Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Dec 24, 2022


Thanks for reading, let me know what you think please :)

Recap: Tarrant, "Tare," a kid with no parents, goes to school in the hood where he's beaten up often for being small, white, gay, etc.... His guidance counselor, a man with a specialty for finding boys like Tare a new life with affluent, owner men, sets him up with a "mentor." He ends up being adopted by Clay and trained alongside slavetoy who is owned by Clay's friend Marshall. Currently, Marshall is out of town so Clay is slavesitting his property.

^^^Chapter 6^^^^*

I'd just finished my workout in the lowerlevel room where I spent my days while Clay was at work. I twisted in front of the mirror, dripping a little after I'd stepped out of the shower. I rubbed a soft towel over my blonde hair and looked at my body. I'd only been here a few weeks and my skinny 16-year-old frame was starting to get some muscle definition. It was more than just the hard workouts and healthy diet Clay insisted on, I had someone to care about me, my body, my studies.

I leaned over the sink, my green eyes staring back at me, skin looked better too. I arched my shoulders back and flexed a little, my soft cock dangling between my legs. I twisted around, checking out my ass that had developed nice bubbles with the rigorous squats.

I was just sliding up a fresh jockstrap when I heard the scuffle upstairs. Slavetoy was still staying with us while Marshall was out of town. Clay had kept him upstairs while he was at work, a locked door separated us. He'd spend the days cleaning and working on his school work and then would do his workout when Clay came home ready for some playtime with me.

"I... Sorry Sir!" I heard slavetoy apologizing as heavy footsteps came towards the locked panel that sealed me downstairs. The panel slid back and Clay came down, pushing slavetoy in front of him. Slavetoy's arms were bound behind his back and his naked body shuffled down the last step and then Clay pushed him to the tile floor.

"I'm sorry... sir..." he started but Clay pulled his head back by his hair and shoved a piece of fabric into his open mouth. I recognized it as the jockstrap Clay'd had on this morning when he did his workout. My eyes widened in alarm. I'd never seen Clay angry. I'd seen him worried; I'd seen him displeased when I did things that earned me a spanking. But I'd never seen him really pissed off.

"Did you think you'd escape your master's cameras when not in his home?" Clay barked, knowing slavetoy wasn't in a position to give an answer. Slavetoy scrambled up to his knees and bowed his head.

I really wanted to know what he'd done, but I knew better than to interrupt or ask questions. Clay didn't like questions.

Clay grasped a handful of slavetoy's hair and pulled him up to his feet. It looked strange because Clay was dressed in a sharp black suit. Clay stepped back and shrugged out of his sport coat and then gave me a nod before holding it out for me to take. I took it, hung it over the back of the office chair and stepped back.

"You want to play with this?" Clay grabbed his belt buckle and then started to undo it. He pulled at the buckle and whisked it straight from the loops, stretched it out in his hands and then cracked it loudly. Clay let half the belt drop and grabbed slavetoy by the back of the neck and pushed him towards the weight bench.

"Bend over," he growled as he pushed slavetoy towards the bench. Slavetoy laid over the bench, his ass exposed towards us. I backed up towards the wall to give them some space. I didn't know what slavetoy had done, but he'd definitely incurred a ball of wrath.

Clay backed up and raised the belt behind his head like a high school athlete before bringing it hard across slavetoy's ass. "One, sir," slavetoy counted without prompting. Clay brought the belt down in rapid succession several times as slavetoy whimpered and stifled his cries in between counts.

At ten stripes, Clay paused and crouched down to examine his handiwork. He rubbed a hand across slavetoy's bare, red and purple ass. Slavetoy winced back tears but kept still, he seemed too familiar with this situation. I squirmed against the wall with a new appreciation for Clay's strength. Maybe he was doing this in front of me to show me what he was capable of. He smacked slavetoy's ass a few times with his hands and then loosened his tie.

Clay stood up and walked a circle around slavetoy, then slipped off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, his chest glistening with sweat. He paced over to the closet and took out the backpack slavetoy had brought. He fished out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed slavetoy's hands behind his back.

"You like to play around with your master away?" Clay asked. Slavetoy kept his head down and muffled something into the jock stuffed in his mouth. "You think you can disrespect my house like that you little shit?" Clay went back to the backpack and pulled out a clear plastic bubble that looked like a fat short test tube. He went back to slavetoy and pulled him up by his hair to his feet.

