
By John Josept

Published on Mar 31, 2007




The following story deals with explicit gay sex between men. If this type of material offends you, or you are under the age allowed by the state or region you reside in or you live in an area where this type of material is not legal, you must please leave and not go any further.

I dedicate this and everything I do to my partner, who goes through hell just to be with me.

Legal Stuff:

The author, John Josept, reserves all copyright privileges. This work may not be reproduced, except for personal use and may not be linked to any other site or webpage, without the written permission of the author.

Clifford by John Josept

It was a hot July afternoon and Clifford lay naked on his bed and bounced his body in time with his hip-hop music. The window to his bedroom was wide open and the volume on his CD player was on full blast. Things like disturbing the neighbors didn't occur to a young 19 year old like him. He was only out of high school about a year and didn't have a care in the world. Besides his mom was away and there was no one to yell at him to turn down the music ... or so he thought.

His right hand had a firm grip on his hard dick and he masturbated to the beat of his music, while his free hand paged through a copy of Unzipped magazine with those hot gay porn stars on every page. Clifford knew he was gay for a while now, but kept it a secret, especially from his girlfriend, and that's the way he wanted it ... for now. He figured someday he would have his first gay sexual experience and have to deal with it, but not today. That was the last thing on his mind. All he wanted to do was to listen to his music and beat off with visions of some hot guy floating around in his mind.


He could barely hear over the noise of his music, but someone had called his name from outside.

"Cliff, Hey, Cliff," he heard it again.

Clifford dropped his dick, then got up, closed his magazine, and stuffed it under his mattress. He then turned down the music, and looked out his bedroom window. It was his neighbor.

"That's better."

"Sorry, Jake," Clifford said, really not as sorry as he made out to be. Jake was very hot and the mere sound of his voice made Clifford's hard dick pulse. He took his dick in his hand again and began to fondle it. He had fantasies about Jake and beat off with Jake in mind many times. He knew Jake was gay as well, and had just broken up with his partner of 10 years.

The townhouses in the complex they lived in had small adjoining courtyards. Jake's courtyard was separated from Clifford's courtyard by a 7 foot high stonewall. They were pretty private, and even though Jake could not see him, if Clifford looked at the right angle from his bedroom window, he could see over the wall at Jake's reflection off Jake's patio door.

"No problem, kid," Jake said. "Did your mom get off to her sister's ok?"

"Yeah, she left about 8:00 this morning. She'll be gone 2 weeks, maybe more," Clifford said. His aunt just had a baby and his mom went to stay with her for a while to help out.

With his dick in hand, Clifford got in position where he could see Jake's reflection. Just as he thought, Jake was naked; he was always naked when he was at home, something that didn't escape Clifford. One night he watched Ken, Jake's ex-partner, suck Jake's cock right in front of the patio door with the lights on and they didn't seem to care who saw them. Clifford wished he could be that free. He remembered how he masturbated in the dark that night, while Ken swallow a huge load of Jake's jizz.

"Ok, if you need anything let me know."

"Thanks, Jake," Clifford said, "you going to lay in the sun?"

"Yeah, it's a beautiful day and I think my tan is fading," Jake laughed from over the wall.

"Not you Jake, you have the perfect tan," Clifford said. His voice was a bit shaky as he beat off and lusted after his neighbor's great body.

"Thanks, kid," Jake said, "You should sit outside and get some color. You're a bit pale."

"Wow, he's been looking at my body," Clifford said to himself. "Yeah, maybe I will," he said out loud to Jake.

Clifford watched Jake's reflection off the patio door as he lay down on one of the two chaise lounges in his courtyard. He watched as Jake adjusted his soft dick and balls, then lay still to absorb the sun.

Clifford dropped his hard cock from his hand, got a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He walked quickly out to his courtyard, opened up his lounge chair and got ready to lie down.

"Is that you Cliffy Boy?" Jake asked from the other side of the wall.

"Yeah, I'm taking your advice and going to get some color."

"Well, don't stay out too long. The sun's pretty strong and your pale skin will burn pretty fast. You don't want to mess up that hot body of yours," Jake said with his eyes closed as his body sucked up the sun's rays.

"Did he say my body was hot?" Clifford said to himself with a big grin. His dick started to swell, again.

"Thanks, Jake. You have a hot bod yourself."

