Closer to Home than Away

By J.D Louis

Published on Mar 11, 2016



Disclaimer: The events in this story NEVER happened - what you are reading is just that: a story. Completely made up. I have no knowledge of, or intend to imply anything about, the sexuality and private lives of the actors mentioned.

So this is one of those `what if I met a celebrity IRL' stories. But I'm not going to bore you with my life story...or waste words trying to create an image of my appearance in your mind. What's relevant to this story, though, is that I'm a student at QUT: the same institution, as it turns out, three of my favourite Home and Away actors graduated from: Tai Hara (Andy), Reece Milne (Tank) and Alec Snow (Matt). For real.

They must have left before I started my degree, because I never saw them around. Even if they weren't famous at the time, I'd still remember them as three very attractive guys. But now they'd made it, there was no need to ever grace the campus with their presence again. I could dream though. I wondered: what if they returned for a little reunion...just for old time's sake? What would it be like to just casually bump into them one day? No orchestrated fan events with crowds of screaming teenage girls competing for their attention...

And there you have the other material fact you need to know: I'm a massive Home and Away fan. It's my favourite of the two Aussie soaps, if you hadn't guessed from the attention my H&A stories (VJ Cums of Age, Hating Hunter and Revenge of Summer Bay Nerds) get over my Neighbours story Erinsborough Encounter.

One night I had been studying my eyeballs off in the library. It was information overload - and I needed a drink! As does every other student, hence we have our own campus bar. This particular night there was some event happening - might have been the launch of the student magazine...I don't remember that bit. Because there sitting in the corner chatting over beers was Alec, Tai and Reece. OMG!

Please don't fangirl, please don't fangirl I thought to myself, observing them as I waited for my vodka. Fuck, did I fangirl? I then asked myself as I noticed Reece's eyes on me. It wasn't for my good looks - I was like a gummy bear to their rock candy. At first glance, Reece came across as a little bit of a jerk...I could sense a slight twinge of Tank in him. But as long as I wasn't on the receiving end of a rant, that was more than ok with me.

Drink in hand, I searched for somewhere to sit in the crowded space.

"Come join us." I faintly heard someone call out above the blaring music and sounds of social interaction. I turned around to see Tai waving at me. It was too good to be true.

"Hey, haven't I seen you somewhere before?" Tai asked me.

"Yeah, I had my photo taken with you and Jackson [Gallagher, who plays Josh] at Paniyiri a couple of years ago."

"Ah...that's right."

I was unsure if Tai actually remembered me or was just being polite. Anyway...I recalled how short I felt next to the two tall, dark studs. I'm sure my height wasn't the only thing short by comparison; I was only a very average 6". I know the three hunks I was hanging with now had to be way bigger, but I wondered if they really had the 9" nailers I'd assigned them in my stories. I had another burning question too: did they ever fuck their fans, or did they just do the rounds of the celebrity circuit?

I knew there way more to the amazingly hot alumni than just Summer Bay, but I was surprised how little they discussed the show. I casually worked it into the conversation, and found out as much as they genuinely enjoyed their jobs, they disliked a lot of their storylines. Now I know I wasn't going to fangirl, but I just had to risk blowing the night and bring up my stories. I'd had a great time with the guys already, and if I scared them off, then so be it; but my sanity would never survive if I didn't get their opinion on my writing.

Reece and Alec practically groaned at the words "fan fic" but Tai was keen to take a look. Under the buff exterior laid a sweetheart. Bonus points to him.

"Yo, you's have to see this!" Tai said as he swiped through my iPad.

Reece and Alec roared with laughter as they read. I suppose reading such descriptions about yourself would be amusing to the immature mind. I expected one of Matt's smartass comments from Alec, but it never came. Maybe a good sign.

"Man, you really love VJ..." Reece commented..."Matt [Little] would get a kick out of this!"

"Is that what you really think of us?" Tai laughed, handing back my iPad.

"Yeah." I replied, turning a little red. But Tai was clearly a little flustered himself...

We moved on from the stories and had a few more drinks before the guys got up to leave.

"You coming with?" Tai asked me.

We walked up the path and into the dark, deserted Brisbane Botanic Gardens. We continued across the lawn; the lights fading as we deviated from the crossroads of footpaths and entered the private alcoves created by the grouping of large, leafy, 100's-of-years-old trees. People made out here under the shady seclusion by day...what must happen at night? What would happen this night?

It was pitch black as far as the eye could see; the faintest beams of moonlight reaching through the trees...just enough to barely see each other.

I felt like I'd suddenly stepped into one of my stories when the guys pulled out their raging rods and aimed them at me like a firing squad. I wasn't good at guessing measurement without a ruler, but if they weren't 9" they were damn close.

"Well, which one of us do you want first?" Tai demanded seductively. I stood there frozen; indecisive as to where to start on the fine selection of salami before me.

