Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Dec 2, 2023


Thanks for all the feedback! Comments to: Enjoy- CJ :)

^^^ Chapter 4 ^^^

Tuesday morning I woke up before the alarm, wriggled out of the warm cocoon of Clayton and replaced me with my stuffed monkey. Clay stirred, maybe hearing the soft jingle of the bell on my collar. He lifted his head and said, "What's up, chicken?"

"Need to pee, sir," I whispered, not wanting to wake him further. Clay set up and looked over at the clock.

"Ok, go do that and then do your workout. You're coming with me today."

I started to ask questions, but he quickly went back to snoring lightly, hugging monkey in his arms.

He came downstairs as I was finishing up my workout. He had on an expensive looking black suit. Ok everything he owned looked really pricey, especially as it all seemed to hug his muscular form.

The treadmill beeped and started to slow into the cool down phase.

"Go on up and hop in the shower, I'll make some breakfast." Clay came over and kissed me lightly, careful to avoid sweat on his suit.

I showered and found clothes laid out for me; jeans, a long-sleeve shirt, red briefs, socks and shoes.

Clay was plating up some eggs and fruit for us when I got up to the kitchen. We ate at the counter. It felt so weird to be a part of his morning routine instead of locked up in the workroom. He poured a to go cup of coffee and handed me a juice box from the fridge and we were off.

Clay caught my collar as we were pulling in to the parking garage. He took it off and put it in the center console. I rubbed my neck, feeling weirdly naked.

It felt strange walking back into his office. His secretary smiled at me differently. I kept my head down, not looking her in the eye. I wondered what thoughts were going through her head, the owned boy following his busy master around.

Clay had given me a backpack to put in the few books I was working on for my online classes. He parked me in the corner of his office as he talked away on his earpiece. He set a laptop in front of me and turned it on for me and then spent the next few hours pacing around his office making calls, sending emails, handing packets to his secretary and demanding files. He was a busy man.

I tried to tune it out, focus on my projects, but he kept hovering over me as he talked to clients on the phone. He'd pass by and rest his hand on my head while he thought or rub my back as he worked out deals. Occasionally he'd take a break, come over and see how I was doing.

I actually finished early though; mostly because any time I would lay back and stare at the wall or take too long of a restroom break, he'd give me the look. I didn't realize how much of the morning I normally wasted lost in my thoughts or daydreams or fantasies about Clay play.

When I finished up, Clay was still on a call so I laid down on the couch. That was apparently not acceptable as he was soon hovering over me. I pointed at the screen with checkboxes next to all my daily assignments. Without a word to me, he fished a book out of my backpack and put it in my hands.

Finally, Clay pushed away from his desk and announced it was lunchtime. He closed up the laptop and told me to put my things away and bring the backpack. We walked down to a cafe around the corner and had some sandwiches, then headed to the parking garage towards the Range Rover. Clay had an excited smile on his face.

We drove out of downtown and up to an opulent brownstone in the gayborhood. Clay paralleled it with precision and hopped out, coming around to open the door for me.

"Right on time," he smiled as we got up to the front door. Another well-dressed man was walking up behind us with a younger boy, maybe 19, two steps behind him.

"Marshall!" Clay said, "I thought we'd give this a try today."

"Clay!," Marshall replied, offering a handshake, "I think your boy will like it. This one's learned quite a bit." he regarded the boy behind him who blushed and put his head down.

"And what a nice boy you have," Marshall said as he eyed me head to toe. I squirmed uncomfortably and moved behind Clay.

Before Clay could correct my poor manners, the door opened to a toned, short guy who looked to be about Clay's age. He was wearing small leather shorts and a white tank top that hugged his frame. "Please come in, sirs," he said and bowed his head, backing into the house.

Marshall and his boy went in first and then Clay pushed me gently in front of him. I looked back and up at him with pleading eyes, but he just shook his head, "It's fine baby, you'll have fun."

I'll have fun? I thought. What happened to "We?" Was he leaving me here? I didn't even want to go inside, much less be left alone here.

The man in leather shorts allowed Marshall and Clay to pass through but put his hands to our chests as we stepped in to the entryway. He waited until Marshall and Clay disappeared into the living room before addressing us. Clay didn't seem to notice I'd been left behind.