Jake opened one eye after Clifford's remark. He thought that was odd for a straight kid to say. At least he thought he was straight, because he had heard Clifford and his girlfriend going at it in his bedroom a few nights, at least that is what he thought he heard.

"Hmm, maybe Cliffy Boy, ain't all that hetero," Jake said to himself. This peeked his interest all of a sudden.

Clifford stood and faced the wall, reached out his hand and touched it. His dick was hard and poked through the opening of towel that was still wrapped around his waist. He closed his eyes, pictured Jake laying there in his mind, and wished he could move through the wall and touch his body.

Jake was built hard. He stood 6 ft 3 inches with lots of muscles. Not a weight training hard body, but the type of tanned body a man gets after 20 years in construction. His muscled chest, abs, forearms, and legs had a nice coating of hair. His face was always covered in stubble, even after he shaved. He usually had on a green baseball cap, that he wore backwards, to hold down his thick black hair, which always looked like it needed a trim. Clifford considered that among Jake's many sexy assets, especially for an "old guy" of 43 years old.

Clifford's body was in contrast to Jake's. He was tall, about 6 ft, but Clifford was smooth, not a bit of hair was on his slender pale body except on his head, which he kept cut fairly short, and around his pubic area. He was really defined, because he loved to swim and was pretty good at it. He also worked out at home, doing sit-ups and push-ups, usually when stoned.

In high school, when asked to join the swim team, he declined because he thought only geeks did things like that, and he didn't want to be branded a geek; his crowd would never have accepted him. So, he did most of his swimming at the pool in the complex he lived it. What he and his friends did through most of high school was listen to music and smoke dope. That type of activity was usually done indoors, which helped account for his pale skin tone.

Clifford took off his towel and lay down naked on his lounge chair. His hard dick pointed to the clouds, as he began to think of Jake. He took his cock in hand and began to slowly beat off.

All of a sudden he longed to tell Jake he was gay and wondered what would happen if he did. He though maybe Jake could give him advice on what to do or how to handle it.

"Jake would understand me," Clifford said to himself, "After all, he's openly gay and a real man's man. Besides, mom is away and I could talk with him and not worry that she would over hear what we were talking about."

He vacillated back and forth in his mind, then blurted out loud, "Jake, can I talk with you about something?" he said quickly before he lost his nerve. He impulsively decided to come out to his hunky neighbor.

"Sure, kid, shoot," Jake said from over the wall.

"No, I mean, can I come over there and talk to you. It's something personnel."

"Oh, umm, sure, kid. Come on over." Jake thought that was an odd request. Clifford's dad had taken off when Clifford was just a kid and left his mom to raise their son alone, so Jake figured he just needed advice from an older man.

"Thanks, I will be there in a second." Clifford jumped up and ran into the house and got his favorite pair of workout shorts. He thought he looked sexy in them because they sat low on his hips. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. That's when he noticed in his reflection, his dick was still hard as ever. He took a deep breath and waited a while for it to go down.

Jake got up from his lounge, went into the house, and put on his shorts as well. He didn't have any idea what Clifford wanted to talk to him about, but he didn't think it a good idea to be naked in front of the teenager. Although, he was now curious to what his reaction would be.

A few minutes later, Jake heard Clifford at the side gate. He walked over, opened it and let him in.

"Hey, Cliffy boy, come on in."

Clifford hated to be called "Cliffy boy", but when Jake said it, it excited him all over.

"Thanks," Clifford said with a nervous smile.

They each discreetly looked over each other's exposed upper bodies. Clifford stared at Jake's massive chest and six-pack abs. He tried his best not to get aroused. Jake stared at a fresh-faced smooth young guy with a cut build. They both wished the other did not have their shorts on.

"Want a beer?" Jake asked trying to distract himself.

"Yeah, sure. I could use one right now." Clifford was noticeably nervous.

"You won't tell your mom I'm feeding you beer, will ya?" Jake laughed.

"Oh, no Jake, I wouldn't do anything like that, besides she'd fuckin freak." Jake laughed again and went into the house to get the drinks. Clifford sat down on one of the chaise lounges. He was anxious and was having second thoughts about coming out to his hunky neighbor.

"What am I doing?" Clifford said to himself, "I can't do this? How do I get out of here?"

Jake came out with the beers, handed one to Clifford and lay down on chaise opposite Clifford. Clifford's eyes opened wide as he gazed at Jake's prone body. His crotch bulged and Clifford couldn't take his eyes off of it. Jake extended his hand with the beer toward Clifford and they clinked their bottles. All feeling of leaving disappeared from Clifford's mind.

