
By Onatangent

Published on Oct 16, 2022



Click (gay/authoritarian)

Authoritarian, chastity

When the phone buzzed it was the middle of a meeting and I only glanced at it briefly to see who it was from. I smirked just a bit and put the phone back down. It wasn't until the meeting was over that I headed to the hall, checked that I was alone, turned the company Wi-Fi off on my phone, and opened the message. Twenty-four minutes elapsed between the time my phone buzzed the moment my heart sank.

It was a message in the encoded chat app. From Him. It just said "Tonight. Confirm.".

I held my phone to my chest and blinked blankly, taking a few deep breaths in and out. He couldn't have been serious. Really? He meant it?

I headed slowly back to my office and closed the door, sitting down and leaning back in my chair. "Tonight?" I said out loud, to nobody.

Between my legs, hidden underneath my suit pants and a form-fitting pair of briefs, the one inch long nub of a chastity cage twitched and strained, leaking just a little pre as it tended to do, too stupid to realize the difference between fantasy and the heart-pumping reality that it had just shifted too. Or maybe it just liked it when my heart pumped.

I barely managed to keep my wits about me for the remaining hour until I could justify going home. At that moment I skirted out the door without a word to anyone and got in the car, sitting by myself a moment before taking off.

I'd been around the block a few times, but until only a few years ago kink had been something I'd only seen on the periphery. Sure, you saw some leather guys or whatever in the bars but I'd been perfectly happy with good old fucking. And as a well-toned top with a nice bear belly and a willingness to pin someone down, I'd never been short on options for doing some good old fucking. Even my middle-age beginning to rev up wasn't harming my chances. Bears are lucky that way.


I spent a good fifteen years like that, including all the way through a long relationship where I must have fucked him thousands of times in the seven years we were together, not to mention the others he was happy to let me eagerly ram into.

It wasn't until that ended that anything besides that lifestyle even caught my eye. And it was in porn, of course, where I started seeing these odd little cages that I had never seen in the magazines I'd snuck growing up, or even the early websites I'd enjoyed.

Chastity cages. I found them fascinating. And so cute! Guys who couldn't get off, or at least couldn't touch themselves, while being utterly ruined by big strong guys like me. Kind of a kick jacking off at home while watching it - usually I'd watch porn but know it would be more fun to do it myself. Watching this I got a nice little jolt knowing they weren't feeling what I was. Sometimes the people in the scenes would mention wearing the devices when they weren't having sex. For months, they'd say, although who knows how true that was. Lying in porn is allowed. Expected, really.

So of course I had to see it first hand. I changed my profiles on the hookup apps to specify that I wanted a guy who was locked up. I'd never had trouble getting laid before, and adding this very specific restriction only slowed things down a little.

Before too long I'd lined up a few hookups with locked guys. When they'd happen I'd strip the guys down to examine their cages, comment on them, which they seemed to like. I quickly grew an appreciation for the different styles. I'd research what I'd just seen between hookups, and after a few was starting to nerd out about the different brands and designs. Instead of having to ask what cage they had, I'd look and tell them, and they'd confirm that I was right, every time.

What surprised me was how little I enjoyed the sex that followed. Sure, fucking an eager and frustrated bottom was fun, as it always was, but the cage I found distracting from the whole experience, rather than adding to it. I loved watching the cages bounce while I fucked their asses, and seeing their frustration when I left without making them cum. Or the delight at watching someone cum hands-free purely from the fucking I'd given them. Loved it. But I quickly found the sex itself being only a chore I had to get through to get to the real good stuff: seeing the cage, watching it do its thing, leaving with its effects still in the air.

Things came to a head one night with a one-night stand in his thirties. He noticed how I stared with such intensity at his cage while fucking him, on his back, bent in half on his couch.

After I'd cum inside of him and pulled out, panting, watching his twitching cage with every inch slipped out, he reached for a plug to slip inside himself and keep the cum in (I'd never seen this sort of thing before fucking caged men but it had happened a few times since). He sat up and smiled at me. "You know, I have a spare. Want to try it?"

My heart skipped a beat. No, surely not. Cages weren't for tops like me, they were for bottoms like him. I just liked the look, the dynamic of it all.

