Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Dec 28, 2022


-------><><* (Chapter 7) ><><*-------

I thought catching up on my schoolwork would mean the end of punishment, but Clay was sticking firm to his ban on me cumming until my birthday. It had been hard on him too. Every time he started to fuck me, my cock went instantly to full mast and by the tenth stroke, I was ready to blow.

"Uhhhhhh Daddddyyyy," I felt my body tensing up and I put my hands on his pecs, squeezing them as he bounced me on his cock. "Please daddy, please," I whimpered as he held me firmly by the waist, pistoning into his boy's hole.

"No, boy," He growled, slowing to an easy ride. "Damnit," he reluctantly slipped out of me and grasped his cock, whacking it hard against my hole. He sighed, "This is supposed to be your punishment, not mine," he laughed.

"I'm sorry daddy," I hung my head, my cock still rock hard. It took all of my control to not grab it and wank it out. I was so close to the edge. He pulled me down against his chest and hugged me.

"Maybe we should go with the cock cage. A few painful erections should show you some control," Clay rubbed my back gently as I settled in between his pecs. He kissed the top of my head.

"Well one of us gets to finish," Clay said and pushed on the top of my head. I crawled down to between his legs and grabbed his cock and pumped it gently. I buried my tongue just under his heavy, furry nuts. He loved when I licked around them, nibbling between his thighs. He guided my head on his balls as I pumped big daddy cock.

"Yeah baby," he encouraged, guiding my lips up towards his shaft. I looked up at him with my best good boy eyes hoping he'd take pity on me and let me jack off, but he just pushed me down on his cock until it hit the back of my throat and made me cough a little.

"Mmmmm!" I protested, he backed off a little but then started to buck his hips, forcing his way in and out of my mouth while I tried to breathe around it. I swirled my tongue and reached down to squeeze his nuts. He liked when I rubbed my finger under them, it always made him super hard. I was starting to learn my man.

"Ohhhh fuccckkkk," Clay moaned and started to fire off into my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could, not really tasting his juice. He pushed a little too deep into me as he was cumming and I felt my gag reflex hard. I pulled off his cock, coughing and tearing up a little.

I looked down at him, bucking and spewing, he looked a little worried, but I shrugged it off and plunged down on his cock again, slurping up all the juice I'd missed. His hand guided the back of my head more gently this time and he stopped forcing his way deeper into me.

"That's a good boy," he praised, rubbing my hair proudly. He sent a few more squirts down my throat before laying back against the sheets and catching his breath.

"Oh fuck that was hot," he pulled me up into his chest. "Fuck.... yeah...."

I kissed his chest and snuggled into him, my hard cock laying against his tummy. I stroked his chest hair as he rubbed my back and rested against the pillow.

"I can cum, daddy?" I asked in my best cute voice.

"You need my belt on your ass, boy?" Clay swatted my butt a little unplayfully.

"No sir, sorry sir," I settled in until I heard his breathing change to a light snore. It was naptime.

That night, Marshall had invited us and some other friends over for a dinner party. I'd be on the serving end with slavetoy and whatever other boys were brought. Clay had me put on his interpretation of a waiter outfit, black leather shorts and a black tie with no shirt and my collar, of course. He even had a "nametag" for me he'd made at his office. It was a round blue sticker that said, "Clay's boy." He stuck it to my left nipple. He had another blue sticker for my other nipple that said, "Do Not Touch"

Clay pulled on a light blue polo that showed off his muscled chest and tucked into khaki pants that showcased his ass. He slipped on a leather jacket and held out a blue snow jacket for me and some jeans to cover my shorts until we got there. There was a light dusting of white over the city as we made our way up the mountain to Marshall's sprawling estate.

I'd never been there before and it was nothing short of impressive. It looked like the kind of place that held coronations or schools of witchcraft. There was a long drive through thick brush that opened into a large manicured circle with a fountain in the middle. Clay pulled right up to the front and a latino man came out to open the door for me and then take Clay's truck around to the parking area.

Marshall greeted us at the door and hugged Clay. Clay kissed him on the cheek. They had a really odd relationship, I thought to myself. Slavetoy appeared wearing a black leather jockstrap and a matching collar. He happily took our coats and my jeans, then carried them off.

"You brought me a waiter!" Marshall exclaimed happily and put his hand on my shoulder. "He's developing nicely, Clayton. You've done well with him."