"You've had too much freedom here with that slavecock out and about," Clay said. He fit the plastic thing on slavetoy's soft cock. He had to smoosh it in there, it had a plastic ring attached to it that snapped around slavetoy's balls. It looked pretty painful but I guess it kept things.... contained. I wondered how he peed with that on, but I guess that was the least of his problems at the moment. What the hell had he done?

Clay pushed him back down over the weight bench and picked up his belt again. He gave slavetoy ten more lashes as slavetoy whimpered and wiggled. Clay crouched down behind him again and rubbed his ass, swatting it with his hand a few times.

Something inside me fluttered at the sight. It was a mixture of fear and pity with a heavy dose of something else. I realized my cock was rock hard watching this. Clay's body moved with raw power and dominance over slavetoy. There was nothing really sexual about the situation, a guy getting his ass kicked, but knowing I belonged to a master who so expertly defended his turf... I'd never had that kind of authority over me.

Clay moved back to the backpack and took out two leather cuffs with a small chain between them. He fastened them around slavetoy's ankles. They seemed more symbolic as slavetoy wasn't making any effort to escape.

"Up!" Clay said as he grabbed slavetoy's hair and lifted him up to his feet. He pushed slavetoy in front of him and towards the small bathroom. They disappeared behind the bathroom door but didn't close it. I didn't know if I should follow. Clay didn't seem to mind me being a spectator to this, but I was at a distance and he hadn't told me to follow.

The way he was giving orders, I didn't dare move from the wall I'd been holding up this whole time. I heard Clay say "On your knees, fucktoy," and then what sounded like slavetoy dropping against the tile of the shower.

I heard Clay unzip his pants and then... ewww. I heard a stream of piss splash against bare skin. Was he peeing on slavetoy? I started to creep towards the door, but paused midway.

"You want to be a dirty little fucker? Yeah fucktoy?" Clay growled as the stream continued. It slowed to a stop and then I heard the shower turn on.

Holy shit, that dude got pissed on! I was a little grossed out, but still ragingly hard at the whole situation. That's fucked up... The water turned off and I quickly moved back against the wall. I heard Clay turn on the sink and wash his hands. He told slavetoy to stay put and then turned off the light as he came back out.

Clay walked right past me and up the first two steps to go upstairs. He paused and turned towards me then came over and lifted me up. Clay tossed me over his shoulder and carried me up to the bedroom.

"Fuck I'm horny," he said with the same deep anger he'd had for slavetoy as he carried me into the bedroom and threw me playfully onto the bed. "Did you finish your schoolwork today?"

"Um," I started to tell him I hadn't done much today, but didn't want to ruin the chance of getting good playtime.

"We'll check it later, I need to bust this nut," Clay laughed.

"Me too, daddy," I said with a wide grin, "Fuck me please?"

"Uh huh," Clay nodded and tossed his shirt to the floor, shucked his pants and boxers and landed next to me. He pulled me into his chest; warm and sweaty with lust. Clay kissed me hard as he reached for the lube from the nightstand.

Without taking his tongue out of my mouth, he popped the cap on the lube and soon two warm, moist fingers were working their way inside my hole. I gasped for air around his lips as his expert probes found my happy spots.

"UHHHHHH," I begged as he stuffed me from both ends. I reached down and pumped his hard shaft a few times, it leaked a little precum and I caught it on a finger and rubbed it around my left nipple. Clay leaned down and licked at it, then bit gently on it and twisted it between his teeth.

"Ow, daddy," I laughed. He looked up at me with a smile.

"You stole it, I have a right to what's mine," he joked and then went back to twisting it as his fingers worked roughly inside me.

I slipped a hand down to my raging hard on trapped inside the small jockstrap. I started to push the jock down to free my cock but Clay grabbed my hand and pushed it away.

"Uh-uh," he looked up at me, "This is about me."

I wondered what he meant, but he slipped his fingers out of my hole and rolled over onto his back and then sat up. His cock was rock hard and he used the fingers he'd taken from my squishy hole to lube it up. He reached over and lifted me up and onto his cock, my hole sitting at the tip.

"Mmmm," he smiled at me in his lap, "My beautiful boy." Clay put his hands on my waist and slowly lowered me onto his cock. I reached back and guided the head of it inside my hole. It took a little pushing for it to pop in, eliciting a happy growl from Clay. I put my hands on his chest to steady myself as he pushed me down onto his cock.