Then again... I'd seen so many, may as well know what it feels like! I nodded.

He headed down a hallway, and soon returned with a plastic cage in his hands. And with my research I knew immediately it was a holy trainer, or maybe some sort of knockoff. "Lay back," he said. "I'll do this."

My cock, limp from just having cum, sprung back to life when I saw the cage. I blushed. He laughted "Never heard of a guy who didn't have that problem putting on his first cage." He disappeared again and returned with a few ice cubes, which he began to rub over my cock. I took deep slow breaths and thought about football season coming up, until finally I deflated.

Working quickly before it returned, he took my balls in his hand and fed them one at a time through a hard silicone ring. He tucked my cock down and fed it through the ring as well. I liked the little hug it was giving my crotch. Then came the cage itself, a solid sheath of hard plastic. He fed my, thankfully, already-wet cock down the passage and lined the latch up with the ring, snapping the two into place with a turn of a key, which he pulled out.

I looked down and gasped. I did love the look of a caged cock, and here was one right on my body. Good thing he'd worked quickly, as my cock surged back to its full length... or tried to, but was stopped by the metal cage. I grunted, then smirked. That feeling of frustration and denial that I'd seen on so many faces, I could feel it now too, or at least part of it. And it felt just as good on me as I imagined it felt on them. Better, actually.

"Good?" he asked.

I nodded. "Wow..."

He chuckled. "Want me to, uh, heighten the experience?" he pinched my ass.

"Oh, I don't really bottom." It was true. I'd never had anyone else inside of my ass.

"It's a lot different caged... and I'll start you off easy. Just fingers."

I looked down at the cage and couldn't help of think but all the scenes of well-fucked caged men in the videos I'd seen, or in my life. I swallowed hard. In for a penny. "S... sure."

He lay me back gently, treating me like the newbie I was. He lubed up a finger and pushed it against my hole. I gasped. This was a new sensation. I'd tried a few fingers when I was figuring myself out, as a new gay, but it had been so long, and I hadn't even found it to my liking then.

He pushed inside, and his figer slid all the way inside me, to surprisingly little discomfort compared to what I expected with my inexperience. I groaned just a bit. Here I was, the first time being anally penetrated by someone else ever, and it was in a situation where I was in a stranger's house, my cock locked up, being fingered by the guy I'd just fucked and seen plug himself up. This was not a case of running up against an even bigger top.

He curled his finger and found my prostate easily, making me release an involuntary little yelp. "Oh fuck!" I suppose I'd learned about that one sometime after my initial explorations.

"Good, isn't it?" He smiles. "Better in the cage... helps focus your attention."

And he was right. My cock strained and throbbed against the cage surrounding it, but it had no chance of escape. Instead all that wonderful feeling was from deep inside of me. It seemed connected to my cock in a way the caged-up outside couldn't be. Like my cock had been reversed and all the important parts pointing inwards instead of outwards now.

I took ragged and deep breaths. He chuckled "Someone's learning something about themselves tonight huh?" His finger drug against my prostate once again. "It's okay if you wanna cry or something. Just let me know if you want me to stop."

I wasn't about to cry but given how this felt I understood why he said that. And I definitely didn't want him to stop. Who knows how long it went. I lay there, whimpering, my legs and warms twitching once in a while, as he massaged and poked my prostate. Pre dripped out of my cock tip and down the sides of the cage. After a while, my breathing became deeper and more direct. I felt a twinge in my cock, even though nothing was rubbing against it at all. I bit my lip and smiled. Right then, after what could have either been an hour or five minutes of him playing with my hole, he slipped out.

I involuntarily humped the air and looked down at him, dejected. My cock twitched and strained but had not gone quite far enough. He smiled. "Now you get to enjoy the other part of this."

He held out the keys. "Look, you want out, go ahead and take it off. Or wear it home. I don't mind, I'm not using this one, and it was cheap anyway. Leave it on at least until this time tomorrow. Take it off then, though. These ones aren't made to wear for super long."

I panted and looked at the keys. My balls ached a bit from a need to cum, and pre made my legs sticky. I took them and nodded. "Th.. thanks." I got dressed and exited yet another one-night stand, this time with a little gift.