I looked down, a little embarrassed by his praise. Marshall tousled my hair. "He's a shy one, you've kept him modest."

"I learned from the best," Clay said to Marshall.

Marshall's hand wandered across my chest and down my tummy. "He has the most adorable belly button," he laughed and I squirmed uncomfortably. But Clay put his hand on my shoulder proudly.

"He's got a lot of adorable things," Clay said proudly, not at all unnerved by Marshall's wandering hand. Clay smiled at Marshall, "Now, how can he help?"

Marshall gave me instructions on how to help slavetoy. He slid his hand around to the small of my back as he talked, maybe he thought Clay's sticker warning didn't apply to him. Clay didn't seem to mind either. Marshall pushed me off towards the kitchen with a swat on the bottom. Clay told me to be good and do as I'm told.

I found slavetoy busily overseeing the preparations in the kitchen. There were two cooks there, they didn't look like anyone's property but they didn't seem uncomfortable in this situation. I helped slavetoy arrange the appetizer trays and then pour the special drinks he'd mixed up. Well he poured them, I got to add the fancy straws and toothpicks with fruit on them.

By the time we started carrying things out, the party was beginning to fill up. Twelve guys were there and six boys I didn't recognize. Slavetoy set out the trays of food and drinks and then we moved to collect the guests coats and slave accessories.

The boys were all dressed differently, but the invitation must have said "boys in black." Two of the boys simply had on black briefs, one just had a black cock cage, two had on black shorts and tank tops and one had on black leather pants. They followed us to help put away their owners things and slave accoutrement.

Upstairs in the room, slavetoy pointed to each boy and said their names and then told us the rules for the evening. He knew what each boy was supposed to do, allowed to do and forbidden from doing. Three of the boys were allowed to play with each other and their owners had requested a show after dinner. Two of the boys were available for play with any of the owners at the party. They knew this, of course, but it was so the other boys didn't think they should mimic the behavior another boy exhibited or try to instigate something with one of the boys who wasn't allowed.

For me and the boy dressed in leather pants (who slavetoy identifed as "Justin"), we were hands off. He put a black sticker with a red ex on Justin's left nipple to indicate this to the other owners at the party.

"Our mission is for our owners to have an enjoyable evening. You will be on your best behavior. Especially you," slavetoy pointed to one of the boys in the black briefs whom he'd called "Loren."

"I won't have you pull what you did at the Pines last spring. This is my owner's event and nothing will fuck it up." Slavetoy put his finger into Loren's chest and put his nose an inch from Loren's lips.

Loren rolled his eyes, but said, "I got it dude, don't worry, I couldn't sit for a week after that and had to sleep on my stomach. I'm good!"

Slavetoy nodded, assured he'd been threatened sufficiently and led us back out to our owners and the guests.

Ellis Rorvick, the guidance counselor who'd introduced me to Clay, was sitting on a large leather sofa talking to Clay and two other men. I went straight to my owner and knelt in front of him, to show the other boys I could keep up with them. I bowed my head, awaiting any requests he might have.

Clay set his drink on the coffee table and pulled me up into his lap without interrupting his conversation with the men. The room was a little cold, especially with the skimpy outfit I had on, so I was grateful for his warmth. He rested a hand in my lap while the guys talked about some tax thing one of them was working on.

Other than sending me to bring another round of drinks for the men, Clay kept me close through the night. I did help the other boys serve dinner, but knelt next to Clay's chair while he ate, occasionally offering me bites of food from his hand. It was really good and I licked his fingers clean after each offering and thanked him quietly. He patted my head but mostly ignored me.

When things moved to the boy entertainment portion of the night, Justin and I were sent to another room. Slavetoy led us upstairs and had us wait in a guest bedroom.

Justin gave me a nervous smile and sat cross-legged on the bed, leaning back against the pillows and staring up at the ceiling.

"What do you think they're doing down there?" I asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"Im pretty sure it's self-explanatory," he rolled his eyes, "My Master likes to get into all sorts of twisted things, but he has other slaves for that."

"Other slaves? Can they do that?" I'd never thought of Clay having other boys and a knot wrenched inside me.

"Are you new?" Justin asked, sounding a little friendlier.

"Kinda... How many other 'slaves' does your master have?" I asked.