"Drink, up kid."

Clifford put the bottle to his lips and took a big drink, never taking his eyes off Jake's body.

"So, what's this thing you want to talk about," Jake asked then took another drink of beer. Clifford was taken off guard. He didn't think they would start out so quickly. He took another long swig of his beer.

"I, hmm,... I think...maybe, shit. I don't know if I should bother you with this Jake." Clifford started to get cold feet, again.

"That's ok, kid, go for it."

Clifford took a deep breath. "Well... you're gay right?"

"Yeah, all my life," Jake joked.

"Ummm, I think well, I know, well, I think ... I am too."

"Well no kidding," Jake quibbed as he looked at Clifford's crotch.

"You could tell?" Clifford said in a panic. He never thought anyone would guess he was gay.

"Well, I didn't until just a few minutes ago. You keep staring at my crotch and your hard-on's been sticking out of the leg of your shorts ever since you sat down." Jake began to laugh.

"Oh Fuck," Clifford said as he looked down and sure enough the tip of his hard dick protruded from his shorts. He stood up but his dick just poked at his shorts. The blood rushed to his head and he knew his face was red. He felt a little dizzy.

"Hey, hey, don't worry about it, Cliff. Look, you gave me a hard on, too." Jake showed Clifford the outline of his hard cock bulging from his shorts.

"Holy shit," Clifford said, "that doesn't help." His teenage voice cracked as he stared at the huge shape of Jake's manhood.

Jake couldn't help but laugh harder.

"Sit down, kid and talk to me about it."

Clifford reluctantly sat down on the chaise again. He tugged on his shorts, to make sure his dick, which was still hard, didn't stick out this time. He wished he had put on his regular short that had longer legs than his workout shorts.

"I don't know where to start. All I know is I get all excited when I'm near guys, Jake. I love the way they smell," he said as he took a deep breath, because Jake was so near. "I love the way they look naked or with their shirts off or with their clothes on, even. It got pretty fucking embarrassing at gym class when I was in high school. That's why I was always ditching that class. I guess that's the real reason I never joined the swim team," Clifford confessed, "I don't think I could have handled seeing all those guys in nothing but those little Speedos. Let alone naked in the shower. It's just fucking frustrating sometimes Jake. I don't know what to do... Shit," Clifford hesitated, "I never talked with anyone like this before. I'm sorry."

Clifford felt embarrassed again and couldn't get over how he quickly opened up to Jake. Once he started it didn't seem he could stop.

"Nothing to be sorry about, Cliff. I'm glad you feel you can talk to me about it, though," Jake said, who was full hard now and didn't know how far he should go with this.

"What do you think? Am I gay, even though I never fucked with a guy or anything?" Clifford asked

"Cliffy boy," Jake said, "are you saying you never had sex with another man?"

"No, always stayed away from it. I guess I need to find someone I trust." Clifford looked up at Jake and tried not to smile. He flirted with his neighbor and he didn't realize it.

Jake sat up, reached over, and placed both hands Clifford's bare thighs. "What if someone you know would ask to be your first. Someone you trusted for a long time, someone older who knew the ropes. You do trust me don't you, Cliff?"

Jake was really turned on by Clifford by now. Living next door to him for ten years, he watched Clifford grow up from a cute precocious kid to a handsome sexy young man, but until today, never had those kinds of thoughts about him. Jake moved his hand up Clifford's thighs. Clifford gulped.

"I would have dreams about you and me sometime," Clifford's shaky voice confessed.

"Really, about me?"

"Yeah, I could see you from my window walking around naked," Clifford said with a red face. "I beat off a lot watching you." His hands started to shake and his throat became very dry.

Jake saw Clifford's plight. "Drink some beer, that will help the shakes and the dry mouth."

"I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry," Jake said as he got up and sat next to Clifford. "Your first time is usually kinda scary." He put his arm around the young man, turned Clifford's head toward him, got closer and closer until their lips touched. Clifford put his arms around Jake and practically jumped on him, then kissed him hard, and tried to push him down on the chaise.

"Hey, slow down, kid. We have all day," Jake said as he turned Clifford around and gently pushed him to a prone position on the chaise lounge. He rubbed his smooth chest, then kissed him again, softly. Jake lay on top of Clifford and kissed him on the lips burying his tongue inside his mouth. Jake sat back up. Clifford's dick was straining at his shorts and he was breathing hard.

