Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Jan 9, 2023


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***** ====== ***** Clayton's Acquisition Chapter 9: A Trip to Boy's Ranch ***** ====== *****

Clay came home early Friday. He scooped me up out of the office chair where I do my schoolwork and sat down then put me in his lap. He started to click through my work and then helped me finish up my projects for the week.

I got a few minutes of basking in his boy praise before he pulled me into his chest and carried me upstairs, "We need to get dressed! I have a surprise for the weekend." He picked out a pair of jeans, a red t-shirt with a cartoon dragon on it and a blue cap with a red duck on it. He swapped out my collar for the dog tags that also said I was owned, and put the collar into a duffel bag on the bed. Clay changed out of his suit and into a pair of jeans, a v-neck shirt that showed his muscles and a white cap with his college logo on it.

I could tell, from the duffel bags and the plastic bag with juice boxes and lunch in it, that we were going on a road trip. We headed out west of the city, missing the traffic and driving out past the mountains that rings the city. I'd never been past the mountains. The forests gave way to open prairie. The land flattened out and the country station he usually had on in his truck faded until he put in a cd of pop music from when he was my age.

Clay kept saying, "You've heard this song, haven't you?" I shook my head. I didn't grow up with a lot of music and the music I went to school with, deep in the southside hood, was mostly rap and hip hop, two things Clay couldn't stand.

I tried to read my school books for awhile, but then got carsick. Clay gave me some crackers from the bag he'd packed and a juice box. That helped a little. I leaned across and put my head in his lap and finally fell asleep as he rubbed my shoulder.

I woke up as Clay pulled into a gas station and nudged me awake so he could fill up the truck. I sat up and rubbed my eye as he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "You need to pee?" he asked as he fished out his credit card. I nodded, "Yeah daddy."

I got out of the truck and started to walk to the little store, but then realized I hadn't gone into a place without him since before I met him. It was a weird feeling. I'd spent most of my life trying to be invisible. I worried someone would spot me, yell "Queer!" and then everyone would jump on me.

I didn't worry about that when I was with Clay. People assumed we were father and son. No matter how gay I looked, they wouldn't do more than look at me because they were either intimidated or attracted to Clay who looked like the height of straight masculinity. Either way they weren't looking for a fight. I felt invincible at his side. I could coalesce to his touch, his hand on my shoulder because most people didn't think anything about a father and son embracing or a father guiding his son through a store.

I stopped, got honked at by a car and stepped back towards the truck as Clay came around and gave a dirty look to the car I'd blocked in mid-thought. I followed him back to the pump and stood there as he fidgeted with his phone.

"You didn't need to pee?" he asked with raised eyebrow.

"I... I'll wait for you daddy," I said.

"You afraid to go in alone?" Clay asked. I nodded. "Ok baby, I'll take you in." He topped off the tank and put the pump back. He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me towards the store. He waited in the tiny, nasty bathroom while I pissed near the bowl (no one else seemed to make it in) and then we bought some gum and got back on the highway (we had wipes in the car).

Another hour, and a short nap, later, Clay rubbed me awake again. He leaned down, kissed my cheek and eyed me smiling and I blinked awake up from his lap. "We're here, baby boy," he helped me up and took our bags out of the small backseat, then offered me a hand to hop down from the truck. He took my hand and led me towards a long one-story house that rambled on along a lake. We passed a row of trucks, suv's and luxury sedans parked alongside the waterfront.

A large lake stretched from the left side of the property off to the horizon. The sun was warming up the rolling expanse through the cloudless sky. A few birds were chirping in a grove of trees off to the right and I took a big inhale of the fresh air that city life rarely afforded. Clay pulled me closer to him as we stepped up to the door and a man in a bare-chested man in his 30's came out wearing a cowboy hat and tight jeans.

"This is the boy!" the man exclaimed, eyeing me with a warm smile, "I'm glad you finally settled on one." he laughed.

"Yes, well eventually my heart had to settle down somewhere," Clay said, kissing my cheek. He introduced me to the man whose name was Kidd, but he only referred to me as "my boy." The man welcomed me with a hug and then took the bags from Clay and welcomed us to the "lodge."

He set our bags down and flopped down on his back across the bed and then patted his chest, "C'mere, pinkberry," he smiled, trying out new nicknames. I crawled over to his side and he pulled me against him. I looked out across his chest to the window with a view of the lake. Two small sailboats were near the shore, each with a couple, one older, one younger. Another couple, a guy in his late 40's with a guy who looked somewhere around 20, was trying to start a fire in a large stone fire pit. A few other couples were sitting around the pit talking.