"Shoes off, both of your owners requested the regular package. Strip to your underwear, Clay's boy," he said to me. "You are to go naked, Marshall's slave," he said to the other guy.

I shifted uncomfortably as Marshall's boy started to strip down without apprehension. The man in the leather shorts was not pleased with me. "If you won't cooperate, your owner has authorized level 2 punishment."

I didn't know what that meant, but it appeared Clay wasn't coming back for me. I sighed and reluctantly wiggled out of my clothes, straightened out the bulge in my red briefs and presented with my hands behind my back (That's what Marshall's boy was doing).

We put our clothes into our backpacks and the man in the leather shorts took and tossed them into the hall closet. He snapped at us and turned on his heels, walking back to where our "owners" had gone.

Clay smiled at me when he saw me walk into the living room where he was sitting with Marshall and another older man having coffee. Marshall's boy went and knelt by his owner's side. Clay waved me towards him. I stood at his side looking down at him and mouthed, "He made me get naked."

Clay saw the worry in my eyes and rubbed my back before pulling me into his lap. "You're not naked," he whispered to me and fished my collar out of his pocket and secured it back where it belonged then gave me a kiss on the cheek as he rubbed my brief-covered bottom.

The older man I didn't know stood up and walked over to us. "Let's get the boys started, shall we?"

Clay stood up and set me on my feet, he turned me around and looked down at me. "You're going to take some classes on taking care of a house, cooking, cleaning, ways to take care of me," he stated. "I'll be back by five and I hope to taste some good food. Ok baby? be good and do what you're told and no one will touch you. It's like summer camp... in your underwear!"

I nodded, relief sweeping over me, "Yes sir." I reached up and put my hands on his hands as he held me by the shoulders in that "daddy-has-something-important-to-tell-you" pose. I had thought... well, the whole thing seemed kind of pervy when we walked in.

Clay fished the small safety cell phone he'd gotten me out of his pocket and slipped it into the waistband of my briefs before patting my bulge, kissing my forehead and then smacking my ass to send me off towards the other boy and the man in the leather shorts. He handed the older man an envelope and said, "be gentle with him, he's a boy, not a slave and he's my world."

"Mr. Hendrix, this business has been around for sixty years, we know how to fulfill our clients' wishes. I assure you, he'll be taken care of," the older man said with confidence.

"Beat him if you need to, but don't leave marks," Marshall said of his boy and then escorted Clay past us. Clay gave me a hopeful look and then left... he left me. It was the first time he'd left me anywhere other than the workroom at home. I looked around at the room of strangers, Marshall's boy with his head bowed.

The man in the leather shorts took us into the kitchen and started to lecture. He paused to take the cell phone out of my briefs and set it on the counter, "You can have that whenever you need it, but it stays right here."

"Your owners paid quite a bit to have you trained correctly. You're both perfect male specimens with physiques designed to attract your Masters' desires, but taking proper care of your owner is more than just sexual. They are powerful men who deserve the best treatment, finest food, pristine living."

I looked over at Marshall's boy who was staring intently at the man in leather shorts, his hands folded behind his back, arched to attention. He had a pretty nice cock. I hadn't seen another naked guy in real life other than Clay.

"You," man in leather shorts snapped in front of my face. He took out two nametags from a drawer and wrote boy on one and toyslave on the other. He put the boy one on my chest and the toyslave tag on Marshall's boy's forehead.

"You may call me Will," man in leather shorts said, "I've trained slaves for over two decades; males, females, intersexed. I take great pride in providing my clients with what they want and creating the vision they have within their human properties," he gestured at us.

He caught me smirking and moved around the kitchen island with fierce speed. He grabbed my arm and turned me so our eyes lined up, "I will follow your 'daddy's' wishes but I warn you, he expects results. Are you ready to take this seriously?"

I nodded, "Yes... yes sir."

"Good," he smiled and released me. He turned back and went to the kitchen door, snapping for us to follow. "Slavetoy" followed behind me, head down as Will led us to the dining room. He showed us how to set a table, how to serve plates of food, order, timing, manners, eloquence. We practiced for a good hour and then moved to the home office setting. He was walking us through practice cleaning office equipment and filing when I started to squirm.