"Fuck," Clifford said with a smile at his first real kiss from another man.

"Let's see what you have under there," Jake said as he pulled off Clifford's shorts. His dick sprang out and pointed straight up in the air.

"Damn, Cliff, that's one beautiful cock you got there," Jake said as he looked at Clifford eight-inch dick. He ran both hands up Clifford's abs then to his chest and pinched his nipples. Clifford moaned and breathed deep. Clifford couldn't talk. All he could do is grunt and swear.

Jake took hold of the young man's dick and ran his fingers over the tip. Clifford's body shuttered; the sensation was unbelievable to him and he felt he was going to cum.

"Oh Fuck," Clifford whispered and bit his lower lip, trying to keep himself under control.

"Feels good, huh, kid?" Jake said as he stood up and removed his shorts. He stood in front of Clifford, his thick 9-inch piece of meat pointed right at him.

"Damn, Jake, it looks so much bigger up close."

Jake smiled, "Go ahead and touch it. It doesn't bite."

Clifford slowly wrapped his hand around Jake's cock and began to jack it. "Wow, it feels hard and warm," Clifford said with a smile. This was the first time he touched a hard cock other than his own.

Jake leaned down and kissed him again and pushed his tongue down his throat. Clifford moaned, as Jake stubble brushed his lips. He only dreamed about kissing someone like Jake, it felt so good to him. He had a real man in his arms for the first time. Jake released his lips and smiled at Clifford then stood up again.

"Put my dick in your mouth, kid," Jake growled like a man on fire, "just open your mouth and take it in as far as you can."

Clifford looked at Jake then stared at his manhood as it got closer and closer to his mouth. He opened wide not knowing what to expect. Jake's dick passed between Clifford's lips.

"Now clamp your mouth around it Cliff Boy, gently, without using your teeth." Clifford obeyed the tall man in front of him as he took in as much as he could, then stopped.

"Great kid, you got nearly half of it in your mouth, not bad for a beginner. Now move your head in and out on my cock." Clifford obeyed again, "Slowly, now, no need to rush...Yeah, that's it. Get it nice and wet with your saliva."

Jake couldn't get over how turned on he was by this young kid. He looked down at the handsome young man with his dick in his mouth and took a deep breath and thought how hot this was.

What a wonderful feeling it was for Clifford to have this hot hunk of a man's dick in his mouth. Clifford pumped over and over and was enjoying what he was doing when Jake pulled his dick out of his mouth.

"My turn now," Jake said and got down on his knees and swallow Clifford's hard-on down to the base of the shaft and buried his nose in his bush. Clifford leaned back and watched Jake work.

"Oh Fuck," Clifford said rather loudly, "Oh man, your mouth feels so...goddamn good!" Clifford couldn't get over how warm and smooth Jake's mouth felt around his dick; nothing like the clumsy feeling of his girlfriend's mouth.

Jake continued to move up and down on Clifford's cock and he grabbed onto his firm ballsack. That's when he felt Clifford's balls tighten up into his body.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum," Clifford said and Jake clamped his lips round Clifford's dick and let him shoot his teenage load down his throat. Clifford seemed to cum forever.

"Oh god, Oh Fuck, I'm sorry," he said over and over as Jake drained Clifford's balls. Jake had forgotten what a big load a teenager could produce. All he knew was that it tasted pretty good.

His cum finally stopped and Jake dropped his dick from his mouth, but kept a mouthful of his jizz. He went up to Clifford to kiss him and when he opened his mouth, Jake deposited the cum between Clifford's unsuspecting lips. He never tasted cum before, not even his own.

He choked and some of it came out of his mouth, but he gulped down the most of salty sweat goo. Jake ran his tongue round inside Clifford's mouth again, then they both came up for air.

"That was your first blow job, huh," Jake said with a smile.

"No my girlfriend did it a couple time, but fuck, Jake, it never felt like that. Sorry I cummed so fast. I couldn't hold it, your mouth felt so good around my dick."

"Women don't know how to give good blow jobs Cliffy Boy. They don't have dicks so they don't know what we men like."

"You sure proved that," Clifford said with a laugh.

"So how did you like the taste of your cum? I loved it, I am going to want more of it later," Jake said holding on to Clifford and licking some of the spunk the dribbled onto his chin when he choked.

"It's kinda funny tasting, but I think I could get used to it."