Some of the other couples were older, but all with obvious age differences. One guy looked about 60 and had a guy with him who was obviously in his 40s but dressed like someone younger. I was kind of getting used to the odd situations Clay took me to.

"Um, daddy?" I started, raising an eyebrow at how many of the couples looked similar to us, "What's up with the guys here?"

"They're couples. Well, most of them," Clay said, stroking my hair as he tried to ease in to a nap, "Some are alone, looking for younger or older. It's a comfortable group, but don't wander off. I don't need you getting picked up."

"So... did you... like come to this stuff before me?" I asked hesitantly, not sure what answer would make me happy.

"Sometimes. Len was into this stuff. I think I was the youngest guy he dated. He should be here this weekend," Clay yawned, "C'mon, let me nap a little bit and then we'll go say hi to everyone." Clay hugged me into his chest and laid back against the pillow, sliding off his shoes with his feet.

We changed after our nap. Clay put me in a conservative long-sleeved t-shirt and hoodie. He had on a tank top and some beach shorts, never one to bow to the cold night air. The guys had the fire pit blazing so we made our way down there with a quick stop in the kitchen to get a plate of food to share.

Clay said hello to everyone, set down our plate and gave out hugs, pushing me into the chests of strangers who were a little too enthusiastic to meet me. He knows every gay on the planet... We finally settled in to a blanket against a large rock. Clay sat down and pulled me into his lap.

Clay put the plate in my lap and started picking at some chicken and salad, occasionally putting a forkful to my mouth while he laughed with his friends. I never got used to the way people looked at him, a mix of admiration and jealousy. He never seemed to notice his popularity, unless their eyes wandered down to the boy in his lap.

A man came out with a tray of red plastic cups and offered one to Clay. I was thirty so I reached up for it, but he sniffed it and then said, "No no, this is daddy juice. You thirsty?" I nodded, afraid to open my mouth in front of the group. A nearby guy who looked close to my age jumped up and brought me a sprite from a box of ice behind the rock circle.

"Here you go, Sir," the guy said to Clay. He fixed his eyes on my daddy. He was a few inches taller than me and had really good muscle definition. He didn't look at me, but had a happy smile when Clay thanked him and opened it for me, holding it in front of me.

"Do you need anything else? Napkins? Some dessert? I made the cookies. I've been taking classes!" he chirped on excitedly. Clay told him no but thanked him again and assured we'd try the cookies later. The guy blushed and lowered his head, giving me an appraising sneer. The guy went and sat down again as Clay smiled, happy with the service. And then Clay looked down at me.


"He totally wants you," I whispered up to him feeling an unsettling twinge of jealousy.

"And I want you," Clay kissed my nose, "So what's the problem?" He rubbed my tummy and then insisted I keep eating. I didn't feel hungry but he wasn't going to let me miss a meal.

After his fourth red plastic cup that I wasn't allowed to partake in, Clay's hand wandered a little lower than my tummy. He rubbed lightly over my thighs absent-mindedly as he carried on talking to the other daddies. The guy who had spent most of the night trying to get Clay's adoring eyes moved a little closer to us.

"Hey, I'm Jared," he said while offering me his hand, trying a new tactic to get Clay's attention.

Clay nudged me, "Say hi," he nibbled on my ear a little too happily (drunk).

I said, "Hi, I'm Tare," and shook his hand.

"I know," he laughed, "er... uh, I've heard a lot about you... Is this your first... event?"

I nodded, "Yeah." Jared was certainly getting Clay's attention now. I wondered where his "daddy" was.

"We were all superhappy that Clay finally settled down. Although... you know... we'll miss.. you know... He's a lot of fun to play with," Jared blushed.

I didn't know. Was he saying he'd played around with Clay? I looked up at him expectantly, looking for an answer in his face. He cleared his throat, then laughed, not an appropriate response.

"I gotta pee," I whispered and got out of his lap; to my feet; pushing his arms from around me. I pushed away from him and headed for the door in to the kitchen area. Clay caught up to me and opened the door for me.

"Babe," he caught my arm as I went in and led me through to the bathroom before asking, "You ok?"