"Ohhhh fuck baby, yeah," he encouraged as he slid in deeper. I let a hand slip down to my cock which desperately needed release, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled my arm behind my back and then the other one.

"Hold your hands," he said. I arched my back and clasped my hands behind my back.... remembering the lesson he'd just taught slavetoy about obedience. Clay nodded approvingly and put his hands on my waist, lowering me farther on his pole.

Clay started to push up into me then slide out a little, going deeper with each thrust. My cock was straining hard against the jock confines as he started to speed up and bounce me on his cock. "I cum daddy?" I begged. Clay leaned up, kissed my cheek and sped up his fucking.

"No baby," He said, ramming harder into me as my hole sucked him in deeper. He put his nose right to mine as he stared into me. "Stay with my eyes, focus on keeping control. Boys should only come when their master allows. Focus, baby."

I stared at him, trying to think about something other than the intense pleasure he filled me with; something other than how good it felt as my cock scraped against his tummy with the rhythm of penetration.

"You can do this, you better do this." He growled a sweet threat.

I thought about slavetoy downstairs in the cold shower, bound and wet, probably still smelling of piss. That was kinda hot. Then I thought about how much his ass must hurt from getting Clay's belt. That led me to think about how powerful Clay looked standing over the submissive slave accepting the beating. That was kind of hot too... And he was working his cock deeper inside me, hitting every point that sends me over the edge.

Ok I tried to focus on the algebra equation I'd spent ten minutes on and got completely wrong and what I was going to tell Clay when he asked how my studies went today because I kinda gave up on finishing the homework. Oh fuck Clay's cock felt good. He was testing me, he knew how to fuck a boy over the edge and he was testing me.

And then his grip on me tightened, he slid his arms around me and pressed me against his chest as he lifted me up and bucked his hips wildly and a bit painfully. I felt the warmth of his juice start to fill me up.

"Ohhhhh fuck yeah baby take daddy's seed,” Clay ordered, "Take it boy, fuck yeah that hole is mine. Ohhhhh mmmm." Clay buried his mouth into the side of my neck, biting and sucking a little as he exploded inside me.

"Math, Math, Math, Mathhhhh," I screamed as he continued to fuck into the sloshy hole.

Clay broke rhythm and leaned back with a weird laugh, "What the fuck was that?" He smiled down at me with questioning eyes.

"I uhh I thought about... math." I admitted, biting my lip as Clay stared at me, breathing deeply, his chest heaving and dripping sweat.

He laughed again and leaned down, kissing my forehead, "You're one freaky baby... I love you so much."

"I love you too daddy, can I cum please?" I begged, throwing my best adorable eyes up at him.

"Not today. You need to learn submission," Clay stood firm, "Cmon, naptime."

Clay laid back against the bed, his boy still impaled on his cock. He put his hand on my back, unclasped my hands and then pushed me down into his chest. He rubbed my back gently, keeping his softening cock inside me and pulled the blanket from the foot of the bed over us. I laid my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes, once again in the warm cocoon of my owner.


Slavetoy rejoined us in time for dinner. He was freshly washed and unshackled, but the tight, thin white shorts he had on showed the device that Clay had put his cock in was still in place. He didn't look at me, and only opened his mouth to thank Clay when his bowl of food was put on the floor next to the table. He cleaned up and then knelt beside the couch where Clay sat watching sports shows while working on his laptop. I had my head against Clay's chest and looked over, but slavetoy kept his eyes focused on Clay's lap.

I started to ask Clay about it, but he didn't like to be disturbed when he was watching the sports show or working and right now he was doing both. I snuggled into Clay's chest and let my hand wander over his abs, thinking about how hard he'd fucked me this afternoon. I started to feel my cock begin to awaken inside the pajama pants I had on. I closed my eyes and felt him inside me again.

"Mmmm,” I said softly and rubbed my head against his nipple like a cat needing attention. My hand wandered down to his lap and I rubbed his crotch since I wasn't supposed to touch mine. I opened my eyes for a minute and saw slavetoy quickly avert his eyes. I'd almost forgotten he was there.

"Whatcha doin kitten?" Clay asked, taking his attention away from his work for a minute. He rubbed a hand up my back and pulled me into him.