"Will, sir, I need to pee," I interjected at a break in the training.

"Ok, and do you need to use the restroom as well, slavetoy?" Will asked.

"Yes sir, if it is convenient, sir," he said, never raising his head.

"There is a bathroom behind the kitchen," he said pointing towards me, "And there is a bush just outside the backdoor," he said pointing to slavetoy. "Wash your hands, you two. be back in ten."

We both went off to do our thing and returned a few minutes later to the home office.

"So you're like… a slave?" I asked.

"Yes," slavetoy said curtly.

"So I'm Tarrant, Tare. What's your name?" I asked.

Slavetoy merely lowered his head to show me his nametag.

"So you don't have a name name?" i asked, not getting the picture.

"That is something I hope to earn some day from my master," slavetoy said with a little too much solemn sincerity as though his master had wings and a lightning bolt.

"So you are into this? Like for real?"

"Like for real," slavetoy had a slight mocking tone to that answer.

"So you chose this for yourself? Like you wouldn't want to be in a situation like me?"

"Why? To be allowed to prattle on mindlessly and begin every sentence with the word 'so'? Wasting my master's time with self centered emotions?" slavetoy smirked at his rudeness.

"I could totally punch you in the face and your 'master' wouldn't mind!" I reminded him, erasing the smirk from his lips.

"I do not wish confrontation with you. Your master esteems you differently than mine. But our bond is no weaker." slavetoy said and hung his head.

"I didn't mean to sound judgy... I'm sorry." I said. I was a little taken aback that this guy who was older than me, taller, stronger, rougher was submitting so easily. I realized I wanted to make Clay proud too. I was so lucky to not be in slavetoy's situation and have an "owner" who didn't treat me like a slave... or a toy. Well maybe he did treat me like a toy, but in a way that I liked. Maybe it was time to take this seriously.

Slavetoy nodded appreciatively then hung his head as Will came back into the room.

"Good, you boys are getting along. It's a waste of time when I have to retrain poorly behaved property." Will finished up by showing us how to dust things properly and avoid messing up our "master's" papers and business things.

Will said next time we would learn clothes care and event planning. Next time? There would be a next time? We moved in to the kitchen and started to work on dinner.

Slavetoy got the best jobs. I was stuck being his helper. Will said he had already had lessons on food preparation and that Clay had marked me down as completely non functioning in the kitchen. That seemed unfair, I did know how to make a bowl of cereal and I always used the bottle opener before bringing him his beer, even if it was a twist off.

So I got things slavetoy asked for as Will supervised our ability to follow recipes. Clay apparently had said I wasn't supposed to use a knife, so I kind of felt helpless as slavetoy chopped with expertise.

Slavetoy did let me use the mixer as he stood over me telling me exactly how much of each ingredient to put in. When I got a little out of control with the flour, he came up right behind me and put his arms on either side of me to help me guide the right amount into the measuring cup.

I felt his cock stir as he pressed against my ass. I think he was getting off a little on ordering me around. He felt it too and backed off with apologies. Will sent him to the corner for a few minutes as punishment for his erection.

"You really should have had that caged. New masters are too free these days," Will berated. He took an ice cube from the freezer and handed it to slavetoy as he stood staring at the wall.

"Yes sir, sorry sir," slavetoy apologized with his head down to the floor and worked the cube over his erection. I winced at the sight of that and crossed my legs.

I finished mixing up the cake and slavetoy, after his time out, worked on the meat.

By the time Clay and Marshall knocked on the door, we had dinner all ready, the table perfectly set and wine chilling in a bucket of ice. Will had fed us salads out of bowls placed on the floor. Slavetoy used no hands... weird.

Will had us wait in the kitchen as he greeted and seated the men including the older man who ran this fine establishment. He returned a minute later and had us make drinks for our owners. He knew Clay liked vodka and showed me a great and easy recipe to mix up. I made a glass and took it out to him.

Clay smiled up at me and took the drink, "Thank you baby, did you learn a lot today?"

I kept my head bowed, mimicking slavetoy and nodded, "Yes sir, thank you sir." I backed out of the room, never making eye contact. Clay sighed disapprovingly.