At home my cock begged to be jacked off, and I stared at the keys. I really, really wanted to jack off. But I thought about how much I'd enjoyed the fantasy, and how it was somehow better in reality than I had imagined, and in a way I hadn't expected. I turned off the light and went to sleep. Erections in the night only woke me up twice.

The next day was Sunday. I dutifully waited until the exact time of night when he'd handed me the keys. I lunged for the dresser and unlocked myself. Three minutes later I shot one of the biggest loads I'd ever seen of my own, and promptly zonked out, asleep.


In the following days I desperately tried to recreate the experience. I texted the guy to see if he'd meet up again. But he said no. "I'm glad you enjoyed it but what I really want to do is get fucked. You wanna fuck me again, come on over." But we both knew that wasn't what I had my mind on.

I turned to the internet, quickly finding large chat rooms and servers full of men locking themselves up. This is what I'd been getting in my hookups, but supercharged. For weeks I lost interest in hookups. Instead, I would put the cheap cage I'd been given and scroll through the chats. Kind of fun turning the key and waving goodbye to my cock for a while. Not tonight, little buddy.

In the chatrooms I was just reading, never posting. Seeing pictures of locked-up cocks, reading details and tips on use, seeing people with "goals" of locking up longer and longer, and actually do it. The thrill of seeing someone reach times of a few months, even a year, sometimes more.

I'd grope desperately at my cage while reading, pre pooling on the towel I'd sit on for these sessions, pinching my own nipples, which I'd always enjoyed but felt way better now. I'd whimper and moan out loud, not letting myself unlock to jack off until at least four hours after starting up.

Then the four hours turned into a bit longer. I'd started doing the daylong locked-up waits that I'd originally been assigned. I loved the secret little feeling walking around at work all day in a cage that nobody knew about. Then I'd get home and unlock, jacking off and cumming in no time at all, barely relishing it, just a desparate release after the day of frustration that was the actual point.

For a while I tried incoroprating this all into my regular hookups. I went back to unlocked guys, but this time would lock myself up for a couple of days ahead of time to make it extra exciting.

It was extra exciting, as planned. At first, anyway. After a few weeks I secretly dreaded the moment of unlocking.

I knew I was in too far. I needed a cage I could wear for longer. I finally posted online, asking for help finding a device. Not only did I get a recommendation - 3D printed, and smaller than I thought I could handle, but this was when I started to develop relationships with some of the other guys. Most of them were locking up too, usually alone and at home. Some of them just fantasized. All of them were as obsessed as I was.

One of them had no interest in locking himself up. On the same day my new cage, a small butt plug, and a bottle of lube arrived, I was messaged for the first time by someone with the handle Arkus.


Arkus was a "keyholder and trainer", he told me. He gave guys like me commands about how long to wear, when and whether they could unlock, and other sorts of things.

I found this extremely exciting, and couldn't help but agree to go along with his first few commands. Especially since it gave me a chance to road test my new cage, which he had me send a picture of, locked around my cock, something I'd never shared before. A little nub of cock peeking out between printed plastic bars, balls poking out, pulled taut by the ring below.

He had me lock up for a whole three days for the first time. It was a relief to find the cage comfortable enough to do so. The old one hadn't been. And the orgasms, of course, were even better than the two-day orgasms. So were the four, and the five, and the six... and of course the full week.

The first time I made it a full week, body twitching and teeming with need through the last few days, he shocked me. I reminded him it was time to unlock, and he told me not to. Instead to take that plug I'd bought and sit on it. Of course, I did. I'd been enjoying it often, and he had me plug myself a few hours at a time on locked days to help build tension.

Then he told me not to unlock. To bounce and grind against it, and to just jostle my cage with a free hand. I was confused but I typed back that I would do it. My cock strained so hard against the cage. It took every ounce of will not to disobey him and reach for the key. But I found my favorite position for the plug, right against my prostate. And suddenly, just jostling the cage felt amazing. My panting hit a high register I didn't recognize, and I arched my back, building up to orgasm. After about ten minutes, I yelled out loud, surely alerting the neighbors, bucking my hips and driving my plug further into me while I came, my under-pressure cock shooting cum far out the tip of the cage, my cock throbbing and demanding to get out in a way that just simply would not happen.