"Well I'm his boy. I don't normally dress up like this. He's very rich and owns two of us, but he brings in rentals for the twisted stuff. The other slave is old, like 28 and he cleans and cooks and takes care of all the domestic crap," Justin boasted, "I get to do all the fun stuff."

"So you just hang out?" I was intrigued by this, but still unsure I'd be able to share Clay with anyone.

"I don't 'hang out.' I'm a sophomore at Kendleton (the private college in town). I have a car, credit cards. My Master keeps me on a pretty loose leash, He's really more of a daddy towards me, but he's really into this S&M shit.... I shouldn't have left my cell phone in the bag. This is going to be a boring night," Justin said.

It occurred to me that I really wasn't bored in the least. I guess I'd never had all that stuff and was used to being alone and quiet for a long time. "I don't think we're supposed to leave the room..." I said quietly.

"You're whipped," Justin laughed. "You want to play around while we wait? I haven't topped in a long time... You're kinda hot."

"I... um..." I tapped the "do not touch" sticker on my nipple. Justin rolled his eyes and went back to ignoring me.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Mr. Rorvick appeared.

"Hey, Ellis," Justin said.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Uh yeah, he set most of us up with this scene. He's a broker." Justin said. I felt really new...

"Oh, hi Justin," Mr. Rorvick started, "Tare, I need to talk to you in private, come with me."

I followed him out of the room and into a study across the hall. He told me to sit on the couch and sat opposite me in a big leather chair.

"Clay knows I'm here talking to you," he began. "I usually conference with boys after their first month with an owner to see how things are going and discuss options in case you're... unhappy... in fact there is another owner whose eye you've caught. He is very interested and would be willing to pay double... If you're unhappy."

"Justin said you're a broker... What does that mean?" I interrupted.

"Oh... well, I get paid to... make a match between a boy who needs an owner and an owner who needs a boy." Mr. Rorvick shifted uncomfortably.

"Wait, so you didn't send me to Clay for mentoring?" I asked.

"Well, initially I did, to see if you would suit his needs. And to see if you'd be open to that kind of situation. You were miserable. I wanted to help get you out of there. I didn't expect it to progress so suddenly. Owners usually like a few meetings before settling on a boy. But Clay was taken with you from the first day and... well you seem quite happy with the outcome." Mr. Rorvick explained. "But if your not, this other buyer is willing to offer you a very sizable investment."

"How much did you make... 'selling' me? Honestly.. please." I felt anger rising in my voice. I ignored this whole "other owner" talk. It stung a little to think I was a business deal.

"Honesty, Ok. I usually make about 10,000 to find the right boy who will be open to things, pliable to training. I also arrange the paperwork and contracts or adoption procedures, as in your case. Plus I make sure you won't be placed somewhere abusive. I've turned down a lot of owners for my services. Clay's a very good candidate. For you, Clay gave me double the regular fee, he really wants you." Mr. Rorvick said flatly.

"And what do the boys get?" I don't know why that question popped out of my mouth.

"A better life, care, a loving home, training, school, and... in your case the bonus money," Mr. Rorvick said.

"Bonus money? What is that?" I asked.

"Oh, uh, hmm. Clay didn't talk to you about that yet," Mr. Rorvick said without question. "Well, he set up an investment account for you in case you change your mind about things. It's something the better owners do in case either party wishes to exit the arrangement. So far it has 10,000 in it, but I have it invested in safe portfolios, it'll do well. And Clay has it set up to add more money each month. Trust me, some owners set up nothing and when they tire of the boys, I have to scramble to find transitional placements."

I felt my face go red and started to breathe heavily. A wave of emotions and questions filled me. I was sold? I had savings in case I left? What was I getting paid for? Sex? I started to feel really distrustful of all the times he'd said he loved me. Was that part of the business deal too? I started to sniff back a few tears.

"Oh Tare, don't cry, it's not as cold as it sounds, really.... Oh shit," Mr. Rorvick whipped out his phone and typed something then closed it shut.

He moved next to me and said, "You have the wrong idea here. He wanted you from the moment I showed him your file. He had five other boys to choose from. Even some who didn't come from such... dire circumstances, but he chose you, Tare. He paid very well to get you. That's something to be proud of. I can see how much he loves you."

I pulled away from him and got up to head for the door. I didn't want any part of this.

"What the fuck did you say to him?" Clay burst in the door and lifted me up to his chest, pushing my tear-streaked face into his shoulder. He rubbed my back with one hand and used the other arm to support me against him.