"What does he mean, 'we?' You did stuff with him? And the other guys here? I knew about Len, but..." I felt my cheeks flush and my eyes narrow but forced myself not to get teary.

"Baby," Clay looked hurt, "I'm a grown man who's experienced life. You can't get upset for me not being a 33 year old virgin. Can you?"

"I... I don't know... I..." I shook my head and looked down at the sink.

"I know what goes through your head as a scared teenager new to the gay scene," he said, flipping up the seat of the toilet and taking his cock out to piss. We both stared down at our cocks until our streams crossed and we had a moment of escape from the awkward conversation.

"I remember being your age, falling in love with the first guy I made out with and thinking it would last forever," Clay continued.

"Wait, are you saying we're going to break up?" I interrupted. I hadn't thought about that until now. I felt my heart race as I shook the last few drops out of my cock and tucked it away. I backed up against the sink as Clay was still pissing out the four drinks he'd had.

"No, fuck," he jumped and shook out his cock and tucked it away. "No, fuck no. I'm in this as long as you want me to be. I meant... shit." Clay stared at me in the mirror as I washed my hands, feeling tears pushing against my eyes.

"I meant I had a lot of disappointment and eventually just stopped looking for that life love and just played around with whoever I felt like. I didn't think I'd find that feeling again until I met you. I just... Damnit, look at me Tare," Clay lifted my head towards the mirror to meet his gaze, calling me by name to jar my attention to him.

"I did have a lot of safe sex with a lot of guys and no I'm not sorry I did that. But that's the past. I won't apologize for my past any more than I'd apologize for planning my entire future with you. It's what I did and what I'm going to do. You're my world, baby," Clay kissed the side of my neck as he reached around me to wash his hands.

"I'm sorry, daddy," I closed my eyes and laid back into his arms. Clay dried his hands and then slipped them up inside my shirt to rub my chest and tweak a nipple as he kissed up the side of my neck.

"I've been horny since we got here," he laughed and then kissed down the back of my neck. He fumbled with a few of the drawers next to the sink before he found a bottle of lube. "I need to fuck you, so bad, baby. Can I fuck you?" He nibbled on my ear.

"Uh huh," I mumbled, lost in his warmth. He slid my shirt up over my head and tossed it onto the counter beside us. The dog tags clanked against my chest. His hands rubbed down my tummy and he fumbled with my jeans until the slid down to the floor. He kissed down my back and sent chills over me as my cock pressed hard inside my briefs.

"Beautiful boy," he said, crouching behind me and sliding down my briefs. His hands kneaded my ass before I felt his warm tongue wiggle into me. I laid my head against the cold granite counter and started to make pleasant noises as daddy expertly opened his baby.

"Please fuck me," I begged as his tongue awakened all the signals inside me that needed his seed. "Breed your boy, daddy," I whined.

Clay wiggled his tongue inside me and then worked in two wet fingers to get me ready for him. He bit softly into my right cheek as he softly probed me, finding the spots that produced the happiest noises from me and made me shiver under his touch.

"Yeah? You want daddy inside you?" Clay growled and gave my cock a few wanks. He had his own cock out, hard and ready for me.

"Yes sir, please fuck me, daddy," I looked back at him and he leaned up to kiss me, deep fingering me.

Clay got up behind me and slicked up his cock with the lube, lined it up with my hole and slowly worked his way inside me with his boy stretcher. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up to look at him in the mirror as he started to slide in and out of me.

"Oh fuck baby, you're so tight," he eased into me as I gasped for breath and tried to open up for him. He kept his eyes on mine and lifted my head anytime I tried to look down.

"I love your face when I slide inside you," he smiled at me, "So intense, focused. You want me?"

"Yeah," I whined, lost in pleasure, "It feels so good, daddy. Don't stop." Clay rubbed my hair with one hand and smacked my ass playfully as he started to slide in and out of me.

"That's my boy," he encouraged as I opened up to more of his cock, "That's daddy's good boy;" he laughed.

"Mmmm yeah," I moaned as Daddy grabbed on to the chain that held the dog tags around my neck and pulled back on them. He was working up a good pace now the playful amusement began to fade from his face. His lips fell open as his breathing sped up to match his fucking pace and his cock plumped up inside my hole, stretching it wider.

Our eyes locked in the mirror as he deep-fucked my hole. I barely noticed when one of the guys came into the bathroom behind us until Clay yelled out, "Dude, occupied!"

