Clooney korn

By Mighty mouse

Published on Jan 18, 2000



Clooney & Korn

By Mouse (with a vague reference to an existing Korn story)

This is erotic gay fiction featuring Dave from korn (the drummer) and George Clooney -- two of the hottest guys in the world. This story is fiction and is not intended to suggest anything about the sexual orientation of any of its participants. This story can be reproduced on the condition that the story is left in its entire form and my email address is left at the top of the disclaimer. Please send any suggestions (this is my first story) or any two celebs you would like me to write about me via e-mail.

  1. ~~

George Clooney had just received a phone call from his agent.

"George darling" the voice on the other end of the phone crackled. "E! Entertainment is doing a series of reports that have T.V and movie stars going to concerts and interviewing the singer or band members. They seemed very interested in getting you to do one, what do you say?"

George thought for a moment "would I choose the concert?"

"Of course George baby." George laughed at his agents comment, it seemed like something from the fifties "sure George baby, anything you want George baby"

"OK I'll do it. But only if I can do Korn"

"Korn? What the hell! I'll never understand today's music, but if its Korn my George wants its Korn he shall have."

All I really want is David Silveria George thought.

"OK I'll talk with you later."



George hadn't thought much of Korn till he saw a film clip for "Got the Life." And fell madly in love with the hot young drummer. He had seen them live once before. He went incognito so nobody would recognise him. He brought a pair of binoculars so he could specifically see Dave on the drums. Dave played so energetically that George almost came in his pants. He was looking forward to seeing them again up close and personal.

  1. ~~ 2 Months Later

It was 5 hours till the concert the camera crew would already be at the auditorium doing some behind the scenes photography. George had been waiting for this night for such a long time. He had a nice long shower and soaped himself up good all over. He ran his large hands over his strong torso and abs.

"God i'm hot." He thought to himself.

George's 7inch cock was starting to grow. He rubber the circumcised head of his penis and considered jerking -off so his mind would be on the job at hand when he got to the concert and not on the gorgeous guy that is David Silveria.

As George got dressed he thought of his questions reminded himself not to be too shy when he finally met with Dave. He relayed the events that were to come in his head. He would arrive about half an hour before the show starts and do a small piece to camera. Something like "I'm George Clooney and this is E! Music spotlight KoRn!!" He would then watch the rest of the show from the back stage as the camera crew does a few close ups of the band preforming and a few of himself enjoying the show. Then George would do an interview with the band. Do a sign out to the camera then seduce and fuck Dave.

Good plan he thought to himself. George looked into a mirror and he looked HOT he was wearing black boots loose black leather pants (and underneath red briefs) and a red t-shirt with a small E! Insignia on the Brest pocket, he had 3 day growth that gave him a sexy rugered look and his hair was still slightly matted with water. He finished his ensemble with a slight spray of Calvin Klein cologne and his backstage tags. Then left for the auditorium.

  1. ~~

When George got there a large crowed had built up all waiting to get inside. There was a small private car park behind the auditorium, which is where he drove and parked his car. 2 heavyset men with the words security inscribe on their shirts guarded the back stage door. Even though the left guard knew who George was they still had to see the back stage pass. As george walked into the corridor he saw how full of activity it was the producer of E! Music spotlight was waiting for him.

"What took you so long!?" Was the aggravated greeting of the female producer?

"Traffic" was the only word George could shout out through all the noise.

"Lets get him miked up boys." The no nonsense producer called out.

A guy holding a boom was soon standing next to George and clipped a small mike to his shirt and clipped a battery pack to his pants.

"Thanks" said George "but I generally never do that on the first date." The sound guy smiled and the producer looked stressed.

"You two stop clowning around George follow me, Phil go and get Mick well meet you at the right wing.!!"

"Hi I'm George clooney and your watching E! Music spotlight" George waited a few seconds for when the intro would be added. "Tonight we will be seeing one of the most deservedly popular groups of today. Seven thousand people have crammed the auditorium to see the one the only KORN woohooooooooo!!!"

"And were clear that was great George now we just have to wait half an hour till the band comes out." George who had been standing at the right wind for a little over 40 mins needed to move around

"I'm going for a small walk. Is that ok with you?"

"Fine, fine just don't get lost and be back here in 20 mins OK?"