I panted. I stared at my spent cock. I'd just gotten some amount of relief inside the cage. It felt different. Very different. The orgasm wasn't from my cock. It was from... somewhere further inside. I wanted more. I wanted this, and just this. I had to do this again.

I let him know I'd cum. He told me I couldn't unlock until the next day. I wasn't sure I wanted to. I took a rather difficult shower, cleaning out my cage, and dutifully waited until the next day. It was the first time I unlocked and didn't immediately jack off. I knew I needed to build up to the next time.

"You liked it better, didn't you?" he asked in text. I'd never seen his face or heard his voice.

"Yeah, I did."

"Did you jack off today, on your unlocked day?"


"I'm pleased with how far you've come."

He told me he wanted me to go longer, that now my sexual life was more in the cage than out of it. I knew it was at least something I wanted to explore.

He told me his goal was to "train me fully," although I could only guess what that meant. "Then," he said, "you won't need me any more. I'll be gone."

The next day he told me to lock up, and that it wouldn't be coming off for two weeks. I could have one orgasm during that time. After thirteen days, my teeth were on edge and every step made my cock twitch. But I felt a sweet victory at finding that, after that long, playing with my nipples made my head swim. With the plug and an hour of good pinching, I didn't even need to jostle the cage.

It continued like this, in two-week chunks. At that length I did appreciate the time outside of the cage. I wouldn't masturbate every time, at risk of making the next caged orgasm not quite as enjoyable, but there was something nice and traditional about being able to wrap a hand around my cock and jack off.

Arkus trained me on withstanding tension and need. It was one thing to lock up for two weeks just by itself, but after the first few two week stints he'd have me pleasuring myself daily. Nipples, ass, balls, or just watching porn or getting in charged-up chastity conversations in the chatrooms. The blue balls were awful at first but after the first dozen or so times they seemed to give up and I didn't have that problem any more. I did have the problem of being desperately horny at all times, every day. But that was a problem I dearly wanted to have. I managed to compartmentalize just enough to focus on my daily tasks, keeping my raging need a constant but background hum.

Four months in, Locktober came. Two weeks wasn't going to cut it then. That was my first month-long stint. But it wasn't my last. I found myself unlocking the first of every month, without exception taking the opportunity to jack off this time, and locked the rest of the time. The unlocked days felt weirder and weirder as they went on.

When March 1 rolled around, Arkus was away from his computer all day. He never gave the okay to unlock. And he wasn't interested in letting it happen March 2nd. So my first two-month stint began. This was the month I greatly expanded my anal toy collection. By March 28, after twenty daily attempts, having to wear a sock in my underwear to soak up pre all day, I finally came using only a toy in my ass. This was a skill he told me to acquire. I was so proud I filmed the experience and sent it to him. He told me he jacked off to the video and I felt immensely proud.


After my anal orgasm, Arkus sent me to a shop page to buy something, and I did without question. It took a few weeks to arrive, and in fact came on my June 1 unlocking, the end of my second two-month stint in the cage.

I looked it over and read the box. It was a strange little thing, like a plastic cylinder with four little rotating arms. It was the same material as my cage, and had come from the same shop.

"What's a permalocker?"

"What it sounds like. Notice the shape. It fits into the lock on your cage. But also notice it doesn't have a keyhole. Once it's on, it doesn't come off."

"It... doesn't come off, at all?"

"Not at all. Slides right in, you hear a click, and suddently the lock is smooth. Pliers won't get it out, keys won't, hammers won't."

"So I'd just be wearing it... forever? I'd never get hard again?"

"Outside of smashing the cage to bits, to get the whole thing off, and probably busting up your cock in the process, no. Completely confined. Cock completely controlled. Not getting out, not ever."

I swallowed hard.

"It's time to lock up now. Put on your cage and put in the permalocker. Not all the way. Just a bit."

I was sweating bullets. Permanent? Really? But I did as I was told. I put the cage on, as I'd done a million times, and took the small lock, pushing it into the hole where the key latch goes, just a bit, very gingerly, careful not to push it too far.