"Oh Dude, sorry!" The guy, a tall muscled early 20's man with tattoos on his arms, paused a minute to take in the scene until Clay reached back and slammed the door shut without breaking his pace.

"Give us a minute," Clay called as he fumbled with the lock on the door and then returned his hands to grab on to my hips as he fucked into me. "Fuck yeah baby," Clay gave a gentle smack to my ass and then leaned over me and kissed the back of my neck.

Clay kissed up my neck and then turned my head to face him as he worked his tongue into my mouth, speed fucking my hole with urgency.

Clay's daddy cock hit the right spots at the right time and I felt my body start to cum. "I cum daddy?" I begged, "Please daddy?" I barely got it out before I felt the juice rising up my shaft.

"Yeah, fuck baby, cum for Daddy," he consented, twisting my nipples as he sped up.

My body responded, tensing up as I felt my cock start to fire off against the cabinet. "Ahhhhh daddddyyyy," My body jerked as my hole squeezed down on his cock. "Uhhhhhh," Clay's hand went to my cock and pumped it roughly as I shot thick white streaks. He kept pumping it, milking every drop out of me.

"Yeah baby, here I cum," he said as his cock started to fill my hole with his daddy juice. He pulled me tightly against him as he growled into my ear and shoved his cock as far as he could inside me.

"Owww!," It hurt but I was still reeling from my own boygasm.

"Sorry.... fuck... sorry.... baby," Clay said in mid-climax. He pulled out to the tip and shoved it in just a little, fucking my ring to milk the last of his juice out. He collapsed over me, pinning me against the counter as he started to recover.

"Oh baby, that was hot," he buried his lips into my shoulder and laid his head against me.

Another person tried to enter the bathroom but was foiled by the lock this time.

"Almost done!" Clay mumbled half asleep. He hadn't had as long of a nap as I'd had today. I smiled at myself in the mirror with sleepy muscle daddy crushing me against the counter, but it felt nice... like he really was all mine.

We wiped down the cabinets and got dressed before going back to our room for a shower and bedtime. The fire was still going outside which made me realize the curtains were still open as we stepped out of the shower and fished some pajamas out of our bags.

Clay stumbled over to the window, swinging his big soft cock. I noticed most of the outside group was checking us out and I scrambled to hide behind him. Clay just rolled his eyes and laughed as he closed the curtains.

He pulled on a pair of flannel boxers while I put on pajama pants and a tank top. He slid monkey into my arms as he sidled up behind me and put his arms around me, pulling me back into his chest as he finally drifted off to sleep.


Saturday morning we had to face the group at breakfast. He'd just put on a pair of shorts and I padded down to the kitchen behind him in my pajama pants and tank top. Clay put my hoodie on me before we left the room. We'd slept a long time as most of the men and boys were sitting down to plates of pancakes and sausage.

"We all enjoyed the late show last night," one man laughed as we walked over to the table with our plates of food. I blushed and hid behind Clay.

"We practiced that," he laughed and pushed me around in front of him and pulled out a chair for me. "You just got fruit? No baby," Clay said when we sat down. He forked a pancake onto my plate and a small piece of sausage. He put an arm around the back of my chair and used his other hand to eat.

"Maybe he just wants fruit," Jared said, sitting across the table from us. He smiled at me as though he genuinely had my back in this matter. Completely fake...

"He doesn't want to eat anything that doesn't have a stem, that's the problem," Clay said.

"You two disappeared last night. I thought you'd come back out," Jared said in a questioning tone.

"We... got tired pretty quickly," Clay said and kissed the top of my head. I kept my eyes down and started working on the plate of food.

Len surprised us, stumbling into the kitchen wearing a wrinkled pair of boxers and a sleepy smile. His tan, toned lanky body stretched in a sunbeam spilling in through the window as he yawned. He lit up when he saw Clay and came over to kiss us both on the cheek saying, "duck, duck," and then "goose," as he stole a piece of sausage off Clay's plate.

Following Len was a tall, muscled daddy in his mid 40s. He came right behind Len and kissed the back of his neck before they went to get plates of food and coffee.

"So you switched to boxers?" Clay asked when Len came back in with a plate piled with food.

"What? Uh, Oh! No, um I think they're his," Len pointed towards the muscle daddy behind him.

"Nope," The man shook his head, "You took them from that maintenance guy you dragged in with us." He laughed.