George started walking down the corridor. He got a few looks one asshole came up to him and said "remember what happened to David Caruso." George who couldn't be bother with getting into an argument walked away with his head high and banging into a closed door. It shocked him more that it hurt him he looked at the door and on it was written FEILDY in big bold letters he walk down a bit further and saw another door with the word HEAD and written in pen the word "shit" above it suddenly as he approached the next door his heart quickened for if the words on the door were correct inside would be the man of his dreams the man he has been thinking about non stop for months DAVE.

He looked around and couldn't see any body George then thought of knocking but thought it would be a lot more fun if he just burst in and acted like it was an accident hopefully David wouldn't be wearing a shirt or could be in a shower (if the dressing room had a shower) more than likely he would be sitting on a chair and reading a book or listening to music or something boring like that. With his heart still pounding he quickly opened the door pleased to find it unlocked. And there sitting on a chair using a laptop was Dave. "Christ" Georgethought he is even hotter in real life Dave's hair was short and bleached but his goatee was still black he was wearing a white Singlet and blue jeans. He quickly exited out of what ever he was doing on the laptop and looked at the uninvited visitor.

"Oh! I'm sorry" George said,

"Wait a sec." Dave said. Dave's eyes glittered with a hint of recognition "George Clooney, man I know you, you did that film with that "if you had my love" chick. And that vampire movie!"

"Yeah" George said and smiled. He was happy he didn't have to go into the details of who he was and was still looking at Dave's awesome body.

"What you doing on the laptop?" George asked

"oh nothing." came the expected quick reply

"can I have a go?"

"Sure knock your self out"

George used to this form of laptop before and knew what he was doing. He picked it up moved the cursor to start and clicked on it then documents. And much to his surprise and curiosity it was filled with .jpg files A1, c56, pic5673, newpick3 and so on. George clicked on 1 of the file names and soon the screen filled up with the image of a guy licking another guy's ass. "Well, well, well what's this?" said George looking at the picture when he looked up he saw Dave locking his door and smiling.

  1. ~~

George placed the laptop on the bed and stood up. His heart was beating so fast he could feel it in his gut. George opened his mouth to speak

"I--- a-- ." George looked at Davewho was grinning boyishly George let out a small laugh and breathed deep.

"I've never done anything like this before." George said. This was true he only admitted to himself 4 years ago he was turned on by guys, but by then he was very famous and was advised against cruising or even going to gay bars by his agent just in case the paparazzi were there waiting.

Dave reassured him "well that's kind of like me I've only been with 1 guy too. It was Feildy we were doing a big day out in Sydney, Australia suddenly when we got back he acted like nothing happened."

George decided to be bold "Well why don't you and me make something happen?"

George stepped towards Dave "right here."

Another step "right now."

George was standing just inches away from dave's face George could smell dave's sweet breath that was getting faster and faster neither of them could hear any thing other than the sound of each other breathing. They both leaned forward and for the first time there lips touched.

The kiss was the deepest George had ever know it was soft and firm with no sign of weakness soon the lips of the two men had parted and both tongues were entwined Dave could feel Georges top teeth with his tongue the kiss lingered, Dave moved half a step forward and George and Dave were pressed against each other in a lust full embrace. George caressed Dave's back through the Singlet and played with Dave's hair enjoying the feel of it, George's state of mind was truly awash with emotion it was almost surreal the moment he dreamed of coming true. Dave's feelings were the same as he rubbed George's ass through the leather pants.

The kiss was broken and the shirts were removed and each admired the others torso Dave's chest was completely devoid of hair but was nicely defined it was firm to the press but soft to the touch. Dave's nipples stood out like erasers and there were numerous tattoos on his arms. George on the other hand had a nice sprinkling of hair from his chest to his snail trail that lead way to his most desired place his body was also nicely built.

Dave got onto his knees and looked up and stared George in the eyes, then began to grin as he began to undo the button on the pants. The very visible outline of Georges cock could be seen pressing against the fabric waiting for release. The zipped came down and the pants were removed leaving George in his tight red briefs.

"Tell me what you want me to do." Dave said.

"Please suck it" George breathed "Please" Dave enjoying the power he now possessed over this star persisted more

"Suck what?" "These" Dave crouched up and sucked on George's hard nipple letting his teeth lightly touch them.

It wasn't loud but under his breath George was saying one thing "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck yeah. Please suck my cock" Georges voice was trembling.