"Imagine it," he said. "Just a bit further and it's all over. No more cock. Just you and your cockless body, desperate, grinding on toys and pinching your nipples forever, nothing else. Or finally going out and finding a real top. You haven't yet, even after all this time, but I think that's just becuase you imagine you could go back. Not with this you can't. Locking it in all the way wouldn't even need to be on purpose. It's so small, it would just take a little slip of the fingers..."

My heart beat so fast. My cock strained more than it had never done in the cage as I read what he wrote over and over again. My heart raced. My mind spun. I found myself in a space of erotic fixation that I'd never seen, even with all that had gone on. I froze, afraid to push it even further, but a tiny part of myself wondering what would happen if I did. Was it really permanent?

After five minutes he responded. "Take it out. Lock up as normal. :)"

I just about tossed the permalocker out of the lock and across the room. The safety of my regular lock sliding in was a massive relief, my cock securely latched away but knowing it would come out someday. Strange that having your cock locked up would be so freeing, relatively speaking anyway.

And it continued like this. Every two months when I locked back up, it was a session of very nearly pushing the permalocker in all the way. He started having me video streaming these sessions. I'd hear his voice for the first time and he'd see me very nearly lock myself away forever. Breathing fast, heart beating out of my chest. Terrified of going that last little centimeter as I pushed it just a bit more in each time.

But that was all it was. An incredible game to play every few months. He told me that the day would come that it would go in for real, and then I really wouldn't need him any more.. But I didn't think it would. I could hear him jacking off while he watched. This was a fantasy, a sexual fantasy for us both.


That's what I thought until today, anyway. When I saw the text. I drove the whole way home willing myself to manage not to crash. Pre leaking heavily from my cage, those same deep heart thumps that I got every time the permalocker came out. I felt a bit dizzy by the time I got home.

I managed to get the laptop out and log in, opening up Arkus' chat immediately. He was online, and I started a video stream to him. I heard his voice. "You got my message."

I nodded. "You... you really mean it?"

He only said, in a deep voice, "Yes."

I found the permalocker in a drawer. I hadn't expected to need it today. Unlocking day wasn't for another few weeks. I looked it over and looked back at the screen, worried. I could hear the familiar sounds of him shuffling his clothes and starting to masturbate, something I didn't do any more.

I took the key I'd been using for ages now and, holding the cage on with my free hand, undid the latch, sliding it out and leaving the hole open. I took the permalocker, as I'd done before, and notched it into the hole. My deep breaths returned and my head felt fuzzy.

My hands were shaking as I pushed it in further, past the second arm. I'd been here before. And the third.

All that remained was the fourth arm of the permalocker. That's all there was. I was whimpering, staring directly at it, shutting out everything else. My cock wanted out so fucking badly but I had never been so turned on in my entire life.

This was stupid. This was beyond stupid. Forever? Really? I didn't have to do it. He only gave me orders... he couldn't make me follow them. This was fantasy, this was all fantasy. I could stop right now. I looked up at him, biting my lip.

I pushed at the lock... it resisted. They really didn't want you putting this thing in by accident. This was a sign. I should stop. I should stop, right? My hands shook, and my body seemed to have little tremors running through it. I wanted it, I wanted it so badly but knew I shouldn't.

Arkus cut through it all by speaking.

"Do it."

I barely thought a second further. I pushed on the lock once again. I heard the click as it slid into place. I felt the smooth plastic as it formed a perfect fit with the hole, no room for anything to pull it back out. I stared at it, then felt my body overcome with waves of emotion and heaving breaths. My stomach and legs contracted. I wailed and the entirety of my being seemed to concentrate in my crotch. Then, without a touch, without a plug or a pinch or a rub or a shake, my cock erupted, shooting thick ropes of cum through the opening of the cage. I shook and covered the desk in front of me with cum.

Minutes later, my head cleared. I was breathing hard. I reached down. It was still there. Still locked. Always would be. I wasn't wearing a cage on my cock any more so much as I had a cage where my cock used to be. It felt strange, but right. My balls ached from having cum so much.

I looked back at the screen. The chat window had changed color. There was a message from Arkus. "Congratulations. You don't need me any more. Good boy."

And then, after it, a line of system text. "Arkus has blocked you."

I stood up, slowly, my body aching, and looked in the mirror, cum still dribbling from the tiny lock between my legs. I smiled.

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