"No, let go!," I wiggled out of his arms and pushed him off of me. The hardcore workouts were paying off. He let go and set me on my feet and I backed away, wanting to leave.

"You didn't tell him about how he was chosen? Paid for? You told me he understood things," Mr. Rorvick sounded upset.

"Ellis, he's a kid," Clay started, "He doesn't need all that put on him. He's my boy and all he needs to 'understand' is he has a daddy who will fuck up anyone who tries to burst his little bubble of a life. So just stay the fuck away from him. You don't discuss business with a boy!"

I tried to go around him and go for the door, but he caught my arm and looked down at me with hurt, anger, confusion. He eased his grip and I pulled my arm back, but stayed put.

Clay looked over at me and his anger softened, "I'm sorry... Come here," he said. I backed against the wall, trying to avoid his eyes.

"Please my love, come.... here," Clay moved towards me and crouched in front of me so he could be on my level. He put his hands up on my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"I never even thought about it as business, baby. I fell in love with you the first time I saw your file and Ellis told me about your life. I would have given anything to rescue you from that."

"I'm going to... yeah...," Mr. Rorvick excused himself without another word and shut the door quietly behind him.

"Can I hold you?" Clay asked, reaching a hand up to wipe a few tears from my cheek. "Please."

I nodded, "Yes sir." I held out my arms and Clay lifted me up into his chest. His warm body sent a chill through my cold, mostly naked figure. I settled my face into his neck.

"I'm sorry I didn't prepare you for that, I thought he just wanted to make sure you were happy with me and didn't want to leave, it's kind of a contractual thing he has to do." Clay said, rubbing warmth into my back. He sat down on the couch with me in his lap.

"You... you love me?" I asked softly.

"Of course I do. If you only knew the things I'd do for you. I've never felt this... protective, this exposed to anyone. It scares me, baby. All I want to do is keep you in rainbows and... bubble wrap." Clay laughed.

"Mr. Rorvick said he had another owner that wanted me," I said, maybe wanting to hurt him a little. That wasn't nice.

"Oh... wait, WHAT? The fuck did he tell you?" Clay set me down next to him and then stood up.

"I... uh... he said some guy had offered him double if he could get me..." I regretted starting this.

"Who? What... I have some ass to go kick." Clay was getting really pissed.

"I want to go home..." I said, snapping him back to the present and bringing a quizzical look. "With you... we go home, daddy?"

"Yeah baby... we go home." Clay led me to the room where we found our coats and my jeans. I put my jeans on and Clay zipped up my snow jacket. We didn't say goodbye to the people at the party.

He fucked me pretty vengefully that night. He didn't let me cum, but he sure was intent on staking his claim. He kept getting me to the edge of shooting my load and then he'd pull out and have me suck on it. I didn't like this game, I needed to cum. ^*** Monday, my birthday, I woke up with Clay on top of me. He rolled me over onto my back and slipped my tank top over my head.

"Mmmm daddy," I leaned up to kiss him and blink back the sleepiness.

Clay kissed down my neck and nibbled a little on my shoulder, then made licked pathway down to my nipples. He's a big fan of nippledom.

"Morning baby," he said, lifting his head and putting his chin against my chest with a sad puppy look. My cock sprang to life and a wide grin spread across my lips as I realized today my punishment was finally over.

"I can cum?" I asked, not wanting to get my hopes up.

"Uh huh," he laughed and nodded his head, kneading his chin against my pec.

Clay kissed his way down my tummy and spent a little time nibbling on my sensitive belly button. At this point, he usually pushed my legs up and started eating my hole, but this time he took his time, went a gentler.

"Uhhh," I started to wiggle under him, enjoying the sensations. I grabbed my dick and rubbed it along the scratchy underside of his chin.

"Patience, kitten," he laughed and pushed my hand away from my cock, "Daddy's got this."

"Yeah... daddy," I whimpered as he kissed a line down towards my cock. He got right up to the base of my cock and then kissed slowly down one thigh and then up the other. My cock was twitching. I thought I'd cum as soon as he touched it. I started to buck my hips a little.

"You're so cute, no patience at all," he laughed.

"Please daddy," I begged, "Please suck me."