"Wait until you taste mine; maybe we'll try that later, too," Jake smiled then stood up. Clifford took it, as he wanted him to leave.

"Oh ok, I guess I should go, now, huh?" Clifford said as he grabbed his shorts.

"Go?" Jake said, "hell, boy, we just started."

Jake took Clifford's hand, pulled him up, took him in his arms, and kissed him deep cleaning Clifford's mouth with his tongue.

"You up to learning how it feels to be fucked?" Jake whispered in Clifford's ear.

Clifford swallowed hard and wondered if he moved too fast with this gay thing.

"I...I don't know. They say it hurts," Clifford said. He wanted it to happen and he was curious about it and he would love to have Jake be his first, but he was afraid at the same time.

"Only if its not done right, kid. Come on let's go into the bedroom and get comfortable, besides that's where I keep the condoms and the lube," Jake said with a smile, "I have a feeling we're going to need a lot of lube with that tight ass of yours." Jake looked back at Clifford's smooth firm butt and ran his hand around each ass cheek.

Jake picked up their beers and Clifford followed him in the house like a puppy. He turned around and saw how nervous Clifford looked, handed him his beer, then wrapped his strong arms around him.

"You will like it, Cliffy Boy," Jake said with a tenderness Clifford never heard in him before, "don't worry, I will be as gentle as I can. Before the day is over you will be begging me to fuck you again. Hell, I may even let you fuck me," Jake laughed. "Drink up that beer and I will get us another one. I think you need to relax some more."

Clifford finished off his beer just as Jake came back into the living room with their second round.

"Damn kid, you are so fucking hot. That dick of yours is still hard as hell," Jake said as he flicked Clifford's hard-on and watched it bounce up and down like a bobble head doll.

"Yeah," Clifford said looking down at his erection. "So is yours."

"You got me all horned up, Cliffy Boy. Come on," Jake said as he grabbed Clifford's shoulders, turned him around, and led him into the bedroom, then Jake wrapped his arms around Clifford from behind and his big dick poked him in his butt.

"Drink up, kid. I want you nice and relaxed." Jake said as he guzzled down his brew. Clifford took another big drink from his bottle, then set his beer down. He began to feel at ease now. He wasn't sure if it was the beers or he was getting used to the fact that this hunky guy that he liked so much, was about to be the one to help him loose his virginity.

Jake sat down on the bed, got out a condom, and a large bottle of lube labeled, Gun Oil. He set them on the night table. He took Clifford's hand, pulled him down on the bed, and lay down next to him. Jake propped himself on his elbow, leaned over, and began to kiss Clifford all over his body. He started at the lips and moved down to his nipples, sucked on them for a while, then moved down to his rigid cock, and swallowed it again.

"Oh fuck, Jake," Clifford yelled.

Jake dropped his cock from his mouth, "Don't you cum yet, kid. Not until I fuck that ass of yours."

"I won't Jake, I swear."

Jake smiled and rolled on top of the young man next to him and drowned him in kisses, and licked his cheeks, nose and chin. Jake felt Clifford start to relax again, so he spread his legs with his knees, then knelt up.

Clifford looked at the strong, ruggedly handsome man kneeling in front of him, with his hairy, tanned, muscular chest and abs and that massive dick of his, and felt more relaxed than ever. He smiled as he watched Jake tear open the foil pack of his magnum-sized condom. Jake held up the condom for Clifford to see.

"Lesson number one, don't ever let anyone fuck you without one of these on. I lost too many good people cause they were stupid enough not to wear one, you hear. And I don't want you to be one of them. You're too cute."

"Yes, sir," Clifford said with a smile. Jake thought he was cute and that made Clifford's dick harder. He saw Jake's eyes soften again as he took some Gun Oil and put a drop inside the condom to make it roll easier.

"See, just a little inside, like that," Jake said as the rubber slid easily over his big hard cock. Then he took more lube and smeared it over his condom-covered dick. Clifford noticed that it seemed to disappear, once the lube was on. He looked up at Jake as he grabbed his legs and pulled them up and over his head.

"You comfortable down there," Jake laughed.

"Yeah, I guess," Clifford said as he started to get anxious again. He was in a awkward position and didn't know how well he was going to enjoy what came next.

"Just relax, cause I am going to put lube on my finger and stick it in your hole, ok?

"Yeah," Clifford gulped as he felt Jake's finger at his pucker and he instinctively tighten his sphincter muscle.