"Um.... not.... much,” I felt my face turn red. I looked up at Clay smiling down at me. He momentarily turned back to his work and sent an email he'd been working on and then snapped the laptop closed. He handed it to slavetoy and told him to put it away in the office. Slavetoy scrambled to his feet and disappeared down the stairs.

"Sweet boy," Clay said and kissed the top of my head. "Oh!" he suddenly lifted my head, "I haven't checked your school stuff in a few days..."

"I... um... well..." I swallowed hard and looked down at his lap.

"Do I need to get the computer back?" Clay said with a disappointed sigh.

I nodded.

"How behind did you get this week?" Clay pushed me up and lifted my chin to face him. I bit my lip and cast my eyes down again.

Slavetoy came back up the steps and Clay said "Bring it back." Slavetoy nodded, said, "Yes Sir" and disappeared back downstairs.

"You don't get to hide things from me," Clay said and pulled me in for a hug. I put my head against his shoulder and started crying because I didn't know how to tell him how lost I was with this online lesson thing.

"Baby boy," he said, kissing the top of my head. He lifted my chin and kissed the salt from my cheek.

Things got worse when Clay got into the computer and saw how behind I was.

"This is unacceptable, boy," his attempts at consoling me were over. "You WILL catch up on this, do you understand me?"

"Yeah..." I hung my head.

"Yeah?" he raised an eyebrow and brought my face up to meet his eyes. "Is that how you address your owner?"

" sir," I quivered, "I... sorry daddy."

"You're going to be sorrier. You're going to have to wait until your birthday to cum." He said flatly.

"But that's not fair!" I started to argue, realizing my birthday wasn't until next week.

"Fair?" anger rose in Clay's voice as he set the laptop on the coffee table. He pulled me over his lap and pushed down my pajama pants.

"I pull you out of the hood, give you an expensive education and nice clothes. You spoiled quickly and it's time you remember whose boy you are." Clay started swatting at my bare ass.

"I'm sorry sir!" I begged, realizing just how quickly I'd assumed the life of treasured boy.

"You need the belt too?" he asked, bringing his hand down forcefully on my tender ass.

"No sir, sorry sir. I'll do better," I whimpered.

"You're damn right you will," he said without pity, "My boy won't forget his place."

"I... I'm sorry daddy," I sobbed into his pant leg.

"What do you say when your owner shows you attention, boy?" Clay was hitting my ass fast and furiously.

"Thank you sir, thank you." I whimpered. Clay stopped spanking me, rubbed my ass gently. I raised my head, caught sight of slavetoy kneeling a few feet away, watching in fascination. His cock cage was straining against his shorts. It must have hurt.

Clay sat me up in his lap and looked into my red, wet eyes. "You will learn your place," he said in measured breath. "You will do as you're told."

I nodded, "Yes daddy, I'm sorry sir. I love you, daddy."

That worked... Clay swallowed hard, with a look that hated to see me hurting. "I love you too. I love you enough to make sure you do your best."

We spent an hour fixing the math I'd ignored. He said he'd find me a tutor to work with who could help and until then slavetoy would work with me tomorrow at Clay's office since we had to go to our boy training lessons anyways.

I crawled into bed after that, holding monkey as Clay went to put slavetoy away in the lower level closet he'd be sleeping in as punishment. Clay slid in behind me, bringing the warm cocoon I'd gotten used to sleeping with every night. He'd calmed down about my disrespect and hiding the school stuff. He kissed me gently on the cheek and slid his arms around me, pulling me back against his chest.

"You remembered my birthday," I said, wondering if he'd really make me wait that long to cum.

"Of course I did. I already got your presents," He yawned.

"You... you got me presents, daddy?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, but I'll send them back if you don't change your attitude." he mumbled, nestling his nose against my ear.

"What's one thing you'd want if I let you pick out anything for your birthday?" he asked.

"Hmm.... a tattoo?" I said uncertainly.

"A Tattoo on my beautiful boy's body? No, no no. Not unless it says 'Property of Clay' just over your boyhole," he laughed. "What else? No markings."

"Can I get a piercing? Like my lip or something?" I asked. Clay rubbed my tummy lazily. He loved to touch me there.

"You want to put holes in my boy?" He laughed and reached up to stroke my cheek. "How about your ears? Just some tiny diamond studs, nothing crazy."