"Your daddy wants a boy, ease up with the slave act," Will admonished as he followed me back into the kitchen. I nodded.

We next made plates of appetizers for the men. I put some of the dip I had made with slavetoy's directions and some nice crackers.

I carried it out to him and set it in front of him. "I made this," I beamed my best boy smile.

Clay warmed up, his apprehensions melting. "You did?" he said excitedly like talking to a five year old and then tried some, "It's great baby."

"Much better," Will said in the kitchen, "Every owner has a precise vision of what he wants from his boy, even if they don't fully see it. My job is to make you into what he needs. I know you can do this, Tare." He used my name for the first time.

Dinner went really well. We served our men and stood behind them. Clay turned around every time he tried something different and smiled approvingly.

Marshall didn't regard slavetoy at all, but he did approve with a nod and "mmm" that had slavetoy smiling down at his feet. Will pulled up a chair at the table and ate with the men as an equal. I had judged from his clothes that he was a slave, but I don't know much about this community.

Will explained our progress from the afternoon. He talked about what we learned and what we would learn in future lessons. He packed up some of the cake I'd made for Clay as I got dressed. I said by to slavetoy as Clay grabbed my backpack and pushed me towards the door. He didn't respond.

I didn't talk in the car until Clay pulled onto the freeway and asked, "How did it go? What did you do?"

I told him about the activities and then about slavetoy. "It's so sad, it' s like he's afraid of making a mistake like he's going to get beaten or something."

"Maybe he is," Clay said with an uncomfortable laugh, "But that's the life he wants. It's not for us to judge… I've spanked you for misbehavior."

"I know, but it was different. I knew you wanted me to... do better," I admitted.

"Well so does his master. They just like things a little different. Marshall does amazing things with some pretty rough boys. Plus he puts them through four years of business school and sets them up with the discipline and investment money to succeed on their own when they're done," Clay explained.

I thought about that for a few minutes, then said, "I like you better, daddy."

"Yeah?" he said and reached over to rub the back of my head. "Show me," he said, and undid the buckle on his pants before pushing my head down into his lap as he sped through the city.

I leaned over and unzipped his pants, undid the button and fished his cock out of his boxers. It sprang up towards my face and kissed my lips. I reciprocated with a hungry tongue. Clay pushed my head down onto his cock as it grew thicker, harder under my attentive tongue.

"Fuck yeah baby, show daddy what you can do," he growled as we stopped at a light. I started bobbing up and down on his cock as he guided my head.

Clay slipped a finger in beside his cock and swirled it around to collect the spit. He took it out as I continued to bounce my head on his cock. A few seconds later, I felt his finger slide down the back of my jeans, inside my briefs and work its way to my waiting hole.

"MMM," I moaned excitedly on his cock as his finger teased its way into my hole.

"Yeah you want daddy in your boyhole?" he asked not expecting much of an answer.

"MMM," I muffled a plea with his cock stuffed in my mouth. Clay worked his finger deeper inside me as we came to a stop in the driveway. I could tell because I heard him fumble with the opener and heard the door go up. He pulled inside, closed the door and then was on me.

Clay pushed his pants and boxers to the floor and leaned back a little using his free hand to push my head further on his cock. I gagged and sputtered but shook it off and kept sucking him hard as his finger did magic on my hole. He reached into a side compartment and took out a little plastic package, ripped the top off it with his teeth and then took his finger out of my hole.

Clay pushed me off his cock and poured some clear slippery stuff from the pouch onto his cock. He worked it with his hands, jacking close to my face.

"Get your clothes off, boy," he ordered and I scrambled out of my shirt, jeans, shoes and then briefs.

Clay had me climb onto his lap and worked two fingers in me with one slippery hand as he continued to jerk is cock.

I had my feet on either side of his lap and was pushing up and down on his fingers as my hard cock bobbed between us.

Clay brought his lips to mine and kissed me hard. He was really good at kissing. It almost made me lose count of the fingers inside me as he bounced me lightly.

His fingers slipped out of me and he smacked me gently on the bottom. He tugged a little too rough on my bouncing cock, eliciting a whimper from me.