"Relax kid," Jake said softly.

His words seemed to do the trick on Clifford and his muscle opened up to let his finger slide in.

"Oh fuck," Clifford said as the sensation of Jake's finger swept through his body.

"You like it, kid?"

"It hurts a little," Clifford said while panting.

"It will feel better as you get used to it.

Jake kept his finger still until he felt Clifford ring relax.

"Feeling better?"

"Fuck, ya," Clifford said still breathing very hard.

Jake played around inside his ass for a short time, then he pulled his finger out and got himself into position to insert his dick.

"Ready kid?

"Sure," Clifford said bravely, but nervous as hell.

Jake pushed Clifford's legs up more, spread them out, then positioned his hard cock at his rosebud. He began to push, but Clifford resisted.

"Sorry, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do," Clifford said anxiously.

"Look kid, pretend you're taking a shit, and push out."

Clifford laughed thinking Jake was joking, but when he tried it, his sphincter opened up and the massive head of Jake's cock popped inside.

"Fuck," Clifford yelled feeling a sharp burning pain. He grabbed onto the bedsheets and held on for dear life.

"Relax kid, take a few deep breaths. The hard part is over," Jake said to reassure his young protégé.

Clifford did as he was told and then pushed out again as Jake slowly pushed all the way inside his virgin ass. Jake saw that Clifford was still uncomfortable.

"Take more deep breaths, Cliffy Boy, the pain will go away and you will feel pleasure like no other."

Clifford breathed deep and slowly the pain eased up.

"God, you're fucking hot, kid," Jake said tenderly. Being Clifford's first fuck, strangely had Jake turned on. His dick stayed hard as ever inside Clifford's ass while Clifford learned to relax. Then something inside Jake made his heart feel joy like he hadn't in a very long time. It was the smile on Clifford's face and the look in Clifford's eyes.

"Snap out of it, Jake, he's too young," Jake said to himself.

"Ready, Cliff? Hold on for the ride of your life."

Clifford tensed up as Jake pulled out a bit then back in. He repeated that a few times and Clifford began to feel pleasure. Then Jake pulled his hard cock all the way out, then plunged all the way back in. Clifford yelled out, not sure if he was feeling pleasure or pain. Then Jake did it again and then again. Before he knew it he began to feel pleasure, unbelievable pleasure. His soft dick began to get hard again as Jake's huge member massaged his prostate. Clifford didn't know what it was that made it feel so good, but he just went along for the ride.

Faster and faster, Jake rode Clifford's hole. The faster he went the more aggressive he got. Clifford went wild with lust.

"Oh yeah, fuck me, Jake. God fuck me," Clifford yelled loudly as he began to milk his own cock with one hand and rub Jake's hairy chest with the other. Jake leaned down and kissed the teenager and buried his tongue in his mouth.

Jake was close to his orgasm and was concentrating on controlling it when, Clifford yelled out again.

"Fuck, I'm cumming!" Clifford's rock hard rod began to shoot out the thick white sperm from the tip of his dick. This was all Jake needed to see as he let go of his load into his condom-covered dick.

"Oh fuck," Jake yelled as sweat poured from his body and his sperm filled his condom. Cum still poured from Clifford's dick as Jake began to slow down his thrusts. His cock slid out of his ass and Jake kissed his young friend on the lips again and let their tongues play.

"You ok, Cliff?"

"Yeah," Clifford said but he butt was still tingling.

Jake knelt in between Clifford's legs again and carefully removed the condom from his cock, stuck his finger inside and scooped up some of this sperm.

"Open up I want you to taste my cum," Jake said and brought his spunk covered finger to Clifford's lips. Clifford opened wide and Jake's jizz dripped into his mouth. Clifford smacked his lips.

"I like that better than mine."

"Good, open up then," Jake said and took his condom and turned it upside down over Clifford's mouth. Slowly the sperm flowed from the condom into Clifford's mouth. Clifford swallowed all of it and smiled at the big man that knelt over him.

"You like that, Cliff?"

"Yeah," Clifford said and licked his lips of the cum that dripped on them.

"Well maybe later you can taste if right from the hose," Jake said with a quiet laugh.

"Cant wait," Clifford said with a huge smile.

Jake threw the empty condom in the wastebasket next to the bed, then leaned down and kissed him.

He lay on top of this hot young man who he had just stolen his cherry. Both men breathe heavy. Clifford began to feel the weight of Jake's body on his and he felt warm inside as he wrapped his arms around him.