"Yeah? I can? Really daddy?" My lips spread into a goofy smile, "That would be awesome!"

"Ok, we'll go to a clean place. I know a guy." Of course he did... Clay knew everybody who could ever be of use to him.


Thursday we spent the morning in Clay's office. No one seemed to notice when he came in with two boys in tow. We had on matching jeans and plain white tshirts with white hoodies. Clay thought we'd look cute dressed alike. He'd zipped up our hoodies and told us how cute we looked, getting a blush from slavetoy.

We did get a few stares when Clay took us for a water and restroom break at mid-morning. Slavetoy was really good at math and had helped me start getting caught up. He was patient with me but smiled a few too many times at my "simple mistakes," as he called them.

"You have to slow down, Tare. Math is a beautiful language. It never changes." He said with a confidence he didn't usually show.... Nerd!

We'd gotten a lot done by the time Clay took us to lunch and then dropped us off at our lessons.

Will greeted us... er he greeted Clay at the door. To us, he grunted and nodded over his shoulder. He assured Clay we'd be looked after and make him proud and then he closed the door behind us and snapped his fingers, "Clothes!"

Slavetoy quickly shucked the clothes, seeming relieved to be back in a state of naked familiarity. I looked at the plastic cage his cock was in as he pushed down the boxers Clay had made him put on.

"Good!" Will said, noticing the cock cage too, "A little discipline will be good for you." He regarded me, dressed only in a blue jockstrap as though I were the one who could use more discipline. I covered my package with my hand but Will brushed my arm away, "No sense to hiding what you are."

We started today with a lesson on suits. Will told us it was our job to make sure our owners always had the best care for their work clothes, that there success reflected on their domestic staff. I learned how to iron, fold a handkerchief and what instructions to give to the cleaners. Slavetoy excelled at this, of course. He finished hanging his perfectly and then came to help me before Will got back to us.

We moved on and practiced making beds like they do at nice hotels. I usually just straightened things, Clay never seemed to comment, but we got some cool tips on properly fitting sheets and how to make it look really nice. I had a lot to practice since Clay liked to destroy the sheets every night with our playtime. Luckily he had a few nice sets.

After that, we spent an hour on first aid. It was kind of cool. Will showed us what to do with a wound, burn, rash, it was interesting. We got to practice CPR on each other, it wasn't as sexy as you'd think. We didn't do the mouth to mouth part but I enjoyed pretending to be dead while slavetoy hovered over me and felt my chest. Will kept telling him to be more forceful with his pumps. I think he was afraid of the repercussions of hurting me.

Since Mr. Marshall was still out of town until tomorrow night, we didn't make a huge dinner, but I'd learned that Clay loved pork and Will showed us how to make this really good mix to stuff it with. It turned out really pretty.

Clay still wasn't letting me use knives or anything dangerous, so I mostly watched, but I did get to make the candy cane cookies for dessert.

Clay was a little too happy at dinner that he had two boys to serve him. Slavetoy was really good at mixing cocktails and served him with a bowed head. When Clay said he liked it, slavetoy smiled and said, "Thank you sir." He liked the dinner too, another thing slavetoy had made, but smiled a little falsely when he tried one of the cookies I'd made. I wasn't too worried though, he kept a hand on top of my head throughout most of dinner as slavetoy and I knelt on either side of his chair.

"Are you ready for Marshall to come home tomorrow?" Clay asked as we piled into his truck.

"Yes sir, I am so grateful for the care you have given me this week," Slavetoy said.

"I know he's ready to be home. I talked to him this afternoon. He misses you," Clay said thoughtfully.

"I... I never realized how much I need him, sir," slavetoy looked out the window as we drove towards home.

Since it was slavetoy's last night with us, Clay tucked him into the couch by the window in our bedroom. Clay said he wasn't used to sleeping in a room without people. That was after we'd had playtime while he did the household chores.

I hugged Monkey as Clay slipped his arms around me and pulled me back against his chest. The moonlight fell across the couch and showed slavetoy, eyes open, looking over at us. He looked a little wistful in the moonlight. I guess he really did miss Marshall.

Clay rolled me over so my back was to slavetoy, my face against his chest, lulled to sleep by his steady heartbeat.

***************************************** Thanks for reading, Let me know what you think please!

Next: Chapter 7

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