penis with his right hand. He hesitated for a second. "Do you have any like, lube or anything?" He asked, definitely nicely. "Yeah." I said just before reaching under my bed and fetching a normal sized bottle of body lotion. I handed it to Justin before giving him space again. Justin put one large squirt of lotion on his right hand, and then grabbed his now fully-erect penis. Justin hesitated. "Okay, but are you guys sure that you wa-" "Just fucking jack off, man." Olivia said quite loudly.

Justin started to rub his shaft. He twitched and stretched his legs as the pleasure overcame him. Trevor turned over and started to jack himself off to the amazing view. My boner began to show through my boxers. Justin moaned, and he breathed hard. He was experienced with his own body, and knew how to get this over with as soon as possible.

After about thirty or so seconds of him jacking himself, he moaned while he orgasmed, then loads of white cum shot out of his penis. He stopped rubbing himself shortly after he stopped ejaculating. He held onto his penis for a few seconds before cleaning up his cum. Without asking, he walked over to the other side of the room and threw the towel in the laundry.

Justin came back over and sat down with his legs stretched out. "Is that what you wanted, master?" He sarcastically asked. "Well," I reasoned with myself, "It's definitely what I asked for." I said.

Trevor turned back on his belly. I took another quick look at his butt, he definitely noticed me but didn't really care.

"Now, Collin, truth or dare?" Justin asked.

"Dare" I said without hesitation. I knew where this was going.

"Take your underwear off." He ordered.

I did as I was told. I stood up, slid my underwear off, and stood naked with a giant boner in front of my closest friends. I sat down crisscross.

"Did you like my show?" Justin asked, not knowing that I did. "No, I'm just nervous." I said. Justin chuckled playfully.

"Hey, Collin?" Justin asked me. "If you want to try being naked in public, you can just wear clothes when you leave the house, and then just take them off at school."

I shrugged, "I don't know, maybe." I doubted. "Here," Justin spoke to me, "if we all go naked tomorrow, will you consider going naked as well?". I thought about it. "Eh sure, I'm just worried that my parents will find out." I said. "Who will tell them?" Jessica asked. "I don't know. Someone." I kept my stance.

"But you'll consider it?" Justin asked.

"If you all agree to be naked, then yeah, I'll consider it." I compromised.

"So," Justin addressed the group, "Do we all agree to be naked tomorrow?" Justin pointed at Trevor, "Yeah, duh." He said, then he pointed at Jessica, "Also duh." Then at Olivia, "Yeah, sure." she said. "...And I'll be naked tomorrow." said Justin.

"So," I had more to ask, "do I just like, take my clothes off in the parking lot, or my car, or the bathroom?" I asked. "Your car would be best." Trevor said. People might see you come in clothed and find that kinda weird if you just undressed in the middle of the day."


Srawpoll 1 (boy preference):

Strawpoll 2:

Note: Collin has a 15% chance of being found out by his parents if he goes naked at school.

The decision in the second poll will be calculated like a weighted lottery. If choice A has 80% of the votes, and choice B has 20% - choice A has an 80% chance of winning and B has a 20% chance.

Next: Chapter 3

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