Dave followed George's torso hair with his tongue down to his belly button. A small moisture stain had formed on George's underwear

"Alright" Dave finally said.

The underwear was pulled down and George's 7inch cock swung out. Dave took a moment to enjoy the look of it, circumcised, hairy, nice set of balls dangling from under the penis, the smell and finally the taste.

Dave started licking at the tip of the cock playing with the piss slit just using his tongue. George loved ever second of it his knees started to quiver and a low moan escaped his lips. Dave then opened his mouth and engulfed the entire shaft on Georges cock, George let out a louder moan that broke into 3 parts "oh oh ohhhhhhh."

Gently George let his hands rest on the back of Dave's head. Dave was persistent in sucking it as hard as he could "yeah that's it" George said, "Keep at it. Yeah." Dave continued the relentless oral sex on George clooney

till George said stop "Get up." George said.

Dave quickly got up and gave his mouth a rest.

"Take off YOUR pants now." George instructed in a flash Dave's jeans were on the bed he wasn't wearing underwear. Just like Dave George admired his partners cock his mouth was agape at the sheer size of it 10 inches long uncircumcised but you wouldn't notice when it was hard it was immaculately shaved with just a small bush at the base of the dick spreading towards the abdomen.

Dave smiled "like what you see?"

"Oh yeah baby"

It was then George's turn to get on his knees and worship Dave with his tongue. Dave was more vocal "OH Shit yeah OH FUCK suck it yeah oh god yeah!!!"

George was slightly concerned about the noise but couldn't say any thing Dave's hands were pressed against the back of his head and he couldn't stop

"Keep sucking man. You say you never done this before well you know what your doing mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah."

George was choking slightly each time Dave thrust forward he would also push Georges head forward making the full 10inces enter into Georges open mouth

"On stage in 5 mins boys" came over the intercom

"Shit" Dave said, "I guess we have to finish quickly."

The speed of the face fucking became rapid but George didn't mind he was in such a state of bliss.

"FUCK, FUCK I'm Cumming FUCK" Georges mouth was soon filled with Dave's cum as he spastically ejaculated George swallowed all of it.

"Man that was fucking good." Dave said "But now I guess you have to finish too."

"That would be nice." George replied

"Now I don't have much time what would be the quickest way of making you cum."

George thought but only briefly "Bend over."

"Man I don't do that," Dave said laughing at even the thought.

"You do today," George said, "just relax and it will all be over very quickly."

Dave looked a little worried about having something like Georges cock up his ass. He remembered how much it hurt Feildy when they had sex.

"Oh fuck it can't hurt as much as my tat's" Dave said

Dave turned around and bent over as far as he could "ok, you want it you got it."

Dave braced himself, George looked at Dave's beautiful ass smooth and firm. Perfect. Dave felt the pain of the cock head trying to gain access that caused Dave to squeeze his sphincter and cause the pain to triple

"just relax and it will be so much easier." George reassured Dave.

Dave tried and soon was opening up in 1 thrust George had the entire 7 inches of his cock up his ass. Dave howled in pain and George thrust and thrust again.

"This is so hot" George whispered into David's ear. Small tears were welling in Dave's eyes, yet the more George fucked the more he enjoyed the sensation. Dave's prostate was getting massaged by Georges fucking that soon he became hard again.Georges dick was as hard as rock. Then the 2 of them started to moan in unison, Dave from pleasure and pain George from total pleasure.

"I'm Cumming" George said and grabbed Dave's hard cock and began to pull it very quickly.

They were both yelling "YEAH YEAH OH FUCK!"

George peeked and came up Dave's ass. Dave came almost at exactly the same time they both fell exhausted onto the bunk.


Dave and George looked at each other and burst into laughter.

  1. ~~

"Hi I'm George clooney and your watching E! Music spotlight"

"Tonight we will be seeing one of the most deservedly popular groups of today. Seven thousand people have crammed the auditorium to see the one the only KORN woohooooooooo!!!"

The producer gave George the thumbs up Dave looked briefly to the right and the two locked eyes for a moment.

  1. ~~

5 days later George opened his mail, one was a letter from Dave who was is England and the second was the tape of the concert as George watched it he started laughing every time the camera was on Dave he could never seem to sit on his chair properly.

The End?

(read "Korns big day out" at nifty it wasn't writen by me but the story is still hot!)

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