"All right, birthday boy," Clay winked and then dove onto my now 17 year-old cock. It was the first time I'd ever had anything other than a hand on my cock and the warm, wet sensations were fucking awesome. My body started to wiggle under his expert tongue. He swirled it around and set his lips all the way down to my balls. The tip of my cock bumped against the back of his mouth, but he didn't gag at all.

"AHHHHH FUCCKKK MMM," I was lost, yelling, wiggling under his care. "Ahhhhh daddddyyy!" I closed my eyes and laid my head back against the pillow as my hands wandered down to mess up his hair.

Clay took a hand and squeezed my nuts, pulling them away from my cock and twisting them. He certainly knew his way around a boy.

"Uhhh I'ma cum daddy," I yelled and Clay pulled off my cock. He grabbed the shaft and squeezed it hard. My eyes popped open and I looked down at him. A thick glob of precum oozed out of the tip and he leaned down and slurped it up.

"My sweet tasty boy," he said and licked his lips. I was breathing heavily, overwhelmed by being so close to the edge.

"Uhhh, daddy?" I looked at him questioningly. He pumped my shaft a few times quickly and then gave my cock another vice grip squeeze and again a thick drizzle of precum shot out, this time landing across my tummy. Clay let go of my cock and licked up the white stripe of boy juice.

"You're so close, baby," Clay said, swallowing my precum. I nodded, "Yes sir."

Clay dove back onto my cock, squeezing my nuts as he swallowed me to the bottom, his nose brushing against my pubes. He bobbed up and down on my head for another minute before I felt my orgasm building again.

"I cum daddddyyyy," I begged and this time he kept up the pace, sucking me deep into his throat, not that my boy cock filled much of his mouth. He worked his tongue around the tip and pumped at my shaft and soon I felt my body tense up and I gave him a warning before I started to fire down his throat.

"Ayyy daddy!!" I said, not sure where the spanish was coming from, "Yeah daddyyyy, I'm ummmmm cumming daddy," I yelled the obvious.

Clay sucked down every bit my cock offered his masterful throat. He milked the tip and swallowed down every last drop.

"AHHHH FUUUCCCKKKKK Daddddyyyyy!" My hips bucked and I held onto his hair as my body wiggled and dispensed with a weeks worth of built up boy juice.

Clay kept milking me past the point of enjoyment. I squirmed under him, too tired to protest. "Daddy," I said weakly, "daddy stop."

Clay released, reluctantly lifted his head and then gave me a red cheeked smile, "You liked that?"

"Yes sir, thank you sir," I shook a few more times, breathing heavily as I came down from ecstasy. " sir."

Clay kissed his way back up my tummy and then found my lips. He kissed me deeply, his tongue still had the taste of me on it. He kissed back down and then laid his head on my chest.

"I hear your heart," he said as he put his ear to my chest, "Is it mine?"

"Yes sir. Thank you daddy," I turned into the pillow, exhausted and sated.

"Your turn?" I asked, not really wanting to move from the pillow and the warm daddy on my chest.

"Later," Clay said lazily, "Breakfast should be ready, and you have presents upstairs." Clay lifted his head and kissed me gently before pushing off and standing up. He offered his hand and lifted me to my feet, then gave me some pajama pants and a tank top to put on before we went up for breakfast. Clay put on some basketball shorts and a white tank top.

As I followed him up the steps, I heard voices. Apparently my birthday breakfast had guests. Marshall and Len were standing around the kitchen island as slavetoy worked the kitchen.

"There's the birthday boy," Marshall said and came over to give me a hug. He kissed my cheek.

"Well, did he cum?" Len asked before taking a swig of mimosa. Clay smacked him on the back.

"Be nice," Clay said.

"It was a joke," Len sulked and then came over and gave me a hug, "Happy birthday, kid."

"Thanks," I whispered, cheeks red with embarrassment.

I went in the kitchen and asked slavetoy if he needed any help. "No!" he said and pushed me out, "This is your birthday.... Happy Birthday, Tare."

Marshall laid back against the counter and gave slavetoy a pat on the ass in approval.

"Ok, breakfast and then presents," Clay said and waved his hand towards a stack of wrapped packages on the coffee table. I counted ten in my head.

"Those are for me?" I asked unbelievingly.

"Well yeah, it's your birthday, how many do you usually get?" he laughed.

"None," I said, looking down at my feet. That killed the mood.

"Oh," Clay said and lifted my head to meet his eyes, "Then I guess I owe you a few more to make up for that." He kissed my forehead and then pushed me towards the breakfast table.