"I ain't too heavy for ya," Jake said thinking he was crushing Clifford under his weight.

"No, it feels good with you on top of me," Clifford said and rubbed his hands up and down Jake's back.

Jake caught his breath and rolled over on his back. The hairs on this chest and stomach were sticky from Clifford's cum.

He leaned up on his elbow and kissed Clifford. Clifford looked at Jake and couldn't believe what just happened. His most intimate dream of making love to his hot sexy neighbor just came true.

"You ok Cliff?" Jake said noticing the strange expression oh Clifford's face.

"Hell, yeah," Clifford said with a huge grin, "That was fucking great Jake. It was more than I ever hoped for. I'm glad it was you that was my first." Clifford wanted to tell him he loved him, but figured he'd better not or he might not get to do this again.

"Good, I am too. You did great Cliff, really great. Come on lets go shower and get this cum off our bodies." Jake said and kissed his young friend on the lips and stared into his eye. He wanted to say more because he really started to feel something for the teenager.

They both got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. Jake turned on the water and they both got under the spray.

"How long did you say your mom was going to be out of town?" Jake said as he put shampoo on Clifford's head and began to scrub his short hair.

"Two weeks," Clifford said from under the stray as he rinsed off the shampoo, "maybe more."

"Cool. I could teach you a few other things by then. Maybe we'll learn a few things about each other, too."

Clifford got from under the showerhead and grabbed the big guy in front of him and held him in his arms.

"Like, when do I get to fuck you?" Clifford asked with a broad grin and kissed Jake with a passion.

"What about right now?"


"Why not?" Jake said and looked down at Clifford's dick and it was hard again, "God, you teenagers are something else. You're hard already."

Jake turned off the shower and grabbed Clifford by the arms and pushed him into him and kissed the handsome teen with all the passion he could find in himself.

"Fuck me, Cliff," Jake said while breathing fast. He only let a select few fuck him, but he felt something was right by having Clifford be one of them. He hadn't been this turn on about having a dick inside him in a long time.

"I ... I don't know how."

"Just do what I did to you. It comes natural to you."

Jake dried Clifford's body then took another towel and dried his own.

"Come on," Jake said as he grabbed Clifford by his hard dick and lead him into the bedroom. He plopped himself on the bed and pulled Clifford on top of him.

Clifford laughed as Jake wrapped his arms around him and kissed him.

"Shit," Jake said, "I don't know what you're doing to me Cliff, but damn, my dick is hard again."

"Good, now what do I do to fuck you," Clifford said boldly.

"You gotta put that condom on, first," Jake said as he handed him one from his drawer. Clifford was nervous and had a difficult time opening the pack.

"Here, let me put this thing on you," Jake said.

Clifford knelt on the bed and Jake prepared the rubber and put it on the tip of his dick.

"Oh fuck," Clifford said as Jake rolled the condom on his dick.

"Feel good huh?"

"Especially with you touching it," Clifford said and hoped he didn't sound too eager. Clifford looked into Jake's eyes, then down to his hairy tanned chest and ran his hand over it.

"You like that?"

"Hell, ya, you're hot."

"Good, now fuck me," Jake said as he laid down on the bed, pulled Clifford on top of him, kissed him then spread his legs open and raised them in the air.

"Slap some lube on that rod of yours and go for it. I want to feel all eight inches of that thing inside me."

Clifford gulped and slicked his dick with the Gun Oil, then moved into position.

"Don't be nervous kid, just go slow. Once you're in, you can pound my ass as hard as you want," Jake said with a smile.

Clifford put his dick at Jake's rosebud and began to push in. He was surprised how easy it went into Jakes hole.

"You're in Cliff, now slowly move that cock in, until it can go no further."

Clifford did as Jake told him and slid his dick all the way inside his hunky neighbor.

"Oh motherfucker, goddamn," Clifford gasped.

"You ok Cliff?"

"Fuck yeah. I never felt anything like this before, not even when I fucked my girlfriend."

Jake laughed, "My ass feels much better than any pussy you find out there."

"I don't want a pussy, I want your ass," Clifford said has he began to move in and out of Jake's hole.

"Damn that dick of yours feels good. Fuck me harder now Cliff," Jake said breathing faster.

Clifford moved his dick nearly all the way out of Jake's ass then pushed back in.