"Oh! Hell yeah!" Len perked up and sat across from Clay then pointed right at him "Maintenance dude had the biggest... Oh wait, you don't care about cocks," Len moved his pointer finger over towards me, "You'll appreciate this little man," he said to me, making a hook with three fingers. "Maintenance dude had the thickest dark meat. It hooked a little to the..."

"Dude!," Clay yelled out and pushed Len's hand away. "I'd appreciate you not tarnishing my little angel here." I blushed, but smiled at Len.

"Oh whatever Clay, you know you're still the biggest rooster in the house," Len rolled his eyes and winked at me. "I'm sure once Tare does some comparison shopping, he'll figure that out. No need to wander."

"He's not going to DO any comparison shopping, and I don't need you putting filth into my boy's head," Clay said with more than a hint of anger.

Len shrugged and shoveled in a forkful of pancake as the muscle daddy at his side tried to slide his arm around Len's waist. Len pushed him away. The man sat up and started on his breakfast. Clay was so distracted, he didn't make me finish my plate.

Clay turned to me and his scowl softened, "As you can see, you have nothing to worry about with Len."

"There's always something to worry about when I'm around," Len countered and then winked at me and reached across the table to ruffle my hair and pinch my cheek.

The sun had come out in full force after brunch and a lot of the guys decided to go out on the lake. Clay said it was fed by some warm springs so the water didn't get too cold this far south. He had packed his swimsuit and gotten a new one for me. It was more of the board shorts type suit and it went down to my knees. Clay's was a small green square cut that easily displayed his ample package. He got fresh beach towels from the closet and a bottle of sunblock.

"No baby," he said when he saw me waiting by the door. He fished a t-shirt out of my bag and put it on me. I sighed but was too excited about getting out in the sunshine to argue with him.

A long dock jutted out across the water. Clay held my hand as we padded out to the end of it and took our shoes off and set them next to the towels. Clay ran the last few feet and did a perfect jump, diving head first into the blue water.

"Cmon baby, jump in," he splashed around, "It's not that cold."

I sat on the edge of the dock and put my feet in and then used the metal ladder to ease myself down into the water, not letting go of the ladder. The first sensation that freaked me out was not feeling anything under my feet but water. I held on to the ladder rail and tried to smile at him.

Clay swam up behind me and pried my fingers off of the ladder. I put my arms around his neck and held on as he paddled his feet.

"I guess you're not a water baby," he laughed and put an arm around me as he swam around, a little too far from the dock for my comfort.

"Can we go to the shallower area? I don't like this, daddy," I felt my heart racing even faster as the thought that animals would be swimming around underneath me.

"I got you baby. I guess I should be grateful, now you really won't leave my side," Clay kissed me and rubbed water over my hair. He eased me around to his back so I could hold on from behind as he paddled around in the water. The other men started to file out and fill the dock.

Jared and a few other guys swam up next to us. "We get it, you two are in love," he laughed.

"He doesn't do water very well," Clay said. "But daddy's got him." I put my cheek against Clay's shoulder and held on firmly. I hated not feeling earth under my feet, but holding on to him and feeling his confident ability gave me enough peace to stay in the water.

Clay went easy with me, just swimming around with his head above water as the guys started to splash around and dunk each other. A few couples were holding on to each other, making out and things under the water level. Jared kept buzzing around us until a guy about Clay's age swam over and started to flirt with him.

"I don't want to go under the water, daddy," I whispered when Len swam by us and pushed one of the "boys" under.

"Baby, you have to learn how to swim a little bit. I love you latched on to me, but not out of fear," he said back to me. "C'mon, I'll hold on to you, but let's try this a little. Please?"

Clay started to pull me around to the front of him and held me with his hands under my shoulders.

"Just wiggle your arms and legs, you don't need much to keep you up," he said, "And keep your eyes on me."

"Ok," I did what he told me and started to stay up on my own, but then he started to pull his hands away from me. "No daddy, no!!" I started to go down and he grabbed me and pulled me into him.

"You said you wouldn't let go," I held on to his neck a little too tightly.

"You were floating on your own and I'm right here. I wouldn't let you go under," he countered.

"I want to go to the shallow part where I can stand up. I don't want to be out here anymore," I felt my heart racing.

"Baby," Clay moved me back around to behind him where I could hold on without strangling him, “Ok, we'll try it later; closer to the shore. But everyone needs to know how to swim at least enough to float."

"You said you wouldn't let go..." I whispered into his shoulder.