"You want daddy inside you?" he asked, already knowing my answer.

"Yes sir, please fuck me," I begged and bounced in his lap just over his hard slippery cock. He gripped his cock and positioned it against my hole, working the tip in slowly.

I bit softly on my lip as his hands went to my waist and slowly guided me down on his cock, holding me up so I wouldn't force it too fast. His cock worked its way inside me inch by inch until about half of it was in.

"That's good, no more," he said intently.

"Please, I want to try more of it," I begged, "Please daddy."

"Shh," Clay cautioned, "You're done talking for now." He focused on me, always monitoring my eyes, lips, cheeks to make sure he wasn't going too fast or hard. He lifted me up and then brought me down on his cock, fucking me at a painfully slow pace.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kept my eyes focused on him.

He started speeding up, laying me back a little against the steering wheel as he worked himself deeper into me. I arched my back over the wheel giving him more access and hoping he'd slide in deeper.

But Clay wasn't new to this and he held me firmly as I tried to push down farther. Every time his cock bumped over one of my happy spots, I felt a warmth surge through me. My hard cock bouncing between us. I turned my head and closed my eyes, lost in his magic.

"Yeah baby, oh fuck yeah," Clay praised as he pushed in and out of me, owning my hole. He lowered his head to nibble on my neck, hitting very sensitive spots that had me begging for more.

"Uhhh Daddy Uhhhh," I begged, "Fuccckkk meeee."

Clay put his lips to my chest, just over my heart and started to bite and suck gently just above my nipple. He held me in place and bucked his hips under me, driving deeper inside me. I felt my cock building up to explode and tried to hold it off a little bit, wanting this to last.

"You're about to cum," Clay said, it wasn't a question.

"Uhhh Yeah Uhhh... how you knew?" I asked.

"I know my baby," he laughed and started fucking me harder, pushing the cum up my shaft. Three more deep rough strokes and my cock started to twitch.

"UHHH Yeah I CUMM Daddy," I whined on his cock.

"Yeah baby, cum for daddy, come on boy," he assented.

I held on tightly to him as my body tensed, my tummy jumped and cum started to spray out between us. I was definitely not a neat cummer. I shot my chest, all over his shirt, his nice tie, my chin, Clay's cheek, it was a Jackson Pollock creation.

My hole tensed up around his cock as I shot, it pushed him towards the edge and I felt him filling me with cream like a proper twink(ie).

"Ohhhh fuckkk," a low growl came out of Clay as he bucked deeper into me, shooting me full of his daddy juice, burying the mark deep inside his boy.

"Yeah… oh yeah...." Clay kept right on fucking me deep as I collapsed against his chest, spent and whimpering.

He kept it up another five minutes, juice running down my thigh and onto his nice pants. He finally slowed down and pulled me close, kissing the top of my head and recovering his breath.

"Nice... good boy... yeah baby," he said with each breath, putting his chin over the top of my head as I closed my eyes against his chest. He rubbed my back soothingly as we recovered.

We finally got out of the range rover and he carried me down to the bedroom, tossing my backpack in a chair and then through to the bathroom.

My clothes were still in the car, I guess we'd get them later. He set little naked me on the counter and wiggled out of his suit. I'd splotched it up pretty good. He didn't seem to care. We got clean and then Clay put on a fresh pair of boxers and I put on a jockstrap, pajama pants and a tank top.

Clay went back up to lock everything up for the night and then came back down and flipped tv channels while I curled up and fell asleep on his chest.

The next morning we were back to routine. I felt a little slow but I got up and did my routine in ten minutes. I skipped breakfast, put an empty bowl in the dishwasher and brushed my teeth, kneeling on the floor when Clay came down to shut the lower level off.

He kissed me and raised an eyebrow, "You ok?" I nodded sleepily, "Yes sir."

By ten am, I was curled up in the chair covering myself with an extra large towel I found in the linen closet. I didn't realized I'd fallen asleep until my little phone rang. I raised my head and it ached in protest.

"Uhh, hi," I answered in a fog.

"Aww babe," he said, knowing instantly I wasn't feeling well, "I'm on my way." He clicked off and I snapped the phone, setting it down on the desk and then turned back to my nap under the towel.