Slavetoy had made all kinds of crazy food and the men tucked in to fill up their plates. I put a small pile of fruit on my plate and a few spoonfuls of scrambled eggs. Clay took my plate and added some toast and bacon.

"Clean your plate before you get your presents, ok?" He said without question.

"Yes sir," I agreed. Slavetoy brought over the last of the eggs and then Marshall told him to make himself a plate. He thanked his owner, made a plate and then sat at the kitchen bar and ate quietly.

I was halfway through when Clay jumped up suddenly and went to the kitchen area. He came back and put a green metallic party hat on my head, securing the strap under the chin. He took a picture with his phone and then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I did finish breakfast, it was way too much food, but the pile of presents helped me choke it down. I waited politely as the men finished their food and conversation before Clay told me we could move to the couches for present time.

It felt weird to stare at the tower of packages. They looked professionally wrapped with bows, ribbons and precision. Clay handed them to me one at a time. Most of them were from him. Two were from Marshall and one small one was from Len.

Clay's packages contained a beautiful leather jacket, a pair of jeans, a video game system with five different games (I think this was more for him than me, I'd never played a video game), two bottles of cologne, an mp3 player with my name inscribed and a beautiful watch.

Marshall's gifts included a leather bag for my school stuff and three nice shirts that he said slavetoy had picked out online for me. Slavetoy watched us from the kitchen and smiled when I looked at him. I gave Marshall a hug and thanked him. He lifted me up and kissed me on the cheek.

Len came over next with his little box. "Here you go, Happy birthday, Tare," he set it in my hands and ruffled my hair. I unwrapped it and there was a small black box. Inside was a chain with silver dogtags. They had laser inscriptions, one with my face and the words "Clay's boy" and the other with Clay's face and his name.

"Woah, that's, wow thank you," I said. Clay lifted them up to get a look.

"Aww, Len... thanks," Clay raised up and gave Len a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, you two seem like this whole crazy thing is working out. so..." Len said dismissively.

Clay took the chain and put it around my neck. The dogtags jingled when I moved. I collected them in my hand and held them while slavetoy moved around the living room cleaning up the wrapping papers.

"Oh! One more," Clay jumped up suddenly. He came back with a small jewelry case and put it in my hand. "I promised you could do this." I opened the case to find two small diamond studs.

"I can get my lobes pierced?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, it'll be really cute," Clay said.

We said goodbye to everyone and then went down to get dressed for real and then Clay took us in the range rover down to a really upscale salon. The little guy behind the desk lit up with a big smile when we came in. "Clay!!" That seemed to be the usual greeting everywhere we went. He took us back to a little room that looked like a doctor's office and this guy came in with a tray of supplies.

He soaked the studs in this little dish of clear liquid and then wiped my ears with alcohol pads. "Ok this shouldn't hurt much," he said as he took a little needle and pulled at my left earlobe. He punctured it in one swift movement and then put in one of the studs and covered it with gauze and pressure.

I gave a quick yelp as Clay squeezed my hand.

"That feel ok?" he asked. I nodded as Clay rubbed my back. The man fastened the stud and then moved on to the next one. I felt a little pinch with the second one, but I was expecting worse. "All done," he said, sliding in the second stud. He fastened it and put a little pressure on it with the gauze and then had me lay back for a few minutes to make sure it wasn't bleeding. A girl came in and brought me a cup of water with a straw in it.

We got back home and Clay said he'd up the video game system while I put all my new clothes away. I disappeared down the stairs to the bedroom and hung up everything. By the time I put the last shirt on a hanger, I heard the tv blasting gunfire and zombie yelps.

I stripped down to my jockstrap and then decided to take that off as well. I slipped on the leather jacket and the dogtags Len had gotten me and took one of the ribbons from the giftbag slavetoy had stuffed them into. I tied it around my neck with the bow in the back. I grabbed the bottle of lube and went upstairs to see if I could distract Clay from the game.

His character was dead by the time I came into the living room, my cock up to full mast.

"Oh... baby," Clay grinned and came over to lift me up into his arms and then down into his lap as he sat back on the couch and pushed his pants to the floor. He left his last birthday gift deep in my hole.

************************************************************************** Thanks for reading! I really like hearing feedback/comments on the story- CJÂ

Next: Chapter 8

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