Jared swam over and offered me a foam board in the shape of a dolphin. "You can hold on to this if Clay wants to swim around a little bit," he said.

"Thanks... but I've got him," Clay said, adding, "He's all the entertainment I need."

Len swam up to us and insisted he wanted to hold on to Clay too. Clay splashed at him. A tall hispanic guy walked out to the dock and told Clay he had a phone call from his mom.

"Oh shit," Clay scrambled towards the dock. I held on firmly as he started up the ladder, but then he picked me off of him and set me on the edge of the dock and then climbed out, kissed my head, grabbed a towel and headed towards the hotel.

"You want to hold on to me?" Len offered.

"I'm... I should wait," I said, not really wanting to get back in the water.

"I won't let Jared drown you," he laughed and swam up to me. He pulled himself up on the ladder a few rungs and put his hand on my legs. "Clay won't let you go shirtless?"

"No, I don't get it. He's ok with me being half naked with his other friends," I said, shielding my eyes from the sun with a hand.

"Those guys respect him, these... well we're a pretty open bunch here," Len said. "Clay used to try to cover me up, but he had good reason. I wasn't all that faithful."

"You cheated on him? Why?" I squinted at Len.

"I... well, We got together when I was 18 and didn't have experience. It was great, for awhile, but I wanted to sample life a little. I'd give anything to go back and do it right... but I think you're good for him. He hasn't been this happy in a long time," Len looked around, a little too uncomfortable with the topic to look me in the eye.

"I can't imagine wanting anyone else," I said, "I hope he can't either."

"C'mon, let's get back in the water, I'll go easy on you," Len prodded. He stepped back down off the ladder and then reached his arms out for me insistently.

I looked around to see if Clay was coming back, then eased myself down off the dock and into Len's arms. He felt nice next to me and I put my arms around him and my head against his bare shoulder.

"Aww, sweet baby," he smiled at me, kissed my hair and swam over to join a group of guys close to the shore.

"Well, I stole the boy," he laughed as they looked at us with puzzled smiles.

"Roger was telling us about your adventure last weekend at the beach house," One man said to Len.

"Oh, yeah... I didn't know that guy was married. Apparently his wife didn't know he likes it up the ass," Len laughed.

"She does now," The man said, "Maybe she'll buy a strap-on and win him back."

The men went on telling wild sex stories about guys I didn't know. It got pretty filthy. Clay would not approve. But I clung to Len and stared out across the lake with my head buried into his shoulder. He wasn't paying much attention to me, but he mindlessly began to rub my back and was holding onto my pretty tightly. His shoulder smelled like sunblock and an overly masculine cologne.

I was sliding down him a little so he moved the arm across my back down to under my bottom. He started to bounce me a little against his chest.Then he rubbed his other hand across my ass, squeezing it a little. I didn't have much option but to hold on.

"You like that, little bottom boy?" he whispered in a low growl.

"Uh... what?" I raised my head, not sure how to respond.

"Joking," he laughed, but didn't sound entirely like he meant that.

"I'll take that," Clay said from behind us. He hooked his hands under my shoulders and pried me off Len's chest. Clay hugged me to his chest, then added, "You know you can stand up here, this is the shallow part."

I looked down and noticed the water was just up to below his nipples. He set me on my feet and the water came up to my chin. I stood up on my tip toes and wiggled them in the sandy bottom of the lake. I looked over at Len, he just laughed and shrugged, "Can't blame me for trying."

"Uh... trying what?" Clay asked, then shook his head, "Nevermind. I don't want to know. We have to get going down to Calton."

"Your parents?" Len looked worried.

"Yeah, dad's having some trouble," Clay shook his head. Then he turned to me and said, "We need to get on the road, let's go get packed up."

I was grateful to get out of the water and stand on my own feet. Clay wrapped me in a beach towel after we climbed ashore. We got changed and packed and loaded into the truck.

"Is he going to be ok?" I asked as Clay pulled out onto the highway. I realized I hadn't heard anything about his parents or family. I didn't think much about him coming from somewhere; his roots. I just thought of him as my daddy. I guess that was all going to change whenever we got to wherever we were going to meet his family.

"It should be. We'll see what's going on when we get down there," he said and reached over to hold my hand. I squeezed his hand, put my head against his shoulder and watched the mountains come into view as his truck flew over a big hill.

-CJ :)

Next: Chapter 10

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