I woke up a little hazy because Len, Clay's ex-boyfriend, was standing over me the next time I opened my eyes.

"Wake up, boytoy," he poked at my head. I looked up at him wearily. "Oh," the annoyed look faded to a sympathetic smile, "Poor little guy. C'mon, let's get you tucked into bed." He offered a hand and I started to stand up and put my hand to my head.

Len sighed and scooped me up into his chest, tossing my arms around his neck. He carried me up and laid me down on the bed and I rolled over to hug the pillow.

"That's a cute ass. Clay's always had good taste," he smiled down at my jock strap framed butt. Len pulled the covers around me and slipped off his shoes, laying on the bed next to me. He flipped the tv to some reality show and took Monkey out of my arms and set him on his chest.

I stared over at him, maybe looking a little scared. Why was he here? Where was Clay? Why did Len have a key?

"Oh relax," he said without returning my stare. He finally turned his head to me and made Monkey dance in front of my face, "What hurts, Tarrant? Your banana's broken?" he said in mock monkey voice.

"He doesn't talk like that," I said, breaking into a smile. I took Monkey back and turned him towards Len and then did my best impression of Clay's deep monkey voice. "Monkey want hug. Monkey need looovvvve!"

Len smiled at that, "I can see Clay doing that. He's a great guy, Tare. Don't throw it away...."

Len reached over and rubbed my shoulder then went and got me some orange juice and head medicine. He went back to his tv show about some really gay guys arguing as I fell asleep next to him.

Clay was the next to wake me, kissing my forehead and putting a plastic bag next to me. He rubbed my hair and put a thermometer in my mouth and looked around me for signs of illness.

"The doctor had an opening at 4, get some rest muffin," Clay kissed my forehead and went to change out of his suit... as Len followed, telling him how much he'd done to "save my life." Clay came back out of the closet in jeans and a tight t-shirt, flopped down beside me and cuddled me into his chest. Len laid down on the other side of him. I stared across as he fixed his attention on Clay.

"You know...." Len started, propping himself up on his elbow, "If you wanted to raise a kid, I would have stayed around for that. I'd be a good parent." He traced a hand down my cheek lightly.

"Stop teasing him, he doesn't feel good," Clay sighed, pulling Len's hand away, "But thanks, I knew I could count on you to help out."

"Always... daddy," he said, giving Clay a sly smile. "He is pretty adorable. Why would you keep him locked up down there all day? He looked pretty sad cuddled up under a towel."

"Don't say that, I feel like an asshole for not seeing it this morning. I shouldn't have left him like that," Clay sounded despondent. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

"You remember the time you came rushing home when I was sick?" Len said, I felt his fingertips on Clay's chest next to my lips.

"You were hung over, not sick. You'd ignored my calls the night before and were out getting high at a dive bar. You had to have your stomach pumped," Clay interrupted.

"Those were the days," Len said sarcastically and then added, "I think he's out, want to go play in the shower? This one's going to be out of service for a day or two."

"I'll wait for him," Clay said, "He's worth it.... Hey be serious for a minute. There's an opening for a personal assistant in my office."

"Work with you? We could do lunch… at the hotel across the street," Len giggled.

"No, this would be serious work, but I think it'd be perfect for you," Clay said, rubbing my back. His hand went down a little too far, "Hey, you didn't put pants on him?"

"I think the down comforter is enough, he seems ok. I didn't want you thinking I'd touched his butt. He is a minor, after all." Len laughed, "I'll get him some clothes out for the doctor visit. See? I can assist."

"Seriously Len, It'd be good to get your foot in the door at a serious job," Clay rubbed my butt lightly, "He feels so cold.... I hope this is something simple."

"He'll be fine," Len said from the closet, "If he's not, you always have a backup."

I rubbed a hand sleepily down Clay's chest to his crotch and looked up at him, blinking sleepily.

"Hey blue eyes," he whispered down with a smile, "I got my backup right here." He grabbed my ass playfully.

I nodded up at him. Len wasn't going to steal my daddy's attention.

****************************************************************************** Thanks for all the feedback! Comments to: - CJ :)

Next: Chapter 5

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