"Harder, Cliff," Jake pleaded, as Clifford moved in and out again.

"I said harder, Just ram that thing inside me. That's how I like it, babe, now go for it."

Clifford took a deep breath and pulled out then plunged his dick back inside.

"Fuck that's better, do it again," Jake called out. And Clifford did it again, then again and still yet another time.

"Goddamn, this is, fuck, oh goddamn," Clifford said as he plowed into his studly neighbor. He looked at Jake's face has he hovered over him, ramming his dick inside him. The look on Jake's face was of pure lust. He was enjoying being fucked, something that doesn't happen very often.

"Oh Jake, I think I'm going to cum," Clifford said desperately.

Jake grabbed his cock and began to beat off.

"I think I may beat you this time," and began to shoot his load all over this stomach.

"Oh fuck Cliff," Jake said, "you're fantastic, kid, god we should do this all the time." Jake came more than he thought he would since this was the third time he cummed. He breathed hard and he felt Clifford's dick still inside him.

Jake looked at the spunk on his chest and scooped up some in his hand and brought it to Cliff's mouth as Cliff was fucking his ass. Clifford licked his lips and sucked on Jake's fingers. Jake scooped up more and fed it to Clifford.

"I'm cumming," Clifford said," "Oh, oh, oh," Clifford yelled out as he filled up the condom with his jizz, "Oh god, ok Jake, you 're the greatest," Clifford said as his dick finally gave up the last of his precious white elixir.

Clifford was covered in sweat as he pulled his dick from Jake's ass and pulled the condom from his rapidly shrinking cock.

Jake grabbed Clifford by the arms and pulled him onto him.

"You know, this is no lie, but you were one of the best fucks I ever had," Jake said and meant every word of it.

They kissed long and hard, then Jake looked into Clifford's eyes.

"Cliff that was great, it really was."

"You don't call me Cliffy Boy anymore," Clifford said with a smile.

"That's because you ain't no Boy no more," Jake said and kissed his young neighbor.

"Thanks, Jake for all that you've done for me."

"Cliff it was my pleasure, believe me! Stay the night," Jake continued, "we could watch a movie on my big screen TV, and drink more beers, maybe smoke a joint, then I want to fuck your ass again,"

"I wish I could, but I have a date tonight with my girlfriend," Clifford said, "That sounds stupid after you just fucked me."

"Can't you break your date?"

"I don't know," Clifford said very confused.

"Well I understand, the invite is there, anytime," Jake said.

Clifford got out of bed and stood there. He felt awkward having turned down Jake like he did.

"I better go."

"Here wait," Jake said and got a towel and wiped the cum from Clifford's chest, "that's better. Don't want that girlfriend of yours to think you were having sex with a guy now," Jake said.

"No," is all Clifford said then got his shorts and put them on.

Jake got out of bed, "That was a pretty shitty thing of me to say Cliff, sorry."

"That's ok," Jake kissed Clifford and walked him to the door.

"See ya later Cliff, and remember that invite is always open."

Clifford walked out feeling really bad he wanted to stay, but he didn't know what to do.

He got home just as the phone started to ring.

"Hello," Clifford said rather angrily into the phone.

"Oh hi, Lois," he said to his girlfriend.

She started to talk as he stared out the bedroom window and saw Jake's naked body walking around his house. He longed to be their with him. This is what he wanted ever since he realized he was gay. Now it right in front of him and he walked away from it.

His girlfriend rambled on and on, but he didn't hear a word she was saying.

"Cliff are you listening to me?"

"No, I mean, yeah," Clifford hesitated a bit, "Look, Lois, we need to talk..."

Meanwhile, Jake walked out of the shower drying his body with a towel. He went to the kitchen and got out a beer. He felt irritable and didn't know why.

"Fuck that bastard," he said referring to Clifford, "if he wants to fuck a broad, the he could go to hell." Jake took a big swig of his beer and walked into his den, when he heard a knock on the door.

"Who the fuck is it?" he yelled as he wrapped the towel around his waist to answer the door.

He opened it and there stood Clifford with his toothbrush in his hand.

"I thought I would take you up in the invite to stay the night," Clifford said hoping Jake wouldn't tell him to get out.

"Yeah sure, you know that Cliff, but what about the girlfriend?"

"I broke up with her on the phone just now. I know what I want and its not her...its you."

"Come on it," Jake said with a smile, then took Clifford into his arms and kissed him, closing the door as he did.


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