Tai made the decision for me; impatiently shoving me to my knees as he rammed his rocket down my throat. He tasted every bit as good as I imagined.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...yeahhhhhhhh..." I heard him softy moan as he moved through my mouth. Hearing him moan for real...knowing that I was causing it...was the hottest thing I'd ever experienced. Afterall, I wasn't just sucking any cock...

As Tai's whip lashed my larynx, my blazing fists baked the snakes standing on both sides of us: Reece to left; Alec to the right. Just touching the two thick tools as they ground through my grip was beyond my wildest dreams. But they were here...this was happening...and after a few minutes I was taste testing my other options - Reece next, followed by Alec. Each cock tasted slightly different, but none stood out as my favourite as they were all equally hot.

I heard heavy breathing; Alec and Reece adding to the hot harmony of moaning males as shlongs were shoved at me from 3 directions as they all tried to gluttonise my gob at once. Despite what you may assume from my stories, I'd never downed 3 dicks together; but I opened wide and enjoyed the ride. Eliza Doolittle could have danced all night and still have begged for more; just as I could have sucked. But a decent amount of time had passed when Tai's bar burst first; pelting my oral passage with strong shots of hot, creamy penis colada.

"Fuck...." I heard either Alec or Reece moan breathlessly as another swift stream of spunk swept down my drain...followed shortly by the final flood. As I said, it was dark, and what belonged to who wasn't always clear. Plus I was still in the daze of a dream come true.

Both Reece and Alec pulled back as I tried to kiss them. That was cool, not every guy I'd ever hooked up with was the kissing kind either. Tai, on the other hand, shoved his tongue down my throat as I fell back against a tree. The way his tongue twisted around mine was incredible.

As we made out, I slipped my hands up Tai's tee. I can't describe the tantalising touch of his hard, studly muscles in my hands. As I explored his abs, Reece and Alec helped pull his tee off, exposing my eyes to the feast of fitness I'd only ever seen on screen. I hugged Tai, my hands wandering over his bulging shoulders...down his strong, rippling back...

Tai pulled me away from the tree as I felt my jeans pulled down. My hard boner throbbed as I felt the other's cocks alternating as they rammed me. I couldn't see behind me so I didn't know who's cock I was getting. Just like their taste, the technique was slightly different as they thrashed my trap; but neither better than the other.

Double-fucking was something I'd only ever written about in my stories, and only at the suggestion of one my readers. But in this night of firsts, I continued to be stretched; this time my ass as I felt both batons breaking into me. It was like Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks going off inside me. But my mind and my mouth was so entwined with Tai the pain never occurred to me...well until the next day.

I was loving it all so much my cock was sticky and slimy with precum. As I got ready to rumble, Tai proved he wasn't a size queen as he dropped to his knees and sucked me, vacuuming my manly mess. I was practically convulsing in erotic ecstasy with Tai's lips wrapped around my banana. His dark hair was so soft and silky as I grabbed his head and fucked his sexy face. But then I made an ever bigger mess, in his mouth, as I gifted him a tidal wave of milky mouthwash, which he swallowed.

"Ohhhhhhhhh..." I moaned in joy and surprise as I felt a hot eruption explode inside me. It had to be Alec's, as he was now standing to the side playing on his phone. Reece released his river soon after.

"You's ready?" Alec asked the others, eager to head off.

"Yeah, let's head." Reece replied.


"Yeah, give me a sec!" Tai fumbled with his shirt.

"It was nice meeting you. Take care." Tai said warmly as he joined his co-stars.

"Later man." Reece said as Alec gave me a brief wave. My role as the used fan had wrapped up. Fine. I was just happy to have had the experience...memories that would last a lifetime...perhaps inspire a story...

Then I felt that dreaded fangirl resurface: I couldn't let them go without Tai fucking me. He'd been such a gentleman; easily my favourite of the trio - I'd die if I didn't know how his totem pole felt inside me.

"Fuck me Tai. Please. I need to know what it's like. Don't leave me hanging." I begged.

"I thought you liked cliffhangers." Tai laughed. "Nah, I'm not that mean. I'll catch you boys later." he said as I led him to the banks of the Brisbane River. It was nowhere near the sandy shores of Summer Bay, but it would do.

I was living the life of a character, lying under the moonlit sky as Tai powerfully, yet sensually, penetrated my sperm-soaked hole. I pulled his shirt off him again...his muscles encasing legs wrapped around we melted into a puddle of passion. It was the fuck of my life; and not just because it was from Tai. I would have said the same of anyone in Tai's position; drilling me with his degree of determination to please.

Tai soon blasted me with his mai tai, and we rectified our dishevelled state.

"I really should go meet the others now." Tai said to me gently as we kissed.

"Of course. Sorry. I didn't mean to keep you." I replied.

"You didn't. I wanted it too. It's been fun." Tai shook my hand as we parted ways. As we left in opposite directions, I turned to see him do the same, flashing me one last handsome smile as we disappeared into the darkness; returning to our realities...

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